Do all rapists become roosters in the zone? "Roosters" are ordinary people

Rapists in the Zone fall into the lowest caste, on a par with “roosters”, they are also “offended”, “low-down”, “faggots” and so on. This is a caste of outcasts, untouchables, outcasts, among them there are also passive homosexuals.

They say it's better to die than to become a "rooster". They treat them very cruelly: they force them to live in trees, eat mice, put light bulbs in their asses - whoever cares. But this, again, depends on the regime. The wildest things with them on general mode create, not to mention a youngster. It’s easier for them on strict. Every prisoner there knows his place. Usually on strict regime, and indeed in any correct zone the rooster is simply a rejected person. Everything is separate to him, and he doesn’t dare touch anyone. But if he was offended, if he was treated unfairly, he can complain to the authorities, and they will protect him, because experienced people understand: those who are muzzled by their own people will go to seek protection from strangers. That is, he will work for the administration, knock.

The roosters have separate places, separate dishes, separate work - a parade ground for revenge, washing toilets. You can't take anything from them. But you can give it, throw it so as not to accidentally touch it. Although there are exceptions here. When they are "used", this is not considered defiling contact. In a punishment cell, sometimes you can only convey something through a rooster - if between the punishment cell and the residential area there is a “ban,” a forbidden zone. Only the one who levels it can be on it, that is, the roosters - this is their job. It is through them that the heat is transmitted. It is believed that in such a situation, neither the things that passed through the hands of the rooster, nor the one who received them, are “grinded”, that is, they are not desecrated.

In prison conditions, in special and strict regime colonies, there are usually few roosters - from one to five percent. In the intensive and general regime, their share can reach 10-12%, and in the minors - up to 20. The softer the regime, the more there are. In some zones there are entire barracks of them - “monkey houses”, “offenders”. But in normal zones they simply sleep at the entrance to the barracks and do not go further. Roosters usually have their own “godfather” - the chief rooster. This is an influential figure. After all, he can order some rooster to kiss, say, someone in front of everyone. The rooster, of course, can be killed for this, but the one he kisses automatically becomes a rooster himself. The chief petukh is at the same time an intermediary between the untouchable caste and the entire camp community. All claims of those who have been omitted, all their proposals are conveyed to the authorities (gangway) through this leader. Through him, this group of outcasts and formally removed from normal life people are controlled by authority figures. The head rooster is an optional figure; sometimes there are two leaders (“folder” and “mother”) or even more. It should be noted that the leaders of the roosters are very informed about inner life zone people. They know many intrigues, they can know who the real “overseer” is (often the prisoner who appears to be the “overseer” is a dummy figure, and the real leader of the zone is not revealed), and much more.

Roosters become roosters for life. If a rooster comes to a zone where no one knows him - when he is transferred there, or from outside if he is imprisoned a second time - he is obliged to inform the lads about his status. There is no use in hiding this; sooner or later the rooster's past becomes known, and then the exposed roosters are punished, beaten, and often killed. After all, it is believed that such a rooster “grinded” all those who considered him an equal...

This is the fate that awaits Sergei Melnikov, convicted of rape, which never happened. But this can happen to any of us...

Omitted, roosters, combs, pinches, outcasts, squashed, offended - these and many other names designate representatives of one of the most iconic prison colors, which occupies the lowest level in the prison hierarchy.
The main feature of this caste is passive homosexuality: voluntary or forced. But not every rooster regularly practices homosexual relations.
Roosters in prison - who are they? Omitted within prison life are a caste of untouchables. How do people living in prison live? They live separately from full members of the prison community: under the bed (“under the bunk”), near the toilet. In large camps, separate barracks are allocated for them, which are called cockerels.
Those who are lowered enjoy individual items everyday life
Life for those in prison is very difficult. Roosters do the dirtiest types of work. There are several theories about the origin of this caste. According to the most common version, those released were separated into a separate prison stratum after the 1961 reform. She divided the camps according to the severity of the detention regime: seasoned prisoners, repeat offenders began to live separately from the original prisoners. The pioneers are, as a rule, young people striving for competition in all spheres of life; they did not know the principles of prison and, in the absence of supervision by more experienced prisoners, their life became more and more wild over time.
Any prisoner can become omitted. But some categories of people are assigned to this caste automatically or with high probability. This includes: People who practiced homosexual relations in the wild. Prisoners sent to prison for rape minor children. People whose relatives work in law enforcement agencies.
Below is what people are put in prison for. Usually these are different serious violations rules of prison life: Non-payment of gambling debt. Unrepaid debts in prison have to be paid in blood, and the only alternative to save life is the provision of sex services. Body contact with another rooster outside of sexual intercourse. This rooster is punished very cruelly after such incidents (even to the point of being killed), but the person with whom he came into contact never ceases to be degraded.
Weakness of character, inability to stand up for oneself. For some things (for example, for sending to ...) you must definitely ask for an answer. If the offended party does not do this, then it may lose all its authority and move into the category of the offended. Snitching. Stealing property from other prisoners. Putting another person down without a good reason. Cute appearance, high voice, affectation - these factors increase the likelihood of getting a residence permit in the cock corner.
Responsibilities and prohibitions of the offended The duties of the omitted include performing the dirtiest work, such as washing toilets, taking out buckets, cleaning sewers, and cleaning workshops. Other prisoners cannot take the food that the roosters eat. Those who are lowered are washed from separate washbasins. They must give way to other prisoners. Conversations with members of other castes should be limited.
If the prisoner is not a homosexual and is not imprisoned under “rooster” charges, then the rooster is released in prison only for malicious offenses. Therefore, in order to avoid the fate of the offended, he must follow the rules of prison life. Briefly about how to avoid becoming a rooster in prison: Watch your words. Do not reveal unnecessary details of your sexual and personal life, do not offend anyone without reason. Have pride. Be able to stand up for yourself and demand a response from the offender. Minimize contact with roosters. This includes refraining from participating in their beatings and rapes. Even in prison you need to remain human, and humanity is valued there. Do not steal from your own people, do not snitch, do not cooperate with the administration.
Conclusion Now you know how gays live in prison. Such a phenomenon as the presence of a lower caste in prison is a wild phenomenon, a relic of the country’s difficult past. But, despite the fact that over time internal rules correctional institutions are softened, this layer still exists, and we have to put up with this sad fact.

“Lowered”, “leaky”, “broken”, “set aside”, “roosters” and so on. They are given female names. Prisoners with "low social status", as they are spoken of in official documents, many names. There are also many ways to get into the “offended” category. And there is not a single opportunity to rise back from this suit (caste of prisoners).

"Roosters" are not born, they are made

Probably about 80% of conversations, jokes, jokes, threats and insults in the zone are related to the topic of “omitted”. To be honest, prisoners love this kind of talk. They help prisoners feel that things are not so bad for them, since there are others who have it much, much worse. And over whom even the very last “horse” (the prisoner’s servant) has power. In general, the worst thing that can happen to a prisoner is to become a prisoner, and this can happen relatively easily.

From an incorrectly spoken word or an insult that was not responded to, to certain actions, any carelessness can negatively affect social status.

I had a friend who, without thinking, said in public that he was petting with his girlfriend. In fact, there is nothing incomprehensible in this word, but in the zone there is Golden Rule: to explain in simple words so that the last fool can understand, since any misunderstood term can be used against the speaker. And if this term is somehow connected with sex and the speaker is “sharpened”, then such a statement can be a direct road to the “harem” (to the “roosters”, in other words).

This is what happened to an acquaintance: he blurted it out without thinking, then had a fight with the people to whom he blurted it out, and they, remembering the petting, tried to prove that the acquaintance had a direct path to being “lost.” And this despite the fact that the guy immediately explained that there was nothing wrong with this word and that it was just a term. He was lucky: then they stood up for him serious people, because he would not have solved this problem on his own, since he had just arrived at the camp. After this story, the friend was warned that under no circumstances should he talk about his personal life in the zone.

In the prison world there are a lot of prohibitions for intimate life. In fact, the only sure way to avoid getting into trouble is to engage exclusively in classic sex, without touching anything else. It is better not to engage in oral sex at all, since it only allows for the opportunity to hire a prostitute or find a girl with whom you will never kiss. Naturally, with this approach, unfamiliar terms from sexology are automatically classified as “stupid” (in in this case shameful, "rooster").

This does not mean that no one was involved in all sorts of “bad” things in freedom—they are simply silent about it.

You can also end up in a “harem” for not responding to some insults. For example, if they sent three letters and the person remained silent, that means that’s where he belongs.

But a prisoner can become a “rooster” for seemingly ordinary, everyday actions. You cannot contact those who have been “separated.” Everything that the “lowered one” touches is immediately “stuffed” (that is, it goes into the category of things for “roosters”). This rule does not apply only to “prohibitions” (things prohibited in the zone), which are sometimes hidden from those “detained”. They told how some of them carried Cell phones from the living area to the work area right in your underpants. And this did not bother the prisoners at all. Those still “lowered” can be beaten (with sticks or kicked) and used for a second purpose.

I was told that in some areas, nails were driven into the doors especially for “roosters” to prevent them from touching the handles. They have their own tables, bunks, toilets, taps, everything of their own that the “men” are not allowed to touch. Therefore, if a prisoner takes food or cigarettes from the “lowered” one, drinks tea with him or sits down to eat at his table, then he himself will fall into the lower Zonov caste. Of course, if this is not done “unknowingly” (when a person does not know that there is a “rooster” in front of him, or that the thing is “stuffed”).

This is not California

The two main responsibilities of the “offended”: sexually satisfy the prisoners and do all the dirty work in the zone. They can be beaten for educational purposes and for the sake of the soul. I was told cases when the “lowered” were woken up with a kick in the face so that they went to clean the toilet.

The administration has ambivalent views on the "rooster" issue. Policemen who have worked in the MLS for a long time are imbued with the “concepts” to the marrow of their bones and, accordingly, treat the “lowered” ones a little differently than other prisoners. On the other hand, as part of their duty, the guards are obliged to prevent any manifestation of physical or psychological violence among prisoners, so they try in every possible way to ensure that the “roosters” are not severely beaten or humiliated. And in Lately They were especially successful in this: they almost completely stopped beating those who were detained.

In the zone where I was sitting, at the beginning of my sentence, the “offended” person was obliged to press himself against the wall when a “man” passed along the corridor.

If there is no place to put the “lowered” one, then he can sleep right under the bunk. At the stages, in the transit cells, all the “roosters” are seated either at the door or at the toilet. In general, to survive in the zone, being a "rooster", you need to have certain type individuals, since not everyone can endure constant humiliation, beatings, harassment and complete destruction human dignity, to which the “offended” are exposed.

True, the “omitted” ones are no less cruel. Old-timers told me that supposedly in one of the colonies they decided to conduct an experiment, and the “roosters” from the entire zone were settled in one detachment so that no one would bother them and they could live in peace. So, before the police had time to do this, the “offended” created in the detachment exactly the same hierarchy as in the entire zone: their own “thieves”, “men” and “low-downs” appeared there. But, unlike the rest of the zone, in this detachment the hierarchy was maintained, allegedly thanks to inhuman cruelty (in principle, this is understandable). The experiment had to be stopped.

I don’t know how it is in other camps, but in our zone the “roosters” could always be distinguished externally. Not only by their clothes, they had some special imprint on their faces. It was clear that these people were in the “harem” for a reason.

However, despite all the beatings and humiliation, those “left out” have some rights and social guarantees.

Firstly, all “roosters” are divided into workers and non-workers. Workers provide sexual services; non-workers, therefore, do not. And no one has the right to force the “low” to do “this” against his will - this is lawlessness. Most often, intimate services are provided by mutual desire.

Secondly, you must pay for sex. If a prisoner does not pay the “punched” man for sex, it means he is doing it for love. And who can have love with a “rooster”? That's right, the same one. In general, in terms of payment for cleaning or other services, those “omitted” were not “thrown away”: they were paid in full size and always on time, since they are already offended by life, what more can you mock! Therefore, very often prisoners with low social status fared much better materially than prisoners with a higher status.

In general, in relation to the “roosters” the essence of the prisoner is revealed. ZKs are divided into two camps: those who use the services of “leaky” people with pleasure, not seeing any problems in this, and those who avoid such things, considering them an active form of homosexuality. There are not so many of the former in the zone, especially recently, when the police have actively taken up the eradication of intimate services. I don’t know how it is in other camps, but in our colony the administration has achieved tremendous success in this matter. Our prisoners, before turning to the “rooster” with a proposal to have sex, thought three times: whether they needed it.

Not bad

But here's what's interesting. Despite the poor situation of the “offended” in the zone, some prisoners consciously and absolutely voluntarily went to the “harem”. In my memory, several people deliberately took something from the “offended” or sat down to eat at their table. Some did it out of protest against something, while others simply lost their nerve. But there were prisoners who, during their time in prison, began to understand that they liked sex with men, and in all its manifestations.

It always seemed to me that such a cruel attitude towards “roosters” arose as a means of protection against the possible spread of sodomy. Psychologists have long proven that in closed same-sex groups, so-called false homosexuality arises; Freud called this phenomenon acquired perversion. While for a long time among the men, willy-nilly you begin to look closely at some of them as possible objects desires. No, of course, everyone remains heterosexual, but women are distant and over time become a somewhat abstract concept, so many people turn their attention to “their own”. Some people hide this even from themselves, but there are those who are not at all embarrassed by this state of affairs. There have been cases when before long date The prisoner and his wife went to the "rooster" in order to "relieve tension and not lose face in the dirt on a date."

I remember they told me about how between one “man” and a “rooster” arose real love. They even planned to live together after their release, and the “lowered” one was going to change his sex for the sake of his beloved. Most likely, after they were released, these plans were forgotten, since such thoughts disappear as soon as the prisoner sees real women around him. The zone is gradually forgotten, but the residue remains, for some for life.

In modern society, it is not customary to divide people into any groups, classes or castes. However, this rule does not apply to places of deprivation of liberty, where for many decades there has been a strict classification of convicts into unique groups (or, as they say in the zone, suits).

Prison suits

Zone suits are the division of all prisoners into unique groups that differ from each other in prison status, rights and concepts.

In absolutely any prison or colony there is a clear distinction between all prisoners certain groups or suits: “thieves”, “men”, “goats” and “roosters”. There are also so-called intermediate groups, which vary depending on the specific place of deprivation of liberty. Such “intermediate” castes include “roosters”, “lowered”, “offended” and others.

The suits in the zone are fairly closed groups, and it is almost impossible to move from one caste to another.

"Authorities" of the zone

The most significant, important and honorable suit in the zone is “thieves”. This caste is the smallest, and you can’t just get into it. So, who is the “thieves”?

“Thieves” are real, almost unlimited power in the zone. It is the members of this group who establish the unwritten rules of behavior in places of deprivation of liberty, monitor order in the zone, and decide conflict situations arise between prisoners, and punish the “offenders” to the fullest extent of prison law.

A special group of “thieves” are the so-called thieves in law. These are recognized ones. Moreover, they do not necessarily have to trade in thefts. A “thief in law” is a person who has an impeccable criminal reputation, correct concepts and strictly observing

If you answer the question about , who is such a “thieves”, then we can say that he behaves “correctly” not only in the zone, but also did not have any “jambs” in freedom. For example, “thieves” should not serve in the army; in the wild they should not occupy leadership positions or work in the service sector (taxi drivers, waiters). IN Soviet times such authorities were prohibited from having a family and being a member of any political party.


The leader of the "thieves" is the "godfather" - a recognized criminal authority. If there is no such person in the zone, then a “supervisor” is appointed - a prisoner who performs the functions of a leader.

The “godfather” and his associates (that is, the “thieves”) have special privileges in the zone. They may not work and keep whatever they deem necessary from the common fund.

IN modern world many “thieves” in the zone interact with the administration and establish those orders that are beneficial to the leadership of the colony. In return for the "thieves" they are creating comfortable conditions content (they secretly receive alcohol, marijuana, telephones and other benefits). Although this does not correspond to thieves’ concepts, market relations now reign in the zone.

Who is "the man"?

“Men” are perhaps the largest and most neutral group of prisoners. It includes prisoners who received a sentence for committing minor crimes. As a rule, these are completely random people in prison: having entered the zone once, they try to get free as quickly as possible and return to normal life in the wild.

Among the “men” there are, of course, prisoners whom the “thieves” respect and even listen to their opinion.

This group of prisoners is considered neutral and quite large. And if we talk about who a “man” is, this is the prisoner who, at the end of his term, will forget everything like “ horrible dream"and will try not to return to the zone again.

"Goats" is...

If it is an honor to belong to the two stripes described above, then to be included in the caste of “goats” means to put yourself against the rest of the prisoners. As a rule, this suit includes those prisoners who at will(and in some cases under duress) began to cooperate with the administration of the correctional institution.

So, if a prisoner agreed to take the position of a prison librarian or caretaker, then he automatically fell into the caste of “goats”. Convicts belonging to this suit actively cooperate with prison management, carrying out all their instructions. In this regard, the rest of the prisoners treat them as traitors.

This situation deprives the “goats” of the right to participate in prison showdowns, they are not allowed into the “common fund”, they do not have the right to vote. Meanwhile, you can greet representatives of this suit, you can touch them and, if desired, you can communicate with them.

You wouldn't wish it on your enemy

The suits in the zone are unchanged. You cannot move from a lower caste to a more authoritative one. So, a “goat” will never become a “man” or a “thieve.” But you can get into the lowest caste.

A suit like “rooster” is a real nightmare for a prisoner. Prisoners who fell into this caste zone to live, to put it mildly, not easy. This group of prisoners is also called “offended”, “dismissed”, “untouchables”. This suit includes passive homosexuals and prisoners punished by having sexual intercourse with them. Moreover, the sexual act itself may not take place: the prisoner can simply pass the genital organ across the lips, and from that moment on he will be considered a “rooster.”

Representatives of this suit are outcasts: you cannot touch them, you cannot take anything from them. “Roosters” use separate utensils and have a separate sleeping place (usually at the entrance to the cell). It is not customary to talk to them. “Roosters” are prohibited from approaching other prisoners closer than three steps. They are the ones who do the dirtiest work in prison - they clean toilets and wash the parade ground.

However, when “roosters” are “consumed” (this is what they say in the zone), this is not considered any kind of defiling contact.

There is also an ominous “tradition” of making holes in plates, spoons and mugs of “roosters”. In order for a prisoner belonging to this caste to eat or drink, it is necessary to plug the holes with his fingers. And this is the most harmless humiliation of those to which the “roosters” are subjected.

Prison laws are very strict and cruel. Therefore, the slightest deviation from established norms of behavior inevitably leads to punishment. Thus, having once become a “rooster”, a person is deprived of the right to human treatment in prison and is subjected to humiliation until the end of his sentence. Not everyone can withstand this, which is why many prisoners who fall into the “rooster” caste commit suicide.

Sometimes it happens

The above-mentioned suits are available in all zones and prisons. However, some have their own specific, so-called intermediate castes.

There are especially many such castes in the zone where juvenile criminals are kept. On the “youngster”, in addition to the castes already indicated, there are such suits as:

  • "forshmaki", which includes prisoners who have committed any minor offense in the zone due to ignorance of the rules and norms of behavior;
  • “devils” - that is, those prisoners who were caught stealing from their cellmates;
  • “shnyri” who act as servants;
  • “laundresses”, “oil presses”, “shortages” and others.

In some adult zones, unique podcasts are common. For example, “thieves”, which includes prisoners who form the “retinue” of the “thieves” (while they themselves are not criminals). Or the “scoundrels” caste, which includes “thieves” prisoners who have committed some disgusting act.

Live “according to concepts”

Whatever suit the prisoner belongs to, he is obliged to comply with Zonov’s concepts. Concepts are established standards behavior of a prisoner in places of deprivation of liberty. Strict adherence to these unwritten rules helps to avoid conflict and sometimes life-threatening situations.

Prison laws (or concepts) are very similar to the norms of life in freedom. The paradox is that often prisoners who violated the law while free (for example, stole), in places of deprivation of liberty strictly adhere to the “don’t steal” rule.

Zonov’s basic concepts boil down to the following: don’t “knock” and don’t steal from your own people (that is, from fellow prisoners), don’t let “words go to waste” (if you threaten someone, you must punish them; in otherwise will be punished for chatting).

In the zone, you cannot interfere in other people’s affairs and conversations, impose your opinion, lie and swear (since the demand for any spoken word in prison is much greater than in freedom).

You shouldn’t be greedy in prison: it’s customary to share with your fellow inmates. And, of course, you shouldn’t put yourself above others, because this can lead to dire consequences.

Strange norms

In some areas there are even strange laws. This is especially true of colonies that house juvenile offenders. For example, you cannot lift anything from the floor, you cannot finish smoking a cigarette behind prisoners who are members of lower prison castes.

There are some prisons where they can let you go just because a prisoner went to the toilet and didn’t wash his hands or mended his socks.

There are also colonies in which it is customary to wash in the bathhouse with two washcloths - one to the waist, the second for everything else. A towel, which is commonly called a “waffle” towel, is considered a “checkered towel” in the zone. And it will be very bad for the prisoner who does not know this rule.

The "red" zone. Black zone

Not only the prisoners themselves are divided by color, but also the places where they are kept. All zones are divided into “black” and “red”.

“Reds” are those prisons in which rigid “cop” concepts prevail. IN similar prisons Interaction between prisoners and the administration of the correctional institution is strongly encouraged. Life here proceeds according to the rules of the zone leadership.

“Black” prisons (which are the majority in Russia) are those correctional institutions, in which everything is built on thieves. Here, the suits in the zone are of great importance. It is considered a waste to cooperate with the administration of such a colony.

In the “black” zones, prisoners who “knock” to the management are classified as “goats” (they are also called “red”). “Red” in the zone will never be able to live in peace, since he will be hated by all other prisoners and will be considered a traitor.


Over many decades, clear and strict rules and standards of conduct for prisoners. Violation established rules leads prisoners to punishment, which most often consists of transfer to the lowest prison caste.

And if for the ordinary law abiding citizen such a punishment seems childish, but for the inhabitants of the zone it is the most severe and severe punishment. After all, the safe and calm serving of a sentence directly depends on what color the prisoner belongs to.

Although modern society and worldview contributed to prison life There are many innovations, there are things that still remain unchanged - these are prison castes (suits), thieves' laws and concepts.

Year of the Rooster Russian zones will not be celebrated

In the zone, prisoners celebrate most holidays as they please: instead of alcohol - chifir, instead of snacks - “grass”, secretly sent from outside. Celebrating the beloved New Year is not particularly different from ordinary prison feasts, except perhaps with improvised champagne - as the chimes strike, prisoners raise glasses of cloudy liquid infused with bread. And then they go to bed.

But the Year of the Rooster will not be celebrated in Russian zones. After all, there this word has a completely different, offensive, even indecent meaning. “Roosters” in prison are still not considered people. Moreover, as MK managed to find out, recently there have been some changes in the hierarchy of prisoners. And it is much easier to become one of the outcasts in the zone than before.

What's in the mouth, what's on the forehead

There are different stories about the “rooster” caste. Many imagine such prison outcasts, whom prisoners use for menial labor and sexual services. But in fact, the “roosters” have their own internal organization and even the leader. Which is often more cruel than an ordinary prisoner.

“Roosters” become various reasons. Thus, those convicted under Article 131 of the Criminal Code (rape) are released into the zone. Molesters, libertines, and sexual perverts fall into this same group. And homosexuals - regardless of what crime they committed. But lately, more and more often people end up in the “roosters” because of “jambs” - that is, for an act unworthy of a prisoner. For example, neither men nor thieves are supposed to do anything related to plumbing - this is work exclusively for “roosters”.

There is a whole set of rules of conduct in relation to “roosters,” the head of one of the colonies told MK. - For example, a “decent” prisoner should not take an item if it was touched by a “rooster.” The latter have everything of their own: cigarettes, tea, bowls, mugs. In the smoking room, you can give the “rooster” a half-smoked cigarette, but under no circumstances should you take a cigarette from a smoked one. In the dining room, such people have separate tables, in the camp church there are special benches, separate benches and basins in the bathhouse, and the like. If a prisoner accidentally sat down at the wrong table or took the wrong spoon, he immediately falls into the “rooster” caste. That’s why the “roosters” have special cells in the pre-trial detention center. It happens that the police deliberately put thieves in such a cell in order to break them, since a decent prisoner cannot spend the night there. Even if he didn’t eat, didn’t drink, didn’t sleep, he’ll still be down. As soon as the prisoner realizes that he is among the “roosters,” he goes to any lengths to get transferred.

You need to clearly know some rules in the zone,” admits Sergei, who served 9 years for murder. - Especially for beginners. The main thing is that when you first appear in the zone, do not agree to “rooster” work, do not pick up a rag or a mop. In the dining room, you need to watch where your squad mates sit and not rush to take a free table. By the way, many things belonging to those who were omitted are marked with red paint.

The process of “transferring” an ordinary prisoner to a “petukhi” has now changed. Previously, a man was simply raped and forced to perform oral sex with one of the thieves. But after several accidents (when the lowered ones bit off someone else’s dignity), the ritual began to take place differently: the “rooster” is slapped with the genitals on the forehead or lips. And it happens that thieves simply decide to declare some prisoner a “rooster.” Then the rumor spreads through prison mail, and the prisoner will not be able to wash off the stigma.

A prisoner named Dana

In our zone, all the “roosters” were divided into three groups,” continues Sergei. - There were so-called “foreshmak”, which fell out of general group for some offense. For example, I slept near the bucket... And the “roosters” actually did all the dirty work in our zone - they cleaned, took out the trash, scrubbed the asshole. There were, however, also so-called “working cocks”, or “mares”, who served specifically to satisfy the sexual needs of thieves. By the way, many homosexuals immediately admitted their orientation and thus voluntarily became omitted. All these “workers” had female nicknames, most often converted from their real names. Lenya became Lena, Sasha became Sonya. Such “cockerels” had feminine habits, wore cosmetics, perfume, had condoms and tried to look attractive.

In one of the zones we managed to talk with the unfortunate man who was made a “rooster”. However, our interlocutor claims that he made this choice himself. What immediately catches your eye is the gentle, clean-shaven face with brightly applied cosmetics specially before our arrival. Instead of a prisoner's uniform, there is a simple jumper with ruffles and a woolen skirt that fits men's hips, worn over trousers.

“Everyone here only calls me Dana,” the guy admits, lowering his eyelashes ingratiatingly and at the same time coquettishly. - Once upon a time, even before the zone, I was called Denis. But that was a long time ago... I got here for theft, I was given five years. And then I fell in love right there. At first I hid my feelings from Michel. But this is unbearable! He only noticed me when I finally transformed into a woman. But I don’t consider myself a “rooster” in any way!

How do your family and friends feel about your transformation?

In the wild, only one friend knows about my other “I” - she brings me mascara, underwear, skirts. It's hard here, of course. They don’t ask about my wishes, they call me - and that’s it... Sometimes I have to serve three or four prisoners in a day. But I endure everything - otherwise they will beat me, and I don’t need bruises. However, they treat me more carefully than others.

For example?

They allowed me more time to communicate with my loved one, although this is not allowed here. But in strict regime, where prisoners long terms, entire married couples are formed, and this is quite normal. Two men live together, share responsibilities, as in real family, they just don’t give birth to children.

“Roosters” in the zone live separately from the rest - in a detachment under last number. And even during verification on the parade ground they stand separately.

Most of the lowered ones do not enter into sexual intercourse voluntarily,” Dana sighs. - They are persuaded to do this by threats and beatings. Sometimes they resist, asking to be left alone, but the requests of the abandoned one do not touch anyone here. During rape, they are also mocked with particular sophistication. Those who are released are raped at night in the department, in the toilet, in the bathhouse. And if the “roosters” still refuse, they are beaten brutally, for about 40 minutes.


“Roosters” rarely take revenge on their offenders - they cannot raise a hand against a man.

But sometimes they can’t stand it and grab the knife,” says Dana. - There was, they say, even such a case when one drove an awl into a thieve who was tormenting him with his pestering! This “rooster” was smashed in the head with a stool, but they did not kill him. In any “rooster” squad there is always a leader who is physically stronger than others. It is he who holds everyone else in his fist. In the area where I sat last time, on Far East, this place was occupied by a “rooster” named Kuzya. In the zone, he crushed the entire squad under him. To achieve this status, he literally walked over corpses. Once a tough guy came to the “rooster” squad, why he was dropped, I don’t know. He beat Kuzya and became a spectator. But Kuzya snitched on him so much that this jock was sent to prison regime. Kuzya treated the other contender for the post of the main “rooster” even harsher. He started a rumor among the thieves that his rival stole things, and he himself planted them on his rival. The thieves came, discovered what was missing and smashed his head.

Are they going to celebrate this in your zone? New Year? - I asked the prisoner goodbye. - After all, not only will it be the Year of the Rooster, it will also be blue?!

I hope to spend New Year's Eve with my Michel. And then, apparently, you will have to fulfill other people’s wishes in addition to your own. All the “roosters” will have a hard time in the zone this night,” Dana sighs, fiddling with the scarf in her hands. - But no one will drink “for the year of the rooster.” That's for sure.

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