Secondary raw material glass. Recycling glass bottles and jars into new ones

Any employee at least once in his life got into a situation of being late for the workplace, the impossibility of entering the service or performing official duties efficiently and on time. Any of these violations can occur for reasons both valid and disrespectful. How the boss considers them depends on how the delinquent employee will be able to explain what happened.

If you have to write an explanatory note for non-fulfillment of official duties

Regarding the situation that has arisen, he will have to express himself in writing, namely, to draw up a document called an explanatory note. This paper is explanatory or exculpatory in nature.

It should be understood that an explanatory note to the boss is one of the official documents and it is drawn up according to certain rules. Its content is information that serves as an explanation of the reasons for the committed misconduct or violation. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for the employee to demonstrate his view of the problem (situation) that has arisen, state the essence of the matter in his own words and justify himself (if possible) in the eyes of management.

In the correct execution of an explanatory note on non-fulfillment of official duties, like any official document, the one who draws it up, namely the employee who committed the violation, is interested. The decision of the management to impose a penalty depends on how successful and competent the presentation of the situation in his presentation will be.

How to do it?

It is very important to try to convey to the authorities the reasons for what happened. After all, sometimes the fault of the employee in the misunderstanding is not present or it is minimal. If, after considering all the circumstances of the case, the management nevertheless finds the subordinate guilty, disciplinary measures may be applied to him - up to and including dismissal for failure to perform official duties. Therefore, the attitude to the design of the note should be serious.

In certain cases provided for by law, its preparation is mandatory. In others, the employee is offered to explain the situation on his own initiative. Often at the same time you can hear the question: is the offender obliged to provide an explanatory note?

You should know that this action relates to his rights, and not to duties. What does it mean? The fact is that the very concept of an explanatory note as such is not in the legislation. The wording of the current Labor Code of the Russian Federation says about "requesting explanations in writing." The employee is obliged to provide them in cases of violations of labor discipline, failure to fulfill their own duties or committing an illegal act. In this case, the oral form of explanation is not accepted.

About the essence of the document

An explanatory note is issued not only in case of disciplinary violations, but also in other situations. The latter include any action in which it is required to justify. For example, causing damage to work property.

In this regard, it is important to understand the essence of the mentioned document. It consists in a written statement of the incident. The explanatory note does not contain any statements or requests to understand the situation of the dispute. This is its main difference from official documents of another type, for example, a statement or a report on non-fulfillment of official duties.

Thus, the offender himself is interested in writing and submitting it to his superiors, since this document gives him a chance to convey his own point of view on the situation to the authorities in writing. At the same time, no one has the right to force him to write such a note. In case of pressure, he can file a complaint with the supervisory authority.

Let's talk about the legal framework

Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicates that an explanatory note must be written by the employee before disciplinary measures can be applied to him (an order was issued on non-fulfillment of official duties). He has two days to complete and submit it. In case of non-fulfillment of the specified action, an appropriate act may be formed.

It is important to understand that in the absence of official explanations of responsibility for the violation, it will still not be possible to avoid it. If an employee does not use his legal right to justify himself, this remains his personal problem.

In addition, this document is mentioned in article 247 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It establishes a provision according to which, in the event of damage, in order to determine the cause of the incident, the requirement for all persons involved to provide written explanations is legal and mandatory. In case of refusal or transfer to the employer, an appropriate act is drawn up. But the official form of this document (explanatory note) at the legislative level has not been approved.

Explanatory note form

This paper refers to one of the specific forms of business documents. Accordingly, all the rules for the design of such acts when writing it must be observed. You should write on a sheet of A4 format. The header of the document contains the position of the recipient (most often this is the head of the company) along with the data of the employee himself, his position, structural unit. Then, without fail, comes the name of the document and the text itself.

There is no approved form of an explanatory note. That is, there are no uniform requirements for its filling with law in the legislation. But we still give one of them as a general guideline for our readers.

The style of presentation used by the employee must be businesslike. When writing, it is important to follow the stylistic and grammatical rules of the language. Technical terms and professional slang are allowed but should not be used. This document should not contain any ambiguity, therefore the text must be written in a logical and well-defined style. The presentation of what happened is always in the first person, in the correct language, competently, without stylistic and spelling errors.

What is important to mention

All the circumstances that caused the misconduct or offense must be set out in detail. Behavior is self-assessed in terms of legality. All essential circumstances contributing to the commission of the misconduct must be indicated.

It is necessary to emphasize the admission or non-admission of guilt, as well as to fix the opinion of the writer about the consequences of the offense under discussion and his attitude to the upcoming prosecution. Should you evaluate your own actions in the explanatory text? If the presence of guilt is recognized by the employee, this must be indicated with subsequent clarification about the inadmissibility of future similar violations.

Most often, an explanatory note is performed by hand. Alternatively, you can type it on a computer, but from a psychological point of view, such a document will cause less confidence in the employer due to some of its stereotypes. The boss may suspect that the text that makes sense is simply downloaded (with minimal edits) from the Internet, where there are many examples of explanatory notes for all occasions.

Who and when can request an explanation

The one who is directly responsible for the result of the performance of this production task has the right to demand a report from the employee in case of failure to fulfill his own labor functions. But the right to demand the writing of an explanatory note about non-fulfillment of official duties belongs only to the head of the enterprise or the immediate supervisor.

It was already mentioned above that explanatory notes are mandatory written in cases of disciplinary offenses or causing material damage to the company. It should now be clarified that other situations in which the employer has the right to demand written explanations can be fixed for a particular enterprise. In this case, an explanation can be obtained on the basis of the so-called requirement of the employer.

The document, called the requirement, is drawn up on a special form and is subject to registration in a separate journal, like any one. It is provided to the employee against signature indicating the date of transfer. This number allows you to navigate in compliance with the law when drawing up an explanatory note.

In the event of possible litigation, a duly executed claim will serve as evidence that the employer conducted the procedure for investigating the causes of the incident and made a decision on disciplinary measures in compliance with all norms of the law. If the employee not only refuses to write an explanatory note, but also to receive a demand in his hands, it is necessary to draw up an act about this.

Psychological nuances

It should be borne in mind that failure to complete the task may be due to completely different circumstances. Sometimes this happens regardless of the behavior of the employee. If he does not feel any guilt, this must be substantiated in a convincing form, accompanied by serious evidence.

When writing an explanatory note about non-fulfillment of official duties, it is highly recommended not to try to shift the blame or responsibility to other persons, in particular, to the same manager. It is unlikely that this line of behavior will find understanding among the authorities.

For example, you made a mistake due to inattention - due to poor health. It can be written that overwork was the cause of the misconduct, but it is not worth emphasizing that the initial factor was the long absence of vacation due to the fault of the same boss.

What else should be in the text

The standard ending of the explanatory note is recognition of awareness of the consequences of the act and a promise to make every possible effort to correct the situation, as well as an assurance that similar mistakes will not be made in the future.

None of the employees, from beginners to experienced workers, is immune from mistakes in labor activity. Errors are the consequences of a variety of reasons, which can be both objective and subjective. Each of them should be described in detail in the explanatory text, all the circumstances and prerequisites for what happened are described in sufficient detail.

You should not blame colleagues for what happened, but in the absence of guilt, it is also not recommended to invent it artificially. The circumstances stated in the document must correspond to the real ones.

Other reasons for writing explanatory notes

If an explanatory note is written for such a type of misconduct as being late, then it should be understood that this event refers to disciplinary violations and the reasons for its commission must be explained. If the circumstances of the case are recognized by the management as respectful, punishment can be avoided. Otherwise, the latecomer will face disciplinary action.

The explanatory note for this case refers to personnel documents. It must be transferred directly to the manager or to the HR department (HR department). If we are talking about absenteeism, which the law means absence from the workplace for the entire shift or 4 hours in a row during one day (shift), then we can assume the termination of the employment agreement.

That is why, in this case, the employee is especially interested in providing an acceptable explanation for his actions. The following documented reasons can be recognized as valid: illness of the employee or his relatives, accident, death of a family member, accident or natural disaster. And any of these reasons should be documented.

Is it possible not to write a note and what does it threaten?

As already mentioned, this action is not mandatory. In writing it, the employee himself is primarily interested in order to positively resolve the situation. Articles 193 and 246 of the Labor Code propose a refusal to provide an explanatory note with the help of a special act. But the chances of avoiding punishment in this case, of course, are significantly reduced. There are no other specific consequences of refusing to write.

Depriving yourself of the opportunity to express your personal opinion and provide your vision of the situation, most often you will not achieve mitigation of the disciplinary sanction (for example, the removal of a reprimand for failure to perform official duties). After all, such a refusal will seem to any leader as unwillingness to admit one's own fault or mistake, especially in cases where it is obvious.

The explanatory note plays the role of an official document and is subject to the rules of business correspondence. This means that it must be written in official language, in a strict and businesslike style. The law does not impose strict requirements on the form of an explanatory note, but in practice, it is written by hand or printed on a PC. Large companies have special forms of explanatory notes, which are filled in by the employee in case he commits actions that violate labor discipline at the enterprise.

How to write an explanatory note?

If an employee has skipped work, or does not comply with labor protection requirements, is intoxicated at work, behaves immorally, the law prescribes in Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation the employer to take an explanation from the employee. It is expressed in the form of a written document - an explanatory note. The law does not impose on the employee the obligation to write an explanatory note, it gives 2 days to execute this document. It is logical that an employee who wants to justify his behavior to the employer will write an explanation of what happened.

Properly writing a note is the task of an employee, since a consistent presentation of the events that happened to him will help the boss make the right decision. Based on the result of consideration of the explanations of the subordinate, the head makes a decision on the guilt or innocence of the employee. If he admits that the employee is guilty, disciplinary measures are applied to the latter: reprimand, remark, dismissal. That is why it is very important to write an explanatory note correctly at work. Of course, this process for each of the employees cannot be called pleasant. Before writing an explanatory note, you need to focus and calm down. If an explanatory note is required at work, then it is written on an A4 sheet.

When writing a note, you must indicate to whom it is intended. To do this, on top, on the right side, the name of the company, full name and position of the head are indicated. In addition, the note must be signed by the employee, indicating the date of its compilation. If an employee of the enterprise decided to write an explanatory note to the employer in a week, then you should not do this: this document will no longer cause any legal consequences. The law gives two days to think about and write a note: the date in the text will notify the employer that the employee has not violated the deadline for explaining. Therefore, he is interested in continuing to work in an enterprise or organization.

What can be written in the explanatory note?

In the text of the document, you need to state the reasons that led to the fact that the employee did not appear at work. These reasons form the content of the note. If the employee did not appear at work due to a sudden deterioration in health, then proof of an ambulance or ambulance call must be presented. The evidence is attached to the note. In a situation where it is impossible for an employee to come to work for certain reasons, a conscientious employee who has not previously observed such actions can also get into a situation. Evidence, the content of the explanatory note - all this is considered by the employer.

Practice shows that not all employers make informed decisions. To protect yourself, it is better for the employee to write an explanatory note in two copies. Give one to the secretary of the head, and keep the second for yourself. But on both copies there should be a mark that the document was accepted by the office. If the employer, after considering the note, makes a decision that, in the opinion of the employee, will infringe on his labor rights, the latter will be able to apply for their protection.

These issues are dealt with by state bodies within their competence. These include:

  • commission on labor disputes (abbr. KTS);
  • Labour Inspectorate;
  • prosecutor's office;

KTS is created directly at the enterprise where the employee works. But this does not happen in all cases, since the law does not require the mandatory creation of this body. KTS consists of employees and representatives of the chief (50 to 50%). The order issued by the CCC has the force of an executive document.

The disputed case is considered in the presence of the employee. But the controversial situation can not be brought to the CCC. If the employee correctly compiled an explanatory note, convinced the employer that the situation in which he found himself was caused by reasons of a valid nature, the management may not punish the subordinate. Thus, the purpose of writing an explanatory note is to convince the employer of the innocence of the employee. Of course, this doesn't always happen. If the employee is really guilty, then punishment is applied to him. For example, it is difficult to explain the appearance at work in a state of intoxication. But the employer is obliged to demand an explanation for this phenomenon. This suggests that the management worked out the issue with the employee, punished him legally. And the explanatory note is the basis for dismissal or the application of a more lenient punishment.

Explanatory options

An example of an explanatory note (being late for work):

“I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, was late for work on March 20, 2018 for one hour due to the fact that the trains of the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya metro line stopped due to smoke that arose at the Vykhino metro station. Additional transport was organized in the form of buses, but traffic jams on the roads of Moscow (which are absent in the metro) did not allow me to get to work on time. I believe that the smoke at the Vykhino station was a force majeure, as well as the reason for my being late.”

An example of an explanatory note (due to illness)

“I am Senkova Tamara Gennadievna, I could not go to work on July 6, 2018 due to an increase in blood pressure, provoked by stuffiness in the subway and a strong crush. In the metro, at the Arbatskaya station, they called me 003. The doctors, having arrived at the call, provided me with a set of necessary procedures, including an injection aimed at reducing pressure. After I felt a little better, I went up to the city and caught a taxi home.”

An example of an explanatory note (violation of the requirements of labor discipline)

“I am Genov Gennady Gennadievich, I did not come on time from my lunch break, because my stomach suddenly ached. I was forced to go to the nurse's office, where she gave me bowel-fixing medications.”

Explanatory letter- a document substantiating the reasons for a violation committed by one or another employee. It is usually written either on a voluntary basis or at the request of the head in cases where an employee of the enterprise was guilty of something (was late or did not come to work at all, appeared drunk, did not fulfill the assignment given to him, etc.).


Why do you need an explanatory note

As a rule, violations that require clarification on the part of the employee are quite serious and can lead to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. To avoid this and honestly understand the situation, a competent leader asks for written explanations.

An explanatory note can protect an employee in disputable situations in case of disagreements with the employer, and can also acquire the status of an evidentiary document if any of the parties applies to the court.

To whom to address the explanatory

Most often, an explanatory note is written in the name of the director of the enterprise. But if the company is very large, then it should be written to the direct management (shop manager, foreman, department head, etc.). Usually, the position of the person in whose name you need to write a note is regulated by the “Internal Rules”, which should be in every organization.

When to write an explanation

There are certain deadlines for writing an explanatory note: no more than two working days from the moment of the incident. That is why the employer, when drawing up a written request for explanations, must set a date - the report will be kept from it. If an explanatory note is not written at the set time, the employer has the right to apply to the subordinate any penalties that are adequate to the misconduct and within the framework of the law.

It should be remembered that only one disciplinary punishment can be applied for one violation and no later than one month after the fact of the committed violation has been established (the fact is also established in writing, by drawing up and registering a special act).

Rules for compiling an explanatory note

The explanatory note is written in free form. It must contain the following information:

  • company information,
  • information about the manager and the offending employee,
  • date of offense
  • explanations.

The more convincing the main part, the better for the employee, as arguments it is best to give arguments that have any written confirmation (for example, if you are late for work, a certificate from a medical institution, or a check from a car service with the date and time of the repair, etc. .P.). Also, a positive role is played by remorse for the committed violation (if there is a direct fault of the employee in it) and a promise to improve in the future and not make such mistakes.

If the employee does not see any guilt behind him, this must also be reflected in the explanatory note with all the necessary evidence of its absence.

You can write an explanatory letter either by hand or type it on a computer. The first option is preferable and this is how experienced specialists of personnel departments and lawyers require to draw up a document. In any case, the explanation must be certified by a "live" signature an employee with a mandatory "live" transcript.

An explanatory note must be written in two copies, one of which must be handed over to the employer, and the second to be kept, but only after the employer puts a mark on both copies that the explanatory notes have been received.

Instructions for writing an explanatory note

An explanatory note from the point of view of the norms and rules of office work has a completely standard structure and should not cause great difficulties when writing

In the "header" of the document in the upper right corner, you must enter addressee information.

  1. First, the position of the employee is indicated here, in whose name it is drawn up (director, general director, head of department, team leader, etc.).
  2. Then the full name of the organization is written, indicating its organizational and legal status (IP, LLC, ZOA, OJSC), as well as the last name, first name, patronymic of the addressee.
  3. After that, data about the employee (position, company name, last name, first name, patronymic) are also drawn up in the same way.
  4. Further, the settlement where the enterprise is registered, as well as the date of writing the application, is indicated.

Then, in the center of the line, you need to write the name of the document with a short designation of its essence (in this case, “about being late for work”).

The second part is the main one. Here it is necessary to bring only facts and causes of misconduct At the same time, one should try to give a correct explanation with clear formulations and arguments. If there is written proof of the employee's innocence, this should also be stated. You don’t need to write a lot and in great detail - no one will read several pages of text, moreover, such an explanation can cause a negative reaction from the employer.

Application required sign with the obligatory transcript of the signature and transfer it either to the secretary or personally into the hands of the immediate supervisor.

If an employee has not fulfilled his duties, under Article 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, his boss must require him to explain the reasons for this. An explanatory note may be requested orally or in writing. There is no rule in the law that would prescribe the form of the request. For employers, it is better that the request is made in writing.

What is an explanatory note from an employee

Concept and normative consolidation

Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that in case of violation of labor discipline, the employee is obliged to explain to the employer the motives of his behavior. If this is not done within two days, an act is drawn up stating that the employee does not agree with the writing of the explanatory note.

In personnel records management, an explanatory note is an official document. Its purpose is an explanation on the part of the employee of the reasons that prompted him to violate labor discipline. But this does not mean that a citizen should write an explanatory essay. On the contrary: dryly and concisely, concisely, competently, he must state the circumstances under which the violation of labor rights occurred.

The employer is also obliged to request this document from his employee, but only if there are circumstances specified in Articles 192, 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, that is, in cases where the employee has not fulfilled the labor duties assigned to him.

When an employee is required to write a note

In what cases is the employee required to write:

  1. Late for work.
  2. Failure to perform duties that are determined by the functionality of the employee.
  3. Absence from work for more than 4 hours.
  4. Causing damage to the property of the employer.
  5. Coming to work intoxicated (alcohol, drugs).
  6. Failure to comply with labor protection rules.
  7. Disclosure of trade secrets of an enterprise, etc.

The video below will tell you what to do if the employee left the workplace:

Who can request a document

The employer has the right to demand an explanatory letter from the employee under Article 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This document must be written. Judicial practice shows that often judges take the side of the employee in a dispute due to the fact that the employer does not draw up a requirement for a written explanation.

If the employee refuses to accept the requirement from the boss, written in the form of a document, an act is drawn up about this. The term for compiling a note is two days. The legislator gives the employee this period so that he clearly explains the motives for his actions in the note. For example, what prompted him to violate labor discipline.

At the same time, in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there is no imperative norm regarding the employee on writing an explanation. Perhaps this is due to the following logic of the legislator: if a person values ​​​​his work, does not want to be fired, then he will definitely, without coercion, write an explanation for his actions.

The employer, on the basis of this document, holds the employee liable. The employer, for his part, is obliged to realistically assess the current situation, and the employee - to clearly state the circumstances of the case. If the decision that will be made by the employer upon the analysis of the explanatory note does not satisfy the employee, he can apply to the CCC. But labor dispute commissions are created at enterprises voluntarily, so not all of them are present.

How long does it take to submit paperwork?

The employer is obliged to carefully investigate in each case. A note written on behalf of the employee argues the details of what happened, describes them, and explains the motives of the person’s act.

If within two working days the employee is still unable to explain anything to the employer in writing, an act is issued on the failure to draw up a note. The act is not an obstacle to making a disciplinary sanction against the employee.

How to write an explanatory note when absenteeism, this video will tell:

How to request

The notification is made in two copies. One of them is given to the employee, and the second remains with his boss. To confirm the fact of receipt of the notification, the employee must sign on the copy of the employer.

Request for an explanatory note from an employee (sample)

Drafting a document

An explanatory note is a document that explains to the employer the reasons for any act, a fact that has occurred. This may be late, violation of official duties, absenteeism, etc. The most famous types of such notes can be considered an explanation of the provisions and circumstances of what happened.

The note is written by hand, the addressee will be considered the person who requested it. That is, the employer. Also, a note can be created on a PC, in accordance with the form that is accepted at a particular enterprise. The law does not establish a strict form for these documents, based on this, it is written arbitrarily. But it must be approached responsibly.

It is important to understand that a note is not a report or a statement. It must reflect an already accomplished fact.

Basic writing rules:

  1. The tone of the note is official business. Colloquial vocabulary, especially swearing, should not be present in it.
  2. The information contained in this document must be true.
  3. The note is written on behalf of the employee.

The form for compiling an explanatory receipt is free. It is drawn up on sheet A4 in accordance with the provisions of GOST (R-6.30-2003).

sample explanatory note

The employer has the right to demand an explanatory note from the employee no later than a full calendar month. The term begins to be calculated from the moment when the employer learned about the disciplinary offense committed by the employee, an act was drawn up on this occasion. This period excludes periods of illness of the employee, his vacation.

If the employee refuses to write an explanation

This is also possible: the employee may refuse to write a statement, or not provide it to his boss within two days. In this case, an act is drawn up. This document is important from a legal point of view, the essence of writing this document is that it is evidence of the absence of an explanatory, as well as the remorse of the employee for what he actually did. Thus, the act gives the full right to the boss of the delinquent employee to punish him.

The disciplinary sanction of an employee has three forms:

  1. Comment.
  2. Rebuke.
  3. Dismissal.

One of these punishments must be spelled out in the order that the director issues in relation to a particular person. The degree of responsibility depends on the severity of his act.

The act of refusal to write an explanatory note (example)

The act of refusing to write an explanatory note is drawn up by the head of the department in which his employee works. In order for the act to gain legal force, it is necessary to involve employees of the company as witnesses to the refusal of their colleague to write an explanatory note. There must be at least three witnesses. This composition must necessarily include the head of the employee. As other witnesses, you can involve the secretary of the company. The law does not prescribe a list of persons entitled to witness the act of refusing to write an explanatory note.

At first glance, it seems that there is no significant difference between service, memorandum and explanatory notes, because. these documents are similar in their purpose - they are all informational in nature. Nevertheless, these are different documents that differ in content, targeting, and purposes of compilation. In addition, they do not contain instructions, but information that prompts the addressee to make a final decision on the issue under consideration.

What are the features of a service, memorandum, explanatory note? How to properly arrange each document on paper? We will try to answer these and other questions from a practical point of view.


memorandum(code 0286041 according to OKUD) is an information and reference document addressed to the head, head of department, other authorized persons. It sets out in detail any issue with the conclusions and proposals of the compiler and aims to encourage management to make a certain decision.

There is no definition of "memorandum" as an independent concept in the legislation.

The memorandum is drawn up both on the written or oral instructions of the head, and on the initiative of the employees themselves (for example, in cases where, in order to resolve any production or economic issue, it becomes necessary to present information in writing to higher management). With the help of such a document, you can make a proposal to improve the technical side of production processes, express disagreement with the decision made by a higher manager, and also express your point of view in case of disagreements with colleagues. Therefore, when preparing a memorandum, it is first of all important for the author to formulate his position in an accessible way, and then to give convincing arguments in its favor.

Types of memos

  • for initiative;
  • informational;
  • reporting.

Initiative a memorandum is drawn up in order to encourage the addressee to make a certain decision, therefore, the text of the note sets out the facts, contains specific proposals, recommendations or conclusions.

Informational a memorandum is compiled regularly and contains information about the details, results or methods of performing the work.

Reporting the memorandum informs about the completion of work, its stage, the implementation of instructions, orders, etc.

depending from the addressee reports are divided into:

  • to external;
  • internal.

External memorandum addressed to the head of a particular institution, drawn up on the general letterhead of the organization, signed by the head and usually contains the following details:

  • name of company;
  • date;
  • index;
  • place of compilation;
  • addressee;
  • title to the text;
  • text;
  • manager's signature;
  • artist's name, phone number.

An external memorandum is submitted to the head of the parent organization (Example 1).

Example 1

External memorandum


10.02.2014 № 12/05-14

On attracting additional

labor resources

Dear Andrei Vasilyevich!

Due to the lack of candidates at the stage of formation of the administrative apparatus for the branch in Moscow, it is necessary to attract labor resources from additional sources by 14.04.2014. Interviews with new candidates should be held by 21.04.2014.

Payment of expenses for additional services will be made in accordance with clause 4.5 of the Service Agreement No. 04/56 dated February 14, 2014.

Head of Human Resources Semenov IN. Semenov

In case No. 03-13

Odintsov 10.02.2014

Internal memorandum sent outside the institution, for example, to a higher organization, drawn up on a standard sheet of A4 paper, but indicating all the necessary details, located in accordance with GOST 6.30-2003 “Unified Documentation Systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents” (Example 2).

The mandatory details of the internal memorandum include:

  • name of the structural unit;
  • name of the type of document (MEMORY);
  • date of;
  • registration (outgoing number);
  • title to the text;
  • text;
  • a mark on the presence of the application (if any);
  • destination;
  • signature of the compiler (indicating the position, initials, surname).

Example 2

Internal memorandum


07.04.2014 № 6

About absenteeism committed by the manager

sales department

I bring to your attention that today, 07.04.2014, sales manager Valentina Ivanovna Petrova was absent from the workplace throughout the working day from 10:00 to 18:30.

No information or documents confirming the validity of the reasons for the absence of V.I. Petrova were provided.

In connection with the committed violation, I propose to dismiss Petrov V.I. for a walk.

Head of Sales Department Ignatiev O.A. Ignatiev

In case No. 02-10

Sidorova 07.04.2014

Registration of details of the report

When making a memorandum, both the angular (Example 3) and the longitudinal arrangement of the details of the heading part (Example 4) are used.

Example 3

Angular arrangement of details in the memorandum


structural unit Destination


______________ № ________


Example 4

Longitudinal arrangement of details in the memorandum

Name of the structural unit


_____________ № _________


Document type name is written in capital letters (MEMORY) and can be located in the center or from the border of the left margin.

date And number memoranda are written on one line. The date is written in Arabic numerals ( 21.04.2014 ) or alphanumerically ( April 21, 2014.).


The date of the external memorandum is the date of its approval and sending to the addressee, the date of the internal memorandum - date of compilation and signing.

Registration number on an internal memorandum it is affixed either at the place of compilation or at the place of receipt - depending on the document registration system that operates in the organization.

If the memorandum should be considered by interested parties, it is affixed visa approval and after the decision is made resolution leader.

The adoption of a resolution is the final stage in the consideration of the memorandum.


The resolution of the head, who considered the internal memorandum, will be the basis for taking any measures, issuing documents, holding events.

header to the text briefly describes the content of the document. It is formulated according to the general rules for compiling headings for documents: using the preposition o/o and a verbal noun in the prepositional case, for example About absenteeism Lazarenko O.O.

Text The memorandum consists of two or three semantic parts:

  • in the first - ascertainingparts- the reasons, facts or events that gave rise to its writing are stated;
  • in the second - analyzing part- contains an analysis of the current situation and possible solutions;
  • in the third - summary part- contains conclusions and proposals for specific actions that, in the opinion of the drafter, need to be taken.

The second part of the memorandum may be missing. In this case, the text of the memorandum contains the justification, conclusions and proposals of the compiler.

If the memorandum has an attachment, mark aboutapplication done before signing.

A mark on the presence of the application named in the text of the note is drawn up as follows:

Application: for 3 liters. in 1 copy.

If the note has an application that is not named in the text, then indicate its name, the number of sheets and copies.

Appendix: Regulations on the Regional Credit Department for 5 p. in 1 copy.

internal memorandum sign the compiler (if it is presented to the head of the unit) and the head of the unit (if it is presented to the head of the organization); external memorandum signs Head of the organization.


If the memorandum is drawn up on two or more pages, then the second and subsequent pages must be numbered. Serial numbers are put down in the right part of the top margin of the page in Arabic numerals.


memo is a type of report. This is a written information message widely used in the practice of modern management structures of various levels and organizational and legal forms. Memos provide a direct link between management objects at a horizontal level.

By the way

A memo is a document that does not have an official status. It is not provided in OKUD.

Memos are prepared in a wide variety of situations. Standard targets for this document include:

  • information request;
  • issuing instructions;
  • accompanying another message (accompanying note);
  • announcements (notices).

The text of the memo contains information about the reasons for its preparation in the form of a proposal, request, application. This may be information about staff movements, meetings, changes in the company's corporate culture, etc. Memos are drawn up on a standard sheet of A4 paper.

The memo is signed by a specialist or head of the department. The date of the memo is the date of its compilation and signing.

The legislation does not provide for strict requirements for the preparation and execution of memos, therefore, the procedure for their execution, taking into account the specifics of the organization, should be fixed in a local regulatory act, for example, in an office work instruction. The memo format should serve the purpose of simplifying and speeding up internal communication processes.

A sample of a memo is presented in Example 5 .

Example 5


On Saturday, 04/19/2014, from 9:00 to 16:00, the personnel department of Sever LLC will carry out installation work to install the alarm.

I ask you to allow access for the performance of work to the following employees of the Energoset company:

1. Simakin I.P.

2. Ivanov P.N.

Head of AHO Sviridov N.N. Sviridov

In case No. 02-14

Ilyin 16.04.2014


Explanatory letter- this is an internal document explaining the reasons for any action, fact, event, incident, compiled by an employee of the organization and submitted to a higher official.

According to the first part of Art. 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, before applying a disciplinary sanction, the employer must request a written explanation from the employee. The employee reports the reasons and circumstances for committing a disciplinary offense in an explanatory note. Based on the explanatory note, the manager decides on the application of disciplinary action against the employee. In addition, this document is one of the grounds for assessing the severity of the misconduct and the circumstances under which it was committed by the employer.

In OKUD OK 011-93, this document is mentioned only once - an explanatory note on violation of labor discipline (code 0286091), which belongs to class 0286000 "Documentation for the execution of disciplinary sanctions."

Types of explanatory notes and their features

  • to those compiled to clarify certain provisions of the work performed (project, report, development);
  • drawn up in the event of regular situations, violations of discipline, misconduct, etc.

An explanatory note is written by the employee by hand in a single copy on a standard sheet of A4 paper and is addressed to the person who requested it. It can also be typed on a computer using the stencil form adopted by the organization. The form of the explanatory note, as well as the method of execution (handwritten or on a computer) are not legally fixed.

An explanatory note can be drawn up by a structural unit or a specific official.

Note as proof

The employer, by requiring an explanatory note written by hand from the employee, thereby protects himself from unlawful actions on the part of the employee in a labor dispute. It excludes the substitution of the original document.

If the company uses template forms, then at the end of the text you can make a note:The explanation was personally compiled using a personal computer. Date of. Signature.

Registration of individual details of the memorandum

In order to unify information and reference documents, an explanatory note should be drawn up and executed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 6.30-2003.

Date the explanatory note is the date of its compilation.

Text The explanatory note must contain:

Description of the facts that gave rise to its writing;

Arguments that explain the current situation.

The text of the note must be convincing and contain irrefutable evidence.

When making signatures the position, personal signature, initials and surname are indicated.

As applications documents can be cited to justify the actions of the originator of the document and confirm certain circumstances.

According to the structure of the text, the explanatory note differs from the report in that it does not contain conclusions and proposals (Example 6).


If the company has developed and approved standard forms of explanatory notes used in various situations, this does not mean that employees must draw up notes according to approved forms. A non-formal document may also be valid.

Example 6

Explanatory letter

Apply disciplinary action
in the form of a reprimand Alexandrova AND.AND.

HR department to issue an order.
Smolkin 04/17/2014

Director of LLC "SV"

A.V. Smolkin


14.04.2014 № 14

About being absent from work

I, Aleksandrova Irina Igorevna, an accountant, was absent from my workplace on April 14, 2013 from 9:00 to 15:30 due to personal reasons.

I don't have supporting documents.

Accountant Alexandrova I.I. Alexandrova


One of the functions of the clerical service of the organization is to ensure the prompt search for the necessary information related to the promotion of the transferred documents to the executor. For a more convenient search for this data, various registration forms are used.

Reporting, service, explanatory notes, according to their functional purpose, are carriers of certain information. Since the issue set out in the note requires a written decision in the form of a resolution of the head of the organization or other authorized official, the documents must be registered.

Recall that there are three forms of registration of documents: magazine, card and automated. The organization has the right to choose the most effective and appropriate form of registration.

▪ Journal registration form - the most common, but not always convenient, because registration of all documents in it goes in chronological order, and when searching for a specific document, the specialist has to look through all the sheets of the journal. The search for information is further complicated by the fact that an initiative document can be registered, for example, in one journal, and the answer to it in another. Mandatory registration forms (magazines) are not provided by the legislation. The recommended log form is shown in Example 7.

Example 7

Fragment of the register of reports and explanatory notes

Document date

Registration number

Type of document, summary

Who signed the document


Where transferred

Receipt of receipt (signature, date)

A mark on the direction of the document in the case



About the recall from the vacation of the cashier Shvets O.R.

Head of Human Resources

Human resources department inspector

Human Resources Department

Smirnova V.A.

In case No. 03-14 Smirnov 04/07/2014

▪ Card registration form compared to the magazine is more convenient and adapted. The created registration and control cards of documents when searching in the classifier make it possible to optimize the process of searching for a document and reduce the time of the registration process. The obvious advantage of card registration is that several employees can register at the same time;

▪ Automated (electronic) registration form involves the use of special software. Information about the document is entered into an electronic registration and control card stored in the database. Simultaneously with registration, a registration and control card can be printed.

Typically, reports and explanatory notes have a complex registration index, which is formulated in the same way as the index of the outgoing document. The registration number consists of the index of the case according to the nomenclature of cases (including the index of the structural unit and the number of the case according to the nomenclature of cases of this unit) and the serial number of the document within the calendar year.


The issues of registration and accounting of documents in the organization should be reflected in the instructions for office work. The instructions should include:

1) a list of unregistered documents.

2) a list of registered groups of documents, while for each group it is mandatory to indicate:

Place of registration;

Time and order of registration;

The rule for the formation of the registration number;

The form in which the registration is made;

The list of details that are entered in the form, the rules for filling them out;

Rules for accounting for the movement of documents after registration;

The principle of registration (single or repeated registration when transferring a document to another unit);

3) the procedure for re-receipt of the document in the organization (for incoming documents).

Terms of storage of memorandums, service, explanatory notes

The storage periods are established in the List of typical managerial archival documents generated in the course of the activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating the periods of storage, approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558. In accordance with the specified List, the periods of storage of memorandums may be 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 75 years, permanent. Explanatory notes should be kept permanently.

Our advice

When preparing notes, it is necessary to adhere to a single style, and the main text of the documents must comply with the rules of business ethics and established requirements for the design of documents. An unpleasant impression is left by inaccurately drawn up and executed documents with grammatical errors. Do not rush to send the document to the addressee, but read it carefully, correcting, if any, grammatical errors or typos.

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