Quiz traffic rules for kindergarten. Parent meeting on traffic rules, quiz on traffic rules “traffic rules are worthy of respect”

Senior Quiz speech therapy group according to traffic rules

"In a land of safety"

General pedagogical goal: skills formation safe behavior on the roads.

Program content Continue to reinforce the rules of behavior on the roadway;

Develop a sense of responsibility in children compliance with traffic rules;

Fix the names of road signs in speech.

Integrative tasks:


Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about traffic signals and traffic rules;

Continue to familiarize children with road signs;

Encourage children to take initiative to gain new knowledge.


Enrich children's vocabulary with the names of road signs and transport.


Develop play activity children;

Introduce basic generally accepted norms and rules in relationships with peers.


    Visual material: illustrations on traffic rules, pictures of road signs, plot pictures on the topic, crossword puzzle, pictures about traffic

    Handout: envelope with road sign for each of the teams

Quiz progress

Hello guys! Today we will conduct a fun and useful quiz on traffic rules!

To do this, we need to divide into two teams, choose a jury, and start competing.

The jury has been chosen, the teams are divided. The first team is “Traffic Lights”, the second is “Zebras”.

So, let's begin.

1 competition. "Puzzles"

You will find my first syllable among the notes,
The second and third moose will appear.
Wherever you go from home,
You will immediately notice the WHOLE thing.

He will oblige us to go quietly,
Turning close will show
And it will remind you what and how
On your way...
(Road sign)

Under this sign, oddly enough,
Everyone is constantly waiting for something.
Some sitting, some standing...
What kind of place is this?
(Bus stop location)

The bus doesn't roll here.
Trams will not pass here.
It's peaceful here for pedestrians
They are walking along the street.
For cars and trams
There is another way.

Well, what if a pedestrian
Is the sidewalk out of the way?
If a pedestrian needs
Cross the pavement?
A pedestrian is immediately looking for
Road sign...?

On the road sign
A man walks.
Striped paths
They made a bed under our feet.
So that we don't have any worries
And they walked forward along them.

What is this zebra crossing on the road?
Everyone stands with their mouths open,
Wait for the green light to blink.
So this is...

Cars are rushing menacingly,
Like an iron river!
So that you don't get crushed,
Like a fragile bug -
Under the road, like a grotto,
(Underground crossing)

What are the names of those paths?
On which the legs walk.
Learn to distinguish them accurately,
Don't fly like you're on fire.
Pedestrian paths –
It's just …?

Here's a three-eyed fellow.
How cunning he is!
Who will go from anywhere?
Winks at both this and that.
Knows how to settle a dispute
(Traffic light)

2 competition

Story based on pictures

3 physical education minute

"Traffic light".
(Children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center of the circle).
I will read a poem and show traffic lights.
If the light is green, you walk in a circle; if the light turns yellow, you need to stop, but if the light turns red, you sit on your haunches and shake your finger at each other.
- Attention!
They burn for you
traffic lights
Red stop!
Yellow wait!
Ah, green light go!

4th competition “Say your sentence”

6th competition “Collect a picture”

Each team is asked to quickly assemble a road sign

So, now our jury will begin summing up the results, while we answer questions.

8th competition “Question and answer”

    Who do we call passengers?
    2. Is it possible to pass the bus from the front?
    3. Is it possible to talk loudly on the bus?

    Why is it dangerous to run out? roadway roads?
    2. How should you cross the street where there is no traffic light?
    3. Why can’t you play near the roadway?
    4. What is the name of the “stick” of a traffic policeman?
    5. What three traffic lights do you know?

    What does each signal mean?
    8. How to properly cross the street at a pedestrian crossing?
    12. What should you do before you start crossing the street?

Summing up, Awarding teams.

Name: Quiz game For senior group"Connoisseurs of the rules traffic»
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scripts, quizzes, Senior group

Position: teacher
Place of work: MADOU "Sineglazka"
Location: Noyabrsk, Tyumen region, March 8th street, building 7

Quiz game for the senior group “Experts of traffic rules”

Target: Expand understanding of traffic rules, clarify children’s knowledge about the purpose of road signs and types of transport.


  1. Strengthen children's knowledge about reflective elements (flickers)
  2. Develop auditory perception based on distinguishing sounds on the road, develop children's skills for safe behavior on the roads.
  3. Cultivate the desire and skills of joint discussion, listen to your peer.
  4. Level up logical thinking, concentration.
  5. create a desire to comply with traffic rules.

Material: presentation equipment, electronic presentation, tape recorder, two children's tables, children's chairs, pictures of cars, cut-out road signs, posters with traffic situations icons for the “Zebra” and “Traffic Light” commands,

Preliminary work reading fairy tales “At the behest of the pike”, “About Leopold the cat”, “Cinderella”, “ The Snow Queen», didactic games“Road Signs”, “Modes of Transport”, multimedia presentations “Traffic Light”, outdoor game “Pass the Baton”.

Progress of the lesson: Presenter Hello, Dear friends! Today is a big and interesting day in our hall! We are starting our fun game– quiz “Experts on traffic rules.” Two teams, Team Zebra and Team Traffic Light, will compete with each other. Now let’s welcome the participants of the gaming program.

Two teams of children, Zebra and Traffic Light, enter to the sounds of the song “Chauffeur.”

Greetings from the teams.

Greetings from the Zebra Team

Zebra is a skilled team

Clever, strong, brave!

Hurry up to compete with us,

We are adults now, not kids.

Greeting from the "Traffic Light" team, motto

“It’s been helping for a long time.”

Children, our friend, TRAFFIC LIGHT!

Explains without stress

Traffic rules for children.

I ask the teams to take their places.

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle, facing the screen..

Educator: Warm up.

Now I'll check on you,

And I’ll start a game for you.

I'll ask you questions now

It is not easy to answer them.

Let me warm up

Ask you questions.

You guys need to be strong

Know the traffic rules

You really need to answer.

Educator: I remind you of the rules of the game: you need to listen carefully to the task or question, discuss it in the team and give an answer. For the correct answer, the team receives a chip. And so we begin task 1 “The ABC of a pedestrian

Question for the Zebra team

1. What cars can run a red light? (answer options)

— Freight

— Hound machine

- ambulance. Why do you think? The ambulance turns on its siren. Get a chip

Question to the “Traffic Light” team

2. At what light can you cross the road? (answer options)

- Red.

- Flashing.

- Green. This is the correct answer.

Question for the Zebra team

3.If you are traveling on a bus, then you (answer options)


Pedestrian This is the correct answer, get a chip.

Question to the “Traffic Light” team

4 What is the correct way to cross the road after getting off the bus? (answer options)

- Walk around the front of the bus.

- Climb under the bus.

- Go around the back of the bus.

Question for the Zebra team

5.How to the road is indicated crosswalk ? (answer options)

Colored drawings

Special markings - "zebra"

No designation

Question to the “Traffic Light” team

6. Where do people wait for transport? Choose the correct answer

On the bench

In the shop

At the stop

2 task"brave captains competition"

Host: I ask the captains to leave. Listen carefully, only captains answer.

  1. Captain of the Zebra team Question What is the name of the place where two roads? (crossroads)
  2. The captain of the “Traffic Light” team answers the Question: Why can’t you suddenly appear in front of nearby traffic?

(Becausetransportfunds will not be able to stop immediately due to poor visibility, or slippery)

3. Captain of the Zebra team Question What are flickers? (reflective elements) List what types of flickers there are?

4. Captain of the “Traffic Light” team Question Why do you need to wear flickers? They reflect light in the dark and help to see a pedestrian in dark time days. Where can I put or fasten the flickers?

-Leading: Well done, you completed the task get a chip

Announcing recess! (The name “Change” appears on the screen). The children go to the middle of the hall.

And now I suggest you rest a little. Both teams and guests go through and stand in a large circle.

Physical education lesson “Airplane” for spectators and experts all together

We'll make a big circle

Let's stand in a circle in a crowd.

We'll spin around a little

And let's clap our hands,

We'll stomp a little

And let's clap our hands

Let's turn to each other

And let's jump in a circle.

And now - lean forward:

The result was an airplane.

Let's flap our wings easily

"Relaxed!" - let's say it together.

GAME FOR SPECTATORS AND CONTENTS Presenter: Attention! Magic box! Guys, guess what kind of item is in the “magic box” and who needs it. This object is held in the hands of a person who stands at an intersection and controls the movement of cars. (rod) What is this? Outdoor game"Pass the rod." Rule of the game: accept the rod right hand and pass it on to another participant. The program is accompanied by music. As soon as the music is interrupted, the one who has the baton raises it up and calls any traffic rule (or road sign). Anyone who gets confused or confused sits in a circle.

Leading: rested a little, continue further, move on to the game

Task 3: “Guess the sounds on the road.”

(A welcome melody sounds and the title appears on the screen)

Let's see if you can recognize sounds on the road.

The Zebra team begins then the command “Traffic Light” and so on in turn.

An audio recording of the sounds of a car, a police siren, a tractor, a motorcycle sounds and the teams take turns guessing the sound. Images of cars appear on the screen. Well done guys, get a chip.

Leading: Task 4 “Auto-multi”. You all love watching cartoons. Now let’s check if you know what kind of transport the cartoon characters used.

If you find it difficult to answer, the audience helps

The team answers - Zebra What did Emelya ride on to the Tsar’s palace? (On the stove).

Question for the team Traffic light Leopold the cat's favorite mode of transport? (Two wheeler).

Zebra- Which personal transport at Baba Yaga's? (Mortar).

- Traffic light How did the absent-minded man go to Leningrad? (By train).

Well done guys, you also coped with this task. You get 1 more chips

Music is playing. Absent-minded comes out to the music.

Scattered: What kind of stop is this, Bologoe or Pokrovka?

Leading: (this is the city of Noyabrsk kindergarten"Sineglazka")

Scattered: Hello children! Hello adults! My name is the absent-minded person.

Leading: You ended up in kindergarten, at the game " Traffic experts", meet these two teams: 1st "Zebra", 2nd "Traffic Light" and children spectators

Scattered: Oh, well, it took me a long time to get to you. Guys, the traffic police inspector sent me to you. He said that you would help me understand the traffic signs. On the way to you, I photographed them. But while I was walking towards you, all the signs were mixed up in my bag, collect them and tell me what these signs are?

As soon as the children have collected all the signs, road signs appear on the screen.)

(Participants who are experts in the game sit at tables in pairs and collect signs)

Absent-minded plays with the audience in a game you can throw a ball to children (Warm-up)

Now I'm checking what kind of attentive pedestrians you are and whether you are ready for the game. I ask you a question, and you answer “yes” or “no.”

Say what you want, there is sweet water in the sea? (No)

What do you want - say, red light - no way? (Yes)

What do you want - say, every time we walk home, we play on the pavement? (No)

Say what you want, but if you are in a hurry, do you run in front of the transport? (No)

Say what you want, we always move forward only where there is a transition? (Yes)

Say what you want, are we running forward so fast that we don’t see the traffic light? (No)

Say what you want, is there a person drawn on the “no access here” sign? (No)

Say what you want, the red color on the round signs means “it’s prohibited here”? (Yes)

Presenter: an absent-minded person, the guys are ready to help you name the traffic signs.

Final part. Host: Today’s quiz of cheerful traffic rules experts has come to an end. All of you have shown yourself to be real experts. Well done! All this will help you to be an exemplary pedestrian in life.

Absentminded says:

Who is our expert today?

It's hard for me to decide

That's why I want today

Zhanna Pikulina
Quiz on traffic rules for older preschool children

Target: consolidate and systematize knowledge children about the rules safe behavior on the streets and roads.


Repeat Traffic Laws;

Tell the children what types they are divided into road signs;

Contribute to the accumulation of emotionally enthusiastic impressions;

Form elementary representations about the dangers of motor transport for humans;

Strengthen the skill of application traffic rules in everyday life;

Raise competent pedestrians.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction A. Dorokhov"Crossroads" from book "Green. Yellow. Red!"; N. Nosov "Automobile"; S. Mikhalkov "My street"; V. Zhitkov "What I saw".

Children learning poems about road signs.

Conversations on topics « Road rules are reliable rules» , "Safe behavior on the street", "Why do we need road signs» .


signs traffic, traffic light color signals; mugs for the jury - red, yellow, green, black; multimedia equipment, presentations; attributes for relay races.

Progress of the lesson:

Leading: Good afternoon guys! Today we are gathered to talk about traffic rules. You already know that when leaving home or kindergarten, each of you becomes a participant traffic. We live with you in a big, beautiful city with wide streets and avenues. According to them moves a lot of cars and trucks, buses. And no one bothers anyone. And all because the streets and roads have their own law which is called « Traffic Laws» . He is very strict and does not forgive if a pedestrian walks along the street as he pleases, without observing rules. But this law is also very kind. He protects people from terrible misfortune, protects their lives. Today, guys, you will show how you know Traffic Laws and behavior on the street.

First, I suggest you split into two teams. On right from me there is a team of boys called "Motorists", on the left is the girls' team - "Pedestrians".

Around the city, down the street

Don't just walk around:

When you don't know rules,

It's easy to get into trouble.

Be careful all the time

And remember in advance:

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian.

Our teams will be evaluated jury: members jury: …

The estimates are as follows: green circle (5 points, yellow (4 points) and red (3 points, black (penalty -1 point)

And we begin our quiz!

Task No. 1

Warm-up competition "Comic questions"

1. What cars can go through a red light?:

Dad's and Mom's

Ambulance, fire, special vehicles

2. Way to go you can only go on:

Black light

Green light

Flashing light

3. Why does a guard need a staff?:

Keep the flies away

Greet acquaintances

Regulate traffic

4. How you need to cross the road correctly?:

Cross the pedestrian crossing

Sit on the hood of the car and ask to be transported

Take the ball and play football on road

Jury scores.

Leading: And now I want to invite you to play a little. The game is called

"Traffic light". Be careful. I show: green – stomp your feet; yellow - clap your hands; red - silence.

The game is played to music "Song about a traffic light" Jasmine

Leading: Guys, tell me, what is a street? (This road, along which the houses stand).

Who is called a pedestrian? (these are people who walk).

Which part of the street should a pedestrian walk on? (on the sidewalk).

Who knows where to go the road?

(during the story, watch the presentation) Right, along a pedestrian crossing where white stripes are painted "zebra", or via an underground passage. But there are also quiet - quiet streets, and even more so alleys or, perhaps, roads, on which one car passes per hour. Whatever street you cross, do not rush to step onto the pavement. Road should be clearly visible. Right and left. Without leaving the sidewalk, look left: Are there any cars approaching? And be sure to wait until they all pass.

But why to the left? Yes, for the simple reason that cars come from this side.

Did you look carefully? Available road? Then go. Fast, but don't run. When you reach the middle of the street, stop. And look carefully again, this time right: there is oncoming traffic coming from there. Do you remember how to move the road? Which direction should you look first? And then which one?

Guys, now we will repeat rules of conduct on the roads! (presentation)

Rule #1. Where can I go the road?

Right, go the road Only possible through pedestrian crossings. They are designated special sign "crosswalk". Guys, do you know which one is the best? safe passage? This is underground.

Rule #2. If there is no underground crossing, you must use a crossing with a traffic light. Do you know the traffic lights? Right. "Little Red Man" means: "Wait!", A "little green man" means: "go!".

Rule #3. You can't cross red light road, even if there are no cars.

Rule #4. Moving on the road, you should always look around. Where should we look first? Yes, first go to the left, and when you reach the middle roads - to the right.

Rule #5. It's safest to cross road with a group of pedestrians. Under no circumstances should you run out the road. Before I need to stop on the way.

Guys, why can't you run out? the road?

And on you can play on the road? Why? Right. This rule #6. You can't play on the roadway roads and sidewalks. Well done guys! All rules

Now we will move on to Task No. 2 and guess puzzles:

The presenter reads a riddle about road signs, players answer:

1) By stripes black and white

The pedestrian walks boldly.

Which of you guys knows -

What does this sign mean?

Let the car run quietly... (crosswalk)

2) I'm on the soap the road of hands,

Ate fruits and vegetables

I'm sick and I see a point

Medical... (help)

3) The path is not close to disaster

You didn't bring food with you

will save you from starvation

Sign road point. (food)

4) If the driver came out completely,

He parks the car here

So that, not needed by him,

Didn't bother anyone. (Sign "Parking area" R)

5) You won’t get there without gasoline

To the cafe and shop.

This sign will tell you loudly:

"There's a gas station nearby!" (Sign « Gas station» )

6) There is a pedestrian in this place

The transport is waiting patiently.

He's tired of walking

Wants to become a passenger. (Sign "Bus Stop Location")

7) The driver's sign is intimidating,

Cars are prohibited from entering!

Don't try rashly

Drive past the brick! (Sign "No entry")

8) If the hood and tires are dirty,

We urgently need to wash the car.

Well, if it’s necessary, then it’s necessary.

Here's a sign that the car wash is nearby! (Sign "Washing")

Jury scores.

Now I'll check you out

And I’ll start a game for you.

I'll ask you questions now -

It is not easy to answer them.

If you act according to traffic rules, then together answer: “It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”. And if not, keep quiet.

Which of you goes forward only where there is a transition?

Who flies ahead so fast that they don't see the traffic lights?

Who knows that the light is green, it means the path is open,

What does the yellow light always tell us about attention?

Who knows what the red light says - there is no road?

How many of you walk home along the pavement?

Which of you in the cramped carriage gave in old lady's place?

Leading: Well done boys! You did it very well!

And tell me why the road needs signs? (so as not to violate Traffic Laws) .

There are many on the streets road signs. Road signs – best friends drivers and pedestrians. Each sign has its own name. Road the signs tell us what the road how to go what is allowed and what is not allowed. There are warning signs, prohibition signs, and indicative signs. (Display of a video on traffic rules or fragments of children's cognitive educational programs By traffic rules)

Task 3: (to music)

1. While overcoming the obstacle course (run between the pins, walk along the rope, climb between the arc and run to the signs that are laid out on the carpet, you need to select only certain signs from among the many. The team "Motorists"- prohibition signs, team "Pedestrians" permission signs. The task is performed one by one. When they reach the signs, they count to 10.

Jury scores.

Task No. 4. "Question answer":

1. Who is "pedestrian"? ("a pedestrian"- this is a person walking).

2. Where should pedestrians walk? (sidewalk)

3. Where should cars go? (pavement)

4. What traffic lights do you know? (red, yellow, green)

5. Why is it dangerous to play on the roadway? (you can get hit by a car).

6. What types of transitions do you know? (aboveground, underground)

7. On which side should you go around the bus? (behind)

8. Where can children play? (At the playground)

Jury scores.

Task No. 5 Playing with cubes (play 6 children) . "Who Right will collect traffic light signals" They are built in two columns of 3 people. The 1st child runs to the cubes and chooses the desired color (green, runs to the goal and places the cube, the 2nd child takes the yellow cube, the 3rd child takes red and places them according to the color of the traffic light. The team that wins completed the task correctly.

Jury scores.

Task No. 6. "Transport fairy-tale heroes» .

Do you guys like fairy tales? I hope that you remember fairy-tale characters well.

Your task is to remember and name the means movements of fairy-tale characters. I will name the hero from the fairy tale, and you tell me what he rode, flew, swam,

Emelya - stove

Baba Yaga - stupa

Cinderella - carriage

Aibolit - wolf, whale, eagle

Thumbelina - swallow

Crocodile Gena - steam locomotive

Leopold the cat - bicycle

Aladdin - flying carpet

Bremen Town Musicians - cart

What did Vasilisa the Wise use to get to the Tsar's palace - a carriage

What Baron Munchausen flew on - the core

What did Uncle Fyodor's parents give to postman Pechkin? - bike.

Jury scores.

At the end there is a game "Allowed - prohibited":

– Play on the pavement (prohibited)

– Cross streets when the traffic light is green (allowed)

– Cross the street in front of nearby traffic (prohibited)

– Walk in a crowd along the sidewalk (allowed)

– Cross the street using an underground passage (allowed)

- Cross the street when yellow signal traffic light (prohibited)

- To help old men and women cross the street(allowed)

– Cyclists should cling to passing cars (prohibited)

– Avoid vehicles parked on the sidewalk from the front (prohibited)

– Walk along the sidewalk on the left (prohibited)

– Run out onto the roadway roads(prohibited)

– Ride a bike without holding the handlebars (prohibited)

- Respect Traffic Laws(allowed).

Jury scores.

Leading: Here comes our quiz towards the end. We repeated everything

learned about traffic rules. And we must always remember that we must take care of ourselves and be very attentive to road and on the street!

While the jury is summing up the results, we watch a video on traffic rules

After summing up quizzes The boys' team is awarded the title "The most responsible motorists", girls team "The most responsible pedestrians".

Traffic rules quiz for kids

"Traffic Know-It-Alls"

(preparatory group)

Target: Systematize children's knowledge about the basics of safe behavior on the street.


1. Clarify and consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior for pedestrians.

2. Expand children’s knowledge about road signs, their classification, and types of transport.

3. Reinforce knowledge of traffic rules with children.

4. Strengthen children’s knowledge of signals and the purpose of traffic lights.

5. Develop thinking and memory.

6. Cultivate in children attention and the ability to help a friend.

7.Develop oral coherent speech, the ability to express one’s thoughts consistently, using common sentences in speech.

8.Create a situation of joyful emotional mood, educate children as literate pedestrians who can independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Material: two sets of road signs, prize tokens, two traffic light models, pictures of Vehicle, circles of red, yellow and green colors.

Progress of the lesson:

Presenter: Hello guys! Today we will go on a journey - a game! Our game is called a traffic rules quiz. 2 teams will compete with each other. Listen carefully to the conditions of the game: for each correct answer, participants will receive prize tokens; the team that collects the most tokens wins.

(Children are divided into teams using a counting rhyme:

Stop, car,

Stop, motor!

Brake quickly, driver!

Red eye-

Looks straight-

This is a strict traffic light!). So let's begin.

Task 1 – “Road signs”. Attention! Attention! First task

He will indicate the turn

AND underground crossing.
You can't live without it!
This friend is...a road sign.

Now let's see how well our participants know the road signs. There are road signs in front of each team. I read you a riddle, and after you guess it, you must pick up the card with the road sign. The first person to raise their hand is the one who answers.

Cars are rushing menacingly,
Like an iron river!
So that you don't get crushed,
Like a fragile bug -
Under the road, like a grotto,

(Underground crossing.)

What kind of miracle is this?

Two humps like a camel?

This sign is triangular

What is it called?

("Rough road".)

This sign warns

That the road here is zagzag,

And there's a car waiting ahead


("Dangerous bend".)

There is a place to go
Pedestrians know this.
They lined it for us,
Everyone was shown where to go.


Presenter: So that the hands are intact, so that the legs are intact,

You need to know these signs! We must respect the signs!

Task 2 – “Scientific questions”. Each team must correctly answer the question asked to it.

  • How should you avoid cars parked on the sidewalk? (Only from behind, so that they can see the transport coming behind them.)
  • Where are pedestrians required to cross the street and how? (Along the transition, at a calm pace.)
  • What is a signalized intersection? (This is an intersection at which traffic is regulated by a police officer or a traffic light.)
  • How should you cross the street if there is no traffic controller? (Make sure it’s safe, look to the left, when you reach the middle of the road, look to the right.)
  • When can you cross the street at signalized intersections? (When the traffic light is green or the traffic controller gives permission.)
  • What traffic lights do you know? What does each signal mean?
  • What signals do you know from a traffic policeman? What is their significance for pedestrians?
  • Why can't you play on the road? (This is life-threatening.)
  • What do you call a person who rides in a vehicle but does not drive it? (passenger)
  • A place to wait for transport? (stop) Task 3 – competition for captains “Fix the traffic light”.


I blink my eyes
Relentlessly day and night.
And I help cars,
And I want to help you.
(Traffic light.)

(On the floor there are models of traffic lights without signals and circles: red, green, yellow. Captains must in the right order put traffic light signals on the model. The first one to complete the task correctly wins.)

Task 4 – physical training “ Red, yellow, green» (the assignment is not graded) Target: development of attention and memory.

Leading : I will show you circles of different colors: green circle - everyone clapping their hands together and marching in place; yellow circle– raise their hands up; red - silent and standing still.

5 task - “Riddles about vehicles.”

Leading. So that the ardor of fun does not fade away,
To make time go faster.
Friends, I invite you
Let's get to the riddles quickly.

(Riddles are given to each team in turn).

There is both water and air,
The one that moves on land
It carries cargo and people.
What is this? Tell me quickly! ( Transport)

Early in the morning outside the window
Knocking, and ringing, and chaos.
Along straight steel tracks

Red houses are walking around.

Amazing carriage!
Judge for yourself:
The rails are in the air, and he

He holds them with his hands.

This horse doesn't eat oats
Instead of legs there are two wheels.

Rushes and shoots
He grumbles quickly.
I can't keep up with the tram,
Behind this chatter.

Where they build new house,
A warrior walks with a shield,
Where he passes, it will become smooth,
There will be a flat area.

A car with a red cross passes by

She ran to help the patient.

This car has a special color:

It’s as if he’s wearing a snow-white robe.


What a miracle this house is,

The windows are bright all around.

Wears rubber shoes

And it runs on gasoline.


Presenter: Well done! That's right, you solved all the riddles. What type of transport do all our riddles relate to?

Children: To the ground.

Task 6 – game “Think - Guess”.

Rules: it is necessary to give the correct individual answer, and not shout it out in chorus. The team that receives the most tokens for correct answers wins. I will ask you questions, whoever knows the correct answer should raise their hand.

Children sit in a semicircle.

How many wheels does it have? passenger car? (Four.)

How many people can ride on one bike? (One.)

Who walks on the sidewalk? (A pedestrian.)

Who is driving the car? (Driver.)

What is the name of the place where two roads intersect? (Crossroads.)

What is the roadway for? (For traffic.)

On which side of the roadway is traffic moving? (On the right.)

What can happen if a pedestrian or driver violates traffic rules? (Accident or accident.)

What is the top light at a traffic light? (Red.)

At what age are children allowed to ride bicycles on the street? (From 14 years old.)

How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have? (Two.)

How many signals does a traffic light have? (Three.)

What animal does the crosswalk look like? (To the zebra.)

How can a pedestrian get into the underground passage? (Down the stairs.)

If there is no sidewalk, where can a pedestrian walk? (On the side of the road on the left, towards traffic.)

Which cars are equipped with special sound and light signals? Ambulance", fire and police cars.)

What is the traffic police inspector holding in his hand? (Rod.)

What signal does a car give when turning right? (The right small light blinks.)

Where should you play so as not to be in danger? (In the yard, on the playground.)

Summarizing. Presenter: Well done, guys! Why do you think we repeated the traffic rules today? (Children's answers).

Now let's count the tokens and find out which team knows the rules of the road best. You completed all the tasks correctly, and therefore we present each of you with the “Know-It-All Traffic Rules” medal.

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