Where to get the organization's headquarters. What is okopf, its purpose. Bar Associations – members are lawyers

What is OKOPF IP is of interest to many young businessmen. The abbreviation stands for all-Russian classifier organizational and legal forms. Activity individual entrepreneurs is constantly connected with standards, classifiers, abbreviations, and legislative acts. It is not always possible to quickly understand each of them. Let's try to understand what OKOPF is and why an individual entrepreneur needs it.

Purpose of OKOPF

The presented classifier allows you to structure an information resource containing a list of data and information related to specific object. It is used to solve analytical problems in the field of economics, taxes and statistics. These questions are usually related to activities certain type property. The OKOPF code allows you to analyze and issue a forecast for many socio-economic trends and develop standard advice on regulating financial relations.

The classifier contains various organizational and legal types of economic entities. To organize them, special five-digit numbers and designations have been introduced. Individual entrepreneurs are assigned the OKOPF code 5 01 02, LLC - 1 21 65, and open and closed joint stock companies are marked with numbers 1 22 47 and 1 22 67.

All codes and their components have exact values and justifications. According to them tax inspectors check information in reports.

The first value of the code shows the number of the classification section of business objects. For commercial organizations assigned 1 00 00; for non-profits – 2 00 00; for companies without creation legal entity the numbers are 3 00 00; for an international organization doing business in Russia, the code will be 4 00 00. For individuals, leading entrepreneurial activity, the designations 5 00 00 have been introduced. The numbers following the first rubricator indicate the type legal form. The two final ones name its species. Now you know how the OKOPF code is deciphered.

How to get it and what to do with it?

All individual entrepreneurs have the right to receive OKOPF codes from the statistics service where the existence of the enterprise is recorded. To obtain a number, a businessman must submit an application. Another option, which is faster and easier, is to search for the code on the website of the statistics authorities.

Those enterprises that need to submit information to statistical authorities and regular reports are puzzled by this. OKOPF codes for individual entrepreneurs remain unchanged throughout the existence of the organization. The number cannot be changed to another. For enterprises with similar areas of activity, the codes will be similar; for direct competitors, these numbers differ slightly, most often only in the territory where the work is carried out.

Individual entrepreneurs submit a report to the statistics body once a year; this is a mandatory and regular procedure. The document includes information about doing business during the year, places of sale of goods and services, number of employees and amount of profit.

Classification allows statistical departments to receive, analyze and process information in various economic spheres at the management level.

OKOPF and OKFS codes help analyze development information resources, the activities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, make forecasts on the prospects for the economic and economic situation locally and globally.

What does OKOPF provide?

Individual entrepreneurs include persons engaged in generating profit from their activities; they do not have to create a legal entity and register as an individual entrepreneur. Such businessmen receive the OKOPF code 5 01 02 from the statistical authorities. For government agencies involved in collecting statistical data, not all businessmen are interested in collecting information about them. Some are spared the need to receive requests and requests for information, as well as classifier codes, by mail.

But if an individual entrepreneur receives a postal request to provide a report for statistical authorities, the businessman needs to consult local government, it can be done direct appeal to the department or by electronic request by mail. Depending on the region and place where the enterprise is registered, you need to look on the website to see if the list of required codes is indicated. If such information is in open access is located, you can download and print the OKOPF code for a specific enterprise.

The number for an LLC is designated as 1 21 65. If any new organization or when reorganizing an existing one automatically 7 days after the fact of registration by mail to legal address The company will receive a letter with OKOPF numbers. There is no need to have any proof of receipt of the code. Legislative acts The Russian Federation does not fix this requirement, so it will be enough for an entrepreneur or organization to know its classifier symbols without special confirmation.

Notifications are not stamped or signed authorized person, so there are no strict requirements. If necessary, banks or power structures can request a code for a specific enterprise from Rosstat, so provision from an individual entrepreneur or organization is not required.

Entrepreneurship is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

If you understand the tax system, statistics codes, pension fund, FFOMS, then you can see that correct and timely completion of documents is the key to successful implementation of activities.

Who needs the OKOPF code?

The classifier code is used by control authorities and statistical departments; it is not needed for an entrepreneur and does not provide any bonuses. The number is required by the organization when the company submits official documentation. In this case, all names, including codes, must be present. Requesting a number is not a problem if the manager does not know it or has lost it. Statistics codes are important, they should be treated carefully, regularly monitor changes in legislation or regulations on this occasion.

Statistics codes will be needed in many cases, for example, when creating a new current account or opening a line of credit for an individual entrepreneur. Numbers appear in tax and accounting documents, reports, legal papers. If you need to fill out a receipt or payment order, you will need to write codes for statistical authorities. When changing the legal address of an enterprise, such data is needed, as well as when creating a new branch of the enterprise.

When an individual entrepreneur creates his own individual entrepreneur, he must obtain from the statistical authorities all the codes that will apply to him. This is done in Rosstat. Having submitted an application for registration, copies necessary documents, you should wait written notice about assigning codes. This can be done with the help of companies that provide similar services, then you don’t have to worry about receiving codes and delivering them directly to the office.

If an individual entrepreneur is registered for the first time, the procedure will be free.

If there is a need to re-request data or generate new ones, then the state duties, their size depends on the urgency of providing information.

If the application is filled out correctly and, if necessary, a state fee has been paid, then within established by regulations term from Rosstat the entrepreneur receives ordered letter to the legal address with the statistics codes contained therein.

Registration in government agencies made within 5 working days. To prepare and generate a notification letter, government agencies take 6 days. Sent codes are equal to official document and are subject to storage.

They are widely used at every important stage in the life of an enterprise.

Systematization of statistical data is not possible without the use of classifiers. Among such classifiers is OKOPF, which is used to streamline the accounting of organizational and legal forms of organizations and is used in the field of taxes and various fields economy.

This classifier is maintained by Rosstat and, if necessary, makes adjustments to it.

Since 01/01/2013, all previously valid OKOPF codes have been replaced, OKPF 028-2012, approved, has been put into effect. Prospect Rosstandart dated October 16, 2012 No. 505-st to replace the previously valid OK 028-99.

At the Federal Tax Service, all changes in registration data related to OKOPF were carried out automatically; personal applications from legal entities and individual entrepreneurs were not required.

Organizational and legal forms

In the introductory part, OKOPF reveals the concept of organizational and legal forms of business entities. Gives a definition of each existing OPF, explaining how the property is used in its management various types activities that are carried out under one or another OPF.

OPF of legal entities can be in the form of:

  • partnerships;
  • societies;
  • cooperatives;

Business entities also include individual entrepreneurs (IP).

The most common in our country are:

  • economic entities - LLC, CJSC, JSC, OJSC;
  • enterprises - municipal unitary enterprise, state unitary enterprise;
  • various funds;
  • individual - individual entrepreneur.

Explanations for classifier positions

An entity has only one code, it is assigned upon registration with the tax authorities.

The OKOPF code consists of five characters.

The first character is the section:

  • 10000 – OPF commercial legal entities
  • 20000 — OPF non-profit. legal entities
  • 30000 – OPF of organizations that do not have the rights of a legal entity.
  • 40000 – OPF international organizations, operating in the Russian Federation.
  • 50000 – OPF individuals
  • 60000 – OPF commercial unitary legal entities.
  • 70000 — OPF non-profit. legal entities

The second and third characters are the OPF type.

The third and fourth characters are the type of OPF.

From 01/01/2015, changes were made to OKOPF (FATRiM regulation dated 12/12/2014 N 2011-st).

Here are current examples of some positions of OKOPF codes:

  • 10000 — OPF commercial legal entities Consists of subcodes from 11000 to 19000
  • 11000 — Economic partnership
  • 11051 - Full. partnership
  • 11064 — Partnerships of Faith
  • 12000 — Economic society
  • 12200 — JSC
  • 12247 — JSC
  • 12267 - COMPANY
  • 12300 - OOO
  • 13000 – Business partnerships
  • 14000 – PC (artels)
  • 14100 – SPK
  • 14153 – Collective farms
  • 14154 – Rybarteli
  • 14155 – Co-op farms
  • 14200 – PC
  • 15300 – Peasant farm
  • 19000 - etc. Legal entity
  • 20000 — OPF code of non-profit legal entities. Consists of subcodes from 2 01 00 to 2 12 00
  • 20100 — Required Cooperatives
  • 20101 - Garage. Cooperatives
  • 20102 - Housing Cooperatives
  • 20103 – Housing savings cooperatives
  • 20104 – Credit Consumer cooperatives
  • 20105 – Credit consumer cooperatives of citizens
  • 20106 – Credit 2nd level cooperatives
  • 20107 - BY
  • Etc.
  • 30000 – OPF code of organizations, without the rights of legal entities. Consists of subcodes from 30001 to 30008
  • 30001 — Representative offices of legal entities
  • 30002 — Branches of legal entities
  • 30003 – Separate divisions of legal entities
  • 30004 – Structural divisions are separate. divisions of legal entities
  • 30005 – Mutual investments. Funds
  • 30006 – Simple partnerships
  • 30008 – District courts, city courts, interdistrict. Courts
  • And other things.
  • 40000 – international OPF code. organizations operating in the Russian Federation. Consists of subcodes 40001 to 40002
  • 4 00 01 Intergovernmental International. Organizations
  • 4 00 02 Non-governmental International. Organizations
  • 50000 — OPF code of individuals. Consists of subcodes from 5 01 00 to 5 02 02
  • 50100 OPF for commercial activities citizens
  • 50101 Heads of peasant farms
  • 50102 IP
  • 50200 OPF for non-entrepreneur citizens
  • 50201 Lawyers with a lawyer's office.
  • 50202 Private notaries
  • 6 00 00 – OPF code of commercial unitary legal entities. Consists of subcodes from 6 50 00 to 6 52 43
  • 65000 UP
  • 65100 KP
  • 65141 FKP
  • 65142 CP subjects
  • 65143 MCP
  • And others.
  • 70000 – code OPF non-commercial. unitary. Consists of subcodes 70400 to 75505
  • 70400 Funds
  • 70401 Charitable funds
  • 70402 NPF
  • 70403 Public funds
  • Etc.

The reference book (Appendix “A” of OKOPF) contains grouped explanations that reveal the concept and content of the form of a legal entity according to the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which is very convenient.

Let's look at some OPFs below using the examples given.

Business companies have an authorized capital divided into shares. HOs can be created in the form of JSC, LLC (Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 66).

Let's highlight the most common chemical weapons:

  • JSCauthorized capital consists of shares, the participants of the joint-stock company are shareholders. JSC are divided into: OJSC, CJSC.
  • OOO– can be created by one participant, or by several. Their capital is divided into shares.

Cooperatives. (artels):

  • production cooperatives, include an association of citizens for production or economic activities. A legal entity can also participate in the PC. The property is divided into shares. These include:
  • agricultural production cooperatives, are created for the purpose of conducting agricultural activities (livestock breeding, etc.).
  • fishing cooperatives(the name speaks for itself);
  • collective farms– created by heads of peasant farms;

And other types.

Associations (unions) – purpose of creation – prof. interests in a particular area, for example:

  • association of indigenous peoples;
  • fishing industry;
  • society's needs;

And other types of unions.

Bar Chambers– members are lawyers.

Notary chambers – members are notaries.

Gardener non-profit partnerships.

And so on.

The directory discusses all available organizational forms. The application is extensive and it is best to familiarize yourself with it.

Alphabetical index

For ease of use in the app. “B” of the classifier contains an alphabetical index that groups all OPFs alphabetically with its own code assigned to each form.

This is what the pointer looks like:

ANO – 71400

Lawyer bureau – 200615

Lawyer chambers - 20609

Charitable institutions – 75502

Charitable funds – 70401

Garage and garage construction. cooperatives – 20101

Heads of peasant farms – 50101

Housing and housing construction. cooperatives – 20102

Housing savings cooperatives – 20103

IP – 50102

Cossack societies (listed in the register) – 21100

State-owned enterprises subjects of the Russian Federation – 65142

Intergovernmental International. organizations – 40001

UIA – 75401

MBU – 75403

MCP – 65143

MKU – 75404

MUP – 65243

NPF – 70402

Non-governmental international organizations – 40002

Non-public JSC – 12267

Notary chambers – 20610

Notaries – 50202

Separate subsection legal entities – 30003

Mutual Insurance Companies – 20108

LLC – 12300

Public organizations – 20200

Public movements – 20210

Public institutions – 75505

Public funds – 70403

Indigenous Peoples communities – 21200

Mutual Fund – 30005

Political parties – 20201

Full partnership – 11051

Representative offices of legal entities – 30001

To summarize, we note that OKOPF is intended for maintaining statistical records of legal entities and individuals in accordance with their legal form.

Such statistics, for example, are important for tax authorities, statistical services, Pension Fund bodies and others.

The Federal Tax Service can take into account how many registrations of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs were made by year (with breakdown by OPF), how many of these entities ceased their activities.

This statistics helps government agencies and departments in forming forecasts to develop prospects for the development of the country’s economy.


Region: Russian Federation

OKOPF stands for all-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms. In fact, it describes all forms of business activity permitted on the territory of the Russian Federation.

OKOPF codes are primarily necessary for the state and, in particular, control and statistical authorities. Thanks to them, it is much easier to analyze and forecast, as well as create a database of business entities in a particular region.

The OKOPF classifier contains five-digit codes. The first code value indicates the section, the next two - the type of legal form, and the last two - the type of legal form. For example, at joint stock companies the OKOPF code will be 1 22 00, for individual entrepreneurs - 5 01 02, for the bar association - 2 80 07, and for political parties - 2 02 01.

There can only be one OKOPF code for one company. In this case, organizations that are similar in the form of doing business will have the same OKOPF codes.

You must report and indicate your OKOPF code in the registration application. You can find it out from the classifier itself, approved by the Order Federal agency By technical regulation and metrology dated October 16, 2012 N 505-st.

OKOPF codes for a company with limited liability, as well as other statistical codes, can be obtained online, provided that basic data about the organization is available. The article provides detailed information about the intended purpose of the OKOPF code (why it is needed and what it means), as well as how a limited liability company can find out its code online.

Additional Information! On this moment Most of the procedures related to the organization of business activities, in particular its registration and obtaining statistical codes, can be carried out online on specially created platforms.

What is OKOPF, its purpose

The term OKOPF means an all-Russian classifier of forms of business organization. At the moment, to determine the code, the classifier form approved by Order No. 505 of 2012 is used. OK 028-212 is the main source for assigning codes in 2017; on the basis of this particular classifier, a code is assigned to a limited liability company.

With the help of OKOPF, business entities are structured into groups of organizational and legal forms. Consequently, the main purpose of the classifier is to streamline and organize business activities.

Today the classifier includes 7 basic groups of business organization. These include:

According to civil law A limited liability company has the status of a legal entity and, in accordance with the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, belongs to the category of commercial corporate organizations. It follows from this that the LLC code is located in the appropriate section of the classifier, where you should look for it.

Note! When determining the OKOPF code, it is necessary to take into account amendments to the legislation and changes introduced by the relevant regulatory legal acts of Rosstandart, including Order No. 2011 of 2014.

The procedure for obtaining a code, where and how you can find out OKOPF LLC

You can find out the OPF LLC code on the official website of Rosstat. This online resource contains reliable and up-to-date information, which can be used to submit to inspection and regulatory authorities. Along with OKOPF, on the Rosstat website you can find information about other statistical codes. Benefits this method obtaining information is:

  • rapidity. Providing the requested data occurs almost instantly;
  • reliability. The site is of an official nature, and accordingly, the information located there is thoroughly checked;
  • get necessary information you can absolutely free.

The system provides information about the legal entity code, in in this case we're talking about about LLC, on the basis tax number company or its OGRN. All you need to do is enter information about the LLC (TIN or OGRN) in the appropriate cell and wait to receive information about the assigned code.

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