Internal approval of documents. Endorsement of a document How to properly endorse documents sample

Before submitting an organizational and administrative document for signature to the director, be it an order, internal labor regulations or job description, it must be agreed upon with the interested parties, that is, endorsed. There are special rules for obtaining visas. Let's see which ones.
Approval is necessary in any organization, because it is a kind of quality control of documents. Visas on the document confirm that its contents are true and do not contradict the law, local regulations, or collective agreement.
The legislation does not say anything about which officials within the organization visa a particular document and how many visas can be on one document. Therefore, we recommend that you describe the approval procedure in detail in your company’s office management instructions. Take as a basis GOST R 6.30-2003, approved by Decree of the State Standard of Russia of March 3, 2003 N 65-st, which contains general rules for issuing visas. On page 42 you will see a sample section on approval, which should be in the instructions for personnel records management.

Agreement and familiarization are not the same thing

There are two types of visas - approval visa and familiarization visa. The approval visa is mentioned in GOST R 6.30-2003 and has a standard form. The familiarization visa is not mentioned in GOST and is therefore drawn up in free form. Let's see how these two types of visas differ.
An approval visa is placed on a document before it is signed or approved by the head of the organization (that is, it is not the document that is endorsed, but its draft). Only interested parties, that is, those who are affected by the content of the document, endorse the document. Different documents are presented to different persons for approval.
For example, let's take an order to transfer an employee to another job. Firstly, it must bear a visa from the head or inspector of the personnel department, certifying that the order is drawn up in the correct form and includes reliable data. Then it must be endorsed by the head of the department to which the employee is transferred. By affixing his visa, the head of the department indicates that he has been notified of the arrival of a new employee and agrees with this state of affairs. If an employee’s salary changes during a transfer, the order should be agreed upon with the chief accountant of the organization. And finally, the document is endorsed by the head of the legal department (or a lawyer, if there is no department), confirming that the transfer did not violate labor laws.
The familiarization visa is issued by the employee whose interests are affected by the document. By this he confirms that the document has been brought to his attention. An acquaintance visa, unlike an approval visa, is always affixed to a ready-made, signed and approved document.

What does a visa look like?

The approval visa includes the position of the visa holder, his signature, initials, surname and date. If an employee wishes to express disagreement with the contents of the document with his visa, then the phrase “comments are attached” is written first, and all other data is located below. Here are samples of visa approvals.

Head of Supply Department Volkova A.A. Volkova
———— ————————


Comments are attached
Legal consultant N.I. Kovrov Kovrov
———— ————————
(signature) (signature decryption)

Documents that remain in the organization are endorsed in the original. It is better to place visas on the reverse side (on multi-page documents this is the reverse of the last sheet). If the document is sent to another organization, then visas are placed on the copy, which remains with the company. In this case, they are located on the front side, in the lower left part of the document, just below the signature. On multi-page documents of particular importance, each sheet may be endorsed. This is usually how contracts and protocols are endorsed.
The familiarization visa includes a phrase confirming that the employee is familiar with the document. For example, “I have read the order.” Below or on the same line is the employee’s signature, its transcript (last name and initials) and date. If several employees are familiar with the document, then we advise you to include the name of the position of each of them in the visa. The familiarization visa is always affixed on the front side of the original document, below the signature. We present to you samples of familiarization visas.

The act was reviewed by: Manokhin D.A. Manokhin
———— ————————
(signature) (signature decryption)

The following have been familiarized with the order:
Head of Sales Department Krapivin N.I. Krapivin
———— ————————
(signature) (signature decryption)
Head of the ACS Maslov L.I. Maslov
———— ————————
(signature) (signature decryption)

Depending on the type of document, various additions may be included in the familiarization visa. For example, in the job description the phrase “I have read the instructions” is recommended to be supplemented with the following: “I have received one copy in my hands and undertake to keep it at my workplace.” This is dictated by the fact that employees often claim in court that they were not given a job description, and the employer cannot prove the opposite.

Who endorses what documents?

According to established custom, documents are endorsed by the following officials:
- head of the department that prepared the document;
- the executor who prepared the document;
— heads of interested departments;
- head of the financial or accounting service (if the document addresses financial issues);
— deputy head of the organization in charge of this area of ​​activity;
- the head of the organization, if the document is signed by his deputy;
- head of legal services or lawyer.
This list can be adjusted according to the structure and needs of the organization. For example, if the general director does not have deputies, the deputy’s visa will not be on the document. Many organizations do not provide a visa for the direct executor; it is replaced by a visa for the head of the department that will execute the document.

How to endorse orders using unified forms?

In the unified forms of orders for personnel, there is no such detail as an approval visa (they provide for an employee familiarization visa). But this does not mean that you cannot endorse these orders. It is necessary to coordinate such documents with officials of the organization, because they affect the interests of employees. In accordance with the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated March 24, 1999 N 20*(1), additional details can be entered into the unified forms. Place approval visas on the back of orders, at the bottom of the document.
So, let's summarize. Internal approval (signing) of a document means that all interested parties have checked the contents of the document. The procedure for approving documents is fixed in the organization’s office management instructions. On documents affecting the interests of the employee, a visa should be issued for the employee to familiarize himself with the document.

"Visa of disagreement"

If the employee approving the document does not agree in whole or in part with the contents of the document, he can make a note “comments attached” on his visa. Objections must be drawn up on a separate sheet, signed and attached to the document. The consequences of disagreement of any of the endorsers with the contents of the document must be specified in the instructions for office work. In any case, the fate of the project is decided by the head of the organization. He can, for example, return it to the developer with his comments or sign the document despite objections.

Limited Liability Company "Rosa"
LLC "Rosa"

Instructions I approve
Director for Office Management A.A. Rakitin Rakitin
01/12/2006 N 2nd ———— ——— —————
———— (position (signature) (transcript
(date) manager) signature)
Penza ————
(date of)

12. Coordination of company personnel documents

12.1. To evaluate the draft personnel document and check its compliance with current legislation and local regulations of the Company, internal approval of the document (endorsement) is carried out.
12.2. The draft personnel document must be endorsed by the head of the personnel department and a lawyer, and, if necessary, by officials of other structural divisions. The list of documents subject to endorsement, with a list of persons approving these documents, is given in Appendix No. 5 to these instructions.
12.3. If the person who is approving does not agree with the content of the project, he has the right to make a note in his visa “comments are attached.” In this case, he must state his comments on a separate sheet, certify them with a signature, date them and attach them to the draft document.
12.4. The director of the organization reviews all comments and gives the developer a written opinion on further work with the project. If the director determines that the project needs improvement, he sets a deadline for the developer to eliminate all shortcomings.
12.5. If, after finalizing the draft, its content has undergone significant changes, the draft document is re-endorsed.

And how are you?

We asked employers:
Who in your organization has the right to approve documents?
Yulia Ermakova, HR department inspector (Khabarovsk)
We grant this right to all department heads. We included the corresponding item in their job descriptions. They endorse orders for the admission of workers to their departments, transfers, vacations, and bonuses.
But we don’t yet have a full-time lawyer, although his visa is required on personnel documents.
Alla Lyubavina, HR manager (Novorossiysk)
All contracts, both business and labor, are endorsed by our chief accountant. Orders for core activities (for example, approval of staffing) require a visa for the director of legal affairs.

Make a list of documents that must be endorsed in your organization, and for each document, a list of officials who must endorse it. Such a list can be prepared as an appendix to the office work instructions. On page 46, a fragment of the list is presented, which includes orders for personnel. Based on this sample, you can compile a list of all endorsed documents for your organization.

Appendix No. 5
to the instructions for office work of LLC "Rose" dated 12.01.2006 N 2

List of documents subject to visa
officials of LLC "Rosa"

Orders for personnel

¦ Document ¦ Approving officials ¦

“Order for employment (T-1, T-1a)” Head of the personnel department, head of the department in which
¦ ¦employee, chief accountant, lawyer accepted ¦
¦Order for granting leave (T-6, ¦Head of the HR department, head of the unit where the work-¦
¦T-6a), dismissal order (T-8, ¦ melts (worked) employee, lawyer ¦
¦Т-8а) ¦ ¦
“Order for transfer (T-5, T-5a), re-¦Head of the personnel department, head of the unit where the re-¦
¦moving ¦is an employee, chief accountant (if the employee has me -¦
¦ ¦salary), lawyer ¦
¦Order on promotion (T-11, T-11a), us-¦Head of the personnel department, head of the department where the work-¦
The increase in salary is determined by the employee, the chief accountant (if the incentive is material)
¦change of official salary ¦noe), lawyer ¦
“Order on sending on a business trip” Head of the personnel department, head of the unit where the work-¦
¦(T-9, T-9a) ¦employee, chief accountant, lawyer ¦
“Order to impose disciplinary action” Head of the HR department, head of the unit where the work-¦
¦collections ¦employee, lawyer ¦
¦Order on work on days off, holidays - ¦Head of the HR department, head of the unit where the work-¦
“every day, at night, overtime” the employee, chief accountant (if the work is compensated)
¦ ¦increased pay), lawyer ¦

E. Shirimova,
lawyer, leading expert of the magazine "Personnel Business"

*(1) “On approval of the procedure for using unified forms of primary accounting documentation.”

Documentation of information in an organization is carried out in the manner established by government authorities responsible for organizing office work, standardizing documents and their arrays, and security of the Russian Federation.

        Formatting letters
The title to the text includes a brief summary of the document and can answer the questions: what is it about? (about whom?) (for example, the Order on the creation of an attestation commission) or what? (who?) (for example, Job description of a marketer).

The text of documents drawn up on A5 format does not need to include a title.

The text of the document is drawn up in the state language of the Russian Federation or in the state languages ​​of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The text of the document can be formatted as follows:

  • questionnaires. When compiling a text in the form of a questionnaire, the names of the characteristics of the characterized object must be expressed by a noun in the nominative case or a phrase with a second-person plural verb of the present or past tense, for example “have”, “possess” or “were”, “were”, etc. d. Characteristics expressed verbally must be consistent with the names of the characteristics;
  • tables. Columns and rows of the table must have headings expressed by a noun in the nominative case. Subheadings of columns and rows must be consistent with the headings. If the table is printed on more than one page, the columns of the table must be numbered and only the numbers of these columns must be printed on the following pages;
  • connected text. Connected text mainly consists of two parts:
  • in the first part, indicate the reasons, grounds, goals for drawing up the document;
  • in the second, final part - decisions, conclusions, requests, proposals, recommendations.
In the text of a document prepared on the basis of documents of other organizations or previously published documents, their details are indicated: name of the document, name of the enterprise - the author of the document, date of the document, registration number of the document, title to the text.

If the text contains several solutions, conclusions, etc., then it can be divided into sections, subsections, paragraphs, which are numbered in Arabic numerals.

The following forms of presentation are used in letters:

  • from the first person plural - “please send”, “we send for consideration”;
  • in the first person singular - “I consider it necessary”, “please highlight”;
  • from the third person singular - “the ministry does not object”, “VNII considers it possible.”
The “Signature” requisite includes:
  • job title of the person who signed the document. If the document is not on company letterhead, then the job title must be in full. If the document is issued on company letterhead, then the job title should be abbreviated;
  • personal signature;
  • decryption of signature (initials, surname).
In the “Signature” attribute, it is allowed to center the job title of the person who signed the document relative to the longest line.

The mark about the executor includes the initials and surname of the executor of the document and his telephone number. A mark about the performer is placed on the front or back side of the last sheet of the document in the lower left corner.

A seal impression certifies the authenticity of an official's signature on documents certifying the rights of persons, recording facts related to financial assets, as well as on other documents that provide for certification of the authenticity of a signature.

Documents are certified with the seal of the enterprise.

        Rules for document approval
Endorsement is a kind of quality control of documents. Visas on the document confirm that its contents are true and do not contradict the law, local regulations, or collective agreement.

There are two types of visas:

  • visa approval;
  • familiarization visa.
An approval visa is placed on a document before it is signed or approved by the head of the enterprise, that is, it is not the document that is endorsed, but its draft. The document is endorsed only by those persons who are affected by the content of the document. The document approval visa includes the signature and position of the person approving the document, a transcript of the signature (initials, surname) and the date of signing. For a document, the original of which remains in the enterprise, visas are affixed at the bottom of the reverse side of the last sheet of the original document. For a document whose original is sent from an enterprise, visas are affixed to the bottom of the front side of the copy of the document being sent.

The familiarization visa is issued by the employee, thereby confirming that the document has been brought to his attention. An acquaintance visa, unlike an approval visa, is always affixed to a ready-made, signed and approved document. The familiarization visa is always affixed on the front side of the original document, below the signature.

Documents that remain at the enterprise are endorsed in the original. It is better to place visas on the back side, and on multi-page documents - on the back of the last sheet. If the document is sent to another organization, then visas are placed on the copy, which remains in the organization. In this case, visas are located on the front side, in the lower left part of the document, just below the signature. On multi-page documents of particular importance, each sheet may be endorsed. This is how contracts or protocols are usually endorsed.

      Certification of a copy of a document
When certifying the compliance of a copy of a document with the original, below the “Signature” requisite, a certification inscription is affixed:
  • "Right";
  • position of the person who certified the copy;
  • personal signature;
  • decryption of the signature (initials, surname);
  • certification date.
The note on the execution of the document and its sending to the file includes the following data:
  • a link to the date and number of the document evidencing its execution;
  • in the absence of such a document - brief information about the execution;
  • the words "Get to work";
  • the file number in which the document will be stored.
A note on the execution of the document and its sending to the file is made and dated by the executor of the document or the head of the structural unit in which the document was executed.

The mark on the receipt of the document by the organization contains the next serial number and the date of receipt of the document (if necessary - hours and minutes).

It is allowed to mark the receipt of a document by the organization in the form of a stamp.

The identifier of an electronic copy of a document is a mark (footer) placed in the lower left corner of each page of the document and containing the name of the file on computer media, the date and other search data installed at the enterprise.

        Rules for document approval and approval
When a document is approved by an official, the document approval stamp must consist of:
  • the words I APPROVED (without quotes);
  • job title of the person approving the document;
  • signatures;
  • surnames and initials of the official signing the document;
  • approval dates.
The document approval stamp is located in the upper right corner of the document.

If a document is approved by several officials, their signatures are placed at the same level.

When approving a document by resolution, decision, order, protocol, the approval stamp consists of the word “APPROVED” (“APPROVED”, “APPROVED” or “APPROVED”), the name of the approving document in the instrumental case, its date, number.

The document approval stamp consists of the word “AGREED”, the position of the person with whom the document was agreed (including the name of the enterprise), personal signature, signature transcript (initials, surname) and the date of approval.

The resolution, written on a document by the relevant official, includes the names and initials of the executors, and, if necessary, the contents of the order, the deadline for execution, signature and date. The resolution may be drawn up on a separate sheet.

A mark on control over the execution of a document is indicated by the letter “K”, the word or stamp “Control”.



confirmation of the validity of the document, obtaining permission, consent of authorized bodies and persons in cases where this is provided for by rules, regulations, laws. A visa is issued in writing and can be sealed or stamped.

Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B.. Modern economic dictionary. - 2nd ed., rev. M.: INFRA-M. 479 pp.. 1999 .

Economic dictionary. 2000 .

See what “DOCUMENT VISION” is in other dictionaries:

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

    document approval- confirmation of the validity of the document, obtaining permission, consent of authorized bodies and persons in cases where this is provided for by rules, regulations, laws. A visa is issued in writing and can be sealed, stamped... Dictionary of economic terms

    This article is too short. Please add... Wikipedia

    Sighting- an operation to combine the image of the telescope reticle with the sighting target. Source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Placing a signature on a document by an official, indicating his agreement with the contents of this document. Dictionary of business terms. 2001... Dictionary of business terms

    sighting- Signing of a document by an official, certifying agreement with its contents or obliging everyone to whom it is addressed to fulfill or be guided by what is stated in it. V. is necessary to eliminate impersonality in the management process.… … Technical Translator's Guide

    Sighting at a landmark- 18. Sighting to a landmark Alignment of the optical axis of the sighting device with the direction to the landmark

New page 6

As a rule, documents prepared in an organization are subject to approval before they are given legal force (signing, registration, and, if necessary, approval and seal attachment). Coordination is carried out in cases where documents contain any legal norms and their examination is required for compliance with current regulatory legal acts, when they affect the interests of other organizations, officials of this organization, etc.

Coordination of the draft document is carried out with organizations and officials who, in accordance with their competence, are directly related to the issues contained in the draft document. Coordination can be carried out both within the organization - with structural divisions and officials (internal coordination), and outside it - with subordinate and non-subordinate organizations (external coordination).

Internal approval is issued with a visa, external approval is issued with an approval stamp. Let's consider the procedure and rules for processing internal approval of documents (endorsement).

Visa official document - details of the document expressing the official’s agreement or disagreement with the contents of the document.

Requirements for obtaining a visa and the procedure for endorsement of documents are determined by the following regulatory legal acts:

§ State Standard of the Republic of Belarus (STB) 6.38-2004 “Unified documentation systems of the Republic of Belarus. System of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation";

§ Approximate instructions for office work in ministries, state committees and other central government bodies, institutions, organizations and enterprises of the Republic of Belarus, approved by order of the Chairman of the Committee on Archives and Records Management of the Republic of Belarus dated May 23, 1995 No. 13 (hereinafter - Approximate instructions for office work).

In this case, one should also be guided by the Guidelines for the practical application of STB 6.38-2004, approved by order of the Chairman of the Committee on Archives and Records Management under the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated September 16, 2005 No. 41, which specify the provisions of STB 6.38-2004.

Both internal and outgoing documents are subject to endorsement.

On internal documents visas are affixed below the signature on the left on the front side of the last sheet of the first copy of the document. When endorsing draft administrative documents (orders, instructions, instructions, decrees, decisions), the Sample Office Work Instructions recommend placing visas on the reverse side of the last sheet of the document (clause 2.3.11), because when duplicating and sending copies of a document to other organizations, visas for them are not reproduced.

In outgoing documents (letters, certificates, memos) copies of documents remaining in the organization are endorsed (so-called “vacations”). The visa is issued according to the same rules as for the approval of internal documents.

If it is impossible to place visas on a document, it is necessary to draw up a separate approval sheet, which is attached to the visa copy and is subsequently stored with it in the file.

This material is published partially. The entire material can be read in the magazine “Personnel Department” No. 1 (60), January 2006. Reproduction is possible only with

Before signing, draft documents are in some cases agreed upon with interested institutions, structural divisions, and individual officials.

This is done to check the feasibility and timeliness, compliance with applicable laws and regulations and is, in essence, an assessment of the project.

Coordination is carried out inside and outside the institution.

Document approval visa

Internal consistency carried out with those units whose participation is provided for in the implementation of this document. In institutions that have a legal service, documents are agreed upon with a lawyer before signing. The document can also be agreed upon with the deputy head of the institution who oversees the issues reflected in the document.

If the execution of a document involves financial costs, approval is required from the financial service (chief accountant).

Usually these are contracts and agreements concluded by an organization (firm) for the receipt or release of inventory, performance of work and services; orders on establishing official salaries, wage increases, bonuses, etc. Thus, an accountant visa is provided for on a large number of documents.

Internal approval is issued by a document approval visa, consisting of indication of the position of the endorser, his signature, its decoding (initials and surname) and date.

In case of disagreement with the document, or if there are any comments or additions to the draft, they are stated on a separate sheet, signed and attached to the document. In this case, the visa is issued as follows:

Visa location: if the original document is sent, then the visa is located below the signature or on the left margin of the last sheet of the copy that will be left at the institution.

For documents whose originals remain in the organization (these are primarily internal documents), the visa is affixed to the back of the last sheet of the first copy of the original document.

The institution must have list of essential documents indicating the persons whose visas are required upon registration. It is advisable to give such a list in the appendix to. Office workers should know well without whose visas a document cannot be submitted to the manager for signature.

If there is a computer network, the text of a document can be coordinated simultaneously with several specialists without printing it on paper.

Document approval stamp

External approval depending on the content, it can be carried out with subordinate and non-subordinate bodies, if the content of the document affects their interests, with research organizations, public organizations, state and departmental control bodies, and higher authorities.

External approval of a document can be formalized by a protocol of approval or discussion of the draft document, a certificate, but most often by the stamp of approval of the document.

Approval stamp has two options: agreement with a specific official and agreement with another document, most often a letter, protocol, etc.

In the first case, after the word AGREED, the name of the position is indicated, including the name of the organization, a personal signature is placed, its explanation is given and the date is indicated. In the second case, after the word AGREED, the type of document, its date and number are indicated.

The word AGREED is written in capital letters without quotation marks.

If coordination with several organizations is necessary, a separate approval sheet can be drawn up.

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