Making changes to the founder’s passport data. Drawing up decisions, protocols or orders

Changes have been made.

Now changes relating to the first name, patronymic, last name and other passport data of both the founders (participants) and the management of organizations must be made by the registration authorities (FTS) independently based on data received from the FMS.

Previously, the law provided for the obligation to notify the Federal Tax Service within three days in the prescribed form.

However, you should remember: despite the passage of time and the deadlines established by the new regulations, the data is updated very slowly. Even after several months, the information may not have changed.

That is why, if there is a change in the passport data of the general director, there is still a need to notify the Federal Tax Service and submit it to the management of the organizations themselves. This need is due to the fact that if an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is urgently required (for court or other purposes), it may contain old data.

Therefore, it is always better to play it safe and apply for changes yourself, without waiting for the reaction of the migration service.

In what cases are changes made to documents?

By law, passport data may change in the following cases:

  1. Was issued new document after the loss or deterioration of the old one.
  2. Passport has been replaced based on age. Citizens of the Russian Federation are required to change their passports twice - at 20 and at 45 years old. It is unlikely that a person will become a director before he turns twenty, but many managers under forty-five are a reality.
  3. There has been a change in the last name, first name or patronymic. A change in the surname of the founder of an LLC and the director of an LLC usually occurs with marriage and most often among women. However, firstly, there are already quite a lot of women directors, and many of them get married during the period when they occupy a leadership position.

    Secondly, family law allows the husband to change his surname (or adopt a double one). As for the remaining parts of the full name (that is, the actual name and patronymic), they can also be changed at the request of the citizen by registering changes in the registry office.

  4. Gender has changed. This situation looks exotic, but is quite probable. Sometimes surgical gender reassignment is the only option for a transsexual person. Operations of this type are not carried out too often, but regularly.

    In law? after a gender change has occurred, the citizen is obliged to change his documents. Accordingly, he will receive new passport with a new gender designation, and usually a new name.

  5. Errors or inaccuracies were discovered in the passport. Unfortunately, mistakes made by passport officers are quite common, and as a result, citizen Kazakov may be recorded as Kozakov in his passport.

    Often these types of errors are revealed only in controversial situations(for example, related to inheriting property or establishing kinship), and then the citizen may need to clarify his passport data.

    Since legal norms do not allow corrections or erasures of a passport, a person must receive a new document - which, accordingly, will have new number and series (each passport form is unique).

So, the surname of the general director of the LLC has changed, the procedure will be as follows.

Minutes of the meeting of participants

After a change has occurred in the passport data of the founder of the LLC, it is necessary to begin the procedure for making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

The first step will be making a decision by the sole participant (founder) or the general meeting.

The general meeting is held according to the same rules as in the case of a change of general director.

Since the change in passport data is unlikely to coincide with the next meeting, the decision will have to be made out of turn.

It can be collected by one of the participants owning at least 10% authorized capital, as well as the director himself.

The meeting considers the issue and makes a decision by voting or absentee poll. IN the latter case participants exchange documents by mail, telephone or email correspondence– in any way permitted by the charter and other internal documents organizations.

The main requirement here is that the communication method reliably identifies the source from which the document originates.

The decision of the meeting (in person or in absentia) is formalized by drawing up minutes, which contains the following information:

  • date, time and place of the meeting;
  • composition of participants authorized to make decisions;
  • question put to vote;
  • the results of voting on the issue and the essence of the decision made;
  • signatures of participants.

Sole founder's decision

In the event that the company sole founder and participant, the meeting is not held.

In this case, he himself makes a decision and formalizes it in in writing, certifying with his signature.

What specific questions should be asked before the meeting?

It should be noted that from the moment the current director’s passport details have changed, from the point of view of the law he should be considered as a new entity.

In this case, the general meeting or the sole participant must decide on the reappointment of the existing general director again to the same position.

Accordingly, the question will be posed exactly like this: “To appoint Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, passport series... number..., as the general director of the company...”.

What to do if you change:

  • director's name;
    Although the Federal Law "On state registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs"in paragraph 5 of Art. 5 does not require notifying the registration authority within three days; in practice, it is better to notify the tax office that the director’s passport has changed. IN otherwise Problems may arise with the preparation of documentation at the Federal Tax Service, as well as in relations with counterparties.
  • address;
    The General Director can change not only his first name, patronymic or last name, but also his registered address. Is it necessary to make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities if the address of the founder of the LLC has changed?

    No. In this case, no action is required from the company’s management, since:

    the passport remains the same, and only a new stamp on registration at the place of residence is affixed to it;
    All data on a citizen’s residence is registered with the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation. This organization itself must contact the tax service and, if necessary, provide information.

However, if a change in any other information is later registered, the director’s new place of residence will also need to be indicated in form P14001.

Which authorities need to be notified?

The entire package of documents is submitted to the registration authority at the location of the organization. This body can be either a regular Federal Tax Service Inspectorate or a specialized one that deals only with the registration of legal entities. The latter option is now practiced in many constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to relieve the burden on district tax inspectorates.

Previously, it was required to notify the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund. However, now all the data there comes from the tax service, so notification is no longer required.

However, we recommend notifying counterparties under contracts concluded by the company about changes regarding the name. This will avoid misunderstandings and questions about why new documents will be signed by a different person than before.

What documents should I submit?

To register changes you will need next package documents:

  1. Application in the prescribed form. If information about the director is included in the charter (for example, he is also a member of the company), then you will need form P13001. If the charter does not contain passport data, then form P14001.
  2. If changes are made to the charter - duty payment document. If the director is not a participant and is not mentioned in any way in the charter, no fee is required.
  3. Solution the only participant or minutes of the meeting.
  4. The decision to create a company.
  5. Order on the appointment of a director.

All these documents are submitted to the Federal Tax Service, where the company was registered. The documents must be submitted by the director himself or a person acting on his behalf on the basis of a power of attorney.

Form 14001

An application for amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is submitted according to one of standard forms, established by the government RF.

Typically, changes in the surname of the director and founder are reflected in form P14001.

Although this form was introduced back in 2002, the tax authorities themselves recommend using those samples, the forms of which are either issued by the Federal Tax Service itself, or which can be downloaded from the official tax website.

Both Form 14001 and 13001 must be notarized. To do this, before contacting the Federal Tax Service, you first need to contact him.

You will need to have the same package of documents with you (with the exception of a receipt for payment of the fee - the notary does not need it). The certification must be paid for.

The cost depends on the notary’s tariff, but as of 2015 you should expect at least 1,500 rubles.

As you can see, although since 2012 it is no longer necessary to notify the Federal Tax Service of the organization itself, it is still better to do so. The procedure itself is not too complicated or expensive, but it allows you to avoid many difficulties in the future.

A civil passport, both in Russia and in other countries, is a person’s main document proving his identity. And if a citizen Russian Federation- the general director of the organization, then changing passport data entails replacing many papers and notifying related authorities about the change in documentation. So, let’s figure out what changes await the company if the passport of the general director of the LLC has changed.

The need to change passport data

According to Russian legislation, a change of identity document is necessary if:

  • The validity period of the passport ends upon reaching the ages of 25 and 45 years.
  • A person makes changes to the “patronymic”, “first name” or “last name” field.
  • An individual changes citizenship or gender.
  • The document has been damaged.
  • For some reason, a citizen lost his passport.

They do not replace the document when amending information about marriage, children and place of residence.

Changing the passport of the general director of an LLC previously meant that he would have to contact tax office, off-budget funds and banks that serve the organization. But in 2017 this is no longer necessary.

In June 2011, the need to inform the state register about changes in data in the passport was abolished (Law No. 169-FZ). Federal Migration Service(FMS) itself submits information about changes to the tax office, where amendments are made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

There is no need to independently notify the tax office about changing your passport - the FMS will do this.

However, the director reserves the right to personally apply to the tax office to change personal data. This applies to those cases when the FMS bodies are in no hurry to complete their work on time, and the manager urgently needs an extract from the ERGUL. The director must also contact the tax authority personally if any discrepancy in information is found in the extract.

As for foreign citizens who conduct entrepreneurial activity in Russia, they change documents according to the requirements of their country. At the same time, do not forget to notify tax authorities from the Russian Federation about the course of events.

What to do after changing your passport details?

Changing the passport of the general director of an LLC is a procedure no different from replacing the head of the company. The organization goes through all stages of state registration of changes. You need:

1. Approve the decision regarding changes to the Unified State Legal Entities and draw up a protocol from all participants of the company, indicating in the required line “change of passport data of the director of the LLC.”

If within 3 days after the decision is approved, changes are not made to the ERGUL, the director will be required to pay a fine of 5,000 rubles.

2. Fill out an application in form P14001.

3. Have your signature on the application certified by a notary, having the above-mentioned papers with you.

4. After 6 working days, receive a certificate and a certificate from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

5. Report the changed passport data to the bank where the organization has. They will be entered into the database and legal file of the institution. If the manager has changed his last name, you will need to issue a new bank card.

When receiving new documents, it is better to check with the Federal Tax Service whether you need to independently report new data to the interested authorities.

After registration

After making amendments to the passport details of the director of the LLC, it remains to perform some manipulations with the documents at the bank, where you need to provide:

  • TIN and certificate from OGRN.
  • Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • A photocopy of the new LLC.
  • A copy of the data registration document valid passport leader.

Changing the data in the passport ceases to be personal matter, when it concerns the general director of the LLC. Then all interested individuals and legal entities have to be notified about this procedure. You will need to be patient to endure the re-registration process.

Changing the passport of the founder and director of an LLC from 07/01/2011 is not accompanied by filing an application for amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. This procedure is carried out jointly by the Federal Tax Service and the Federal Migration Service without the participation of officials and owners of enterprises.

Planned or extraordinary passport replacement (in case of loss, change of last name, first name or patronymic)

Passport Russian citizen- the main document confirming his identity. Like any other document, it has an expiration date. By law, a passport expires when its owner turns 20 or 45 years old. A document received after the age of 45 has no expiration date and is valid throughout the life of its owner.

If the general director's last name, first name or patronymic changes, or if he reaches the above age, he, like any other citizen of the Russian Federation, must obtain a new identity document. A damaged, stolen or lost passport must be as soon as possible restore.

Changes such as marital status, birth of children, change of place of registration, and so on, are entered into the document without replacing it.

When changing the passport data of the general director, founder of an enterprise or entrepreneur without education legal entity new passport data must be entered into a single State Register. Previously, this responsibility arose with the entrepreneur, founder, and manager himself. It was necessary to fill out form P14001, have the signature on the application form certified by a notary, and transfer the document to tax service. Now FMS employees are required to transfer all changes in passport data to the tax office. And the Federal Tax Service independently makes changes to the state register.

IMPORTANT! The law provides for entering changed passport data into unified state register only for citizens of the Russian Federation. Citizens of other states are required to submit an application in form P14001 with a notarized signature to the Federal Tax Service, as before.

Doubts arose during documentation one or another procedure related to the activities of the organization? On our forum you can clarify any points. , for example, will help you figure out when and how the Founder’s Decision needs to be updated.

Receiving an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with amendments about the general director

It may take up to 15 working days from the date of issue of the passport to the date of making changes to the director’s passport data in the state register. This is due to the fact that document exchange between the Federal Tax Service and the Federal Migration Service may take a long time. After this period, you apply to the Federal Tax Service to issue an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and receive it in your hands, you will be able to see and check the changes made.

But sometimes, in order to run a business smoothly, it is necessary to speed up the deadline for making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. In this case, you can write statements to free form to the Federal Tax Service and the Federal Migration Service on the transfer and entry of new passport data into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or fill out the application form P14001. Such appeals to regulatory authorities will speed up the process of updating data, and your business will not suffer.

Otherwise there may be trouble. For example, until changes are made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you will not be able to use the services of the bank. And statements received during this period of time for counterparties and trades will have outdated information.

What to do if the data of the new passport was not entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or was entered with errors?

If enough time has passed, and the new extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains the data of the old passport or changes were made with an error, then you will need to contact the tax service with a request to correct the error.

You can use the same form P14001, noting in section. 2 page 1 that it is being submitted in connection with corrections of erroneous data, or you can contact the tax service with a free-format application. A copy of your passport will need to be attached to this application.

Other nuances of the work of tax authorities can be found in the material “Innovations in the activities of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for 2017 have become known.”


Currently, document exchange has been established between the services of the Federal Migration Service and the Federal Tax Service, and now, when receiving a new passport, there is no need to fill out form P14001 or spend money on a notary. All changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities when changing the passport data of the director or founder of the enterprise will be made without your participation. But sometimes to speed up the process you need to contact tax authorities with a corresponding statement.

An identification document of a citizen of the Russian Federation (passport) is the main document of Russians upon reaching 14 years of age and for the rest of their lives. Mandatory shift it is subject to when a citizen reaches the ages of 20 and 45 years. There are also unforeseen circumstances and in these situations there is a need for replacement or loss of receipt of a document. When changing a passport, the citizen’s passport data changes (series, number, date and by whom it was issued, and you can also change the date of birth, full name, etc.). Let's consider whether changing the identity card of the founder or director will have any impact on the activities of the LLC.

Legislative regulation of changes when changing a manager’s passport

Procedure for changing a passport governing bodies LLC is reflected in the change of documents of the organization and is based on the following regulations:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 07/08/1997 N 828 outlines the information that must be indicated in the passport
  • Federal Law No. 14-FZ dated 02/08/1998, which reflects the procedure for establishing an LLC
  • Federal Law No. 129-FZ dated 08.08.2001 determines the content of information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 N ММВ-7-6/25@ determines the procedure and forms for processing documents for registering a legal entity
  • Articles of Association of the LLC (if originally introduced)
  • Memorandum of Association (plays a role provided that the LLC is established by 1 person)

Information indicated in the passport affecting the activities of the LLC

The reasons for changing your passport are:

  1. reaching the ages of 20 and 45 years
  2. change of full name, date/place of birth
  3. gender change
  4. unsuitability of the passport for use (wear, damage, etc.)
  5. detection of inaccurate or erroneous data in the passport

The identity document reflects information that has important for persons who are founders or directors of an LLC.

This includes:

The procedure for providing information about changes in passport data Today, when changing the passport of the director or founder of an LLC, it is not necessary to submit this information to the Federal Tax Service. On interdepartmental interaction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in electronic form

must provide information to the Federal Tax Service about changing the passport.

Interdepartmental interaction is based on the transfer of confidential data. For failure to provide data to official disciplinary action may be taken administrative punishment

(but not criminal).

In the future, the Federal Tax Service is obliged to notify the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund of changes that have occurred in the manager’s passport data. And in order to avoid unforeseen situations, it is necessary to clarify the changes made and the timing of their implementation.

The need to independently change data in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

You will have to make changes yourself in the following cases:

  • The Ministry of Internal Affairs did not transmit (did not transmit in a timely manner) information
  • need to make a deal
  • receiving an updated extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • the statement contains inaccurate data
  • the director is foreign citizen

Important! The LLC needs to monitor changes in information (both the correctness of the data and the timing) in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, since in the future the Federal Tax Service may also punish the company due to incorrect data in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Procedure for making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about the director’s data

If an LLC wishes to make timely changes to information in government documents, it is necessary to:

  • the minutes of the meeting of the LLC need to approve the decision regarding changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (change of the passport of the director of the LLC)
  • an application is generated in form P14001, certified by a notary on the basis of a decision made to amend the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (a protocol is presented)
  • application P14001 is submitted to the Federal Tax Service. The corresponding changes are made to the state register within 5 days, after which the Federal Tax Service issues an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

Important! If the change is approved by the protocol, then within 3 days after its approval the P14001 form is not submitted to the NSF, then a fine of 5,000 rubles is imposed.

Provided that if the director is a foreign citizen, then the change of his passport data takes place in accordance with the legislation of another country. The director must provide information to the Federal Tax Service about the progress of the process of changing passport data. After changing the identity card of a foreign citizen manager, you must submit an application P14001 to the Federal Tax Service yourself, due to the absence interdepartmental interaction Federal Tax Service with government agencies other countries.

Informing the bank about changes in the director’s passport details

When entering new accurate data about changes in the director’s passport data, you need to submit information to the bank where the account is opened.

  • Each bank has its own requirements, but the main package of documents includes:
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • LLC Charter
  • certificate from OGRN
  • new passport details

bank card

The deadline for informing the bank about a change in data is specified in the bank account agreement.

Informing counterparties about the change of the director’s passport

When concluding contracts, existing partners can submit a request to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities regarding the right to carry out actions of the LLC. If information about the director is not entered in a timely manner, then relations with existing counterparties can be ruined. In this regard, it is recommended to inform partners with whom contractual relations have been established or are still being established about changes in the passport data of the LLC director.

To notify business partners about changes in the manager’s data, you can send an information letter issued to letterhead and signed by the director.

Example text of an information letter about changing the director’s passport details

With this letter we bring to your attention the change of passport data of the director of our organization Alpha and Omega LLC, who is Maria Ilyinichna Alexandrova, formerly Ivanova.

An extract from the protocol is attached.

Amendment of the Charter in case of change of passport data of the founders

In some cases, changes in the passport data of the founders, and sometimes also the director (if specified in the Charter), lead to the need to amend the LLC Charter.

When amending the Charter, information is provided to the Federal Tax Service directly by the organization.

The Federal Tax Service is informed about the inclusion of information in the Charter by application in form No. To form it you need:

  • edit the Charter (when one change is made, as a rule, certain points change)
  • make a decision on amending the Charter by the Protocol general meeting(By decision of a single participant)
  • fill out an application
  • certify the application by a notary on the basis of the Protocol (Decision)
  • issue 2 copies new edition Charter or changes
  • pay the state fee

From the moment the decision on changes to the Charter is made, the Federal Tax Service must be notified within 3 days.

Error when detecting an inaccuracy in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

When changing the director's passport data (for example, in one letter or number), the changes were made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with an error and upon receipt new statement the inaccuracies were not immediately noticed. Is there a need to change the data?

In this case, you must submit an application for amendments in form P14001 with a new copy of your passport attached.

Quite often, an accountant “on the side” plays the role of a personnel officer. And this is not surprising, because personnel work is most closely related to the work of accounting. And although personnel documentation, in comparison with accounting documentation, is an example of simplicity and clarity, nevertheless, personnel work sometimes presents the accountant with complex tasks.

IN this article we decided to limit ourselves to only the minimum necessary explanations for a particular situation that may raise questions for an accountant performing the functions of a personnel officer. The main place in the article will be devoted to specific tools for solving the problem. After all, you see, finding an explanation of how to act in a given situation is usually not difficult. It is much more difficult to find specifics - what exactly needs to be done, what documents and how to complete them, etc.

Situation one: change of surname

Let's start with probably the most common situation, which, nevertheless, raises constant questions. It's about about a change of surname by an employee (usually an employee). Obviously, in this case, changes will need to be made to personnel documentation, for example, in an employment contract, work book and the employee’s personal card. However, making such changes requires a basis. Such a basis will be documents confirming the change of name, submitted by the employee himself. But you should ensure that the employee submits these documents in advance, and include in the employment contract a standard condition that the employee is obliged to inform the employer about a change of name, passport, place of residence and other personal data specified in the employment contract.

In principle, to begin the procedure for making changes to personnel records, it is enough to simply receive from the employee documents confirming the change of surname - a new passport, marriage certificate. These documents must be copied and certified with the stamp (seal) of the organization and the signature of the accountant. However, we recommend that you still ask the employee to sign the following statement:

Murashova E.D.

Demina R.K.


Due to the change of surname that occurred after marriage (former surname Rykova, new surname Demina) and receiving a new passport, please make necessary changes in personnel and other documentation containing my personal data.


2. A copy of the marriage certificate.

Demina R.K.

Receiving such an application will allow for better organization of document flow, since documents on change of surname will be “tied” to this statement. This means that in a few years, anyone who opens a personal file (including an inspector) will understand why these particular documents are in the file, and, what is important, at what point the organization became aware of the change in the employee’s last name. In addition, if necessary, visas and other marks can be placed on this application if the document flow system adopted by the organization requires this.

Don’t forget to also immediately give the employee an application for signature in form ADV-2 (approved by Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 2006 No. 192p). This application is required to begin the replacement procedure. insurance certificate state pension insurance. You will still have to do this, so it is better to complete all applications at once and not distract the employee any further.

After receiving the application, you can prepare an order to make changes to personnel and other accounting documentation. So, in addition to the already mentioned employment contract, work book and personal card, you will need to make changes to your personal account, vacation schedule, insurance premium card, and insurance card. If a power of attorney was issued for the employee, then it will also have to be redone. Moreover, if wage is transferred to a bank card issued by the employer, then you will have to initiate the procedure for replacing the card, and if the company provides the employee with voluntary health insurance, then the procedure for replacing the policy. Accordingly, all these points need to be reflected in the order, which will look something like this:

LLC "First"


I order:

1.1. Prepare additional agreement To employment contract with Demina R.K., taking into account the change in her personal data (last name and passport details).

1.2. Enter in the work book of Demina R.K. information about changing your surname.

1.3. Add to Demina R.K.’s personal card. information about changing your last name and passport details.

1.4. Make changes related to the replacement of Demina R.K. surnames, in the Time Sheet, Vacation Schedule and personal account.

1.5. Ensure that new personal data of Demina R.K. is taken into account. when compiling tax reporting and reporting to extra-budgetary funds.

1.6. Register for Demina R.K. new power of attorney, simultaneously revoking the previous one (dated January 1, 2019 No. 14-dVIP).

1.7. Notify company employees, contractors and others interested parties that Demina R.K. a new power of attorney has been issued.

1.8. Complete the documents required for replacement bank card, issued by Demina R.K. as part of the salary project.

1.9. Complete the documents necessary to replace the voluntary policy health insurance, issued by Demina R.K. within the framework of the corporate voluntary health insurance program.

1.10. Notify Demina R.K. on the need to submit an application to replace the certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

1.11. Notify Demina of the need to replace the compulsory health insurance policy.

2. Beregovskaya N.I., chief accountant of LLC Pervy, should be appointed responsible for the execution of this order.

General Director E.D. Murashov

And already on the basis of this order, changes are made to personnel documents. Let us remind you that changes to the personal card, work book and other personnel documents for paper media are entered as follows: outdated information is crossed out with one line, and the new name of the employee and the reason for the change are written above or next to it (depending on the form).

And the following additional agreement is signed to the employment contract:


Krasnodar city

Society with limited liability"First", represented by General Director E.D. Murashova, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the Employer, on the one hand, and Demina Raisa Konstantinovna, hereinafter referred to as the Employee, on the other hand, collectively hereinafter referred to as the Parties,

have entered into this Additional Agreement to the employment contract in force between the Parties (dated July 12, 2018 No. 24-td, hereinafter referred to as the Agreement):

1. In connection with a change in the Employee’s personal data, in the text of the Agreement the surname “Rykova” should be replaced with “Demina” in the appropriate cases.

2. In connection with changes in the Employee’s personal data, the preamble of the Agreement should be stated as follows:

LLC First, represented by General Director E.D. Murashov, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the Employer, on the one hand, and Demina Raisa Konstantinovna, passport series 4504 number 765432, issued on December 12, 2011 passport office No. 3 FMS for Krasnodar, living at the address: Krasnodar, st. Dzerzhinskogo, 10, bldg. 2, apt. 15, hereinafter referred to as the Employee, on the other hand, collectively hereinafter referred to as the Parties, have entered into this employment agreement as follows: ".

3. Signatures of the Parties:

Worker Demina

Employer Murashov

Situation two: passport replacement

The next situation that we will consider in today’s topic is when an employee receives a new passport. This is possible as in urgently- in case of loss, damage, etc., and as planned - passports are supposed to be exchanged at 20 and 45 years of age (clause 7 of the Passport Regulations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 07/08/97 No. 828). In principle, the algorithm of actions in this case is similar to what we described above in the case of changing a surname. However, there are fewer documents to which changes will need to be made. This is an employment contract, personal account, personal card, power of attorney and bank documents. Yes, and the accompanying papers are still drawn up somewhat differently.

First of all, we receive a statement from the employee with approximately the following content:

General Director of LLC "Pervy"

Murashova E.D.

from a specialist in the department for working with VIP clients
Demina R.K.


In connection with receiving a new passport, I ask you to make the necessary changes to the personnel and other documentation containing my passport data.


1. Copy of passport (all pages).

Demina R.K.

Based on this statement, the manager issues an order. It lists the actions that must be taken to reflect changes in personnel and other documentation.

LLC "First"


In connection with what was received from Demina R.K. a statement in which she notifies the administration of Pervy LLC about changes in personal data,

I order:

1.1. Prepare an additional agreement to the employment contract with Demina R.K., taking into account the change in her passport data.

1.2. Add to Demina R.K.’s personal card. information about changing passport data.

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石黒浩 Career In 1991 he defended his dissertation. Since 2003, professor at Osaka University. Heads a laboratory in which...