Visas to Serbia. Kosovo – Serbia: entry features and visa requirements

Do you need a visa to Serbia? On the eve of a trip to the republic, this question will undoubtedly arise among Russian travelers. The rules for visiting the state for our compatriots are very loyal. For now, Serbia is not going to introduce visas for Russians. But everything will change if the country joins Schengen.

When is a Serbian visa not required?

The European state, located on the Balkan Peninsula, is known for its hospitality. Russians will not need a visa to travel to the republic. True, the visa-free regime has certain limitations. It all depends on how long the visitor will stay in Serbia and what the purpose of the trip will be. That is, you can visit the country visa-free if 2 conditions are met:

  1. A citizen will not remain on the territory of a European power for more than a month.
  2. The purposes of your stay in the Balkans will be limited to:
  • recreation, tourism, excursion, entertainment and cultural programs;
  • meetings with relatives, friends, acquaintances;
  • negotiations with business partners or clients;
  • in transit (for example, to neighboring Hungary, which is part of Schengen).

In other cases, a visa to Serbia is required. It is also worth remembering that if the republic is included in Schengen, a visa will be required to visit it for any period and purpose of entry. But if this happens, it will not be very soon.

Documents for “visa-free”

There are no serious requirements when crossing the Serbian border. Persons arriving in the state without a visa must present:

  1. International passport. The document must be valid for at least 3 months by the time the guest returns home. However, the passport validity requirement is not very strict.
  2. Tickets to Serbia and back. If you are making a transfer during transit, you need tickets to your destination.
  3. Voucher or documents confirming your check-in at the hotel (confirmed reservation).
  4. Material guarantees. Examples include cash or bank statements. The minimum amount per day is 50 euros.
  5. Insurance policy. The tourist chooses the financial level of covering the costs of medical treatment independently.

As you can see, the list is small. Moreover, only a foreigner is required to present it. Typically, the entire border check is completed in a matter of seconds.

Subtleties of a children's trip

If you are making a visa-free trip to a Balkan state with a child, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. A minor must have his own foreign passport. Also, a young tourist will be allowed to cross the border if there is a record of him in his parent’s passport.
  2. A young traveler can enter Serbia without a visa with both parents or only with mom or dad. In the second case, the parent not participating in the tour draws up the consent form. It is certified by a notary.
  3. If the child travels alone or with someone else, both parents agree. It is also notarized.
  4. If the second parent of a minor citizen is deceased or absent, this is confirmed by one of the documents:
  • death certificate;
  • a police certificate;
  • a certificate from the registry office in form 25;
  • a copy of the court decision on deprivation of parental rights.

The nuances of staying in Serbia without a visa

There are no complex requirements for “visa-free” guests. But visitors must register. This must be done within 24 hours of arrival.

In practice, registration is almost never verified. But it is recommended to follow the established procedure to avoid any trouble. For accommodation without registration, a fine of 5 euros per day is imposed.

Visitors can register at the police station at their place of stay. In hotels, guests are registered by the administration, and in private houses - by their owners. The registered citizen receives “white cardboard”. It confirms that the foreign citizen is legally in the country.

To register with the police, you need:

  1. Buy white cardboard (at a kiosk or bookstore).
  2. Fill in the form with basic information about yourself and the timing of your visit.
  3. Go to the police station and stamp the cardboard.

How can I extend visa-free travel?

Often “visa-free” guests want to stay in the country for longer than a month. This possibility exists. A foreigner only needs to leave Serbia for a short time and return back. The period of visa-free stay will begin to count again.

In addition, directly on the territory of the Balkan state you can obtain a “privremi borawak” - a residence permit for a period of either up to 3 or from 3 months. The relevant documents are submitted to the police department immediately after entry.

Is it possible to visit Serbia with a Schengen visa?

Yes it is possible. It is only necessary that Schengen be valid. The maximum stay in the republic on a Schengen visa C is 3 months over a six-month period.

It is important to know! A Serbian visa in hand is not a pass to Schengen. You cannot visit any territory of the Schengen zone on its basis.

When is a Serbian visa required?

In some cases, a visa to Serbia is still required for Russians. It will have to be opened if the tour lasts longer than a month. A visa is also required for those who are traveling to the country for non-tourist, private or short-term business purposes. An entry document is issued if a foreigner goes to a European country to work, study or conduct business.

Where are visas issued?

A visa to Serbia can be obtained based on an application and supporting documentation. The visa application is submitted to the consular section of the Serbian embassy. The diplomatic department is located in Moscow at st. Mosfilmovskaya, 46.

The diplomatic mission receives visitors on weekdays (except Wednesdays and official holidays). Everyone who has applied for a visa to Serbia notes a fairly fast processing time for applications. If a complete package of papers is submitted, the dossier will be studied within 5–6 days.

It is advisable that the candidate bring the documents in person. However, it is acceptable to delegate this mission to a third party. In this case, a power of attorney is drawn up.

Visa documentation

The set of papers prepared by applicants for a Serbian visa includes:

  1. Visa Application:
  • the form is the same for all purposes of entry;
  • Data can be entered in Russian (you can also answer in Serbian or English).
  1. International passport valid for 3 months on the day the visa is issued. There are no limits on the suitability of a foreigner at the time of the foreigner’s return to his homeland.
  2. Photocopied pages of a foreigner with personal information.
  3. Photocopied pages of a Russian passport with personal information.
  4. Photos:
  • 2 pieces;
  • 3.5 by 4.5 cm.
  1. Confirmation of purpose of stay:
  • an invitation from an employer from Serbia (for those who travel to the republic to work);
  • an invitation from a school/university (for those who are going to receive education in a European country);
  • an invitation from an individual or legal entity (for those who plan to engage in entrepreneurial activity).
  1. Evidence of financial stability (50 euros daily):
  • cash;
  • credit cards;
  • account statements;
  • travel checks;
  • sponsorship letter and confirmation of the sponsor's financial security (for the financially dependent and unemployed).
  1. Certificate from the employer.
  2. Certificate from school/university (for students).
  3. Photocopied pension card (for those who have retired).
  4. Medical certificate confirming that the applicant does not have dangerous diseases and has undergone vaccination (submitted if necessary).
  5. Medical insurance (at least 20 thousand euros).
  6. For minors you will also need:
  • birth certificate;
  • consent of the parent(s) (if necessary).

A long-term Serbian visa will cost 110 euros. You can stay in the state for up to 3 months with a document in hand. To extend your stay, you will need to submit a corresponding application.

Visit to Kosovo

Kosovo is a partially recognized state that seceded from Serbia. The government of the autonomous region has introduced visas for citizens of a number of territories (including Russians). Violating the visa regime can result in a prison sentence. The Russian Foreign Ministry strongly advises against traveling to Kosovo and Metohija.

However, entry into the autonomous region is legally possible:

  1. When submitting an application online. To obtain the visa itself, you will need a passport. For Russians, Kosovo visas are issued on an insert sheet.
  2. In special cases - through the Pristina airport with the prior consent of the Kosovo authorities. Visas are not issued at other checkpoints.
  3. With a visa obtained from the Kosovo diplomatic mission in Istanbul.

You can also enter Kosovo via Schengen. A Schengen visa must be multiple-entry (multi-entry). Staying in a self-proclaimed state is allowed for no longer than 15 days.

Probably everyone already knows that Serbia has introduced visa-free entry for Russians. Many have already taken the opportunity and visited this country with a unique cultural heritage. But this does not apply to Kosovo - part of the Serbian state. The visa regime here is special and does not apply. And this applies not only to citizens of Russia, but also to Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Turkmenistan and other eighty countries.

This may be a visit to the country for the purpose of tourism or on business; a visa to Kosovo is still required.

Attention! There is an exception to the rule. Anyone who has a multiple-entry Schengen visa has the right to stay on Kosovo soil for up to 15 days.

The issuance of a visa by citizens of the Russian Federation and legal entry into the territory of this autonomous region can occur:

  • at the border upon arrival at Pristina airport, if prior permission has been obtained from the Kosovo authorities (an exception to the rule). If you are crossing a land checkpoint, entry documents will not be issued here;
  • through the Consulate General; there are two that issue visas: in Turkish Istanbul and Albanian Tirana;
  • by submitting your visa application online at the following email address: [email protected]. But to obtain an entry permit (visa on an insert), you will have to appear in person and simply present your passport (original); this must be done no later than ten days before travel.

It usually takes no more than 15 days to process your application.

Kosovo is a special autonomous region. It is not controlled by the Serbian authorities, and will require its guests to strictly adhere to the visa regime. If any violations are detected, the police may detain you and even take you into custody.

Unfortunately, there are no diplomatic missions or consulates of the Republic of Kosovo on Russian territory. It is thanks to this circumstance that any Russian can obtain a visa right at the border.

But do not forget that customs officers may refuse to issue you a document. And all because specific requirements, as well as the conditions for refusal, were not announced when establishing a visa regime.

Important! Do you want to avoid force majeure circumstances? Complete all necessary paperwork for your upcoming trip to Kosovo in advance.

Required documents

The set is completely normal, as for a visa to any other country:

  • foreign passport - original with a copy;
  • application form - must be completed in any of the languages: Serbian, Albanian or English;
  • hotel reservation or payment confirmation;
  • photo in color (3.5 x 4.5);
  • tickets, including back side, reservation is also suitable;
  • bank account statement for three months as a financial guarantee, cash;
  • health insurance policy – ​​from 30 thousand euros per person entering;
  • 40 euros – visa fee.

Please note that your passport must remain valid for at least three months. Usually you need one photo, but have two ready, just in case. And a copy must be made of each document. If there is an invitation, prepare that too.

You must submit all documents in person, having paid the consular fee in advance.

If you are traveling from Russia to Kosovo with a child, you will need:

  • his birth certificate;
  • if available, for the child or parent, where information about him is entered;
  • For a minor entering the region without accompanying persons, a power of attorney for departure certified by a notary is required. If he is accompanied by one parent, then consent from the second, especially notarized, will not be needed, unless he previously stated that he does not agree to his child’s departure from the Russian Federation.

If your trip is short and lasts a couple of weeks, then it is much easier to apply for a national visa to Kosovo. Plus it's faster. Any travel agency will help you with this. Here you will be provided with assistance in collecting all the necessary documents and quickly obtaining Schengen. And Kosovo is open to you for 15 days. This is exactly what many Russians do.

Here you can have a decent rest for a reasonable fee.

If you are entering the country by car, a prerequisite is the purchase of one, which is sold at every border crossing for 50 euros per car, for a period of 14 days. If you are hoping to travel under a Green Card policy, you will not be able to. It is not valid in Kosovo - a separate visa is required.

Cost of entry permits to Kosovo (in euros)

  • category A – airport, when it is allowed to stay only within the transit zone of the airport, without going beyond it – 25;
  • B – transit – 30;
  • C – short-term – 40;
  • D – national long-term, with the right to stay exclusively on the territory of Kosovo – 50.

In total, you can stay in the country for no more than three months, with a permit issued for 180 days.

Features of visiting Kosovo and Serbia

If you plan to visit Serbia and its special region of Kosovo at the same time, this information is especially useful for you.

You can enter Kosovo from Serbia by any road and then go back. But if you continued your journey to Montenegro, Macedonia or Albania, you will no longer be able to return to Serbia by the same route.

Attention! Anyone who entered the Republic of Kosovo from another (third) country cannot travel to Serbia. According to the laws of this country, such a foreigner is considered to have illegally crossed the Serbian border.

The Kosovo visa itself is not particularly important for border guards at the customs point at the entrance to Serbia. You will not be fined, especially since no one will deport you for it, or even deny you entry. It is important that from Kosovo you go to Montenegro or Macedonia and only from there to Serbia. The only prohibition is traveling to the country with a Kosovo entry visa.

There is another place that allows you to bypass the Kosovo customs border guards.

Part of Kosovska Mitrovica, in northern Kosovo, is Serbian. It belongs to the Serbian local government, but not to the Serbian state.

The territory located between Serbia and the Serbian part of Kosovo (the border near Raska) is occupied by international peacekeeping forces. The Kosovo entry visa in a foreigner’s passport is of little concern to them. This fact is not verified by them. So this road to Kosovo is open, even if you have not received a visa. True, it is very doubtful that you will want to “tickle your nerves” in such a way and take advantage of this loophole, which allows you to be relatively legitimately in this territory.

Finally, we remind you once again that the Russian authorities do not recommend visiting the Republic of Kosovo. Still, it's risky, better visit.

Visas were introduced by Pristina for the first time in history. Now citizens from 87 countries of the world will not be able to visit this region, which broke away from Serbia. The Albanian government of Kosovo stated that the visa regime was introduced only for those countries that threaten the security of the young state, and that this is solely for the purpose of ensuring peace and stability between peoples. It is believed that the new regime will ensure the protection of this republic from crime, including the slave trade and illegal migration. It will also contribute to the development of tourism.

These states include the Russian Federation, which, like most of these eighty-seven countries, has not recognized the independence of the province of Kosovo.

After the Yugoslav conflict in the nineties, Serbia's historical region of Kosovo seceded into an independent republic. True, its official status is not recognized by everyone in the world. Kosovo has its own government, its own president and parliament. A partially recognized country lives its own life, which concerns all spheres of politics, culture and society. Among other things, it determines the procedure for the entry of citizens of foreign states into its territory.
But not everything is as simple as it seems.

The Constitution of Serbia states that the territory of the Republic of Kosovo is part of the Republic of Serbia, which is part of it as the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija. But in fact, the Serbian authorities do not control Kosovo, while the region of Northern Kosovo, populated mainly by Serbs, is not subordinate to the authorities in Pristina.

So those who are planning a trip to this region should know that Serbia considers Kosovo its territory, which has gotten out of control, and for this reason does not want to recognize valid passport stamps made in Kosovo.

A simultaneous visit to Kosovo and Serbia has a number of features. Driving into Kosovo from Serbia on almost any road (excluding northern Kosovo) is no problem. As well as further continuation of the journey to Montenegro, Macedonia or Albania. But entry into Serbia from Kosovo for a foreigner is regarded as illegal border crossing, which may entail a fine or deportation from the country.

One more thing, if you entered Kosovo from a third country, then you can leave from there only to a third country, but not to Serbia.

Keep this in mind when planning your Balkan route.

For Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians, Serbia is a visa-free country. But to get to Kosovo they will need a visa. Because the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus did not recognize the independence of Kosovo. In case of direct violation of the visa regime, including entry through the north of Kosovo, a police document check can result in detention and imprisonment.

A Kosovo visa is not issued at the border; it can only be obtained at the consulate. Just a couple of years ago, there were only two diplomatic departments issuing visas to Kosovo - in Istanbul (Turkey) and Tirana (Albania), now there are already 14, consulates have been added in Skopje (Macedonia), Vienna (Austria), New York (USA) , Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), Sofia (Bulgaria), Budapest (Hungary), Tokyo (Japan), Brussels (Belgium), Berlin (Germany), Paris (France), Zagreb (Croatia), London (Great Britain).

To obtain a visa you will need: an application form, a photo, proof of solvency (e.g. a bank statement), documents indicating the purpose of the trip (hotel reservations or a notarized letter of invitation from the host party in Kosovo), round trip tickets (or return ticket to a third country), medical insurance, 40 euros. All documents accompanying the visa must be translated into Albanian, Serbian or English. They are submitted in person (!) no earlier than three months before the start of the intended trip.

Those who have a valid multiple-entry Schengen visa or a residence permit issued by one of the Schengen countries are exempt from the need to obtain an entry and transit visa.

Note! A single Schengen visa does not give the right to enter the country; only a multi-entry visa is required.

Those with EU and Swiss citizenship can enter Serbia using internal passports (identification cards). Entry into Serbia is prohibited with a Kosovo passport.

The maximum period of stay in Kosovo for citizens of visa-free countries (and there are 105 of them that have recognized the independence status of the republic) is 90 days per six months, for citizens of visa countries with a residence permit or multi-Schengen visa - 15 days.

Citizens of Kosovo themselves can travel without visas to only 6 countries: Albania, Turkey, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Maldives.

A small nuance
Since Russia does not recognize Kosovo as an independent state, the presence of a Kosovo visa in a foreign passport can formally be considered an “unauthorized addition” and lead to the passport being invalidated and confiscated in Russia; but actual cases of such seizure are unknown.

Based on materials:

Russian citizens do not need a visa to enter Serbia if the purpose of the visit is tourism, visiting friends or relatives, transit, or a business trip. The maximum period of stay in the country without a visa is 30 days. When going through passport control, you must present a passport valid at the time of entry into the country.

In accordance with migration legislation, you must also have a sufficient amount of cash (cash, traveler's checks, bank cards) for the entire period of stay in the country at the rate of 50 euros per person per day and medical insurance, the amount of coverage of which is at least 20 thousand euros . In practice, both are rarely checked.

Citizens whose purpose of visit is to work or study in Serbia must apply for a visa in advance at the consular department of the Serbian Embassy in Moscow.

Entry into Kosovo

Starting from July 1, 2013, Kosovo introduced a visa regime for citizens of 89 countries, including the Russian Federation and the CIS. The visa must be issued in advance at the Consulate General of the Republic of Kosovo in Istanbul. Reception is by appointment only; applications must be sent to the Consulate General's email address:

After confirming the appointment time at the consulate, the applicant must appear in person to submit documents. Documents sent by mail are not accepted.

To obtain a visa, the following documents are required:

  • application form completed in Albanian, Serbian or English;
  • a foreign passport valid for at least three months at the time the visa expires;
  • 1 color photograph 3.5 x 4.5 cm;
  • booking tickets (air, bus)
  • documents confirming the purpose of the visit: hotel reservation or a notarized letter of invitation from the host party in Kosovo;
  • health insurance policy valid for the entire duration of the trip. The amount of coverage must be at least 30,000 euros;
  • confirmation of sufficient funds for the trip (bank statement for the last 3 months).

All documents must be accompanied by photocopies, as well as translation into Albanian, Serbian or English. The consular fee is 40 euros. The fee is paid in Turkish lira at the rate on the day of payment using a bank card directly at the consulate or in cash/bank card at any bank in Istanbul.

The visa processing time ranges from 1 to 15 days, depending on the workload of the consulate.

Duration of stay in Kosovo and visa validity is up to 90 days. This period can be extended for another 90 days by contacting directly the Department of Citizenship, Asylum and Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kosovo

Holders of multiple-entry Schengen visas do not require a Kosovo national visa. At the time of entry into Kosovo, the Schengen visa must be “open”. The period of stay on this visa is 15 days.

If you enter Kosovo by car, you must purchase car insurance (sold at all border crossings). Green Card policies issued in European countries or the Former Yugoslavia are not valid in Kosovo. The cost of insurance is 50 euros per car, validity period is 14 days.

Russians to visit Serbia in 2019 no visa required, provided the trip lasts no more than 30 days and will be of a tourist, transit, private or business nature. For employment, training, commercial activities or longer holidays, a visa to Serbia is issued. A separate entry document will be required for a visit to an area of ​​Kosovo that is not controlled by Serbian authorities.

Visa-free entry

At the border, it is enough to present a passport valid for more than 90 days after leaving the country. In rare cases, border guards may ask for a number of other documents, so we recommend preparing:

  • Medical insurance with coverage of 20,000 EUR.
  • Confirmation of financial solvency at the rate of 50 EUR per tourist per day (bank statement, cash, traveler's checks);
  • Copies of hotel reservations and return tickets.

After checking the documents, the border guard puts a visa-free stamp in the foreigner’s passport, which will give the right to 30 days of residence in the country. It is possible to obtain such a stamp at any checkpoint in the country, regardless of whether the tourist arrived by bus or by plane. There is no need to pay any fees upon entry. You also do not need to fill out a migration card.

Registration at the place of stay

Within 24 hours of entering the country, all foreigners are required to register with the local police station and receive a so-called “white card”. In practice, this must be done no later than 12 o’clock on the day following the day of arrival. We recommend registering, since the absence of “white card” may become the basis for the application of penalties when leaving the country.

"White cardboard"
- this is a small card that contains the tourist’s full name and residential address; it is necessary to open a bank account, purchase a SIM card, etc. If a traveler stays at a hotel, then the administration deals with registration issues. If a foreigner rents a house or lives with friends, then he will have to obtain the “white cardboard” himself. To do this, you should contact the police department together with the owner of the residential premises and pay a fee for the form (about 2 EUR). Registration takes just a few minutes: an employee will check the documents and mark the form.

Extension of visa-free entry period

To extend a 30-day stay in Serbia, it is enough to travel to a neighboring country (Bosnia, Romania) and return back. When you return, your passport will be stamped again for 30 days and you can continue your holiday without a visa. Theoretically, the number of such visa-runs is not limited, since the maximum period that a Russian can spend in the country within the framework of visa-free entry for a year is not officially established.

Obtaining a long-term visa at the Embassy

If you plan to stay in Serbia for a longer period of time, you will need to apply for a visa. Also this The rule applies to foreigners entering the country for employment, family reunion, or education. In all cases, a single visa is issued to visit the state, the package of documents for which is as follows:

  1. International passport with a “reserve” of 3 months and its copy.
  2. Copy of Russian passport.
  3. . Filled out in Latin manually or using a computer.
  4. Two photographs measuring 3.5x4.5 cm.
  5. Copies of travel tickets. To travel by personal vehicle, you need to provide car papers, a driver's license and insurance.
  6. Medical insurance with coverage of 20,000 EUR.
  7. Confirmation of financial well-being (minimum 50 EUR per travel participant per day). Bank statements and certificates from the employer are accepted). Persons who do not have a regular source of income or funds in their account provide a sponsorship letter in which the sponsor assumes all expenses for the trip.

Documents are submitted in person or through an authorized representative. The application is reviewed within 7 days.

For children

Children over 14 years old must have a passport. Younger minors may be included in their parents' documents. If a child is traveling with one parent, the second parent must provide consent to leave the Russian Federation with notarization. The same document will be needed if the child is accompanied by third parties, but then consent is required from both parents. If it is not possible to obtain a document due to the absence of mom or dad, then you should prepare documentary evidence of this fact:

  1. Court decision on deprivation of parental rights;
  2. Certificate No. 25 from the registry office;
  3. Certificate from law enforcement agencies about the unknown whereabouts of the second parent;
  4. Death certificate.

Visa cost

The visa fee is 40 EUR for a tourist and visitor visa, 110 EUR - for a work or business visa.

Valid term of a visa

The visa is valid for a year and gives the right to 90 days of residence in the country. If there are serious reasons, the visa can be extended for a similar period. But this is an exceptional measure and compelling reasons for an extension are needed.

Serbia transit visa

A transit visa for citizens of countries with which a visa-free regime has been established is not required. At the border it is enough to present your passport. In some cases, border guards may inquire about tickets and visas to the destination country.

Customs regulations of Serbia

The import and export of foreign currency is not prohibited. But the amount is limited to 2000 USD. Cash in larger amounts is allowed to be exported only if it was previously included in the declaration. You are free to export currency withdrawn from your own account, but you must provide receipts. The import and export of national currency over 120 thousand RSD is prohibited.

It is allowed to carry out:

  • 1 liter of alcohol;
  • 250 ml of perfume products;
  • 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars;
  • Medicines and medical equipment for personal use

The import of drugs, explosives, poisons, psychotropic substances, and weapons is prohibited.

Video: seminar on traveling and living in Serbia for Russians

Visa to Kosovo

Kosovo deserves special attention. In the past, this region was part of Serbia. Currently, it is an independent state entity, to visit which Russians need a visa. The Republic of Kosovo is a country that is not recognized by all powers of the world, including Russia. Therefore, there are no diplomatic relations between the Russian Federation and Kosovo, and there is no Embassy of this country on Russian territory. So, you will have to go to another state to get a visa.

As indicated on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo (,102), Russians will be able to obtain a visa at one of the diplomatic missions located in Tirana or Istanbul:

  • Kosovo Embassy in Tirana (Albania): Ambasada e Republikës së Kosovës në TiranëRr. Donika Kastrioti, Vila nr 6 ( [email protected]).
  • Kosovo Embassy in Istanbul (Turkey): Konsullata e Përgjithshme e Republikës së Kosovës në Stamboll Vali Konağı Cad. No: 74 D 3 Nişantaşı ( [email protected]).

photo requirements

Visa applications should be sent to email. After confirmation, a time is set to visit the diplomatic mission. In this case, you need to have the following documentation with you:

  1. International passport with a “reserve” of 3 months;
  2. One color photo measuring 3.5x4.5 cm;
  3. Booking travel tickets (airplane, bus);
  4. Medical insurance with “coverage” of 30,000 EUR;
  5. Confirmation of financial well-being (bank statement, certificate from employer).
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