In a dream, hide everyone from a hurricane. Why do men and women dream about a hurricane or strong wind? How did the hurricane turn out?

Strong winds, hurricanes and other “tricks” of the air element in a dream have three approaches to the interpretation of dreams. The first is in relation to the dreamer’s intellectual activity, the results of which can be both positive and have destructive consequences. The second is as a symbol of future changes. And the third - as a message from the subconscious, warning about a possible loss of control over oneself and over the situation as a whole.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, a hurricane and strong wind are a symbol of serious changes in life and obstacles. Moreover, the stronger the wind gusts, the more dramatic the changes will be. One can even expect a complete revolution in worldview, a change in life priorities.

Wondering why you dream about a hurricane and a tornado? Such a dream is a harbinger of a serious confrontation with ill-wishers.

Strong experiences and turbulent events, this is what storms and hurricanes mean in dreams. If, according to the plot of the dream, the storm causes some kind of destruction, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the dreamer will have to sacrifice something. And it’s good if these are just material losses, and not the loss of a relationship with a loved one.

A hurricane outside the window is interpreted favorably by the dream book. If, according to the plot of the dream, the dreamer observes the rampant nature of the elements, being in a warm and cozy home, then in reality he will have to witness some stormy events that will not directly affect him, but will make him worry.

The dream interpretation of a hurricane, which causes severe anxiety and fear, predicts a situation in real life when the sleeper will feel powerless to change anything. If a hurricane brings destruction, the sleeper will be defenseless against external forces. Force majeure circumstances can arise in various areas of life: professional, business or family.

A hurricane without destruction foreshadows changes that do not promise any drama, but have the effect of surprise.
Resisting the pressure of the wind, winning a battle with the violent elements is a sign of luck and success in business.

If a hurricane, as a natural phenomenon, occurs outside the window without touching the dreamer, then the dream indicates the opportunity to avoid an impending problem or survive some difficulty without loss. In general, any shelter from a hurricane in a dream gives hope for a happier outcome of events - why do you dream about a hurricane?

If a hurricane is part of a natural rather than an urban landscape, or there is a water source in the dream, or the hurricane is accompanied by rain, then it is important to interpret the dream in relation to the sphere of relationships. A hurricane in the bosom of nature is more likely associated with love experiences and confusion of feelings, which the sleeper cannot understand. In his relationship with a person of the opposite sex, everything can change dramatically, but in which direction - individual details of the dream will indicate. In particular, flying stones or pouring mud streams foreshadow hurtful words, cruel deeds, meaningless arguments, swearing or even betrayal, and a hurricane accompanied by rain is a sign of uncontrollable feelings of an erotic nature.

If a hurricane blows at your back, as if pushing you forward, the dream means progress towards your intended goal, promotion, etc.
And, conversely, if a hurricane blows opposite the sleeping person, preventing him from walking, it means an unexpected change in plans, difficulty in business, tricks of competitors or the loss of an ally.

according to Freud's dream book

The hurricane is a fairly transparent symbol; it suggests that some significant changes will soon come in your life, and they will be associated with the fact that you will meet a certain person who will make you look at the world and your loved ones in a new way. If in your dream you or someone else was injured by a hurricane, it means that an acquaintance that at first seems very interesting to you may bring you misfortune or, at least, unrest. Watching a hurricane approach - you are concerned about the fate of your friend (or girlfriend), who is not very lucky in his personal life. In fact, you should be guided by how your friend treats himself - if he (or she) is happy with everything, then you should be calm.

I dreamed of a hurricane

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are caught in a hurricane, it means that you will soon experience bitterness and despair because the plans you have long nurtured, which were supposed to quickly lead you to your cherished goal, will collapse. This dream can foreshadow big changes in your destiny, often associated with losses. In a dream, hearing the roar of a hurricane wind and seeing how it tilts the trees around you promises you some kind of painful anticipation, which will be replaced by decisive attempts to resist collapse. A dream in which your house collapses under the pressure of the wind foreshadows a change in lifestyle, frequent moves and a change in job. Seeing the consequences of a terrible hurricane in a dream is a sign that misfortune will not affect you personally.

The meaning of a dream about lightning

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing flashing lightning in a dream means something will happen in your life soon that you do not expect. Most likely this will be an acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex with whom you will spend a lot of time together. At the very beginning, you may not see anything particularly attractive in him; you may even think that this is “not the hero of your novel.” If in a dream you stand in the place where lightning struck, then this is a symbol of new love, which, moreover, will arise as unexpectedly as lightning struck in the dream. Most likely, it will be passion at first sight. Don’t try to predict events; insight will come very unexpectedly. If lightning struck where one of your loved ones was (especially your partner), then such a dream suggests that this person may have a problem in their sex life in the near future and you will play an important role in this. This will not happen soon, so be careful how you behave - perhaps complications can be avoided. If in your dream lightning destroyed an object, then this is a symbol that your future love will not only become all-consuming, but also something that will make you want to give up everything in the world. Try to ensure that as few of your loved ones as possible suffer from your passion.

Why do you dream about lightning?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

incredible news, dangerous situation.

Lightning in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Seeing a bright flash of lightning in a dream means that in reality you will receive unexpected news from afar. If you were hit by lightning in a dream, then try to show more restraint in reality, as they will try to drag you into a conflict. A dream in which you saw ball lightning descending from the sky means an invasion from outer space. Seeing people die from burns from ball lightning in a dream is a bad sign. Due to environmental pollution, an environmental disaster is possible. A dream in which you saw a flash of lightning and heard a clap of thunder is a warning. Perhaps you should reconsider your positions in life.

I dreamed of lightning

according to Miller's dream book

Lightning in your dreams foretells happiness and prosperity for a short period of time. If lightning illuminates some object near you and you feel shocked, then you will be excited about the good fortune of a friend or, on the contrary, tormented by gossip and gossip. Seeing black lightning among dark clouds is a sign that sorrows and difficulties will haunt you for quite a long time. If lightning illuminates you, then unpredictable grief shakes your soul. Seeing lightning above your head is a good sign, promising joy and lasting income. Lightning flashing in the dark among ominous clouds always portends threats, losses and disappointments: businessmen should do more about their business, women should be near their husbands and mothers, children and the sick require supervision after such a dream.

Why do you dream about lightning?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

near a sleeping person with a flash - warning, expulsion; in the sleeping person - honor; into the house - incredible news or changes; illuminated clouds, objects - help in trouble, in a difficult situation, see Light.

Seeing lightning in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The image of lightning in a dream is interpreted in different ways. Some people like zippers - and don't mind this element. Others are frightened by its strength and unpredictability. However, there are many other manifestations of power that deserve attention. You can control lightning - this is an attempt to cope with real problems. In this case, lightning is a valuable weapon in the fight against disappointment and relapse. Sweep them out of your way with lightning speed. Lightning also serves as a warning. If you are afraid of it in life, the lightning effect can be caused by a person nearby or a building you enter. In this form, the mind provides a visual warning. In this there is the presence of an element of punishment, divine wrath, which manifests itself in the form of lightning bolts and is personified by the Greek god Zeus and the Nordic god Thor. Where did lightning strike? Was anyone seriously injured in this? Where did the lightning come from and at what moment?

Why do you dream about lightning?

according to Vanga's dream book

Lightning is a sign of destruction and misfortune. Seeing lightning in the sky in a dream means fires, which will not only cause destruction and leave many homeless, but also bring death and respiratory diseases. If you dreamed that lightning struck a house or tree and set it on fire, this means that you are about to witness heavenly wrath, which will punish many people for their sins - ungodly thoughts and deeds.

Why do you dream of a thunderstorm?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

troubles; care; for the poor - to prosperity; for the rich - to ruin; with thunder (to a prisoner) - to liberation; to the sick - to healing.

The meaning of a dream about a thunderstorm

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing or hearing a thunderstorm in a dream marks a strong outbreak of passion of a long-known person towards you. You will be very surprised by this.

Why do you have a dream about a thunderstorm?

according to Vanga's dream book

This symbol is considered in a dream to be a manifestation of the divine will, a sign. In some cases, a thunderstorm means conflict, fear, news, anger. In a dream, you were frightened by a flash of lightning and thunderclaps - this dream indicates that you are leading a far from righteous life, so you can consider this dream a warning from above. A dream in which you are caught in a heavy thunderstorm means that in real life a protracted conflict will be resolved sooner than you think. The thunderstorm passed by, and not a drop of rain fell on you - in reality, thanks to your resourcefulness and ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations, you will be able to avoid the unfair anger of your superiors. If your house is struck by lightning during a thunderstorm, this portends unexpected news. You dreamed that streams of thunderstorm rain were flooding the house, you were trying to hide from the impending flood, but all attempts were to no avail. The entire space around is filled with water, and it rises higher and higher. Not only your home, but also all living things around you are immersed in water. A thunderous downpour demolishes tall houses and buildings like empty shells, and soon everything around disappears behind its curtain. This dream foreshadows an environmental disaster from which you could suffer seriously.

I dreamed of a storm

according to Miller's dream book

In a dream, being caught in a strong storm is a harbinger of losses and failures in business.

Why do you dream about the wind?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

strong, gusts - an obstacle from people; smooth - favored; strong at sea - help from afar will open the way to success; rustling leaves in the trees - separation; breeze - quick news; a strong impulse without sensations is an incredible offer, a happy occasion; wind whistle, noise - false news; the roar of the wind - news from afar.

Dreams about hurricanes often predict changes in a person’s destiny, because a natural phenomenon is destructive for everything living and inanimate. What a hurricane means in dreams defies conventional interpretation and does not always lead to actual devastation in life. After a storm in a dream, you must analyze all the details and feelings experienced in order to get the right answer.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Most interpretations boil down to the fact that the dreamer needs to change his lifestyle. The hurricane acts as a harbinger of change.

You should listen to this “cry” of the subconscious, reassess your usual values, or even change your social circle.

I dreamed of a strong wind outside the window

It is not without reason that the expression “wind of change” appeared. But to interpret a dream where a hurricane wind is raging outside the window, you must remember all the smallest details - from the time of year to its strength.

First of all, the dream is analyzed by strength:

  • A powerful wind with a whistling sound means serious changes are coming in your waking life.
  • Just a strong wind - the dreamer will have to make an important decision that will change his view of the world.
  • What a strong wind means in a dream can change - it also means the support of friends if it blows straight into your back, as if pushing you to move forward.
  • A piercing wind with flying autumn leaves - to the disclosure of all unpleasant cases that will entail punishment.
  • If you dreamed of a storm bending the trees around the dreamer, a dark streak will come in life, almost insurmountable obstacles will arise.

Wind gusts often warn of changes in life. And whether they will be positive or negative depends only on the dreamer. A passing wind, even the strongest one, shows that the dreamer will change the situation radically and will be able to establish relationships with long-gone people.

Find yourself in the eye of a hurricane

A dreamer, caught in a hurricane in a dream, feels completely different in reality. This means that all plans for life will be disrupted by an unexpected test. The person will experience real despair as the goals remain unachieved.

It’s worth thinking about your surroundings; it’s likely that among them there are people who are jealous even over small things.

Destroyed the home

Seeing a hurricane that destroys a house in a dream means a quick change in lifestyle. It is likely that misfortunes will entail a forced trip to another city or even country if the wind was strong. Frequent moves will negatively affect your job, which will also have to be changed.

Dreamed of the consequences of a hurricane

A dream in which you only saw the consequences of a terrible hurricane really symbolizes misfortune. It will not affect the dreamer, but something terrible will happen in the lives of loved ones that could affect the relationship.

  • The imminent death of a close relative or destructive quarrels with family are possible.
  • The consequences of a hurricane can symbolize the dreamer's ruined life.

Hear the roar of the wind

If the dreamer dreamed of a hurricane occurring outside the walls of a strong home, then troubles cannot be avoided. You can only reduce the damage caused. The roar of the wind literally embodies the agonizing wait to see if the hurricane is strong enough to shake the walls. Gradual fear will be replaced by a decision to resist the collapse of foundations.

See the storm coming

Seeing an element approaching, accompanied by wind, means internal doubts about the decision made.

The dreamer will need to reconsider his decision: until lightning struck, it did not bring destructive losses.

You should stop in the rhythm of life, rethink for a while and change your goals.

Escape from the storm

If in a dream the dreamer managed to hide from a raging storm, he will be able to withstand difficult situations at work or even avoid being demoted. It is recommended to carefully evaluate each step in reality, because loss of concentration can lead to problems not only at work, but also within the family.

Why do you dream about a hurricane - expert opinion

Each dream book analyzes a hurricane differently, because it has many descriptions - storm, storm, . All these phenomena are manifested by strong winds, so the details of the dream are of no small importance.

Miller's Dream Book

The interpreter believes that a hurricane in a dream acts in the same way as a natural phenomenon in reality - it destroys everything, plunging a person into despair.

Miller advises to immediately take charge of yourself, raising all your inner strength to fight problems, and never give up.

Such a dream prophesies serious changes in fate:

  • they will be positive, if you manage to save property, survive in a hurricane - this means that the dreamer can easily cope with life situations;
  • if he suffered in a dream, then there will be serious losses in life.

It also matters how the dreamer feels when he wakes up after such a dream. If your soul is heavy, then you should prepare for the worst - your premonition will not deceive you.

Why do you dream about a hurricane - Tsvetkov’s dream book

According to the interpretation, a hurricane portends fast news. If it is accompanied by lightning, then the news will be incredible and will change your life.

Much depends on the strength of the wind:

  • Strong, with tangible impulses - only envious people stand in the way of achieving the goal.
  • Even, but strong - to favorable news and changes.
  • With the rustling of leaves - to separation from a loved one.
  • The whistle of the wind disturbing the glass of the window is a sign of false news.
  • A literal roar - news will come from a distant relative.

If outside the window, in addition to the wind, a real storm broke out with constant flashes and rain, then the dreamer is in a dangerous position.

He urgently needs to reconsider his attitude towards work, friends, and also check his health.

Hurricane in a dream according to Vanga

Dreaming about a hurricane only means destruction.

  • To witness the calamity of a strong wind, but not to suffer - the dreamer will remain only a witness to the changes taking place. He simply won’t have time to react, everything will be so fast.
  • A dream about the death of loved ones from a hurricane is a warning. It is likely that one of the relatives committed a terrible act for which the dreamer will have to answer.

Any natural disaster in a dream has a symbolic meaning, says the dream book. A hurricane, for example, is a sign of increased nervous tension, which can break out at any moment. However, this same natural phenomenon has a number of other explanations. The details of the dream will help you figure out why you dream about the raging elements.

General interpretation of the plot

A hurricane is considered a negative sign in a dream, foreshadowing conflicts, difficulties, illness, the death of others, civil unrest, as well as a real natural disaster.

Did you dream about a hurricane? Pay close attention to your health and take measures to strengthen it. This same dream suggests that you may behave inappropriately in a completely ordinary life situation.

There is also a positive interpretation of the vision. After a night hurricane, what prevented you from moving freely through life will naturally be destroyed. For a more accurate interpretation, the dream book recommends considering individual factors of the phenomenon.

Hear the thunder

Why do you dream about powerful thunderclaps before a hurricane? This is a guarantee of quick promotion in the service. If you are afraid of thunder, then in addition to everything else, expect happiness in your personal life. At the same time, thunder warns in a dream about news that will greatly surprise, but will not affect the decision made. The dream book also promises participation in a high-profile scandal.

See lightning

If lightning flashed during a severe thunderstorm, in a known case it is urgent to take radical measures. Why dream that a sudden flash caused a fright? So, it's time to settle down and behave with restraint. In addition, lightning, which:

  • Hitting someone else's house promises a drunken scandal.
  • In your own - unexpected news.
  • You have wealth and nobility.
  • I illuminated you - a happy occasion.
  • The road ahead is the right direction.

Get caught in the rain

What does it mean if you get caught in the rain during a hurricane? The dream book is convinced that the long-standing conflict will be resolved suddenly and in a very unusual way. If the rain was cold, you need to keep your emotions under control, no matter what happens. If the rain streams seemed warm and refreshing in a dream, there will be a chance to deal with pressing problems and start living in a new way.

I dreamed of a tornado

Why do you dream about a real tornado? You will achieve your dream only after going through a whole series of difficulties and trials. A terrible whirlwind knocked you off your feet and even lifted you into the air? Get ready for a long, but not very pleasant journey.

If he gently lowers you to the ground, expect physical and spiritual healing. You can see a tornado before the cycle of events and important matters. If you are scared, you will be disappointed or quarrel with your loved ones.

Hurricane wind

Did you dream of a hurricane wind that caused trees to fall? An event is approaching, due to which you will have to quickly adjust plans or even abandon them completely. The dream book warns: sometimes such a phenomenon predicts the death of someone else.

Did gusts of wind hit your face in a dream? You will find yourself in an extremely difficult situation. If you have the wind in your back, you will climb several steps up the career ladder at once.

A hurricane portends drastic changes in reality, requiring financial or moral costs. It is possible that they will occur under the pressure of external factors and will have a significant impact on life in general and worldview in particular.

What does a storm mean according to the Enigma dream book?

Why do you dream about a terrible hurricane? Usually it foreshadows losses, disappointments, and bad changes. Sometimes it directly indicates a scandal or a serious quarrel. In fact, this is a harbinger of tests, after passing which you can find long-awaited happiness.

At the same time, a terrible storm may warn you in a dream that you are about to make an extremely risky decision. Therefore, the Enigma dream book advises marking the day when you saw a hurricane:

  • Monday – reprimand from management.
  • Tuesday – troubles at home.
  • Wednesday – financial difficulties.
  • Thursday is dirty, humiliating work.
  • Friday - breakup.
  • Saturday is a whirlwind romance.
  • Sunday is a useless thing, dissatisfaction.

Why do you dream about a hurricane according to Miller?

Why do you dream of a strong hurricane, according to Miller’s dream book? You will experience despair and bitterness because long-standing plans that were aimed at quick success will not come true. This is a harbinger of big changes that will only worsen a precarious situation.

If in a dream you did not hear the roar of a hurricane, but clearly saw how it bends and breaks trees, then you are in for a painful wait. However, after this period, you will be able to act decisively and easily achieve what you have in mind.

If the impulses were so strong that they even destroyed houses, then Miller’s dream book prophesies a quick change in lifestyle, environment, work, and established views. If you only saw the consequences of the hurricane, then troubles will pass by.

What does it mean if a hurricane is coming?

In a dream, did you see or hear a hurricane approaching? There have been great difficulties in business. Heard the sounds of an approaching disaster but saw no other signs? Relax and relax, there is no reason to worry. Calmness and prudence will help you get out of a difficult situation.

Were you lucky to watch a raging hurricane from the window of a cozy apartment? In reality, you are not in danger, but you should worry about a loved one. Another interpretation of the dream book promises a very profitable business offer.

What does a storm at sea symbolize?

Why do you dream of a hurricane at sea? To understand the essence of what is happening, you need to learn to look deep into the problem, and not at its visible side. The storm is also associated with a surge of emotions of a strictly negative nature. After such a dream, the dream book advises you to control your feelings especially tightly.

You can see the wave that covers you before a quarrel with a woman. If you dream of a real tsunami, then popular unrest or political changes are approaching that will affect you directly. If in a dream you managed to drown during a storm, then in reality you will be defeated and get involved in troubles that will destroy you.

Why do you dream of a hurricane that rose in a room due to a fan? Beware, you may make an unforgivable mistake. In addition, someone deliberately provokes a conflict or dangerous situation. Such a hurricane is a harbinger of a quarrel that will break out literally out of the blue.

What happens if you get to the epicenter?

A hurricane in a dream is sometimes associated with fears and phobias living in the soul. Getting into it means that you are unable to cope with your problems alone. In your night dreams were you in the epicenter of a hurricane? The dream book is sure: you need to follow your chosen path in spite of all obstacles and temptations.

Find yourself outside in a snowstorm? Jealousy and distrust of others ruin your life. But the most accurate interpretation can be obtained if you take into account the place where the storm broke out.

  • At sea - impossible dreams.
  • River - failure in business.
  • There is danger in the forest, a long search.
  • In the city there is enmity, confrontation.
  • Field is someone else's influence.
  • At home - family squabbles.

Why hide from a hurricane?

Why dream that you had to hide from a hurricane under a tree? You will need the help of a professional, advice from a wise person. In a dream, a hurricane caught you on the street, and there was nowhere to hide? The dream book suspects that you will become the instigator of a scandal or will be accused of something. The same plot hints at complete defenselessness in the face of life’s circumstances.

If you managed to hide in a safe shelter, you will be able to avoid future difficulties. At the same time, taking refuge from a natural disaster can be a sign that you dream of a quiet and peaceful life away from public and other troubles.

In dreams, every detail means some kind of internal problems and is an unconscious clue about real life. In this article we will try to figure out why strong winds are dreamed of. Basically, the violence of nature personifies the defenselessness of man. Not everything and not always can be kept under control. Some events will happen simply because it is destined to happen.

All dream books claim that a strong wind symbolizes big changes.

What gusts of wind can mean:

  • moving long distances for work;
  • change of life principles, priorities;
  • health problems;
  • discord in relationships with loved ones;
  • reprimand from superiors;
  • difficulties with money.

People who see such dreams make new acquaintances in reality that change their worldview. A person begins to evaluate his life and the events occurring in it differently. Moreover, the way of thinking can become either more positive or, conversely, more gloomy.

It is important to know: you need to have time to retell a bad dream to someone before lunch, then it will not come true.

I dreamed of a strong wind outside the window

Did you dream of a strong wind outside the window? Don’t be alarmed, dream books claim that this is a very useful dream. He does not promise bad events, but only warns that they can happen. It is possible to prevent them by taking appropriate measures in time.

  • Can you hear the wind howling, but can't see the hurricane itself? This is also a warning about an impending threat, but of a different nature. A painful wait is coming, a stay in the unknown.
  • The situation is a little better if the dreamer observes the consequences of an already accomplished storm. Some misfortunes will happen in the world, but the dreamer and his loved ones will not be personally affected by these events.
  • Sitting by the window and watching the riot of nature means excessive worry about the personal lives of others, inappropriate advice. It is better to concentrate on your own life and not impose your opinion on what they should do to your loved ones.

Find yourself in the eye of a hurricane

What matters here is the damage caused:

  • Buildings destroyed. This is a change in lifestyle: you have to follow a diet, get up and go to bed according to a schedule, and say goodbye to bad habits.
  • Broken trees promise a fight against failure.
  • People got hurt. It should be remembered that first impressions are deceiving. A new acquaintance, who at first seems like a good, bright person, will then show a different side of himself.

Anyone who finds himself in the epicenter of a hurricane in a dream experiences a severe crisis in reality. What's going on in his life now? Plans collapse, goals become distant, and one gives up. Perhaps this person will be involved in a stormy love story, painful and with far-reaching consequences.

Why do you dream of a blizzard and strong wind?

Snowfall, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard are dreams when in reality you need to show more determination. There is a risk of becoming addicted and losing control over your life.

  • Driving through a snowstorm, that is, not walking, but rather moving by transport, means an urgent assignment.
  • Not seeing anything due to heavy snow means successfully getting out of a difficult situation. But this will not be easy; there will be obstacles and opponents along the way.
  • It’s good to watch the blizzard from the window, then troubles will pass by. But the one who walks through the storm will be betrayed.

Wind and rain

Strong wind and rain in a dream do not bode well in the near future:

  • tears;
  • disappointments;
  • insults;
  • anxiety.

The most interesting interpretation concerns finance. If a poor person dreams of wind and rain, then this means an influx of money, but for a rich person it promises losses through robbery. The exception is warm spring rain, which in a dream pleases and gives pleasure. This is a good sign that promises happiness in love.

Do you need to do anything if you receive a bad omen? The best thing you can do is not to “wind up” yourself, otherwise you can worsen the situation.

Hurricane wind in the face with dust

What to expect in reality if you dream of a hurricane, a strong wind with sand that blows in your face and fills your eyes with sand:

  • quarrel with a loved one, family conflicts;
  • active actions on the part of ill-wishers and enemies;
  • an awkward situation that causes a feeling of shame;
  • something in life will move forward and begin to change.

It also happens that in a dream the wind in the face gives pleasure. This means that a person has paid for past mistakes and, in the karmic sense, no longer owes anyone anything. Warm rain and a soft, pleasantly blowing breeze promise a reward for patience.

No matter how strange it may sound, dream interpreters recommend not taking active steps to solve emerging problems. Now the best solution would be to take a passive position and watch events unfold from the sidelines.

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