Postscript program presenter. Alexey Pushkov: biography, personal life, family, photo

Alexey Konstantinovich Pushkov is a Russian TV presenter and journalist, politician, public figure. He is the author and host of the analytical show “Postscript” on the TVC channel, from 2011 to 2016 he was a State Duma deputy, and since 2016 he has been a senator of the Federation Council from the Perm Territory.

Childhood and education

Alexey was born into the family of a Soviet diplomat, who at that time was serving in the capital of the People's Republic of China. His father, Konstantin Mikhailovich, held an important post at the USSR Consulate General in Beijing. Mom, Margarita Vladimirovna, worked there as a translator from Chinese.

The boy spent only his early childhood in the Middle Kingdom, and went to first grade in Moscow. He studied at an elite metropolitan school with in-depth study of foreign languages. Studying was easy for him: the boy had excellent abilities, was assiduous and diligent, read a lot, and was interested in history.

Having received a certificate of secondary education, the young man easily became a student at MGIMO and in 1976 successfully graduated from the Faculty of International Relations. According to his assignment, he was sent to Geneva, where he took a position at the UN office.

In 1980, Alexey Konstantinovich graduated from the master's program and received a candidate's degree in historical sciences. Three years later he was transferred to Prague, where Pushkov began his duties as deputy editor-in-chief of the journal Problems of Peace and Socialism.

Career in media

Returning to Moscow in 1988, Pushkov got a job in the international department of the Central Committee of the party and began to engage in analytical work. It was he who wrote speeches for Mikhail Gorbachev, who differed from his predecessors in his special love for public speaking.

After the collapse of the Union, Pushkov continued to engage in journalism and soon took a responsible position in the weekly Moskovsky Komsomolets, becoming editor-in-chief of foreign publications.

In 1993, he went to Washington and joined the editorial board of the American journal Foreign Policy, which covers issues of international politics. At the same time, Alexey Konstantinovich represented the economic interests of Russia in Davos as an expert.

In 1995, Pushkov was invited to Russian television and offered to head the international directorate of ORT (now Channel One). Three years later, a new analytical program “Postscriptum” appeared on the TVC channel, the creator and presenter of which was Alexey Konstantinovich. Since then, “Postscript” has been broadcast every Saturday, and the heated discussions that sometimes arise between the host and the guests invited to the studio arouse constant interest among viewers.

Postscript with Alexey Pushkov (2002)

The program is often criticized for its strongly expressed anti-Western position and unfounded negativity towards representatives of the Russian opposition, as well as anti-scientific theories such as the “Moon conspiracy” hypothesis. However, the program has hardly fewer loyal viewers than critics - its audience is estimated at tens of millions of viewers, and recordings of episodes posted on YouTube collect hundreds of thousands of views.

In 2004, Alexey was awarded the title of Honored Cultural Worker for his numerous services in the field of media.


In 2011, Pushkov became a deputy of the State Duma of the 6th convocation, and a year later he headed the Russian representation in PACE. It was he who initiated the Russian Federation’s withdrawal from this international organization in response to the humiliating deprivation of the country’s voting rights in 2015.

In September 2016, Alexey Pushkov became a member of the upper house of Parliament. As a senator, he represented the Perm region.

Due to his clear pro-Russian position regarding the fate of Crimea and Donbass, Pushkov was included in the sanctions list of Ukraine, and then the EU, Canada and Australia.

For his activities for the benefit of the country, Pushkov was repeatedly nominated for government awards, and has four letters of commendation from President Vladimir Putin.


According to the income statement for 2016, Alexey Pushkov’s annual income amounted to 16.5 million rubles. He and his wife also owned 2 cars (Mercedes-Benz E class and Jaguar XJ) and real estate with a total area of ​​4367 sq. m. meters. This includes a plot of land (3000 sq.m.), a country house in the village of Gorki-2 (1052 sq.m.), 2 apartments with a total area of ​​289.2 sq.m., and a garage (26.2 sq.m.)

Alexey Konstantinovich Pushkov(born August 10, 1954, Beijing) - Russian statesman and public figure. Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - representative from the legislative body of state power of the Perm Territory, chairman of the temporary commission of the Federation Council on information policy and interaction with the media (since 2016); Deputy of the State Duma of the VI convocation, member of the United Russia faction, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs (2011-2016).

Candidate of Historical Sciences, political scientist, professor at MGIMO.

He was awarded the title of honorary doctor of the Moscow Humanitarian University, the Russian-Armenian State University (Yerevan), and the Azerbaijan University of Languages.

Head of the Russian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. In January 2014, Pushkov headed the “Group of European Democrats” in PACE, replacing Robert Walter as chairman.


Born into the family of a Soviet diplomat in China. Father, Konstantin Mikhailovich Pushkov (born 1921), an employee of the USSR Consulate General in Beijing. Mother, Margarita Vladimirovna Pushkova (1927-2007), sinologist, translator, Chinese language teacher.

He studied at Moscow special school No. 12 with in-depth study of the French language (Moscow, Spasopeskovsky Lane).

Graduated from MGIMO University of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1976 with a degree in international relations. Worked at the UN (Geneva).

In 1980 he received a Candidate of Historical Sciences degree.

In 1988-1991 he was a speechwriter for Mikhail Gorbachev.

In 1991-1995, he was deputy editor-in-chief of the weekly Moscow News for international affairs; in this capacity he was editor-in-chief of the English, French, German and Spanish editions of the newspaper.

From 1993 to 2000, he was a member of the editorial board of the American journal Foreign Policy, published by the Carnegie Endowment in Washington. In 2004, he was a member of the Supervisory Board of the Carnegie Moscow Endowment.

Since 1993 - member and permanent expert of the World Economic Forum in Davos.

In 1995-1996 - Deputy General Director - Director of the Directorate for Public Relations and Media of ORT, and from 1996 to 1998 - Director of the Directorate of International Relations of this TV channel. He was a political observer for Nezavisimaya Gazeta and wrote the “Personal Opinion” column.

Since 1998 - director and presenter of the “Postscriptum” program (TVC).

Since 2002, he has been a member of the editorial board of the American magazine National Interest, published by the Nixon Center in Washington. Since 2005 he has been a member of the London International Institute for Strategic Studies.

In 2004-2016 - member of the Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society.

In 2008-2011 - Director of the Institute of Current International Problems (IAMP) of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

In 2009, he became a laureate of the Bunin Prize for the book “Putin’s Swing. Postscript: ten years surrounded."

In 2011, he was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation on the lists of the United Russia party, without being a member of it. Appointed Chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the State Duma. Member of the United Russia faction in the State Duma.

Since 2012 - head of the delegation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to PACE (Strasbourg). Vice-President and member of the PACE Bureau.

In September 2015, he was included in the Ukrainian sanctions list.

In 2016, he lost the United Russia primaries in the Perm Territory, but was nominated by this party as part of the party list to the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory. As a result of the elections on September 18, 2016, he won in the 23rd electoral district, and on September 29 of the same year, at a meeting of the regional parliament, he was elected as its representative - a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. He is a member of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security. On October 26, 2016, he was elected chairman of the temporary commission of the Federation Council on information policy and interaction with the media.

Russian public figure, politician and political scientist, journalist Alexey Pushkov is well known to Russian television viewers as the host of a popular analytical program on the TVC channel “Postscriptum”. Alexey Konstantinovich has made a great contribution to the development of Russian television and has been advising senior officials in the Russian government for many years.

In addition, Alexey Pushkov is a member of the presidium of the Council on Internal and External Security of our country, and has been a permanent expert at the forum in Davos for many years.

Childhood, family

Alexey was born in Beijing on August 10, 1954 in the family of a Soviet diplomat, who at that time was serving in the capital of China. Konstantin Mikhailovich, his father, held a serious post at the Consulate General of the Soviet Union in the capital of the People's Republic of China.

Margarita Vladimirovna, his mother, also worked there as a translator from Chinese. Alexey Pushkov's nationality is Russian. The boy lived in the Celestial Empire for only a few years. He became a first-grader in Moscow. It was an elite metropolitan school where in-depth study of foreign languages ​​was conducted.

The child had good abilities, and therefore there were no problems with his studies: he was diligent and assiduous, was interested in history, and read a lot. Having successfully completed high school, Alexey Pushkov easily entered MGIMO. He graduated from the Faculty of International Relations in 1976 and was assigned to Geneva, where he received a position at the UN Office.

In 1980, a significant event occurred in the biography of Alexei Pushkov - after graduating from his master's degree, he became a candidate of historical sciences. Three years later he was sent to Prague, where he became editor-in-chief of the journal Problems of Peace and Socialism. Upon returning to Moscow in 1988, Alexei Konstantinovich was offered a job in the International Department of the CPSU Central Committee, where he began to engage in analytics.

Few people know that it was he who wrote speeches for M. S. Gorbachev, who differed from his predecessors in his love of public speaking. For some time, Pushkov was an adviser to Gorbachev.


When the USSR collapsed, his biography did not undergo fundamental changes. Alexey Pushkov was still actively involved in journalism, first becoming a political commentator, and a little later took the post of deputy editor-in-chief of Moscow News, which was published every week. In addition, he was the curator of the newspaper's publications abroad, in which he later took the post of chief editor.

Alexey Konstantinovich was invited to Washington in 1993 to work for Foreign Policy magazine. At the same time, he represented the economic interests of our country in Davos.

A television

The next serious stage in Alexei Pushkov’s career was the ORT television channel, where he first became director of public relations and later headed the international relations directorate. In the period from 1995 to 1998, Pushkov was deputy general director of Channel One. He became the director, author and permanent presenter of the Postscript program in 1998.

In this author's program in the studio, he receives famous Russian and foreign politicians, cultural and scientific figures. Pushkov’s popular program is distinguished by the competence of experts, balanced assessments and conclusions, accuracy of facts and analyses, which made it popular not only among millions of television viewers, but also among the highest political elite of our country.

The heated discussions that sometimes arise between the guests invited to the studio and the presenter arouse constant interest among the audience. The program is often criticized for its expressed anti-Western position and negativity towards the Russian opposition. Nevertheless, the program has no less regular viewers than critics - experts estimate its audience at tens of millions of viewers.

Alexey Pushkov, whose photo is posted in this article, was awarded the title of Honored Worker of Culture for his services in the field of media in 2004.


Many fans of journalism, social psychology, and documentary literature are known as the writer Alexey Konstantinovich. The most famous of them:

  1. "Grandmasters of the Looking Glass."
  2. “Global chess.
  3. "Russian Party".
  4. “Confrontation. Obama versus Putin."
  5. "Putin's swing."

In his books, Alexey Pushkov expresses his own point of view on many events in political life in our country and in the world, and gives his assessment of the actions of famous political figures.

Alexey Pushkov in 2011 was elected as a deputy from the Perm region to the State Duma of the VI convocation, and a year later he headed the Russian representation in PACE. It was he who initiated the withdrawal of the Russian delegation from this organization, which followed after the delegation of our country was denied the right to vote in 2015.

Pushkov became a member of parliament (upper house) from the Perm region in September 2016. Because of his clear position regarding Donbass and Crimea, Pushkov’s name was included in the sanctions list first by Ukraine, and a little later by the EU, Australia and Canada.

Alexey Pushkov was nominated for numerous government awards for his activities for the benefit of Russia. He has four letters of commendation from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Personal life

Alexey Pushkov has been happily married for a long time. At the beginning of his career, almost after graduating from college, he met his future wife Nina, who at that time was a graduate of the Theater School. Shchukin. Alexey Konstantinovich recalls that he had strong feelings for the beautiful Nina at first sight.

After the young people formalized their relationship and got married (1977), they never parted for a single day, since Pushkov’s wife abandoned her career for the sake of her family and devoted her entire life to her husband and daughter, who was born in the same 1977.

Today, Alexei Pushkov’s only daughter Daria, is married and lives in London. She headed the bureau of the RT television channel, which broadcasts exclusive materials from around the world around the clock. Daria gave her parents a luxurious gift for their thirty-third wedding anniversary - she gave the heroes of the day a charming granddaughter, who was born in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals. Alexey Konstantinovich loves his granddaughter very much and dreams of spending as much time as possible with her.

Interests and hobbies

Alexey Konstantinovich loves to travel. With his wife and daughter, they visited 70 countries around the world both as part of the politician’s official trips and as tourists. Alexey Pushkov is actively involved in sports - he loves tennis, skiing, and swimming. In addition, Alexey Konstantinovich is a collector of metal jugs and teapots, and more recently, figurines of soldiers dressed in knightly armor appeared in his extensive collection.

Alexey Pushkov is a hereditary diplomat, a popular TV presenter and a prominent representative of Russian politics. This person’s opinion is listened to in government circles and at the World Economic Forum in Davos, in the bureau of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), within the walls of Harvard and MGIMO. Pushkov is a State Duma deputy with the powers of a member of the Federation Council, the author of a number of books and a laureate of the “Power No. 4” award, awarded to the best political commentators.

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Alexey Konstantinovich gained the reputation of not just a supporter, but a propagandist of the ideas of President Vladimir Putin and an ardent patriot of Russia. However, many articles have been published on the Internet, the authors of which suspect the politician of hypocrisy and dislike for his homeland, since Pushkov’s relatives often publish photos from foreign resorts on social networks, accompanied by enthusiastic comments.

Childhood and youth

Pushkov Alexey Konstantinovich was born on August 10, 1954 in the capital of China in the family of Soviet diplomat Konstantin Mikhailovich and Chinese language teacher Margarita Vladimirovna. The early years of the future Russian political scientist and diplomat were spent in Beijing, but he had the opportunity to study in Moscow, since his father was transferred to work in the USSR.

Alexey Konstantinovich graduated from a special school with in-depth study of the French language. He differed from other children in his thirst for learning; he had a talent for learning foreign languages, which determined the main direction of his future activities.

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After graduating from school, Alexey Pushkov became a student at MGIMO at the Faculty of International Relations. In 1976, after graduating from university, he went to Geneva, where he worked at the UN office. Then the political scientist graduated from the master's program and in 1980 became a candidate of historical sciences, teaching at the department of history of international relations and foreign policy.

In 1983, Pushkov left for Prague, where he got a job at the editorial office of the international magazine “Problems of Peace and Socialism”, receiving the position of senior reviewer and consulting editor of the publication. After 5 years, having returned to his homeland, Alexey Konstantinovich became a speechwriter for Mikhail Gorbachev. He composed texts of speeches for speeches by the first and only president of the USSR, since even then he was well versed in politics and could interest the audience with interesting and relevant statements.

If there is no exact information about Pushkov’s nationality, then the question of citizenship was removed when the diplomat received a deputy mandate, which by law is awarded only to holders of a Russian passport.


After the collapse of the USSR, the biography of Alexei Pushkov did not change course - the political scientist continued to be active in the field of journalism, becoming a political observer and deputy editor-in-chief of the Moscow News weekly. At the same time, he supervised the foreign editions of the newspaper, where he later became editor-in-chief.


In 1993, Pushkov’s career growth rapidly gained momentum - he became a member of the editorial board of Foreign Policy magazine, which is published by the Andrew Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and at the same time became one of the experts at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

The next stage of Pushkov’s career was the Russian TV channel ORT, where he first took the position of director of public relations, and later headed the directorate of international relations. From 1995 to 1998, Alexey Konstantinovich was deputy general director of Channel One, whose broadcasts are distributed outside of Russia and cover almost the entire world.

In 1998, the diplomat became the director and host of the “Postscript” program with Alexei Pushkov. In the studio he receives famous foreign and Russian politicians, scientists and cultural figures. The TV presenter's releases are distinguished by balanced conclusions and assessments, the competence of experts, the accuracy of analyzes and facts, which made the program widely popular among the highest political elite of Russia and millions of television viewers.

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In an interview, Alexey said that for objective reasons he had been interested in politics since his youth, and considered “Postscriptum” “as a springboard for future personal projects that will lead further along the steps of political life.”

Pushkov dedicated three episodes of the television project to the American landing on the Moon. The creator of the program generally doubts the existence of the fact as such and wonders where those incredible powerful engines went that delivered the station, 400 tons of cargo to the Earth’s satellite, and then returned it back.

In the scientific community, these releases were criticized, with some academics and researchers feeling that a representative of the political elite was disrespectful to the scientific world and “represented our society as envious and ignorant.”


In 2011, Alexey Pushkov officially entered the world of big politics. First, he was elected to the State Duma on the lists of the United Russia party, whose ranks the diplomat, by the way, did not join. After that, he was appointed to the post of head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, and in 2012 he became vice-president and member of the PACE bureau, and headed the Russian delegation in Strasbourg.

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Zagra Magomedova, Alexey Pushkov, Magomed Kurbanov in the Federation Council

Pushkov’s achievements in politics are difficult to overestimate - Alexey is known as a strong defender of the interests of his homeland at all political levels, has a clear position on Ukraine and Crimea, for which in 2014 he was included in the sanctions list of the EU, Canada and Australia.

In 2015, the parliamentarian proudly and calmly responded to the PACE resolution on depriving the Russian side of the right to vote in the assembly and stated that Russia would leave the organization by the end of the year, because the country does not need such a dialogue that limits the rights of the Russian Federation in critical moments.

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Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Successful TV presenter Pushkov has again become one of the most famous media figures in the Russian media thanks to the conflict around Ukraine. Over the past two years, the head of the international committee of the State Duma has become one of the significant figures in the international political arena, and has also become the “owner” of personal sanctions from the United States and other Western countries.


Born into the family of a Soviet diplomat in China. Father, Konstantin Mikhailovich Pushkov (b. 1921), an employee of the USSR Consulate General in Beijing. Mother, Margarita Vladimirovna Pushkova (1927-2007), sinologist, translator, Chinese language teacher.

Wife: Nina Vasilievna Pushkova (born 1957), an actress by training, a graduate of the Theater School named after. Shchukin. Writer and producer Dr. films about culture and architecture. Author of the book "A Romance with a Postscript" Moscow, 2013. She has acted in films ("An Ordinary Miracle", "Meeting on a Distant Meridian", etc.).

Daughter: Daria Pushkova (born 1977), head of the London bureau of the television channel "Russia Today".


He studied at a Moscow special school with in-depth study of the French language (Moscow, Spasopeskovsky lane).

Graduated in 1976 MGIMO USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a degree in international relations. Worked at the UN (Geneva).

In 1980 he received a Candidate of Historical Sciences degree. In 1988-1991 he was a speechwriter Mikhail Gorbachev. In 1991-1995 he was deputy editor-in-chief of the weekly "Moscow News" in an international direction; in this capacity he was editor-in-chief of the English, French, German and Spanish editions of the newspaper.

In 1993-2000 - member of the editorial board of the American magazine Foreign Policy, published by the Carnegie Endowment Washington. Since 1993 - member and permanent expert of the World Economic Forum in Davos. In 1995-1998 - Deputy General Director of ORT. Was a political commentator "Nezavisimaya Gazeta", led the “Personal Opinion” column. Since 1998 - director and presenter of the program "P.S"(TVC). Since 2002 - member of the editorial board of the American magazine "National Interest"(National Interest), published by the Nixon Center in Washington. Since 2005 he has been a member of the London International Institute for Strategic Studies. In 2004 he was a member of the Supervisory Board Moscow Carnegie Foundation. In 2008-2011 - Director of the Institute of Current International Problems (IAMP) of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In 2009 he became a laureate of the Bunin Prize for the book "Putin's swing. Postscript: ten years surrounded".

Has a number of awards: Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2014), Order of Honor (2007), Order of Friendship (2009), Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation (2004), Letter of Gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation (2007, 2008, 2011, 2012).

Pushkov is a winner of awards at many Russian and international television forums as the author, director and host of the “Postscript” program.

Author of more than 400 scientific publications and analytical articles in leading Russian and foreign periodicals, including The New York Times, International Herald Tribune, Die Zeit, Yomiuri Shimbun, The Wall Street Journal Europe, " Foreign Policy", "The National Interest", "Foreign Affairs", "NATO Review".


In 2011 he was elected as a deputy State Duma RF VI convocation according to party lists "United Russia" without being a member. Appointed Chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the State Duma. Member of the United Russia faction in the State Duma.

Since 2012 - head of the delegation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to PACE (Strasbourg). Vice President and Bureau Member PACE.

In August 2014, he was included in the sanctions list by Ukraine for his position on the war in Donbass and the annexation Crimea to Russia.

Also included in the sanctions lists of the European Union, Canada and Australia.

At the end of January 2015, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, by a majority vote, deprived the Russian delegation of voting rights until April. In response, Pushkov stated that Russia would leave PACE before the end of the year.

At the beginning of February 2015, Pushkov commented on the PACE statement about the desire to continue the dialogue with Russia. He wrote about this on his Twitter: “The head of PACE: “We want to continue the dialogue.” PACE understands dialogue as depriving us of a number of rights, including the right to vote. We do not need such a “dialogue,” Pushkov said.

Previously head of PACE Anne Brasseur said that the Assembly wants to continue dialogue with Russia, clarifying that the organization has not deprived the country of all powers.

In February 2015, Pushkov responded to the proposal of Bundestag deputies to present the German Chancellor with Angela Merkel Nobel Peace Prize.

"The Bundestag proposed awarding Merkel the Nobel Peace Prize. Is not it too early? And isn’t Minsk-2 a joint achievement of Merkel, Hollande and Putin?"- Pushkov wrote on his Twitter.

At the beginning of March 2015, Pushkov, in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper, named three scenarios according to which they are trying to arrange "orange revolution".

Pushkov considers the first scenario to be the Russian Maidan, which could become Bolotnaya Square. The second scenario is the election of a pro-American president in Russia. The head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs considers such a protege of the United States Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

The third scenario, which, according to Pushkov, has been prepared for Russia, is economic destabilization, which, according to the plan, should lead to mass protests and undermine personal authority Vladimir Putin.

Pushkov believes that the US attitude towards Russia will not change in the near future. He named one of the reasons for this that in the presidential elections people with more radical views than Barack Obama.

In March 2015, Pushkov stated that to the European Union It would be worthwhile not to put pressure on Russia, but to convince the United States to abandon arms supplies to Ukraine.

"The essence of the question: in order to preserve the fragile truce in Ukraine, the EU should not put pressure on Moscow, but insist that the United States not send weapons there", he wrote on Twitter. Earlier it was reported that Pushkov called the words of the President of Lithuania Dali Grybauskaite about the threat from Russia with the “theater of the absurd.”


According to the Anti-Corruption Declaration of 2013, Pushkov’s income amounted to 14,944,648.83 rubles. He owns two apartments with a total area of ​​289.2 square meters. m, land plot of 3,000 sq. m. m and two garages with a total area of ​​26.4 sq. m. m. In addition, Pushkov owns two cars. Compared to the 2010 election declaration, his income doubled (from 7,078,496.89 rubles).

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