Types of registration of documents in an organization. Registration forms of documents: mandatory, recommended, optional

Document registration means that a document created, sent or received is assigned a specific identification number and data about it is entered into registration forms. It is necessary to register documents in order to:

  • ensure accounting of documents and control of their execution;
  • facilitate the search for documents, create organizational search systems;
  • ensure the safety of documents.

Many types of documents created by a company acquire legal force only after registration. For example, an order from the head of a company begins to take effect from the moment of registration, and a letter becomes official only after an outgoing registration number is assigned. A certificate issued to an employee will be invalid if it is not assigned a registration code. Documents are registered regardless of the method of their delivery, transfer and creation (clause 4.1.2 of the Standard Instructions for Office Work in Federal Executive Bodies, approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated November 8, 2005 No. 536). That is, you need to register not only traditional paper registration documents, but also those received by fax, email and other communication channels.

Do I need to re-register a document if it is transferred to another structural unit?

No no need. One document is registered only once, even if it is transferred to the structural divisions of the company and information about it is necessary for several executors. After all, a document registered once is easier to find and monitor how it is executed. If information about a document is needed by other structural units, then you can copy a page of the registration journal or a registration card with information about the document and transfer the copy to the structural unit.

Documents for registration

Registration numbers (indices) must be affixed to the following documents:

  • on inboxes (except for attachments);
  • on outgoing documents (except for attachments to them) and their copies that remain in the company’s files;
  • on internal ones and applications to them.

Replies to letters usually also include the registration index of the document received.

However, not all documents need to be registered, but only those that require recording, execution and use for reference purposes. As a rule, the following are not registered:

  • congratulatory letters and telegrams;
  • documents sent for information (messages about meetings, meetings, programs of events, etc.);
  • documents that do not require execution or response;
  • low-value correspondence on business, administrative, personnel issues;
  • letters marked personally.”
Make a list of non-registered documents in your company and secure it at the local level, for example, in the office work instructions. This will allow you to better organize your document registration work.

How to assign numbers to documents

When documents are registered, they are indexed. That is, each document is assigned a specific number and symbol (index). Indexes are needed when searching, recording and organizing documents. The registration index is not repeated during the year. Typically the registration index includes:

  • serial number of the document within a certain array (for example, orders for main activities and for personnel, contracts, instructions, etc. are numbered separately);
  • symbol of a structural unit (personnel documents are usually designated by the letters: lk, lok, lo/k. A ​​structural unit may also have a digital index).

In addition, the registration index often includes the case number according to the nomenclature. For example, an order for hiring an employee may have the number 134-ok, where 134 is the serial number of the document, and “loc” is the designation of the structural unit. In a response to a letter, the index details are arranged in the reverse order: for example, in number 08-11/144, the first is the digital index of the structural unit - 08, then, separated by a hyphen, the case number according to the nomenclature - 11, from which the serial number of the document - 144 is separated by a slash. It is necessary to develop a unified document indexing system for the company and consolidate it in the office management instructions.

By what principle are letter indices assigned to personnel orders?

In small companies, they usually do not divide personnel orders into separate arrays, but use one letter index for all orders - lk, lok or lls.” In large companies with a large staff of employees, different letter designations are established for different personnel orders. For example, lp" - hiring, lot" - vacation, lk" - business trip. Then the digital numbering within each array of orders will be different. In very large companies, the designation of personnel categories is also added to the letter indices. For example, lpr" - hiring a worker, lps" - hiring a specialist.

Work with documents

Documents can be registered:

  • in special registration journals. A registration journal is a book with lined pages, in each column of which certain information about the document is entered;
  • On cards. This option assumes that document data is recorded on a special card, which is then placed in a file cabinet.

Each of these registration methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. In the journal, all information about documents is compactly grouped, and the journal itself is conveniently stored in limited access. Therefore, journals usually record documents that require particularly careful protection, such as work books, contracts, and invoices. Using cards, it is convenient to register documents that require execution and control - letters, orders, instructions. After all, the cards can be multiplied and transferred to structural units. In addition, they are easy to systematize in any sequence and according to various criteria - by author, content, alphabet, etc.

What kind of records should be kept in the HR department?

It is imperative to keep a book for recording the movement of work books and inserts in them, since its maintenance is provided for by law and there is an approved form (Appendix 3 to the Instructions for filling out work books, for a sample book, see the chapter “Work book”). In addition, traditionally HR officers keep the following journals:

  • accounting for employees leaving and arriving on business trips (approved by the instructions of the Ministry of Finance of the USSR, the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions dated April 7, 1988 No. 62 “On business trips within the USSR”, appendices 2 and 3, for sample logs, see chapter “Business trip”);
  • reception, relocation (transfer), dismissal of employees;
  • vacation accounting;
  • accounting of personal files, personal cards, employment contracts;
  • issuing certificates of salary, length of service, place of work;
  • issuance of travel certificates.

Such journals are listed with storage periods in the List of standard management documents generated in the activities of organizations, indicating storage periods (approved by order of the Federal Archive of October 6, 2000).

Is it possible to maintain accounting forms electronically?

It is possible, but only those that do not require handwritten signatures of employees or performers. For example, a book for recording the movement of work books and inserts in them must be in the company on paper. But a log of job applications, employment contracts, and personal records can be kept using a computer. Usually, a company has two parallel databases - an electronic one and a regular paper one.” Remember that when checking the activities of a company, an inspection official (from the Russian Labor Inspectorate, Tax Inspectorate, etc.) may ask you to present registration forms with employee signatures.

Download free programs for automating personnel accounting, calculating length of service, document flow, accounting for contracts and clients (CRM system)

Program name Program description Scope of the program

Features of the program: flexible staffing without limiting the level of nesting with the ability to include branches with their own structure; import and export of data on employees from 1C programs (Accounting, Salary and Personnel, Integrated, etc.); saving orders and reports in editable XLS formats , DOC or ODT, ODS (regardless of whether you have Microsoft Office or Open Office installed); a time sheet that is automatically generated based on existing orders for the employee and his work schedule. The timesheet has a convenient interface for editing and entering hours worked. All changes made to the timesheet are immediately reflected in the document flow in the form of corresponding orders; the ability to store external documents in various formats (Word, Excel, images, etc.) within the program; the ability to hire several employees with different rates per staff unit; the ability for one employee to work in various positions within one organization at different rates; 26 MB

The main point in organizing documentation services will be the rational arrangement of document registration. GOST defines

Document registration— recording of accounting data about a document in the established form, recording the fact of its creation, sending or receipt.

You can also give a more detailed definition of registration as confirmation of the creation or receipt of a document on a certain day by entering it into a registration form, adding an account registration number and recording basic information about the document in the form, which allows you to create a database of institution documents for subsequent monitoring of deadlines execution of documents and reference work on it.

In other words, during the registration process, an information retrieval system is established for all documents of the institution, which can then be used for reference work and control over the execution of documents.

Hence, registration has three purposes:

  • document accounting;
  • control over their implementation;
  • reference work on documents.

Only documents that require a response and execution are subject to registration, regardless of the method of their creation or receipt.

Documents of an operational nature that are sent or created for information only and do not require a response or execution are not registered. The records management service must develop a list (list) of documents that are not subject to registration. It is worth noting that it is approved by the head of the organization and updated as necessary. After initial processing, unregistered documents are transferred to the department or direct executors, who may be affected by the information contained in them.

To documents not subject to registration traditionally ᴏᴛʜᴏϲᴙis:

  • letters of informational nature sent for information;
  • all advertising letters;
  • congratulatory letters and telegrams;
  • invitations, programs of seminars, meetings and conferences;
  • printed publications (books, brochures, magazines);
  • packages marked “personally”;
  • copies of regulatory documents, decrees and orders of government bodies;
  • information materials, etc.

Document registration forms

Incoming, outgoing and internal documents are registered separately with separate registration numbers.

Registration number(index) document- a digital or alphanumeric designation assigned to a document upon its registration.

There are three forms of document registration:

  • magazine;
  • card;
  • automated.

Magazine form

Magazine the system is usually used when document accounting comes to the fore, in journals usually the most valuable documents are registered, for example passports, work books, education documents. Banks keep logs of deposit agreements, company accounts, etc. Journal registration system used when working with restricted documents: secret, confidential. It is worth saying that for each category of documents, a journal form is usually developed with varying degrees of detail of information about the document.

Thus, the journal of confidential documents has the following columns:

The journal filing system was convenient for organizations as long as they received a small number of documents. With a large volume of document flow, the journal system has a number of significant shortcomings. Since registration in the journal is carried out in the sequence of receipt of documents, it can only be maintained by one person at a time. If there is a large number of documents received, the registration process takes a lot of time and delays further work with documents. Except for the above, the journal registration system often leads to repeated registration of documents in other structural units where the document is transferred. But the most important drawback of the journal registration system is the inability to organize control over the deadlines for the execution of documents and promptly conduct information and reference work on documents.

Card form

Card registration system allows you to overcome these shortcomings, since cards can be placed in file cabinets in any order, and several people can register documents at the same time, creating the required number of carbon copies of the registration card. Registration Card Form can be determined by the institution itself and is recorded in the office management instructions.

Automated form

At the same time, the most efficient system today would be an automated system for registering documents on a computer. It is worth noting that it allows, by registering at various workplaces, to combine all information about documents into a single database, on the basis of which it is possible to organize centralized information and reference work and control over the execution of documents.

Registration of incoming documents

Incoming documents are usually registered centrally. In a small company they are registered by a secretary, in an institution that has an office - a specially designated employee or, if the volume of incoming documents is large, a registration group.

Documents are registered regardless of the way they were received: received by mail, received through a courier, by fax, or e-mail.

To the registration form The following information about the incoming document is usually entered:

  • date of receiving;
  • incoming registration number assigned to the document by the recipient institution;
  • author (correspondent) - i.e. whose ϶ᴛᴏ document;
  • the date of the document assigned to it by the author institution;
  • registration number of the document assigned to it by the author institution;
  • title (what the document is about);
  • resolution;
  • deadline for execution of the received document;
  • executor (who will work with the received document);
  • progress of execution (all transfers of the document and the result of execution are recorded);
  • N& deeds (where the document is placed after execution)

The registration form of the incoming document is not completely filled out at first. Before transferring the document to the manager, the document does not contain a resolution, deadline or executor; these data are entered after the document is reviewed by the manager. Information about the progress of the execution of the document and the case number are entered into the registration form during and after the execution of the document.

Log form incoming documents is simple and can have the following columns:

In the registration card, the same data can be located like this:

Just such a card can be designed in A5 (148x210) or A6 (105x148) format. It is reproduced by choosing fairly thick paper.

For different groups of registered documents, you can use cards of different colors, color stripes along the top margin or diagonally.

With an automated registration system, the most convenient (offered by most computer programs) is the form of a registration card (RCC) displayed on the screen, in which information about the document is entered, similar to a traditional manual paper-based card.

With an automated registration system information about the document can be easily supplemented. For example, add:

  • document type;
  • geographic location of the author of the document;
  • author of the resolution;
  • name of the structural unit;
  • number of sheets in the document;
  • number of application sheets;
  • related documents.

Filling out a registration card on a computer screen is in many ways similar to filling out a traditional paper card, but it has its own peculiarities.

The form of an electronic registration card traditionally contains both data (fields) filled in manually (for example, the number and date of the incoming document, summary, text of the resolution), data (fields) that are entered automatically (registration date, registration number of the document), and data (fields) ), which are entered by selecting information from drop-down lists. Such information input is not only speeds up the procedure for filling out the registration card, but also, what is especially important, it allows you to avoid typos and discrepancies, which can significantly complicate or even make automated search for information about a document impossible.

Using drop-down lists, data (fields) are traditionally filled in:

  • type of document - since the number of types of documents is limited;
  • author of the resolution - list of leading officials of the organization;
  • structural unit - list of structural units;
  • performers - as a rule, the field consists of two parts - the name (and/or index) of the structural unit and the surname and initials of the performer;
  • Case number - associated with the nomenclature of the organization’s cases;
  • related documents - this data establishes a connection between the registered document and others (for example, a response document is associated with an initiative document)

Using the replenished list, the data (field) “correspondent” is filled in. Organizations with which constant correspondence is maintained are selected from the list. If a document received from a new correspondent is registered, information about it is entered into the list. Information about correspondents can be used in the future for reference work, to create mailing lists, etc.

Having spent time creating such lists once, you can achieve significant time savings in the process of further work.

Registration of outgoing and internal documents

Registration forms for outgoing documents are in many ways similar to registration forms for incoming documents, but are filled in with different data. Indicated:

  • the name of the department that prepared the document,
  • outgoing document number;
  • document date;
  • addressee, i.e. name of the organization where the document is sent;
  • summary of the document;
  • surname of the executor who prepared the document;
  • target date for expected response;
  • link to the incoming document if the document is a response;
  • case number where a copy of the sent document is filed (or the original if the document is sent by fax)

Other information about the document can be added, for example, the number of sheets, availability of attachments, form number, sending order, etc.

Outgoing documents are usually registered centrally at the correspondence sending area.

Domestic documents are often registered decentralized into groups in those departments where they are created and processed: accounting, human resources, office, etc.

Internal documents must be registered on the day of signing or approval.

When registering an internal document, the following information about it is filled in:

  • serial registration number assigned to the document;
  • date of document (registration);
  • summary;
  • the department that prepared the document;
  • executor;
  • period of execution;
  • execution mark (execution progress);
  • case number where the document is filed.

Similar to the previous forms of incoming and outgoing documents, other data can be added to the registration form: number of sheets, presence of attachments, etc.

It is worth saying that each type of document (orders, instructions, contracts, memos) is registered and numbered independently. The serial number assigned to the document at the time of registration is transferred to the document. Letters may be added to the number. For example, for an order on personnel - “ls”, i.e. personnel, or “k” - personnel, for the order number - the letter “p” - order, etc.

Establishing a rational document registration system allows the records management service to have information about all the organization’s documents and skillfully perform such important tasks as information and reference work and control over the execution of documents.

The choice of one form or another of working with documents (centralized, decentralized, mixed) depends both on the characteristics of the enterprise itself - its scale, production profile, subordination, and on the position of managers, their commitment to a certain management philosophy.

A centralized system involves carrying out all registration operations in one place (expedition, preschool educational institution service) or by one employee. Such a system allows you to create a single reference center for enterprise documents and establishes a uniform registration procedure.

A decentralized system involves carrying out registration operations in structural units (places of compilation or execution). Typical for large institutions, as well as for organizations with geographically dispersed structural divisions.

Mixed involves the centralized registration of part of the documents (as a rule, the most important ones), while the other part: settlement and monetary, planning, statistical reporting, printed publications - is registered in the relevant structural divisions (accounting, financial department, library).

Currently, there are three types of registration forms: magazines, registration cards, automated systems.

Purpose, tasks of registration

Registration is a record of accounting data about a document in the prescribed form, recording the fact of its creation, sending or receipt. Registration, first of all, gives legal force to a document, since it records the fact of its creation or receipt. Until the document is registered, has not received its number, it has not been formalized, it is as if it does not yet exist. For example, order, resolution, etc. If the received document is not registered, the organization is not responsible for it, since the fact of receipt has not been confirmed.

Registration purposes:

1) Ensuring the safety of documents

2) Document accounting

3) Control over the execution of documents

4) Information and reference work on documents

All documents that require special accounting, execution and use for reference purposes, regardless of the method of receipt, are subject to mandatory registration.

Documents received for information only and not requiring a response or execution are not registered.

Incoming documents are registered on the day of receipt, sent and internal documents are registered on the day of signing or approval. Incoming, outgoing and internal documents are registered separately. When transferring a registered document from one structural unit to another, it is not re-registered.

Documents within a calendar year are assigned registration numbers - a digital or alphanumeric designation assigned to each outgoing (sent), internal and incoming (received) document upon its registration.

Registration procedure

To ensure the effective use of information when making various kinds of decisions, making available to specialists the entire array of information on a specific issue in the shortest possible time, a rational search system must be created in the organization. A modern information retrieval system (IRS) should include information about almost all documents that an organization has.

The basis for building search systems is document registration - recording the fact of creation or receipt of a document by putting a date and registration index on it, followed by recording the necessary information about the document in the registration form or input format.

The main purpose of registration is to give a document legal force, to confirm the fact of its creation or receipt; if the received document is not registered, the organization does not take responsibility for its execution, since the fact of its receipt has not been confirmed. Each document classified as registered receives its own registration number. It does not match and is significantly smaller than the serial number included in the document’s receipt mark at the organization. A document is registered once, regardless of how many instances it goes through in a given organization. Incoming documents are registered on the day of receipt, outgoing and internal documents are registered on the day of signing, telegrams are registered immediately after receipt and are immediately transferred to the addressee.

Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………… 3
1. Organization of document registration
1.1. Registration of documents………………………………………………………………… 4
1.2. Types of registration…………………………………….………………. 9
2. Organization of registration of documents of the SVPO branch of IDGC of Volga, JSC - Saratov Distribution Networks
2.1. Organization of work with documents…………………………………. 15
2.2. Features of maintaining an automated office work system in the SVPO branch of IDGC of Volga, JSC - “Saratov Distribution Networks”…………………………………………………….. 20
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………. 24
Appendix No. 1……………………………………………………………………………… 26
Appendix No. 2 ……………………………………………………………………………… 27
Appendix No. 3………………………………………………………………………………. 28
Appendix No. 4………………………………………………………………………………. 29
Appendix No. 5………………………………………………………………………………. 30


The function of office work, first of all, is to ensure that all documents created, received and sent arrive at their destination and certain actions are carried out on them, and of course, without strict control, it would be difficult to track whether this or that instruction was not only fulfilled, but also whether the document reached the addressee, therefore, since time immemorial, such a procedure as document registration has been introduced in office work.

Initially, journal registration appeared, which has survived to this day for certain special categories of documents, for example, labor book registration journals. Then, at the end of the 19th century, card registration systems appeared, simplifying the search for documents. Since the 1990s With the introduction of computer technology in the office, automated document registration systems began to become more widespread, which later developed into full-fledged office automation systems (EDS).

The purpose of this work is to consider the organization of registration of documents using the example of the North-Eastern production branch of the Open Joint Stock Company "Interregional Distribution Grid Company of the Volga" - "Saratov Distribution Networks", one of the points on which I would like to focus attention is the electronic system that has not yet formed into this organization office work, difficulties with its implementation and the combination of three methods of registration in one organization.

The work consists of two chapters: the first examines the registration of documents in general, its types and types. The second chapter discusses the process of registering documents in the SVPO of IDGC of Volga, JSC - Saratov Distribution Networks.


1.1. Registration of documents

GOST gives the following definition of “registration of documents” - a record of accounting data about a document in the prescribed form, recording the fact of its creation, sending or receipt.”

You can give a more detailed definition of registration as confirmation of the creation or receipt of a document on a certain day by entering it into a registration form, assigning an account registration number and recording basic information about the document in the form, which allows you to create a database of institution documents for subsequent monitoring of deadlines execution of documents and reference work on it.

As follows from the definition, registration first of all gives legal force to a document, since it records the fact of its creation or receipt. Until the document is registered, has not received its number, it has not been formalized, it is as if it does not yet exist. If the received document is not registered, the institution is not responsible for it, since the fact of receipt has not been confirmed. From which we can conclude that registration has three purposes: recording documents, monitoring their execution and reference work on documents.

All documents that require special accounting, execution and use for reference purposes, regardless of the method of receipt, are subject to registration. The registration process itself is the removal of indicators (details) from a document and entering them into a specific registration form (magazine, card index, PC) to create a database of institution documents. Thus, during the registration process, an information retrieval system is created for all documents of the organization (company).

Documents received for information only and not requiring a response or execution are not registered. The institution must have a list of non-registered documents developed by the records management service and approved by the head. It is usually given as an appendix to the organization’s office management instructions, but can also be developed as an independent document. This list should be updated as necessary.

Non-registered documents usually include: advertising letters, congratulatory letters and telegrams, invitations, programs of seminars, meetings and conferences, printed publications (books, brochures, magazines), packages marked “personally”, copies of regulatory documents, decrees and orders of government bodies , information materials.

Each document classified as registered receives its own registration number. It does not match and is significantly smaller than the serial number included in the document’s receipt mark at the organization.

A document is registered once, regardless of how many instances it goes through in a given organization. Incoming documents are registered on the day of receipt, outgoing and internal documents are registered on the day of signing, telegrams are registered immediately after receipt and are immediately transferred to the addressee.

The choice of place of registration depends on the office management system adopted in the organization and, accordingly, the registration system. In small organizations, this is, as a rule, centralized registration (in the preschool educational institution service, with the secretary), in medium and large organizations - a mixed system, in which the most important documents are registered in the preschool educational institution service, the rest in structural units - in the places of their creation or execution. Thus, orders for personnel are registered in the personnel department, accounting documentation - in the accounting department, documents addressed to or emanating from other structural units - in these structural units. The place of registration is specified in the office management instructions.

In places of registration, documents are usually registered within groups, depending on the name of the type of document, the author and the content of the documents. Thus, in the preschool educational institution service, government documents are separately registered (sometimes even a special structural unit is created - the Bureau (group) of government correspondence), resolutions of the board (in the secretariat of the board), orders on core activities, instructions, orders of managers - in the accounting and registration department .

The composition of the registration number depends on the principle of forming documents into files adopted in each group of documents. The first part of any registration number is the serial number within the given group, the calculation of which begins from the beginning of the office year. Serial numbers increase throughout the year. As a rule, the office year coincides with the calendar year. Exceptions are provided by educational institutions and elected bodies operating during a certain period.

Only the serial number of the document in the registration number is assigned to documents if they are formed into files in the headings of which there is the name of the type of document, for example: “Orders of the Moscow Social Protection Committee on core activities.” As a rule, most internal documents of the organization have such a registration number - orders, minutes of meetings of the collegial bodies of the organization, instructions, orders, etc.

There is no need to add any other information to the registration number of such documents indicating their place of preparation or storage, because they are filed in a specific place. Thus, orders for core activities in accordance with the requirements of the State Budgetary Educational Institution should always be generated in the organization’s preschool educational institution service.

In the case when, when preparing documents for a case, it is necessary to focus on the contents of the document and other additional data, the registration serial number is supplemented by a case index according to the nomenclature, which indicates the location of the document storage, that is, the department and the case number in this department. Service letters always contain this number. Service letters always contain this number. For example, if a letter received by a higher organization has incoming number 155/01-17, this means that on the day of receipt it was the 155th document, which, after execution, will be filed in file 01-17 “correspondence with subordinate organizations” on the issue...", where 01 is the preschool educational institution service, and 17 is the serial number of the case in this service, where the document will be filed after execution (01-17 is the case index according to the nomenclature).

On the response document, the second part of the registration number must correspond to the second part of the registration number of the request document. So, if the incoming service letter has registration number 155/01-17, then the response service letter may have a different serial number, but the case index will be the same - 238/01-17. this means that the received request document and a copy of the sent response document will be filed in one case, which has a case index according to the nomenclature of cases 01-17. There is no need to fill out a separate registration form for such documents, since all information can be recorded in the registration form for the request document.

The main point in organizing documentation services is the rational arrangement of document registration. GOST defines registration as “a record of accounting data about a document in an established form that records the fact of its creation, sending or receipt.”

You can give a more detailed definition of registration as confirmation of the creation or receipt of a document on a certain day by entering it into a registration form, assigning an account registration number and recording basic information about the document in the form, which allows you to create a database of institution documents for subsequent monitoring of deadlines execution of documents and reference work on it.

In other words, during the registration process, an information retrieval system is established for all documents of the institution, which can then be used for reference work and control over the execution of documents.

Consequently, registration has three purposes: recording documents, monitoring their execution and reference work on documents.

Only documents that require a response and execution are subject to registration, regardless of the method of their creation or receipt.

Documents of an operational nature that are sent or created for information only and do not require a response or execution are not registered. The records management service must develop a list (list) of documents that are not subject to registration. It is approved by the head of the organization and updated as necessary. After initial processing, unregistered documents are transferred to the department or direct executors who may be affected by the information contained in them.

Documents that are not subject to registration usually include:

  • letters of informational nature sent for information;
  • all advertising letters;
  • congratulatory letters and telegrams;
  • invitations, programs of seminars, meetings and conferences;
  • printed publications (books, brochures, magazines);
  • packages marked “personally”;
  • copies of regulatory documents, decrees and orders of government bodies;
  • information materials, etc.

Incoming, outgoing and internal documents are registered separately with separate registration numbers.

There are three forms of document registration: magazine, card And automated.

Magazine the system is usually used when document accounting comes to the fore; the most valuable documents are usually recorded in journals, for example passports, work books, education documents. Banks keep logs of deposit agreements, company accounts, etc. The journal registration system is used when working with restricted access documents: secret, confidential. For each category of documents, a separate journal form is usually developed with varying degrees of detail of information about the document.

Thus, the journal of confidential documents has the following columns:

The journal filing system was convenient for organizations as long as they received a small number of documents. With a large volume of document flow, the journal system has a number of significant disadvantages. Since registration in the journal is carried out in the sequence of receipt of documents, it can only be maintained by one person at a time. If there is a large number of documents received, the registration process takes a lot of time and delays further work with documents. In addition, the journal registration system often leads to repeated registration of documents in other structural units where the document is transferred. But the most important drawback of the journal registration system is the inability to organize control over the deadlines for the execution of documents and promptly conduct information and reference work on documents.

Cardboard The registration system allows you to overcome these shortcomings, since cards can be placed in file cabinets in any order, and several people can register documents at the same time, creating the required number of carbon copies of the registration card. The form of the registration card can be determined by the institution itself and is recorded in the office management instructions.

However, the most rational one today is automated registration system documents on the computer. It allows, by registering at various workplaces, to combine all information about documents into a single database, on the basis of which it is possible to organize centralized information and reference work and control over the execution of documents.

Registration of incoming documents

Incoming documents are usually registered centrally. In a small company they are registered by a secretary, in an institution that has an office - by a specially designated employee or, if the volume of incoming documents is large, by a registration group.

Documents are registered regardless of the way they were received: received by mail, received through a courier, by fax, or e-mail.

The registration form usually contains the following information about the incoming document:

  • date of receiving;
  • incoming registration number assigned to the document by the recipient institution;
  • author (correspondent) - i.e. whose document is this?
  • the date of the document assigned to it by the authoring institution;
  • registration number of the document assigned to it by the author institution;
  • title (what the document is about);
  • resolution;
  • deadline for execution of the received document;
  • executor (who will work with the received document);
  • progress of execution (all transfers of the document and the result of execution are recorded);
  • Case number (where the document is placed after execution).

The registration form of the incoming document is not completely filled out at first. Before the document is transferred to the manager, the document does not contain a resolution, deadline or executor; these data are entered after the document is reviewed by the manager. Information about the progress of the execution of the document and the case number are entered into the registration form during and after the execution of the document.

The form of the logbook of incoming documents is simple and can have the following columns:

On the registration card, the same data can be located like this:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Incoming no.

Date of document No.


Performer (last name and initials indicated)

front side


reverse side

Such a card can be designed in A5 (148x210) or A6 (105x148) format. It is propagated by choosing fairly thick paper.

For different groups of registered documents, you can use cards of different colors, color stripes along the top margin or diagonally.

With an automated registration system, the most convenient (offered by most computer programs) is the form of a registration card (RCC) displayed on the screen, in which information about the document is entered, similar to a traditional paper-based manual card.

With an automated registration system, information about a document can be easily supplemented. For example, add:

  • document type;
  • geographic location of the author of the document;
  • author of the resolution;
  • name of the structural unit;
  • number of sheets in the document;
  • number of application sheets;
  • related documents.

Filling out a registration card on a computer screen is in many ways similar to filling out a traditional paper card, but it also has its own characteristics.

The electronic registration card form, as a rule, contains both data (fields) that are filled in manually (for example, the number and date of the incoming document, summary, text of the resolution), data (fields) that are entered automatically (registration date, registration number of the document), and data (fields) that are entered by selecting information from drop-down lists. Such information entry not only speeds up the procedure for filling out the registration card, but also, what is especially important, allows you to avoid typos and discrepancies that can significantly complicate or even make it impossible to automatically search for information about a document.

Using drop-down lists, as a rule, data (fields) are filled in:

  • type of document - since the number of types of documents is limited;
  • the author of the resolution - a list of the organization's leadership;
  • structural unit -- list of structural units;
  • performers - as a rule, this field consists of two parts - the name (and/or index) of the structural unit and the surname and initials of the performer;
  • Case number - associated with the nomenclature of the organization’s cases;
  • related documents - this data establishes a connection between the registered document and others (for example, a response document is associated with an initiative document).

Using the replenished list, the data (field) “correspondent” is filled in. Organizations with which constant correspondence is maintained are selected from the list. If a document received from a new correspondent is registered, information about it is entered into the list. Information about correspondents can be used in the future for reference work, to create mailing lists, etc.

Having spent time creating such lists once, you can achieve significant time savings in the process of further work.

Registration of outgoing and internal documents

Registration forms for outgoing documents are in many ways similar to registration forms for incoming documents, but are filled in with other data. Indicated:

  • name of the department that prepared the document;
  • outgoing document number;
  • document date;
  • addressee, i.e. name of the organization where the document is sent;
  • summary of the document;
  • surname of the executor who prepared the document;
  • target date for expected response;
  • link to the incoming document, if the document is a response;
  • the case number where a copy of the sent document is filed (or the original if the document is sent by fax).

Other information about the document can be added, such as the number of sheets, the presence of attachments, the form number, the order of sending, etc.

Outgoing documents are usually registered centrally at the correspondence sending area.

Domestic documents are often registered decentralized into groups in those departments where they are created and processed: accounting, human resources, office, etc.

Internal documents must be registered on the day of signing or approval.

When registering an internal document, the following information about it is filled in:

  • serial registration number assigned to the document;
  • date of document (registration);
  • summary;
  • the department that prepared the document;
  • executor;
  • period of execution;
  • execution mark (execution progress);
  • case number where the document is filed.

As in the previous forms of incoming and outgoing documents, other data can be added to the registration form: number of sheets, presence of attachments, etc.

Each type of document (orders, instructions, contracts, memos) is registered and numbered independently. The serial number assigned to the document at the time of registration is transferred to the document. Letters may be added to the number. For example, to an order for personnel - “ls”, i.e. personnel, or “k” - personnel, to the order number - the letter “p” - order, etc.

Establishing a rational document registration system allows the records management service to have information about all the organization’s documents and skillfully perform such important tasks as information and reference work and control over the execution of documents.

Test questions and assignments

  • 1. Define registration.
  • 2. What are the purposes of document registration?
  • 3. What are the requirements for organizing the registration of documents?
  • 4. Name the forms for registering documents.
  • 5. What are the disadvantages of the journal registration system?
  • 6. What are the advantages of a card registration system compared to a journal system?
  • 7. What are the advantages of an automated document registration system?
  • GOST R 51141-98 Record keeping and archiving. Terms and Definitions. M.: Standards Publishing House, 1998. P. 65.
  • Aleksentsev A.I. Preparation and publication of confidential documents on paper // Secretarial Affairs. 1999. No. 3. P. 30.
  • Kuznetsov S. L. Office work on a computer. 3rd ed., revised, and additional. M.: JSC “Business School “Intel-Sintez”, 2000. 232 p.
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