Extracurricular activities on fire safety at school. Extracurricular event on fire safety for junior classes

According to statistics, in Russia every twentieth fire occurs due to the fault of children who violated fire safety rules when using electrical appliances or household appliances. For this reason, it is important to teach young students about the harmful consequences of careless handling of fire. The easiest way to do this is in a playful way: offer children a quiz on their knowledge of fire safety rules or hold a sports festival.

Extracurricular activities

Teachers at extracurricular activities in elementary schools can show students how to prevent accidents at home or school. It is much easier for children to remember all the warnings and rules while playing.

  • Quizzes

The advantages of quizzes, questionnaires and riddles are that they are quite easy to create yourself, and you can come up with any design for them. You can cover different topics:

It will be especially interesting to present everything in an allegorical form. You can use images of your favorite cartoon characters. For example, “How Dunno Decided to Become a Fireman” or “The ABCs of Fire Safety,” where mischievous Smeshariki, Fixiki and other fairy-tale and cartoon characters will tell schoolchildren how to properly extinguish electrical fires and how to behave in a burning apartment.

The quiz can be designed as an interactive presentation: children will participate in the adventures of the heroes and answer questions asked by them or the teacher. You can supplement the game with riddles, music or cartoon footage. This option will definitely appeal to children and has many options for implementation.

There is another type of quiz design. Several students can participate in the performance by asking questions and riddles to their classmates. There are also many options for heroes and themes: you can play yourself (schoolchildren) or characters from fairy tales and cartoons (here you will need costumes or masks). You can supplement the quiz with a presentation and music.

A competitive form of quiz will help develop interest in the event. For the correct answer to a question or riddle, the student is given a token (can be made of cardboard) of any shape, for example, or a fire extinguisher. And the winner will be awarded with a themed poster, a treat or a cardboard medal.

  • Conversations

Conversations are the most informative form of event to provide knowledge of fire safety. A teacher or invited specialist will give a lecture on the rules of proper behavior with fire. Another advantage of this form of event is the opportunity for schoolchildren to ask questions that interest them.

The topic of the speech can be anything. It is better to start a conversation with younger schoolchildren with a short story about the development of firefighting in Russia, and then move on to the safety rules themselves in case of fire in a school, in an apartment or in the forest.

It is quite difficult for elementary school students to fully consolidate information received only from hearing. To make memorization easier, a teacher or specialist can prepare a presentation with illustrations and a summary of what was said. You can also use chalk and a blackboard, drawing and writing down what is needed.

Posters and drawings on paper will attract children's attention. To memorize the material, you can use educational films, cartoons and video materials that complement and reinforce the information told.

It will be very interesting for children if the structure of some things and rules are shown in real objects. Bringing a fireman's helmet, a fire extinguisher, building models - everything will attract the attention of younger schoolchildren, who will be able to better remember the material.

Perhaps games and sporting events are the most fun and interesting type of fire safety training event. They can be held on Russian Fire Service Day, celebrated on April 30.

At the sports festival, the presenter, together with a guest hero (a character from a cartoon fairy tale or a fireman), will test the agility, courage and speed of younger schoolchildren. The following competitions can be held:

After competitions and competitions, you can arrange a display of chants and team mottos. Then – summing up and awarding the winners.

  • Creative exhibitions

Primary school children can be introduced to fire safety rules through creativity. The teacher will offer to do any craft that explains the danger of fire.

It could be a poster, a drawing, a craft made from natural and available materials, embroidery, a toy, a cardboard house, a car, a tree, etc. You can create a themed crossword puzzle. Students will be interested in getting acquainted with the exhibits of the organized exhibition.

Security Prevention

Prevention and training of primary school students in fire safety rules must be carried out by adults in order to avoid an accident.

  • Excursions

Usually, on Fire Safety Day in Russia, local branches of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are happy to welcome little guests. Fire service employees themselves meet and introduce them to their profession. Firefighters using real equipment demonstrate its operation and explain its operation.

You can explore the building itself, look around the gym, classrooms and recreation room. Firefighters will even wear their gear at speed. Children will be able to ask questions that interest them, and city defenders will even talk about their working days and tell exciting stories.

Of course, the guys will learn not only about the work of firefighters, but also learn safety rules from the professionals themselves. Afterwards, children will be able to go to the museum, which is located at almost every department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. There, schoolchildren will inspect equipment, clothing and technology.

Special courses are often held to teach primary and secondary school students the correct behavior in a burning building, extinguishing small fires, and providing first aid to victims.

In the museum you can feel like a real fireman: employees will teach you how to unwind, use and rewind a fire hose, and tell you about the construction of a gas mask and fire extinguisher.

  • At school

The school itself should regularly conduct fire drills. They will teach young schoolchildren to leave the building of an educational institution in an orderly manner, to react seriously to the sound of a siren or bell, and also to save children from unnecessary panic.

Teachers or those in charge should explain to young students the operation and purpose of the fire warning buttons.

These activities greatly reduce the likelihood that your child will fall behind the rest of the class or panic.

Fire brigades of schoolchildren

Teams of young firefighters began to be formed for the first time in 1910. The purpose of creating fire brigades from schoolchildren from 10 to 17 years old is to develop courage, team support, improve physical fitness, master fire safety rules, as well as fight small fires and evacuate injured students.

Kucherenko Elena Vasilievna

Primary school teacher


Extracurricular activity

Event theme: KVN on fire safety

Target: formation of the basics of fire safety for junior schoolchildren.


    To consolidate and systematize children's knowledge about fire safety rules.

    Instill the skills of careful handling of fire.

    To develop fire safety skills in children in various life situations.


    Posters: “Don’t touch the matches, there’s fire in the matches!”

“Let every citizen remember:

Firefighter number: 01"

“So that trouble does not come to your home,

Always be careful with fire!”

“Don't play with fire! Don't play around with fire!

Take care of your health and lives!”

    Exhibition of children's drawings on the topic “Fire Safety”

    Book exhibition on fire theme

    Multimedia and presentation “KVN on fire safety”

Preparation for KVN:

    Prepare a team business card

    Come up with a logo

    Review fire safety rules and actions in case of fire.

Progress of the event

Organizing time

Leading: Guys, today our event is dedicated to fire safety rules.

Fire is our friend. Without fire, life on Earth is impossible. It is needed everywhere: in homes, schools, factories, farms, and agricultural production. Fire melts ore, helping a person obtain metal.

Fire is a symbol. With naked heads, people look at the eternal flame at the monuments to heroes who died on the battlefields. The flame, lit from the rays of the sun in distant Olympia, is carried in a torch relay by famous athletes from all over the world.

But fire can turn into a merciless enemy if handled carelessly. A fire can break out wherever the fire finds even a small opening. This could be an iron not turned off in time, an unextinguished match, an unextinguished fire, or faulty electrical wiring.

Statistics show that usually from 15 to 20% of the total number of fires occurs from children playing pranks with fire or heating devices. Every year there are about 5 million fires in the world. Every third person killed in a fire is a child.

You must always remember that careless handling of fire can lead to disaster.

1 student:

It's always different

Amazing fire.

Then an ugly brawler,

Then the quietest of the quiet ones,

Then he's a hurried snake

Slides over dry bark,

That shaggy red mane

Blazes at dawn.

Here on a match, like on a branch,

The blue leaf is trembling.

Here, breaking the bars of the cage,

The predator makes a throw!..

2nd student:

Yes, there are different types of fire -

Pale yellow, bright red, blue or gold,

Very kind,

Very angry.

Evil fire - fire of fire,

Evil fire-fire of war!

From the merciless heat

The days are dark

The fields are black.

Inhabitants of the globe

Citizens of any country

evil fire

They must turn off!

3rd student:

And without good fire

You can't get by even a day.

He is a reliable friend with us,

The cold is driving, the darkness is driving away.

He's a welcoming flame

Raises it like a flag.

Everyone needs a good fire.

And for that, kudos to him,

What warms up the guys' dinner?

Cuts steel

And bakes bread.

(2 slide)

Everyone knows - a man without fire
Doesn't live a single day.
In the fire, as in the sun it is bright,
It's warm during the fire and in winter.
Look around guys:
Fire is our everyday friend.
But when we are careless with fire,
He becomes our enemy.

“Business card” (3 slide)

The teams enter to the “KVN Anthem”.


Our motto:

"Fire is a dangerous thing
He doesn't like jokes on himself."


Our motto:

“Our squad is always watching,

So that there is no fire!


Our motto:

“Remember, friends,
That you can’t joke with fire.”


Our motto:

"In case of fire, in case of fire
Every citizen knows.
In case of fire, in case of fire
We dial "01."


Our motto:

“We firmly need to remember -

Fire doesn’t start on its own!”


Our motto:

"It's easier than putting out a fire,
We need to warn him."

Leading: I present to you the jury that will evaluate each competition.

Introduction to the competition program (4 slide)

Competition No. 1 “Riddles”

(5 slide)

    In a small barn

Hold 100 fires (Matchbox)

    Hisses and gets angry, afraid of water.

With tongue, and not barking,

No teeth, but bites (Fire)

    Where people are careless with fire,

He will definitely be there (Fire)

(6 slide)

    I saw the smoke, don't yawn,

Call us quickly (Firefighters)

    Molten Arrow

An oak felled near the village (Lightning)

    A midge was flying, an aspen leg

She sat on a haystack and ate all the hay (Match)

(7 slide)

    Made a noise, made a noise

I washed everything and left.

And gardens and orchards

The whole area was watered (Storm)

    Back and forth

The steamer wanders and wanders.

If you stop - grief,

The sea will be perforated (Iron)

    I'm shaggy, I'm shaggy,
    I am above every house in winter,
    Over the fire, the steamer,
    I am never without fire. (Smoke)

(8 slide)

    It may melt, but not the ice.

It's not a lantern, but it gives light. (Candle)

    Carbon monoxide billowed out,
    Gary's room is full.
    What does a firefighter wear?
    What is it impossible to live without? (Mask)

    I'm rushing with a siren to the fire,
    I'm carrying water with foam.
    Let's put out the fire and heat instantly
    We're fast like arrows (Fire engine)

Competition No. 2 “Rebuses”

Teams take turns solving puzzles. (9-14 slides)

Competition No. 3 “Proverbs”

Each team is offered the same set of proverbs, cut into two parts. Who can put the proverbs correctly together the fastest? (15-16 slides)

Musical break (17 slide)

The music is "Ditties minus"

Fire-fighting ditties

    We'll sing ditties for you

About firefighters, about fire.

Don't take them seriously

Otherwise you will be hit.

    They stand on the porch and smoke

Forever our boys.

They quickly hid the cigarette butts -

Their pants began to smoke.

    How do you leave home?

Turn off all devices

Otherwise you'll come home from school

There will be nowhere to drink tea.

    There are many different professions,

But one of them is more important.

What does it mean to be a firefighter?

Save people from fire.

    Kolya, Kolya, you are away

Pale, weak, not himself?

I forgot to put out the match,

I barely made it out alive.

    New house - green roof

Maybe it won't burn:

My dear fireman

Will protect from fire.

    Open the gate, mom

I'm leading a fireman.

He'll teach you now

How to simmer a frying pan.

    Who went through fire and water

And marked the helmet with copper?

This is our brave fireman,

As long as he is nearby, there is no problem.

    If there is a discrepancy somewhere,

There is a lot of smoke or fumes,

A fireman will come to you

And it will drown out any fire.

    My dear fireman

He wears a helmet all day.

Never separates for a moment

I'm probably too lazy to take it off.

    Andryushka loved me,

He doesn't take his eyes off me.

He can't live without me

Like a fireman without fire.

    They bought me a red cloak

White crepe de Chine scarf:

I'm so cool

Like a fire truck.

    Let's study "Life Safety"

Our safety

To avoid an emergency,

Don't be in danger.

    If suddenly a fire happens,

You, girlfriend, don't yawn

- “01” call faster

And call for help.

    Suddenly there is a fire at school

We know how twice is two:

A spare door will do

We quickly run there.

Competition No. 4 “Captains” (18 slide)

Find in the picture all the dangers that await residents.

Competition No. 5 “Connoisseurs of literary works”

Guess which works the excerpts are from, name the author:

    The sea is on fire,

A whale ran out of the sea,

“Hey firefighters, run!

Help, help! (K.I. Chukovsky “Confusion”) (19 slide)

With a crash, a click and a thunder

There was a fire over the new house.

He looks around, waving his red sleeve. (S.Ya. Marshak “Cat House”) (20 slide)

    What's that smoke overhead?

What's that thunder over the pavement?

The house is on fire around the corner.

What kind of darkness is all around?

The team is putting up the ladders,

Saves the house from fire. (S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa”) (21 slides)

    A cloud of dust mixes with the smoke.

Fire trucks are rushing

They click loudly, whistle alarmingly,

Rows of copper helmets shine (S.Ya. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero”) (22 slide)

    Mother went to the market,

She told her daughter Lena:

Don’t touch the stove, Lenochka.

It burns, Helen, fire.

Only the mother left the porch,

Lena sat down in front of the stove,

He looks through the red crack,

And the fire is roaring in the stove. (S.Ya. Marshak “Fire”) (23 slide)

    “One steamer was going to sea with a load of coal. The ship still had three days to go to its destination. Suddenly a mechanic from the engine room came running to the captain and said:
    “We came across very bad coal, it caught fire in our hold.” (B. Zhitkov “Fire at Sea”) (24 slide)

Competition for fans (25 slide)

Name flammable items.

Competition No. 6 “Situations”

You will be offered various situations and answer options. You must quickly pick up the card with the number of the correct answer.

(26 slide)

    If you have a small fire...

    ...we need to hide under the bed.

    ...it must be extinguished using available means (water, a wet blanket)

    ...we need to run away from home.

(27 slide)

    If there is a lot of smoke in the room...

    ...you need to run away quickly.

    ...it is necessary to move at a crawl.

(28 slide)

    If the fire cannot be put out...

    ...we need to leave the premises.

    ...we need to hide in another room.

(29 slide)

    If your clothes catch fire...

    ...run around in burning clothes to put out the flames.

    ...fall to the floor and roll around.

(30 slide)

    Call firefighters by phone...

(31 slides)

    Firefighters need to inform...

    ...last name, address, age, your height, eye color.

    ...name, address, entrance, floor, fire object.

(32 slide)

The most important rule

not only in case of fire,

but also in case of any other danger:

Don't panic and don't lose your composure!

Summing up the results of KVN

While the jury sums up the results, the song “If suddenly” plays (33 slide)

Slide 1

Hello. Guys!

Our meeting today is devoted to a very important topic, and what...? You will learn about this from my riddle.

The red animal is sitting in the oven.
The red beast is angry with everyone.
He eats firewood out of anger
A whole hour, maybe two.
Don't touch him with your hand
Bites the entire palm.


Just born - he's funny,
Quiet, weak, but cunning.
When it grows up it crackles and burns,
A swarm of sparks swirls dangerously
And dancing on the coals,
Often causes fear. (fire)

Slide 2

Leading: Fire has long been man's friend. The fire has great power. But if this power is handled unwisely and carelessly, then fire can become a terrible, insidious enemy. It takes millions of human lives,

Slide 3

wipes out both big cities and small villages from the face of the Earth.

Slide 4

Today, about five and a half million fires occur on our planet every year. Every five seconds there is a new fire.

C lead 5

Enterprises and hospitals, trains and planes, forests, fields and houses are burning.

C lead 6

The result is huge losses. And most importantly, tens of thousands of human victims, including children.

Slide 7

1 .

Listen adults, listen children

We are faced with the biggest problem in the world

With the problem of fires, with the problem of trouble

The planet asks, help!

2 .

Fire can be different -

Pale yellow, bright red,

Blue or gold.

Very kind, very evil.

Evil fire - fire of fire,

Evil fire is the fire of war!

From the merciless heat

The days are dark, the fields are black.

Inhabitants of the globe

Citizens of any country

Protect the earth from fire.

You extinguish the evil fire.


Fire and matches -

All this is not a game!

Do you want to make sure

Then look here..

C lead 8 A fragment of the cartoon "Cat's House" is shown 5 min


What can a little fiery spark do?

Try to guess what the riddles are about now.

With a red-golden mane

The horse is galloping fast on the roof,
Where it rushes - coals, smoke,

Ashes are like a gray shroud.
Very scary, full of heat,

And his name is...

(By fire.)

Slide 9

Who is dangerous to the whole area
On a hot day, in a crazy blizzard?
Who will leave us homeless,
Without a coat in severe frost?


C lead 10

The flames stand like a wall here

Very scary looking.

And there is intense heat all around -

The old house embraced...


Slide 11

Flames shoot out from under the roof,

We hear a cry for help

Everyone is fussing, it’s a nightmare!

This is a disaster...


Slide 12

If the house caught fire,

What shall we call that trouble?



Here's another mystery.

This is a cramped, cramped house:
A hundred sisters huddle in it.
And any of the sisters
It can break out like a fire!
Don't joke with your sisters
Thin... (matches)

Slide 13


Reader 1. The match is small though

Can do a lot of evil.

Remember firmly, guys,

You can't joke with fire!

Reader 2: Don't play with a match, my friend,

Remember, she is small

But from a small match

The house might burn down.


This is the unpleasant story that happened to one naughty Piggy

(5 minutes)

Pupils of class 3A performing

Every little animal knows

Matches for children are not a toy!

If you still decide to take them.

Knowing troubles cannot be avoided!

I'll tell you a fairy tale,

And listen, friends.

Take an example for yourself

And you will teach others.

Gave it to our Piggy

Birthday toys

(meat grinder, rolling pin, candle,

samovar, trough, stove).


Oink oink oink…

I'll cook myself lunch!

One two three four five,

I'll look for matches!


“Be careful,” said the Hedgehog.

You'll set your house on fire.

Don't you know, Piggy,

Matches are not a toy for children.

Well, Piggy doesn’t have enough grief,

She quickly ran to the house,

I found matches somewhere

And she sat down on the porch.

Sparks fly up like birds,

Smoke pours out of the stove in a column.

A light from the door - jump!

On the window and on the threshold!

Spun, spun,

He grabbed Piggy right in the side.


Ah ah ah! Animals, birds, help!

I'll burn, I'll burn completely!

Help me! Oink - oink!

(children - animals sing.)

We're going, we're going, we're going

Fearless friends

We rush to help people

We can't not be trusted

It's not easy to live

To the country's firefighters

And the song says

About how important we are

And now we sing to you:

Don't joke with fire!

It is dangerous to burn matches

Let's explain clearly

So that there is no trouble,

Don't take matches

And if trouble happens,

So don't get lost.

Call the firefighters

And they will leave.

On a dangerous road

Brave guys

They will take water with them.

Ax and...

And now we will sing to you:

Don't joke with fire.

It is dangerous to burn matches.

Let's explain clearly.

So that there is no trouble.

Don't take matches.

Don't take matches!


Slide 14


Last week, walking past the park,

I saw how a nightmare happened!

An ordinary match, but very insidious,

She deceived the children by starting a fire!

Scene “The Treacherous Match” » 3B


Schoolchildren were walking in the park,
We met Spichka in the park.
I asked to be friends with them.

Match :

There is no home, nowhere to live!

The children picked up the match.


Oh, I'm going crazy with boredom!
Do you want to see, children?
How can I burn!?

Masha and Sasha were embarrassed here,
Very, very surprised!

Is it possible to light it?

After all, trouble cannot be avoided!?


What are you, what are you! Everything is fine!
I will only shine brightly!
Believe me, there are no troubles!
Light up the light in me!

Children are teal! And then there's the flame
It flared up for trouble!
It embraced what was on the edge,
And then everything around!

Masha screamed.

What should we do, what should we do?
The flames will now engulf everything!
Let's run home, Sashka!

No, we can't run away
We need to save the city!
What have we done?
We believed the match!!!

The fire rages tremblingly,
The match dances joyfully!
But the house has already burned down,
In a children's park, for kids!

Fire red-yellow-blue,
It seems beautiful!
But it's so hot from him,
And it only burns for 5 minutes!

Masha is crying, Sasha is blowing!
And the fire is glad not to smolder!
He loves oxygen very much!
He is ready to burn all his life!

Fire: I am ruthless and evil,
You can't handle me!
Are you getting bored, kids?
I'll start a fire for you!

Here there is smoke and flames,
What to do? We do not know!

Scary?! Who will help them?
This is service 01!

What kind of screams? What kind of flame?
Well, Odin, come quickly!
We'll cover it now
It will stop burning!

We'll kill you with water
So that you don't think about burning,
We’ll wash away your agility right now,
To wipe it off the face of the earth!

The fire has gone out, everything is behind us,
We won't take Match again!

And you, friend, don’t take a match,
She burned down an orphanage in the park!

Masha - (to Match):

You were invented for a job,
But don't go near children!

Sasha – (to Match):

Serve for the good of man,
Don't start any fires in the future!

We are 01, we are in a hurry to help -
Put out the fire, save people!
Well, who among you has not yet understood,
That matches are not a toy for children?!

We ask you responsibly,
Don't play with flames out of boredom!
So that the neighbors don't have to
Call us again!

Masha: In the car, a spark starts the engine,

Sasha: To cook food, we make a fire!

Zero: Fire is useful, but you have to watch

One: To stop the flames in time!


Leading:It's so good, guys, that no trouble happened. But in our hall there are hidden lights somewhere - mysteries and they need to be extinguished!

Let's try! Get ready to guess!
Students take turns taking the light and reading
riddles and guessing. Each solved riddle means that the light has gone out.
The first light.Slide 15

In a small barn
Hold 100 fires. (Matches)

Second light.Clead 16
Where people are careless with fire,
He will definitely be there. (Fire)

Third light.Clead 17
It may melt, but not the ice,
It's not a lantern, but it gives light. (Candle)

The fourth light. Clead 18
Carbon monoxide billowed out,
Gary's room is full.
What does a firefighter wear?
What is it impossible to live without? (Mask)

Fifth light.Clead 19
I'm rushing with a siren to the fire,
I'm carrying water with foam.
Let's put out the fire and heat instantly. (Fire engine)

Sixth light.Clead 20
Hisses and gets angry
He is afraid of water.
With tongue, not barking.
No teeth, but bites. (Fire)

The seventh light Slide 21

Sparks fly from the stick
In loose form, as they wish.



Slide 22

Andrei Aleksandrovich ___________________________________________________________________ a firefighter came to visit us today, who will give you the necessary advice on how to prevent a fire, and if one does happen, how to behave in the event of a fire.


The job of a firefighter is extremely difficult and dangerous. Those whose duty of service obliges them to fight the raging flames are always in the line of fire. Discipline, resistance to stress, excellent physical shape, professionalism are mandatory qualities, without which it is simply impossible to get into the fire brigade.

Slide 23

Song "Brave Firemen"

But what useful advice on what to do to prevent a fire will now be given to us by the students of grade 3 B


Please don't forget

That fire is a big problem.

Maintain safety

Tell everyone about this.


Do you see little sister?

Lights matches at home.

What can you do?

You can take the matches.


Please don't inflame

You're at the fire near the barn

For buildings and people

There may be a big problem.


Lubricant, gas, gasoline!

No fire should be near

It’s not in vain to talk about them

They say: “It’s flammable!”


Please don't forget -

Fireworks are not toys.

After all, a fire can happen

and from a fire cracker.


Well, the New Year tree

He will come to visit you and me,

So that the meeting is pleasant,

Be careful - don't burn candles!


Well, what if suddenly

everything around will burn,

Don’t waste a second, run to the phone.

Remember, every citizen

main number - “01”

Don't panic

Give me your address right away.


Close all the doors along the way -

block the fire's path.

And so that you don’t die from the smoke,

put a damp scarf over your nose!


When running away from a fire, warn everyone about it

When the floor is on fire,

Don't press the elevator button.

Run down the steps.

Remember these forever -

rules are important in the world!

Slide 24

You can't handle a fire on your own.

This work is not for children

Without wasting time

01 call quickly.

Type skillfully

So that not everything burns.

Let every citizen remember

Firefighter number 01(together)


And now we will play with you. I will ask you questions. and you, if he thinks. that you need to do exactly this, you must answer “This is me. This is me, these are all my friends!”, and if you are sure. that the actions are wrong, you should remain silent.

Who is perky and cheerful, keeping loyalty to the rules.

Protecting your home school from insidious fire?

Which of you plays tricks with fire - admit it honestly?

Who doesn’t light fires and doesn’t allow others to?

Who among you, noticing smoke, calls “01”?

Who helps firefighters and doesn't break the rules?

Who is an example for all the guys?

Game “Stomp, clap” (if you can perform the said action - they clap, if you can’t do it - they stomp).

I know now, friends,
That you can't play with fire!

Matches burn merrily
I will play with them.

Kolya ran behind the house,
There he plays with a fire.

He's dangerous, Lena knows
The iron no longer turns on. (clap)

Tanya and Nina are playing,
The gas is lit on the stove.
е1 Klim saw: the house was burning,
Boy "01" calls.

Song "So that your house does not burn"


Guys, try to make fire your friend and never become your enemy. Protect your life, the lives of other people, the house you live in, and the school you attend from fire.



Purpose of the game: - consolidate knowledge of fire safety rules with children; -draw children’s attention to dangerous situations in everyday life and games;- develop skills to get out of a fire situation.
Equipment for the holiday:- multimedia projector, screenTeacher. Hello, dear guests and children. I want to check if you know the purpose for which we have gathered in this room today? (on the screenSlide 1– title). Today we will remember the fire safety rules, and also show how to get out of a difficult situation. But first you have to complete a warm-up task (Riddles)
Guess the riddles:
Slide 2 1.It's a dark, dark house, One hundred sisters live in it. And any of the sisters It might break out like a fire. Nice sisters - thin ... (matches).
Slide 3 2. Those who are not careful with fire There's a risk of fire Children, remember That you can’t play around with ... (fire).
Slide 4 3. It got hot if suddenly Electric iron, What should you do, kids? Remove the plug from...(socket).Slide 5 4.If suddenly a fire occurs, You must call immediately: Every citizen knows: Call the firefighters - …(01).

Conversation. How the fire got to people.


First, we will talk about the meaning of fire and remember how fire got to people. (Children say that ancient people made fire by friction and struck sparks from stone.)

Do you know who Prometheus is?

Slide 6.

Student 1.

This is the legendary ancient Greek hero who gave fire to people.

In ancient times, when Zeus ruled the whole world, people who had just settled on the earth were weak, powerless, and timid. They could neither think nor understand what they saw around them. They looked in horror at the storm clouds, the scorching sun, the endless sea and high mountains. From everything that frightened them, people hid in caves. At that time they had neither housing nor a family hearth - people did not cook food, did not warm themselves near the fire. And such a life was a miserable existence.

Student 2.

The titan Prometheus took pity on people with his big heart, and boldly violated the prohibition of Zeus: not to give people fire. Having made his way into the palace, the titan took a small spark of fire and, hiding it in an empty reed stalk, brought it to the people on earth.

Student 3.

Since then, the bright lights of the fires have shone on the ground. Whole families of people gathered around them, fried meat, warmed themselves, and danced. Now people lived more cheerfully and friendly, and the titan Prometheus sincerely rejoiced at this. He taught people how to tame fire, smelt copper, and forge weapons. Thanks to Prometheus, people learned to think and, probably, felt like humans for the first time.


Slide 7.

Fire has become a reliable comrade and helper for people. It is difficult to imagine a branch of human activity where fire is not used.

Teacher: you must always remember that careless handling of fire, pranks with fire, can lead to disaster. Listen to the poem.

If you light a fire,

You'll get into trouble.

If you strike a match, it will sparkle

Small, funny,

Give him grass, a stump -

A stream will spill

Fiery, stubborn!

Devours everything around

Even a two-story house.

There were books - there are no books,

I ate the fire for lunch.

I was a naughty boy

He lit a fire on the carpet -

Fire my toys

And he stole the crib too.

We are now living in a tent,

Instead of a house there is a black lump,

Children don't play hide and seek

With a naughty light.

Will cope with this trouble

Maybe the uncle is only big:

EMERCOM - firefighter.

I found a simple way out,

I only play with water

The ocean is like a bath!

You can't play with fire,

You can dive into the bath.

What will mom say?

Slide 8,9,10,11.


Of course, this is a humorous poem, but is it possible to joke with fire? What can playing with fire lead to? (to the fire)

Fire is an uncontrolled combustion that causes material damage, harm to the life and health of citizens, and the interests of society and the state.


Slide 12.

Causes of fires

Careless handling of fire.

Careless use of household heating appliances.

Violation of fire safety rules during operation of the network and electrical wiring.

Inability to properly operate gas appliances.

Fire of televisions and radio equipment.

Incorrect design and malfunction of stoves and chimneys.

Children's pranks with fire.

And now the second grade will read poems about fire to us.
Slide 13.
1 STUDENT: If it starts to smoke somewhere, If it catches fire somewhere, In alarm, as one, Let's call on “01”!
2 STUDENT: We are the nearest area We'll let you know by phone Where is it burning and what is burning? And who is talking about this?
3 STUDENT: The match is not big in height, Don't look how small it is. Can do a lot of evil.

Don't touch the matches

There is fire in matches!

So that trouble does not come to the house,

Always be careful with fire.

Don't play, friend with a match!

Remember, she is small

But from a small match

The house might burn down.


Younger brothers and sisters

All the guys say:

“You will remember that matches are

Not a toy for kids!


Near the house and barn

Don't you dare light a fire,

Maybe there's a big problem

For buildings and people.


From a fire department's point of view

He's too dangerous

If made from paper

Homemade lampshade.


So that he does not become your enemy,

Be careful with the iron.

Don't dry your clothes over the gas -

Everything will burn at once!


Any games with fire can lead to injury - burns. Doctors divide burns into four degrees. The first is when the skin turns red. The second is when bubbles appear on the burned area. The third and fourth are the most severe and can be fatal. But most often people die from suffocation from smoke generated during combustion.

And now we will learn how to avoid a fire.

Slide 14

    Do not play around with fire sources (matches, candles, lighters) - this is the main cause of fire.

Slide 15.

    When leaving home, do not forget to turn off electrical appliances.

Slide 16.

    Do not light fireworks, candles or sparklers without an adult.


And now the 3rd grade will sing ditties for us.

    And the fireman is ready
    At night, in the evening and during the day.
    Must win
    He is on fire above the fire.

    To prevent a fire
    You can't be friends with matches.
    Everything will go up in flames
    And you'll have to put it all out.

    If there were no fires,
    If there were no fire,
    If there were no houses,
    What would I do then?

    Vanya played with matches
    He lit a fire
    The Ministry of Emergency Situations extinguished the fire
    Dad paid the fine.

    Walk carefully into the forest and
    Don't light fires there.
    Well, what if you still light it up?
    Then you can pour some water over everything.

    The work of firefighters with friends
    We respect you very much
    We save the Earth from fire
    We promise ours.

    Don't play with fire
    Dear guys
    Otherwise you might burn
    From head to toe!

    That matches are not a toy
    Everyone knows, old and young
    Children don't play matches
    Otherwise there could be a fire.

    I'm an obedient girl
    I don't take matches at home
    I don't set anything on fire
    And I’ll sing you a ditty.

    I turn off the irons
    I don't forget about the stove
    With wet hands I
    I don't touch the wires.

    Matches are not toys for children
    All my friends know
    All my friends know
    That you can't play with fire.

Rules of conduct in case of fire:

Slide 17.

    If you find a fire, call 01 and call the firefighters. Or tell your neighbors.

Slide 18.

    In case of fire, you should not hide under the bed. It is better to completely run away from the apartment or house.

Slide 19.

    Remember: smoke is much more dangerous than fire. If you feel that

If you are suffocating, cover your nose and mouth with a wet rag, lie down on the floor.

Slide 20.

    While waiting for the firefighters to arrive, remain calm.


How can you put out a small fire? (Fire extinguisher, water, sand and other available means)

Game "Finish the sentence."

    A coal fell on the floor
    Wooden floor lit
    Don't look, don't wait, don't stand,
    And fill it up….(
    water )

    If little sisters
    Lighting matches at home
    What should you do?
    Immediately those matches…..(
    take away )

    Where is the trash stored?
    or just random rubbish
    you'll have to work hard
    put things in order there.
    They took a broom and a shovel
    Everything is quick...(
    removed )

    Hisses and gets angry, afraid of water.
    With tongue, and not barking,
    No teeth, but bites….(
    fire )

    A midge was flying - an aspen leg.
    She sat on a stack and ate all the hay...(
    match )

    Back and forth
    the steamer wanders and wanders,
    stop - grief
    if you make a hole - the sea...(
    iron )


Summing up the class hour. Final words from the teacher:

Most of the troubles in the home or in the forest arise due to carelessness, absent-mindedness, and sometimes due to ignorance and connections with fires, burns, exposure to electric current, and poisoning. Knowing the dangers and following the simplest rules for handling household items and fire is the key to our safety.

Description of material. I offer you a summary of an event for primary school students, which can be held as part of safety week, a decade of primary school, or during classes in an extended day group. During the competition, students consolidate theoretical knowledge of traffic rules, fire safety rules, rules of conduct on water and in the forest.

Fun starts “Safety is important!” Scenario

Target: develop safe behavior skills.


To consolidate the knowledge acquired during theoretical classes, to teach a culture of behavior;

Development of motor qualities: endurance, agility, coordination; development and correction of attention;

Fostering a culture of playful communication, collectivism, and discipline.

Equipment: a box with firefighter clothing (jacket, pants, mask - helmet, mittens) and equipment (fire extinguisher), hoops, road sign puzzles (consist of 6 parts) - pedestrian crossing, stopping prohibited, bicycle path, scooters, safety signs - swimming is prohibited, No fires allowed, swimming allowed, lifebuoys, rubber boots

Progress of the event

Leading. Today our Fun Starts are dedicated to safety. You must show your knowledge and skills that you acquired in the lessons. Our competition will consist of three stages. The first stage is devoted to fire safety, the second - traffic rules and the third stage - safety outside the city.

Before we give the floor to the teams, let's introduce the jury.

Presentation by the jury (school director, representative of the YUP school team, representative of the DUP school team, life safety teacher, high school student.)

Leading. And now greetings to the teams.

Team greetings (team name, motto).

Leading. If in the room you have tears rolling from your eyes,

As the smoke curls in clouds and the fire chews the carpet -

You need the courage to answer the phone.

Try to remember the numbers from zero to nine.

Feel free to pick up the phone and be able to dial 01.

We are starting the first stage of the competition "Fire safety". So, before you start testing, answer the question. Correct answer - 1 point (each team has 2 questions)

1. Not a toy for children. /Matches/

2. Fire extinguishing device. /Fire extinguisher/

3. What natural substance can be used to extinguish a fire in winter? /Snow/

4. Smoke suddenly rose in a column. Who didn't turn it off...? /iron/

5. A red glow ran. Who's with the matches...? /played/

6. I saw smoke - don’t yawn And the firefighters... /call/

Now let's move on to the relay races. Guess the riddle.

What kind of big guy is this? -

He is in uniform, not a military man,

In a helmet, like an artilleryman,

With a barrel, not a tanker?

If somewhere suddenly by chance,

Fire threatens disaster

This guy is desperate

He will hurry there immediately.

He will deftly jump through the window,

And save the children and the cat,

The insidious fire will win,

Because he -<........>/firefighter/.

Rescuers and firefighters have special clothing that protects them from fire. The next relay race is called “Fireman”. You need to quickly put on overalls for the team captain.

At a distance of 10 meters there is a box with firefighter clothing (jacket, pants, mask-helmet, mittens) and equipment (fire extinguisher). Each participant in turn runs up to the box, puts one item of clothing on the captain and passes the baton to the next participant. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

There are times when fires occur in closed spaces (home, school, kindergarten, etc.). The next relay is called “Smoky Corridor”.

At a distance of 2 meters in front of the teams, tunnels are built (the tunnels are made of hoops). The first team member runs to the tunnel, climbs through it, runs around the counter and returns to the team, passing the baton to the next one. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Leading. Let's summarize the preliminary results of the game. The jury's word.

Leading. Every day each of us has to cross the street or road, use public transport, and some travel by bicycle. All this makes us road users. And any, even minor, violation committed by us can lead to a traffic accident. To prevent this from happening, it is imperative to follow the traffic rules.

The next stage of our fun starts is dedicated to Traffic rules.

Before you start testing, answer the question. Let me remind you that for the correct answer - 1 point. (each team has 2 questions)

1. Baba Yaga’s personal transport? /Mortar/

2. What did the absent-minded man from Baseinaya Street go to Leningrad on? /Train/

3. The bears were riding a bicycle... And behind him were mosquitoes on... /a balloon/

4. Cross the roads

you are always on the streets

and they will advise and help

talking colors. /Traffic light/

5. The house on the street is coming

Everyone is lucky to get to work.

Not on chicken thin legs,

And in rubber boots. /Bus/

6. I'm walking around the city,

I won't get into trouble.

Because I know for sure -

I follow the rules. /A pedestrian/

All road users must know road signs. The next relay race is called “Road Signs”. Each participant, in turn, runs to the table on which the puzzles lie, takes one piece, returns and attaches it to the board located near the team. The team that assembles the road sign faster and names it correctly wins.

(signs - pedestrian crossing, no stopping, bicycle path)

Every driver must not only know the rules of the road, but also be able to apply them in practice. The next relay race is “Pro Driver”. On a scooter, each team member must go around the pins without touching them, and return back on the scooter.

Leading. It's time to sum up the preliminary results of the game. The jury's word.

A representative of the jury sums up the preliminary results of the game

Leading. Being in nature, a person has great opportunities to improve health by hardening the body. The main hardening factors are sun, air and water. The only problem is that people do not always correctly use the beneficial influence of nature. When taking solar, air and water procedures, you must follow certain rules, otherwise these procedures will cause more trouble than joy.

The next stage of our fun starts is called "In the country". We start this stage with a warm-up. Answer the questions, I remind you that for the correct answer the team receives 1 point.

1. You rubbed your leg on the road, what plant will help you relieve the pain? /plantain/

2. The name of this plant speaks for itself - it treats many skin diseases / celandine /

3. What plants will help strengthen your hair? /burdock, nettle/

Explain the meaning of the signs: swimming is prohibited, making fires is prohibited, swimming is allowed (each team has 1 sign)

Leading. Guys, guess the riddle.

If there is a flood somewhere,


Explosion, collapse, earthquake -

Dad will be there tirelessly

Rescue the victims

And help them in trouble. /rescuer/

Unfortunately, there are times when it is necessary to provide assistance to a drowning person. To do this, rescuers either swim up to him themselves, or on a watercraft and throw a life preserver to the drowning man. Our next relay race is called “Rescuer”. Lifebuoys lie in front of you, and captains stand at a distance of 4 meters beyond the line. The participants' task is to reach the captain, thereby saving him. For the competition you will receive as many points as you “save” the captain.

Imagine that you are going on a hike and you need to cross a river. Relay "Boot". Each team has a pair of rubber boots (boots are several sizes larger); participants need to run to the chair in their boots, run around it and come back, passing the baton to the next one.

Leading. You've passed the relay

And we learned a lot about the rules

I want to give you good advice

Follow the rules strictly.

The floor is given to the chairman of the jury, who will sum up the results of the game.

Summing up, awarding the winners.

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