Temporary registration if there is a permanent one. Temporary registration and registration - what's the difference? What is the difference between temporary and permanent registration? Why temporary registration is needed

What is the difference between a temporary residence permit and a permanent one? The law defines two types of registration: at the place of residence And at the place of stay.

These concepts are clearly delineated, their definition and registration procedure are contained in a document called "Rules for registration and deregistration ...", approved by government decree of 17.07.95. (No. 713).

Registration at the place of residence- this is registration in own or municipal housing provided under the contract social recruitment. It can be issued by the owner or another person with his consent.

The owner of the dwelling must personally appear at the FMS office, submit personal and title documents and write a statement of consent.

Registration at the place of residence- this is registration in a living space that is actual place residence. This can be an apartment of relatives, acquaintances, rented or service housing, a sanatorium, and even a hotel if a person stays there for more than 90 days.

Design features

What is the difference between temporary registration and permanent registration? The difference lies in terms of validity, features of the procedure and the rights arising from a citizen.

At the place of residence

It is issued at the address where a person lives permanently or most of the time (Article 20 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). This is a residence permit in the only place that can change when moving. Simultaneously You can't register at two addresses..

Two registrations at the same time

Is it possible to have two registrations? As noted earlier, have it is impossible to have a constant at two addresses at the same time.

There is only one stamp in the passport, and the only address of residence is assigned to the citizen.

Besides, in territorial office The FMS also starts, which indicates the same address as in the passport.

You can live in Russia without permanent registration only 7 days. Not having a stamp for longer, a penalty in the form of a fine awaits (Article 19.15.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

Is temporary and permanent registration possible at the same time? Having a constant, one can without deregistration, simultaneously register at the address of actual residence. You can register immediately upon arrival at a new place, or after 90 days.

Starting from the 91st day, the absence of a residence stamp is considered administrative violation . Moreover, punishment threatens not only the tenant, but the owner of the housing (Article 19.15.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). Temporary registration can be done by personal statement in the presence of the owner of the premises.

For registration in rented housing, it is possible to provide a notarized contract of employment. In this case, it is not required, since his signature is on the document. Registration is issued for the duration of the lease agreement.

The need for temporary residency

If there is a permanent registration, in some cases it is possible not to issue a temporary one.

Her absence is not considered an offense under the following conditions:

  • living in the apartment of close relatives;
  • Availability permanent residence in the same city;
  • accommodation in a hostel located in the same subject of the Russian Federation as the place of permanent registration.

Replacing a permanent with a temporary one

The issue of temporary registration in the absence of a stamp is quite relevant. Since a permanent can only be issued in apartments owned, some citizens do not have such an opportunity.

Temporary registration can, at least for some time, solve the problems associated with the absence of a stamp in the passport. On the issued insert, you can live for 90 days, then you still need a permanent residence permit.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that in the absence of a residence permit, there may be a number of social problems:

  1. When applying for a high paying job. The employer will give preference to the applicant with a permanent residence permit.
  2. Upon receipt of a medical policy.
  3. It is unlikely that, without having a residence permit, it will be possible to get a loan, and even more so to get a mortgage.
  4. Temporary registration does not make it possible to register the purchased car.

Registration at the place of residence and temporary stay - duty of citizens of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to draw them up according to all the rules in order to avoid possible problems.

The question - "What is the difference between propiska and registration" confuses many Russians. Especially those who, due to work or personal circumstances, are often forced to change their place of residence. Let's understand the terminology in order to understand our rights and opportunities.

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Let's start with the fact that such a term as "propiska", in legal dictionary does not exist. When we talk about registration, we are talking about a place permanent residence. Residential address or permanent place of residence among Russians is indicated in the passport along with a stamp.

It is impossible to deprive a person of a residence permit, that is, to write him out of an apartment without his consent. The place of permanent residence implies that the address indicated in the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is the place where a person lives permanently.

If you are a citizen of the Russian Federation and you needed to change your location for any reason, and you move, nothing happens with your registration, that is, a stamp in your passport. Registration is not canceled and does not disappear.

However, the law of the Russian Federation of June 25, 1993 “On the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence within the Russian Federation” imposes an obligation to register in a new place when moving. This type of registration is called temporary - as opposed to permanent (propiska).


Permanent registration (it is also among the people: registration)- is stamped in the passport and remains with you all the time until you yourself decide to refuse it. And temporary registration (it is also popularly: registration) is temporary necessary measure, to which we are obliged by law: to report our current location.

Temporary registrationmandatory measure. The law obliges every citizen to register at the place of residence. You cannot move and not let the state know about your new whereabouts, that would be against the law.

A citizen is obliged to make temporary registration 90 days after permanent residence in a new place. That is, until the expiration of three months, you can not pass official procedure temporary registration, but after 90 days within a 7-day period they are required to go and register at a new location.

2 types of registration of citizens

We list again the two categories of registrations we are talking about:

  • constant;

They give us two more additional terms: place of residence and place of stay, respectively.

Place of residence - the address where you have a permanent registration (which is stamped in your passport). Place of stay - legal term, indicating the apartment, room, or house where you live in this moment, after moving.

In the first case, you have a stamp with an address in your passport, in the second, no entry is made in it, only an insert is issued in this very passport after the registration procedure.

The temporary registration procedure must be completed by all citizens of the Russian Federation who have changed their place of residence. Temporary registration does not cancel permanent registration, but gives you the right to use public services such as a clinic, school, kindergarten at your current location.


For permanent registration, you must have documents for the ownership of the apartment, or for registration (permanent registration) to be issued to you by the owner of the housing, if the apartment does not belong to you.

With passports, property documents and a corresponding application, you must go to Passport Office at the place of residence. You will be issued a certificate stating that your documents have been accepted, your passport will remain in the passport office.

If you are not a relative of the owner, you will also need to draw up a contract free use living quarters. It does not need to be notarized, although many passport holders illegally require such certification.

The gratuitous use agreement is concluded indefinitely upon registration of permanent registration. It is important to note that when submitting documents, the personal presence of all permanently registered residents of the apartment or their written consent is required.

You will be "inscribed" in the register of residents of the apartment and your passport will be returned to you with a stamp of permanent registration ("propiska") within a period not earlier than three days. Exact term You can find out by the fact of submission of documents.


The temporary registration procedure is completely free and takes place quite quickly - within three days. There are also reservations: a citizen is obliged to obtain temporary registration at a new place of residence 90 days after permanent residence at a new address.

After the 90-day period, you must complete the temporary registration procedure within seven days and receive the insert on the place of residence.

To apply for temporary registration, you must come with the owner to the EIRC at the place of registration with passports and for the property of housing, as well as with a concluded contract for gratuitous use or a lease agreement with specified period for which this agreement is concluded. Temporary registration will be issued for the same period.

In case of failure to register at the place of stay, both the owner and the temporary resident may be fined: a person who admitted a citizen without registration - in the amount of 2,000 to 2,500 rubles, a person who violated the registration period or did not pass registration - in the amount of 1,500 to 2,500 rubles , as indicated in Part 1 of Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Popular questions and solutions

Do I need to undergo temporary registration for a resident of a metropolis (for example, the city of Moscow), who has a permanent registration in the same city?

It is no secret that many Muscovites neglect this obligation, however, by law, every citizen of the Russian Federation who stays in a new place for more than 90 days is required to undergo a temporary registration procedure.

If you are a resident of the Russian Federation and you have a permanent residence permit, but due to work you were forced to move to another city, do you need to apply for temporary registration at the place of relocation?

Yes, once again: every citizen of the Russian Federation is obliged to register at a new place of residence if he stays in this place for more than 90 days.

If you are a foreign citizen, do you need to make any registration at your place of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation? And if so, which one?

If you arrived in the Russian Federation for a period of more than 90 days, then after it you will need to issue a temporary registration. If you know that you have arrived in the Russian Federation for permanent residence, you should consider applying for permanent registration.

Many Russians are wondering: temporary registration and registration - what's the difference?

It is important to understand the importance of registering in a country. According to the law, every person living in Russian Federation must be registered with the migration center and have a residence permit.

By law, any citizen must have not only an identity document, but also a residence permit, that is, be registered at an official address on a permanent or temporary basis.

IN otherwise he won't be able to use social services. He will have to pay a fine, and the lack of registration for foreigners threatens with more serious consequences, up to eviction from the country.

As we have already found out, all citizens of Russia are required to be on the migration register. This rule also applies to foreigners, unless they plan to stay in the Russian Federation and the period of their stay does not exceed 3 months.

The term "registration" refers to the binding of housing to a person. Lack of registration creates a lot of problems for a citizen. Behind him, in the presence of registration, a certain address of the place of residence is assigned.

By registering you can:

Registration is the process of registering a person with a migration center with housing assigned to him. Registration is temporary and permanent, so the difference may not be between terms, but between types of registration or registration.

Similarities of residence and registration:

  • registration and registration allow you to live in the selected housing;
  • these procedures are performed only with the permission of the landlord;
  • oblige all tenants to pay equal shares utility payments.
  • allow you to receive services at a particular place of residence.

As already mentioned, registration and registration is same processes, only with a difference in the name. In life, citizens are accustomed to separating these terms, considering the residence permit assigned to a citizen as permanent.

Is it possible to live without a permanent residence permit, but with temporary registration? Yes, sure. Registration refers to temporary residence in the designated area.

Temporary registration can be done for 6 months, or up to 5 years, at your discretion.

Permanent residence permit is the assignment of housing to a citizen, where he lives indefinitely for permanent basis no expiration date. He can sign out at his own request or at the request of the owner of the property.

Temporary propiska is a registration at the place of stay, which allows you to reside in a specific territory, on a temporary basis. This type migration registration has an expiration date.

When the temporary registration comes to an end, the citizen is discharged from the apartment. He will have to look for a new place to live again. further accounting or apply for permanent residency.

In addition to the term for securing housing for a citizen, the types of registrations differ in interpretation. Permanent registration is affixed to the Russian passport and has a stamp established sample.

The seal indicates the date of registration of the person for migration registration and the place of registration.

Temporary registration is a standard form. This document must always be carried with you.

This is how you can distinguish between permanent registration and temporary registration.

This rule does not apply minor children up to 14 years old. For them, these two types of registration are issued in the form of a certificate of the established form.

If a teenager has a permanent registration, he is stamped in his identity card after receiving a passport.

Differences are also seen in legal terms- Citizens have much more rights and opportunities with permanent registration than with temporary residence in housing. Permanent registration gives the right to participate in privatization.

If people permanently live in public housing, they can get an apartment in private property. Temporarily residing citizens cannot do this.

There is also a slight difference in who can be registered in a given living space. Fixing housing is possible only for citizens of the Russian Federation with a permanent residence permit, and any person who has arrived to live in Russia will be able to register temporarily in an apartment.

Therefore, often a permanent residence permit can be found only among the indigenous citizens of Russia. They are rarely registered temporarily, unlike foreign persons.

Each person must have a permanent residence permit, even if he is not at home, but spends time on trips and long business trips.

A person can travel around the country and stop in other regions for long time. He can stay in a foreign city for no more than 3 months if he does not have a temporary registration.

The presence of a permanent residence permit does not give the right to live anywhere for a long time, therefore, in order to avoid trouble with government agencies and representatives of the authorities, it is imperative to obtain temporary registration in a new place.

This can be omitted if you are a guest, visiting another city for tourism purposes, staying in a hotel or visiting relatives without claiming their property.

To prove to the authorities how long you have been living in a new place, it is advisable to present travel document(by bus, train, plane), where the point of departure is indicated.

If 90 days have not passed since your arrival, then no claims will be presented to you. The law states that after 90 days, a fine can be imposed not only on a guest without registration, but also on the owner of the home.

Many are interested in knowing whether it is possible to make a temporary registration without a permanent residence permit? According to the legislation, all persons residing on the territory of the Russian Federation must have a residence permit, it does not matter if it is temporary or permanent.

If desired, a citizen can register in one apartment on a permanent basis, and in another - temporarily. Often this happens when people change their city of residence for a while.

For migration registration in 2019, citizens are given certain period. After discharge, only 7 days are given to search for new housing and to prepare documents, otherwise a fine will be imposed.

If a person lives for more than 90 days without a permanent place of residence, then you will have to issue a temporary registration. After discharge, you will need to leave the country or find new housing in a week.

Infants can be initially registered at any time, but it is recommended that newborn children be registered with one of the parents within a month after registration with the registry office, as there may be delays in the payment of benefits.

Registration can be done at special bodies accounting. To do this, you can contact the following registration authorities:


  • collect a package of documents;
  • enlist in writing support of the owner of the apartment;
  • apply for a residence permit in one of the registration organizations;
  • receive a document with a residence permit.

For temporary registration you will need:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • grounds for temporary registration;
  • application for registration;
  • consent to writing persons living in the area.

If the housing is cooperative or municipal, other documents may be required.

For permanent registration, it is necessary to check out from the previous apartment and take a departure sheet from the passport office. With all documents and owners of a new place of residence, you should contact the housing department, passport office or MFC.

Temporary and permanent registration of citizens is carried out in the same organization, the difference is only in the design and list required documents. All documents can also be sent by mail (copies).

From the passport office they can call you after checking the documents or send a response letter, which will indicate the working hours of the organization where you can get a residence permit. The service is provided free of charge.

To register a person, you will need:

Is it possible for a child to make a temporary registration without a permanent residence permit? Lack of permanent registration cannot be grounds for refusing temporary registration.

Just like adults, children in Russia can also live without permanent registration and use all social services.

To prescribe minor child, the consent of the owner of the tenant for registration is not required, since he must be registered with one of the parents.

It is enough to bring with you:

A person with a residence permit and the right to own housing has the right to do whatever he wants with his property.

A citizen with temporary registration without the right to own property cannot sell, rent or register anyone in this living space. He also has no right to housing issues by contacting the Housing Office or other organizations.

With temporary registration, it will also not be possible to open your own outlet and become individual entrepreneur. But he has the opportunity to get a passport or register a car.

A person without temporary registration does not even have the right to receive honey. help in the clinic.

Sometimes people ask themselves whether temporary registration is needed if there is a permanent residence permit, or is it possible to have two residence permits at the same time?

You cannot have two temporary or two permanent residence permits, only one each, since a person cannot be in two places at the same time.

If a person comes to another city to work and returns home, then in this case there is no need to issue a temporary registration.

Is it possible to make a temporary registration if there is a permanent registration? There are cases when the owner of housing in one locality a temporary residence permit in another city is required so that he can get a job, be able to contact a clinic, and also send children to kindergarten or school.

State and social services can be used at the place of residence and at the place of stay. Concerning military registration, then with temporary registration there is no need to deregister at the place of residence.

If a person needs medical registration or a disability has already been issued, then apply for medical care required only at the place of residence.

Permanent and temporary registration are two types of registration records that are maintained authorized bodies. Despite the fact that freedom of movement is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a citizen still has to decide: today he needs permanent and / or temporary registration.

Permanent and temporary registration: what are the differences?

Permanent and temporary registration are regulated by the law of June 25, 1993 "On the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence within the Russian Federation" and the Rules for the registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation dated 17 July 1995.

If a citizen is away from his place of permanent residence for more than 90 days, then he is obliged to register with the FMS department and obtain a certificate of temporary registration.
A temporary place of stay can be: a hotel, a campsite, a hospital, a sanatorium, housing rented under a commercial or social contract. Also, these places may include a hospital and a nursing home.

Under the same category of registration is the situation when you have a permanent place of residence in one city, but you rent an apartment. In this case, in order not to have problems with law enforcement, it is better to apply for temporary registration at the address of the rented apartment.

Permanent registration is carried out at the place of residence. In the event of a change of residence, a citizen must submit the relevant documents to the registration authorities to change address.

Permanent registration is popularly called "propiska". Indeed, such a term had a place in Soviet time before new legislation is passed. Now it is used only in everyday life.

Despite the differences, both temporary and permanent registration have one goal: maintaining a registration record of citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation, including foreigners.

In their component, temporary and permanent registration complement and in some cases replace each other. Everyone knows that you cannot get a job without registration, as well as in a kindergarten, school and other educational institutions. The same difficulties will arise in the design social benefits at a new place of residence or when trying to get a loan, apply for a passport.

But in most cases, if it is not possible to obtain permanent registration, it is successfully replaced by a temporary one; especially in such big cities as Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Permanent registration: how to get and what to do with it?

Documents that must be submitted to the registration authority to obtain permanent registration:

  1. Application in the prescribed form.
  2. A document that certifies the identity of the applicant:
    • passport;
    • birth certificate.

    Passport and temporary identity card this case will not be accepted. In addition, if a citizen comes with an “overdue” document, then registration is not performed until the moment it is replaced.

  3. The document is the basis for living and moving into an apartment.

    Such a document, if the applicant is not the owner of the property, may be a statement from the owner of the apartment. The number of applications depends on the number of persons who are owners in this residential area. The above persons must be personally present at registration and have a passport.

    Another supporting document may be a certificate of ownership, which confirms legal authority the applicant for the apartment.

    A court decision to provide a citizen with housing for any reason, provided by law, can also be a base document.

    If the settlement takes place in a state or municipal living space, then in addition to the lease agreement, the consent of the tenant, landlord and all persons living in the apartment is also provided.

    The legislator decided to simplify the procedure for submitting documents and fixed next rule: if the information from the documents-grounds for moving in is under the control of government agencies, then this information is requested by the FMS authorities in the order of an interdepartmental request. But in this case, the registration period is extended to 8 days.

  4. If a citizen previously had a registration and "removed" from previous place residence, then he must provide the address sheet of departure at the new place of registration.

In a situation where a citizen has not "removed" from the register at the old place of residence and came to register in new apartment, when filling out the application, he indicates this fact.

Registration of permanent registration is carried out within 3 working days.

There is no state fee for obtaining a permanent registration.

Temporary registration: how to apply?

You have decided to change your place of residence for more than 90 days. Conclude a commercial/social employment contract, check into a hotel or campsite. But the first thing to do is to register at the place of residence. You can do it yourself by collecting required package documents, or the owner of the property.

If the owner does this, he must contact the registration authorities with your documents. Within 3 days, the FMS makes a decision and issues a certificate of temporary registration.

You can apply for registration in person, by mail or through the portal public services. Standard package of documents:

  • statement;
  • the basis document for temporary registration (employment contract);
  • consent of the owner to move in (indicated in the application).

Within 3 working days, the documents are considered, and the Federal Migration Service issues a certificate of registration at the place of stay. An exception to the terms of consideration of documents in this case is made for situations where a citizen cannot submit any documents, for example, a lease agreement. For additional verification the facts indicated in the application, the Federal Migration Service is given 8 days, respectively, the registration period is increased.

State duty in this case is also not paid.

Is it possible to have permanent and temporary registration at the same time?

Can. Moreover, the legislator did not provide for this issue no restrictions.

For example, you are registered in the city of N. and live with your parents. But for certain reasons, you need to move. What then? "Check out" at the place of primary residence and make a temporary registration?

No. The presence of a temporary registration in no case cancels the permanent registration. They may well "coexist" together.

How to remove temporary and permanent registration?

Temporary registration ends automatically after the expiration of the period specified in the application. Its maximum term is 5 years. If the applicant wishes to leave the place of temporary residence earlier, then he submits an application to the authority that issued the certificate.

There are situations when the owner/owner of the apartment wishes to terminate the registration “early”. If agreement is not reached with the tenant, the owner may apply to the court with a corresponding statement.

Permanent registration ends at notification procedure by filing a citizen's application. As noted earlier, the FMS decided to simplify the procedure for deregistration at the main place of residence: now there is no need to stand in line at the old place of "registration". Can be issued and deregistration, and new registration at a new place of residence.

Violation of the terms of permanent and temporary registration

The law establishes that when changing a permanent place of residence, a citizen must apply to the Federal Migration Service within 7 days. And when living outside the place of permanent residence for a period of more than 90 days, he is obliged to register at the temporary location.

The fines are as follows:

  1. For citizens who have not registered - a fine in the amount of 2,000 to 3,000 rubles; for Moscow and St. Petersburg - from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles;
  2. The owner (tenant) of the premises, who allowed the residence of persons without registration - a fine in the amount of 2,000 to 5,000 rubles, in Moscow and St. Petersburg - from 5,000 to 7,000 rubles.

But in this case, it is worth considering some circumstances of the incorrect "calculation" of fines.

For example, many FMS authorities begin to consider a 7-day period for permanent registration from the date when a citizen wrote an application for deregistration by former place residence. But it's not right: given term is calculated from the moment of submission of documents for registration at a new place of residence.

Permanent and temporary registration for foreigners

Any foreign citizen staying on the territory of the Russian Federation for more than 7 days is required to register. If this rule is violated, the punishment is administrative penalty(from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles) or subsequent deportation outside the Russian Federation for up to 5 years.

The FMS has established a rule according to which the receiving party is “dealing with” the registration of foreign citizens. If a foreigner came as a tourist, then a special registration card is filled out for him at the hotel. In this case, a foreign citizen must submit a passport for registration and migration card which must be completed upon entry.
But a foreign citizen has the right to apply for temporary registration himself, providing evidence of why the receiving party could not deal with this issue.

The state duty in case of registration at the place of temporary residence is not paid.

Withdrawal foreign citizen accounting is carried out:

  • in case of his departure outside the Russian Federation;
  • in the event of his death;
  • in case of detection of "fictitious" registration;
  • in case of change of place of residence;

A foreign citizen permanently or temporarily residing on the territory of the Russian Federation and having the right to use an apartment has the right to register at the place of residence.

In this case, the application is submitted to the migration registration authorities at the location of the premises within 7 days from the moment of arrival at this premises.

Attached to the application:

  • a document-the basis for living in this room;
  • identity document;
  • residence permit / temporary residence permit.

For registration at the place of residence, a state duty of 200 rubles is paid.

Cancellation from permanent registration is carried out in connection with:

  • with a change of residence;
  • with the termination of the right to use residential premises;
  • with the termination of the right to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • with a court decision on the invalidity of registration;
  • with the establishment of the fact of "fictitious" registration;
  • with the death of a foreign citizen.

Registration for many years was one of the main criteria for applying for a job, but then it was replaced by registration, which, according to migration legislation Russian Federation from 1993, all visitors to the country were required to pass. Then the propiska as such was canceled, replacing it with the term "permanent registration". But this only made more confusion, and people stopped understanding what the difference is between registration and registration, what features they have, and what exactly needs to be done in each case.

What is the difference between registration and registration: terminology features

The difference between the two concepts is as follows:

  • The propiska was introduced in the Soviet Union in order to keep a permanent record of the inhabitants of the country, their movement. This was the main mechanism that secured the rights of citizens at the place of residence. Registration at the place of residence made it possible to buy an apartment, a car, and acquire other types of property. It was also necessary for employment, placement of a child in a kindergarten or school, admission to higher educational institution. But in 1993 the propiska institution was abolished.
  • Since that time in legislative framework appeared new term, which meant the place of permanent registration. A stamp about this is placed in the citizen's passport at the place of residence, which gives the person the right to officially register at the address of permanent registration.
  • Separately, there is a temporary registration, which has the form of an insert document pasted into the passport. It contains the time of entry and the date of registration of a foreigner who entered the territory of the Russian Federation. In the same place, the deadline for the temporary residence permit is also set in the document, i.e. the moment when the migrant must leave the country. Also, temporary registration is also applied to citizens of the Russian Federation temporarily residing in a place other than the address of permanent registration.

What is the difference between registration and registration

The term "permanent registration" from the very beginning had the character of a notification, aimed at allowing the authorities in the place of residence to stamp the passport in the form of a registration stamp. It contains information about the place of residence, address and city of residence.

To understand the difference between permanent residence and temporary registration, we will analyze the differences. The difference lies in the volume civil rights. Among the differences regarding social rights and guarantees that are established and protected by law, it is worth noting the following:

  • Possibility to issue different kinds documents, for example, a marriage certificate, passports - national or foreign.
  • Work in a prestigious company and receive high wages.
  • Buy a car or motorcycle.
  • Have the opportunity to use banking structures and their services, including obtaining loans and mortgages.
  • Get free and paid medical service in public hospitals, clinics, clinics.

Also, permanent registration differs from temporary registration in that a person can privatize an apartment or house, determine who will be registered in a particular housing area, register (register) relatives at the address permanent residence. In addition, people have the opportunity to receive certificates that are issued only at the place of permanent registration.

It should be borne in mind that such a stamp in the passport does not have a limit regarding the validity period. As soon as a seal is affixed that a person is registered at a different address, then deregistration occurs at the previous address.

Thus, the seal of permanent registration allows you to change the address of residence, without having to check out from the apartment or house. But in this case, you need to contact the passport office, where a person is registered on a temporary basis. The procedure is provided for everyone who changes their address of residence within the city or apartment. This can happen, in particular, as a result of moving from one apartment to a rented one.

Permanent and temporary registration common feature– Necessity is taken into account where you live. Among characteristic features non-permanent residence, it is worth noting the following factors:

  • The right to live in a rented or rented apartment.
  • An opportunity for homeowners to check on their tenants.
  • No need to pay a large amount of money for withdrawal from one place of registration in connection with moving to another place of residence.
  • Possibility to have both temporary and permanent registration at the same time. This factor is quite often of interest to young people who begin to live separately from their parents, rent an apartment, wondering if it is possible to have both types of registration.
  • The period of validity expires as soon as the rental period of housing or the period of stay in the country ends.

Temporary registration must be issued by all persons who enter the country from abroad or are within their native country (including the city of permanent residence), but not by permanent address residence. Legislation establishes registration period in 90 days, after which a citizen of the Russian Federation is obliged to register with migration at the place of stay.

The reasons for temporary registration may be the following:

  • The man decided to sell one living space and buy a new one. Moving out from one place of residence, he becomes registered at a new place of residence.
  • Traveling on business trips also requires registration.
  • Temporary work at the place of residence.
  • Passage of long-term sanitary-medical treatment.
  • A move that is temporary.

This type of accommodation is typical for students and tourists who need to live in hotels, hostels, apartments; for people on business trips.

Among the advantages of temporary registration from permanent, than the first and differs from the second, are the following factors:

  • It is possible to reduce the cost of payment several times utilities at the address of permanent residence.
  • Protects against fines for violating the permanent registration law. This is a chance to get a job or get into a university.
  • In order to deregister with the authorities migration service not worth contacting. Everything happens automatically.

Differences between place of stay and place of residence

The difference between time and permanent registration depends on actual address, which can be either permanent (ie place of residence) or temporary (place of stay).

According to paragraph 1 referred to in article 20 civil code In the Russian Federation, the place of residence is usually understood as the place where a person most often lives. Accommodation can be carried out on such living spaces, the list of which is established by law:

  • Apartment.
  • Room.
  • A dwelling located in the department of a special housing fund. For example, a service apartment, an area in a hostel, a mobile fund, social housing.
  • A dwelling that a person either rents or owns as an owner.

Based on this, the factors that help determine living space as a place of residence of a person are:

  • The status of the property. Usually this is a living space.
  • Permanent or preferential period of residence.
  • Reason for living - owning, hiring, renting.

Children under 14 years of age and persons recognized as incompetent have the same registration as that of their parents, guardians.

The place of residence differs from the place of stay also on the basis of the law of the Russian Federation (No. 5242-1), which allows citizens to move freely within the country, choose independently where to live. The category of places of stay includes hotels, hotels, campsites, camp sites, hostels, sanatoriums, clinics, rest houses, boarding houses, campsites, hostels, places of detention or correctional facilities. It can also be apartments where people live temporarily.

Among other differences between these places of accommodation that affect registration, it is worth noting that the place of residence has an unlimited validity period of registration, and the place of stay is determined by the duration of the trip, the duration of the lease agreement.

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