The military registration and enlistment office refuses to change the category after service. Changing the category on a military ID

Over the past few years, the country's leadership has been making great efforts to increase the prestige of army service, especially with regard to contract service. In general, the salaries of military personnel have increased significantly, conditions of service have improved, and funding for the entire military sector of the state has increased. In such conditions, a trend began to be observed among citizens when more and more people wanted to devote their lives to the army. Getting into contract service is quite problematic, because all candidates undergo an in-depth medical examination, as well as physical tests. Based on these facts, it will be simply unrealistic for a man to join the army with fitness category B.

At the same time, it is worth noting the fact that service in most government agencies requires a military ID with a mark of completion of compulsory military service. Such factors force young people with category B, who have ambitions to build a career in government security forces, to look for ways to get into the army. In order to do this, you will have to go through a difficult path to change the fitness category in your military ID.

In addition, there are situations when a guy receives category B for some pathology that he would not like to talk about. This often concerns mental illness or drug addiction. It is worth remembering that a person who received his freedom from the army with the help of such diagnoses in the future begins to experience serious difficulties both with finding a job and with obtaining the same driver’s license. All this leads to a significant deterioration in a man’s financial situation, which negatively affects his entire life. For this reason, a young man may have good reason to change the fitness category in his military registration document.

In what situations is it possible to change the category?

If a man seriously intends to change his fitness category, which is indicated on his military ID, he needs to receive information on how to do this.

First you need to accept the fact that it is possible to change the category according to current legislation. At the same time, military registration and enlistment offices are very reluctant to help young people with this. This is due to the fact that starting from 2005, mandatory medical re-examination, which was previously carried out every three years, was abolished. At the same time, you can still voluntarily undergo re-examination.

To do this, everyone must go to their military registration and enlistment office to write an application addressed to the military commissar for a second medical examination. It is recommended to attach copies of medical documents to such an application, which will confirm the fact that the guy managed to completely cure his disease, due to which he was previously given an unsatisfactory category.

It is important to remember that in the absence of compelling reasons and a package of medical reports, there is no point in even initiating the procedure for changing the category of fitness. In this case, the military registration and enlistment office will probably refuse such a request.

In other words, before heading to the military registration and enlistment office, it is extremely important to visit all kinds of doctors to conduct an in-depth examination. In addition, you will need to make an effort to deregister from various dispensaries, which is why the conscript was previously assigned one category or another.

After the application is submitted, the young person may face certain problems. So, for example, often military registration and enlistment offices simply refuse to accept such petitions from citizens. In such situations, you will need to send this application via mail with notification to the recipient. After the military registration and enlistment office receives the application, it has the right to consider it within 30 days.

There are only two options for the subsequent development of events. The military registration and enlistment office may satisfy the applicant's request and appoint a second medical commission in his respect, or it may simply not consider it. In the second case, the only way out will be to contact the prosecutor's office with a statement about the inaction of the military registration and enlistment office employees. Practical experience demonstrates that if you make every effort, it is quite possible to obtain a re-examination from the military registration and enlistment office.

The process of changing the suitability category at the military registration and enlistment office

Depending on the previously assigned fitness category, the procedure for changing it will be slightly different, although it will follow the same pattern.

  • Before going to the military registration and enlistment office, visit medical institutions to undergo an in-depth examination of the body and then receive a medical certificate confirming ideal health;
  • Next, you will need to go to the military registration and enlistment office with these documents and write an application for a second medical examination;
  • After this, go through a medical commission at the military registration and enlistment office based on the results, which will decide to change the category on the military ID.

How to change the fitness category from B to C:
  • Obtain medical records and undergo a medical examination before visiting the military registration and enlistment office to obtain confirmation of a serious illness;
  • Write an application to the military registration and enlistment office to re-pass the medical examination;
  • Pass a medical examination and receive a new category.
  • An in-depth examination at a medical institution to obtain a statement confirming the absence of any diseases or pathologies;
  • Drawing up an application for a second medical examination;
  • Passing a medical examination and obtaining a new category.
  • Collect extracts and medical reports on recovery and the absence of pathology, due to which category B was previously assigned;
  • Write an application for a medical examination;
  • Successfully pass a medical examination and confirm the fact of recovery to receive category B.
  • Undergoing an in-depth diagnosis of the body to obtain official statements confirming the absence of any health problems;
  • Write an application addressed to the military commissar with a request to re-pass the medical examination;
  • Confirm the absence of health problems to members of the medical commission at the military registration and enlistment office.
  • Receive extracts and certificates from medical institutions confirming the absence of serious diseases due to which category D was previously assigned;
  • Write an application for a second medical examination;
  • Undergo a medical examination and confirm that your health is satisfactory.

It is important to understand! It will be extremely difficult to change fitness category D, since it is assigned to people with very serious diseases. As a rule, it can be successfully changed only if an incorrect diagnosis was previously assigned.


Despite the complexity of the procedure for changing the category of suitability and the frequent reluctance of the military registration and enlistment office to make concessions to conscripts, practical experience shows that this can still be done.

Due to a number of circumstances, it may be necessary to change the fitness category in the military ID. This can be done if there is an appropriate certificate or conclusion with all the necessary marks (stamps, signatures). It must be presented to the military registration and enlistment office as evidence that the state of health has improved since the last medical examination.

Basic moments

Before you begin to take any action, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself in detail with all the features of this issue.

Amendments to the bill on medical examination. How can they help?

How to change the fitness category on a military ID and why might this be required? The most common reason for changing the category on a military ID is a problem with employment in such structures as:

  • SVR and others.

In addition, many private employers and public enterprises are reluctant to employ men with limitations in physical activity. This position is completely justified, because work requires a certain amount of strength and patience.

How to change the eligibility category on a military ID? It is worth noting right away that it is possible to change this indicator in a military officer only by legal methods, since during official employment (especially in law enforcement agencies), all information will be checked by requesting a personal file from the district military registration and enlistment office.

Citizens who were previously assigned category “B” (the citizen is not conscripted in peacetime) are provided with a second medical examination if their health improves. This is spelled out in the new regulation “On Medical Medical Examination”. According to this bill, restrictions on employment in law enforcement agencies, which were mentioned earlier, may be partially lifted from citizens.

It is important to understand that previous illnesses or injuries that prevent previous military service will also be taken into account when deciding on the possibility of employment in the law enforcement agencies.

To change the category of a military officer, you must first write an application in your own hand addressed to the military commissar of the district military registration and enlistment office at the place of permanent registration. This can be done in person, or you can find a sample application on the Internet and send the finished text by registered mail to the addressee.

As an attachment, a medical certificate (certified copy or original) confirming improvement in physical condition must be attached to the application. Without it, the letter may be ignored, and an invitation for a second medical examination will not be sent. Within two weeks from the moment the letter was sent, the citizen should receive a response. If this does not happen, then a similar letter must be sent to the regional military registration and enlistment office.

Repeated medical examination

Military registration and enlistment office employees will compare the results of the examination with the Schedule of Diseases. According to this regulation, the young person will be assigned a disease group, its degree and, as a result, a fitness category. It is important to understand that doctors at the military registration and enlistment office do not have the legal right to make a diagnosis.

If category B or D was previously assigned, then without documents refuting the diagnosis, the category will remain unchanged. It is important to have all current certificates and statements with you. If a citizen has undergone surgery or undergone a directed course of treatment, then an extract certified by the chief physician of the medical institution indicated on the certificate must be presented.

The medical commission provides examinations by the following specialists:

  • neurologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • surgeon;
  • therapist.

Each of them sets a category corresponding to objective data and medical documents (if available). The final result is presented by the therapist. To ensure reliability and save time, you must have all the examination results with you. It is recommended to pay attention to the area where doubts may arise. If there are no test results, the doctor will refer you to them if suspicion arises.

Change of category for persons in reserve

How to change the fitness category on a military ID while in reserve? Anyone after 27 years of age has a legal basis for carrying out this task, in accordance with the current law “On Military Duty of Citizens.” You can refer to this article if you are refused a second medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office without explaining the reasons. Unfortunately, such cases are also not uncommon.

  • submit the appropriate application to the military registration and enlistment office confirming that the clinical manifestation of the disease or injury has changed (a certificate or doctor’s report with the corresponding record must be presented);
  • undergo a medical examination again;
  • get another category.

Despite the amendments made to the current legislation, changing the fitness category remains the prerogative of the military registration and enlistment office. Males between the ages of seventeen and twenty-seven are eligible to apply for this procedure.

It is important to understand that changing the fitness category is only possible if medical indicators improve. Today, almost any disease can be treated conservatively or surgically. It is worth being aware that healed illnesses or injuries can remind themselves during the period of service in the law enforcement agencies after a change of category. As a rule, the consequences are not optimistic.

If there is a risk of re-exacerbation of injuries or illnesses, then it is better to reconsider priorities and look for a calmer position. Still, personal health is worth a lot. You should think about this so that you don’t have to spend the rest of your life on medical examinations, medications and procedures.

Changing the fitness category on a military ID is increasingly of interest to young people. The health status of conscripts may change for the better, also after changes are made to the Schedule of Diseases, some of the diseases for which conscripts were previously assigned fitness category B and enrolled in the reserve are now examined with the assignment of fitness category B (flat feet 2nd degree with arthrosis or unfixed scoliosis 2nd degree, For example). A natural question arises: is it possible to change the fitness category in a military ID from B to A or B for entering military service under a contract or working in law enforcement agencies and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Yes, such a possibility exists. To do this, you need to write and send an application to the military commissariat, where you are registered for military service, to conduct a re-examination of you, after which the category of fitness for military service will be changed. Be sure to attach to your application all medical documents (a doctor’s report indicating the diagnosis, etc.) confirming a change in your health for the better. In the event of a refusal to organize a military medical commission based on your application for re-examination, no response to your application, or in the event of a refusal to change your fitness category based on the results of the military medical examination, you have the right to go to court and challenge this decision. Most likely, you will need qualified legal assistance.

Also, young people have a question about whether they will be called up for military service after changing the category on their military ID. In accordance with current legislation, the reserve of the Russian Armed Forces is created to staff military units and formations of the RF Armed Forces during the period of mobilization, bringing them to combat readiness in wartime. Thus, a citizen enlisted in the reserve does not undergo compulsory military service in peacetime.

After changing the category on your military ID, you can enter military service under a contract, serve in law enforcement agencies, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and a number of other institutions. Despite your suitability for military service, you will not be subject to conscription in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

In order to undergo re-examination at the military registration and enlistment office and change the fitness category on your military ID, you may need the help of our qualified lawyers.

Re-examination at the military registration and enlistment office

On December 29, 2017, the President of the Russian Federation was Law No. 444-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” was signed. This law established that citizens aged 18 to 27 years who are exempt from conscription into the army due to recognition of their limited fitness for service for health reasons and enlisted in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, has the right to undergo a new medical examination to determine his suitability for the army in accordance with Article 5.1 of this Federal Law in the event of a repeated medical examination and the said citizen is declared fit for service without restrictions or with minor ones. restrictions, he is transferred by the military commissariat to the military registration of citizens who are not in the reserve, and is subject to conscription on a general basis. Thus, the procedure for re-examination at the military registration and enlistment office and changing the fitness category in the military ID is currently provided for by law.

The procedure for undergoing re-examination is enshrined in Section VIII of the “Regulations on Military Medical Examination”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 565 of 07/04/2013 and is similar to the procedure for undergoing a medical examination of the Military Commissariat of Military Commissariat when citizens are called up for military service or military service under a contract. The final decision on conscription into the army, including under a contract, is made by the draft commission.

Change of category due to health reasons

Many conscripts are concerned about the question: will they be drafted into the army if my health status changes? You will not have to perform military service if you first received a military ID for your health, and then it improved, for example, after laser vision correction. The army is out of reach even for those conscripts who want to go into military service themselves. The reason is that a young man cannot be called up after being enlisted in the reserves, even if the military document was received for health reasons, and the fitness category has changed.

Dear reader, if you have a “military health officer” on your hands, and at the same time you want to join the police, then we will help you understand your situation and resolve the issue with the military registration and enlistment office.

Of course, the situation of changing the fitness category is not so simple and requires a serious and consistent approach. Below we describe the algorithm of actions when changing the suitability category and the problems that may arise.
“Conscript Assistance Service” has been helping conscripts defend their rights when communicating with the military registration and enlistment office on any issues for 8 years. And for the last two years, we have been helping to undergo the re-examination procedure so that young people have a chance to find the job of their dreams - the police, the prosecutor's office, any law enforcement agencies and government agencies. The issue of changing the category of fitness for military service has become especially relevant since 2014, when amendments to the law on conscription and military service came into force.

1. Holders of fitness categories B (limitedly fit for military service) and D (not fit for military service) have practically no chance of finding employment in departments and ministries such as the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service, as well as a number of municipal or state services and organizations.
2. Holders of category B(D) face problems such as obtaining a driver’s license, refusal of employment after a security check, lack of career growth
3. When applying for re-examination, the military registration and enlistment office often refuses. In order for you to obtain consent, you need to thoroughly prepare the application and all the attachments to it.
4. You can pass a second commission only as part of the draft. Therefore, if you come to the military registration and enlistment office in February, you will be refused and you will be asked to wait for the start of the draft. Let me remind you that the call runs from April 1 to July 15 and from October 1 to December 31.

Just don’t despair and give up.

If you prepare well for this procedure and follow all the requirements, everything will work out!

We offer the following solution:

1. First you must undergo a full examination.
Mandatory medical re-examination has not been carried out for more than 10 years, but any male citizen has the right to undergo a voluntary medical re-examination. BUT under one condition: the state of health has changed. Therefore, you need to start by undergoing examinations in any medical institution and obtaining a specialist’s opinion that you are healthy.
2.The next step is to visit the dispensaries where you are registered and receive documentary evidence of deregistration.
3. You need to prepare medical documents.
You need to collect copies of medical documents indicating changes in the conscript’s health. This is especially true for those diseases on the basis of which a military ID was issued.
It is important to understand that if the health status has not changed and/or there are no supporting documents, the re-examination procedure will not bring any results and the fitness category will not be changed.
4. The most important step is to prepare and fill out an application.
You must write an application for medical re-examination. This statement is written in free form addressed to the head of the department of the military commissariat.
We attach copies of medical documents as attachments to the application.
5. The last step is to submit an application to the office of the district military registration and enlistment office.

After step 5, all that remains is to wait for the commission and the decision of the draft board.

Will I be called up if I change my fitness category?

If you are afraid that immediately after passing the re-examination you may be called up, then do not be afraid. According to subparagraph “a” of paragraph 1 of Article 22 of the Federal Law “” (Section IV), citizens enlisted in the reserves are not subject to conscription for military service.

If you have any questions?
— call 3754545 or
— ask a question to an online consultant

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    If you didn't serve, you're not a man? Or how to change the fitness category on a military ID.


    Dear reader, if you have a “military health officer” on your hands, and at the same time you want to join the police, then we will help you understand your situation and resolve the issue with the military registration and enlistment office. Of course, the situation of changing the fitness category is not so simple and requires a serious and consistent approach. The following describes the algorithm of actions when changing the suitability category and the problem, [...]

  • Conducting a medical examination to change the fitness category
  • Grounds for repeated medical examination of citizens who are in reserve
  • Who can change the category on a military ID?

Many people are interested in how to change the fitness category on a military ID. This can be done if your health status has changed in a positive direction. This fact must be confirmed by a medical document. If something doesn’t work out, the main thing is not to panic and carefully read the existing laws.

If a citizen has received fitness categories B or D, he may have problems getting a job in the future. For example, when trying to get a job in organizations such as the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Federal Drug Control Service, the Foreign Intelligence Service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In addition, many state and municipal organizations are in no hurry to hire male citizens who have any health problems and have been exempted from conscription or military service. And this cannot be called a wrong decision. After all, to work in such responsible services you need to have a certain amount of patience and health.

The situation improved after the introduction of new provisions “On Military Medical Examination”, which provided for a repeated medical examination of a citizen in connection with a change in his health status, which previously had fitness category B (limited fitness).

After successfully passing the repeated medical examination, a mark is made in the military personnel, where a new category of fitness for military service is set: “A” - fit or “B” - fit with minor restrictions. This procedure, of course, will take some time. But if you have a clearly defined goal, then time will not play such an important role in getting what you want.

According to the resolution, restrictions can be partially lifted when recruiting for service in the law enforcement agencies and departments that were listed above. But this does not mean at all that military medical commissions of departments will not request data from military commissariats on the reason for which a particular citizen was exempted from military service upon conscription. Therefore, if you decide to cheat in some way, then this number will not work. Everything must be done legally. The requested data will also be taken into account when making a decision on the issue of declaring a candidate fit or not fit for service in a particular law enforcement agency.

Where should I start? To change your fitness category, you need to submit a written application to the military commissariat addressed to the head of the military commissariat. The application must be accompanied by documentary evidence that the young person’s health condition has improved. Only after this is it possible to conduct a medical examination. It is recommended to send this application by registered mail with receipt of notification through the Russian postal service. If there is no response to the sent application, you can send the application to the higher military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Conducting a medical examination to change the fitness category

When passing a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, all diseases that the conscript has are checked against the “Schedule of Diseases,” which contains a list of diseases that affect suitability for military service. Moreover, in each section with a disease, the group that is assigned to the conscript is indicated. The “list of diseases” consists of several subgroups that combine diseases of a specific organ or system: diseases of the nervous system, blood circulation, gastrointestinal tract, mental disorders, etc.

When appearing for a medical examination, the conscript should take with him all available medical documents. If, after the last examination, a successful operation was performed or a course of treatment was completed, this must be confirmed by special extracts certified by the chief physician of the medical institution.

You will need to see seven specialist doctors:

  • surgeon;
  • therapist;
  • neurologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • otorhinolaryngologist;
  • surgeon

If you have the results of any examinations, be sure to take them with you! If necessary, the conscript is offered to visit other specialists. Each medical specialist will assign the conscript his own fitness category. The main goal of doctors is to correctly determine the conscript’s fitness group. The general medical commission determines the final result of a young man’s suitability or unsuitability for military service based on medical criteria. If the state of health has noticeably improved, the conscript is considered fit for military service. In this case, he can be assigned category “A” (fit for military service) and category “B” (fit with minor restrictions).

Grounds for repeated medical examination of citizens who are in reserve

According to the Law of the Russian Federation, a citizen who is in the reserve may undergo a medical examination in order to determine his suitability for service. The law clearly states what the procedure for undergoing a medical examination should be for citizens in the reserves.

The Military Reserve consists of men who combine military and civilian careers. In peacetime, they are in a state of readiness and will return to military service at the right time. This occurs when mobilization is declared in the event of a total war or when aggressors attack the territory of the state. In order to keep correct records of the military reserve (military specialties, ranks, age, etc.), people are distributed into special reserve categories (they are indicated on the military ID).

Who can change the category on a military ID?

It is completely legal to request a re-examination if you have completely or almost cured the disease for which you were sent to the reserve. Nowadays, modern medicine can cure even fatal diseases. Vision can be easily restored by surgery on the eyeball. Stomach ulcers can be easily treated by following a proper diet and taking the necessary medications.

Of course, healed diseases can make themselves felt again during military service, but often they do not appear again while working in government agencies.

If for some reason you doubt that your health will remain at the proper level, then it is better not to rush to change the fitness category on your military ID, but to find a more suitable job for yourself.

Many have probably heard of such a concept as a “white military ID”. It is obtained by paying an impressive amount to officials at the military registration and enlistment office. Under no circumstances do we advise you to go this route, as this can lead not only to the collapse of your future career, but will also lead to administrative and criminal liability. Moreover, you will always be in suspense if you receive an important document illegally. Changing the category on a military ID will, of course, take some of your time. But nothing can be achieved without the necessary effort!

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