Quiet time by law during the daytime. Maximum permissible noise level

Why do you need to know the law on silence in the Russian Federation? In order not to disturb the neighbors and not get a fine for too much loud music, including not only at night, but also during the day. In order to, in turn, punish too noisy neighbors in an apartment building and oblige them to maintain silence. The new noise law requires silence even during the day. certain time. What about on weekends and holidays? How Russian legislation protects the peace of its citizens from construction noise? Where to complain if the construction site does not stop its work at night, trying to finish the new one as quickly as possible? shopping mall? Where can you complain if complaints against noisy people do not lead to any results?

In 2019 in this law about RF noise were introduced certain changes. Failure to comply with these regulations may result in a fine and administrative penalties. In order to competently explain to troublemakers why they are wrong, it is necessary to carefully read and study the text from the law on silence in an apartment building and not only with all the changes from 2019. Or you can simply write about the current situation using the form feedback on our website and get advice from experienced lawyers, and you don’t need to go anywhere.

Our specialists have extensive experience in matters of consumer rights protection; they promptly monitor all changes in legislative framework and successfully apply them in practice.

Citizens living in apartment buildings suffer the most from noise. Where there are thin walls there is no peace from neighbors, not only on weekends, but also on weekdays too. Especially on the weekends in January. Although new law about noise makes it possible to break the silence on January 1, but on the rest of the weekends of the month you will still have to keep the noise down. But let's talk about everything in order. The law clearly defines the noise level in decibels and ensuring silence within a time frame. You can find out more about the violation of the peace and quiet of citizens during the day, on weekends, and at night in the Russian Federation in 2019. Let's look at what kind of violation of silence is punishable according to the 2019 law in the Russian Federation:

  • shouting and loud talking;
  • use of pyrotechnics;
  • carrying out repair work in the house, disturbing the peace of citizens (including not only neighbors);
  • carrying out construction work in an apartment nearby or directly in the residential buildings themselves (including in daytime);
  • use of sound amplifiers (daytime and nighttime during prohibited hours) in in public places and through automobile travel;
  • loud music or singing;
  • repeated activation of car alarms;
  • loud household appliances;
  • loud sounds made by animals will also cause punishment for citizens - their owners, etc.

In general, any noise in an apartment or houses that causes disruption to the peace of citizens, both during the day and at night.

It is worth knowing that all work aimed at preventing emergencies in the house, the elimination of accidents, even if the peace of citizens is disturbed, is allowed. In this case, there is no need to go anywhere.

It won't do anything anyway. Between the question of ensuring silence and permission emergency situations priority is given to the second option.

Where can you complain and who to contact in 2019 in the Russian Federation

If persuading your neighbors to calm down voluntarily has no effect, you can complain about them. The law on disturbing the peace gives you the right to rest in your home (especially in an apartment building) at night and during the day, on weekdays and weekends. You can learn more about this. If the desired peace is still not there, Russian citizens in 2019 can complain. To do this it is necessary to comply a certain order actions:

  • complain to the local police officer;
  • apply for an examination that can record the level of noise produced, which will become the main evidence against the neighbors (this is quite difficult to do at night and on weekends, only during the day);
  • before complaining anywhere, you need to obtain the conclusion of the above examination;
  • you need to find witnesses who will confirm the disturbance, collect their data and signatures. If the case goes to court, their personal presence will be needed to provide evidence (by the way, in an apartment building it is much easier to find witnesses, even at night and on weekdays);
  • write a statement to the court.

In addition to neighbors, you can complain about noisy construction sites, cheerful music from nearby cafes, restaurants, shops, etc. or located in an apartment building. On similar establishments you can find the authority in Rospotrebnadzor and municipal authorities Russian Federation in 2019.

If you are at a loss with the question of where to go about noise during the day and at night, you can ask the specialists of our website. You will be given practical advice on where to go and to whom to complain about the neighbors in your house.

They will help and advise you on how to achieve justice in matters of ensuring peace in your own home and apartment. You don't need to read the legislation yourself. Lawyers will explain to you all the nuances of Russian regulatory legal acts, including changes to 2019, completely free of charge.

Silence in the capital of the Russian Federation in 2019

  • introduced the so-called " quiet time» on all days of the week in the daytime and in the evening (from one to three o’clock in the afternoon and from 19.00 to 9.00 in the morning you cannot carry out repairs);
  • the above restrictions also apply to weekends and holidays established by the laws of the Russian Federation (except January 1);
  • a significant increase in fines, both for ordinary citizens who make noise day and night, and for legal entities, and to public, government and commercial enterprises and organizations;
  • it was proposed to resolve problems with violators (during the day, during the commission of an act and also during the day, after night incidents) to employees of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, etc.
  • You can learn more about all the provisions of the noise law by studying it.

To do this, you will need to download the law on silence and peace of citizens of the Russian Federation during the day, at night and on weekends.

The Law on Noise in Apartments of 2018 is not familiar to everyone, so some irresponsible citizens are starting renovations or having noisy parties at night. Neighbors usually tolerate it, or try to reason with them noisy residents on your own. However, why reinvent the wheel?

In 2018, the bill on maintaining silence in the apartment was issued with new amendments. Registered here the following provisions: the time when you can make noise, the noise level and the responsibility of silence breakers.

Even if irresponsible neighbors continue to bother you, citing that they have not heard of anything like this, call the local police officer and take action. Remember: ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility. So what are the residents apartment building should be aware of the noise in the apartment.

Time frame

The main parameter in the law on maintaining silence is time. We'll probably start with that. As an example, let’s give you until what hour you can make noise in Moscow. Let us immediately make a reservation that other regions of the country may have their own rules that have been introduced local authorities authorities, but the differences will not be too significant.

So, by law you can't make noise at night. What fits this definition? In Moscow for residents apartment buildings night time begins at 23:00 and continues until 07:00. Accordingly, repair work and other noisy activities are not allowed at this time.

Please note that when carrying out repairs or redevelopment in the apartment, there are restrictions that apply during the day. In particular, renovations in an apartment building cannot last longer than three months.

By law, the time allowed for noisy repair work is from 09:00 in the morning to 19:00 in the evening. In this case, it is necessary to take a break during the afternoon rest of citizens. This time is from 13:00 to 15:00.

Moscow has always been different from other cities, so let’s look at how things stand with maintaining silence in apartment buildings in area. The following rules apply here:

  • make noise in weekdays possible until 21:00, starting work no earlier than 8:00 in the morning;
  • for weekends and holidays restrictions apply from 10:00 to 22:00.

We clarify that in current law amendments are planned, so changes are possible in the near future. Having sorted out the time, let’s talk about what is generally considered noise in an apartment.

What not to do at night

The law on maintaining silence can be interpreted in different ways, like most bills in our country. For example, is the snoring of a neighbor behind the wall considered a violation of peace? Or until what time can the neighbor boy learn scales on the violin? The introduced law on silence clearly indicates what falls under the definition of noise in an apartment:

  1. Noisy work. This includes not only repairs, but also loading work, if they exceed permissible level noise.
  2. TV. At night it is forbidden to watch TV with the volume turned up. This includes radios, stereos and tape recorders.
  3. Use of pyrotechnics. The exception is the night from December 31 to January 1.
  4. General noise. This includes musical instruments, shouting, stomping, whistling, and other noisy activities.

The law contains exceptions to the above rules, which allow noise in an apartment building at night. These are the situations:

  • actions aimed at recovery after natural Disasters And emergency situations. This includes stopping crime. For example, if your car was broken into by intruders and the alarm system went off, this is not considered a violation of silence;
  • cultural events and official holidays.

Acceptable noise level

The noise level in an apartment is measured in decibels. If you think that your neighbors are violating the norms established by law, call Rospotrebnadzor or the sanitary-epidemiological service. They will measure the noise level and issue you a corresponding certificate. Here are the established standards for maintaining silence in the apartment:

  • 55 decibels – day;
  • 45 decibels – night.

Naturally, these figures mean nothing to the majority of our fellow citizens, so we will present a few points for comparison.

  • working vacuum cleaner – 75 dB;
  • baby crying – 78 dB;
  • noise of a car passing outside the window – 55 dB;
  • the sound of a rotary hammer and a jackhammer - 95 and 120 dB, respectively;
  • normal conversation/whisper – 45/30 dB.

Please note that to established standards Slight deviations are allowed. This depends on the location of the apartment building. For example: if there is a busy highway or railway tracks nearby, the noise level may be exceeded by 10 dB. In addition, in apartment buildings it is allowed to exceed the permissible limit by 5 dB.

Where you can't make noise

According to the law on silence, you cannot make noise not only in the apartment. The law applies to the following territories:

  • living quarters and places common use in an apartment building;
  • territory adjacent to the house: children's and sports grounds, parking lots, passages inside the yard;
  • land gardening partnerships and summer cottages;
  • general education, preschool and medical institutions. This includes sanatorium-resort hospitals and boarding houses.

Responsibility for violations

If the neighbors don't know that you can make noise until established by law time, remind them of responsibility and try to resolve conflict situation peace. If such a policy does not work, take drastic measures.

Whenever the silence is broken, call the local inspector. The police officer is required to draw up a report on the offense. Call a professional to measure the noise level. After this you will have in your hands irrefutable evidence. Having collected evidence base, go to court, according to the law, the violator will be held accountable.

By current legislation, the violator may be issued administrative warning. If this measure does not have the desired effect, the violator will be fined in the amount of two minimum wages ( minimum size wages).

By the way, in Moscow the minimum wage is 9,000 rubles, respectively, a fine for violating the silence and carrying out repair work in wrong time it turns out to be quite impressive.

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According to official statistics(RF Population Census, 2010, volume 9), two-thirds of Russians (65%) live in apartment buildings. The very concept of such a house implies that almost all the walls in the house are common to adjacent apartments. The noise produced in one home is heard in several other rooms, which can cause some discomfort to the people living in them. This may violate a person’s right to live in an apartment that is safe for health.

On the other hand, few people will be able to renovate their apartment, take a piano lesson, or celebrate a significant family event in complete silence. How to maintain the boundaries of your freedom without violating the limits of another person's freedom?

What does the law say about silence and how is its violation determined?

Noise is one of the physical factors surrounding a person environment. What level is considered normal, and from what level noise is considered harmful to health, are determined by Sanitary Standards SN.2.2.4/ These rules establish the classification of noise, determine the maximum permissible noise levels in different categories premises (in residential premises, public buildings and in residential areas).

Table 3 of these standards regulates the maximum permissible sound levels. Here are some of them:

  • In living rooms of apartments, holiday homes, boarding houses maximum level sound:
    • from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. – 55 dBA;
    • from 11 pm to 7 am – 45 dBA.
  • In the wards of hospitals and sanatoriums:
    • from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. – 50 dBA;
    • from 11 pm to 7 am – 40 dBA.
  • In areas immediately adjacent to residential buildings:
    • from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. – 70 dBA;
    • from 11 pm to 7 am – 60 dBA.

At the same time, it is established that the noise level is regulated subject to ventilation conditions, that is, in residential buildings - with an open window or narrow transom of the window.

On federal level main legislative act The regulation of sanitary and epidemiological health of the population is Law No. 52-FZ of March 30, 1999. Article 27 (paragraph 1) of the said Law it has been established that factors such as noise should not have an impact harmful effects per person, and paragraph 2 of the same article directly prescribes that when determining safety criteria, one must be guided by sanitary rules.

Paragraph 2 of Article 24 of Law No. 52-FZ states:

"Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are obliged to suspend or terminate their activities or the work of individual workshops, areas, operation of buildings, structures, equipment, transport, performance individual species works and provision of services in cases where sanitary rules are violated during the implementation of these activities, works and services.”

How to stop unwanted noise

One of the first steps to stop annoying noise from a neighboring room may be to notify neighbors that they are not only disturbing others from resting, but also violating legal requirements. There is a possibility that they were making noise unknowingly and will be ready to stop disturbing the silence at night by agreeing with you on a schedule for carrying out the most noisy repair work.

If an agreement cannot be reached, experts recommend three ways to protect your rights:

  1. Upon contacting the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Service, its specialists must go to the site and measure the noise level. Based on the results of their research, a resulting document is compiled. If specified measurements excess established permissible value noise level, this document will serve as the basis for contacting the person or organization whose actions cause it, with the requirement to bring their work into compliance with the requirements of the law. With this document you can also go to court to protect your rights and compensate for the damage suffered. Administrative liability for noise is applied taking into account regional legislation.
  2. The second option could be self-measurement (if such equipment is available) or the involvement of an independent specialist, drawing up a report in the presence of witnesses. This act can also be applied to the violator and to court. It may even be effective preventive conversation with a violator of the law on silence of the precinct commissioner.
  3. Contact a lawyer who can competently and effectively defend your rights and effectively support your communication both with the offender and with law enforcement agencies, Rospotrebnadzor employees, and in court. The punishment for violating silence is determined taking into account regional legislation, and who, if not a lawyer, is able to understand all its intricacies.

Fine for violating silence in 2018

The fine for violating silence in 2018, namely the conditions for its imposition, time frame, exceptions, are established on regional level. Thus, on the territory of the Moscow region on weekdays, evening and night time, when noise cannot be made, is considered to be the period from 21.00 in the evening to 8.00 in the morning (Law of the Moscow Region of March 7, 2014 N 16/2014-OZ).

And in another region, for example, in Samara region(according to the Law of the Samara Region 7-GD of January 13, 2014), this period begins at 10 pm in the fall, winter and spring, and in the summer even from 11 pm. Fine for noise at night, after 23 00, in accordance with Articles of the Administrative Code 6.3, 6.4, subject to proof of violations sanitary standards, for citizens will be 100-1000 rubles, for officials– 500-2000 rubles, for legal entities – from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles.

Administrative violations of this type are considered by municipal administrative commissions, taking into account federal and regional legislation.

Constantly high level noise around is a serious danger to human health. Everyone hopes to rest and recuperate for the next working day in silence own apartment. The law provides for a fine for noise after 23.00 in residential premises or on local areas. Failure to maintain silence is qualified as a violation of the human right to safe and comfortable conditions accommodation.

Acceptable noise levels

Residential premises in terms of noise levels must comply with sanitary standards and rules and provide safe and comfortable living conditions, as stated in Federal Law No. 52 “On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population.”

A deviation from this value during the daytime in rooms by 5 dB and in areas adjacent to residential buildings, bordering roads or by rail, by 10 dB (clause 6.2.1 SanPiN

Silence breaker in a residential building justified complaint neighbors may be fined for noise in the apartment. Individual entrepreneurs, legal entities and officials, organizations in case of violation of those specified in the “law on silence” acceptable standards are also involved in administrative responsibility.

A written statement from a citizen or a police report, if the case happens at night, is an argument for the court and the violator of the order will pay in rubles.

When the silence breaker will have to answer according to the law

Sanitary standards SanPiN regulate the permissible noise level in residential premises at any time of the day, deliberate non-compliance with which is fraught with sanctions.

A fine for noise after 11 pm is imposed if the disturbance of silence is caused by:

  • operation of music centers, tape recorders, radios, etc. devices at high volume;
  • playing musical instruments;
  • singing, laughing, loud talking, screaming, stamping feet, etc.;
  • repair- construction works, rearranging furniture in the apartment, unloading building materials;
  • application pyrotechnic products(except New Year's Eve).

Any noise that disturbs others and is made by a person at night is illegal and may become the basis for imposing an administrative penalty.

In addition to the above-mentioned case, when silence is broken for reasons beyond a person’s control, there are a number of situations provided for by law when there is no punishment for violating silence. This is allowed in situations:

To achieve punishment for the offender, it is necessary to record the fact of the occurrence illegal actions. If an alcoholic party continues behind the wall of your apartment long after midnight and the neighbors do not respond to requests to stop the noise, call the police. Law enforcement officers are required to go and draw up a report on the administrative violation.

Sometimes, it is enough to simply let the neighbors know that they are disturbing you, or contact the local police officer, who will warn the violators about possible consequences. If this does not help, the fact of violation is recorded by representatives law enforcement and the protocol is sent to the administrative commission or the magistrate's court, which will impose a fine.

Fine amounts

The court determines what fine will be imposed for violating silence. In accordance with Article 6.3 administrative code RF, the violator may be given a warning or a fine in the amount of:

Did you know

There are special devices for measuring noise in an apartment - sound level meters. they are typically used by experts. For use ordinary citizens developed special applications for smartphone or PC with Windows. You can read more in this

  1. for individuals from 100 to 500 rubles;
  2. for officials from 500 to 1000 rubles, or termination of activity up to 90 days for individual entrepreneurs;
  3. for legal entities from 10,000 to 20,000 thousand rubles, or limitation of work to 90 days.

Each region has its own standards, developed and adopted in accordance with Art. 5.1 Federal Law No. 52. Each subject has the right to determine the time intervals considered night or daytime at their own discretion. So, in St. Petersburg, night time is the interval from 22.00 to 7.00, in Moscow - from 23.00 to 7.00.

Fine for violating silence in Moscow

For non-compliance with the law on silence from 23.00 to 7.00, violators in Moscow will pay:

  • 1-2 thousand rubles. - an individual.
  • 40-80 thousand rubles. - enterprises.
  • 4-8 thousand rubles. - officials.

Fines for violating silence are established in accordance with Art. 6.3 and 6.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Fines for violating silence in St. Petersburg

The fines adopted by regional parliamentarians for violating silence from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. are determined in Art. 8 of the Law “On administrative violations in St. Petersburg":

  • 0.5-5 thousand rubles. - an individual.
  • 3-50 thousand. . rub. - official.
  • 50 thousand rubles - 1 million rub. - organizations.

Citizens should follow the rules and not disturb the silence only in places where it will disturb others. Cannot exceed set level noise at night in places:

  • Residential and non-residential premises apartment buildings.
  • Adjacent territory of the MKD.
  • Country and garden partnerships.
  • Any areas where there are people.

Where there is no one (deserted park, river bank, etc.), you can listen to music at any volume at any time, talk in any sound range.

Behind repeat violation The “Silence Law” fine can be doubled. The decision to increase the amount of the fine for repeated involvement on the same basis is fixed by the appropriate normative act in each subject.

Payment of the penalty

The violator is obliged to pay a fine for violating the law on silence in fixed time, after receiving a court order ( administrative commission) admitting his guilt and imposing a penalty.

The required amount can be paid at a branch of any bank by contacting an operator, or independently through payment terminal. Current account to which the amount needs to be transferred and others necessary details, as a rule, are attached to the order issued by the court.

Internet users can pay the fine online in their personal account by selecting the appropriate option. In Sberbank this is the “Payments and Transfers” section.

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Every citizen of Russia has the right to rest after working day which should not be disturbed, including by shouting or sounds from repairs.

For this purpose the law provides certain standards regarding the observance of rest at night and at certain hours of the morning, evening and daytime.

The violator will face an administrative fine for violating the silence at night. However, this penalty differs in each region.

Is there a federal silence law?

There is no all-Russian federal law “on silence” yet. This area adjustable Federal Law dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.”

The mentioned law states that residential premises must be operated in accordance with sanitary standards, which include the permissible sound level (clause 3, Article 23). The standards themselves are spelled out in tables where the levels of permissible noise in various rooms are described.

Maximum sound levels that can enter residential areas.

Sanitary standards dictate not only nighttime, but also daytime noise levels. But you need to realize that if during the daytime some noise can be ignored, then at night it can result in a call to the police and a fine.

Video: Soon there will be raids against silence breakers

Noise levels for comparison

Noise is measured with a special device, a sound level meter. A detailed gradation of sound levels can be seen.

So that the average person can understand what 30-40 decibels from sanitary standards can be compared with, here is a list of sounds:

  • normal conversation - from 45 to 60 decibels;
  • baby crying – 80 decibels;
  • Job washing machine– from 50 to 70 decibels;
  • noise from a vacuum cleaner - 80 decibels;
  • repair work - 140 decibels.

Obviously, night time is not worth working household appliances, wash, talk loudly and carry out repair work.

Limit standards

There are also noise limits during the day and at night.

Despite the sound levels of 40 and 30 decibels specified in sanitary standards, administrative liability will most likely occur only if limit values noise of 60 or more decibels.

What is night time or rest time

All regulations regulating the issue of maintaining peace at night and containing penalties refer to regional laws. This means that each region determines what time is considered rest time.

But making noise is prohibited not only at night; there are noise levels that are unacceptable in the evening and early morning, as well as during the afternoon.

The table shows some of the existing standards.

Region Time category Watch Notes
MoscowNightFrom 23:00 to 7:00
Saint PetersburgNightFrom 22:00 to 8:00
VoronezhNightFrom 22:00 to 7:00
MoscowEvening and morning timeFrom 19:00 to 9:00prohibition on repair work, redevelopment and other work accompanied by noise and vibration
MoscowNight time on holidays and weekendsFrom 22:00 to 10:00
Moscow and other regionsDaytime quiet timeFrom 13:00 to 15:00

In other regions, other rules may be established, differing by 1-2 hours.

What can an administrative fine be imposed for violating silence at night?

Any loud noise that may disturb the peace of citizens during the time allotted for rest should be regarded as a violation.

A list of actions that can break the silence at the wrong time:

  • turning on high power devices that reproduce sounds: TV, radio, stereo system, etc.;
  • playing musical instruments;
  • singing, laughing, screaming, whistling, stomping, knocking and other noisy actions;
  • furniture rearrangement, repairs, construction, unloading and loading of building materials, etc.
  • pyrotechnics, car alarms, broken glass and other actions.

Where you can't make noise at set times

The stipulated rules do not apply to all places, but only to those where excessive noise can disturb the peace of citizens.

List of places where you need to observe silence at night:

  • residential apartment buildings and the premises in them;
  • adjacent territories, entrances, children's playgrounds and sports grounds in the courtyards of residential buildings;
  • premises and adjacent territories of educational, medical, recreational institutions and organizations that provide temporary stay of people in them;
  • in the territories dacha associations etc.

Noise in areas where there are no people is not covered by this silence law.

Exceptions to the rules

Some actions cannot be considered illegal.

These are the following events:

  • preventing illegal actions, eliminating emergency, natural and other emergencies, as well as ensuring personal and public safety;
  • conducting religious ceremonies, official events sporting or cultural nature;
  • other actions provided for by law.

The size of the fine for noise at night in different cities of Russia

In order for the offender to be awarded penalties, an appropriate protocol must be drawn up. This is usually preceded by calling the police or sending a statement to the local police officer to suppress illegal acts.

For the first time, it can only end with a warning. If, after consideration in court, a decision on administrative liability is made, then the offender faces monetary recovery. Penalty figures depend on the specific region.

For Moscow

The table shows figures for administrative fines for breaking the silence according to Article 3.13Code of Administrative Offenses, Moscow .

For St. Petersburg

Thus, for St. Petersburg, slightly different rules apply according to the local legislative document.

Table of fines for violating silence from 22:00 to 7:00 according to Article 8 of the Law “On Administrative Violations in St. Petersburg”.

the federal law

The law also provides for punishment for violating the silence at any time regarding sanitary standards for the operation of residential and other premises.

Table of penalties for violating silence according toArticle 6.3And6.4 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

As can be seen from the tables above, the measure of administrative responsibility in each region is significantly different. It's a good idea to visit your city's website to find local regulations.

How to respond to noisy neighbors

Loud noise constitutes an infringement on the rights of every citizen to rest during recreation.

When such conflicts arise, the first step is to negotiate peacefully with the troublemaker. But when frequent violations neighbors have the right to go to the police and write a report against the person who is making noise at night.

Ways to respond to noisy neighbors:

  • peaceful conversation and warning - sometimes neighbors don’t even suspect that they are disturbing someone’s peace;
  • contacting the local police officer with a statement about violations of order in the house;
  • V as a last resort, if nothing works, then you can call the police or go to court.

How is a fine for violating silence paid?

To pay the fine, you must use one of the following methods:

  • cash desk of any bank;
  • payment terminals in the “Payment of fines” section;
  • online banking.

In order to pay online way You need to register in the Internet banking of your chosen bank. If this is Sberbank, then you need to go to Personal Area and select “Payments and transfers”, “Pay by details” in the menu.

After payment, it is wise to send a copy of the receipt to the department where the order was issued. This can be done conveniently using registered letter or in person.

Making noise at night is not only uncivilized, but also illegal. To know exactly the time during which it is prohibited to make loud noise in your region, you need to contact regulatory documentation local authorities.

Often similar information can be found at official portal city ​​administration.

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