Harmful and dangerous production factors and their classification. Harmful production factors

A person is exposed to hazards in his work activity. In the conditions of production, man-made hazards, which are called dangerous and harmful production factors, act on a person.

A hazardous production factor (HPF) is a factor, the impact of which leads to injury or other deterioration in health.

Injury - damage to body tissues and violation of its functions by external influences as a result of an accident at work.

Hazardous production factors include:

electric current of a certain strength;

red-hot bodies;

the possibility of falling from a height of a worker or various objects;

equipment operating under pressure above atmospheric, etc.

A harmful production factor (HPF) is a factor whose impact

leading to illness or disability.

Diseases that occur under the influence of harmful production factors are called occupational diseases.

Harmful production factors are understood as:

adverse meteorological conditions;

dust and gas contamination of the air;

exposure to noise, infra- and ultrasound, vibration;

the presence of electromagnetic fields, laser and ionizing radiation.

Rice. 4.1. Classification of production factors in accordance with GOST 12.0.003-74

Physical factors - electric current, kinetic energy of moving machines and equipment or their parts, increased pressure of vapors or gases in vessels, unacceptable levels of noise, vibration, infrared and ultrasound, insufficient illumination, electromagnetic fields, ionizing radiation, etc.

Chemical factors are substances harmful to the human body in various states.

Biological factors are the effects of various microorganisms, as well as plants and animals.

Psychophysiological factors - physical and emotional overload, mental strain, monotony of work.

The conditions in which a person works affect the results of production: labor productivity, quality and cost of products.

Labor productivity is increased by maintaining human health, increasing the level of use of working time, and extending the period of active labor activity of a person (Table 4.1). No. p.p. Parameter Value 1. Air temperature at the workplace:

indoors during the warm season

indoors during cold weather

outdoors during the warm season

outdoors during the cold period 18 - 22 ° C; 20 - 22 °С; 18 - 22 °С; 7 - 10 °С; 2. Relative air humidity 40 - 54% 3. Air velocity less than 0.2 m/s 4. Toxic substances (multiplier exceeding MPC) less than 0.8 5. Industrial dust (multiplier exceeding MPC) less than 0.8 6. Vibration , the level of vibrational speed is below the remote control 7. Noise, sound level is less than 68 dB 8. Physical activity:

general, performed by the muscles of the body sometimes for a shift

regional, performed by the muscles of the shoulder girdle per shift up to 42000 kgf / m up to 21000

kgf/m 9. Neuropsychic load:

duration of concentrated observation from working time per shift

number of important objects of observation

number of movements per hour up to 25%

object size

accuracy of visual work

category of visual work according to SNiP more than 0.5 mm rough VI - IX 11. Monotony:

number of elements in operation

duration of repetitive operations more than 10 more than 100 Table 4.1

Improving working conditions and its safety leads to a decrease in occupational injuries, occupational diseases, which preserves the health of workers and at the same time leads to a decrease in the cost of paying benefits and compensation for work in adverse working conditions, paying for the consequences of such work (temporary and permanent disability), treatment, retraining of production workers due to staff turnover for reasons related to working conditions.

One of the necessary conditions for healthy and highly productive work is to ensure clean air and normal meteorological conditions in the working area of ​​the premises, i.e.

A space up to 2 meters above the floor or platform where workplaces are located.

In order not to suffer from the impact of hazardous production factors, it is necessary to observe safety measures. To do this, briefing on safety measures is carried out (Fig. 4.2).

All briefing and knowledge tests, as well as admission to independent work, are recorded in the Registration Log with the signature of the instructed and instructing.

An introductory briefing is conducted by a labor protection engineer or a person appointed by order with all those hired, regardless of their education, length of service or position, as well as with business travelers, pupils and students who have arrived for practice, and in educational institutions - before the start of laboratory and practical work.

Primary briefing at the workplace is carried out by the work manager (foreman) with everyone accepted into the enterprise, transferred from one unit to another, seconded, students and students who have arrived for practice, with employees performing a new job for them.

All employees, regardless of qualifications, education and length of service, undergo re-briefing at least every 6 months in order to increase the level of knowledge of the rules and instructions on labor protection individually or with a group of workers of the same profession, teams under the program of primary briefing at the workplace by a foreman or manager .

Unscheduled briefing is carried out at:

changes in labor protection rules;

change in the technological process;

replacement, modernization of equipment and other factors affecting labor safety;

violation by employees of labor safety requirements that can lead or have led to injury, accident, explosion or fire;

breaks in work - for work with increased safety requirements

labor for more than 30 calendar days, and for other works - 60 days.

Targeted briefing is carried out with employees before performing one-time work, as well as before work for which a work permit is issued.

The conduct of this briefing is recorded in the work permit or in the document authorizing work. The work permit for the performance of work of increased danger must be issued by the responsible supervisor of work where there is or may be an occupational hazard. 4.2.

Carrying out SUOT. What are the factors in production? Obligations of the employer in identifying hazards. What the employee must do. All this will be discussed in this article.

What are harmful production factors?

In the process of life, a person is influenced by the environment, and the fulfillment of technological tasks is no exception. Working conditions are both harmful and dangerous:

  • Hazard is a high probability of injury. For example, work on machine tools with open moving mechanisms, activities with explosive materials and substances;
  • - this is contact with substances that adversely affect the body, physical overload, biological effects and psycho-emotional stress. For example, harmful factors include the evaporation of chemicals in the air of the working area or gas contamination, as well as dust, contact with infected material during work, psychological and emotional overload.

As a result of the influence of these factors, the loss of health does not occur immediately, as harmful substances gradually accumulate in the body. If the fact of a violation of the state of health is revealed at the medical examination, then an occupational disease is issued as a result of the registration of which the employer is obliged to pay the employee a certain amount by calculation.

Harmful factors are present literally everywhere, even in the air that a person breathes, it is possible that there are substances hazardous to health.

Types of factors

Factors of the production process can be divided into 4 categories.


Various factors influence harmfulness.

These, in turn, include: illumination, temperature and humidity conditions, electromagnetic radiation, noise, radiation background, physical overload. When conducting a special assessment, measurements are made with devices that have passed certification in the prescribed manner.

Experts working with these devices must also have the appropriate permission. Only if these two conditions are met, the results are accepted as reliable. It is easy to find normative indicators of the action of substances on a person in SanPiNs, GOSTs and other documents.


In the process of labor activity, harmful chemicals directly affect a person, for example, fumes during welding or gas cutting of metal contractions release ozone, iron, manganese and welding aerosol. They are especially noticeable when working with chemical reagents.

To determine their level of exposure, measurements are made and laboratory tests are performed. The maximum permissible concentrations are indicated in the reference books, and the measurements are performed by an accredited laboratory.

Increased dust content in the air can also refer to a chemical harmful factor.

In this case, air measurements are also performed at a certain temperature.


Morally difficult work is also harmful.

The impact of biological materials on the respiratory organs and skin is not excluded. This includes infected material that laboratory assistants have to work with when performing tests, cleaners of industrial and domestic premises, as well as plumbers.

Special measurements are not made, and the decision on attributing to harmfulness is carried out by an expert. Here, too, it is necessary to conduct a special assessment of the conditions of the labor process.

Psycho-emotional stress

Usually this is the prerogative of managers, but it happens that the burden of this kind falls on ordinary performers.

For example, a pilot, when performing work, is responsible for the lives of other people.

Loads of this kind are not measured by specialized instruments and devices, but are determined in the process of conducting an OSMS by an expert.

How to determine the degree of impact of harmful factors on a person

The workplace must undergo a special assessment, which is performed by the OSMS commission.

As a result of the work of this commission:

  1. A survey is conducted of the employee about what he is doing in the process of work. For example, how much time he is engaged in direct work, and how much auxiliary. That is, the percentage of interaction with harmful factors is revealed;
  2. Next, an instrumental assessment of the conditions of the labor process is carried out, that is, all factors affecting it are measured. After, the indicators are separately recorded or examined by laboratory methods;
  3. On the basis of the conducted studies, it turns out that the MPC of a harmful substance exceeds the standards. Based on this, the assignment to the class of harmfulness is made.

What are the hazard classes?

Four classes of harmfulness.

According to the hygienic assessment of the conditions of the labor process, several classes of hazard are identified:

  • 1 class of working conditions - optimal. Under such circumstances, nothing threatens life and health. A person can calmly work and perform production tasks. The employer does not include him in the lists of mandatory medical examinations;
  • Grade 2 is acceptable. Labor activity is carried out without exposure to harmful and dangerous factors. In the event of physical overload in the body, there is the possibility of rest to restore the body's strength. If jobs are classified in this category, then workers do not undergo a medical examination;
  • Grade 3 - harmful conditions of the labor process. You can talk about it in more detail. Harmful factors with MPC were identified as a result of the assessment of jobs. In total there are 4 degrees of harmfulness:
  1. Class 3.1 - exceeding the maximum permissible norms of indicators affecting the state of health, although the changes may be reversible. At the same time, measurements are 1.1 to 3.0 times higher compared to those indicated in GOSTs and other acts;
  2. Class 3.2 - exceeding the limits can cause permanent disability, as well as the development of diseases. Exceeding MPC from 3.1 to 60, units;
  3. Class 3.3 is when work functions lead to disability in the process of performing tasks. Indicators exceed the standard from 6.0 - 10 units;
  4. Class 3.4 - contributes to an increased risk of developing an occupational disease;
  • Grade 4 - dangerous.

Under such conditions, the development of pathological processes cannot be avoided, and, as a rule, jobs assigned to this class are subject to liquidation.

What should an employer do

Working conditions need to be improved.

After the OMS was carried out, excesses of the MPC of substances adversely affecting the body were detected, a map for assessing the conditions of the labor process was prepared, then the employer must adhere to the recommendations of this document.

If the maximum permissible concentrations are exceeded, you should:

  • take all measures conducive to the improvement of labor, namely, that the influence of harmful factors on a person be as small as possible. For example, if work is carried out on machine tools and dust forms in the air of the working area, then exhaust ventilation should be installed, which would be turned on only when the machine was turned on at the same time.

The installation of gas analyzers when working on boiler plants is also necessary so that emergency measures are taken when carbon dioxide in the air is exceeded;

  • providing workers with personal protective equipment. To confirm that the worker has PPE, the latter should be issued against signature.

At the same time, it must be remembered that the next issue is made at least after a year, and if the funds are worn out before this period, then after determining the unsuitability. Not all workers are willing to use the same respirators at work, and, of course, they can be difficult to force, but nevertheless, there are measures for other influences.

For example, in the journal of the first stage of control, the manager must make an entry indicating that such and such an employee does not use PPE in his work and invite the latter to sign. If in this case, too, a refusal was received, then there is another option to secure the employer, namely, to draw up an act of arbitrary form stating that PPE is not being used.

If, after the medical examination, an occupational disease is revealed, then it will need to be investigated, and this act will be attached to the case file;

  • compensation for harmful working conditions. If the indicators of harmful factors are exceeded, depending on the classification (we are talking about class 3), additional payments are established.

The greater the excess, the greater the amount of surcharges. So the employer compensates for work with harmful effects;

  • medical checkups. According to the order of the Ministry of Health, medical examinations should be carried out at the intervals specified in this document.

According to the results of the work of the medical board specialists, diseases of workers, including occupational ones, are detected. The latter are investigated according to established standards.

In order to prevent such diseases, the employer should ensure that employees are monitored for compliance with safety measures.

Order on approval of the list of harmful factors

You need to have regular check-ups.

Order No. 302-N, issued in 2012, cancels previous documents for passing medical examinations and contains the following information:

  1. List of harmful factors for which medical examinations should be carried out. The former include chemical components, this includes aerosols, dust. List of physical labor factors that affect a person during work, namely electromagnetic and ionizing radiation, computer work, exposure to ultraviolet rays, vibration, noise, ultrasound, infrasound, heat radiation, high and low temperature indicators, light environment, physical overload in the course of the work shift, sensory loads, psycho-emotional;
  2. The frequency of passing a medical examination is prescribed, while it is not necessarily carried out once a year;
  3. Which specialists the employee must visit;
  4. The list of examinations conducted for recognition of the development of occupational pathology in an employee;
  5. The last column indicates contraindications, on which the chairman of the commission - an occupational pathologist cannot allow an employee to perform this type of labor activity.

Sometimes there are doubts and misconceptions about when to send employees for a medical examination or not to send them.

This should be done in the presence or excess of the MPC of a harmful factor. To avoid this dilemma, one should adhere to the recommendations set out for the OSMS map.

Harmful production factors by profession

There is also information in the order of the Ministry of Health, according to which it is necessary to send employees for medical examinations by type of work and direction of activity. In the same way, it is written which specialists need to be undergone, the frequency of medical examinations, what studies are being carried out and what contraindications exist.

These are specific jobs, for example, work at height, work with open rotating mechanisms, emergency rescue work, mining, maintenance of electrical installations, felling trees, for those working with overpressure equipment and others.

From this video you will learn about harmful and dangerous production factors.

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Workers in the manufacturing sector are affected by many factors, among which there may be harmful ones. It is necessary to know the principles of their action and methods of protection. A hazardous production factor is considered one of the negative ones, since it has a detrimental effect on a person and production. It could be an injury or a disease. Often, the production factor becomes the reason for the loss of people's ability to work.

There are normative documents according to which work at the facility must be carried out. A hazardous production factor has a classification based on GOST, so it can be physical, chemical, biological, psychophysiological. Each of them has its own characteristics.

The production factor of labor is the elements of the labor process that affect human health and the quality of work. It can be both neutral and dangerous.

Physiological factors

This group includes:

  • working machines, mechanisms, equipment;
  • accumulation of a large amount of dust and gases;
  • high or low temperature equipment;
  • pressure drops in the working part of the equipment;
  • high or low humidity levels;
  • air ionization;
  • ionizing radiation;
  • high voltage in the mains;
  • increase in static electricity.

Other types of factors

The chemical production factor can be toxic, irritant, carcinogenic, mutagenic. They have an effect on reproductive function. The biological production factor is presented in the form of microorganisms and their metabolic products.

There are also psychological factors. It can be physical and neuropsychic overload. After the shift, workers feel mental, emotional overstrain, which adversely affects the human condition.

labor standards

Harmful and dangerous factors are interrelated. Both of them hurt the person. For example, high room humidity and a lot of dust lead to risks. Exposure levels in the workplace are prescribed in occupational safety standards.

There are acceptable values ​​of production factors that can affect during a work shift. If these standards are observed, then efficiency is not lost. A person is not afraid of various ailments.

Hygiene involves compliance with the levels of harmful factors that may affect workers during daily activities. Their observance does not cause disease, deterioration of health. In production, it is important to comply with the norms, which is not harmful to humans.

Factor levels

Every enterprise has a hazardous production factor. The definition of this concept is similar everywhere, since the term means a negative impact on a person and the work process. According to the level of danger, 4 classes are distinguished:

  • permissible: they may have some deviations, but after rest the person recovers;
  • harmful: when there are deviations from any norms in production;
  • dangerous: pose a threat to human life and health.

Since every enterprise has a hazardous production factor, examples of this phenomenon may be different. Workers are exposed to hazardous machinery if they do not follow any safety precautions. For example, factories have powerful equipment that causes various injuries. After that, it takes a long time to recover. Work in chemical plants is also dangerous for people, because it can develop various ailments.

Medical examinations can reveal a decrease in working capacity, hearing impairment. The constant presence of a person at the source of adverse effects leads to an occupational disease. Most often, accidents occur due to physical factors, as well as from electric current.

electrical safety

A hazardous production factor is characterized by the following concept - electrical safety. Electric current is a hidden danger because it is difficult to detect in various parts of the equipment. The most dangerous indicator is considered to be above 0.05A, and the safest is up to 0.05A. To prevent damage, work with current should be performed only by a specialist.

Based on the rules in the office, the control of the electrical wiring must be constantly carried out. Specialists must monitor the operation of the safety shields that serve to turn on the electrical appliances.

The electrical installations from which the computer operates are very dangerous for humans, since during operation or prevention, you can touch live areas. These include current-carrying conductors, rack housings, since they do not emit signals about the risk of electric shock. The reaction occurs only when it flows through the body. To prevent electrical injuries, it is necessary to properly maintain, repair and prevent appliances.

Each room should use its own protection methods that ensure high-quality electrical safety. Another means of preventing injury from current is gas ionization. In the industrial sector, radioactive neutralizers are actively used. A common measure is air humidification.

Fire protection

There is another production factor, the impact of which on the employee has a negative impact. They are a fire hazard. In the working environment, it is important to follow the rules for the prevention and elimination of dangerous situations. This will prevent casualties among people and save material values.

Fire safety is carried out with the help of a prevention and protection system. Each office space should have an "Evacuation Plan" that sets out the rules of conduct in the event of a fire.

Employer's obligations

Any production factor should be as safe as possible for workers. By law, the obligation to provide comfortable conditions for employees falls on the employer. He must:

  • create labor protection rules;
  • control security;
  • conduct employee training;
  • carry out certification of workplaces;
  • inform about means of protection;
  • investigate accidents;
  • insure workers.

The Labor Code establishes the rights of employees to work in conditions appropriate to safety. Employees must not violate these rules, otherwise disciplinary, administrative, criminal liability is provided.

All enterprises must carry out certification of workplaces for compliance with working conditions. Today, the state policy in this area is carried out by the Ministry of Health and Social Development.


For certification, which allows to identify any production factor of labor. This procedure is carried out at least once every 5 years. The work must be carried out after the replacement of equipment, changes in the technological process, as well as at the request of certification bodies.

After this procedure, an action plan is created to improve the working conditions of the enterprise. A certificate is issued that is valid for 5 years, after which a new verification is required.

Certificate Features

The document confirms the compliance of the labor protection activities performed by the employer with generally accepted requirements. The results affect the protection of workers' rights and compliance with regulations. If the activity is carried out in difficult conditions, then compensation is due.

Certification affects the establishment of premiums for insurance payments and discounts from and diseases. If this work is completed at the enterprise, then there will be no claims from the regulatory authorities.

Protective Measures

Any production should work in accordance with the norms and safety rules. All those responsible for compliance are involved in resolving such issues. Means of protection are individual and collective.

In production, special clothing is used to prevent injury to a person. It is necessary to use protective equipment for hands, feet, eyes. When working at height, belts with a safety chain are used. To protect against electric current, dielectric means are used. Collective methods of protection are safety signs, posters, warning coloring.

The machine equipment must have a protective fence. From ionizing radiation, boxes, chambers, niches, wells, safes are used. Noise reduction is created using sound absorption.

To protect against vibration, special equipment installed on the foundations is used. In order not to interfere with ultrasound in production, it is necessary to reduce the harmful radiation of sound energy in the source. To do this, soundproof casings, semi-casings, screens, and room cladding are used.

The safety of using electrical equipment is achieved through the use of various technical methods. For this, protective means, alarms, blocking, safe signs are used. In case of accidents, protective grounding and blowdown fuses must be prepared.

Enterprise income

The production factor of labor provides its owner with income in the form of:

  • rent - income received from the use of land, property, capital;
  • wages;
  • percent;
  • entrepreneurial activity;
  • from intellectual property.

According to the results of activities, the owners of production receive income in cash, which is called nominal. After the tax is calculated by the state, it becomes net. When analyzing income, they affect:

  • gross - proceeds from the sale of products;
  • average - determined per unit of products sold;
  • marginal - increment of gross income from the sale of additional goods.

Economic values ​​that flow from one participant to another are called transfer payments. They are social (payments from the budget) and interfamily (transfer of income from one family to another).

The operation of the enterprise must be registered, as this is a guarantee of legal activity. In this case, the owner pays taxes. When checking, regulatory authorities review documentation, including accounting activities. The personal income of the owner of the enterprise is presented in monetary form from various resources, transfer payments, and personal farming.

Factors of production are always present in enterprises. Although there are a large number of negative ones among them, nevertheless, subject to safety rules, they will be minimized.

  • 2 Physical criteria and principles for setting standards (rationing)
  • 3 Optimal and permissible values ​​of microclimate indicators at workplaces of industrial premises, depending on the category of work
  • 4 Ionizing radiation. The nature of the impact, evaluation criteria.
  • 5. Harmful substances, their classification and biological effects
  • 1 Types of environmental pollution forecasts. Features of building short-term and long-term forecasts.
  • 2. Principles of organization of the air pollution monitoring system. Types of control posts.
  • 3. Organization of a monitoring system for surface water pollution. Principles of placement of observation points.
  • 4. Principles of organizing a system for monitoring soil pollution in agricultural areas and urban areas
  • 5. Methods and means of environmental control (contact, remote, biological).
  • 1. The impact of economic sectors on the state of the environment
  • 2. The impact of negative factors on humans and the technosphere
  • 4. Characteristics of the main pollutants and the mechanism of their formation.
  • 5. Characteristics of industrial technogenesis in one of the industries
  • 2. Structure, governing bodies and modes of operation of the Russian emergency system (RSChS).
  • 3. Engineering protection of the population.
  • 4. General concepts of the sustainability of the functioning of economic objects in peacetime and wartime.
  • 6. Psychological preparation of the population for actions in emergency situations.
  • 1. Classification of the VPF.
  • 3. Measures for the prevention of occupational diseases, poisoning.
  • 4. Basic principles of hygienic classification of working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness, severity and intensity of the labor process.
  • 5. Hygienic requirements for the organization of workplaces for PC users.
  • 6. Industrial ventilation. Classification. Purification of air from dust and harmful substances.
  • 1. Legal and regulatory framework for the state examination of working conditions in the Russian Federation
  • 2. Bodies of supervision and control in the field of conditions and labor protection, industrial safety. Tasks and functions
  • 3. The system of certification of work on labor protection in organizations (ssot) The main goal, objectives, functions.
  • 4. Objects of certification in the System of certification of work on labor protection in organizations (ssot). Organizational structure of ssot. Functions of Certification Bodies (CB) and Testing Laboratories (IL).
  • 5. The procedure for certification of work on labor protection in organizations.
  • 6.Rules for accreditation of certification bodies and testing laboratories
  • 1. Physical and chemical bases of combustion.
  • 2. Theory of combustion: thermal, diffusion, chain.
  • 3. Conditions for the emergence and development of combustion processes.
  • 1. Basic concepts in the field of labor safety (hazard, safety, labor safety, risk, acceptable risk, ergonomics).
  • 4. Explosions: types of explosions, classification.
  • 3. Structure, main functions and rights of Rostekhnadzor.
  • 4. General safety requirements when performing work of increased danger.
  • 5. Ensuring electrical safety at the enterprise.
  • 6. Organization of fire safety at the enterprise.
  • 7. Certification of work on labor protection in the organization (certification procedure, safety sign).
  • 8. Ensuring safety when working at height and climbing.
  • 9. Safety requirements when performing loading and unloading operations.
  • 10. General safety requirements for the operation of steam and hot water boilers, vessels under pressure.
  • 1. Diagrams of cause-and-effect relationships as models of processes in the system
  • 2. The main stages of system analysis
  • 1.Goals, objectives and principles of environmental expertise.
  • 2. Ecological requirements for placement, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning of enterprises, structures and other facilities.
  • 1. Legislation and regulatory and technical foundations of life safety
  • 2. State requirements in the field of labor protection.
  • 3. Federal law "on technical regulation".
  • 4. The order of investigation and accounting of accidents at work.
  • 5. Order of investigation of occupational diseases.
  • 6. Insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases.
  • 7. The procedure for compensation for harm caused to the health of an employee at work.
  • 8. Control system from the enterprise.
  • 9. Instructions for from within the organization.
  • 10. State supervision and control in the field from.
  • 11. State system of management of labor protection and activities in emergency situations
  • 12. Instruction and training of employees of the organization from.
  • 13. Certification of workplaces for working conditions, Benefits and compensation for special working conditions.
  • 1. Classification of accidents and disasters. Statistics of arias and catastrophes
  • 2. Forecasting accidents and catastrophes
  • 3. Fundamentals of risk theory. Risk analysis. risk management.
  • 1. Principles and methods of management. Socio-psychological foundations of management.
  • 2. State environmental management system
  • 3.Economic evaluation of the effectiveness of environmental protection measures. The essence and process of environmental decision-making
  • 4. Evaluation of the economic efficiency of the introduction of security tools
  • 1. Classification and main applications of eco-bioprotective equipment and technologies
  • 2. Chemical methods of air purification
  • 3. Wastewater treatment systems
  • 4. Principles and methods of noise protection of residential buildings, territories of residential buildings
  • 1 Classification of hazardous and harmful production factors

    - a production factor, the impact of which on a worker, under certain conditions, leads to a disease or a decrease in working capacity.

    - a production factor, the impact of which on a worker, under certain conditions, leads to injury or other sudden deterioration in health.

    A harmful production factor, depending on the intensity and duration of exposure, can become dangerous.

    MPC (maximum permissible concentration) - the established safe level of a substance in the air of the working area (possibly in soil, water, snow), compliance with which allows you to maintain the health of the employee during the work shift, normal work experience and upon retirement. The negative consequences are not passed on to subsequent generations.

    PDU (maximum permissible level) - a characteristic applied to physical dangerous and harmful production factors. The meaning is reflected in the concept of MPC.

    Harmful working conditions are working conditions characterized by the presence of harmful production factors that exceed hygienic standards and have an adverse effect on the body of the worker and (or) his offspring.

    According to “GOST 12.0.003-74 SSBT. Dangerous and harmful production factors. Classification”, hazardous and harmful production factors (OHPF) are divided into:

    1) physical - electric current, increased noise, increased vibration, low (high) temperature, etc.;

    2) chemical - substances harmful to humans, subdivided according to the nature of the impact (toxic, irritant, carcinogenic, mutagenic, etc.) and the ways of penetration into the human body (respiratory organs, skin and mucous membranes, gastrointestinal tract);

    3) biological - pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products;

    4) psychophysiological - physical and emotional overload, mental strain, monotony of work, etc.

    By the nature of the impact on a person, OVPF can be associated with the labor process or with environmental exposure.

    The impact of dangerous and harmful production factors on a person can be reduced or eliminated by the normal organization of workplaces, the improvement of technological processes, the use of collective and (or) individual protective equipment, etc.

    2 Physical criteria and principles for setting standards (rationing)

    Harmful production factor- a production factor, the impact of which on a worker under certain conditions leads to a disease or a decrease in working capacity. Depending on the level and duration of exposure, a harmful production factor can become hazardous (GOST 12.0.002-80). Hazardous production factor- production factor, the impact of which on a worker under certain conditions leads to injury or other sudden sharp deterioration in health (GOST 12.0.002-80).

    In accordance with GOST 12.1.003-74, all dangerous and harmful production factors are divided into 4 large groups:





    1. The group of physical factors includes: electric current; moving parts of production equipment; sharp edges, burrs on equipment, tools; unfavorable microclimatic conditions (low or high temperature, humidity, air mobility); increased levels of noise, vibration, ultrasound, infrasound; insufficient illumination; increased dust content in the air; elevated levels of various radiations (thermal, non-ionizing electromagnetic, ionizing, etc.), etc.

    2. Chemical factors include numerous harmful vapors, gases and aerosols, including some biological substances (antibiotics, vitamins, hormones, enzymes, protein preparations) obtained by chemical synthesis and (or) for the control of which chemical analysis methods are used.

    3. Biological factors are biological objects, the impact of which on an employee causes diseases (pathogenic microorganisms, living cells and spores contained in preparations, microorganisms - producers).

    4. Psychophysiological factors include: physical overloads (static and dynamic), neuropsychic overloads (mental overstrain, overstrain of analyzers - hearing, vision and other organs and systems, monotony of work, emotional overloads).

    In case of non-compliance with sanitary-hygienic and sanitary-technical requirements, labor protection rules, dangerous and harmful production factors can affect the body of workers, causing occupational diseases and poisoning, industrial injuries.

    Hygienic standardization (MPC, PDU, SHEE)

    In order to prevent adverse effects on the body of workers, harmful production factors are standardized: for harmful substances in the air of the working area, maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) or approximate safe exposure levels (SLI) are established, for physical harmful factors - maximum permissible levels (MPL) .

    Hygienic standards of working conditions(MPC, MPD) - these are the levels of harmful production factors that, during daily (except weekends) work, but not more than 40 hours a week, during the entire working experience, should not cause diseases or deviations in the state of health detected by modern research methods, in the process of work or in the remote periods of life of the present and subsequent generations (Guideline Р2.2.2006-05).

    Principles of establishment gigabyte. standards:

    1.GN wear state. Character and are obligatory for observance by all bodies, the organizations and otd. Faces.

    2. It is necessary to keep ahead of the justification of the standard in comparison with the appearance of the OVPF. Those. GBV must be developed before the person comes into contact with a potentially BP. Factor. A reasonable combination of experimental methods of GN-I with clinical-hygienic and epidemiological methods is necessary. In substantiating GN, priority is given to biomedical ones. And not economic or technological criteria, real technical. The achievability of the recommended GN at the moment.

    3. The principle of harmlessness. When establishing a standard, only the features of its effect on the human body and the sanitary and hygienic conditions of his life are taken into account. No arguments about the lack of effect of measures to reduce existing concentrations, methods of cleaning atmospheric emissions or wastewater, personal protective measures can not serve as a condition for setting a standard at a higher level.

    4. The principle of differentiation of biological responses of GN content of chemical substances in environmental objects are established with a distance to the most sensitive groups of the population at the level of protective and adaptive reactions. When establishing GN for working conditions, he studies. What people of working age are exposed to (8 hours).

    5. The principle of separation of objects of sanitary protection of air production. Premises, the atmosphere of populated areas, drinking water, etc.

    6. The principle of taking into account all possible adverse effects. For each indicator of harmfulness, the min-but effective concentration is determined, and the smallest one is selected from the mine-active, which will be the indicator for rationing.

    7. The principle of threshold. The threshold of harmful effects is such a minimum concentration of a substance, under the influence of which changes occur in the body that go beyond the limits of physiological adaptive reactions or latent pathology.

    8. The principle of dependence of the effect on concentration (dose) and time. This principle is inextricably linked with the principle of zero consideration of the threshold. The magnitude of the dose and the duration of exposure not only determine the time of occurrence of the biological effect, but also often affect the quality of the characteristics.

    9. The principle of complex GN

    10. The principle of relativity of the norm (changes in the norms are possible)


    Danger- a source or situation that has the potential to cause harm to a person, ill health, damage to property, the work environment, or a combination of both (OHSAS 18001:1999 Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems).
    Risk identification– the process of finding, compiling a list and describing elements of risk. (GOST R 51897-2002).
    Hazard identification– the process of defining the hazard and its characteristics (OHSAS Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems 18001: 1999).
    Mandatory procedures in the field of labor protection, such as attestation of workplaces for working conditions and certification, aimed to implement the state social policy to provide state guarantees to employees for safe working conditions in accordance with applicable law. In other words, mandatory procedures can confirm the compliance of an object (organization of work on labor protection) with the minimum requirements established in regulatory legal acts.
    Voluntary certification in international certification bodies involves achieving a higher level goal, based on the implementation of minimum requirements. The organization develops its own policy in the field of labor protection. Based on the goals defined in the policy, the organization develops a system for managing labor protection, industrial and environmental safety, the fundamental principle of which is the constant, consistent improvement of working conditions, minimization and elimination of risks associated with labor activity.

    The most important step in the implementation of the policy in the field of labor protection is the identification of hazards or risks. It is possible to start identifying hazards only if there are established procedures for obtaining information about hazards, involving the maximum number of employees of the organization in this process; the regulatory framework containing the criteria (standards) of hazards (harmful factors of the working environment and hazardous production factors, and the so-called "human factor").
    Continuation of identification - determination of the characteristics of hazards (absolute values) according to appropriate methods, comparison with criteria (standards) and, if possible, a numerical definition of danger (class of working conditions, working environment factors, labor process factors, hazardous production factors (injury safety) and etc.).
    The organization should have an occupational health and safety policy, authorized by the top management of the organization, that clearly articulates the overall goals and commitments to improve occupational health and safety performance.

    The concept of "Harmful production factor". Classification of harmful factors

    Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides the following definition of a harmful production factor.
    Harmful production factor- a production factor, the impact of which on an employee can lead to his illness.
    Guideline R 2.2.2006-05 introduces the concept "harmful factor of the working environment"- a factor of the environment and the labor process, the impact of which on an employee can cause an occupational disease or other health disorder, damage to the health of offspring.
    Harmful factors can be:
    - physical factors;
    - chemical factors;
    - biological factors;
    - factors of the labor process - the severity and intensity of labor;
    - hazardous factors of the working environment.
    Physical factors
    Physical hazards include:
    – temperature, humidity, air velocity, thermal radiation;
    - non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) and radiation - electrostatic field;
    - permanent magnetic field (including hypogeomagnetic);
    - electric and magnetic fields of industrial frequency (50 Hz);
    - broadband EMF created by PC;
    - electromagnetic radiation of the radio frequency range;
    - broadband electromagnetic pulses;
    - electromagnetic radiation of the optical range (including laser and ultraviolet);
    - ionizing radiation; industrial noise, ultrasound, infrasound;
    - vibration (local, general);
    - aerosols (dusts) of predominantly fibrogenic action;
    - lighting - natural (absence or insufficiency), artificial (insufficient illumination, illumination pulsation, excessive brightness, high uneven distribution of brightness, direct and reflected glare);
    - electrically charged air particles - air ions.
    Chemical Factors
    Chemical harmful production factors include chemicals and their mixtures, including some substances of biological nature (antibiotics, vitamins, hormones, enzymes, protein preparations) obtained by chemical synthesis and (or) for the control of which methods of chemical analysis are used.
    Biological factors
    Biological harmful production factors include microorganisms-producers, living cells and spores contained in bacterial preparations, pathogenic microorganisms - causative agents of infectious diseases.
    Factors of the labor process: the severity and intensity of labor
    The severity of labor- a characteristic of the labor process, reflecting the predominant load on the musculoskeletal system and functional systems of the body (cardiovascular, respiratory, etc.) that ensure its activity. The severity of labor is characterized by physical dynamic load, the mass of the load being lifted and moved, the total number of stereotyped working movements, the magnitude of the static load, the nature of the working posture, the depth and frequency of the body tilt, and movements in space.
    Labor intensity- a characteristic of the labor process, reflecting the load mainly on the central nervous system, sensory organs, and the emotional sphere of the employee. The factors characterizing the intensity of work include: intellectual, sensory, emotional loads, the degree of monotony of loads, the mode of work.
    Hazardous working environment
    Hazardous working environment- a factor of the environment and the labor process, which can be the cause of an acute illness or a sudden sharp deterioration in health or death. Depending on the quantitative characteristics and duration of action, certain harmful factors of the working environment can become dangerous.

    Control over the level of harmful production factors in the workplace

    Monitoring the compliance of the production process with the requirements of the rules of hygiene and labor protection is based on the results of objective assessments (laboratory and instrumental studies). To do this, laboratories certified or accredited in the field of labor protection must be involved. Their main purpose is to carry out certification of workplaces and current laboratory and instrumental control, i.e. production control over compliance with sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary and epidemic (preventive) measures (SP 1.1.1058-01).
    The production control program is coordinated with the territorial body of the Federal Service for Consumer Protection and Human Welfare. The principle of organizing production control is sampling and measurements under typical working conditions, i.e. under the conditions established for the enterprise, for the workplace. The ultimate meaning of such control is to ensure the established standards.
    To assess the actual working conditions, characterized by possible violations of the requirements established for each specific conditions, control studies should be carried out in real conditions with fixation of deviations from normal operation. The availability of such information makes it possible to calculate the risk of disease and judge the level of health impact.
    The assessment of working conditions should underlie decisions to change the technology of the production process, replace equipment, take measures to localize harmful production factors, and isolate unfavorable processes. If it is impossible for various reasons to perform the specified work, or if the required efficiency is not achieved, one should resort to the use of collective protective equipment (heating, ventilation, etc.). The enterprise should establish modes of operation of collective protective equipment and appoint persons responsible for their implementation.
    In cases where it is not possible to ensure compliance with the maximum permissible values ​​of harmful production factors, decisions on the conduct of work can only be made under the conditions of establishing a work and rest regime developed on the basis of the “time protection” principle and using personal protective equipment. In the first case, it is necessary to have sufficiently representative materials of control measurements so that reliable risk calculations can be carried out, in the second case, it is necessary to have a description of the working conditions at the workplace, which will allow the appointment of adequate personal protective equipment and determine the production operations in which they must be used without fail with a corresponding entry in the instructions for labor protection for the profession or type of work.
    The result of the assessment of production control is a quantitative assessment of the degree of risk of damage to the health of workers from the action of harmful and dangerous factors in the production environment. These data (Table 4) are the rationale for making managerial decisions on the development of preventive measures (Guidelines for the assessment of occupational risk to the health of workers. Organizational and methodological foundations, principles and evaluation criteria R 2.2. 1766-03).

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