The highest class rank of the state civil service. Class ranks (military ranks) of prosecutors

Please clarify the issue of the relationship between the class ranks of the federal state civil service and the class ranks of the state civil service of the subject of the Federation. Is the class rank - Class 3 State Civil Service Referent of the Perm Territory, assigned to a civil servant by the State Housing Supervision Inspectorate of the Perm Territory, taken into account when appointed to a position in the federal state civil service? Is there a need to establish an additional payment to a civil servant for the existing class rank?


Answer to the question:

Please clarify the issue of the relationship between the class ranks of the federal state civil service and the class ranks of the state civil service of the subject of the Federation.

In accordance with Part 12 of Art. 11 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation” the procedure for assigning and maintaining class ranks of the federal civil service, the ratio of class ranks of the federal civil service and military and special ranks, class ranks of justice, class ranks of prosecutors are determined by decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 1, 2005 No. 113 established only the ratio of class ranks of the federal state civil service, military and special ranks, class ranks of justice, class ranks of prosecutors.

The ratio of class ranks of the federal state civil service and class ranks of the state civil service of a constituent entity of the Federation has not been established .

Is the class rank - Class 3 State Civil Service Referent of the Perm Territory, assigned to a civil servant by the State Housing Supervision Inspectorate of the Perm Territory, taken into account when appointed to a position in the federal state civil service? Is there a need to establish an additional payment to a civil servant for the existing class rank?

According to Part 3 of Art. 13 of Federal Law No. 58-FZ of May 27, 2003 On the civil service system of the Russian Federation when transferring a civil servant from one type of civil service to a civil service another type previously assigned class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank, as well as the period of stay in the corresponding class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank are taken into account when assigning class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank for a new type of public service in accordance with federal laws on types of public service and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Art. 2 of Federal Law No. 58-FZ of May 27, 2003 establishes that the public service system includes:

military service;

That is, the federal state civil service and the state civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, in our opinion, are not independent types of public service, i.e. the specified norm of Article 13 of the Federal Law of May 27, 2003 No. 58-FZ on recording class rank does not apply in this case.

Also, according to clause 5 of the Regulations, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 01.02.2005 No. 113, when assigning the first class rank, a military or special rank, a class rank of justice, a class rank of a prosecutor, assigned to a federal civil servant in his previous place are taken into account civil service of the Russian Federation.

Due to the uncertainty of legal regulation and the lack of a normatively established ratio of class ranks of the federal state civil service and the state civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, we recommend that you seek official clarification on this issue from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

Details in the materials of the Personnel System:

Legal basis: Federal Law of May 27, 2003 No. 58-FZ
About the civil service system of the Russian Federation

Article 2. Civil service system

1. The civil service system includes:
state civil service;
military service;
other types of public service.

2. The state civil service is divided into the federal state civil service and the state civil service of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

3. Military service and other types of public service, which are established by federal laws, are types of federal public service.

4. Legal regulation and organization of the federal state civil service are under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. The legal regulation of the state civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and its organization is under the jurisdiction of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Article 13. Class ranks, diplomatic ranks, military and special ranks

1. In accordance with federal laws on types of public service, citizens performing federal public service are assigned class ranks, diplomatic ranks, military and special ranks.
In accordance with the federal law on the type of public service, class ranks are established for citizens serving in the state civil service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2. The general conditions for the assignment and retention of class ranks, diplomatic ranks, military and special ranks are:
sequential assignment of a class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank after a specified period of time in a certain class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank after their assignment for the first time;
assignment of class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank to a civil servant in accordance with the position being filled in the federal civil service;
early assignment as an incentive measure of a class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank or assignment of a class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank one step higher than the class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank provided for the position being filled in the federal public service in accordance with the federal law on the type of public service;
preservation of the assigned class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank upon release from the position being filled in the federal civil service or dismissal from the federal civil service.
Deprivation of an assigned class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank is possible by court decision.

3. When transferring a civil servant from a civil service of one type to a civil service of another type, the previously assigned class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank, as well as the period of stay in the corresponding class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank, are taken into account when assigning the class rank , diplomatic rank, military and special rank for a new type of public service in accordance with federal laws on types of public service and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

4. The ratio of class ranks, diplomatic ranks, military and special ranks is established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

5. Class ranks of the state civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation are assigned taking into account the provisions of this article in the manner established by the regulatory legal acts of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

With respect and wishes for comfortable work, Natalya Nikonova,

HR System expert

On the territory of the Russian Federation, senior adviser is a class rank (classification, degree of professional suitability of an official) of the highest order of justice in the prosecutor's office and the investigative committee.

This rank was established in the Soviet Union by Decree of the Supreme Council back in 1943. This Decree was called “On the establishment of a class rank for investigative employees of the prosecutor’s office.” In the Soviet years, the rank was assigned through decrees of the Presidium in relation to persons who held the position of prosecutor.

Position now

In the modern period, the rank is assigned by decree of the President of Russia. Senior Justice Adviser corresponds to the position of prosecutor. In the period from 2007 to 2011, this rank was awarded to persons who held the position of first deputy prosecutor general of our country.

Shoulder straps

This element of uniform has its own characteristics. The gilded state emblem of Russia without the image of a shield is embroidered on the shoulder straps of the senior justice adviser. The height of the coat of arms is thirty millimeters. In addition, on the shoulder straps there are three gilded five-pointed stars, which have a convex shape. The diameter of each is twenty millimeters. The shoulder strap is blue, the edging and two longitudinal stripes (gaps) are olive green. Two stars are located in the gaps, and one is in the middle. Senior Adviser of Justice corresponds to the rank of colonel.

Class ranks

As noted above, this term means a kind of official rank (degree) of compliance with the position held. Chin reports the personal rank of the prosecutor's officer as a civil servant. Class rank is assigned taking into account the following criteria:

  • Current position held in the civil service.
  • Employee's accumulated experience.
  • Knowledge and experience acquired during the period of service and government activities.
  • The results of work aimed at strengthening the rule of law, as well as public order.

Who is entitled to it?

The rank of senior justice adviser is awarded to district prosecutors, as well as to scientific or teaching staff of educational institutions operating on the basis of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation. In addition, a class rank in Russia is assigned to an employee of the prosecutor's office, taking into account the position he holds, the period of stay in it, and the results of the certification passed.

Thus, in Russia, a senior justice adviser corresponds to the rank of colonel and is assigned to a prosecutor who has passed the necessary certification and received the appropriate education. The total length of service in the following positions is also taken into account:

  • Prosecutors working in Russia.
  • Scientific and teaching staff.
  • Directors, as well as their deputies, heads of divisions and departments of scientific institutions, performing their activities on the basis of the Russian Prosecutor's Office for at least six months.

Special order

Class ranks are assigned ahead of schedule or without following any sequence in the following cases:

  • As part of promotion to a higher position.
  • For merits of exemplary performance of official duties along with special distinctions in work.

It should be noted that the next class rank can be assigned higher than required, but no more than two ranks at once. The exception is the class ranks of state justice advisers of the first, second and third classes.

Promotion rules in the prosecutor's office

So, we have already figured out what class ranks are. According to current legislation, in our country they are assigned to employees of the prosecutor's office. The assignment procedure is determined by the relevant regulations, which are approved by Regulation No. 659. Thus, the class rank is a special service rank, as well as a personal rank of a prosecutor’s office employee. In Russia it is:

  • Junior lawyers.
  • Lawyers of the first, second, and also third class.
  • Junior legal advisers.
  • Justice Advisors.
  • Senior legal advisers.
  • State counselors of justice of the first, second, and third class.

Class ranks are assigned in strict accordance with the position held. The total work experience is also taken into account. Receiving the next rank indicates career growth, and also testifies to the professional success of an employee of the prosecutor's office. Senior Legal Adviser is not the limit of appointments. There is always the possibility of obtaining a higher rank.

I wonder what responsibilities are assigned to those assigned this rank? The professional activity of prosecutors is extremely complex and very multifaceted. The main directions of work, its goals and objectives are determined by the functions of the prosecutor's office. All of them are listed in federal legislation. If we analyze the functions of justice advisers, as well as the content and conditions of their practical activities, we can identify a number of different features of the work of prosecutors.

The first feature is strict legal regulation. As already noted, the main directions, tasks and goals of prosecutorial supervision, along with official responsibilities, are specified in the legislation. In addition, the procedure for the execution of their functions by justice advisers is reflected in detail in the Criminal Procedure Code and other acts and materials.

Possible ways to exercise powers

In general, regulatory documents carefully regulate the manner in which the senior justice adviser performs his official duties. The regulatory framework provides the following options for activity:

  • A form of response to all kinds of violations of laws in various areas of prosecutorial supervision.
  • The procedure for the participation of justice advisers in court proceedings.
  • The procedure for appealing sentences when appealing to cassation authorities.
  • Procedure for filing complaints, claims, etc.

Deviation from established requirements may be considered a violation of the law, which will indicate a low level of professional training and qualifications. The peculiarity of prosecutorial activity leads to the formation of respect for the law, as well as the desire to strictly adhere to all established legal norms. The need to comply with them is one of the leading and dominant among other socially significant preferences of prosecutors.

The legislation states that the senior justice adviser has a wide range of powers, the enforcement of which (if necessary) can often significantly affect the interests of citizens or various legal entities and institutions, limiting their rights. For this reason, the use of power requires prosecutors to take an extremely high level of personal responsibility for all their actions and decisions.

Other provisions

Also, the distinctive features of the professional activities of senior justice advisers are their special status, legal independence and independence from influences that may come from any government bodies, as well as from any officials. This is the basis of the basic principle of independence of the prosecutor's office. This means that no one has the right to force the prosecutor to act contrary to his inner convictions.

Features and psychological content of the activities of justice advisers

The professional activity of prosecutors has a characteristic feature, which consists in a large number of all kinds of contacts with completely different people with whom, in the course of their service, justice advisers have to enter into opposition or cooperation. In this regard, we can highlight the following options for the specific activities of the senior justice adviser and other employees of the prosecutor's office:

  • Reception of various complaints, as well as statements from citizens.
  • Communication with citizens who are called to give explanations during the process of prosecutorial verification of violations of the law.
  • Regular interaction with officials representing various government and administrative bodies.
  • Personal participation of prosecutors in investigative actions due to the leadership of the investigation of various crimes.
  • Acting in court proceedings as a public prosecutor.

All of the listed activity options represent different types of situations in which the implementation of communicative activities of prosecutors takes place, carried out in a procedural or non-procedural form.

In terms of its psychological content, the activities of justice advisers seem to be extremely conflicting. Often, prosecutors have to deal with open or hidden opposition from persons who have broken the law, as well as from those who are trying to evade responsibility. In practice, prosecutors quite often have to face pressure on them to influence decisions made.

Enforcement measures

If the stakes in such a confrontation are high, a wide variety of measures can be used to influence the “inconvenient” prosecutor:

  • Fabrication of public opinion.
  • All kinds of attempts to discredit and discredit an official. This can often happen through the use of the media through the use of “telephone law”.
  • Direct threats to the life and health of a prosecutor’s office employee, as well as his family and friends.

That is why the activities of the prosecutor are characterized by extreme extremes, as well as high psychological and emotional stress.

In addition, the tension in the work is associated with the need to conduct intensive analysis of a significant volume of complex, diverse information, often including misinformation. All this happens against the backdrop of a lack of time. It is worth saying that nervous and mental overload can often be aggravated by irregular changes in pace and working conditions. There is a disruption in the usual daily activities. There is a forced refusal of regular rest. Often, work is provided with poor material and technical equipment, consisting in the lack of necessary office equipment, as well as means of communication and transport.

Downsides of the profession

Thus, the main features of the highest positions of prosecutors, characteristic of service in such government bodies, represent a whole complex that distinguishes these positions from other types of government activities and fully justifies the assignment of such high class ranks. All these features give grounds to raise the issue of separating prosecutorial work into a separate full-fledged type of service. Perhaps this will be considered in the process of subsequent development of legislation on state activities in our country.

Rights of an employee of the prosecutor's office

The general rights of prosecutors are enshrined in Federal Law No. 2202-1. It should be noted that the following rights are enjoyed not only by employees of the prosecutor’s office, but also by civil servants (Federal Law No. 79).
So, the specified state document contains the following rights:

  • Providing the necessary organizational and technical conditions required to perform job duties.
  • Familiarization with the job regulations, as well as other documents that define rights (according to the position being filled), reflect the criteria for assessing effectiveness.
  • Obtaining, in the prescribed manner, information and materials required to perform job duties.
  • Access to all government authorities and other organizations in the performance of their duties.
  • The right to career growth, which occurs on a competitive basis, as well as to retraining, internship and advanced training.
  • The right to material security and rest.
  • The right to pension provision as part of accounting for length of service in the civil service.

We have dealt with the concept of a senior legal adviser. Who he is, his terms of reference and the possibility of further growth - all these questions were raised by us.

Article 1. General provisions

  • 1. Class ranks of municipal employees indicate the compliance of the level of professional training of municipal employees with the qualification requirements for filling positions in the municipal service.
  • 2. Class ranks are assigned to municipal employees personally, in accordance with the sequence, in accordance with the position of the municipal service being replaced within the group of positions of the municipal service, after passing the qualification exam, as well as taking into account the professional level, duration of municipal service in the previous class rank and in the replaced one municipal service positions, unless otherwise established by these Regulations

Article 2. Class ranks of municipal employees

  • 1. Municipal employees are assigned the following class ranks:
  • 1) for municipal employees filling junior positions in the municipal service - secretary of the municipal service of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd class;
  • 2) for municipal employees holding senior positions in the municipal service - a municipal service assistant of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd class;
  • 3) for municipal employees holding leading positions in the municipal service - councilor of the municipal service of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd class;
  • 4) for municipal employees holding the main positions of the municipal service - municipal councilor of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd class;
  • 5) for municipal employees holding senior positions in the municipal service - an actual municipal councilor of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd class.
  • 2. The seniority of class ranks is determined by the sequence of their listing in part 1 of this article.
  • 3. Class rank can be the first or the next.
  • 4. The first class rank is assigned to municipal employees who do not have class ranks of municipal employees. At the same time, in accordance with Part 3 of Article 4 of these Regulations, the class rank of the state civil service assigned to a municipal employee during the performance of the state civil service is taken into account.
  • 5. The first class ranks, depending on the group of municipal service positions to which the municipal service position replaced by a municipal employee belongs, are:
  • 1) for a group of junior positions in the municipal service - 3rd class secretary of the municipal service;
  • 2) for a group of senior positions in the municipal service - 3rd class municipal service assistant;
  • 3) for a group of leading positions in the municipal service - 3rd class municipal service advisor;
  • 4) for the group of main positions of the municipal service - municipal councilor of the 3rd class;
  • 5) for the group of senior positions in the municipal service - an actual municipal councilor of the 3rd class.

Article 3. Terms of municipal service in class ranks

  • 1. The following deadlines are established for completing municipal service:
  • 1) in the class ranks of secretary of the municipal service of the 3rd and 2nd class, assistant of the municipal service of the 3rd and 2nd class - at least one year;
  • 2) in the class ranks of municipal service adviser of the 3rd and 2nd class, municipal councilor of the 3rd and 2nd class, active municipal councilor of the 3rd and 2nd class - for at least two years.
  • 2. The terms of municipal service in the class ranks of secretary of the municipal service of the 1st class, assistant of the municipal service of the 1st class, adviser of the municipal service of the 1st class, municipal adviser of the 1st class, actual municipal adviser of the 1st class are not established.
  • 3. The term of municipal service in the assigned class rank is calculated from the date of assignment of the class rank.

Article 4. Procedure for assigning class ranks

  • 1. The first class rank is assigned to a municipal employee after successful completion of the test, and if the test was not established, then no earlier than three months after the appointment of the municipal employee to the position of municipal service.
  • 2. The next class rank is assigned to a municipal employee after the expiration of the period established for completion of municipal service in the previous class rank, unless otherwise established by these Regulations.
  • 3. When a citizen of the Russian Federation who has a class rank in the state civil service enters the municipal service, the first class rank is assigned to him in accordance with the municipal service position being filled within the group of municipal service positions without conducting a qualification exam and without observing the deadline established by part 1 of this article .
  • 4. When a municipal employee is appointed to a higher position in the municipal service within the group of municipal service positions to which the position being filled by the municipal employee belongs, including to another local government body, the next class rank is assigned to him upon expiration of the period of municipal service in the previous one class rank defined in Part 1 of Article 3 of these Regulations, unless otherwise established by these Regulations, and in order of priority relative to the previously assigned class rank.
  • 5. When a municipal employee is appointed to a municipal service position that belongs to a higher group of municipal service positions than the one he previously filled, including to another local government body, he is assigned a class rank that, in accordance with Part 5 of Article 2 of these Regulations, is the first for this group of municipal service positions. In this case, the class rank is assigned without following the sequence and without taking into account the length of the period of municipal service in the previous class rank.

A class rank is assigned to a municipal employee in accordance with this part after successful completion of the test, and if the test was not established, then no earlier than three months after his appointment to the position of municipal service.

  • 6. A municipal employee holding a municipal service position under the terms of a fixed-term employment contract, established to directly ensure the execution of the powers of an elected official of local self-government, can be assigned a class rank by the representative body of the municipality at the request of an elected official of local self-government without passing a qualification exam.
  • 7. The class ranks of actual municipal councilor of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd class and municipal councilor of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd class are assigned to municipal employees by the representative body of the municipality upon the proposal of a representative of the employer (employer).
  • 8. The class ranks of municipal service adviser of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd class, municipal service assistant of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd class, secretary of the municipal service of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd class are assigned to municipal employees by the representative of the employer (employer).
  • 9. A record of the assignment of a class rank is made in the personal file and work book of the municipal employee.
  • 10. From the date of assignment of a class rank by the legal act of the Municipal District “Amginsky Ulus (District)”, a municipal employee is paid for the class rank in the amount determined by the municipal legal act.

Article 5. Early assignment of class rank

  • 1. As a measure of incentive for special differences in the municipal service, a municipal employee may be assigned a class rank before the expiration of the period established by Part 1 of Article 3 of these Regulations for performing municipal service in the corresponding class rank, but not earlier than after six months of being in the position being replaced. municipal service, not higher than the class rank corresponding to this position of the municipal service, and in compliance with consistency.
  • 2. Early assignment to a municipal employee of a class rank can be made within each group of municipal service positions no more than once.

Article 6. Legal acts on the assignment of class ranks

  • 1. Class ranks are assigned to municipal employees according to the decision of the district Council of Deputies or by order of the head of the MR "Amginsky ulus (district)"
  • 2. In legal acts of the district Council of Deputies or orders of the head of the MR "Amginsky ulus (district)" on the assignment of class ranks, the surnames, first names and patronymics of municipal employees are arranged in alphabetical order within one class rank, observing the seniority of class ranks in accordance with Part 1 of the article 2 of these Regulations, indicating the names of municipal service positions in accordance with the Register of municipal positions and municipal service positions in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
  • 3. The legal act of the district Council of Deputies or the order of the head of the MR "Amginsky ulus (district)" on assigning a class rank to a municipal employee must be adopted no later than one month from the date of the qualification exam.

Article 7. Suspension of assignment of class rank

  • 1. The next class rank is not assigned to a municipal employee who has a disciplinary sanction, as well as to a municipal employee against whom a criminal case has been initiated.
  • 2. If within a year from the date of application of a disciplinary sanction a municipal employee is not subject to a new disciplinary sanction, then he is considered to have no disciplinary sanction.

The head, before the expiration of a year from the date of application of a disciplinary sanction, has the right to remove it from a municipal employee on his own initiative, at the written request of the municipal employee himself, at the request of his immediate supervisor or the trade union committee of workers.

Article 8. Procedure for maintaining class rank

The assigned class rank is retained by a municipal employee upon release from a replaced position in the municipal service and dismissal from the municipal service (including in connection with retirement), as well as upon re-entering the municipal service.

At the beginning of the year, there was a heated discussion on the Internet about a photograph showing the director of the postal service department of the Kemerovo region. It turned out that this uniform was produced in a small batch for executives, but in reality it is not black, but dark blue - for the sake of resemblance to SS clothing, it was photoshopped. The scandal was eventually hushed up. We decided to find out how the employees of government agencies with whom entrepreneurs have to deal dress, and how to use their insignia to figure out what rank of specialist you are dealing with.

It is important for the state that the people working for it differ from ordinary people. That is why it has long unified their clothing. Not only the army and law enforcement agencies, but also civilian departments have their own uniforms.

If you look at pictures depicting the costumes of various departments in black and white, you may not find any differences between them at all: the standardization is so strong. The uniform of civil servants is very similar to the army: tunics, caps, caps, shoulder straps. You can understand which government representative is in front of you mainly by the departmental patch on the left shoulder and, of course, the color of the uniform. The heraldic council under the president decides what colors this or that government agency will paint itself in. Sometimes he is guided by the traditions of the department (for example, the customs service was returned to the green color that belonged to it back in tsarist times), and in some cases he creates them.

In the orders of various departments you can find a description of a huge number of wardrobe items for employees. These include tunics, raincoats, coats, jumpers, gloves, shoes and boots, and mufflers with T-shirts. The variety of hats is amazing: caps, caps, felt hats, astrakhan hats, earflaps, finkas, kubankas. There are even masks provided for operational workers. In order not to confuse the reader, in our review we will present only the most common everyday types of clothing.

Moreover, there is a slight decrease in diversity. So, 5-10 years ago, many departments began to abandon ceremonial jackets for their employees. Nowadays, everyday and dress uniforms often differ only in the color of the shirts - in the latter case they are white. And the summer uniform now differs from the winter one most often only in the length of the sleeves. Women have more choice - they can wear either trousers or a skirt.

Tatiana Malyutina,

In our department, for those who work in offices, wearing a uniform every day is not necessary. According to the ethics of civil servants, they are dressed in a formal business suit. However, at official events, meetings and boards, the management of the department must wear a uniform. But for those who directly interact with taxpayers in operating rooms, the form is required. If you see an employee in the taxpayer hall not in uniform, it means that he has been working recently and does not have a rank. In such cases, our department has a dress code: white shirt and dark skirt or trousers.

The form is sent to Altai tax authorities from Moscow and given to employees free of charge. It can be changed every two years. However, centralized deliveries sometimes fail, and the employee has to wait longer for the required size than he expected.

Robert Kulyapin,
Senior Inspector of the Civil Service and Personnel Department of the Altai Customs:

Not all Altai customs officials work with participants in foreign economic activity or individuals, but wearing a uniform is mandatory for everyone. We are strict with this. Formations are systematically carried out and uniforms are inspected. An example of a gross violation would be mixing uniforms and civilian clothes. The fair half of the Altai customs workers are prohibited from shortening their skirts. For violation of the rules of wearing uniforms or unkempt appearance, they may be subject to financial or disciplinary liability, or an internal inspection may be ordered against the offender. However, such violations did not happen to us.

In everyday wear, clothes wear out faster, so in departments where uniforms are mandatory, the time frame for updating them is shorter, and they are set for each element of the wardrobe separately. Supplies also come centrally from Moscow.

In some departments (for example, the Federal Customs Service or the Federal Drug Control Service), officials are divided into civil servants and employees. The former have class ranks, the latter have special ranks. The hierarchy system among employees is the same as in the army or law enforcement agencies. Shoulder straps, respectively, too. Moreover, sometimes they coincide with the shoulder straps of civil servants.

Alina Shmidt,
press secretary of Altai customs:

A 3rd class state civil service adviser has a uniform and shoulder straps exactly the same as a customs service major. And a 2nd class secretary of the state civil service can easily be confused with a warrant officer. An outsider will never be able to tell them apart.

However, according to her, there is no confusion within the department.

As government officials themselves say, they try not to walk on the street in uniform - they prefer to change clothes at work. However, they note that during official work it turns out to be very useful. “Our experts say that citizens perceive employees in uniform and without it differently. Indeed, you’ll think twice before you raise your voice against a person in uniform,” says Tatyana Malyutina. - Communication becomes official and more formalized. Citizens see our specialist not just as a pretty girl, but as a civil servant in uniform. And the uniformed workers themselves are more clearly aware that they are representatives of the state.”

Shoulder straps for civil servants

(using the example of the Federal Tax Service)

By seniority, in descending order

Shoulder straps of active state advisers of the Russian Federation

The top of the shoulder strap is made with embroidery of the same color as the fabric of the uniform, with a pattern in the form of wide interlacing stripes. Instead of the usual stars, there are heraldic emblems of the service, embroidered with silver thread.

Such ranks and shoulder straps are worn by the heads of federal departments and their deputies.

3 emblems are worn by actual state advisers of the Russian Federation, 1st class;
2 emblems are worn by active state advisers of the Russian Federation of the 2nd class;
1 emblem is worn by active state advisers of the Russian Federation of the 3rd class.

Shoulder straps of state advisers of the Russian Federation

The top of the shoulder strap is with similar embroidery. Instead of emblems there are ten-pointed stars with a diameter of 22 mm, consisting of alternating silver and dark cherry rays and embroidered with silver thread. In the middle of the star is a dark cherry pentagon.

Such ranks and shoulder straps are worn by the heads of regional departments of federal departments.

The principle of determining a class by stars here and henceforth is the same as by emblems:

3 stars - 1st class,
1 star - 3rd class.

Shoulder straps of advisers of the state civil service of the Russian Federation

The same ten-pointed metal stars of silver color have a smaller diameter (18 mm). Three transverse silver stripes are added to the edge of the shoulder strap.

The ranks and shoulder straps of advisers are worn by deputy heads of regional directorates of federal departments, as well as heads of departments and divisions within the department.

Shoulder straps of referents of the state civil service of the Russian Federation

Shoulder straps of secretaries of the state civil service of the Russian Federation

Secretaries' shoulder straps differ in the number of stripes and the size of the stars - their diameter is only 15 mm. The ranks of assistants and secretaries are held by most civil servants.

Tatiana Malyutina,
Head of the Taxpayer Relations Department of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Altai Territory:

Federal Law No. 79 determines the class ranks of civil servants. The principle is the same for all government agencies. Ranks are divided into categories and classes. At the same time, a kind of “fork” is established; corresponding ranks can be assigned to a certain position in the system. A person comes to work with us, and after 3 months he can receive his first rank. Then his career growth begins, and his rank increases accordingly.

A similar principle of hierarchy of ranks and design of shoulder straps operates in other government agencies. The difference can only be stylistic. For example, in many departments (for example, Rostekhnadzor or the Federal Customs Service), managers wear four large stars on their shoulder straps instead of the heraldic symbols of their department.

How else to identify the head of the department?

Bosses at both the federal and regional levels can be distinguished from other employees even from afar by their specific embroidery. They can be found:

In some cases, a big boss can be identified by his double-breasted jacket and general's stripes on his trousers.

In some departments, the names of categories in the table of ranks of employees are somewhat different from the hierarchy adopted in other government agencies.

For example, in the bailiff service or the prosecutor's office.

Prosecutor's shoulder insignia:

Senior Adviser of Justice, Adviser of Justice, Junior Adviser of Justice.

In the position of the state civil service of the senior group (inspector, senior specialist, all specialist experts), the class rank is assigned to a state civil service assistant of 3, 2 or 1 class. Its assignment directly depends on the position. This relationship can be seen in the corresponding table.

Groups of positions in the state civil service: table of correspondence between grade ranks and positions in the federal civil service in ministries

Positions of professional civil activity of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and, accordingly, the register, are established by laws or other acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. For example, civil service positions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are established by laws or other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (see Law of St. Petersburg dated July 1, 2005 No. 399-39 (as amended on December 12, 2017) “On the State Civil Service of St. Petersburg" (adopted by the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg on June 30, 2005).

Positions of the federal civil service are established by federal laws (see (as amended on December 28, 2017) and Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2005 No. 1574 (as amended on February 10, 2018).

Unfortunately, the legislation does not establish the correspondence of federal and subject level titles, so there is no confirmation when moving from the subject to the feds.

When assigned

When entering the civil service, the question of rank immediately arises. The answer can be found in the records of the work book, military ID, certified copies of orders from the previous place (don’t forget to take it when you leave, it will come in handy). If the rank already exists, then it is immediately confirmed in the admission order.

Sample order for admission

Class rank can be the next or the first (clause 5 of Presidential Decree No. 113). Those who haven’t had it before will be the first. To be awarded, you must complete the test. The verification period can last up to 1 year. At the same time, information from previous types of civil services is considered. To do this, compliance is analyzed.

Table of the correlation between the class ranks of the federal civil service, military and special ranks, class ranks of justice, class ranks of prosecutors

A newcomer may have a rank (lieutenant) or a special rank (customs service lieutenant) higher than that required by the position. Then the assignment occurs one step above the rank that should be in the currently held position. Thus, when appointed as a specialist expert, the captain will be assigned a 2nd class civil service referent of the Russian Federation. And if there were no title, then a 3rd class civil service assistant.

The period is calculated from the date of assignment. The date is recorded in the order. The next class title will be awarded upon promotion up the career ladder, if the previous one has expired. You must be in the rank of third and second class referent for at least 12 months. For the title of 1st class state civil service assistant, the term is not defined by law. An increase is possible only if the new position provides for it.

The rank of the employee will also depend on the category of positions in the state civil service. That is, depending on the area of ​​activity, hierarchy and competence associated with the scope of rights and responsibilities, qualifications, civil service positions are divided into categories and groups.

  • managers;
  • assistants (advisers);
  • specialists;
  • providing specialists.

And five groups of positions (junior, senior, leading, main and highest).

Assignment procedure

Assignment may be sequential or extraordinary. Most often it happens next. If the service contract is concluded for an indefinite period, then the appointment is formalized through applications for the level of knowledge, skills and abilities. The entire process is documented.

Feedback on the level of knowledge, skills and abilities, sample

An employee with whom a service contract was drawn up for a certain period receives a new title only upon successful completion of a qualification test. Here you will not only have to fill out a lot of paperwork, but also prepare for a meeting with the qualification commission, which evaluates the professional level of the employee and the duration of his activity.

Extraordinary assignment occurs no later than three months after the day the employee submits a written application. The issue of assigning a rank is considered based on the results of the qualification exam, the petition of the superior and for successful work.

Salary for class rank

If necessary, the salary can be calculated independently. We take the initial figure from Presidential Decree No. 763 (information about the increase is there). Each product of numbers must be rounded up to the nearest whole ruble (even if 0.01) and only then multiplied by the next coefficient. For example, let’s take the salary of a 3rd class state civil service assistant of the Russian Federation - 700 rubles.

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