During the fire season, it is prohibited to enter the forest. Wildfires

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a) shear in rocks earth's crust, a fault along which one rock mass rubs against another with enormous force;
b) wave vibrations in rocks;
c) construction treatment facilities in zones of tectonic faults;

2. In what sequence will you try to act if, while at home, you suddenly felt shocks, rattling glass, dishes, and there was no time to run out of the building:

a) turn off electricity, gas, water, move away from windows and furniture that may fall, take a seat safe place in the doorway;
b) call emergency service, turn off the electricity, take a seat by the window;
c) close the windows and doors and take a safe place in the closet;

3. When a volcano erupts, being in close proximity to it, you must:

a) run away perpendicular to the direction of movement of the lava;
b) protect your respiratory organs, go to shelter;
c) hide behind a large stone;

4. The safest places in case of landslides, mudflows, landslides, avalanches:

a) mountain slopes, where landslide processes are not very intense, gorges and recesses between mountains;
b) hills located on the opposite side of the mudflow hazardous direction, mountain slopes and hills;
c) valleys between mountains with mudflow and avalanche areas, large trees with thick trunks, large stones behind which you can hide;

5. An area of ​​low pressure in the atmosphere is:

a) tornado;
b) storm;
c) cyclone;

6. The principle of operation of one of these devices resembles the principle of operation of a tornado, what kind of device is it:

a) vacuum cleaner;
b) iron;
V) gas stove;
d) refrigerator;

7. Safe shelter outside during a hurricane:

a) big trees
b) large stones;
c) ravine;

8. In case of a sudden flood, before help arrives, you should:

a) stay in place and wait for instructions on TV (radio), while hanging a white sheet so that you can be detected;
b) quickly take an elevated place and remain there until the water recedes, while giving signals that allow you to be detected;
c) go down to the bottom floor of the building and give signals;

9. When giving advance warning of an approaching tsunami, it is first necessary to:

a) turn on the TV (radio), listen to the message and recommendations;
b) open the windows and doors of the lower floors;
c) leave the building and head as close to the coast as possible;

10. If you find yourself in a forest where a fire has broken out, you must:

a) remain on site until firefighters arrive;
b) determine the direction of the wind and the spread of fire, quickly leave the forest in the windward direction;
c) in the leeward direction;

In the summer heat, forest fires occur quite often. While in the forest at this time, you need to handle fire very carefully so as not to cause the forest or grass to catch fire. And if a special fire mode in the region, it is generally prohibited to breed open fire and even be in the forest. But if you suddenly find yourself in the area forest fire, you need to know what to do and how to get out of such a situation.

Forest fires are mainly divided into two types riding And grassroots.

In a ground fire, the forest floor, grass, small shrubs and the root part of trees burn. Such a fire spreads quite slowly, 0.1-3 meters per minute.

In a crown fire accompanied by a strong wind, the fire spreads along the treetops and is spread by the wind from one crown to another very quickly. The speed of spread of such a fire can reach 80 meters per minute.

In any case, if you find that a forest fire is heading towards you, you need to evacuate immediately.

The first thing to remember is no panic. You need to calmly analyze the situation, understand how much time you have and accept correct solution what to do and where to go.

At the first opportunity, if time permits, you must inform the Ministry of Emergency Situations about the forest fire, describe what is happening, give your coordinates and approximate direction of movement. If you suddenly find yourself cut off by fire and have nowhere to go, rescuers will know where to take measures to rescue you. But you can’t hope that someone will save you and sit idly by, you have to act.

If you do not know how to properly extinguish a fire in a forest, if it has obviously already covered too much territory, and your group is small, then do not try to extinguish the fire yourself, do not waste time on this. It is better to report the fire to the Ministry of Emergency Situations by calling 112 and take measures for your own evacuation.

You should try to leave against the wind, and if this is not possible, then just the opposite side from the fire boundary.

If the wind is blowing smoke and fumes in your direction, wet a T-shirt or rag, cover your face with it and breathe through it.

Try to get out of the dense forest onto a road or clearing, which are often along power lines. You can also move along a stream or river bank.

If your region is dominated by peaty soils, the fire may go underground. In this case, it burns the peat under the surface and you can fall into such a hidden hole. Therefore, find a suitable stick and carefully probe the soil in front of you.

If you find that you cannot get out of the fire area, try to get into an already burned area. It is best if you go out to some body of water - a pond or river. Enter the water and move away or swim away from the dangerous shore to a distance where the fire cannot reach you. Coastal thickets of reeds and reeds also burn, so you need to stay away from them.

If the body of water is too small and does not allow you to hide in it, wet all your clothes, make a wet bandage on your face, fill up any container with water and look for a safe place further. The collected water can be used to moisten the clothing and bandage as it dries.

If you have reached a safe place and are sure that you are no longer in danger, try to catch your breath. During a fire, smoke rises and the air near the ground is less smoky. Sit down and relax. While there is time, analyze the situation again and think about what you will do next. If you didn’t have time earlier, call your relatives and the Ministry of Emergency Situations and report the situation.

REMINDERto the population on actions in case of a forest fire

To avoid fires, it is necessary to follow the rules of behavior in the forest.

During the fire season, it is unacceptable to be in the forest:

Throwing burning matches, cigarette butts, smoldering rags into the forest;

Make a fire in dense thickets and young coniferous trees, under low-hanging tree crowns, next to timber and peat warehouses, in close proximity to mature crops;

Leave spontaneously combustible material in the forest: rags and rags soaked in oil or gasoline, glass containers and dishes that can focus in sunny weather Sunbeam and ignite dry vegetation;

Burn dry grass in forest clearings, gardens, fields, under trees;

Make a fire using flammable liquids or in windy weather;

Leave the fire unattended or unextinguished after leaving the parking lot.

If a special fire regime has been introduced in a particular area, visiting forests is strictly prohibited until it is lifted.

Signs of a forest fire: a persistent burning smell, foggy smoke, restless behavior of birds, animals, insects, their migration in one direction, night glow on the horizon.

What to do if you find yourself in a forest fire zone:

If you are in a forest where a fire has broken out, then determine the direction of the wind and the spread of the fire;

Get out of danger zone only along the spread of the fire;

Run along the front of the fire; do not outrun a forest fire; to overcome the lack of oxygen, bend down to the ground;

Breathe through a wet handkerchief or dampened clothing;

If it is impossible to get away from the fire, enter the pond or cover yourself with wet clothes and plunge into the nearest body of water.

After leaving the fire zone, report the location, size and nature of the fire to fire department by phone 01, forestry or by phone 112.

Rules for safely extinguishing a small fire in the forest:

When you smell smoke, determine what is burning and where; Having decided to put out a small fire, send for help to a populated area;

Small flames ground fires can be knocked down by being overwhelmed by deciduous branches, flooded with water, thrown with wet soil, or trampled underfoot. Peat fires are extinguished by digging up burning peat and pouring water on it.

When extinguishing a fire, act carefully, do not go far from roads and clearings, do not lose sight of other participants, maintain visual and audio contact with them.

When extinguishing peat fire Keep in mind that deep craters may form in the combustion zone, so you should move carefully, having first checked the depth of the burnt out layer.

What to do if the fire approaches a populated area:

It is necessary to evacuate people, primarily children, women and the elderly. People must be removed or removed in a direction perpendicular to the spread of the fire. You should only move on roads, as well as along rivers and streams, and sometimes even on the water itself. In case of strong smoke, cover your mouth and nose with a wet cotton-gauze bandage, a towel, or a piece of clothing. Take documents, money, and extremely necessary things with you. Personal belongings can be saved in stone buildings without burning structures or simply in a hole covered with earth.

If it is impossible to evacuate ( massive fires V populated areas) all that remains is to wait it out, taking refuge in sealed stone buildings, or in large open squares, stadiums, etc.

If you discover a fire in the forest, do not panic. First, quickly analyze the situation. You need to climb to a high point in the relief or climb onto tall tree, find the location of the fire, determine the direction and speed of fire spread, note the location of the reservoir, swamp, edge, populated areas.

If you are caught in a forest by a fire with a rapidly approaching wave of fire, throw away your things, except for emergency supplies, and quickly overcome the edge of the fire against the wind, covering your head and face with outer clothing. You need to leave the zone of any forest fire in the windward direction, perpendicular to the edge of the fire, along clearings, roads, clearings, banks of streams and rivers. And as quickly as possible, so as not to be cut off by a continuous edge of fire. Know that detecting you from an airplane (helicopter) will be very difficult due to the heavy smoke, so you must rely only on your own strength.

If the path is cut off, you should take refuge from the fire on islands, shallows, in a swamp, on rocky peaks, etc. Choose hiding places away from trees - in the event of a fire, when the roots burn, they can fall silently. When fire approaches, wet your clothes generously with water and lie down in the water, but not next to the reeds. In shallow water, wrap your head in a sleeping bag, after wetting it and your clothes with water. Once in the fireplace, turn over periodically, moisten the dry areas of clothing, protect your face with a multi-layer bandage, preferably made of gauze, which you constantly moisten. If you get into a fire, remove all nylon, nylon and other melting clothing, get rid of flammable and flammable equipment.

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