Deposits in rubles. Where are the highest rates on deposits in banks

Hello, friends! I think many of you ask yourself a question: "How to choose a reliable bank", planning to open an account in the bank, arrange a loan or mortgage. The same question was not so long for me.

Interest in this topic is simply explained: first, this is another small step towards mastering the fundamentals of financial literacy. Remember, we talked about this in the article "?

Secondly, this is the first small chamber on the path of practical application of the knowledge gained to which it was not new and not at all the original idea: "Money should work."

And how to do it? Start investing (everyone is talking about this), to study stock markets, follow the economic situation, compare the proposals of various banks?

I agree, you need to invest. But for me now it is very difficult and not quite understandable, there is not enough experience and knowledge. Therefore, for a start, I decided to deal with the kind of investment, which, in fact, is not an investment, but rather, by the method of accumulating funds - bank deposits.

Why did I decide to start with this ancient and popular product? Because in our daily life, we most often come across banks and bank deposits. Perhaps, almost every person has at least a small banking "ink".

We do not experience stress by giving our money to the bank. And we are not afraid to lose your money, because, you see, the risk here is minimal. And there is no particular psychological training, which is simply necessary when investing in more risky financial instruments, such as real estate, mutual funds, Forex, PAMM accounts, investments in the stock market, in works of art, antiques, precious metals.

But we do not always know how effectively our money can work in different banks. Different deposits on different conditions and in different banks can bring a completely different income.

Let's try to deal together, what banks are the most reliable, what are the contributions and how to choose among them the most profitable, how to choose the bank for the deposit to get the highest possible income, in which currency to open the contribution and under what percentage.

There are many questions, let's go in order ...

The economic situation in our country is now difficult to call stable. The slowdown in the growth of our economy, which began in 2013, was aggravated by the fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate, closing some banks. This created a certain voltage around bank deposits.

Nevertheless, we are still and in most cases in the desire to keep money "for a black day" or save some kind of money the amount of money is opening a deposit account in the bank.

The accumulation of money in itself, as a process, I think, for the majority - the occupation is boring and monotonous. It is necessary to be a real plush to save money for money.

But if there is ahead of the exercise of the long desired - another thing.

What do you specifically want to achieve? Buy an apartment, accumulate on a comfortable old age, go around the world? This truly motivates and makes it makes something recently seemed something from the world of fiction and unrealistic desires.

The goals will be achieved if they are clear and specifically. Want to believe, you want no, but with me such things happened more than once.

So, goals are defined. And we come back to our deposits again.

To be clearer, we'll figure it out for a start with terms.

What are deposits?

Deposits (sometimes they are called contributions) - this is a type of cumulative account, which for a certain period of time and at certain agreements are placed cash in order to preserve them and receive income. These are the customer funds that are subject to mandatory return after the expiration of the contract or on the first request of the client. But at the time of placement on the deposit they are managed by the bank.

This is a very popular banking product that arose almost at one time with the banking system. Each Russian can open an unlimited number of contributions, both in one bank and in several simultaneously.

What are the contributions?

In fact, types of deposits that are offered by banks, a lot, each of whom has some of its own features, pros or cons.

But mostly deposits are divided into three main groups depending on:

  • from the deposit period - deposits "to demand" and urgent deposits
  • from the possibility of replenishment - replenished and unreserved
  • from the type of deposit currency - deposits in rubles, currency or multicurrency deposits.

What are the difference between urgent contributions from the deposits "to demand"?

From the service life of money in the bank.

According to urgent deposits, which are placed on a certain period (from 1 month to several years), the expiry of the agreed period is paid.

If the client takes his money until the end of the term provided for by the Agreement, the Bank can return only the initial amount of the contribution, the interest on the deposit may be accrued in part. Some banks in case of early termination of the contract can return fully accrued interest, but usually at such deposits are low interest rates.

According to the contribution of "to demand", the funds are posted for an indefinite period, the client is returned on the first request, and interest rates on them are much lower than on urgent deposits.

Replenished and unproduced deposits

Everything is clear here. If the contribution is replenished, then this means that additional amounts can be made to the deposit account that will increase the total deposit amount and, accordingly, income on it.

If the contribution is unpopulated, the initial deposit amount cannot be increased, and interest will be accrued only to it.

What currency to discover the contribution?

In Russian banks, you can open ruble deposits, deposits in foreign currency or multicurrency deposits. The feature of multicurrency deposits: on one account you can accommodate several amounts in different currencies, each of which will be accrued to your percentage. It should also be borne in mind that interest on currency accounts is always lower than on ruble deposits.

How to choose the most profitable contribution?

What do you usually pay attention to when choosing a deposit? Of course, the interest rates (equivalent of money remuneration, which receives a client for giving the bank its funds for use).

First of all, we are attracted by high interest rates (banks always indicate the annual interest rate), which may depend on the amount of the contribution, from the period of placement of the contribution, on whether the contribution is replenised or not, from its type (urgent or "demand" ), from capitalization and some other factors that we will talk about later.

We will make a reservation at once that very high interest on deposits is not always a sign of a good bank.

Usually after the conclusion of the contract, the Bank cannot unilaterally change the amount of interest rate, but there are exceptions (this concerns contributions with the capitalization of interest and prolongation).

How are interest accrued on deposits?

First option:at the end of the deposit period, interest are accrued on the initial amount.

Second option:the interest payment is made with a certain frequency (regular payments), for example, once a month or quarter. In this case, interest is listed on a plastic card or another account.

Third option: Capitalization of interest on the contribution.

This means the following: interest in the amount of the deposit is added during a certain period, and in the next period, interest will be accrued already for a large amount. This method of interest payments is sometimes called a "complex percentage" and can be produced once a month, once a quarter, once a year or in connection with the end of the contract.

As already noted, contributions with capitalization usually have a lower percentage, but the income can be higher.

And a few more concepts that need to be understood by addressing bank deposits.

Prolongation of deposit - This is the automatic extension of the deposit agreement after its expiration and placement of the deposit for a new term without the participation of the Client.

If the prolongation is not provided, the means (the main amount plus accrued interest) will be transferred to the client's account, and the percentage from this moment will not be accrued. In order to resume their accrual, you need to come to the bank and open a new account. True, it must be borne in mind that prolongation is not covered by all types of deposits, and to take advantage of this service, it is necessary to stipulate it in advance in the contract.

To open an account, the Bank will require only a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (sometimes they may ask to submit any second document, for example, a passport). If you want to open a contribution to a relative, it is enough to provide its documents or notarized copies of documents.

Favorable deposits

So, we found out which deposits are how interest is accrued and what conditions are for various contributions. And also figured out that the interest rate that fluctuates mainly from 3 to 10 percent depends on many factors.

The goal you pursue, opening a deposit, ultimately should determine your selection of the contribution. It is it that determines what conditions for you are important and what you give preference (term, currency, interest rate and other conditions).

Someone wants to make a profit at any cost due to high percent, ignoring possible risks and losses. Someone makes up lower rates, but at the same time such conditions are important as the ability to replenish the score or take part of the money, capitalization, short term of investment, reliability.

Often you can meet in banks a good offer for pensioners with a higher interest rate. There are good special offers or seasonal shares that are satisfied with banks on some occasion for a short time.

For example, if I wanted to accumulate funds for an expensive purchase, I would prefer a long-term replenished contribution with monthly capitalization, although with a smaller interest rate.

But in general, such a way of investing, which includes bank deposits, today is not the most profitable option. The amount of bets compared to what was a couple of years, significantly reduced. And to find, for example, a contribution under 10% per annum, you need to try to very much.

And you need to understand that there is such a rule: the more the bank offers contribution opportunities (for example, replenishment, capitalization, partial removal), the lower the percentage on this contribution.

Where and how to search for information about banks?

Banks that offer us their services, there are a lot in our country. And sometimes the search for a suitable bank can stretch for a long time. I hope to navigate this simple tips on this issue.

One way to somehow navigate in the choice of bank is to look at its ratings. Ratings of Russian banks are mainly of such Russian rating agencies as the national rating agency (NRA), Expert RA, Rus-Rating, AK & M, among which the Agency Expert RA Agency is considered the best.

The largest international agencies (Fitch, Moody's and S & P) work only with the largest Russian banks, and the average banks do not fall into the field of their vision.

You can also make certain conclusions, reading the Bank's credit reporting, which is published on the website of the Central Bank or on the Bank of Russia website. But to figure it out in these reports, perhaps, only by a specialist. To us, simple customers, you can try happiness on the portal, where information is already presented in a more accessible form, which may understand the unprofessional.

The reliability of the Bank is determined by its financial indicators. For analysis, we compare the current assets of the bank with indicators that were a year ago and for the past month. The sign of the reliability and stability of the bank - the large assets at the moment and their increase compared to the past periods.

Also testifies to the reliability of the bank the amount of its own funds (authorized capital).

According to the Finmarket news agency, as of March 1 (on April 1, the list did not change) to the list of Russia's largest banks include: Ak Bars, Alfa-Bank, Bank St. Petersburg, Bank of Moscow, Russian Standard Bank, Binbank , Revival Bank, East KB, VTB, CJSC VTB24, GPB, MDM Bank, Minb, Moscow Credit Bank, Nomos Bank, Nordea Bank, Petrocommerz, Promsvyazbank, Raiffeisenbank, Rosbank, Rosselkhozbank, AB " Russia, Sberbank, Sitibank, Sitibank, NB Trust, Uralsib, Khanty-Mansiysk Bank, HCF-Bank, Unicreditbank.

What else, according to banking analysts and experts, you need to pay attention?

1. The need to evaluate the bank's reliability based on reporting analysis , paying attention to such criteria as a deterioration or violation of mandatory standards for banking organization (which can lead to the review of the license), for not their own payments and the difficulties that have emerged on the repayment of their own debts, to large cash turnover, which significantly exceed the bank's assets and Do not have an economic rationale for significant investments in mutual impacts and stocks (this can serve as a signal to the emergence of large problems in the early future), on any sharp reduction in the balance sheet indicators without reasonable explanations.

With such information, you can find in the reporting on the Central Bank of the Central Bank, in the media, on the portal And although it seems to me that it seems to be fully reliable than the bank's reliability on the basis of such an analysis of specialized reporting, the ordinary client seems very difficult, but it is quite possible to understand some of the main points that it is quite possible that at least partially help reduce the risk level.

2. On the size of the bank. Almost 100 percent applied to large federal and regional banks: "Too big to go bankrupt." Information on their assets, which indicate the magnitude of the bank, can also be found in the reports of analytical centers, in the ratings of Russian and international agencies. Of course, this does not exclude the fact that among small banks, there are those that deserve attention.

3. On bad news about the bank You want to entrust your money (especially if this amount is more than 700,000 rubles). Negative information that may appear in the media or in the news feed on the Bank page on the portal "" (such a page on the portal have about 600 banks), at a minimum, should be alert.

4. On the fall of ratings which can be lowered by rating agencies. The fact of the lack of rating has the credit institutions (which can serve as evidence of the bank's reluctance to provide information to the rating agencies, trying to hide something negative).

5. At high deposit rates . The overestimated rates that significantly exceed the average level, or their sharp increase may be evidence that the Bank lacks its own funds. And, trying to attract more customers at the expense of more profitable, at first glance, proposals, the credit institution is trying to pay off his debts. This may be evidence of increased risk.

How to understand what is the overestimated bet or not? In this case, it is possible to navigate the results of monitoring maximum interest rates (on deposits in rubles) in the top 10 credit institutions that attract the greatest amount of deposits of individuals published by the Central Bank. In March, the maximum contribution rate amounted to 8.35%.

6. To change the schedule . Reducing the work of the bank (reducing the number of working days and period of work during the day), reducing staff - all this can serve as indirect signs of problems encountered in the bank.

7. On emerging problems when conducting monetary operations (for example, delays in removing cash, closure of deposits, quality of service), as well as mass closures of bank accounts of the bank. You can learn about this from reviews on various forums.

Deposit Insurance - Additional Security Measures

What will happen to our contribution, if we still mistaken, and our bank went bankrupt or did it take a license?

This question is worried about all depositors. In the case of bank deposits, fear for their savings, if they do not exceed the amount of 700,000 rubles, it is not worth it.

From October 1, 2008, in our country there is a system of compulsory deposit insurance, and the banks themselves are made completely free for customers. If such a trouble happens, and your bank will close, within 14 days after the occurrence of the insured event you will be returned to the deposit amount.

In one bank, the maximum amount of compensation will be 700,000 rubles for all deposits. This item should pay special attention. That is, if you have several bills in one bank in one bank, for example, 10,000,000 rubles, in which case you will receive only 700,000 rubles. Therefore, it is more expedient to open accounts in different banks and ensure that the amount on them does not exceed 700,000 rubles.

For example, putting 500,000 rubles in two banks, in the event of bankruptcy of these banks, you will receive all your money in the amount of 10,000,000 rubles. If it happens so that the deposit amount will still exceed 700,000 rubles, the remaining money must also be returned. But only all this will delay indefinitely, and the return of money will be possible only after the bank's elimination and the sale of its property.

Now the government bill on increasing insurance on deposits from 700,000 to 1 million rubles is being actively discussed (in the first reading, this bill was adopted by the State Duma last year).

So how to choose a reliable bank?

  1. Before you entrust your money to a particular bank, be sure to check the bank's affiliation to the Russian deposit insurance system. Make it simple: On the Internet you can find information on any bank now. First, select all banks in which all contributions are insured, and collect maximum information about all banks that are in your city.
  2. From this list, choose deposits with the highest percentages, after making a comparative analysis for profitability in different banks. The more you learn offers on deposits and deposits, the more chances you have to find the optimal option.
  3. Learn the ratings and financial statements of banks. And at the same time, consider not only its place in the ranking, but also the conditions of the contribution.
  4. Find out whether the Bank provides for taxes and commissions for any additional services (for example, for replenishment of the contribution, cash withdrawal, opening an account) and penalties in the event of a premature termination of the contract.
  5. Carefully read the contract!

The optimal solution, in my opinion: the reliability of the bank and relatively high percentage. But it is not necessary to forget that sometimes for an overly high rate hide big problems of the bank, which he tries to decide for our account with you.

A meaningful approach, careful analysis and inconsistency in decision making will make the right choice. But at the same time, it is not worth tightening with the decision-making, you need to appreciate my own time, money and strength. Therefore, stop dreaming, build air locks and begin to act.

I have already done my choice.

Calculator returns deposits

Let's summarize some results

If you have some kind of any month (albeit very small) the amount of free money, and you want to use them in order to accumulate the amount you need - a bank deposit in this case is a good idea.

Of course, it is not worth it to expect that such a way of accumulation will be able to provide you in the future a peaceful life for interest, but you can solve some of your problems. In addition, these funds will be in relative security, and the income received from their placement in the bank to some extent will cover growing inflation to some extent.

Passive income is a pleasant salary bonus. There are many places where people often invest in the hope of creating: a game in the foreign exchange market, deposits in cryptocurrencies, investment in companies and another. But these methods do not guarantee the result. Attaching money on any purpose, you should be aware of the risks and be ready for the defeat and loss of finance.

The least risky way to increase profits on an ongoing basis is a bank deposit. The individual provides its savings to the bank, for which the bank monthly or annually pays a certain percentage of the embedded amount.

The best interest on deposits in banks

Trust Finance should only be reliable structures. This is one of the main criteria, according to which the depositors choose the bank. Nowadays, bank crises are not uncommon. It is good to have confidence that your bank will not collapse during the next strip of financial difficulties.

The second important parameter becomes the interest rate. This is the money that you will receive as a net profit from the contribution. It is desirable that not only a high percentage, but also comfortable accompanying conditions for the contributor. Passively accumulated funds can be subsequently multiplied by starting.

To combine the reliability of the bank and profitability, we have compiled a current list of the most profitable contributions.

"My income" (Promsvyazbank)


  • currency - rubles;
  • the minimum amount is 100,000 rubles;
  • terms and interest:
    • for 91 days - 6.6%;
    • for 181 days - 6.7%;
    • 367 days - 6.7%.

Among the bank programs, this deposit has a maximum interest rate. If the client wishes to terminate the contract before the term, preferential conditions will make the process rapidly and with minimal losses. To take part of the money or replenish the deposit amount during its action.

Interest is paid at the end of the agreed period at the same expense on which the initial contribution is posted. If you close a deposit later than the deadline, only half of the accumulated interest will be paid, so observe punctuality. To open a deposit, contact either the local Promsvyazbank office, or in the PSB-Retail available on the Internet.

"Maximum Income" (Moscow Credit Bank)


  • the minimum amount is 1000 rubles; 100 US dollars; 100 euro;
  • terms and interest for deposits in rubles:
    • 95 days - 5.75%;
    • 185 days - 6.25%;
    • 370 days - 6.75%.
    • 95 days - 0.75%;
    • 185 days - 1.10%;
    • 370 days - 1.45%.
    • 95 days - 0.01%;
    • 185 days - 0.20%;
    • 370 days - 0.55%.

According to the primary agreement, interest is paid at the end of the term. However, the Bank has created the ability to connect additional options. So, the depositor can partially shoot invested funds, replenish the score, as well as require percentage monthly. To connect one or more services described, an additional contract should be concluded.

In the presence of additional conditions, percentages are provided. If the client has an annual program "Service Package", deposits in rubles will add 0.25%, and in foreign currency - 0.15%. The same amount of allowances are possible if the contribution is not in the bank office, but in the ICD online or in the ICD terminal. If you do not close the deposit on time, its action is extended automatically by increasing. And after the unclosed year, another 95 days will be added.

"Maximum Income" (Sovcombank)


  • currency - rubles, Euro dollars;
  • the minimum amount is 30000 rubles; 5000 US dollars; 5000 euros;
  • terms and interest when opening a ruble contribution in the office for up to 1 year:
    • when terminated for 31-90 days - 6.6 / 7.6% (Map "Halva");
    • when terminated for 91-180 days - 7.0 / 8.0% (Map "Halva");
    • during termination within 181-270 days - 6.6 / 7.6% ("Halva");
    • during termination within 271-365 days - 6.6 / 7.6% ("Halva").
  • terms and interest when opening a ruble contribution in the office for up to 3 years:
    • when terminated to 90 days - 6.8 / 7.8% (Map "Halva");
    • when terminated to 180 days - 7.2 / 8.2% (Map "Halva");
    • when terminated to 365 days - 6.8 / 7.8% (Map "Halva");
    • when terminated to 730 days - 6.0 / 7.0,% (Map "Halva");
    • when terminated to 1095 days - 6.0 / 7.0% (Map "Halva").
  • terms and interest when opening a ruble contribution through an Internet bank for up to 1 year:
    • during termination for 31-90 days - 6.6%;
    • during termination within 91-180 days - 7.0%;
    • when terminated for 181-270 days - 6.6%;
    • during termination within 271-365 days - 6.6%.
  • terms and interest when opening currency deposits:
    • in US dollars at 271-365 days - 1.55%;
    • in US dollars for 1095 days - 3.00%;
    • eURO by 271-365 days - 1.00%.

It is impossible to partially remove the funds, but it is allowed to replenish the score. Minimum deposit amounts - 1000 rubles, 100 dollars or euros. Interest is paid after the end of the deposit period.

"Reliable" (discovery)


  • currency - rubles, dollars, euros;
  • minimum amount - 50,000 rubles; 1000 US dollars; 1000 euros;
  • terms and interest:
    • for ruble contributions to 91 or 191 days - 6.42-7.30%;
    • in US dollars for 91 or 181 day - 0.20-0.80%;
    • in euros at 91 or 181 day - 0.10%.

Accumulated interest paid every month. Capitalization is possible: This means that with each new interest accrued, the previous ones are added to the initial amount of the contribution. The rate increases if you own a retirement card of this bank.

"Maximum percentage" (Binbank)


  • currency - rubles, dollars, euros;
  • deposit period - from 3 months to 2 years;
  • the minimum amount is 10,000 rubles; 300 US dollars; 300 euros;
  • terms and interest for ruble deposits:
    • when opening in the bank's office - 6.10-7.30%;
    • for individuals (pensioners) - 6.25-7.45%;
    • when opening over the Internet - 6.30-7.50%.
  • terms and interest for deposits in US dollars:
    • when opening in the bank's separation - 0.55-1.65%;
    • for individuals (pensioners) - 0.55-1.65%;
    • when opening over the Internet - 0.55-1.65%.
  • terms and interest for contributions to euros:
    • when opening in the bank's separation - 0.01%;
    • for individuals (pensioners) - 0.01%;
    • when opening over the Internet - 0.01%.

During the period of the deposit, it is impossible to replenish it, take part of the money or receive monthly payments. The entire embedded amount together with interest is returned to the depositor after the end of the agreed period.

"Profitable" (Rosselkhozbank)


  • currency - rubles, dollars;
  • dates of opening of the deposit - from 31 to 1460 days;
  • the minimum amount is 3000 rubles; 50 US dollars;
  • interest rate for ruble deposits - up to 6.70%;
  • interest rate for deposits in US dollars - up to 2.45%.

Some of the most comfortable conditions. An individual can receive interest even with small contributions for a short time. To replenish and spend the funds cannot be replenished, but there are several options for percentages: capitalization and monthly conclusion is available.

"Profitable" (VTB 24)


  • currency - rubles;
  • minimum amount:
    • when opening a contribution online - 30000 rubles;
    • when opening a contribution to the Bank's separation - 100,000 rubles.
  • terms and interest when opening a contribution to the Bank's Office:
    • for a period of 3-5 months - 6.20 / 6.23%;
    • for a period of 6 months - 6.20 / 6.28%;
    • for a period of 13-18 months - 5.90 / 6.15%;
    • for a period of 18-24 months - 5.70 / 6.02%;
  • terms and interest when opening a contribution online:
    • for a period of 3-5 months - 6.60 / 6.64%;
    • for a period of 6 months - 6.60 / 6.69%;
    • for a period of 6-13 months - 6.15 / 6.23%;
    • for a period of 13-18 months - 6,10 / 6.29%;
    • for a period of 18-24 months - 5.90 / 6.15%;
    • for a period of 24-36 months - 5.70 / 6.02%;
    • for a period of 36-61 month - 3,10 / 3.25%.

In this deposit, increased yield, but when removing funds until the end of the contract, it is lost. Capitalization is possible. If you do not close the deposit on time, its period is automatically extended for the lowest possible time (3 months), but not more than 2 times. If you close the deposit before the deadline, you will receive 0.6% of the initial rate. But for this, the deposit period must exceed 181 days.

"Victory +" (Alpha Bank)


  • currency - rubles, dollars, euros;
  • the minimum amount is 10,000 rubles; 500 US dollars; 500 Euro;
  • interest rates:
    • in rubles - 5.5-6.23%;
    • in US dollars - 0.35-2.38%;
    • in euro - 0.01-0.20%.

It is impossible to replenish the deposit or partially to take money. Accrued interest are capitalized, but the client loses them in case of early termination of the contract.

"Savings" (Gazprombank)


  • currency - rubles, dollars, euros;
  • the minimum amount is 15,000 rubles; 500 US dollars; 500 Euro;
  • deadlines - from 3 months to 1097 days;
  • interest rates for ruble deposits:
    • in the amount of from 15,000 to 300,000 rubles - 5.6-5.8%;
    • in the amount of from 300,000 to 1,000,000 rubles - 5.8-6.0%;
    • in the amount of from 1,000,000 rubles - 6.0-6.4%;
  • interest rates for deposits in US dollars:
    • in the amount of 500 to 10,000 dollars - 0.30-1.40%;
    • in the amount of 10,000 dollars - 0.40-1.50%;
  • interest rates for contributions to euros:
    • in the amount of 500 to 10,000 euros - 0.01%;
    • in the amount of 10,000 euros - 0.01%.

A long time provides for the presence of separate conditions for interest payments. As a result, during the deposit period, over 365 days, interest is paid not at the end of the whole period, but at the end of the calendar year. It is forbidden to replenish the score or remove funds. You can extend the term of the deposit, but not automatically. To do this, you will have to visit the office of the bank.

"Pour" (Sberbank)


  • currency - rubles, dollars;
  • the minimum amount is 1000 rubles; 100 US dollars;
  • deadlines - from 3 months to 3 years;
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opening through Sberbank online (from 1000 rubles):
    • for 3-6 months - 3.70 / 3.71%;
    • for 6-12 months - 3.80 / 3.83%;
    • for 1-2 years - 3.60 / 3.66%;
    • for 2-3 years - 3.45 / 3.63%;
    • for 3 years - 3.45 / 3.63%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opening through Sberbank online (from 100,000 rubles):
    • for 3-6 months - 3.85 / 3.86%;
    • for 6-12 months - 3.95 / 3.98%;
    • for 1-2 years - 3.75 / 3.82%;
    • for 2-3 years - 3.70 / 3.83%;
    • for 3 years - 3.60 / 3.80%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opening through Sberbank online (from 400,000 rubles):
    • for 3-6 months - 4.00 / 4.01%;
    • for 6-12 months - 4.10 / 4.14%;
    • for 1-2 years - 3.90 / 3.97%;
    • for 2-3 years - 3.85 / 4.00%;
    • for 3 years - 3.75 / 3.96%.
  • terms and interest rates for refrigerated contributions when opening through Sberbank online (from 700,000 rubles):
    • for 3-6 months - 4.00 / 4.01%;
    • for 6-12 months - 4.10 / 4.14%;
    • for 1-2 years - 3.90 / 3.97%;
    • for 2-3 years - 3.85 / 4.00%;
    • for 3 years - 3.75 / 3.96%.
  • terms and interest rates for refrigerated contributions when opening through Sberbank online (from 2,000,000 rubles):
    • for 3-6 months - 4.00 / 4.01%;
    • for 6-12 months - 4.10 / 4.14%;
    • for 1-2 years - 3.90 / 3.97%;
    • for 2-3 years - 3.85 / 4.00%;
    • for 3 years - 3.75%.
  • terms and interest rates for refrigerated contributions when opening in the bank branch (from 1000 rubles):
    • for 3-6 months - 3.45 / 3.45%;
    • for 6-12 months - 3.55 / 3.58%;
    • for 1-2 years - 3.55 / 3.58%;
    • for 2-3 years - 3.30 / 3.41%;
    • for 3 years - 3.20 / 3.35%.
  • terms and interest rates for refrigerated contributions when opening in the bank branch (from 100,000 rubles):
    • for 3-6 months - 3.60 / 3.61%;
    • for 6-12 months - 3.70 / 3.73%;
    • for 1-2 years - 3.50 / 3.56%;
    • for 2-3 years - 3.45 / 3.57%;
    • for 3 years - 3.35 / 3.52%.
  • terms and interest rates for refrigerated contributions when opening in the bank branch (from 400,000 rubles):
    • for 3-6 months - 3.75 / 3.76%;
    • for 6-12 months - 3.85 / 3.88%;
    • for 1-2 years - 3.65 / 3.71%;
    • for 2-3 years - 3.60 / 3.73%;
    • for 3 years - 3.50 / 3.68%.
  • terms and interest rates for refrigerated contributions when opening in the bank branch (from 700,000 rubles):
    • for 3-6 months - 3.75 / 3.76%;
    • for 6-12 months - 3.85 / 3.88%;
    • for 1-2 years - 3.65 / 3.71%;
    • for 2-3 years - 3.60 / 3.73%;
    • for 3 years - 3.50 / 3.68%.
  • terms and interest rates for refrigerated contributions when opening in the bank branch (from 2,000,000 rubles):
    • for 3-6 months - 3.75 / 3.76%;
    • for 6-12 months - 3.85 / 3.88%;
    • for 1-2 years - 3.65 / 3.71%;
    • for 2-3 years - 3.60 / 3.73%;
    • for 3 years - 3.50 / 3.68%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opening through Sberbank online (from 100 dollars):
    • for 3-6 months - 0.25%;
    • for 6-12 months - 0.55%;
    • for 1-2 years - 0.85%;
    • for 2-3 years - 0.95%;
    • for 3 years - 1.05%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opening through Sberbank online (from $ 3000):
    • for 3-6 months - 0.30%;
    • for 6-12 months - 0.60%;
    • for 1-2 years - 0.95%;
    • for 2-3 years - 1.05%;
    • for 3 years - 1.15%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opening through Sberbank online (from 10,000 dollars):
    • for 3-6 months - 0.30%;
    • for 6-12 months - 0.60%;
    • for 1-2 years - 0.95%;
    • for 2-3 years - 1.05%;
    • for 3 years - 1.15%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opening through Sberbank online (from 20,000 dollars):
    • for 3-6 months - 0.30%;
    • for 6-12 months - 0.60%;
    • for 1-2 years - 0.95%;
    • for 2-3 years - 1.05%;
    • for 3 years - 1.15%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opening through Sberbank online (from $ 100,000):
    • for 3-6 months - 0.30%;
    • for 6-12 months - 0.60%;
    • for 1-2 years - 0.95%;
    • for 2-3 years - 1.05%;
    • for 3 years - 1.15%.
    • for 3-6 months - 0.05%;
    • for 6-12 months - 0.20%;
    • for 1-2 years - 0.50%;
    • for 2-3 years - 0.60%;
    • for 3 years - 0.70%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opening in the bank branch (from $ 3000):
    • for 3-6 months - 0.05%;
    • for 6-12 months - 0.25%;
    • for 1-2 years - 0.60%;
    • for 2-3 years - 0.70%;
    • for 3 years - 0.80%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opening in the Bank's Office (from 10,000 dollars):
    • for 3-6 months - 0.05%;
    • for 6-12 months - 0.30%;
    • for 1-2 years - 0.65%;
    • for 2-3 years - 0.75%;
    • for 3 years - 0.85%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opening in the bank branch (from 20,000 dollars):
    • for 3-6 months - 0.10%;
    • for 6-12 months - 0.40%;
    • for 1-2 years - 0.75%;
    • for 2-3 years - 0.85%;
    • for 3 years - 0.95%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opening in the bank branch (from 100 dollars):
    • for 3-6 months - 0.10%;
    • for 6-12 months - 0.40%;
    • for 1-2 years - 0.75%;
    • for 2-3 years - 0.85%;
    • for 3 years - 0.95%.

By deposits opened by pensioners, the maximum rate is set for the selected period, regardless of the deposit amount. The deposit can be freely replenished, but to make money before the expiration of the term, in whole or in part, is not permitted.

Tip: Find out what financial institutions today.

How to calculate the profitability of the deposit?

Distributing interest under the conditions of the bank is not always easy. The standard formula provides a fixed number of interest accrued and the amount of the contribution that does not change throughout the entire period. Calculation is made as follows: Deposit amount * Deposit validity time * The agreed percentage. For example: the deposit amount is 100,000 rubles, time - half a year, the interest rate is 10% per annum. As a result, we get: 100,000 * 0.5 * 10% \u003d 5,000 rubles of income.

Formula of the profitability of the deposit with capitalization Includes a few more conditions. After all, it is necessary to take into account that the size of the contribution and percent is slightly increasing for each period of their accrual. In this case, it is necessary to count so: N * (1 + p * d / d / 100) n-nwhere

  • N is the initial deposit size;
  • P is the interest rate;
  • d - calendar days, after which new percentages are accrued (as a rule, it is 30 or 31 days);
  • D - 365 or 366 days a year, depending on the current year;
  • n - how many times the interest is accrued (if the capitalization period is 30-31 days, then this number will be 12).

Common Errors when choosing a contribution

Typical opinions of most sometimes are able to lead to unpleasant situations. Banks try to play maximum benefit from customers, so customers should be attentive, choosing favorable conditions for themselves. After all, they are good for the bank and bring profits in any variations provided.

First error.The offer looks noticeable and in all respects is better than others. The interest rate is significantly higher than the average in the market. This is a signal to look at the bank itself. Positive Event Development: A big holiday and similar shares of the Bank attracts new customers. Negative option: the bank is unreliable and can collapse at any time. His action plan is based on the most important benefit from customers who want the same money in a short time. Then such organizations declare bankruptcy, and depositors lose everything.

Tip: Check each bank for deposit insurance agency in the system. This organization returns citizens' deposits in the event of the liquidation of banks. Initially dubious structures with it, as a rule, are not associated. Also on the AKB website you can see which banks are already eliminated or in the process.

Second error.You choose the maximum deposit term, because it pays the most percent. The "underwater stone" is that now the ruble exchange rate is not tied to the cost of oil. His fall and it is impossible to predict. In the event of a sudden weakening of the national currency, banks will raise new interest rates, leaving existing contributions at the same level of payments. As a result, the early termination of the treaty will return much less money to you, and without it, it is impossible to translate to new conditions of the deposit.

Tip: If you wish to take the maximum time, take the average. Preferably with capitalization of interest. The term of the deposit should not exceed one year.

Third error. The conditions of the contribution provide for a huge amount of possibilities: the removal and replenishment of the account at any time, the capitalization of interest and much more. Pay attention to the bet: it is clearly not maximum. The presence of some benefits is cleaned by others.

Tip: Follow priorities before opening the deposit. Are you important to capitalization of interest? And their monthly removal? Is it possible to shoot a part of the invested funds before the term? Based on the answers received, choose the bank only with those additional offers that you really need.

Fourth error.Ignoring the achievements of civilization. Most large banks translate their services to the Internet format. There are even banks that are fully functioning using the network. As a consequence, it may be that if you open a contribution over the Internet, the interest rate will be significantly higher, and the minimum contribution is lower than when opening in the office.

Tip: If we are afraid of the data saving, always check the address of the page on which you are. From above there should be either a similar pictogram with a lock (see below), or the inscription HTTPS is green.

This means that communication channels are encrypted and confidential. Also, two-factor authentication is used in monetary operations: without SMS with an access code, you cannot invest nor output.

Let's sum up

Deposits in banks - for individuals. Choosing conditions, do not always be seduced by a high interest rate. It is best to check the market for such proposals and to invest in a deposit on the conditions corresponding to the highest plank of proposals. In order to avoid the risk of losing money, do not trust the banks that did not hear anything before.

Also, initially decide what you want to get from the contribution. Additional income guarantees capitalization of interest. Choose the real time to which you do not need this money. The early termination of the contract with the bank is fraught with a much smaller amount of money than was indicated in the contract.

Deposits under the high percentage in Moscow offer only some banks. Some make such an offer to appear new customers, others - to maintain their positive reputation. The greatest contribution will bring maximum profits. But this can only happen when performing several conditions:

  • the account opens at once to the entire amount;
  • with the means, nothing can be done until the end of the contract is dead;
  • the client refers to a preferential category.

High interest on deposits are possible within programs. Get maximum profits and when opening a currency account.

Conditions for opening a contribution to a high percentage in Moscow

With a high percentage in Moscow, citizens can open at the place of registration and accommodation. This will require only a passport. There are, which are collaborating with young people from 14 years. Offers for individuals are distinguished:

  • minimum amounts.

The highest rates on deposits in Moscow offer institutions that have high indicators on their own assets, a good loan portfolio, that is, they are distinguished by stability.

You will find contributions to banks with a high percentage in 2019 on our website. For convenience, we offer a comparative table with relevant information and calculator for calculating possible profits. Data is regularly updated, so our users receive actual information. If necessary, you can choose the most convenient currency for calculations.

When a person has free money, a fair question arises: where to invest it in order to receive income? The easiest and safest risk protection method of income is the contribution. We offer to familiarize yourself with the rankings of banks in which the highest deposit rates are valid depending on the conditions of deposit programs.

We pay attention, when drawing up lists, banks included in the top 50 credit institutions of the country were used to eliminate the proposals of companies that are in an unstable financial position.

Standard contributions

Under standard deposits, deposits are implied for a certain period that do not have additional functions - replenishment or partial removal. As a rule, rates on such contributions are the highest. The tent of the leaders with the best offers looks like this:

Deposits with additional opportunities

Even the highest percentage of deposits in banks with additional options is usually lower than that of standard programs, but this does not reduce consumer interest to them. Such deposit products are preferable to depositors through advanced access to money and the preservation of accrued interest.

Replenished contributions

Top 10 banks issuing the most profitable contributions with the possibility of increasing the initial amount looks like this:

  1. Rosurero Bank - 8.5%. The banking product carries the corresponding name "replenish". It is possible to open an account for a period of 91 to 1095 days in the amount of 50 thousand rubles. Monthly interest can be capitalized or used at their discretion. Replenish your contribution by no less than 5 thousand rubles. Available until the last 30 days of reality of the contract.
  2. Tinkoff - 8.5%. In the bank there are two bets - 8.5% with the possibility of replenishing the deposit only in the first 30 days and 8% - with the availability of an increase in the balance throughout the entire term of the contract. The minimum deposit size is 50 thousand rubles. The amount of additional contributions is not limited.
  3. Transcapital Bank - 8.5%.Another bank with a high interest rate on deposits - TKB. The Deposit Product "Super Tollogo" is designed for 6000 days with the possibility of replenishing the account at any convenient time. The minimum limit for opening is 10 thousand rubles. The payment of interest occurs every 400 days.
  4. Eastern Express Bank - 8.3%.Thanks to the "Savings" deposit, the Bank's client can receive high income for 6-24 months. The contract is made in the presence of a minimum of 30 thousand rubles. The amount of payments to increase the contribution should be more than 5 thousand rubles.
  5. All Inclusive Program suggests a minimum contribution of 30 thousand rubles. With the further possibility of replenishing an account for any amount. The contribution opens for a period of 3 to 12 months.
  6. Globeks - 8.25%.The "Optimal" product guarantees the increase in funds in the specified amount when placed on 367 days. The initial contribution should be more than 30 thousand rubles, and each additional one - more than 5 thousand rubles. The capitalization of interest is possible at the request of the client.
  7. AK BARS - 8.25%.Deposit account opens with a period of 91 to 720 days. The minimum deposit amount is 1 million rubles. It is possible to replenish the account, but not more than a fourfold amount from the initial balance.
  8. Binbank - 8.2%.The contract is issued on 91 days with automatic prolongation under the same conditions. Initial contribution from 10 thousand rubles. There is a capitalization of interest, as well as the possibility of replenishing the contribution to any amount.
  9. Moscow Regional Bank - 8%.The product with a similar bet is available in Mosoblbank. The minimum size of the initial investments is 300 thousand rubles. The stated rate can be counted when issuing a 367-day treaty. Bank charges are capitalized or transferred to the client's account. Account replenishment is possible in the first 183 days.
  10. Moscow Credit Bank - 7.75%.Registration with the proposed rate is possible only through an online application. The initial amount of the contribution should be at least 1 thousand rubles. The tariff provides for the monthly capitalization of interest. Replenishment is possible to the maximum limit - 10 million rubles.

Deposits with partial removal of money

The highest rates on deposits in banks with the ability to shoot part of the deposit amount (not counting accrued interest) offers several banks. List them:

  1. Tinkoff - 8.5%.Universal contribution with replenishment and removal of a part of the money. Minimum deposit amount - 50 thousand rubles. Partial seizure of 15 thousand rubles. Perhaps after 60 days from the date of opening an account. Term of 3 months and more at the request of the client.
  2. Novikobank - 8.5%.Novikobank offers a program with fixed time in 184 or 368 days. The initial amount of the deposit is from 30 thousand rubles. Partial removal is possible if the abnormal residue will be more than 1.4 million rubles. The payment of interest occurs every 184 days.
  3. National Bank Trust - 8.25%.At the "All Inclusive" rate, you can not only replenish the account, but also to take part of the money, subject to the preservation of the minimum balance (similar to the initial minimum) - 30 thousand rubles. Dates are fixed - 91, 181 and 367 days.
  4. AK BARS - 8.25%.The Bank has rather stringent requirements for the minimum contribution size - 1 million rubles. The contract term can be from 3 to 24 months. The savings account can be replenished, as well as take part of the money from it, keeping the initial minimum of 1 million rubles.
  5. Globeks - 8.15%.The "universal online" product is available only through the application on the Internet. Money can be investigated by 6, 12 and 24 months. The initial contribution is 10 thousand rubles. From the account it is allowed to disable money, provided that the minimum amount individually indicated in the contribution contract.
  6. Eastern Express Bank - 8.02%.The product "practical" allows you to make money without losing interest. The amount of the initial contribution is from 100 thousand rubles. Terms of registration - 181 and 731 days. After partial removal on the account, there must be a minimum residue - 100 thousand rubles.
  7. Absolute Bank - 8%.Absolut Bank offers a special program for persons retirement age. The account opens at least 10 thousand rubles. duration from 91 to 730 days. Perhaps a single partial removal of the amount for the entire period, subject to the minimum deposit size.
  8. Ugra - 7.89%.The banking program "Maximum" allows to invest from 1.5 million rubles. For a period of 2 to 12 months. It is possible to replenish the deposit account, as well as the removal of a part of money with the saving of the minimum balance. In addition to this program, the Ugra Bank offers a "managed percentage", where the minimum initial fee is 100 thousand rubles, and the duration of the placement of funds is 720 days. Replenishment is possible during the first year, and the removal of funds - starting from 91 days from the date of the conclusion of the contract. The first year rate is 10%, the second is 5.5% per annum. Interest can be removed at the end of each period.
  9. Promsvyazbank - 7.5%.The minimum deposit amount is 150 thousand rubles, which can be attached to 367 or 731 days. The contribution can be replenished or removed from it to keep the installed initial limit. It is possible to automatically extend the contract.
  10. Credit Moscow Bank - 7.25%.The "Calculated" tariff is drawn up in the online banking system. The contribution opens at least 1000 rubles. It is possible to replenish the amount of no more than 20 thousand rubles. With partial removal of cash on the account, the initial amount should remain.

Opening Deposit

When the most difficult process behind - the contributor determined where it is more profitable to contribute to the discovery directly to its opening. Most of the banks along with the design in the department are practicing the filing of online applications.

Often for the Internet opening of the deposit account, the client can even get a surcharge to the stated rate.

From the documents you will need only a passport. If the contribution opens in favor of a third party, then it is necessary to provide its documents (certified copies) certifying the identity. There are no requirements for the client as such, banks open contributions even to juvenile.

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