Questions on the section "theoretical foundations of breastfeeding". Security system for educational institutions The concept of absolute security

2. From what period does the rule come into force - for the organized transportation of groups of children, a bus is used, from the year of manufacture of which no more than 10 years have passed:

3. The following drivers are allowed to drive buses carrying out organized transportation of groups of children:

And having worked as a driver of a category D vehicle for at least one year out of the last 3 calendar years

B having worked as a driver of a category D vehicle for at least one year as of the start date of organized transportation of groups of children

Those who have worked as a driver of a category D vehicle for at least one year out of the last 2 calendar years

4. In order to timely inform the population about the emergence of a threat of a terrorist act and organize counteraction activities, what are the established levels of terrorist danger:

B strong, medium, moderate

Elevated (blue), high (yellow), critical (red)

5. Fire retardant treatment of building structures, flammable finishing and heat-insulating materials and others is carried out:

A. in accordance with the deadlines established by the manufacturer’s instructions, if there are no deadlines - at least once a year

B in accordance with the deadlines established by the manufacturer’s instructions

At least once a year

6. The institution has changed the forces and means used to ensure anti-terrorism security. Is it necessary to update the safety data sheet:

At the discretion of the head of the institution

7. Inspection of operational tests of fire escapes and roof railings is carried out:

At least once every 5 years

B at least twice a year

At least once every 3 years

8. In the event of a situation involving hostage-taking in an institution, will you make a decision to evacuate employees and visitors of the institution?

By decision of a higher authority

9. Submission of notification of organized transportation of groups of children to the State Traffic Inspectorate unit is carried out no later than:

And 2 days before the start of transportation

B 3 days before the start of transportation

5 days before the start of transportation

10. If there is a threat of committing a terrorist act at a facility or receiving information about a threat, the following is ensured:

And strengthening access control and intra-facility control, stopping people’s access to the facility, timely notification of workers and visitors about the threat of a terrorist attack, evacuation of workers and visitors, unhindered access to the facility for law enforcement officers

B evacuation of workers and visitors, unimpeded access to the site for law enforcement officers

11. Checking the performance of internal fire water supply networks is carried out:

And at least once a year

B at least twice a year

At least three times a year

12. Do persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation and under 18 years of age have the right to apply for the acquisition of the legal status of a private security guard:

13. A private security guard certificate is issued for the following period:

And three years

B one year

Five years

14. The mandatory requirement for employees of private security organizations is:

And the presence of a personal security guard card

B presence of a passport

In the presence of a concluded contract for the provision of security services

15. A place of mass presence of people is a public area in which, under certain conditions, the following may simultaneously be located:

And more than 50 people

B more than 100 people

More than 150 people

16. Does an institution’s security guard have the right to demand that staff and visitors to security facilities comply with intra-facility and access control regimes:

B has the right, if this is determined by the contract for the provision of security services

17. At sites with large numbers of people, the head of the organization ensures the availability of serviceable electric lights based on:

And 1 lantern for 50 people

B 1 lantern per 100 people

1 lantern for 150 people

18. At a cultural facility, the security of the institution is carried out by a watchman (watchman). The object belongs to the second category of danger. Is this a violation of anti-terrorist protection measures?

19. Conducting exercises and training on anti-terrorism security is carried out with the frequency:

And at least once a year for objects of the second and third hazard categories, at least 2 times a year for objects of the first hazard category

B at least 2 times a year for objects of the second and third hazard categories, at least 1 time a year for objects of the first hazard category

At least once a year for objects of all hazard categories

20. For organized transportation of groups of children, the number of accompanying persons per bus is assigned:

And at the rate of one accompanying person per bus

B based on their location at each door of the bus

At the discretion of the transportation organizer, the driver may be the senior

21. The speed of a vehicle when transporting organized groups of children:

And should not exceed 90 km/h

B should not exceed 50 km/hour

B should not exceed 60 km/hour

Regulatory framework used

when developing test tasks

1. Law of the Russian Federation of March 11, 1992 No. 2487-1 “On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation.”

4. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 14, 2012 No. 851 “On the procedure for establishing levels of terrorist danger, providing for the adoption of additional measures to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state.”

5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 11, 2017 No. 176 “On approval of requirements for anti-terrorist protection of objects (territories) in the field of culture and the form of safety passports for these objects.”

6. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2013 No. 1177 “On approval of the rules for the organized transportation of groups of children by buses.”

7. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2017 No. 1621 “On amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.”

8. Joint order of the executive authorities of the Autonomous Okrug dated September 4, 2017 “On the organization of transportation by motor vehicles of organized groups of children to the venue of sports, recreational cultural events on the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra”

Test 1. Comprehensive security.

1.Which emergency situations do not fall under the definition of “man-made”? 1) earthquake; 2) fire at an industrial enterprise; 3) hurricane; 4) accident at a nuclear power plant.

2.In the event of a chlorine leak accident, you: 1) take refuge in the basement of the house; 2) go up to the upper floors of the house; 3) stay in your apartment on the first floor.

3.In an ammonia leak accident, you decide to use a cotton gauze dressing. What solution should it be moistened with? 1) 2% ammonia solution; 2) a solution of acetic or citric acid; 3) 5% soda solution.

4.Opening the door of the apartment on the 9th floor, you discovered heavy smoke. Your actions: 1) take the elevator down and run out of the building; 2) promptly identify the source of smoke; 3) close the door tightly and call 112 (01).

5. During a thunderstorm, you find yourself in a field, forest, or open area. What can you do to reduce the likelihood of being struck by lightning?

1) immediately take shelter under a tree, preferably a separate one; 2) take cover under a power line support, because it is grounded and the lightning will go into the ground; 3) lie down on the ground, in a ditch. 6. Your friend was struck by lightning during a thunderstorm. Determine which of the proposed methods salvation could it hurt him?

1) perform artificial respiration; 2) bury the victim in the ground; 3) warm the victim’s body. 7. An earthquake caught you on the street. What needs to be done?

1) run to take refuge in the basement; 2) run into the first entrance you come across; 3) run to the middle of the street, to a square or vacant lot - away from buildings, structures, power poles. 8. When you came home in the evening, you noticed the smell of gas. Your actions: , 1) turn on the light, call “04”; 2) inform your neighbors and call the gas service for them; 3) open the windows, turn off the gas, and if the smell of gas persists

call from neighbors on “04”. 9.Which of the following substances is the most toxic?

1) chlorine; 2) ammonia; 3) mercury. 10. Having gone into the forest to pick mushrooms, you get lost. By what signs can you determine the cardinal directions?

1) mosses and lichens cover the southern side of trees and stones; 2) ants make homes south of the nearest tree or bush.





Option #1

1. What is called a fire?

1) a chemical oxidation reaction accompanied by the release of a large amount of heat and glow

2) uncontrolled combustion causing material damage, harm to the life and health of citizens, the interests of society and the state

3) combustion that proceeds slowly, with a short-term release of a significant amount of heat and light

4) the occurrence of fire of flammable materials

2. The Federal Law “On Fire Safety” defines the content of the concept of “fire safety”. Choose the correct answer.

1) the state of protection of the individual, property, society and state from fires

2) compliance by all citizens and organizations with fire safety rules

4) proper operation of electrical installations, careful handling of flammable and combustible liquids

3. What legal act provides for certain rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of fire safety?

1) Federal Law “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies”

2) Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation (PPB 01-03)

3) Federal Law “On Fire Safety”

4) Federal Law of the Russian Federation “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements”

4. What liability can citizens be held accountable for violating fire safety requirements, as well as for other offenses in the field of fire safety?

1) to financial liability in the form of compensation for damage caused

2) to civil liability

3) citizens may be deprived of bonuses and corresponding additional payments

4) to disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability

5. You are in your apartment. Suddenly you smelled smoke from the front door being on fire. The fire cut off the path to the exit. What are you going to do?

1) go to the back room, tightly closing all the doors behind you, cover the front door with a wet blanket, then call the fire department

2) try to break open the door and jump out onto the landing to go down the flight of stairs below the fire zone

3) start screaming from the balcony and calling your neighbors for help

4) hide in the bathroom and turn on the cold water

Option No. 2

1. Name the types of fire protection in the Russian Federation:

1) fire service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state fire supervision authorities

2) structural divisions of territorial bodies of the federal executive body, divisions of the federal fire service

3) units of the federal fire service created for the purpose of organizing the prevention and extinguishing of fires in populated areas

4) state fire service, municipal fire service, private

fire brigade, volunteer fire brigade

2. While in the cabin of a moving elevator, you discovered signs of fire. What will you do?

1) immediately press the “Stop” button

2) immediately inform the dispatcher about this by pressing the “Call” button and exit the elevator on the nearest floor

3) raise a scream, noise, start calling for help

4) sit on the floor of the elevator car, where there is less smoke

3. While at home, you smelled burning electrical wiring. What should you do first?

1) start extinguishing smoldering electrical wiring with water or sand

2) disconnect the electrical wiring in the apartment, then inform your parents and call an electrician

3) turn on the light to better see the place where the electrical wiring caught fire

4) remove all electrical plugs from electrical outlets

4. What should you do immediately if your TV catches fire?

1) immediately unplug the TV and then start extinguishing it

2) flood the TV with water

3) hide the TV in the bathroom to reduce smoke

4) throw the burning TV out the window

5. While driving on a bus (trolleybus), a fire started in the cabin. What should your actions be?

1) without warning the driver, try to put out the fire using a fire extinguisher (if there is one in the cabin) or cover the fire with outer clothing

2) break the side window of the vehicle so that the smoke comes out of the window

3) after warning the driver, try, if possible, to put out the fire using a fire extinguisher, if there is one in the cabin, or cover the source of fire with outer clothing



1. Which rule of safe behavior on winter reservoirs is correct?

1) ice is most dangerous at the confluence of rivers and streams, near steep banks and on bends

2) before crossing the ice, you must secure your equipment well

3) if a group of people is moving on the ice, then it is necessary to maintain a distance of at least 0.5 meters between them

4) overcome a suspicious place with quick jumps

2. What safety measures should be taken when swimming in an unfamiliar body of water? Choose the wrong answer from the options given.

1) you must first carefully examine the shore and make sure that the place chosen for swimming is on a sandy shore with a good descent

2) it is not necessary to set a limit beyond which it is undesirable to swim

3) the bottom must have a gradual slope without holes, ledges, algae, sharp stones, glass and other dangerous objects

4) you should never jump into water in unfamiliar places - there may be stones, snags, or metal rods at the bottom

3. What determines the duration of bathing?

1) on air and water temperature, air humidity and wind force

2) on the strength of the current, the state of the bottom, the ability to swim

3) from the presence of comrades on the shore watching you, the absence of algae in the reservoir

4) from the presence of passing ships, a rescue boat, the presence of fins for swimming

4. What kind of ice is considered durable for single pedestrians and for a group of people?

1) for single pedestrians at least 6 cm and for a group of people at least 10 cm

2) for single pedestrians at least 4 cm and for a group of people at least 7 cm

3) for single pedestrians at least 7 cm and for a group of people at least 12 cm

4) for single pedestrians at least 5 cm and for a group of people at least 8 cm

5. Which of the following rules for using electricity is incorrect?

1) do not use faulty electrical appliances, homemade electric ovens, heaters

2) if necessary, you can connect several electrical appliances to one outlet

3) do not repair plugs of electrical appliances using insulating tape

4) do not handle electrical appliances with wet hands

Option No. 2

1. What should not be done when using household gas?

1) To light the gas burner, first bring the lit list to the surface, and then open the gas tap smoothly and carefully

2) if you notice the smell of gas in the entrance of the house, immediately call the emergency gas service by phone 04, provide the exact address

3) if you smell gas in the room, do not light matches until the gas leak is eliminated

4) if you notice an extinguished burner, turn off the tap, then open it again and light the burner again, then ventilate the room

2. Which of the following rules should be followed when using household chemicals?

1) household chemicals can be used in various home situations, regardless of the instructions on the instructions

2) in a city apartment, it is preferable to store household chemicals in the toilet room or on the loggia

3) household chemicals intended for cleaning electric and gas stoves should be stored on a separate shelf in one of the kitchen cabinets

4) the presence of instructions on the procedure for using household chemicals is not mandatory, only an indication of its purpose is sufficient

3. In accordance with established standards, the continuous duration of a high school student’s work on a computer should not exceed:

1) one hour

2) one and a half hours

3) 25 minutes

4) two hours

4. What should be the position of the computer monitor relative to the person’s gaze?

1) the middle of the monitor screen is located horizontally, drawn at eye level or 10-20 degrees below

2) the upper part of the monitor is located horizontally, drawn at the level of the person’s shoulders

3) the location of the monitor does not really matter

4) the middle of the monitor screen is located on a horizontal line drawn at eye level or 10-20 degrees above

5. What should you do if you get into a whirlpool while swimming?

1) shout loudly that you need help and work more energetically with your hands

2) working energetically with your arms and legs, try to row towards the nearest shore

3) you need to take in more air into your lungs, plunge into the water and, making a strong jerk to the side with the current, float to the surface

4) take in more air into your lungs, dive deeper and wait for the undercurrent to take you to a safe place


A mark of “excellent” is given for all correct answers to the questions on the assignment, for four correct answers – “good”, etc. For completing a task with a multiple choice answer, 1 point is awarded, provided that only one number of the correct answer is circled. If two or more answers are circled, including the correct one, the answer is not counted.




Safety- this is a state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and state from internal and external threats.

Security of an educational organization— these are the conditions for preserving the life and health of students, employees and material assets from possible accidents, fires, accidents and other emergencies.

Comprehensive security of an educational organization- this is a set of measures and activities provided for by law by the personnel of an educational institution, carried out under the leadership of the director of the educational institution, educational authorities, in interaction with law enforcement agencies, support services and public organizations, in order to ensure the safe functioning of the educational institution, as well as the readiness of employees and students to act rationally in dangerous and emergency situations.

Integrated security system of an educational organization implies a state of protection of an educational organization from real and foreseeable threats of a social, man-made and natural nature, ensuring its safe functioning.

Security threat- is a set of conditions and factors that create a danger to the vital interests of the individual, society and the state. The real and potential threat to security facilities emanating from internal and external sources of danger determines the content of activities to ensure internal and external security.

The security system is a set of methods and technical means that implement measures aimed at the object of the threat in order to reduce it, at the object of protection in order to increase its security, at the environment between the object of the threat and the object of protection in order to mitigate the consequences of the threat.

In educational organizations, the following possible types of threats (incidents, accidents, emergencies) are predicted:

Social: riots and violations of public order; threats to the rights and freedoms of citizens; acts of extremism and terrorism.

Social-criminal: street manifestations of extremism; explosions, arson, use of toxic substances; threats of terrorist attacks, hostage taking, and other terrorist attacks of a criminal nature; illegal entry of unauthorized persons into educational organizations; theft of property of educational organizations; hooliganism, violence, vandalism; causing harm to health, injuries; extortion, fraud; drug use and distribution.

In modern conditions for the Russian Federation, this problem is even more acute. This is primarily due to the fact that in recent years there has been a qualitative change in the dangers associated with the aggravation of the criminal situation in the country, the increase in the number of various conflicts, and environmental problems. The possibility of committing terrorist acts, the occurrence of man-made accidents and inventories, and the risk of natural disasters is high at the global level.

The system of measures to ensure comprehensive security of an educational institution is a set of measures and activities provided for by law by the administration of an educational institution, carried out under the leadership of educational authorities and local governments in interaction with law enforcement agencies, support services and public organizations, in order to ensure its safe functioning, as well as formation of readiness of employees and students for rational actions in dangerous and emergency situations.

The main activities of the institution are: organizing work with students, their parents, teaching staff, law enforcement agencies and other public organizations in solving problems of comprehensive security provision for the organization; monitoring compliance with the requirements of legislation on anti-terrorist protection of educational organizations; organizing and ensuring the protection of students and employees of an educational organization from emergency situations, technical strengthening and anti-terrorist protection of an educational organization, the functioning of physical security, checkpoints and intra-facility regime of the organization; organizing the implementation of preventive measures aimed at ensuring the safety of educational activities in educational organizations.

Regulatory framework consisting of:

  • regulatory legal documents at the federal level (Constitution of the Russian Federation (Articles 7, 20, 22, 38 on comprehensive security), Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Federal Law dated December 28. 2010 No. 390 “On Security”, Federal Law dated 02/07/2011 No. 03-FZ “On Police”, Federal Law dated 07/25/2002 No. 114-F3 “On Combating Extremist Activities”, Federal Law dated 03/06/2006 No. 35-F3 “On countering terrorism”, Federal Law dated 04/14/1999 No. 77-FZ “On departmental security”, Federal Law dated 12/21/1994 No. 68-F3 “On the protection of the population” and territories from natural and man-made emergencies", Federal Law dated 02/12/1998 No. 28-FZ “On Civil Defense”, Federal Law dated 12/21/1994 No. 69-F3 “On Fire Safety”, Federal Law dated 06/22/2008 No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements”, Federal Law of 07/27/2006 No. 149-FZ “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”, Federal Law of 07/27/2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 196-F3 “On Road Safety”, Federal Law of June 24, 1999 No. 120-F3 “On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency ")
  • regulatory documents at the regional and local levels (charter of an educational organization, safety data sheet, job description of the deputy head for safety, orders of an educational organization, instructions, security plans, notifications, work plans, employee action plans in emergency situations, materials of inspections carried out trainings, reports and reports on integrated security, memos, etc.).
  • Organizational events.
  • Interaction with competent authorities.
  • Training of PA employees and students on security issues.
  • Creation and strengthening of educational and material security base.

I.3. Goals, objectives and organizational measures to ensure the safety of educational organizations

Target- determine the level of safety of students and employees of an educational institution during the educational process from possible types of hazards.

Task- examine the work done in the current academic year to implement measures and activities in the field of ensuring the safety of educational organizations aimed at protecting the health and preserving the lives of students and school staff during their work and educational activities from possible terrorist attacks, fires, accidents and other dangers. Identification of problems and shortcomings, ways to resolve them.

The comprehensive security system of educational organizations sets itself the following necessary goals and objectives: creation of organizational and financial conditions to ensure comprehensive safety of participants in the educational process in educational institutions; increasing the level of fire, criminal, anti-terrorism, sanitary safety of educational organizations; reducing the risk of emergency situations in educational organizations; formation and development of safe behavior skills for all participants in the educational process.

To achieve the above goals and objectives, the following activities are being implemented:

  1. Ensuring anti-terrorist protection:

1.1. Development of internal regulations of PAs.

1.2. Determining the procedure and measures to ensure security and anti-terrorist protection of public organizations during holidays, sports and cultural events.

1.3. Inspection of educational and production premises of the public organization.

1.4. Organization of the activities of the anti-terrorist working group, other groups and commissions provided for by regulations.

1.5. Ensuring systematic control over the activities of organizations renting premises in the public organization.

1.6. Determining the order and those responsible for daily monitoring of the condition of fences along the perimeter of educational organizations; lighting the facades of the building and the territory of the organization, delivery of products and property.

1.7. Providing licensed physical security; daily monitoring of the implementation of the access control regime.

1.8.Organization of interaction between PAs and representatives of law enforcement agencies and local government.

1.9. Organizing control over the implementation of the activities of the comprehensive plan “Security of an educational organization,” including measures to reduce risks and mitigate the consequences of emergency situations in educational institutions.

1.10. Management of local systems for monitoring the condition of potentially dangerous objects, increasing the reliability of their operation.

1.11. Monitoring compliance by students and employees with established requirements in the field of emergency protection and labor protection.

  1. Ensuring fire and electrical safety:

2.1. Equipping the PA with fire-fighting equipment, protection and fire extinguishing equipment. (APS and warning and evacuation control system).

2.2. Operation in accordance with the requirements of electrical installation standards and outdated electrical networks that require replacement.

2.3. Carrying out work on fire-prevention treatment of floors and combustible finishing of escape routes, checking sources of external fire water supply.

2.4. Assessment of the technical condition of buildings, structures and engineering systems of public buildings, their certification, assessment of fire, electrical and structural safety in accordance with norms and regulations. Bringing buildings, structures, mechanisms and other equipment into a state that complies with established standards, as well as electrical networks of educational institutions in accordance with the requirements of PUE, PTEEP;

2.5. Organization of training and instruction for employees and students on fire and electrical safety.

2.6. Conducting training sessions on educational evacuation according to the schedule and practical training on the use of personal protective equipment and fire extinguishing equipment.

2.7. Preventive work with the participation of police officers and state police officers.

  1. 3. Ensuring civil defense issues:

3.1. Organization of civil defense: in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Civil Defense” and “On the Protection of the Population and Territories from Natural and Technogenic Emergencies”, training is provided for the personnel of the institution and students in the field of civil defense, in methods of protection against dangers arising during the conduct of military operations and as a result these actions, as well as in emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature.

In an educational institution, in case of emergencies in the area where the educational institution is located, a plan of measures to protect students and staff in emergency situations is developed (evacuation of educational institutions, sheltering students and staff in adapted premises, the use of personal protective equipment and the procedure for obtaining them, provision of medical care, etc. )

  1. Occupational health and safety:

4.1. Organization of events to improve working conditions and safe work during the educational process.

4.2. Improving natural and artificial lighting.

4.3. Insulation of floors, installation of thermal curtains in buildings.

4.4. Establishing a rational regime of work and rest.

4.5. Equipment of places and sites allocated for physical education and recreational work.

4.6. Prevention of industrial accidents and child injuries.

4.7. Organization of control and training and instruction on occupational health and safety issues.

4.8. Ensuring the safety and reliability of buildings and engineering systems: creating a system for monitoring the condition of buildings and communications of educational institutions.

4.9. Normalization of sanitary and hygienic working conditions, introduction of health-saving training technologies.

  1. 5. Individual personal security:

Achieving the goal of creating a culture of safety for students is carried out through solving the following tasks:

5.1. Formation of correct behavioral motives from the point of view of ensuring life safety;

5.2. Development of personality traits aimed at safe behavior in the outside world;

5.3. Formation of abilities to make safe decisions in everyday life;

5.4. Instilling knowledge, skills and abilities to reduce risks;

5.5. Developing moral and psychological stability in dangerous and emergency situations.

5.6. Ensuring information security.

  1. Ensuring environmental safety: on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.”
  2. Prevention of children's road transport injuries in the field of road safety: together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (State Traffic Safety Inspectorate), work is organized with class teachers (briefings, teacher councils), students (participation in preventive events, KVN, quizzes, competitions, conversations by the UID) and their parents (conversations, parent meetings), these are both theoretical and practical classes.

The main legislative and other normative documents regulating ensuring physical security of educational organizations is:

  • Federal Law of December 28, 2010 No. 390 “On Security”;
  • Federal Law of 02/07/2011 No. 03-FZ “On the Police”;
  • Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. 114-F3 “On Combating Extremist Activities”;
  • Federal Law of March 6, 2006 No. 35-F3 “On Countering Terrorism”;
  • Federal Law of April 14, 1999 No. 77-FZ “On Departmental Security”.

On the basis of legislative acts, an educational organization develops local, regulatory documents that regulate the implementation of physical security tasks for a specific educational organization. These include: contract for the provision of security services; safety data sheet of the educational institution (section 4); plan for protecting an educational institution and ensuring security during public events; plan - security of an educational institution; instructions for protecting the facility; an agreement on the coordination of joint actions with the department of internal affairs serving the given territory.

In order to ensure the safety of students and employees, the safety of property, and the prevention of terrorist acts, an access control regime is introduced in an educational organization.

The fundamental document regulating the organization of access control in educational organizations is the “Regulation on Access Control Regime”.

An equally important area in comprehensive security is ensuring fire safety of educational organizations.

Legislative acts regulating fire safety rules in an educational institution:

  • Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ “On Fire Safety”;
  • Federal Law of June 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements.”
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 2012. No. 390 “On fire safety regime”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 12, 2007 No. 645 “On approval of fire safety standards “Training in fire safety measures for employees of the organization”” as amended on January 27, 2009 and June 22, 2010.

In order to plan and coordinate actions to ensure fire safety, the administration of an educational organization must, on the basis of legislative documents, develop and adopt a number of local regulations. The main ones include:

  • order from the head of the educational institution on fire safety measures and the appointment of those responsible for fire safety;
  • fire safety declaration of an educational organization;
  • instructions on fire safety measures in the building of an educational institution and in the surrounding area;
  • action plan for administration and staff in the event of a fire in an educational institution;
  • instructions for the duty administrator on fire safety;
  • memo on fire safety measures in the premises of an educational institution.

A fire safety action plan for the academic year was developed and adopted before September 1 and includes the following:

  • bringing to the attention of employees of educational organizations the fire safety requirements established by local regulations;
  • organizing and conducting fire safety briefings with employees of educational organizations;
  • organizing and conducting inspections of fire alarms and primary fire extinguishing equipment;
  • organizing classes on studying fire safety rules with students and practical training on evacuation in case of fire.

The following logs are kept on fire safety in the PA:

  • registration of introductory fire safety training;
  • registration of fire safety training at the workplace;
  • accounting of primary fire extinguishing means; monitoring the functionality of automatic fire alarms.

An important issue in the comprehensive safety of an educational organization is labor protection. Occupational Safety and Health - a system for preserving the life and health of workers in the process of work, which includes legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, treatment and preventive, rehabilitation and other measures.

The main tasks of labor protection in an educational organization:

  • Study and implementation of the main directions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on security issues, development and implementation of regulatory, methodological and other local acts, instructions for the formation of a safe educational space.
  • Increasing experience in interdepartmental, integrated and multi-level approaches in creating a safe educational space.
  • Ensuring that MBOU employees and students comply with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory acts regulating the creation of healthy and safe educational conditions.
  • Prevention of accidents with children and employees during the educational process.
  • Compliance with fire safety rules and compliance with fire regulations.
  • Formation of stable skills of safe behavior in students and employees in emergency situations.
  • Equipping the educational institution with fire-fighting and security equipment, protective and fire-extinguishing equipment.
  • Increasing the efficiency of work to prevent child road traffic injuries, interaction with traffic police departments.
  • Ensuring the safe operation of the building, equipment and technical training facilities.

The organization of labor protection in an educational organization is regulated by the main regulatory documents:

  • Charter of an educational organization.
  • Collective agreement of an educational organization.
  • Internal labor regulations.
  • Regulations on the organization of work on labor protection and life safety, which outlines the main directions of organizing the work of an educational organization on labor protection and life safety, functions, rights and responsibilities.
  • Job description of a labor protection and safety specialist, which defines the functions, job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities.
  • A work plan for labor protection and life safety is drawn up for the academic year and includes: organizational and technical measures to improve working conditions; training workers in safe work practices and compliance with workplace safety rules.
  • At the beginning of the school year, the head of the educational organization issues orders to appoint: on labor protection and compliance with safety regulations; on the appointment of responsible persons for organizing safe work; on strengthening measures to protect the life and health of children; on the organization of work to prevent DDTT in an educational organization; on the creation of a commission to investigate accidents.

Occupational safety documentation should include the following logs:

registration of introductory and workplace fire safety briefings;

recording of labor protection instructions with the assignment of a serial number, should cover all types of work and professions of the institution, maintained by a labor protection specialist); registration of induction training on labor protection (issued by a labor protection specialist or the head of the institution upon hiring; induction training must be completed by all applicants); registration of training on labor safety in the workplace (issued by the head of a structural unit when hiring all employees, and subsequently at least twice a year, in the first and second half of the year); registration of knowledge testing of personnel with the 1st electrical safety group; registration of accidents that occurred with workers in an educational institution (with attached reports on forms N-1); registration of accidents with pupils (with attached reports in form N-2).

In educational organizations, for the purpose of preventing road traffic injuries (RTI) Information “Safety Corners” are being created. Materials presented at the stands, including the following content: traffic police information on the state of child road traffic injuries in the area (quarterly data); work plan of an educational organization for the prevention of road accidents; safe route diagram approved by the traffic police; educational information for children and parents of pupils on traffic rules, periodically changed, with a thematic focus; information for parents of pupils of a methodological nature.

Appendix No. 1

Activities for comprehensive safety of educational organizations in modern conditions

The security concept of an educational institution is a system of views, guiding ideas, principles adopted to solve problems related to ensuring its comprehensive and reliable security. It can be presented in the form of some kind of virtual model that helps to understand what the security system of an educational institution is, i.e. its effectiveness, reality, humanity, democracy, technical equipment, economic feasibility, etc.

A truly working concept of the safety of an educational institution must clearly and definitely show the nature of the occurrence of dangers and threats, determine the specific parameters of the elements of the safety system for students and staff, mechanisms, ways and means of protecting them from potentially dangerous and emergency situations (see Fig. 1).

According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Security”, the first principle of any security system should be legality4. This principle stipulates that all actions to ensure security must be legal and in no way infringe on the rights and freedoms of citizens. The Constitution of the Russian Federation emphasizes: “The rights and freedoms of man and citizen can be limited by the federal law only to the extent necessary in order to protect the fundamentals

Rice. 1.

constitutional system, morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of other persons, ensuring the defense of the country and security of the state”5.

The principle of humanity, which provides for the priority of the interests of the individual, and above all the child, over other factors when protecting against dangerous and emergency situations of various origins, is also important when ensuring the safety of an educational institution. The main rule here is to talk with children as often as possible about the dangers that lie in wait for them, even the most seemingly small and insignificant safety problems that they have. However, other important rules must be followed:

  • - the best way to teach students safe behavior is the personal example of teachers and all staff of the educational institution;
  • - When teaching students the rules of safe behavior, they should not be intimidated under any circumstances.

When forming a system for ensuring the security of an educational institution, one cannot ignore such principles as democracy, which involve taking into account the opinions of students, parents, staff, and law enforcement agencies; close interaction with specialists and various security services; rationality and economy; organization; continuity; planning; control; foresight and anticipation; systematicity and integrity, implying comprehensive coverage of all elements of the security system of an educational institution as a whole.

All of the above principles for ensuring the safety of educational institutions are not speculative rules invented in classrooms and classrooms, but the most important components of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating safety in various spheres of life. The significance of these principles lies in the fact that they set a coordinate system within which, even a non-specially trained teacher or employee of an educational institution, can quickly understand the acceptability of a particular solution to protect students from dangers and threats. These principles become criteria for choosing one or another security solution or a separate element of its system.

Along with the principles, an important place in the security system of an educational institution is occupied by the goals of its provision, the main of which are:

  • - protection of students, teachers, staff, their rights and interests, property from dangerous influences;
  • - ensuring the normal educational process and functioning of the educational institution;
  • - reducing damage from the negative impacts and consequences of dangerous and emergency situations;
  • - improving the quality of life and safety of students, teachers, staff (inadmissibility of death, reduction of injuries, strengthening labor protection, health, environment, property safety, etc.).

The objectives of ensuring the safety of an educational institution follow from the formulated goals:

  • - formation of readiness of personnel, teachers and students for dangerous and emergency situations and to counter them, which is achieved by studying the types of hazards and ways to overcome them;
  • - early identification of signs and causes of dangerous and emergency situations, their prevention and elimination of the causes of their occurrence;
  • - providing conditions and opportunities for self-defense, rescue and protection of other people;
  • - legal, organizational and technical support of the security system;
  • - developing skills of safe behavior in the event of dangerous and emergency situations;
  • - creating a culture of safety for students, teachers and all educational personnel.

The significance of the above principles, goals and objectives of ensuring the safety of an educational institution is that, correctly formulated and understood, they become a guideline for teachers, staff and students, being a certain guarantee of their actions adequate to the dangers. Moreover, these principles, goals and objectives almost completely coincide with the content of teaching the fundamentals of life safety in educational institutions, which once again emphasizes the relevance of this discipline.

Having examined in a conceptual context the principles, goals and objectives of ensuring the security of educational institutions, let us move on to the content and mechanism of functioning of their security system.

The security system of an educational institution has a certain set of elements, which includes dangers and threats, security objects and subjects, regulatory documents, resources, organization, means of protection, methods and skills of safe behavior, etc.

Sources of potential dangers and threats to educational institutions can be a variety of factors in the social, technogenic and natural environment, as discussed earlier. Knowledge about possible dangerous and emergency situations, methods for their early detection and counteraction is the most important condition for the effectiveness of the security system of an educational institution.

The objects of security here are: students, teachers, staff, as well as material, intellectual, spiritual values ​​and the environment, without which the normal educational process and the life of an educational institution are impossible.

The subjects of security of educational institutions are: their management, staff, security, various life support services, rescue and assistance, parents, students. The administration of a district, city or other locality, law enforcement agencies, educational authorities, health authorities, etc., are obliged to ensure their safety in the most direct way.

The large number of security actors is not always a good thing, since when a dangerous or emergency situation arises, the effect of “seven nannies” often occurs, when no one really knows what they are responsible for and what specific assistance needs to be provided. In order to somehow resolve this issue, as well as in order to increase the efficiency of the security system of educational institutions, immediately after the terrorist attack in Beslan, it was recommended to introduce the position of deputy director for security. However, this question still remains open in most regions of the Russian Federation.

Regulatory acts (Laws of the Russian Federation, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, departmental orders, instructions, instructions, instructions, as well as plans, recommendations, memos of local administration, etc.) are designed to regulate the issues of ensuring the safety of educational institutions. For example, in educational institutions in Moscow and some other cities, in accordance with instructions from educational authorities, each educational institution must have its own safety passport, agreed upon with law enforcement agencies, firefighting and other emergency services.

Financial, personnel, information, energy and other resources for ensuring the safety of educational institutions, as well as technical means for detecting and eliminating dangerous and emergency situations and their consequences are important.

The role of organizational measures is also very important, which includes the distribution of functional responsibilities for ensuring safety both in normal conditions and in dangerous and emergency situations. Here, for example, are the measures, according to experts, that the administration and teachers of educational institutions should take in the event of extreme situations:

  • - tighten access control at the entrance and entry into the territory, install alarm systems, audio and video recording;
  • - walk around the territory of the educational institution daily;
  • - periodically conduct inspections of warehouse and utility rooms;
  • - carefully select and check personnel;
  • - regularly conduct, together with law enforcement officials and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, briefings and practical training on actions in emergency situations;
  • - if suspicious items are found, immediately report them to law enforcement agencies by calling the territorial divisions of any law enforcement agencies (Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Prosecutor's Office, etc.);
  • - do not allow yourself to neutralize explosive devices;
  • - if necessary, begin evacuating people according to the existing plan.

The skills of safe behavior and mastery of various means of counteraction by students, teachers and staff in dangerous and emergency situations are also of fundamental importance. This is perhaps the most important element of the security system of an educational institution, the very human factor without which this system is non-functional. The implementation of this factor presupposes a serious attitude of students, and all security subjects of an educational institution, to security problems.

Methods and forms of developing safe behavior skills can be very different. Of course, first of all, they must be implemented in the process of classes on the basics of life safety. However, it must be remembered that the safety of students is the task of all subjects of an educational institution (teachers, staff, parents, law enforcement and other authorities, including the students themselves), therefore, every lesson, every event in an educational institution, the relationship between children and parents, their relationships should be considered among themselves in the context of instilling safe behavior skills in children and adolescents. A good help here could be classes on the psychology of survival in various extreme situations, physical training, and simply confidential conversations on various security issues (domestic, transport, gaming, etc.). All this does not require high financial, energy, or intellectual costs. The main thing here is an adequate attitude to safety issues on the part of all teachers, without exception, and all staff of the educational institution.

Only the orderliness and consistency of all elements of the security system of an educational institution determine its effectiveness and reliability. An incorrect combination or inadequate response of individual elements of this system can lead to the most negative consequences. However, it must be remembered that in the security system, and in the environment, there are elements that are difficult or even impossible to control, to exert the necessary influence on them in the interests of security, to regulate them (natural disasters, epidemics, riots, military actions, social cataclysms etc.) Here, a lot depends on the knowledge of specialists in the field of life safety, on their teaching to analyze and predict such extreme situations, on the choice of adequate means of influencing young people and the environment in order to reduce the negative consequences of dangerous and emergency situations.

An effective means of combining all elements of the security system of an educational institution, ensuring the interaction of its various links, including and rational use of the resources of the educational institution, security, police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, technical and other means is the introduction of modern information technologies. Thus, in some, usually private, educational institutions, security monitoring and security management equipment with new generation software is installed, which makes it possible to reliably ensure access control, fire safety, and security in classrooms, corridors and utility rooms. But, unfortunately, such systems are very expensive and are not available to all educational institutions.

A very responsible step is the initiative of a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation to introduce the position of deputy director for security in schools. For example, the introduction of such a position in Yekaterinburg was assessed positively by experts, since the number of offenses has sharply decreased.

This initiative is fully consistent with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Security”, which emphasizes: “Citizens, public and other organizations and associations are subjects of security, have the rights and responsibilities to participate in ensuring security in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the republics within the Russian Federation, regulatory acts of state authorities and administration of territories, regions, autonomous regions and autonomous districts, adopted within their competence in this area”6. Consequently, regulations governing the introduction of the position of deputy director for security into the staffing table of educational institutions may be: an order of the head of administration of the subject, an order of the head of the education department and an order of the director of an educational institution.

Based on the methodological principles of the approach to solving security problems, the deputy director of an educational institution for security, taking into account the actual financial condition and technical equipment of the institution, the conditions for organizing the educational and educational process and other features, is called upon to solve the following tasks.

  • 1. Timely identify threats and dangers to an educational institution (students, teachers, staff, parents, visitors; personal property, material, intellectual and spiritual values ​​of the institution; personal and official information; technical means of communication, alarm and information).
  • 2. Immediately inform the director and other security entities about them (fire department, police officers on duty, Ministry of Emergency Situations, FSB, prosecutor's office, local police officer, security company managers, ambulance).
  • 3. Contain the spread of dangers, their progress towards the educational institution in order to increase the time for the evacuation of people, material and other assets and the organization of preparations for reflection and liquidation.
  • 4. Independently, with the help of the institution’s security or in collaboration with representatives of law enforcement agencies, firefighters and units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, take the necessary measures to neutralize and eliminate the dangers that have arisen.
  • 5. Document phenomena and processes related to important events in the life of an educational institution in the context of its security, both during its daily functioning and in cases of threats and dangers and the implementation of measures to counter them.

The implementation of these tasks should help improve the security system of educational institutions and assist law enforcement agencies in their investigation.

Of course, it is unrealistic to talk about some kind of unified security system for all educational institutions in Russia. The situation in its various regions has its own specifics. Thus, in some (in areas with harsh climatic conditions and rural areas) natural hazards may predominate, in others (in places where hazardous industries are concentrated) - man-made or environmental, in others (in large cities, economically disadvantaged regions) - criminogenic, and often and all at once. However, an approximate security system of an educational institution, which does not claim to be universal, can be presented in the following form (see Fig. 2).

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