What is needed for an individual entrepreneur. What to do with the choice of taxation system. How to open an individual entrepreneur yourself

Entrepreneurship is a risky business, but incredibly rewarding. Of course, it’s better to work for yourself, and not for someone unknown, and receive a salary that you can laugh and cry at at the same time. Many people are ready to take action, but still don’t know how to take the first step. For such people this article will be extremely useful, since it will talk about how to open an individual entrepreneur. This is not a difficult task, but without good instructions, few people succeed in doing everything correctly the first time.

How to open an individual entrepreneur

In this matter, it is better not to rush, but to move in small steps. Of course, before opening your own individual entrepreneur, you will need to pass compulsory entrepreneurship, most profitable in the field of trade and services, as well as in small businesses and small production.

When talking about how to open an individual entrepreneur, you cannot miss the question of who can and who cannot do it. The following have the right to register individual entrepreneurs:

Emancipated minors;

Citizens of other states, as well as stateless persons, provided that they have a permanent or at least temporary place of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Citizens of other states, as well as stateless persons who do not have migration card, as well as registration in Russia.

It is worth noting that for unregistered in our country there is a fine of five to twenty minimum wages.

Everything appears today more companies who can not only tell you how to open an individual entrepreneur, but even go through the entire procedure for you. Of course, this saves a lot of time, but is it worth overpaying in cases where you can do everything yourself?

Opening an individual entrepreneur: documents

To obtain an individual entrepreneur, you must provide it to the tax office following documents:

An application filled out in form P21001, to which must be attached a list of the types of activities that you plan to engage in after you receive the status of an individual entrepreneur. It is recommended to add this list not only those that you plan to do in the near future, but also those that may interest you in the future. This is due to the fact that it will be very difficult to make changes to this list in the future;

Copy of the passport. If sent by mail or otherwise, this copy will have to be certified by a notary;

Receipt of payment state duty(original);

Copy of TIN;

In some cases, you will have to provide a copy of your birth certificate;

You can prepare the above documents for free using this service.

You will also need to provide contact information.

What you need to know about the tax system

Today, an individual entrepreneur can choose one of three taxation systems:



Single tax on imputed income.

The choice should be made only after the pros and cons of each of them become clear.

Further actions

After submitting the documents, a deadline is set when you can pick it up at tax office documents confirming the status of individual entrepreneur. It is possible to receive these documents by mail.

The tax office will have to issue:

Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (EGIPR);

OGRNIP - certificate that you are registered as an individual entrepreneur.

Together with these documents, you sometimes receive a certificate of TIN assignment.

Copies of these documents will need to be left with the tax office.

There is no need to worry about the pension fund, since the tax office itself will send the necessary documents there.

Have you thought more than once that it’s time to start working for yourself? Don't know where to start? Then this is the place for you. I’ll tell you everything in order now.

I’ll say right away that there will be several publications on the topic of individual entrepreneurship, since all the information simply won’t fit in one article. And even if you are not planning to create your own business in the near future, it will be useful to understand where private entrepreneurship begins in Russia.

Or maybe you’ve been doing business for a long time, but you just don’t know it? Yes, this can happen too. Let's go in order. So…

In order to work for yourself in our country, you first need to register. You can register as a legal entity. And then the name of the company will be preceded by the well-known and familiar LLC, OJSC or CJSC. You don't have to create legal entity, and register yourself as individual entrepreneur, that is, create an individual entrepreneur.

Why is this necessary?

To understand why and in what cases you should register as an entrepreneur, you will have to delve into the concept of “entrepreneurship”. According to Art. 2, independent activity is considered entrepreneurial:
  • carried out at your own risk;
  • aimed at systematically obtaining profit from the use of property, sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services.

In other words, you are engaged in business if you regularly make a profit from any activity, and you do so at your own peril and risk. Let's say you sew things to order. You work part-time, so to speak. And you get money for it. Now, if you sewed a couple of pillowcases and sold them once a year on a big promise, this is not yet entrepreneurial activity.

And if you sew and sell these pillowcases on an ongoing and regular basis, and provided your pillowcases not only best friends, but also the entire entrance - in this case you are already engaged in entrepreneurial activity.

Now, in fact, let’s move on to the question “why register”. The thing is that in our country there is a concept of illegal entrepreneurship.


Let's start with the most important thing. An individual entrepreneur is liable for all debts and losses with all his property. And the founders of an LLC are liable only to the extent of their contribution to authorized capital, which, according to our laws, can be from 10,000 rubles.

Registration address

Individual entrepreneur is registered locally permanent registration(registration) of a citizen engaged in individual entrepreneurship. Thus, information about the entrepreneur’s place of residence becomes available to everyone.

The LLC is registered at the address of the non-residential premises in which it is located. But the information about the place of registration of the founders is quite confidential information, and not everyone sees it.

Pros and cons: on the one hand, I don’t really want to register a company at my home address and indicate it in all documentation. On the other hand, to register an LLC, you need to find non-residential premises, purchase it as property, or enter into a lease agreement with the owner, which implies certain expenses.


If you decide to open a store or a sales tent and sell alcohol there, too, then a form such as individual entrepreneur will not suit you. According to Law No. FZ-171 of November 22, 1995, individual entrepreneurs are prohibited from producing and selling alcohol.

LLC, having received the appropriate licenses, can engage in any legally activities.

Joint business

Companies with limited liability may be established by several persons at once. Each of them makes his own contribution to the authorized capital and, as mentioned above, bears responsibility within the limits of his contribution.

An individual entrepreneur is registered in the name of a specific individual, and does not provide for joint liability at all.


The individual entrepreneur can dispose of the proceeds at his own discretion immediately after receiving it.

The proceeds of the LLC belong to the organization itself, and before the founders can use it, it will be necessary to carry out a number of operations.


An individual entrepreneur can make payments only in cash, or use a regular bank deposit.

At LLC in mandatory there must be a current account and a stamp.

Fixed assets

An individual entrepreneur does not report what equipment he uses and where he got it.

In the case of an LLC, if you purchased any equipment for your activities before registration, you will have to “legalize” it - contribute it to the authorized capital, rent out this equipment own organization or make a donation. In other words, if any equipment is used in the course of an organization’s activities, it must be documented, what kind of equipment it is and where it came from.

Responsibility and money

Administrative liability for individual entrepreneurs is lower than for LLCs. For example, fines imposed for various disorders, for individual entrepreneurs is much lower.

And the cost of registering an individual entrepreneur is less than an LLC. The state fee for registering an LLC is 4,000 rubles, and for an individual entrepreneur – only 800 rubles. The difference is significant.


LLC maintains accounting of all property, liabilities and business transactions carried out in the process of activity.

An individual entrepreneur is required to keep only a book of income, expenses and business transactions. And the procedures for drawing up documents and maintaining records for individual entrepreneurs are much simpler.

Tax system

But the tax system is simpler. Both LLCs and individual entrepreneurs can use both common system taxation, and simplified.


Liquidating an LLC takes longer and is more expensive. Official liquidation LLC takes 3-4 months and will require cash costs in the amount of 30 to 40 thousand rubles.

IP is liquidated much faster - about two weeks. And you will need about 5,000 rubles in cash investments.

Thus, an individual entrepreneur is more suitable for a small retail business, and if you are planning a larger-scale project, in this case it makes sense to register an LLC right away.

For example, for an enterprise that sews pillowcases, an individual entrepreneur is more suitable. But only if you do not intend to open a garment factory later. Because when expanding an individual entrepreneur you cannot change it into an LLC. You will need to register again.

Also, in the case of an individual entrepreneur, you will not be able to register a business for two with a friend. On the other hand, a friend may be listed as an employee. And the proceeds can be divided between two. Moreover, in an individual entrepreneur the proceeds are used at the discretion of the owner immediately after receipt, unlike in an LLC.

Well, today we only covered primary issues related only to the decision to open your own business. In the following publications we will consider in more detail the topics of registration and maintenance entrepreneurial activity. Good luck with business!

As you know, registration individual is the most optimal way to start a business. Currently, you can register as an individual entrepreneur yourself, that is, without resorting to professional services. Undoubtedly, the services of experienced lawyers mean efficiency and always guaranteed positive result, however, in order to save money, many beginning businessmen prefer to rely on their own strength.

If you are new to business, then you are probably interested in information on how to open a sole proprietorship, where to start, etc. similar questions. Having decided to undergo state registration yourself, we recommend that you approach this issue as responsibly as possible, so as not to incur additional expenses in case of refusal to carry out the procedure. Registration of an individual entrepreneur may be denied due to errors made when filling out documents. In view of this, you should familiarize yourself with the procedure for filling out the registration application, since it is with this document that the most problems are associated.

Where to start self-registration of an individual?

Before state registration of an individual entrepreneur, you must pay a state fee at one of the Sberbank branches. Payment details can be found at the territorial tax office. Then you need to provide the following documents to the Federal Tax Service:

  1. Application for registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur (6 sheets).
  2. A copy of the applicant's passport.
  3. Receipt for payment of state duty in the amount of 800 rubles.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur is carried out within five days from the date of submission of documents. At the end given period a registered individual entrepreneur will be given an extract from the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs and a certificate of state registration, which is indefinite and. This document is drawn up in 3 copies - for the individual entrepreneur himself, the tax inspectorate and the state registration authority. If registration of an individual entrepreneur is refused, the applicant will be returned documents with written notice about the reason for the refusal, and everything will have to start all over again. Information on how to open a sole proprietorship can be found on the Internet or consulted with a reliable law firm.

Where to start?

After state registration, an individual entrepreneur can begin to work, without forgetting, however, to perform a number of other actions. These include opening a bank account and notifying the tax office about its opening. To open an account, you must provide the following documents to the bank:

  • passport and its copy;
  • certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur;
  • a copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • license for types of activities that are subject to licensing.

IN banking institution The entrepreneur will be given an agreement form for the provision of services for opening a current account. Then you need to notarize the card with samples of the seal and signatures and, with this card, a photocopy of your passport and certified documents, come to the bank to fill out the agreement. After opening an account, the bank will provide you with its details. Now you need to notify the tax office about opening a current account.

For most businessmen individual entrepreneurship becomes the first step in big business. And the main questions that beginners face are how to open an individual entrepreneur, what documents are needed for this, and whether it is possible to master this process on their own. At such a moment, it is also very important to decide on the details, for example, which taxation system to choose, what is better - “simplified” or imputed tax for individual entrepreneurs? We will try to answer all these questions in detail here.

This is perhaps not so much a practical question as a psychological one. After all, despite all the attractiveness of independence, not everyone is able to work for themselves. This requires not only commercial talent, but also managerial talent; and you have to manage the most difficult personnel - yourself. To become an entrepreneur, you need to: start acting in a given direction; stop dreaming and study theory, and start practical actions; change your environment, not completely, of course, but it’s worth updating contacts, communicating more with established entrepreneurs, developing connections; open up to new experiences, forgetting about conservative thinking.

When opening your very first business, you should always remember the advice of experienced entrepreneurs - do not take out a loan for it. The first business should be created with your own money, money borrowed from friends or family, from those who are ready to support the endeavor. And, of course, you need to be prepared for difficulties. They will happen, this is a fact, but they can and must be overcome and gain the most important thing for an entrepreneur - your own experience.

How to open an individual entrepreneur yourself

Having realized that entrepreneurship is “yours,” you can move on to the next step - legitimizing your dream according to all the rules. Here brief instructions on how to register an individual entrepreneur.

First you need to write an application for registration. For this there is special form P21001. It consists of 4 pages and contains information about the future individual entrepreneur as a private person.

The first sheet indicates: last name, first name, patronymic, gender, date of birth, address, telephone number. The codes of those types of activities that the future individual entrepreneur will be engaged in are also indicated here. These codes can be found in All-Russian classifier economic activity.

The second sheet of P21001 must contain passport details, confirmation that the future entrepreneur is an adult, as well as information about citizenship.

The third sheet contains register marks and official information. On the fourth, the types of proposed activities are written down (no longer coded), and a signature is placed. Remember that only 20 types of entrepreneurial activity are registered free of charge, everything else is for an additional fee.

Filling out the documents to open an individual entrepreneur, they must be filed, numbered and certified by a notary. IN notary office You will also need to certify a copy of your passport and TIN. After this, all that remains is to pay the registration fee, having found out the payment details and the amount of the contribution from the territorial tax office.

How to register with the tax office

Next, according to the scenario, the application is submitted to the state registrar, after which all tax formalities must be completed. Registration must take place at the tax office at the place of registration of the entrepreneur. If you live in another city, you can send them to the tax office by mail. They must be delivered to the appropriate authority no more than 5 days after the start of the registration process.

IN tax service are submitted: an application (stitched, numbered and certified by a notary), a copy of the TIN (if you do not have one, then you must first fill out an application for it and take it to the tax office along with all documents), a copy of the passport (for citizens of the Russian Federation - with registration, for non-citizens - with registration and confirmation of residence and residence permit). After 5 days, the tax office issues a certificate of registration of an individual enterprise, as well as an extract from the Unified State Register Individual entrepreneurs.

As for registration with the Pension Fund and Social Insurance Fund, it can be done simultaneously with the registration of an individual entrepreneur, for which a separate package of documents must be submitted to the tax office, which will be sent to the funds directly from the tax office. If necessary, use in IP employees you still need to visit the Pension Fund, providing work books, employment contracts and certificates of insurance premium payers. After this, the company receives details for payment to the funds.

Registration in Public service statistics is also a mandatory step when opening an individual entrepreneur. Here you need to provide a registration certificate and an entrepreneur’s passport. After receiving a card with business activity codes, you must submit to Statistics a copy of the registration certificate certified by a notary, an extract from the Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (also a certified copy) and a copy of the card with codes issued by the FSGS.

Reasons for refusal to register an individual entrepreneur

It must be said that, alas, not every application for registration receives a positive response. A refusal may be received if:

  • not all documents were provided or there was an error in some of them;
  • the papers were submitted to the wrong tax office (not at the place of registration);
  • the entrepreneur filing the application was declared bankrupt less than a year earlier;
  • he has an unexpired sentence prohibiting him from doing business.

Taxation of individual entrepreneurs

Immediately in the registration field, you must decide on the individual entrepreneur taxation system. Most often, entrepreneurs prefer the simplified tax system. To switch to the simplified tax system, you need to submit a complete package of documents and 2 copies of the application for this very transition to the tax office. The permit must be issued within 5 days. According to the simplified tax system, individual entrepreneurs will be required to pay 6% on all income or from 5% to 15% on the difference between income and expenses. Exactly how to make payments is determined once a year by the entrepreneur himself.

In addition to the simplified tax system, you can also apply for UTII. Imputed tax for individual entrepreneurs is very convenient. This system assumes that the tax is not levied on actual income enterprise, and from the estimated revenue from specific type company activities. This tax is fixed and paid quarterly. It is convenient because it does not require any painstaking calculations. But this issue also has its own nuances.

UTII is not acceptable for individual entrepreneurs providing catering services in children's institutions (schools, kindergartens, centers), social security and healthcare institutions. It does not apply to individual enterprises leasing gas stations for vehicles. It cannot be used by enterprises that have switched to a patent, as well as those where the previous reporting year more than 100 employees worked. To find out more precisely whether the activities of an individual entrepreneur fall under UTII, you should definitely consult with a specialist. The point is that in different regions In Russia, imputed tax is permissible in relation to various types entrepreneurial activity.

How much does it cost to open a sole proprietorship?

Registration of an individual entrepreneur, if you do everything yourself, is inexpensive: the state fee is 800 rubles, obtaining a stamp (not every enterprise requires it) - 500 rubles, opening a bank account - another 1000.

List of individual entrepreneur documents

After completing all the formalities, the successfully opened individual enterprise must have the following documents:

  • Certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur;
  • Extract from Unified State Register individual entrepreneurs (on 4 pages);
  • Notification of registration with the tax authorities;
  • Notification of registration in the territorial Pension Fund;
  • Notification of assignment of statistics codes.

IP payments

With the beginning of full-fledged activities, an individual enterprise acquires obligations to make payments to the state. Insurance premiums paid by an individual entrepreneur for himself and his employees in Pension Fund Russian Federation(PFR), Mandatory Fund health insurance(MHIF) and the Fund social insurance Russian Federation (FSS RF). The amounts of payments vary depending on the taxation system used by the individual entrepreneur and on whether the company has hired employees. Insurance premiums must be paid by December 31 of the reporting year. Besides, interest rates may change from year to year, so the accountant and the head of the individual entrepreneur must always “keep their finger on the pulse.”

IN Lately Many people are thinking about starting their own business. Of course, any activity must be official, so the beginning of the path to building a business will be the registration of entrepreneurship. Since current realities encourage a beginner to create a small commercial structure rather than a large corporation, we will try to find out how to open your own individual entrepreneur from scratch.

So, open today commercial activities how almost everyone can be an individual entrepreneur capable persons who have reached adulthood. Moreover, even citizenship of another state will not be a hindrance in this case. True, civil servants and security officials will not be able to do business in this format. In addition, the law provides for several situations when such an enterprise as opening an individual entrepreneur in Russia will be possible even for those who are not yet eighteen. As a rule, to do this, you must obtain a document recognizing the person as legally competent, be married, and also have the consent of official guardians for such activities.

Today, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, almost every citizen who has reached the age of majority can open an individual entrepreneur.

Now that it has become clear who exactly can become an entrepreneur, let’s look at how to open your own individual entrepreneur from scratch and what is needed for this. Where to start in order to minimize the loss of time and eliminate failure, we will try to figure it out in our review. Typically, such actions are divided into several stages. First you need to decide specific direction work, find out the nuances of various types of taxation and pay the state fee. Of course, all this must be done after receiving preliminary advice from the tax service. Remember that it is better to contact the department located where you are registered or stay (when there is no registration).

Next comes the actual collection and preparation necessary documents. The complete package of papers must be submitted to the Tax Service. After receiving the certificate, you should register with some funds, and also acquire a seal, a current account and purchase cash register, if you need it or it is required by law.

Having studied The federal law No. 129, you will make your task much easier and will be able to avoid many mistakes. It is this document that regulates the registration of individual entrepreneurs and joint stock companies. Let's try to figure it out in detail, how to open your own individual entrepreneur in 2016. Step-by-step instruction will be able to help a beginner quickly navigate the requirements of the law and many different nuances.

Taking the first steps

So, having finally decided to start your own business, you should clearly decide on its specific format. This requirement arises from the need to obtain a special code - OKVED - to carry out any activity. Knowing what is an individual entrepreneur and how to open it, you can significantly speed up this unpleasant bureaucratic procedure. Today there are classifiers by which you can choose the direction you would like to pursue. Moreover, there may be several OKVED codes. Here a lot will depend on specific situation and type of activity.

When faced with opening an individual entrepreneur for the first time, take the time to carefully select the appropriate OKVED code - the success of your endeavor may depend on this

Experts recommend choosing as many code options as possible for those who doubt whether only one of the proposed options corresponds to the planned task. After all, for carrying out activities without permission, you risk paying a considerable fine.

As for the “extra” OKVED, here the law allows you not to show any activity without unpleasant consequences. In addition, you can always remove or change the code. You only need to write a notification (Form P 21001).

Do not forget that the encoding consists of at least four characters. Moreover, today the first edition of the OK 029–2001 classifier has already lost legal force . When your undertaking requires licensing, you need to contact the relevant organizations with an application to obtain this document. As a rule, they will tell you the required OKVED code there.

How to choose a tax system

Of course, to know for sure, how to open an individual entrepreneur and what taxes to pay, it would be useful for you to hear more about different systems payment of taxes that are provided for this type of entrepreneurs. Of course, it’s better to settle on the type that is optimal and beneficial for you. So, the following methods are available:

  1. General system. Here you will have to maintain rather complex accounting and pay income tax on turnover (20%). Its analogue may be personal income tax (13%). It also provides for the withholding of VAT and property tax. It is important to know that this particular form is the basic one. Therefore, without filing an application to switch to another tax option, you will be forced to comply with the established rules.
  2. UTII. This choice will be optimal for small enterprises with the number of employees not exceeding hundreds of people. So, you will regularly deposit constant size tax It is calculated taking into account the type of business, area production area, the number of enterprise capacities and the number of employees. Moreover, making a payment to the insurance fund for each of your employees can amount to up to 50% of the amount established by law.
  3. Patent system. This method is applicable for entrepreneurs who do not have more than 15 employees, and whose turnover does not exceed 60 million rubles per year. Activities are carried out on the basis of an acquired patent, valid certain period(up to 12 months). So, a businessman does not pay taxes at all. But making payments for hired personnel to pension and medical insurance funds will be mandatory. True, this method is not possible in all subjects of the Russian Federation.
  4. Simplified system. It is traditionally believed that this particular way of taxation is optimal. After all, it operates throughout the country and provides two options for paying tax: either 6% gross income, or 15% of profit, at the choice of the entrepreneur himself. As a general rule, when your expenses will account for up to 60% of your revenue, it is better to choose a rate of 6%. Of course, in otherwise It will be more profitable to pay 15% of the profit. At the same time, you do not need to maintain complex accounting.
  5. UST. This method is an analogue of the simplified tax system for business entities working in the agricultural industry. Of course, it, like the option described above, will also be an excellent choice for a beginner.

Remember, the transition to any of the taxation methods will occur only after the entrepreneur submits an application with such a request. For example, having submitted a package of papers for registration, you will be able to switch to the simplified tax system within a month by writing a corresponding petition (form No. 26.2-1). In addition, all of the above methods of paying taxes do not exempt a businessman from making payments to the Pension Fund and the Federal Compulsory Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

Payment of duty

Since you need to go to the tax office fully prepared, you will need to pay a state fee. As a rule, at this stage many people have certain difficulties, so some people prefer to entrust the matter to intermediaries who ask for up to 6 thousand rubles. for that. But such a solution as opening an individual entrepreneur yourself will still be more acceptable.

After printing and filling out the receipt for payment of the state fee, transfer the funds to any savings bank in your city

First of all, there are no difficulties here. Secondly, one way or another, you will have to study the laws and rules of doing business, as well as contact the inspection authorities. Therefore, it is better to get to know the inspector yourself and perform all the necessary actions.

So, drawing up a form for payment of state duty is not at all difficult. To do this, you should visit the official website of the Federal Tax Service, find necessary details, fill them out correctly and print them. You can pay the fee at the savings bank. The payment amount today is only 800 rubles.

When filling out the receipt, be sure to indicate your initials, address, TIN, contribution amount and recipient details, including code budget classification. In addition, since 2014 it is not necessary to attach a payment receipt to the submitted documents. Therefore, online transfer of funds from any electronic wallet has become possible. Of course, to make payments at your destination, you need to have your own bank account that supports such functions.

Collecting the necessary papers

Experienced accountants and entrepreneurs will certainly be able to advise you on how to quickly open an individual entrepreneur. Remember, the key to success here will be strict adherence to all rules and careful filling out of forms. Therefore, we will consider what documentation must be submitted to the tax service. So, the list looks like this:

  • passport (photocopies of all pages if you decide to send documents by mail);
  • TIN (if any); if you do not have a TIN, you will have to go through an additional procedure to obtain it;
  • notification of your registration as an individual entrepreneur (form R 21001); when you are going to submit through an intermediary, your signature on this document will need to be notarized;
  • application for work under the simplified tax system (form No. 26.2–1), example correct filling you will find on the NS website.

Today this option is also available, how to open an individual entrepreneur via the Internet. Of course, you won’t be able to register completely online, but reduce your trips to the tax office to one visit. Of course, this method will require more time to verify your data than personal visit. So, you fill out the above application forms and send them to the required address. Remember that you must indicate the name and code of your tax system there, number all pages and fill out each column.

How to write an application correctly

Remember, the accuracy and correctness of filling out the application form will directly determine overall result your idea. The form is filled out in block letters or on a computer, in compliance with the rules for writing the numbers and series of your documents. Blots, corrections and errors are not allowed. You need to indicate the following information there: initials, TIN, passport number and series (preserving spaces between the series and document number and groups of numbers is required), gender, date and place of birth, citizenship and residential address. When you are not a citizen of the Russian Federation, you will need to indicate the country of which you have citizenship and the details of the papers determining your right to stay in the country.

A correctly drawn up application will contribute to the speedy opening of your individual entrepreneur

Next, indicate the ones you need OKVED codes and confirm the accuracy of the information you provide by indicating contact number telephone (international format), as well as email. When the documentation is submitted by an intermediary, it is necessary to indicate all his data and position.

Submitting papers to the tax office

The next important stage is direct contact with tax officials and filing complete package documentation. Of course, you can always do this remotely or through an intermediary, but the best option There will be a personal visit. So, you can get advice or clarify some nuances that are unclear to you from your inspector. You will also be able to receive a receipt for your papers. Make sure that all documents issued to you are filled out correctly (date, signature responsible person, seal).

You need to submit completed and prepared papers to the tax service.

Remember that the slightest inaccuracies in your data may cause your application to be rejected. Therefore, fill out the papers correctly and carefully. In addition, the NS may refuse to start a business activity for the following reasons:

  • an incomplete package of documentation was submitted;
  • discrepancy between the data and reality (this also applies to accidental typos);
  • declaring you bankrupt earlier (up to 12 months);
  • there is a prohibition against you from carrying out such activities.

Remember, if you submit documentation not at the place of registration in your passport, refusal will also be possible. However, after a year you can try to register again.

Obtaining OGRNIP

Let's consider further order how to open an individual entrepreneur in 2016. Step-by-step instructions for the following steps will help you complete this procedure correctly and quickly. So, last changes The legislation provides for a reduction in the period for consideration of an application from five to three working days. After receiving the certificate from the tax service, check whether you have been transferred to the ONS or not.

According to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, after registering an individual entrepreneur, you should register with some social security funds

Just formally, you can submit such a notification while already being an individual entrepreneur. Therefore, the question should be clarified immediately and resubmit the form. Moreover, confirmation of the possibility of working on a simplified system remains in the National Assembly. You will also be given notifications about registration with the Pension Fund and the tax office and an extract from the state unified register entrepreneurs.

  • certificate of the right to operate as an individual entrepreneur;
  • TIN;
  • passport;
  • PF certificate.

Remember that you will need both original documents and photocopies. Moreover, it is better to make them in several copies (according to the number of funds where you need to register). In addition, when planning to hire workers, you are required to register with the insurance fund. In this situation, you will also need to provide copies employment contracts or other papers that will become the basis of your cooperation with hired personnel.

Completion of IP opening

Having completed the paperwork, you need to take care of purchasing and registering a cash register. Today, almost all entrepreneurs are required to use cash registers. Exceptions are possible only in the following cases:

  • work on UTII;
  • IP location in a remote area;
  • sale of press in kiosks;
  • remote trading;
  • implementation food products to children's preschool and educational organizations;
  • sale of securities.

When your individual entrepreneur falls into these exceptions, the need to use the cash register is replaced by filling out the BSO. Of course, you must provide receipts to the client upon request. If you wish, you can also get a stamp and register a bank account with the bank. True, this is just a recommendation.

If you have filled out all the documents correctly and submitted your applications clearly established by law deadlines, you will open an individual entrepreneur without much difficulty

Many people have long appreciated conducting activities as an individual entrepreneur - after all, the registration process itself is quite simple. Also, by selecting preferential category taxation, you significantly simplify accounting and reduce the number and size of taxes and fees. We think this information will be useful and will help you register your business without much difficulty.

Today, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, almost every citizen who has reached the age of majority can open an individual entrepreneur. When faced with opening an individual entrepreneur for the first time, take the time to carefully select the appropriate OKVED code - the success of your undertaking may depend on this. Print and fill out a receipt for payment of the state fee, transfer the funds to any savings bank of your city A correctly drawn up application will contribute to the speedy opening of your individual entrepreneur You need to submit completed and prepared papers to the tax service According to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, after registering an individual entrepreneur you should register with some social security funds If you filled out all the documents correctly and submitted applications to clearly established deadlines according to the law, you can open an individual entrepreneur without much difficulty The last stage opening an individual entrepreneur will require you to receive a certificate of registration. You can find out the number, address and details of the tax office using special online service After opening an individual entrepreneur, you will be able to receive a stamp or open a bank account

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