What to do on the Internet for a beginner: ideas for remote work

Greetings, beginning freelancers!) Today in this article I will share my experience in freelancing - how best, faster and more correctly to start making money on the Internet.

Why can I advise you something?
I am a freelancer with 2 years of experience, here is my account from the Work-zilla exchange.

I have been registered on it since May 2014, that is, 1.5 years. With more than 10,000 freelancers, I am now in 192nd place and have already completed more than 100 projects. This exchange is just one of the sources where I make deals with clients for my services - I create Landing pages and make websites and online stores on WordPress.

And I started from complete scratch. I didn’t know how to do anything and didn’t know how to communicate with customers at all and how to get them to pay me money!)

In this article I will tell you what steps I would take if I were now a newbie and starting my freelancing career from scratch. Let's start!

Article outline:
1. Choosing a profession
2. Knowledge of the matter
3. Completed work
4. Description of services
5. We are in contact with customers
Parting words

Beginning freelancer. Where to begin?

1. Choosing a profession - Try everything first, it’s easier to decide what you like and like best, in which direction you want to develop.

If you have already decided what you will do as a freelancer, then great. If not, then make up your mind :) How brilliantly said)) But it’s true, without this step you will not move forward.

How to quickly decide on a freelancing profession?
Try everything that interests you at least a little. Before I started doing web design, I studied creating websites using the WordPress, Joomla engines, studied SEO-shmeo Infobusiness, MLM, Programming languages ​​and only then web design and landing pages. And I don’t regret anything; the skills I acquired in all areas still help me to this day.
Don't be afraid to put in the time, even if it ends up not being what you want to do. All the time is spent thinking about whether it’s mine or not. You probably won't know until you try.

Choose a niche you like, you must like it, in order to achieve good results in any niche you will need to develop, it must be interesting to learn new material.

When you decide, I advise you to engage in only one business, one profession, perhaps also parallel related topics, but nothing more.

If you are doing only one thing, for example: Creating Landing pages, then you will develop as much as possible in this vector and as a result:

  • the work performed will be more and more professional each time
  • you will understand your customers better
  • your work will cost more
  • you will be happier seeing your progress.

But if at the same time you study SEO and be a project manager, then you will not be a pro in any of these areas, because you simply do not have enough time and energy for everything.

But remember that at any time you can start doing something else if you get tired of your chosen niche - in this regard, you have complete freedom and there is no binding.

At this stage: We tried several options for professions and chose the one that we liked best and feel that we want to develop in this niche.

2. Knowledge of the business - you need to constantly develop and become a more professional freelancer in your niche.

We have decided on a profession and now we must understand that the better we understand it, the more we will earn.
Grow in your niche:

  • study courses in your chosen profession
  • look who is very professional in your topic, learn from him
  • look at other people's work, the work of competitors, first you can model them and thereby develop your skills
  • Nowadays there is a lot of information on the Internet on any topic, also look for videos in your niche on YouTube. There may even be entire channels dedicated to one topic - for example, Photoshop or photography, etc.

BUT! At this stage, you can fall into the trap: “I don’t know much yet, I’m a beginner freelancer and I’d rather study a couple more courses and only then start looking for orders.” This trap can only be avoided by starting to look for orders and fulfill them.

There will always be a customer who will suit your skill level and will be willing to pay. Let it be small money at first, but you will already begin the exchange process - your skill for the customer’s money.

At this stage: We study the chosen profession in more detail, try to take the first orders and develop skills, not only professional, but also communication skills.

3. Your cases (portfolio) are the most important criterion by which you are chosen for work.

Customers first of all ask you to show your cases, because no matter how you advertise yourself, cases immediately show the level of your skill and professionalism.

And it doesn’t matter what your profession is:

  • if you create landing pages, then provide links to the landing pages
  • write texts, then show texts, headlines, letters that you wrote for other clients
  • If you are advertising in Yandex Direct, then you show what conversion and ctr you achieved with the help of your advertising campaigns
  • etc.

Present your work more interestingly than your competitors do. For each work, you can make small descriptions of what result you brought to the client with your work.

You may ask, where can you look at your competitors’ work? Believe me, when you become interested in a topic, you will increasingly come across such people or companies.

Register on freelancing sites, and there, under projects on your topic, see how other freelancers position themselves.

As an example, I can also give advertising targeting on VKontakte, advertisements for your chosen profession will often be shown there, because you, as a beginning freelancer, are interested in this information.

At this stage: We collect our portfolio of completed works, the more the better. As completed projects increase, replace old work with more successful ones.

4. Description of services – in freelancing you “sell” yourself as a performer, let’s present it beautifully!

Now let's create a description of the services. In the description you need to write what you offer, why they should choose you, customer reviews, contacts.

Resume level:
0 – Lazy freelancer 😯– in the usual text document write what you do and examples of work. When you contact potential clients, just copy and paste this text.
1 – Beginning freelancer :)– make your resume in Google Dox – insert your photo and in pictures you can show examples of work, add reviews and contacts.
2 – Competent freelancer 😉– make a simple business card website on free constructor like wix.com or on the same WordPress
3 – Professional 😎– order the creation of a good landing page with a cool design that will show your serious attitude to your profession, where the work will be clearly shown and a competent description will be made. As a result, you can simply give a link to your website to future customers and enjoy new orders :)

Ta daaa – Advertisement: Do you want to be a professional freelancer? Order a landing page from me!)))
Here are some examples of landing pages describing services:
http://yaroslavvasilev.ru/ – Yaroslav Vasiliev. Project – online project manager
– My landing page about creating blogs on WordPress
http://ich-design.ru/ – my landing page about creating landing pages

Start with any option, even if you just write text for a document - this is already a big advantage for you compared to other freelancers.

At this stage: Have made yourself a resume of any level.

5. Getting in touch with customers - No matter how professional you are, if you don’t get in touch with the customer, you don’t make money - it’s a fact!

What I mean? There is such a type of people, and I was like that - I did everything described above, and the first works (for myself, especially for the portfolio) and wrote a resume, but I was afraid to communicate with customers, I didn’t look for orders, I thought that they would somehow find me and of course I didn’t make any money.

Do not be afraid! Customers are the same people) When discussing a project, you can always refuse if you find the project difficult for yourself or simply don’t want to do it.

I just say: “Sorry, but I can’t make such a site, for these reasons, but I can do it like this - and I describe my proposal as I see it.” If a person is interested, he will say so, okay - let's do it your way, if not, he will simply refuse.

The more touches, the faster you will find a client - I receive a lot of orders from the Work-zilla freelance exchange. It is best suited for beginners, so follow the link, make yourself an account and start making money.

You need to respond to projects on freelance exchanges such as work-zilla as much as possible. more people offer their services, appear on message boards, etc.

Develop the habit of being polite with your clients, the exception may be people who consider freelancers to be idiots :-(, but that’s a separate conversation. Being polite with people is, in principle, normal :-), but in freelancing it plays a very important role. Customers really love adequate and polite freelancers, because it saves them time and nerves.

And here another important thing comes into play - word of mouth. If you do all of the above correctly, then you are guaranteed a sundress. If you are recommended to their friends, then this is a big plus for you, it means that clients are satisfied with the way you do your work.

Take reviews. The best option– this is a video review, but if they don’t want to film it, let them at least write it in the text and give me a photo. You can post reviews on your website or in the same Google Docs document.

At this stage: We declare ourselves and our service as confidently as possible, we stop being afraid of customers, we communicate with them more, we improve our communication skills, we identify customer needs.

Hello, all blog readers!

How many of you are just starting out as a freelancer or are even thinking about this idea? - It is with you that we will be talking today. We will touch upon the most important topics, which any beginner should understand remote worker, since this will be useful to him for faster growth in his own way career ladder. You're also probably wondering: where is the best place to register to get started? What specializations can you choose and where will your work be paid better? So, now you will find out what a good freelance exchange is for beginners, what to expect from a new type of activity and the main rules that you need to know before starting work.

All the pros and cons of working from home

Let's start with general concept– , and what kind of activities this type of activity has. The main, and everyone’s favorite, advantage of this job is the opportunity to earn money without leaving home: you don’t need to preen yourself before starting your working day; there is no annoying boss looking askance in your direction to check whether he is really busy with his work? Yes, of course this is a plus, but online activities can also somehow unnoticeably turn people into recluses. After all, there is an opportunity to sleep longer, calmly drink coffee, watch an episode of your favorite TV series. Before you can blink an eye, it’s already 3 o’clock in the afternoon, and you haven’t even started work yet! You sit down at the computer in a hurry, and then in the evening you are surprised to discover that you are still in your pajamas, and the day has already passed. Scared?

Therefore, the main rule of remote work is time management. You should clearly know when your work day begins, when you have lunch, and when you can meditate over a cup of coffee. If you do not learn self-discipline, then, as a result, you will not be able to accomplish anything, either at home or at work. A clearly defined schedule is weakness most beginning freelancers. Are you able to stick to the schedule? - If not, then it’s not scary, you’ll just need to spend some time to be able to properly organize your work day.

Labor exchange for beginners in freelancing activities

There are many portals where you can register. I will not list them, since they are in previous articles. Let's talk now about one that I'm sure you'll like - Work-zilla.com. Have you heard it before? Both beginners and experienced freelancers will be able to find work there. Beginners will appreciate the site's ability to select a "simple help" section. There is a lot of simple work on the portal that customers shift onto “other people’s shoulders,” but it’s true that the payment for this help is appropriate. The interface of this site is attractive. It’s convenient to view your orders, as well as your history, in order to always keep yourself on your toes. Because subconsciously you will try to improve your skills in order to earn more during your next order.

Starting a profitable online business takes time and hard work. Therefore, I advise beginners to start with small part-time jobs. You don’t have to rush headlong into quitting one job and start working in a completely different field, not knowing whether you’ll be able to make a living from it or not. Attractive, isn't it? Here, you can gradually delve into the essence of the matter, improve your skills, without losing the “ground under your feet”. Having completed several tasks from the “simple help” section and received a small number of positive reviews, you can apply for assignments specifically in your specialty. Then your likelihood of finding a job at a decent price will be much higher. After several successfully completed projects, when you feel confident in the world of freelancing, you can leave your main job and devote yourself entirely to online activities.

Another advantage of this portal is that the likelihood of not receiving payment for your work is minimized. The developers of the exchange have done everything to ensure that the portal’s clients are 100% confident in their payment for labor. Know that when a customer chooses you as the executor of his project, he must have in his account the amount of funds that you agreed on with him. And after the order is completed, they automatically come to you. There is a possibility of being deceived only if you work with a customer outside the exchange, but in this case only you are responsible.

What is your specialty, maybe you can earn more remotely?

Now let’s discuss the specializations for which you can find work on freelance exchanges. The most popular vacancies on remote work sites are: copywriting/rewriting, text translation, web design, programming, development and optimization of websites, applications, both for PC and mobile phones and other modern gadgets. Maybe you understand a little about any of the proposed areas? Then you can confidently begin to develop in it and make money online. There are also vacancies that do not require special skills - typing texts from a handwritten original, from an audio recording, or vice versa, voicing already typed texts. A lot of?

And there are even more vacancies that are less in demand. These are poets, prose writers, artists, musicians, as well as builders, mathematicians and many others. People of any specialty will be able to find remote work. It does not depend on where the freelancer is located at the time of submitting the application. Your place of residence will be Ukraine, USA, or New Zealand, this is not so important, since the main thing is the result.

And your payment will depend on it. As in any job, the customer on the stock exchange will also evaluate your level of qualifications, check recommendations from other companies, only in in this case, the role of recommendations is played by reviews from people who worked with you. Therefore, the more positive reviews, the better. And don’t be upset if suddenly there is some unpleasant customer with whom you have not found mutual language, wrote a bad review. There are such? It’s okay, you can’t please everyone. Customers also know about this, so they most often look for more positive reviews about the freelancer’s work. The main thing is to develop in your activities, regardless of what vacancy you have chosen.

Rules of good manners on the Internet

Did not hear? - And there are such people. Here's a short list:

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The topic is quite tempting, but first you need to understand that there is a difference between a remote employee and a freelancer. Remote employee usually works on permanent basis, and a freelancer carries out one-time orders and assignments without concluding any permanent transactions. And if you have not yet decided how you will earn money on the Internet, then you can start with freelancing. For beginners, freelancing can be a very good help, and in addition, you will gain good experience and you will earn a rating.

How to make money freelancing?

Freelancers make money on exchanges, they are called freelancing - exchanges. You can do work on them various kinds– from basic messaging to website creation. That is, there is a lot of work here and it varies greatly in complexity.

Freelancing - exchanges are popular with both employers and performers, because the employer does not waste his time searching for an employee, he simply puts his order on the exchange and selects a performer from those willing. And freelancers like exchanges because they go to the exchange whenever they want, choose an order, complete it, receive money - that’s all, no other obligations. And you can take several orders, the main thing is that they are completed efficiently and on time.

Of course, not everything is as simple as it seems - competition, deadlines, quality, ratings - all this is there and all this is important, and of course, there are some peculiarities and tricks.

Let's start in order, the first thing a beginning freelancer should do is register on freelance exchanges. There are many of them, but we recommend these:

  • Freelance.ru is one of the largest exchanges in RuNet.
  • FL.ru - for different specializations.
  • Freelancehunt.com - for programmers, copywriters, designers, and other specialists.
  • FreelanceJob.ru - for professionals who have already developed a portfolio (samples of completed work).

Freelance exchanges are home to not only beginners, but also pros. Here you can write texts, develop websites, create logos, etc., or you can send messages, make phone calls, write responses or comments. That is, a beginning freelancer has the opportunity to start earning money without certain skills.

You need to understand that the earnings of freelancers depend on the field of work, existing skills, and level of qualifications. Having the necessary experience, freelancers earn many times more than office workers.

It doesn’t promise big money right away - you need to gain practice, acquire skills, but where do you need to start? And the amount of income directly depends on the time you devote to searching for orders and the quality of their execution.

Newbie freelancer you can start with the exchange http://work-zilla.com/. but consider it not as a field for the main income, but as a platform for training. In general, no matter which exchange you choose to work with, the rules of behavior on them are almost the same:

this is a good starting point, but you definitely need to know that the search for good, profitable assignments is a chronic matter, you need to make an effort to get them. Stable, good employers need to be conquered, they themselves are not there)

There is an opinion that the earnings of freelancers are a pittance of work. This is partly true, the work of freelancers, especially beginners, is much cheaper than the work of specialists from various studios, but the work of experienced, rated freelancers is highly valued.

On average, freelancers can earn from one hundred to a thousand rubles per hour of work - it all depends on the skills and demand for services.

For example:

Beginning freelancers earn from 100 to 150 rubles per hour. In this option you do not need to have highly qualified. For that kind of money you can shell out ready material to the site, write simple texts, send out advertisements, etc.

— freelancers who already have certain skills and reviews earn from 150 to 300 rubles per hour.

experienced freelancers earn from 300 to 700 rubles per hour. As a rule, these are already good specialists who have an established portfolio.

— highly rated professionals earn from 700 rubles per hour and mainly perform work that is in high demand on the Internet.

The main thing is to understand that even these highly paid freelancers once started somewhere. Start too, the main thing in this matter is the goal, set it and move towards achieving it every day. Check out some tips on how to become a freelancer.

Hello, friends. If you have decided to become a freelancer and are looking for income from freelancing for beginners, then this article is for you. I'll tell you what happens making money freelancing for beginners , what you can do without having any skills, where you can get some skills for a job and give you a few useful tips. Go:

Posting to blogs and forums

This is the easiest way to make money from freelancing for beginners, which, of course, does not bring much income, but you can improve your rating. For this kind of work, I recommend the following freelance exchanges (click on the name to go to the site):

Posting– these are short posts, answers, comments, reviews, etc. on forums and blogs. All bloggers need comments on their blog to create visibility of the blog, to improve search engine rankings, etc. (we won't go into that). You receive a task and write a short post where it is required. Nothing complicated. Anyone can write three to five sentences after reading an article.


Here you will already need the skills of a site administrator. Mastering such skills is not at all difficult. You need to learn how to post articles on the site, update the necessary plugins and monitor comments and spam. You can easily master such skills using my video lessons in articles:, etc. You can easily find all these articles in the headings: “Fill the site”, “Useful articles” and “ Mandatory articles" But just remember that this is only about the WordPress engine. So take a job as an administrator only on a site using such an engine.

There you can find similar vacancies. The work is not dusty and can bring in good money if you build several sites. Such simple administration can bring approximately 1000-3000 rubles. per month. Maybe more, maybe less. It all depends on the tasks assigned. This kind of work takes no more than 1 hour a day, so it’s quite profitable. And in the process of work, you will be able to explore “new continents” of this profession.

Articles, texts

If you know how to write articles or know how to write term papers, diplomas, etc., then you will definitely not be left without work on the Internet. Orders for such work can be searched for on all of the above-mentioned freelance exchanges. You can already make very good money from this and fully support yourself by working remotely from anywhere in the world.


Especially for translators, at the request of my readers, I found an excellent site for earning money remotely:

There you will find yourself earning money by translating texts of all directions and languages, as well as by translating audio and video.


If you are still in the status of a beginner, then quickly master something, learn something, don’t sit still, start earning good money! The main thing is constant development and growth in everything! And right now you can start earning money from freelancing for beginners, choosing from this what suits you best! But remember to always strive for something more! Be sure to study the “” section of this site - it will be very useful for your development in this direction!

I wish you success in your endeavors!

And remember: anyone can make big money on the Internet!

There are no similar articles.

Freelancer is a free specialist who carries out orders without a contract on a free basis on the Internet. For example, you can get 3,000 rubles for translating a text.

Today I will try to tell you in as much detail as possible about how to work as a freelancer on the Internet and how much money you can earn from it.

I would like to immediately add that good freelancers receive more than 150,000 rubles per month, but you need to grow up to this. At the start you can earn up to 30,000 rubles.

Types of work for a Freelancer

Free work on the Internet appeared thanks to the laziness of companies and the foresight of individuals who know how to find benefits in saving time.

Certain types of work require great skill, knowledge and quality of execution, so they will cost more than other types of services.

I have categorized the types of work for Freelancers from the most expensive services to the cheapest.

Most popular types of services:

  1. Development of applications and games;
  2. 3D Graphics (Animation);
  3. Photo/Audio/Video shooting;
  4. Website creation from scratch;
  5. Programming (error elimination);
  6. Design creation and Art;
  7. Marketing and advertising SEO/SMO/SMM;
  8. Outsourcing + consulting;
  9. Writing and translation of texts;
  10. Consulting and training.

Some types of services are combined into one group. For example " Creating a website from scratch» includes design development, programming, SEO optimization and content filling.

There may be many more different types services, however, I have noted the most important ones, which are in great demand!

How and how much a freelancer earns depends on the quality of the work performed, his communication skills and the number of clients. All these factors improve over time, which is why it is difficult to make money at the beginning of your journey.

All work is done through job exchanges. Where each participant has a personal rating. The better they speak about you, the more clients You'll get. Well, the more clients, the higher the price for services!

For example, you are engaged in writing texts. Due to the fact that you are a beginner, your service will be purchased at a price of 30 rubles per 1,000 characters. However, having completed 40-50 orders and received a lot good reviews, you can raise the price to 70 rubles per 1,000 characters.

Therefore, no matter what job you choose, average income at first it will be about 500 rubles per day and only by increasing the rating will your income increase. It all depends on the number of orders.

Perhaps I’ll give one more example, but from life.

You have decided to create websites where 1 order costs 5,000 rubles. In the first month you will have 1-5 orders (5,000-45,000 rubles). However, over time you will get a regular clientele + hack work. And after just six months of work, you can earn 150,000 rubles.

Remember: first you work for your reputation, and then it works for you.

Only some professions, such as application development, 3D graphics and Photo/Audio/Video shooting, can bring in more than 30,000 rubles in the first month of work if you have a good portfolio.

Where to look for freelance work on the Internet

As mentioned at the very beginning, you can find freelance work on the Internet using special job exchanges. However, find good exchange not so simple.

1 General5
2 General5
3 Copywriting4,5
4 Copywriting4,5
5 General4
6 Creativity4
7 Creativity4
8 Copywriting4
9 General4
10 General4
11 Studies4

If you know a cool task exchange that is not in the table. Be sure to tell us about it in the comments!

Secrets to increasing income on exchanges

I understand that many people read this article as an introduction to freelancing on the Internet, but I want to reveal a few secrets for increasing your earnings.

Secret No. 1

After creating an account on the task exchange, be sure to look at the accounts of the best freelancers. Look at how their services are designed, this will be your standard.

Secret No. 2

Try to provide clients with an additional bonus that will be unexpected for them. This will help win over the client for future orders and help you gain more positive reviews.

For example, you were asked to make 5 different website logos, and you give an additional +1 as a gift.

Secret No. 3

If your client is satisfied with the completed order, then you should ask to leave a review on the exchange.

Secret No. 4

In order to create a constant flow of clients, offer a 10-20% discount on subsequent orders (you can campaign for work bypassing the job exchange).

Secret No. 5

Be sure to keep a database of clients you have worked with. And when you do new service, then send out a newsletter to your entire customer base.

Working as a freelancer on the Internet is very profitable occupation which can bring more money than working in an office or factory. So think about what might be interesting to you and get to work!

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