Internal inventory sample filling. How to correctly create an inventory of the documents provided

An inventory of an employee's personal file is a natural component of the personal file itself. Such a folder tends to grow, including a lot of papers of various types. As a result, they quickly become impossible to understand.

The inventory of the personal file is designed specifically to bring order to this document.

Why do you need a document?

An inventory is required, since the personal file of any employee includes a lot of papers, some of them are mandatory, some are not. Each company compiles its own list of documents that are required for the personal files of employees.

As a result, the number of these papers becomes so significant that without an inventory it becomes impossible to track them. In addition, it is precisely according to the description that you can restore their chronology, determine in what order they entered this meeting.

Also, if such a need arises, the manager can either familiarize himself with the biography of an employee in a given organization with the least effort, the same applies to the employee himself, since he has the right to receive the file in his hands upon request, in addition, the possibility of annual familiarization of staff with their own affairs is provided.

In addition, the inventory is used when the case is transferred to the archive. During this procedure, the information contained in the inventory is transferred from this document to a certification sheet, which is placed in the archive along with the case itself.

Is it necessary to include an inventory in a personal file?

Drawing up an inventory not mandatory in general. These tools help in personnel management, but at the same time, such an obligation is not provided for by law for the employer. The only exceptions are state and municipal institutions for which such an obligation is established.

As a result, both the personal file and the inventory of papers that are included in it have become so widespread not because of the requirements of the law, but for the reason that in many cases this is actually very effective methods for collecting personnel information- in the case of personal files and their systematization - in the case of an inventory. At the same time, in other cases these decisions do not justify themselves, for example, in large organizations with significant staff turnover, it is irrational to open personal files. On the contrary, in small companies there is no economic opportunity for this; there is no point in compiling so many papers for a few employees and storing them. The absence of the obligation to conduct business with an inventory is justified, among other things, by these reasons.

It is indicated that if an organization decides to open personal files for employees, then it should be formalized by local regulations, in particular, by order or order. It is with its help that the legal regulation of this document is carried out. Such a local act must contain rules relating to the management of personal files and, in general, the inventory.

In this case, in principle, it is allowed to maintain inventories in any form for various cases. However, in reality this is inconvenient, so it is strongly recommended that the procedure specifically for this document be specified in the regulatory act and subsequently be guided by this procedure.

At the same time, there are two special cases when an inventory of a folder with such a case is necessary:

  • when the title of the folder simply reads “personal file”, from which it is impossible to conclude what kind of documents are in it and what their number is;
  • if the folder is subsequently intended to be sent to the company archive for long-term storage (more than 10 years) or permanent, indefinite storage.

Procedure for drawing up the document

A personal file inventory may be done by hand using a pencil and ruler, and printed on a computer device. The last option is considered preferable, since in this case you can create as many copies as you like. The main paper in this case can be either the company’s letterhead or a regular A4 sheet.

In the employee’s personal file, in general, the inventory is located at the very beginning of this document. There are two options for its location:

  • it is glued to the title page of the folder to which the file is placed on the reverse side;
  • it is filed on top of other papers inside the folder itself, especially if it consists of many pages.

It itself may include several pages, which in such a case are numbered separately from the personal file itself.

The inventory sheets are divided into columns; there are no strict regulations regarding the required columns. One of the possible options for filling out the inventory includes the following columns:

  • serial number of paper;
  • a numeric index assigned to paper of a given type in this organization;
  • the date when the document was drawn up is written in Arabic numerals;
  • its name, in particular, the employment contract, order, statement, etc.;
  • numbers of case sheets that this document occupies;
  • note, this column may indicate whether the original document was placed in the folder or a copy, as well as the day it was removed from the folder and when it was returned.

The document may also include a column in which there will be specify the required storage period for various types of documents. It is established that documents with a short shelf life should not be placed in the file due to their insignificance.

An example of an inventory

At the bottom of the sheet, in separate lines under the table itself, the total number of documents and the total number of sheets in the inventory are indicated in words.

In general, the inventory is written in one copy, but if the employee to whose case it relates requests a copy, the organization is obliged to provide him with such a duplicate.

Of course, the inventory should be compiled avoiding accidental errors. If information that does not correspond to reality is deliberately entered into a document, its compiler bears disciplinary liability.

The inventory is usually signed by the employee who compiles it. In general, this employee is the same one who is involved in running the business itself. He must also decipher the name of his place of work and write down his last name, first name and patronymic. He also indicates the day of compilation on which the last document was added to the file.

Most often, this matter is entrusted to a human resources specialist. At the same time, it is also possible to draw up an inventory along with filling out the personal file as a whole by the head of the organization, its secretary or other employees. This procedure can be adopted in a small enterprise that does not hire a personnel officer, since such a company cannot afford one. The basic requirement is the employee’s ability to draw up an inventory in accordance with the requirements developed for a similar document at a given enterprise.

After the final paper has been included in the inventory, in particular, due to the termination of the employment relationship with this employee, all empty lines under the one where this paper is described are crossed out with a large Z.

Thus, it becomes impossible to add an additional document or documents to the inventory, and therefore to the folder itself. At the same time, since the file is not issued to the employee who left the enterprise, the inventory of its contents is sent to the archive.

Thus, There is no obligation to maintain an inventory for non-state companies. If an inventory of a personal file at an enterprise is considered necessary, then it is still possible to maintain all such documents in a single form, adopted by local regulations, and compose them completely differently.

In general, the inventory is placed in a folder before all documents. By itself, it represents an A4 sheet, divided into columns, and their number and content are not strictly regulated, although there are common sets of columns.

In general, a human resources specialist is responsible for management, but in particular, such an employee can be both the main person (in a small enterprise) and the secretary.

In other words, standards for drawing up an inventory exist, but they are not strict and are dictated by expediency. It is precisely out of expediency that it is recommended not to deviate too much from the generally accepted rules for drawing up these papers, although sanctions under the law are not threatened for such deviations.

This video contains detailed and correct information on how to maintain and register personal files of employees.

An internal inventory of documents is compiled for certain categories of cases, for example those whose recording is due to the specifics of this documentation (with a restricted access stamp, personal and court files, on the awarding of academic degrees and titles, etc.). It is also recommended to create an internal inventory for cases whose headings do not sufficiently reveal the contents of the documents, which in the future makes them easier to use and find the necessary information. The need to compile an internal inventory of documents for some cases is determined by the instructions for office work. For example, drawing up internal inventories for cases containing orders for personnel becomes useful when using them.

The internal inventory (see Appendix 64) is compiled on a separate sheet according to a form that contains information about the serial numbers of the case documents, their indexes, dates, headings and numbers of the sheets of the case on which each document is located.

A final record is drawn up for the internal inventory, which indicates in numbers and in words the number of documents included in the inventory and the number of sheets of the internal inventory. The internal inventory is signed by its compiler. If the case was previously framed or filed without an internal inventory, then its form is glued to the inside of the front cover of the case.

Drawing up an attestation letter for the case

The certification note of the case (see Appendix 65) is drawn up in order to take into account the number of sheets in the case and record the features of their numbering. It is compiled on a separate sheet, What placed at the end of the case, in printed copies of cases (account journals, reports, etc.) - on the reverse side of the last blank sheet. It is not permitted to make a certification inscription on the cover of the case or the reverse side of the last sheet.

The certification inscription indicates in numbers and in words the number of sheets of the case and separately, through the “+” (plus) sign, the number of sheets of the internal inventory, if any.

The certifying inscription must specify the following features of the numbering of case documents: the presence of lettered and missing sheet numbers; numbers of sheets with pasted photographs, documents, clippings, etc.; numbers of large format sheets; numbers of envelopes with packaging and number of sheets of conclusions.

the certification signature is signed by the person who compiled it.

If there are a large number of renumbered sheets, a new certification inscription is drawn up at the end of the case. In this case, the old certification inscription is crossed out and permanently stored in the file.


Documents of permanent, long-term (over 10 years) storage and personnel records are filed with four punctures with a strong thread and placed in a hard cover. Acid-free cardboard is used for permanent storage case covers.

When binding documents, it is not allowed to sew up their text. If the document text is printed too close to the left edge, you need to extend the document spines.

Design of case covers

Case covers for permanent, long-term (over 10 years) storage and for personnel are drawn up in the prescribed form (see Appendix 66).

The title of the case is transferred to its cover from the nomenclature. At the same time, it requires mandatory verification and clarification through a case-by-case review of the case. The title must accurately, briefly, and summarize the main content of the documents. If necessary, additional information is added to the title of the case (the name of the institution or structural unit is specified in case of changes during the year, the numbers of orders and protocols are indicated, the types and forms of reporting are indicated, the number of copies of documents, etc.), which increases its information content.

For example:

Orders No. 1-45 of the director of JSC Energia for 2005; Statistical reports on labor for 2002 (form No. 1-T);

Minutes Nos. 1-6 of meetings of the scientific and methodological commission of the Institute for 2006 (copies).

The originality of the case documents is not specifically stated.

If in office work orders for the main activities were kept together with orders for personnel, they are formed into different cases. At the same time, the order numbers are not noted in the title, since the order of the orders has been initiated. This feature should be reflected in the preface to the inventory.

The dates of the documents placed in them are indicated on the covers of the cases. The date of the case may not be indicated only on the covers of cases containing annual plans and reports, since their date is reflected in the headings of the cases.

If the case consists of several volumes (parts), then the last dates of the documents are indicated on each of them, i.e. dates of registration (compilation) of the earliest and latest documents included in the case.

If the case is a journal for registering orders for the main activity, then its date will be the exact calendar dates of the first and last entries in the journal. The deadlines for a case containing minutes of meetings are the dates of approval (for documents that are approved) or the drawing up of the first and last minutes placed in the case. The deadlines for a personal file are the dates of signing orders for the admission and dismissal of the person against whom the case is filed.

If exact calendar dates are indicated, the day, month and year are indicated. The date and year are indicated in Arabic numerals, the name of the month is written in words.

If there are documents in the case (applications, certificates, reviews, etc.), the date of which does not coincide with the deadlines of the case, an entry is made below these dates on a new line: “The file contains documents for _ year.”

Mandatory details of the cover of the case are the number of sheets in the case, which is affixed on the basis of the certification inscription of the case, and the storage period of the case (on permanent storage cases it is written: "constantly").

On the cover of the case, its number is indicated according to the inventory and, in agreement with the archive of the institution, the number of the inventory and archival fund.

The inscriptions on the covers of cases must be clear and written in light-resistant black ink or paste.

In the case of a printed title page for a case, only the numbers of the archive fund, inventory and case are indicated on the cover of the case. It is prohibited to paste the title page onto the cover of the case.

Internal inventory of personal file documents - sample can be downloaded from the link contained in the article. In addition, the publication provides information on how the inventory is compiled and how to do it correctly.

Internal inventory of the employee’s personal file: general information

Each employee of the organization carries out activities on the basis of an employment contract. In addition, appointment to a position is made by order. These two documents are generated on the employee’s first working day. Further, in the process of a worker’s activities, a huge number of other documents are drawn up, and all of them need to be structured somehow. In this regard, personal files are opened for each employee, which will include all the documentation that concerns them.

Personal files can contain a huge amount of paperwork. These may include:

  • employment contract;
  • autobiography;
  • employment order;
  • copies of documents, in particular: passports, diplomas, TIN, marriage certificate, etc.;
  • orders for advanced training;
  • characteristics;
  • documents related to certification;
  • others.

To structure the information in a personal file, it is necessary to describe each document contained in it, to create some kind of content. It is called “internal inventory of personal file documents.” The inventory allows you to navigate through a pile of papers, quickly find the necessary information, and also determine who is responsible for their safety.

Important! The inventory is filed or otherwise attached to the personal file. A note is made in it about each new document. In addition, the notes indicate which documents were seized from the personal file, by whom and when.

Personal files are stored systematically, arranged in alphabetical order, which allows you to create a simple and convenient personnel records management system.

Information that must be contained in the inventory

The law does not define a list of information that is required to be included in the inventory. At the same time, based on established personnel practices, it is necessary to include the following information:

  1. Serial number of the document.
  2. Date of its adoption.
  3. Number.
  4. Name.
  5. The page numbers of the case where this or that document is located.
  6. A note indicating information about who and when took the document from the file, and when it was returned.
  7. The number of documents contained in the case.
  8. Information about the number of inventory sheets.
  9. Position and information about the compiler, his signature.
  10. The date when the inventory was compiled.

Download the form and sample of filling out the internal inventory of a personal file

For convenience and understanding of how to fill out the document, below is a sample of an internal inventory of a personal file.

Internal inventory of personal file No. 1

employee of Vikhr LLC, Roman Petrovich Avdeev

Item No. Document date Document number Document name Case sheet numbers Note
1 11.05.2015 1-TD Employment contract 1-5
2 11.05.2015 1-P Order for employment 6-7 The document was provided to the employee on March 17, 2016 based on an application for the purpose of making a copy.

Nikiforov A.G.

The document was returned to the personal file by the employee as the need passed, 03/17/2016

Nikiforov A.G.

3 17.10.2015 2-O Order on granting leave 8
4 17.02.2016 1-PC Order for advanced training 9
5 etc.

Total 4 documents

Number of internal inventory sheets 1

The inventory was compiled by the deputy head of the HR department A.G. Nikiforov.


Thus, an inventory of personal file documents is compiled for the convenience of personnel document management. The form for internal inventory of personal file documents and a sample of how to fill it out can be downloaded from the links provided at the beginning of the article.

An employee's personal file is a folder that contains information relating to the employee and his work activities. Many different documents can be stored in a personal file; in order not to get lost in them, an internal inventory of documents is drawn up.

Roughly speaking, the inventory is a list of all documents in the employee’s personal file. Each sheet of each document in the file has its own number, knowing this number, you can easily find the required document in the folder. The inventory of personal file documents includes a list of all documents indicating the sheet numbers where they are located in the folder.

This article provides as an example a sample of the internal inventory of an employee’s personal file. The download form is located below in word format.

It is assigned to an employee when he is hired. The organization itself decides which employees need to open personal files. If the question concerns a government agency, then personal files are created for absolutely every employee.

Documents are included in a personal file as they are completed, that is, in chronological order.

How to apply correctly?

When creating a personal file, he receives his own individual number, which is placed on its cover. In the inventory of this case, this number should be indicated in order to clearly know what exactly this list of documents refers to. This numbering is developed by the organization independently; usually the numbering is formed in such a way that it is clear; for this, both numbers and letters can be used.

The internal inventory may contain a table in which information about each document in the employee’s personal file is entered. For each document, you should indicate its basic identification data - name, number, date of execution, sheet numbers in the personal file.

If several sheets of inventory are drawn up (due to the large composition of the personal file), then at the end of the inventory you need to indicate the number of completed sheets, this will not allow a single sheet to get lost.

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