XXVIII. Registration of conclusions of military medical commissions

Hello, Fedor.

Regardless of the category of fitness for military service established in the garrison by decision of the military medical commission (in your case, this is category B, which defines you as partially fit), the mechanism for its approval at the level of the main military military commission is the same for everyone. The procedure is indeed very drawn out, and in many individual cases it is poorly organized.

Until now, the results of the IVC from the garrison are sent to the central commission by mail or courier. The latter method significantly reduces its delivery time, but the courier service is used quite rarely. It is the transportation of documents back and forth that takes up most of the time.

Document preparation procedure

The district IHC is obliged to approve the results within 10 days from the date of receipt of your papers with the decision of the garrison IHC. If the members of the commission have significant differences of opinion, then a simple vote is held, where the controversial issue is resolved by a majority of votes. After the results are approved or refuted and another decision is made, the papers are registered by the responsible employee and sent back to the unit, where they are then dealt with by the unit’s management.

At the level of work of the district military medical commission, everything happens quite quickly, simply and strictly regulated. However, as mentioned earlier, it is the process of sending documents that takes a lot of time. Especially often, hitches occur on the way back.

The fact is that the speed of the final resolution of the issue depends on the command of the unit, to which the approved results from the military military commission of the district are personally sent. Realizing that a lot depends on them, the unit’s superiors can deliberately put the approved results “on the back burner,” motivating the delay with some personal rather than objective reasons. They are obliged to react immediately, from the very day the documents are returned to the unit from the district military military commission. Registration of incoming documentation and prompt decision-making on it are the primary responsibility of the unit commander. The person liable for military service must also be notified of the results sent immediately upon the arrival of the documents.

To be specific, the entire procedure takes from 2 to 3 months, and much depends on the method of delivery of documents (by mail or courier). You can take an active interest in your papers after the maximum waiting period, which is 90 days. It is never superfluous to get acquainted with the employees of the unit, whose responsibilities include registering incoming documentation and monitoring the implementation of decisions.

When the unit cannot say anything definite about your question, you will have to inquire with the district’s IHC, because you have every right to receive the relevant information. All contacts, including reception phone numbers and official resources on the Internet, must be provided to you by the personnel department of your unit. You can report any unlawful actions of employees at any level of the military medical commission to hotlines.

Best regards, Natalya.

For the first time, citizens who have reached the age of 17 are registered for military service; their medical examination is entrusted to a draft commission created by the military commissariat. Citizens called up for contract service are sent to the military military registration and enlistment office, and those who enter into another contract are sent to a commission by the unit commander.

Before undergoing a medical examination, conscripts who are registering for the first time must undergo the following diagnostic tests at municipal (place of residence) and state medical institutions:

  • fluorography (if it has not been done in the last six months);
  • general analysis (urine, blood);
  • cardiogram;
  • extended blood test to check antibodies to hepatitis and AIDS.

All studies must be signed, have a stamp, or a stamp of the medical institution.

Passing diagnostics for candidates signing the next contract, and, in general, how to pass the military military examination is determined by the unit commander.

List of required documents

Upon arrival at the Military Military Commission, candidates for service must have the following documents:

During initial military registration or conscription for contract service, the military examination is carried out by a medical board consisting of: a therapist, a neurologist, a surgeon, an ophthalmologist, an otorhinolaryngologist, a psychiatrist, a dermatovenerologist, and in addition for examining women - a gynecologist. If the need arises, additional examinations and consultations with other doctors may be prescribed.

Based on the results of the IVC, the following conclusions are given:

  • A - “suitable”;
  • B - “suitable with minor limitations”;
  • B - “limitedly suitable”;
  • G - “temporarily unsuitable”;
  • D - “not suitable”.

For conscripts who have undergone initial registration, the collegial conclusion on temporary unfitness is valid for a year.

How long does it take to complete the IVC?

Young people between the ages of 18 and 27 who are conscripted into the Russian Armed Forces and wish to enter service under a contract must undergo the Military Military Test. During the spring and autumn conscription, the military registration and enlistment office sends candidates summonses to appear at the medical commission. If you fail to arrive at the Military Military Command without a good reason, this may be regarded as evasion of civil duties with corresponding consequences.

How long to undergo the IVC depends on the health status of the conscript. As a rule, young people go through it three times: at the district military registration and enlistment office, the city one, and before leaving for their place of service. Typically, IHCs take place during the day, and the commission itself works for 3 weeks.

By decision of the members of the draft commission, the control IHC of citizens who have received an exemption or deferment from conscription into the Armed Forces due to poor health can be carried out in absentia, after a preliminary examination of their personal and medical documents. If necessary, conduct a face-to-face examination of such persons.

Today, the time of autumn and spring conscription remains one of the most “dangerous” for the male population from 18 to 27, who are not studying or do not have dependent small children. There is an acute shortage of conscripts. To select representatives of the stronger half fit for service for the benefit of the Motherland, a central What do conscripts go through when they encounter it?

Documents for conscripts

First of all, you need to get a referral to the IHC, where its number, date of issue, signature of the manager and telephone number of the executor must be indicated. In addition, the position, type of work and purpose of this particular serviceman are written. If before the current IHC a person has already undergone such a check or served in the Armed Forces, there must be a corresponding statement in this regard in the direction.

In addition to the direction, a conscript or applicant for a position in a law enforcement agency brings:

  1. Passport and military ID.
  2. Certificates certified by psychoneurological, narcological, dermatovenerological and anti-tuberculosis dispensaries, and separate certificates from an infectious disease specialist and an allergist.
  3. Extract from the patient about the state of health.
  4. Results of instrumental and laboratory studies:
  • EGC with decoding of indicators and description;
  • radiograph of the OGK in two projections (with interpretation);
  • blood test for HIV (AIDS);
  • analysis for the presence of antibodies to the causative agent of syphilis;
  • detailed general blood test;
  • general urinalysis.


The military medical examination of a military personnel consists of passing through a neurologist, therapist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, ENT specialist and psychiatrist. This can be done either by appointment or in a live queue. The conclusion of the IHC, already drawn up according to the standards of work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, is issued at the registry after presentation of an identity card and a record of issue in the appropriate journal. This document is valid for one year from the date of issue. If there is a need for re-examination, the package of documents is collected again, since laboratory tests are valid for no more than three months.

Types of VVC

Military medical examination is carried out by military military commissions, which exist in the form of regular, non-regular, permanent or temporary formation. These differences are due to the specifics of their work. A hospital IHC commission is being formed separately. What do doctors go through to become part of it? There are special training courses that focus on the features of assessing the health status of conscripts. In addition, clinical work experience, length of service, as well as the presence of higher medical education and academic degrees are taken into account. A military medical examination can be carried out by court decision, cooperate with other expert entities, or be attached to a specific military unit or health care facility.

Non-standard military military forces are created on the basis of the military institution that constantly requires its services. Such a commission consists of at least 5-6 people and is controlled by a regular or central IHC. The responsibilities of such an examination include:

  • examination of military personnel receiving treatment in this medical institution;
  • provision of certificates of incapacity for work to the staffing commission for those military personnel who, based on the results of the examination, are recognized as ill;
  • scientific work to improve personnel examination methods;
  • training and advanced training of new specialists;
  • maintaining statistical data.

A hospital IHC is appointed at the request of the head of the medical institution. It is subordinate exclusively to staff or central military medical commissions. The conclusions of these experts have the same legal force as the examinations of standard airborne medical equipment, and are carried out for military personnel undergoing examination in a given medical facility. Analyze the research results obtained and keep statistics for a fixed period of time. Every three months they submit a report on the work done for the quarter to the head of the health care facility and the head of the staff VVK.

Non-staff temporary military commissions are formed to rationally distribute the load during periods of applying to universities and during urgent conscription for military service. Their activities are regulated by order of the head of the VI.

List of documents for applicants to the university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

In order to receive higher education falling within the scope of the Armed Forces, it is necessary, among other things, to undergo a medical examination. It is also conducted by the VVK (commission). What do applicants go through?

  1. They are examined in psychoneurological, narcological, dermatovenerological and venereal diseases and with the preparation of appropriate certificates.
  2. They receive an extract from the health care facility at the place of registration, indicating the clinical examination groups, past diseases and drug intolerance.
  3. Instrumental and laboratory tests are taken: RHO and paranasal sinuses, ECG with exercise, full-scale CBC, OAM, blood for RW (presence of antibodies to the causative agent of syphilis), test for HIV viral load (AIDS).
  4. A vaccination card is available upon request.

Certificate of cause of death

These issues are also dealt with by the IHC (commission). What do relatives go through to obtain an opinion on this issue?

  1. They receive a referral to the IHC from their last place of work.
  2. Confirm the fact of service in the police department.
  3. Available copies of the death certificate and the results of the pathological examination are notarized.
  4. Fill out a request to provide the results of the internal investigation.

The conclusion of the IHC examination of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is issued in three copies: to the head of the internal affairs department, to the Pension Fund and to record the fact of the examination of the IHC examination.

Basics of VVE operation

Being an exclusive institution in the structure of military units, the Military Military Commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs performs a legal rather than a preventive function among active personnel, conscripts and applicants. Its main task is to make an informed conclusion about the state of health and the factors that influenced it (in case of disability).

Doctors on the commission

A military medic, in addition to his main specialty, additionally undergoes advanced training courses for competent work as part of the Military Military Command. Members of the commission can send a citizen to a medical institution at his place of residence to obtain additional information about his health. If a person refuses or fails to appear to continue the examination, it is terminated after three months.

A military medic must have a clear understanding of his work in order, if necessary, to explain to those in doubt the need for a particular document. After all, people who are far from the intricacies of medicine and jurisprudence may think that the commission’s requirements are excessive and do not correspond to reality.


Since when submitting documents for examination, a contingent is identified that is not suitable for military service, a record is kept of those nosologies that forced the Military Military Commission to reject the applicant’s candidacy. Among them, diseases of the musculoskeletal system have recently prevailed. Experts attribute this to a specific lifestyle in an urbanized society: lack of mobility, decreased volume and intensity of physical activity, total computerization.

A significant number of young people cannot complete the IHC examination process because they do not have sufficient desire to work or study under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, do not provide the necessary documentation or try to hide it, and overestimate the state of their health. After all, the commission’s conclusion is a powerful argument for receiving benefits and social benefits, hiring, or obtaining secondary specialized or higher education. And its quality must be guaranteed. To achieve this, military doctors constantly improve their skills, improve examination methods and analyze the data obtained.

Independent experts

If you are not satisfied with the decision of the military medical commission, you can challenge it in court. If the decision is made in favor of the plaintiff, an independent IHC is convened to, after collecting all the necessary information, render its verdict regarding the person’s physical and mental health. In case of discrepancy in conclusions, both documents are required.

Hello, Fedor.

Passing a military medical commission is the inviolable right of any military personnel. You do not indicate your status (conscript or contract soldier), but in this case it is not so important, because the mechanism for approving the decision of the Military Military Commission is the same for all categories of military personnel.

After submitting a report to the unit commander, you are hospitalized and undergo a medical examination at the garrison, which finds you to be of limited fitness. The category of fitness for military service is determined in accordance with the Schedule of Diseases and is an annex to the Regulations on the conduct of military medical examination.

Let me remind you that with this category you are entitled to a commission. You will be enlisted in the reserves and given a military ID, but you will not be subject to conscription in peacetime. I also remind you that since 2005, the need to undergo a medical re-examination has been abolished at the legislative level, so you will not have to prove your right to not be drafted.

Mechanism for transferring and approving IVC results

As mentioned above, the garrison military medical commission made a conclusion on you. The decision is then delivered to the district VKK, where it is reviewed by other responsible experts. Delivery is carried out by mail or courier. From this it follows that delivery times can be assumed very, very conditionally. However, after registering the letter with the district IHC, the decision of the garrison commission must be considered within 10 days.

The experts of the military commission of the district can immediately approve the decision of the military commission of the garrison, and in case of contradictions, a simple vote of experts is held. By voting, doctors decide whether your health problem is related to your military service and your direct performance of military duties.

By the way, it is the relationship between the disease and military service that determines the amount of compensation payments to a serviceman.

When the conclusion of the military medical commission of the district is ready, it is handed over to the responsible officer, who records the result in the protocol and sends the document to the commander of the garrison unit. Dispatch is also carried out by courier or postal letter. The duration of the return journey is also difficult to imagine, as is the duration of the journey from the garrison to the district. In principle, the issue is resolved on the spot within 10 days, i.e. 2 weeks, because 10 days are taken from the calculation of workers. Everything else depends on which delivery method is chosen and what problems arise along the way.

When the conclusion of the district IHC is returned to the unit, they are immediately obliged to register it and execute the decisions that are written in it. An important point from practice: I advise you to monitor every stage of the progress of your conclusion, because unit commanders often do not implement the decisions prescribed by regional doctors, and on-site registration of documents is delayed due to the negligence of unit employees.

Best regards, Natalya.

The selection of conscripts is carried out through the examination of military doctors, the main body of which is the Military Military Commission (a commission specializing in the examination of military personnel). VVE is engaged in determining the working capacity of conscripts in the conditions of military service, and also solves the problems of their medical selection, thus contributing to the staffing of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with personnel fit for health reasons.

The military medical commission consists of at least three doctors who examine conscripts. Future soldiers are examined by a therapist, ophthalmologist, neurologist, surgeon, dentist, otolaryngologist, narcologist and other specialists.

Military hospitals, military registration and enlistment offices, garrisons and other military military establishments are controlled by district military medical commissions. And the highest body of this system is the Central IHC.

Tasks of military medical examination

The most important tasks carried out by this body:

  • staffing the Armed Forces with citizens fit for military service in terms of physical development and health status, through medical selection of conscripts;
  • maintaining a good state of health among military personnel.

VVE solves its problems through:

  • development of medical criteria that determine the degree of health of soldiers, officers and conscripts;
  • distribution of conscripts and military personnel to military units based on the results of medical examinations in the most rational and expedient way;
  • medical examination to determine the degree of suitability for military service;
  • development of medical examination methods;
  • monitoring the treatment process in medical institutions for the military.

Functions of military medical examination commissions

VVK performs certain functions:

  • organizing and carrying out medical examinations of citizens to render verdicts on their suitability for service in certain types of troops, the need for special treatment, training in institutions with a military bias, sending them on leave due to illness or release from service;
  • determination of the connection and causes of injuries, wounds, illnesses among military personnel and persons participating in military training;
  • control over the implementation of diagnostic and treatment procedures in military units, military medical institutions and other organizations of the RF Armed Forces, where military personnel need to undergo a military medical commission, register with the military registration and enlistment office for the first time, and be called up for military service;
  • determining the fitness of military personnel upon discharge from the Armed Forces.

Conclusion of the commissions

The activities of the IHC provide the basis for making a decision.

For military personnel of privates and sergeants, the following conclusions are used:

a) absolute suitability;

b) suitability for service outside the ranks;

c) leave is required due to illness;

d) fit for service only in wartime;

e) unsuitable for military service, deregistered.

The suitability of generals and officers is formulated as follows:

a) fit for military service;

b) in peacetime can serve outside the ranks;

c) fit in wartime with restrictions of the first degree;

d) leave on sick leave;

e) in peacetime is unfit for military service, fit in wartime with restrictions of the second degree;

f) complete unsuitability for military service, removal from military registration.

District VVK

Garrison air military commissions and hospital commissions are subordinate to district units (OVVK).

The staffing of the army with recruits is accompanied by the performance by the district medical commission of the following functions:

  • control of recreational activities in civilian medical institutions among young people of pre-conscription age;
  • control of medical practice in conscription commissions during the medical examination of conscripts;
  • treatment and diagnosis in military medical institutions;
  • prevention and treatment of diseases of military personnel;
  • assistance in organizational and methodological issues.

Central VVK

The Central Military Medical Commission of the Ministry of Defense is the highest body for examining the health of military personnel. She is entrusted with the following tasks:

  • management of the actions of all military military forces;
  • organizational activities;
  • development of regulations and provisions on examination;
  • resolving conflict issues.

Who should undergo the IVC

The commission of military doctors examines the following citizens:

  • citizens of pre-conscription age before military registration;
  • conscripts for military service;
  • citizens wishing to serve on a contract basis;
  • minors entering cadet corps;
  • applicants to military universities;
  • students of cadet corps;
  • university students attending the military department;
  • soldiers in reserve;
  • citizens undergoing military training and being called up for it;
  • soldiers and officers in military service;
  • members of military families (exception: soldiers' families, family members of sergeants, sailors, foremen who serve in the army by conscription).

Military medical commission for employment in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The Ministry of Internal Affairs as a place of work has become very popular among citizens recently, this is explained by the provision of benefits to employees, a full package of social services, quarterly bonuses and stable average wages. In addition to a thorough study of regulations, employment requires passing the Internal Higher Qualifications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Requirements for those wishing to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • the candidate's age must be between 18-35 years (race, nationality, gender, financial status do not matter);
  • mandatory legal education;
  • personal and business qualities, health and physical fitness must correspond to the responsibilities assigned to them.

To successfully pass the Military Military Examination of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you must have good health, and endurance and stress resistance must also be included in the list of personal qualities of the candidate.

To begin with, the citizen undergoes a medical examination at the OVVK, based on the results of which the young men must have a mark indicating that they are fit for service in the army without any restrictions (formulation “A”). The military medical commission does not require this certificate for girls. The examination is carried out by a therapist, dentist, neurologist, surgeon, psychiatrist, and the girls are examined by a gynecologist.

In addition to this, an ECG and general tests are required. The address of the military medical commission can be found at the military registration and enlistment office or other military institutions.

The medical commission is not the only event when entering the internal organs. A candidate for a position in the Ministry of Internal Affairs undergoes many different checks, so the employment process is very lengthy and troublesome. This may even take several years.

Hello, Fedor.

Regardless of the category of fitness for military service established in the garrison by decision of the military medical commission (in your case, this is category B, which defines you as partially fit), the mechanism for its approval at the level of the main military military commission is the same for everyone. The procedure is indeed very drawn out, and in many individual cases it is poorly organized.

Until now, the results of the IVC from the garrison are sent to the central commission by mail or courier. The latter method significantly reduces its delivery time, but the courier service is used quite rarely. It is the transportation of documents back and forth that takes up most of the time.

Document preparation procedure

The district IHC is obliged to approve the results within 10 days from the date of receipt of your papers with the decision of the garrison IHC. If the members of the commission have significant differences of opinion, then a simple vote is held, where the controversial issue is resolved by a majority of votes. After the results are approved or refuted and another decision is made, the papers are registered by the responsible employee and sent back to the unit, where they are then dealt with by the unit’s management.

At the level of work of the district military medical commission, everything happens quite quickly, simply and strictly regulated. However, as mentioned earlier, it is the process of sending documents that takes a lot of time. Especially often, hitches occur on the way back.

The fact is that the speed of the final resolution of the issue depends on the command of the unit, to which the approved results from the military military commission of the district are personally sent. Realizing that a lot depends on them, the unit’s superiors can deliberately put the approved results “on the back burner,” motivating the delay with some personal rather than objective reasons. They are obliged to react immediately, from the very day the documents are returned to the unit from the district military military commission. Registration of incoming documentation and prompt decision-making on it are the primary responsibility of the unit commander. The person liable for military service must also be notified of the results sent immediately upon the arrival of the documents.

To be specific, the entire procedure takes from 2 to 3 months, and much depends on the method of delivery of documents (by mail or courier). You can take an active interest in your papers after the maximum waiting period, which is 90 days. It is never superfluous to get acquainted with the employees of the unit, whose responsibilities include registering incoming documentation and monitoring the implementation of decisions.

When the unit cannot say anything definite about your question, you will have to inquire with the district’s IHC, because you have every right to receive the relevant information. All contacts, including reception phone numbers and official resources on the Internet, must be provided to you by the personnel department of your unit. You can report any unlawful actions of employees at any level of the military medical commission to hotlines.

Best regards, Natalya.

Often, conscripted military personnel who are subject to a commission for health reasons are faced with the fact that after passing the military medical commission (MMC), they are sent back to the unit and the process of early dismissal is delayed indefinitely.

Why this happens, how long this procedure can take, and what needs to be done if the process takes too long, explains lawyer of the Human Rights Initiative “Citizen and Army”.

The procedure for early dismissal from the army for health reasons is as follows:

1. An examination is carried out in the hospital.
According to clause 133 of the Regulations “On the procedure for conducting military medical examination and medical examination in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated August 20, 2003 N 200, examination of military personnel by garrison or hospital military military personnel (VLK) is carried out no later than three weeks from the date of the start of the examination of the serviceman. However, if it is impossible to make an opinion on the state of health, this period may be extended.

2. The conclusion of the IHC is issued.
According to paragraph 242 of the Regulations, the conclusion of the IHC, which is not subject to approval by the regular IHC, is drawn up on the day of the examination and handed over to the person being examined or sent to a military unit. However, if the conclusion is subject to approval by the regular IHC, then the illness certificate with the conclusion, subject to approval by the regular IHC, is sent to the regular IHC no later than 5 days after the examination.

3. Approval of the conclusion of the hospital IHC of the regular IHC, sending the decision to the unit or to the hospital.
A certificate of illness with an approved conclusion no later than 2 days after approval (receipt from the regular Military Medical Commission) is sent to the commander of the military unit in which the person examined is serving. When a serviceman undergoing conscription military service is discharged, a certificate of illness is sent directly from a military medical institution to the military commissariat at the place of residence of the person examined.

4. Exclusion from the lists of personnel and dismissal based on a decision of the Military High Commission.
According to clause 15 of the Regulations “On the procedure for military service” (approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 N 1237), exclusion from the lists of personnel of a military unit of a serviceman recognized by a military medical commission as unfit for military service and in need of release from the performance of official duties and dismissed from military service, is carried out no later than one month from the date the military unit receives the conclusion of the military medical commission.

So the procedure is clear. However, there is a significant “but” regarding the timing: nowhere in the legislation is it specified in what time frame the regular IHC must approve the conclusion of the hospital IHC... And it is at this stage that everything can “sag”, which is why the process will be delayed. But usually she still approves within a month.

Thus, the entire commission procedure usually takes 1-2 months

If the process drags on for more than two months, it makes sense for the serviceman to write a request to the regular Military Military Commission with a request to inform them whether they have made a decision on it. If the documents have been accepted and already sent to the hospital, then they cannot “stay there,” and if they do, then this is a violation of the commission procedure, which requires an appeal. In this case, you should file a complaint with the commander of the military unit, the head of the hospital, or the military prosecutor’s office at the location of the hospital.

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