Delicious stew of vegetables and cabbage. Vegetable stew with cabbage and potatoes

Vegetable stew is not at all such an empty dish as it sometimes seems if you don’t carefully study the recipe.

For example, well-fried eggplant can give it a very rich taste, and beans will make it more than satisfying.

Potatoes are often served cut into pieces of different sizes and prepared differently: small pieces are fried until brown, large slices are left raw.

You can boil a couple of potatoes separately and mash them with a potato masher.

This creates a completely unexpected effect in the finished dish.

Vegetable stew with cabbage and potatoes - general cooking principles

Vegetable stew with cabbage and potatoes is quite simple to prepare. The only trick here is to concentrate the flavor of the dish. To do this, you will need dishes with very thick walls; a pot, a saucepan, and even a casserole dish will do.

All other utensils and utensils - pots for boiling and poaching vegetables, a meat grinder, a cutting board and a grater - whatever you can find in your kitchen will do.

Try not to chop the vegetables too finely, as this will reduce the texture of the dish and you risk overcooking them.

When preparing vegetable stew with cabbage and potatoes, do not overuse seasonings; it is the vegetables that give the main taste to the dish.

Different varieties of cabbage are used in stews, and in addition to raw cabbage, there are also recipes with sauerkraut.

Vegetable stew with Chinese cabbage and potatoes


300 grams of potatoes;

2–3 cloves of garlic;

350 grams of mushrooms (oyster mushrooms, champignons);

Carrots – 1 pc.;

Small onion head;

100 ml tomato juice;

200 grams of Chinese cabbage.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the mushrooms under the tap, removing any remaining dirt from the stems. If you have mushrooms, remove the skin from the caps. Place the mushrooms in a colander and, only after all the water has drained from them, cut into small pieces.

2. Chop the onion thinly into half rings and the Chinese cabbage into strips.

3. Roughly chop the potatoes into small pieces and coarsely grate the carrots.

4. In a deep saucepan, fry the carrots and onions in refined oil until noticeably softened. Add the mushroom slices and continue to fry until the released mushroom juice has completely evaporated.

5. Add potatoes to the mushrooms and pour in a little water, up to half a glass, simmer for up to a quarter of an hour. Add Chinese cabbage to the mushrooms and potatoes and continue to simmer over low heat.

6. When the cabbage begins to soften, pour in tomato juice, add a little salt and add spices to taste. Mix all the ingredients well, take a sample and add salt if necessary. If you feel too sour, add granulated sugar little by little.

7. Grate the garlic into the stew on a fine grater, stir everything carefully again and simmer the dish on the fire for no more than a minute.

Vegetable stew with cabbage and potatoes – “Spring”


New potatoes - 4 small tubers;

Medium sized carrot;

350 grams of young cabbage;

Young zucchini – 200 grams;

A couple of sprigs of parsley and dill;

50 grams of oil, olive.

Cooking method:

1. Scrape the thin skin off the young potatoes with a knife. Rinse the tubers under running water and cut into small cubes. Rinse again and pat dry with a towel.

2. Heat the olive oil well in a deep frying pan with a thick bottom. Add the potato wedges and fry, constantly turning the potatoes so that they are evenly covered with a golden crust.

3. Add carrots chopped into small short strips to the potatoes, stir and fry further.

4. After five minutes, add thinly shredded young cabbage, and after another seven minutes, add coarsely grated zucchini to the vegetables.

5. Add salt to taste, mix gently but thoroughly and simmer on the lowest heat setting until fully cooked. If a lot of liquid evaporates during stewing, add boiled water.

6. Sprinkle the finished spring vegetable stew with finely chopped herbs and let it brew for at least ten minutes.

Vegetable stew with cabbage and potatoes on chicken in the oven


500 gr. chilled chicken fillet;

Six small eggplants;

Seven medium potatoes;

Three carrots;

Two heads of salad onions;

A small head of cabbage (500 g);

Tomatoes – 450 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the eggplants, peeled potatoes and chicken fillet into not too small pieces of the same size. Fry each chopped ingredient separately in olive oil.

2. Chop the carrots with a grater, chop the onion with a knife and fry together until amber in color. Add tomatoes minced in a meat grinder and simmer for fifteen minutes. Salt the finished sauce; you can add any spices to your liking.

3. Place shredded cabbage in a deep fireproof container and place fried potatoes on top of the cabbage. Next, add meat in an even layer, and eggplants on top. Pour the prepared tomato sauce on top.

4. Heat the oven to 180 degrees and place the stew in it for half an hour.

Vegetable stew with cauliflower and potatoes


Potatoes – 400 grams;

350 gr. white cabbage;

Small (300 g) head of cauliflower;

900 grams of pumpkin;

Fresh green peas - 5 tablespoons;

Carrots – 2 pcs.;

Small celery root;

Three onions;

30 grams of tomato paste;

20% sour cream – 250 grams;

Spices and salt (preferably fine) to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Chop the onion into small cubes, fry it together with chopped carrots until soft and place in a separate bowl.

2. Add a tablespoon of oil to the frying pan where you fried the onions, heat it and add small pieces of pumpkin pulp, simmer just until it softens.

3. Fry centimeter cubes of potatoes until a crispy golden brown crust forms.

4. Pour refined oil into a large cauldron or cauldron. Then add a layer of shredded white cabbage. Pour sour cream generously over it, sprinkle with salt and simmer under the lid over low heat.

5. After ten minutes, place the cauliflower and fresh green peas, disassembled into inflorescences, on it. Also add sour cream and continue cooking.

6. Fifteen minutes after adding the peas, add potatoes, fried carrots and onions and softened pumpkin to the vegetables. Again, pour sour cream over everything and simmer the stew for another thirty minutes.

7. To prevent vegetables from burning to the bottom of the container, add cold boiled water or tomato juice.

8. At the end of cooking, add tomato paste and bring the dish until cooked.

Vegetable stew with cabbage and potatoes on pork


900 grams of cabbage;

Two onions;

Tomatoes – 300 grams;

400 grams of pork (pulp);

Three medium carrots;

400 grams of potatoes;

10 g dry basil;


Cooking method:

1. Pour two tablespoons of vegetable oil into a large, thick-walled saucepan. Place the container over high heat and place small pieces of meat into it.

2. When all the liquid (meat juice) has evaporated, add coarsely chopped onion to the meat and fry until golden brown.

3. Add coarsely grated carrots and cook over medium heat for four minutes.

4. Cut the white cabbage into not too small pieces and add to the meat.

5. After three minutes, add small potato cubes (1 cm) and continue cooking for another five minutes.

6. Reduce heat, add coarsely grated tomatoes, basil and bay leaves, stir slowly and leave to simmer covered for 50 minutes. Stir occasionally.

7. Serve the stew ten minutes after turning off the stove. The dish must sit.

Vegetable stew with cauliflower and Mexican potatoes


Cauliflower – a small head of cabbage;

Carrots – 2 pcs.;

Two medium potato tubers;

200 grams of beans (canned);

Canned green peas – 120 grams;

Large onion;

Small parsley root;

Root celery, medium-sized;

Two cloves of garlic;

Half a lemon.

Cooking method:

1. Separate the cauliflower into florets, cut the potatoes into small slices, put them in boiling water and boil until almost done.

2. Rinse carrots, celery roots and parsley well under the tap, cut off the peel and cut into centimeter cubes.

3. Lightly fry everything together in refined sunflower oil, add boiled cabbage and potatoes, pour in 250 ml of vegetable broth and simmer for a quarter of an hour.

4. Add beans, green peas, pour in the juice from half a lemon. Season with fine salt to taste and continue to simmer the stew for 10 minutes.

5. Add finely grated garlic, stir and, turning off the heat, leave the dish to stand for twenty minutes.

Vegetable stew with sauerkraut, potatoes and rice


230 grams (one cup) long grain rice;

Two small carrots;

Tomato paste – 30 grams;

A glass of sauerkraut;

Three potatoes;

Spices and fresh herbs to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the sauerkraut under the tap and discard in a colander. If it is overly sour, soak for a quarter of an hour in cold water.

2. Fry finely chopped carrots in vegetable oil in a container with a thick bottom.

3. After seven minutes, add medium-sized potato cubes and pour everything with tomato paste diluted in a liter of water, bring to a boil over high heat.

4. Salt, add rice and cabbage. Reduce heat and, stirring well, bring to readiness. You can add boiling water as needed to achieve the desired thickness.

5. Add finely chopped greens before removing from heat.

Vegetable stew with red cabbage and potatoes


Ten medium potatoes;

A small head of red cabbage;

1 carrot;

Thick tomato juice – 200 ml;

20% sour cream – 100 ml;

A teaspoon of tomato puree;

Bay leaf;

Coriander and ground black pepper;

60 grams of butter, melted.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the carrots into large strips, the potatoes into long small cubes, and the cabbage into small cubes.

2. Heat the oil well in a cauldron or cauldron, pour all the prepared spices and spices into it.

3. Add chopped vegetables and simmer on low heat for forty minutes. While stewing, stir the vegetables occasionally to prevent them from burning.

4. Dilute sour cream and tomato puree in tomato juice and pour this sauce over the vegetables when the potatoes have softened.

5. Add salt as desired, stir the stew and cook for another twenty minutes.

Vegetable stew with cabbage and potatoes - tricks and useful tips

Using canned beans to make potato and cabbage stew, use beans in tomato sauce. It must be carefully collected and added separately to the finished dish.

Do not disturb the order of placing products. In a properly prepared stew, all components should be cooked equally. If any vegetable turns out to be harder than you would like, simmer or sauté it separately before adding it to the dish.

Simmer the vegetable stew only over low heat, be sure to cover it tightly with a lid; it should not boil too much.

If possible, do not use flat lids; a convex or even an inverted frying pan is more suitable. Strange, but this makes the taste of the finished dish more intense.

Vegetable stew with cabbage and potatoes is easy and quick to prepare. It makes a delicious, low-calorie side dish or a complete dish for lunch or dinner. Ideal for fasting or vegetarians.

To prepare vegetable stew with cabbage and potatoes, take the products from the list. Vegetables need to be washed, dried, and onions, garlic and carrots need to be peeled.

Chop the onion, garlic and carrots. Fry lightly in vegetable oil.

Add potatoes cut into quarters. Also lightly fry it over low heat.

Chop the cabbage, preferably larger. Add to the pan and fry for 2-3 minutes.

Pour in chicken broth (or water), it should cover the vegetables halfway. Cover with a lid and cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

Add mushrooms cut into four pieces and grated tomato without skin. Salt, pepper, add a little sugar, stir and preferably once. Ragu (like pilaf) should not be stirred often, otherwise the potatoes and carrots may turn into mashed potatoes. If you cook over low heat, the broth should not boil away. If this happens, add a little more broth (or water).

Sprinkle the finished stew with chopped parsley, turn off the stove and let it sit covered for 10 minutes.

A fragrant, tasty and low-calorie vegetable stew with cabbage and potatoes is ready.

It's quick and easy to prepare, and enjoy!

Vegetable stew with cabbage is very popular not only with vegetarians and people on a diet. This is a great option for a light dinner, healthy and quick. Children don’t always like it, but adults have long tasted it.

Simple recipe

Cooking process for cabbage stew:

Vegetable stew with cauliflower and zucchini

  • 180 g carrots;
  • 1 young zucchini;
  • 570 g tomato;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1100 g cauliflower;
  • 760 g sweet pepper;
  • 230 g onions;
  • 1 bunch of greens.

Time – 1 hour.

Calorie content – ​​26 kcal/100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. The onion should be finely chopped;
  2. Grate the washed carrots;
  3. Cauliflower must be disassembled into inflorescences, rinsed under water;
  4. Peel the zucchini and cut them into pieces;
  5. Wash the pepper, then remove its stem along with the seeds. Chop the pulp itself into strips;
  6. Washed tomatoes must be cut into cubes, after removing the stalk;
  7. First fry the onion in a frying pan; you only need a little oil. Then add carrots;
  8. Follow with cauliflower, peppers and zucchini. Cover the pan with a lid. Do not add water, simmer the mixture for ten minutes;
  9. After this time, add tomatoes and be sure to add salt to the entire stew. You can pepper it;
  10. Chop the garlic and add it to other products. Stew everything until fully cooked;
  11. Rinse the greens under water, then chop finely. Sprinkle it over the finished stew before serving.

Stew with Chinese cabbage, zucchini and eggplant

  • 5 potatoes;
  • 0.5 pieces of eggplant;
  • 1 onion;
  • 0.5 pieces of zucchini;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 10 ml oil;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 0.5 pieces of Chinese cabbage;
  • 15 g dill.

Time – 35 min.

Calorie content – ​​40 kcal/100 g.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the zucchini, then cut into medium-sized cubes;
  2. The eggplant also needs to be washed, then cut off the stem and remove the seeds. Cut into the same cubes;
  3. Wash the Chinese cabbage and then chop it into strips. It is advisable that they be no more than 3 cm long;
  4. Peel the carrots and cut into strips with a knife;
  5. Peel the potatoes, wash them, cut them into small pieces;
  6. Peel the onion and chop it into rings, disassemble them with your hands;
  7. Pull out the stalk of the pepper, remove the seeds, cut the pulp into pieces;
  8. The first thing you need to do is add the potatoes to the frying pan with oil. When it gets crusty, you need to add carrots and onions;
  9. Fry the entire mass for about seven minutes, and all other ingredients must be mixed together in a separate container;
  10. After the time has passed, pour the mixture of cabbage and vegetables into the frying pan, season, and stir;
  11. Simmer for a few more minutes until the vegetables become soft. Serve with chopped dill on top.

Vegetable stew with mushrooms and cabbage

  • 340 g potatoes;
  • 200 g white cabbage;
  • 280 g of mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms);
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 120 ml thick tomato paste;
  • 1 onion.

Time – 45 min.

Calorie content – ​​52 kcal/100 g.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Grate the carrots, already peeled;
  2. Chop the onion into thin feathers;
  3. Wash the mushrooms and cut into arbitrary pieces; they should not be too small;
  4. Pour just a little oil into the frying pan and saute the carrots and onions in it at the same time;
  5. After a couple of minutes, add the chopped mushrooms and stir. If these are champignons, then they should be added only after the potatoes;
  6. Cut the peeled potatoes into pieces and add them after a couple of minutes to the total mass;
  7. Pour in just a little water and close the lid. In this form, let simmer for ten minutes;
  8. Finely chop the cabbage and add it when the potatoes are already soft;
  9. At the moment when the cabbage is also almost ready, you need to pour tomato paste into the frying pan and mix everything;
  10. Pepper and add other spices, boil the mixture for five minutes;
  11. At the end, add chopped garlic, let it brew for a couple of minutes - and you can serve.

Vegetable stew with zucchini and Brussels sprouts

  • 60 g mozzarella;
  • 0.5 pieces of zucchini;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 0.5 pcs carrots;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 220 g Brussels sprouts;
  • 80 g green beans;
  • 15 g cilantro;
  • 15 g basil;
  • 40 ml oil;
  • 1 bell pepper.

Time – 50 min.

Calorie content – ​​62 kcal/100 g.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Zucchini and carrots need to be washed. Cut the first into pieces, and the second into thin circles;
  2. Finely chop the cilantro, garlic and basil, but first wash the greens;
  3. Make a cross-shaped cut on the tomato and place it in boiling water for one minute. Pull out and remove the peel. Be sure to cut out the stem. Cut the pulp into arbitrary pieces, preferably as small as possible;
  4. For bell peppers, you first need to remove the seeds and stem, and then cut them into cubes;
  5. First of all, fry the zucchini in a frying pan in oil. Then add carrots, Brussels sprouts, beans and peppers to it. The oil should be boiling. Fry for eight minutes;
  6. After this, add the tomato and season the whole dish, mix;
  7. Bring the entire mixture to a boil. If there is not enough vegetable juice, you need to add water. Boil for twelve minutes;
  8. Grate the mozzarella into a small bowl and add herbs and garlic, stir;
  9. Place a portion of the stew on a plate and sprinkle it with cheese.

Vegetable stew made from red cabbage and potatoes

  • 170 g bell pepper;
  • 0.5 pieces of red cabbage;
  • 1 white onion;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 45 ml oil;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 bunch of greens.

Time – 40 min.

Calorie content – ​​83 kcal/100 g.

  1. Cut the washed cabbage very thinly. It is much tougher than white cabbage. You should get a thin straw, not very long;
  2. It should be immediately placed in a frying pan, add a little water and salt. Simmer for fifteen minutes;
  3. Cut the peeled pepper into cubes, finely chop the onion, and preferably grate the carrots. But you can also cut all these vegetables into strips;
  4. Place the three products in a separate pan and mix together;
  5. Simmer also for fifteen minutes;
  6. At this time, peel the potatoes;
  7. Add oil to the products and transfer the cabbage to them, and after two minutes add the diced potatoes;
  8. Finely chop the greens. It must be added seven minutes before the dish is fully cooked;
  9. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder without the stalk and add to the rest of the ingredients;
  10. Season, simmer for five minutes and serve.

Vegetable stew with cabbage in a slow cooker

  • 3 carrots;
  • 4 onions;
  • 0.5 pieces of white cabbage;
  • 130 g bell pepper;
  • 3 laurel leaves;
  • 230 ml water;
  • 6 potatoes;
  • 80 g ketchup.

Time – 1 hour 40 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​39 kcal/100 g.


  1. Chop cabbage, size as desired. It needs to be salted and mashed a little with your hands, and then transferred to the multicooker bowl;
  2. Add a little oil, stir and select the “Baking” mode for forty minutes. Let the cabbage fry for half an hour;
  3. Just ten minutes before the multicooker beeps, you need to put diced bell peppers in the bowl;
  4. Add coarsely grated carrots and onions, chopped into half rings. Mix everything;
  5. Cut the peeled potatoes into small slices and add to the total mass;
  6. After this, you need to pour in water, add salt, ketchup (you can use homemade tomato paste to make it tastier). Season to taste;
  7. Place laurel leaves;
  8. Around this time, the multicooker signal should beep. Then you need to set the “Pilaf” or “Stew” mode, one hour is enough. Be sure to close the lid of the device and wait for the end of cooking. Then pull out the laurel leaves.

To ensure that the cabbage is always as soft and tender as possible, you should always knead it with your hands. You also need to salt it right away so that it gives juice, which then needs to be drained. However, this juice is just necessary for the stew; there is no need to drain it. This process must be repeated with any tough cabbage, but Peking cabbage does not require this.

Usually the stew is served with gravy that you prepare yourself from spices and vegetable juice. But you can experiment with this: for example, add a little wine vinegar, soy sauce, pour in some aromatic oil, for example, sesame oil. By the way, you need to add this oil just before the end of cooking, since it cannot be thermally treated for a long time.

Vegetable stew with cabbage can be supplemented not only with mushrooms or cheese, but also with meat. It's best to cook it with juicy pork; you just need to fry it. For a more varied taste, you can marinate the meat in advance.

Even a culinary novice can prepare vegetable stew. This is one of the proofs that vegetarian food is very tasty, healthy and simple. You just need to try it and look at it, because the dish turns out very bright!

Vegetable stew recipes

Simple recipes for vegetable stew with step-by-step cooking instructions, photos and videos. Please your loved ones with a new tasty and at the same time healthy dish.

45 min

67.6 kcal

5/5 (2)

Autumn is the time to say goodbye to an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables grown under the rays of the sun, and not ultraviolet lamps. It is during this period that you should consume as much healthy food as possible so that your body can easily endure the winter without constant vitamin deficiencies and other ailments.

There is a wonderful dish that will help you with this - vegetable stew! This one of the universal dishes, which can not only be eaten on its own, but also served as a side dish. Vegetable stew goes simply wonderful with meat and fish, as well as mushrooms and sausages.

This time we will look at recipes for making vegetable stew from potatoes and cabbage, since these ingredients are among the most accessible. But despite its availability, this does not mean at all that the stew will turn out less tasty. You will prepare a real culinary masterpiece, knowing a couple of subtleties, which we will tell you in more detail!

Features of preparing vegetable stew

It is worth taking your choice of vegetables seriously. The most delicious vegetable stew is made from young vegetables, although this is not critically important, the main thing is that the vegetables are not spoiled. You can even use sauerkraut, but not too sour. If the sauerkraut is too sour, rinse it under running water before cooking.

Don't cut vegetables too finely. During a fairly long simmer, they will soften greatly and turn your dish not into a stew, but into a porridge, which will not be very pleasant to eat.

If you plan to cook vegetable stew with adding meat, the first step is to fry the meat until golden brown, and after that add vegetables. If possible, use thick-walled dishes: a duck pot, a cauldron, a saucepan. Vegetables will reveal their taste and aroma much better if they are simmered over low heat in this utensil.

Maintain consistency food bookmarks, since all vegetables have a different structure and require different times to cook. We place young cabbage after the potatoes, and mature cabbage before it. Sauerkraut should be placed after potatoes or together with them.

It is best to fry all the vegetables that are part of the stew separately, and then combine and simmer in the sauce.

The stew prepared in this way turns out much tastier and more appetizing. But frying vegetables in oil significantly increases calorie content ready-made dish, so those watching their figure can do without it or fry only part of the vegetables, using minimal oil.

Vegetable stew with cabbage and potatoes

Kitchen appliances and utensils: stove, frying pan, cauldron, grater, cutting board, wooden spatula for stirring.


Video recipe

For the sake of experiment, you can replace white cabbage with Chinese cabbage. This will not spoil your stew at all, but will only give it a completely different taste.

Vegetable stew with potatoes, cabbage and meat in a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: 50-60 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4-5.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: multicooker, stove, grater, cutting board, wooden spatula for mixing.


  • 700 g potatoes;
  • 150 g pork;
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • bay leaf;
  • 1 large onion;
  • parsley;
  • dill;
  • refined sunflower oil;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper.

Cooking sequence

Of all the types of dishes, vegetable stew with cabbage and potatoes is the most popular, as it requires only available products, and the taste and aroma are unforgettable. We bring to your attention a vegetarian recipe without meat and other animal products. The total time spent is 85-90 minutes.

Even with the same recipe, each housewife may end up with a different taste of vegetable stew. It's all about cutting and laying the ingredients correctly; more depends on this process than is commonly believed.

Cooking tips:

  • It is best to use young, fresh vegetables, but any unspoiled ones will do. Fresh white cabbage can be replaced with sauerkraut, but very sour cabbage must first be washed in water;
  • You can’t cut the vegetables too finely, otherwise you’ll end up with porridge instead of a stew;
  • It is important to follow the correct sequence of ingredients, since vegetables have different cooking times. Young white cabbage is added after the potatoes, and mature cabbage is added before; sauerkraut is added along with the potatoes or a couple of minutes after it;
  • if the recipe uses meat, then it is first fried until golden brown and only then mixed with vegetables;
  • the taste and aroma will be better if the stew is slowly simmered over low heat in a bowl with thick walls: a cauldron, a multicooker bowl, a duck pot, a saucepan or a frying pan;
  • If you fry all the vegetables in oil separately, the dish will turn out tastier, but due to the large amount of oil, the stew will become much higher in calories, and besides, this frying method is long and labor-intensive.

Ingredients for 8-10 servings:

  • potatoes – 500 grams;
  • white cabbage – 200 grams;
  • zucchini – 1 piece (medium);
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • tomatoes – 3-4 pieces;
  • bell pepper – 2 pieces;
  • onions – 1 piece;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • water – 3 glasses;
  • tomato paste – 2 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • greens - to taste;
  • salt, pepper, other seasonings and spices - to taste.

Recipe for stew with potatoes and cabbage

1. Boil water.

2. Peel potatoes, onions, carrots and garlic. Cut off the top damaged leaves from the cabbage. Peel the zucchini and pepper from the stems, cut into a couple of pieces, and remove the seeds. Rinse greens and tomatoes under running water.

3. Chop the potatoes into cubes, wedges or 1.5-2 cm slices, then place them in a container with cold water to prevent the flesh from darkening.

4. Chop the cabbage into strips. Cut the onions and carrots into cubes or rings 0.5-0.7 mm thick. Zucchini with peel – 0.7-1 cm. Just finely chop the garlic and herbs.

5. Place the tomatoes in a deep container, pour boiling water over them, leave for 60 seconds, then remove from the water, remove the peel, and cut the pulp into 2-2.5 cm pieces.

6. Dilute tomato paste in a glass of cold water.

7. Heat a cauldron, deep frying pan or other utensils with vegetable oil to prepare the stew.

8. Add onions and carrots. Fry over medium heat for 3-4 minutes until soft and golden brown.

9. Add zucchini and bell pepper. Simmer for 5-6 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula.

10. Place potatoes in the cauldron. Simmer for 3-4 minutes, then add cabbage and tomatoes. Mix until smooth. Add the diluted tomato paste and water until the liquid is even with the vegetables.

11. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to minimum and cover with a lid. Simmer the stew with potatoes, cabbage and other vegetables for 20-30 minutes until cooked. Potatoes require the longest heat treatment, which is what you need to navigate (they will become soft and crumbly).

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