What responsibility does the cashier have? What does a cashier do?

Who is a cashier? An employee who carries out cash transactions, a seller who makes payments to a buyer.

Cashier is a profession that is in demand on the labor market today, because there is a constant increase retail outlets- shops retail- requires a system of settlements with clients.

What does a cashier do - functions and responsibilities

If you look at the profession of a cashier through the eyes of the common population, then a cashier is a person who collects money from a buyer. However, this is a simplified perception of the cashier profession. If we expand the range of actions of the cashier, then he conducts a monetary transaction between the supplier and the customer.

The cashier can perform various functions:

  • Operate a cash register and make payments to customers in cash or via plastic cards bank card client.
  • Master the work on electronic equipment, which is used to record all kinds of transactions and sales calculations
  • Calculate cost of goods sold.

Cashier education - what should a cashier know?

First of all, the cashier must know mathematics as a basic course secondary school, that is, he must know:

  • Know the actions that are carried out with numbers;
  • Know percentage numbers.

A modern cashier should know:

  • Operating principle of cash registers
  • Various computer programs, allowing you to maintain a calculation system and perform actions with numbers, as well as
  • Barcode system various goods, know the rules of working with an ultraviolet detector and calculator.

To master all this is not enough school education. A modern school graduate should know that to become a cashier it is not at all necessary to have higher education, but to know that you need to graduate from a vocational school, college or professional courses, necessary.

What does a cashier do?

A cashier is a specialist who works with sums of money, securities, calculates expenses, the amount of sales and prepares the relevant documents (receipts, acts, statements, checks). The cashier maintains the appropriate cash book, receives and issues cash. Today many calculations are carried out through electronic systems calculations. The cashier must have the skills to work with plastic cards and electronic money.

Each cashier at his workplace is engaged in:

  • Organization of clear customer service;
  • Calculating the final cost of the purchase made by the buyer;
  • Counting the money received from the buyer for purchased goods;
  • Issuing a receipt for the purchase and change in banknotes or change;
  • Removes Money at the end of the shift;
  • Counts revenue and transfers it to the senior cashier;
  • Provides refunds based on a check;
  • Maintains control over the safety of money in the cash register;
  • Prevents the emergence of disputes that may arise due to unforeseen claims of the client;
  • Monitors the operation of the cash register, changes, if necessary, the receipt and control tape;
  • Takes cash register readings;
  • Eliminates minor damage cash register;
  • Takes his responsibilities responsibly.

What are the responsibilities of a cashier?

The job description stipulates the responsibilities of a cashier specialist, approved by the director shopping center or a store hiring a new specialist. The specialist reads the instructions and signs them with his personal signature.

The cashier is obliged:

  • Receive all funds through the store's cash register and monitor availability material assets.
  • Fill out a book that takes into account receipts and expenses.
  • Make sure to knock out correctly necessary details on orders, receipts, checks, return them to the department accounting, if inconsistencies are found, at least on one point.
  • Accept cash orders under the appropriate signature certifying receipt and expenditure.
  • Calculate the remaining amount of funds at the end of the shift.
  • Bring it to the accounting department reporting forms together with statements of receipts and expenses, under the appropriate signature of the person controlling cash transactions.

How to become a cashier?

To become a cashier, you need to study at a technical school or college with a specialty in cashier. However, this education will provide an opportunity to get a job as a cashier, but will exclude the possibility career growth. When you come across the ad “Cashier Wanted,” you can confidently submit your candidacy.

In order to have the possibility of promotion up the career ladder, it is necessary to enter higher education after graduating from college (technical school). educational institution for part-time or full-time study.

According to the provisions of Russian labor legislation, each employee, when hired, must be familiarized with his job description against signature. Moreover, a copy of the job description must be kept at the employee’s workplace.

Below is Job description of a salesperson-cashier (sample).

Appendix no. 1

to the employment contract


Director of Paths of Success LLC

I. I. Petrov


salesperson-cashier of a trade enterprise


1.1. Real job description determines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the Cashier-Seller.

1.2. The salesperson-cashier is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position as established by the current labor legislation order by order of the director.

1.3. The seller reports directly to the Director, chief accountant.

1.4. A person with a higher or secondary education is appointed to the position of Cashier-Seller. professional education without presenting requirements for work experience or initial vocational education and work experience in the specialty of at least 1 year.

1.5. The cashier must be fluent in all operating techniques. various types control - cash registers used in the enterprise.

1.6. The cashier must know:

Resolutions, instructions, orders, other governing and regulations relating to the operation of a trading enterprise;

Commodity research, standards and technical specifications on goods, their main properties, quality characteristics; conditions for storing goods;

Management structure, rights and responsibilities of employees and their work schedule; rules and methods for organizing customer service; the procedure for decorating premises and shop windows; basics of aesthetics and social psychology; labor legislation; Internal rules labor regulations; labor protection rules and regulations; safety regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene, fire safety, civil defence.

Cash register forms bank documents; rules for receiving, issuing, accounting and storing funds and valuable papers; procedure for processing receipts and consumable documents; limits on cash balances established for an enterprise, rules for ensuring their safety; rules of conduct cash book, preparation of cash reports; rules and methods for organizing customer service; rules for operating cash registers and computer technology; labor legislation; Internal labor regulations; labor protection rules and regulations; safety rules, industrial sanitation and hygiene, fire safety, civil defense.

1.7. The salesperson-cashier must have good communication skills, must be energetic and positively disposed to perform his functional duties, and be fluent in the techniques of operating a cash register.


2.1. Salesman-cashier

2.1.1. Ensures the uninterrupted operation of the product section, is at his workplace during the entire working time and can leave his workplace only if it is replaced by another Seller with the consent of the director.

2.1.2. Provides helpful and courteous customer service and creates the necessary conditions to select and familiarize themselves with the goods they are interested in, monitors the absence of violations of trade rules, and takes measures to ensure the absence of queues.

2.1.3. Produces full pre-sale preparation goods (checking the name, quantity, completeness, grade, price, labeling compliance, unpacking, inspection appearance, other).

2.1.4. Tells his to the immediate supervisor, and in necessary cases and the administration of the enterprise, about cases of detection of goods that do not meet the requirements of pre-sale preparation.

2.1.5. Places and displays goods by groups, types, taking into account product proximity, frequency of demand, and ease of use.

2.1.6. Offers and displays goods to customers; assists customers in choosing goods, advises customers on the purpose, properties, quality of goods, rules for caring for goods, prices, offering interchangeable goods, new and related products; calculates the cost of the purchase, issues a receipt, issues a passport (other document) for goods that have guarantee period; packs the purchase, issues or transfers the purchase for control; exchanges goods.

2.1.7. Controls the availability of goods in the sales section, checks the quality and expiration dates of goods, checks the presence and compliance of labels and price tags on goods.

2.1.8. Monitors the safety of goods, commercial equipment and other material assets.

2.1.9. Carry out operations to reflect on (in) the cash register all received from customers sums of money in accordance with the operating instructions for the corresponding type of cash register machines.

2.1.10. Determines for each buyer total amount purchases according to the indicator of the cash register or using a counting device and reports it to the buyer.

2.1.11. Receives money from the buyer for purchased goods according to the amount called by the buyer or indicated in the price tags, in compliance with the following procedure:

A) clearly states the amount of money received and places the money received from the buyer in full view of the buyer separately from any (other) money;

B) punches a check on the cash register;

C) names the amount of change due to the buyer, puts the money received from the buyer into the cash register and gives the buyer the change along with the check ( paper bills and a change coin are issued by the Seller-cashier at the same time).

2.1.12. At the end of the shift (if necessary and in other cases), he removes the cash register and hands over the money received from customers to the collector.

2.1.13. Handles money carefully (does not contaminate it and does not make any inscriptions on paper bills).

2.1.14. Issues money on checks returned by customers only if the director's signature is on the returned check. Refunds are made only against a check issued at this cash desk.

2.1.15. Ensures smooth operation of the cash register and is located in work time at your workplace. The cashier-seller may leave his workplace only with the consent of the Director or accountant.

2.1.16. Provides clear and polite customer service, creates for them comfortable conditions, monitors the absence of violations of trade rules, takes measures to ensure the absence of queues.

2.1.17. Ensures the safety of money in the cash register, cash register and other material assets.

2.1.18. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

2.1.19. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

2.1.20. Informs management about existing shortcomings in customer service and measures taken to eliminate them.

2.1.21. Maintains a friendly atmosphere in the workplace and serves personal example in customer service.

The salesperson-cashier must be patient, attentive, and polite when choosing and inspecting goods by customers. When delivering the purchase to the buyer, you should thank him.

2.1.22. Ensures cleanliness and order in the workplace, in the product section, as well as in trading floor generally.

2.1.23. Complies with labor and production discipline, labor protection rules and regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene requirements, fire safety requirements, civil defense.

2.1.24. Executes orders and instructions from the immediate management and administration of the enterprise.

2.1.25. Must have a neat appearance.


3.1. The seller has the right:

3.1.1. Take appropriate actions to eliminate conflict situations and the causes that led to them.

3.1.2. Provide explanations on the essence and causes of conflict situations.

3.1.3. Make proposals to the enterprise administration to improve work related to functional responsibilities The salesperson-cashier and the entire enterprise as a whole.


4.1. The seller is responsible for:

4.1.1. Failure to fulfill one's functional duties.

4.1.2. Inaccurate information about the status of fulfillment of received tasks and instructions, violation of deadlines for their execution.

4.1.3. Failure to comply with orders, directives and administration of the enterprise.

4.1.4. Violation of internal labor regulations, fire safety and safety regulations established at the enterprise.

4.1.5. Disclosure of trade secrets.

4.1.6. Loss, damage, shortage of goods, money and other material assets in accordance with the agreement on full financial liability concluded with the Seller-Cashier


5.1. The working hours of the Seller-Cashier are determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.

WITH this instruction familiarized I received one copy in my hands and undertake to keep it at my workplace: _______________/ __________________

"___"___________ _____ G.

More sample documents:


Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 1993 N 104
« Model rules operation of cash registers when making cash payments to the population"

According to the Law Russian Federation“On the use of cash registers when making cash settlements with the population” dated June 18, 1993 N 5215-1 The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation establishes the following Standard Rules for the operation of cash registers when making cash settlements with the population.

1. General provisions
2. Operating rules

7. Responsibilities of service organizations and mechanics (operators) for the repair and maintenance of cash registers
8. Safety regulations
Model rules operation of cash registers

· Appendix to standard rules 1


· Appendix to the standard rules 4 CASHIER-OPERAIST JOURNAL
· Appendix to the standard rules 6 REFERENCE-REPORT OF THE CASHIER-OPERATOR
1. General Provisions
When making cash payments to buyers (clients), two types of cash registers are used: electromechanical cash registers and electronic control and recording machines (ECRM). A cash register is a counting, summing, computing and receipt printing device. Enterprises are allowed to operate only those types of cash registers, the serial samples of which have been tested in in the prescribed manner and entered into the State Register. Commissioning, Maintenance, repairs and write-off of cash registers must be carried out by manufacturers or specialized enterprises, technical centers vested with the appropriate rights to to this genus activities. Cash register machines used for cash settlements with the population are subject to registration in tax authorities at the location of the enterprise.
Monitoring compliance with the rules for the use of cash registers and the completeness of accounting for cash proceeds at enterprises is carried out by tax services.

2. Operating rules
2.1. Persons who have mastered the rules for operating cash registers in the amount of technical minimum and have studied these “Model Rules”. A liability agreement is concluded with persons admitted to work.
2.2. Each cash register machine has its own serial number (on the marking plate), which must be indicated in all documents related to this machine (cash receipt, reporting sheet, passport, cashier-operator book, etc.), as well as in documents reflecting the movement cash register (sending for repair, transferring to another company, etc.).
2.3. The cash register must have a passport established form, in which information about the commissioning of the machine, medium and major repairs is entered. The passport contains the details of the company cliché indicating the name of the enterprise and the cash register number.
2.4. Translation of summing readings cash counters to zeros (blanking) can be done during commissioning new car and during inventory, and if necessary, in case of repair of cash counters in workshops, only in agreement with the controlling organization with mandatory participation her representative. The controlling organization refers to the bodies of the State tax service Russian Federation.
2.5. The translation of the readings of summing money meters, the control of meters before and after their transfer to zero is formalized by an act according to f. N 26 (Appendix 1) in two copies, one of which is transferred as a control one to the accounting department of the controlling organization, and the second remains in this enterprise(shop, cafe, etc.).
2.6. The transfer of a car to another enterprise or workshop for repair and back is carried out using a consignment note and is documented in an act according to f. N 27 (Appendix 2), which records the readings of sectional and control counters (registers). The invoice and the act are submitted to the accounting department of the enterprise no later than the next day. A corresponding note about this is made in the “Cashier-Operator Book” at the end of the entry for the day. Along with the car, its passport is also handed over, in which the corresponding entry is made.
2.7. When repairing cash meters directly at enterprises, an act is also drawn up according to f. N 27 with recording of readings of cash and control meters before and after repairs.
2.8. Before they are put into operation, spare machines are stored well lubricated to protect against corrosion, covered with covers on shelves or racks. The climatic parameters of the room must correspond to those specified in the operating manual.

3. Preparing cash registers for operation
3.1. Commissioning of new machines is carried out by a mechanic from an organization that provides warranty, maintenance and repair of this type of machine. When commissioning electronic control and recording machines and cash terminals, the presence of an electronics programmer is required. A mechanic (programmer) must have a certificate for the right to maintain and repair machines of this type and present it to the management of the enterprise or institution.
3.1.1. When putting machines into operation, cashiers must be present both financially and responsible persons.
3.2. A mechanic for repairing cash registers (if necessary, an electronics programmer) checks the serviceability, tests the cash register in operation and formalizes its transfer to operation, filling out all the data in the factory passport. The mechanic is obliged to seal the machine after installing a company plate with the name of the enterprise and the number of the calculation unit or enter it into the machine program.
3.3. Before the cash registers are put into operation, the lock must be closed, and the key (except for the keys for setting sectional cash counters to zero) must be kept by the director of the enterprise. The keys for transferring cash counters to zero are transferred by the director (manager) of the enterprise to the controlling organization - tax office, where they are stored in safes and issued written order the head and chief accountant of this organization to a specialist, authorized person to carry out verification.
3.4. The administration creates a “Cashier-Operator Book” for the cash register according to f. N 24 (Appendix 3), which must be laced, numbered and signed tax inspector, director and chief (senior) accountant of the enterprise and seal. However, the “Cashier-Operator Book” does not replace the cash report (form N 25).
3.5. When installing cash registers on store shelves or for waiter work, the “Cashier-Operator Book” is kept according to the abbreviated form. N 24-a (Appendix 4).
3.6. Allowed to maintain general ledger for all cars. In this case, entries must be made in the order of numbering of all cash registers (NN 1, 2, 3, etc.) indicating in the numerator the serial number of the cash register; the counters of inoperative cash registers are repeated daily, indicating the reasons for inactivity (in stock, in repairs, etc.) and are certified by the signature of a representative of the enterprise administration.
All entries in the book are made in chronological order in ink, without blots. When making corrections to the book, they must be specified and certified by the signatures of the cashier-operator, the director (manager) and the chief (senior) accountant.
3.7. The cash register passport, the Cashier-Operator Book, acts and other documents are kept by the director (manager) of the enterprise, his deputy or the chief (senior) accountant.
3.8. Before starting work on a cash register: the cashier receives from the director (manager) of the enterprise, his deputy or chief (senior) cashier everything necessary for work (keys to the cash register, keys to the cash register drive and to the cash drawer, loose change and banknotes in the amount necessary for settlements with customers, accessories for operating and servicing the machine for signature).
3.8.1. The director (manager) of the enterprise or his deputy, the administrator on duty is obliged to: open the lock of the drive and meters of the machine and, together with the cashier, take readings (receive a reporting sheet) of sectional and control meters and compare them with the readings recorded in the “Cashier-Operator Book” for the previous day; make sure that the readings match and enter them into the book for the current day at the start of work and certify them with your signatures; draw up the beginning of the control tape, indicating on it the type and serial number of the machine, the date and time of start of work, the readings of sectional and control counters (registers), certify the data on the control tape with signatures and close the lock of the cash counter readings; give cashiers (cashier controllers, sellers, waiters) keys to the machine drive lock; instruct the cashier on measures to prevent counterfeiting of checks (encryption of checks, a certain color of the check tape used, limit amount check, etc.); provide the cashier with small change coins and bills within the amount of cash balance at the cash register, in the amount necessary for settlements with customers, as well as receipt tapes of appropriate sizes, ink ribbon and others consumables provided for this type of machine; give instructions to the cashier (cashier controller, salesperson, waiter, etc.) to start work, making sure that the machine is in good working order and the workplace is ready to start work.
3.8.2. The cashier (cashier-cashier, salesperson, waiter, etc.) is obliged to: check the serviceability of the blocking devices, fill the receipt and control tapes, install the datar on current date, set the numerator to zeros; turn on the machine to the electrical network and, by receiving a zero check, check its operation from the electric drive; print two or three checks without indicating the amount (zero) in order to check the clarity of printing of the details on the receipt and control tapes and the correct installation of the dater and numerator; attach zero checks to the cash report at the end of the day; wipe the casing with a dry cloth and install a sign with your name on the buyer’s (client’s) side; Place the necessary equipment for work (micro calculator).

4. Cashier's work during the shift
4.1. The cashier-operator or other materially responsible person (controller-cashier, waiter, seller, bartender, order taker, etc.) is obliged to: ensure careful care and careful handling of the machine, keep it clean and tidy; carry out operations for entering amounts in accordance with the operating instructions on this type cash registers; for one buyer (client), determine the total amount of the purchase, service according to the cash register indicator or using counting devices and tell it to the buyer (client); receive money from buyers (clients) for goods or services provided according to the amount called the buyer (client), indicated in the price list for services provided, the price tag for goods sold, in enterprises Catering indicated on the menu or price tags in the following order:
a) clearly state the amount of money received and place this money separately in full view of the buyer (client);
b) print a receipt - when making payments using cash register;
c) name the amount of change due and give it to the buyer (client) along with the check (in this case, hand out paper bills and small change at the same time).
4.2. Cash register receipts for the purchase of goods are valid only on the day they are issued to the buyer (client). The cashier-operator can issue money on checks returned by buyers (clients) only if the check has the signature of the director (manager) or his deputy and only on a check issued at this cash desk.
4.3. In case of an error by the cashier-operator: when entering the amount and it is impossible to redeem the check during the shift, the unused check is activated at the end of the shift; in issuing change to the buyer (client), if a dispute arises, the buyer has the right to demand that the administration remove the cash register; draw up and execute, together with the administration of the enterprise, an act according to f. N 54 (Appendix 5) on the return of money to buyers (clients) for unused cash receipts, cancel them, stick them on a sheet of paper and, together with the act, submit them to the accounting department (where they are stored under text documents behind given number); record in the “Cashier-Operator Book” the amounts paid on checks returned by buyers (clients) and the number of zero checks printed on the day; The cashier-operator has no right to: remove the cash register without the permission of the administration; do not issue a cash receipt to the buyer (client).
4.4. If a cash register is installed at the workplace of the seller or order taker, they are subject to the responsibilities of a cashier-operator.
4.5. The cashier has the right: during the shift, at the direction of the director (deputy director), change the code, apply stamps and imprints “redeemed”, “account”, “control”, etc.; receive printouts from the cash register; change the code in the cash register together with the programmer (operator). If a malfunction occurs, the cashier is obliged to: turn off the cash register; call an administration representative using the alarm system installed in the cabin; together with a representative of the administration, determine the nature of the malfunction; in the event of unclear printing of details on a check, a check not being issued or a control tape being broken, together with a representative of the administration, check the prints of the check on the control tape, sign the check (if the check did not come out, get a zero one instead), indicating the correct amount on the back (rubles in words, kopecks in numbers ) and after checking the absence of numbering gaps, sign where the control tape breaks; If further work is impossible due to a malfunction of the cash machine, the cashier, together with a representative of the administration, formalizes the end of work on this cash machine in the same way as at the end of a shift, with a note in the “Cashier-Operator Book” for this cash machine the time and reason for the end of work.
If the cashier cannot eliminate the malfunction, the administration calls a technical specialist (mechanic, programmer, electronics specialist, control systems, communications), making an appropriate entry in the log of calling the technical specialist and recording the work performed (Appendix 6, f. N 30).
4.7. The cashier is prohibited from: working without control tape or gluing in places where it is broken; admit strangers to the cash register premises to the cash register machine, except for the director (manager) of the enterprise, his deputy, accountant, duty administrator and, with their permission, a technical specialist or a supervisory person to check the cash register; leave the cash register without notifying the administration and without turning off the cash machine, without locking the cash register or cash machine. If it is necessary to leave the cash register, all keys (for the booth, working key for the cash register and cash drawer) must be kept by the cashier; independently make changes to the operating program of the cash terminal (for which the latter must be protected from unauthorized access); must not have personal money in the cash register and money not accounted for through the cash register (except for money issued before starting work).

5. Features of non-cash payments with customers
5.1. Payment via settlement checks of Sberbank institutions. The settlement check has a series and number and is a standard form. It indicates the amount for which the check was issued (in numbers and in words), the last name, first name and patronymic of the owner of the check, details of the bank institution that issued the check, and the validity period of the check. The settlement check is certified by the signatures of employees of the banking institution and an official seal indicating the date of issue.
When presenting a settlement receipt in payment for goods, the cashier checks the compliance of the check form established pattern, absence of erasures, corrections of text and check amount, compliance check digits the amount written on the check, the validity period of the check, the presence of a clear imprint official seal and signatures of employees of the banking institution, after which the identity of the bearer of the check is verified using a passport or a document replacing a passport.
The trading enterprise bears financial liability for accepting as payment for goods a payment receipt filled out in violation of the “Instructions on the procedure for using payment receipts.”
After checking and accepting the settlement receipt as payment for the goods, the cashier puts a stamp on the back with the text “Check accepted as payment for the goods” indicating the number and name of the store and the date of receipt of the check, signs on the stamp, and also notes in a special statement the information about the passport presented by the buyer or a document replacing it. After which he punches the amount indicated on the check through the cash register to the second section (password), by which only non-cash payments, and issues a cash receipt.
Payment checks(applies to check books), accepted as payment for goods, the store hands over to the bank institution servicing it, along with cash proceeds through the bank's collector.
5.2. Payment using check books. A checkbook is issued for any amount within the limits of the depositor's available funds in an account at a banking institution. A checkbook is a personal document. It indicates the last name, first name and patronymic of the owner, the number of the bank branch that issued the book, the number of checks in the book, their series and their own numbers. The account number on the basis of which the checkbook was issued and the amount for which it was issued are also indicated. The date and validity period of the book are certified by the signatures of employees of the banking institution and the seal of this institution. The checkbook has a set validity period, which can be extended, about which a corresponding entry is made, which is certified by the signature of an employee of the banking institution and the seal.
Each check contains serial number, series and own check number, and on back side- number of the banking institution, its location, deposit account number and other data related to banking institution. Each check has a counterfoil with the same number in the book.
When purchasing a product, the owner checkbook fills out the check and its counterfoil. A completed check, not separated from the checkbook, is presented to the cashier along with your passport as payment for the goods.
When accepting a check, the cashier verifies the identity of the owner of the checkbook and checks the data with the corresponding entry on the back of the check and certifies this signature with his signature. Checks the validity period of the checkbook, as well as the correctness of filling in the same way as described when working with checks.
The cashier accepts the correctly completed check as payment for the goods, separating it from the checkbook. Makes a mark (puts an imprint of the store stamp) on the back of the check indicating the date of its receipt (month in words) and signs. When preparing the proceeds for delivery to the bank, on the reverse side of the transmittal sheet and the invoice for the amount with cash proceeds, in the column “List of presented checks,” indicate the numbers and series of checks, the account number and name of the drawers, the amount of each check and the total amount of all checks.
5.3. Payment via credit cards. A credit card is a plastic rectangle with a magnetic strip that contains the data necessary to pay for goods.
When purchasing a product, the card is inserted into the slot of the cash machine of the system cash terminal, which has a connection with the bank, the account number of the credit card owner is reported via the communication channel, his solvency is confirmed and a command is given to debit the account the specified amount(cost of purchase or service). After which the card is returned to the owner. When you enter a credit card into the machine, personal code, known only to the owner.

6. Finishing work on the cash register
6.1. When the business closes or upon the arrival of the cash collector, if he is scheduled to arrive before the business closes, the cashier must: prepare cash receipts and other payment documents; draw up a cash report and submit the proceeds along with cash report By receipt order to the senior (chief) cashier (in small enterprises with one or two cash desks, the cashier hands over the money directly to the bank's collector).
A representative of the administration, in the presence of the cashier, takes readings of sectional and control counters (registers), receives a printout or removes the control tape used during the day from the cash register. The administration representative signs the end of the control tape (printout), indicating on it the type and number of the machine, the readings of sectional and control counters (registers), daily revenue, the date and time of completion of work.
Reporting statements indications at the end of the working day are entered into the “Cashier-Operator Book”. Based on the readings of sectional counters (registers) at the beginning and at the end, the amount of revenue is determined. The amount of revenue must correspond to the readings of cash totaling counters and the control tape. It must coincide with the amount handed over by the cashier-operator to the senior cashier and placed in the collection bag with the final check of the cash register.
After reading counters (registers) or printing, determining and checking the actual amount of revenue, an entry is made in the “Cashier-Operator Book” and signed by the cashier and the administration representative.
6.2. When there is a discrepancy actual amount revenue is determined by adding the amounts printed on the control tape. If there is a discrepancy between the results of adding the amounts on the control tape and the revenue determined by the counters (registers), the administration representative and the cashier must find out the reason for the discrepancies.
Identified shortages or surpluses are entered in the appropriate columns of the Cashier-Operator Book.
Based on the results of the audit, the administration of the enterprise, in the event of a shortage of funds, must take measures to recover it from the guilty persons in the prescribed manner, and if there is a surplus of funds, enter them into accounting and attribute them to the results economic activity.
6.3. Having completed the registration cash documents, the cashier performs between-repairs maintenance of the machine and prepares it for next day in accordance with the requirements of the operating manual for this type cash register equipment.
Cashiers (checkout clerks, salespeople, waiters, etc.) working on cash registers must be equipped with the following accessories to care for them: brushes for cleaning the fonts of the receipt printing mechanism; brushes for painting cushions and rollers of the check printing mechanism; tweezers for removing stuck receipt tapes; formalin or other means for periodic disinfection of cash drawers of cash registers; corresponding keys to cash registers. The key for clearing technical runs must be kept by the senior cashier.
After carrying out maintenance, the cashier: closes the cash register with a cover, having previously disconnected it from the power supply; hands over the keys to the cash register or cash register to the director (manager) of the enterprise, duty administrator or senior (chief) cashier for safekeeping against receipt.
Senior (chief) cashier after receiving all necessary documents draws up a summary report in Form No. 25 (Appendix 7) for the current day.
The summary report, along with acts, receipts and expenditure orders, is transferred to the accounting department before the start of the next shift.
6.4. Used cash receipts and copies of sales receipts are kept by financially responsible persons for at least 10 days from the date of sale of goods on them and verification of the sales report by the accounting department.
Used control tapes are stored in packaged or sealed form in the accounting department of the enterprise for 15 days after the results of the last inventory have been carried out and signed, and in case of a shortage - until the end of the consideration of the case.
Data in memory computer are destroyed within a time period no less than the above for electromechanical cash registers.
Responsibility for storage during specified period cash receipts, copies of sales receipts, control tapes and storing information in machine memory are the responsibility of directors (managers) and owners of enterprises.
After graduation deadline storage, used cash register receipts, copies of sales receipts, control tapes, printouts are handed over to organizations for the procurement of secondary raw materials according to the act of their write-off (destruction).

7. Responsibilities of service organizations and mechanics (operators) for the repair and maintenance of cash registers. In cities with a developed network of trading enterprises equipped big amount cash registers, it is necessary to organize and ensure the activities of republican (republics within the Russian Federation) and regional (territorial, regional, interregional, district, city) technical centers for their repair and maintenance.
7.1. The technical center is obliged to: send a representative to the enterprise (at his request) to open the factory packaging and re-open the purchased cash register; provide input control new cash registers coming from manufacturing plants; conduct necessary work on re-preservation, adjustment and technical examination, diagnostics; ensure reliable fastening of the marking plate with the serial number of the machine, excluding its replacement; seal cash registers together with the tax office; make and install a company cliche with the name trading enterprise and the number of the settlement node (cash desk) or enter it using the program method; commission machines and accept them for maintenance; carry out annual maintenance, technical examinations and all types of repairs; write off worn-out and obsolete cash registers, dismantle them and dispose of them.
Maintenance of machines is carried out to maintain constant serviceability, prevent failure during operation and extend service life. When organizing maintenance, they are guided by the relevant GOSTs. Maintenance means strict adherence to the structure of scheduled preventive maintenance (PPR) and interrepair periods provided for each type of machine and includes: interrepair maintenance, machine inspection, current and major renovations. Between repairs maintenance is carried out by cashiers daily.
7.2. Responsibilities of a mechanic for the repair and maintenance of cash register machines. A mechanic carries out scheduled technical inspections, including checking the condition of the machine’s mechanisms and eliminating minor faults.
7.2.1. The mechanic is obliged to: present to the director or representative of the administration or the chief cashier of the enterprise service ID with a photo card and with the permission of the enterprise administration, inspect and repair the cash register in the presence of the cashier (cashier-cashier, salesperson, waiter, etc.) and the chief (senior cashier); periodically inspect and carry out preventive repairs of the cash register in accordance with the structure of the maintenance work of this model, lubricate all rubbing parts and check the operation of the receipt printing mechanism (feeding of receipt and control tape), the operation of the numbering machine, inking devices, locks and other mechanisms of the cash register; check machine locks; fill out a logbook for calling technical specialists and recording work performed, making entries about the work performed in the logbook and the machine passport; upon completion of the repair, seal it (if the seal is removed) with your own seal and inform the tax office about the need to seal this machine (working on a cash register machine until a new seal is installed by the tax office is prohibited); install and connect (if necessary) a spare cash register; if it is necessary to repair cash and control meters, inform the management of the trading enterprise about the need to send the machine for repairs to technical Center(or other service organization).
7.2.2. Repairs and maintenance by private individuals are prohibited.
7.2.3. Repair of cash registers should be carried out only after readings from cash summing and control counters have been taken and the seal has been removed from the casing of the device (if necessary).
7.2.4. At the end of the repair, the readings of the cash and control counters are checked, and the casing of the cash register is sealed. A report on the results of checking the machine and sealing the casing is drawn up with the participation of the mechanic according to f. N 27 (Appendix 2).
7.3. Responsibilities of the operator for the repair and maintenance of electronic cash terminals and control and recording machines.
7.3.1. The maintenance and repair specialist presents the director (manager) of the enterprise, the duty officer or the chief (senior) cashier with an official identification card with a photo card and, with the permission of the enterprise administration, performs inspection and maintenance in the presence of the cashier (cashier-cashier, waiter) and the chief (senior) cashier electronic cash register.
Commissioning is carried out by specialized contractor By separate agreement according to the form for the cash register.
7.3.2. Changes to the operating program of the electronic cash register must be agreed upon with the controlling organization. Machine repairs are carried out only after readings from cash summing and control counters are taken and, if necessary, the seal is removed from the machine casing.
Upon completion of the repair, the readings of the cash and control counters are checked, and the casing of the cash register is sealed. A report is drawn up on the results of checking and sealing the cash register casing according to f. No. 27 with the participation of the director, cashier-operator, technical center specialist and representative of the tax inspectorate.
7.3.3. Documents about the faulty operation of cash or control counters and a conclusion about the suitability of the electronic cash register for further work or sending it to the technical center for repair are prepared by the programmer, filling out the passport for the machine and the log of calling technical specialists and recording the work performed with the corresponding entries.
7.3.4. Setting up the printing mechanism is carried out by persons who have qualification group in terms of safety, no lower than third. When setting up, use the setup and acceptance instructions, the operating manual, and, if necessary, individual works according to the technological run, carry out in workshops with testing on stands.
7.3.5. Maintenance and repair work is carried out by a specialized organization on a contractual basis with the consumer. Warranty repair the cash register is carried out by the manufacturer or a specialized organization that has an agreement with the manufacturer, at the expense of the manufacturer.
7.3.6. Maintenance (service) services must issue to the consumer technical certificate machines, and persons servicing cash machines must enter the following data into the passport:
1) date and time of receipt of the user’s request for repair;
2) date and time of the start of repairs;
3) general description results of inspection of external damage to the machine (presence or absence of printing on the machine casing tape, etc.); description of manifestations (signs) of failures, failures, etc.;
4) a description of the actions for repair or maintenance of the machine, with or without removal of the machine from its place of installation;
5) number of the last check issued;
6) date and time of completion of work and signature of the person performing the maintenance;
7) date and time of return delivery of the machine if the work was not carried out at the place where the machine was installed.

8. Safety regulations.
8.1. When operating and maintaining a cash register, it is necessary for the cashier-operator and technical specialists to comply with the safety requirements set out in the PTB, PTE, PUE, as well as in the operating manual for this type cash registers, including: the cashier's workplace must be equipped in such a way as to prevent the possibility of contact between a worker and live devices, grounding bars, heating radiators, water pipes; The machine must be connected to the network through a special socket that must be grounded; It is not permitted to use fuses that are not designed for the current specified technical characteristics of this machine, and plug the machine into the network without a fuse (replace the fuse with a “bug”); before connecting the electromechanical machine to the network, it is necessary to check the rotation of the hand drive handle counterclockwise; Before turning on the machine, you need to inspect the plug, cord, socket and make sure they are in good condition (there are no breaks, exposures, etc.); It should be remembered that for machines with automatic opening of the cash drawer, during the issuance of the first check, the cash drawer is pushed out under the action of springs by at least 1/3 of its length; It is not allowed to interfere with the operation of the machine after it has been started until the end of the working cycle; When the machine stops for an unknown reason, as well as when it suddenly stops (the machine stops during an unfinished work cycle), it is necessary to disconnect it from the power supply. All work on checking an electromechanical machine should be carried out using manual drive. However, you should not use excessive force to check the mechanisms of a machine that has stopped for an unknown reason; It is prohibited to carry out maintenance on the machine while it is connected to the power supply; after finishing work on the machine, you must turn off the power supply by removing the plug from the socket; Persons unfamiliar with the operating and safety rules should not be allowed to operate the machine.
8.2. In order to ensure the safety of the cashier’s work, it is necessary to equip the cashier’s cabin with a device for calling security and administration, and also provide emergency lighting cash register.
I approve
Deputy Minister of Finance
Russian Federation P.V. Chernomord
August 30, 1993
N 104
Deputy head of state
Tax Service of Russia N.V.Ivanov

Russian Federation
for trade N.A.Lupey
First Deputy Chairman
Gosstandart of Russia S.I.Averin
Deputy Chairman of the Committee
Russian Federation in Mechanical Engineering A.N.Voldorin

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