How many hours before bedtime can you eat? Opinions of different people. Terms and features of payment of vacation benefits according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation No later than 4


Election legislation operates with its own rules for calculating deadlines, which differ markedly from the generally accepted ones.

Article 11.1. The procedure for calculating the deadlines established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on elections and referendums

1. If any action can (must) be carried out from the date of the occurrence of any event, then the first day on which this action can (must) be carried out is the calendar date of the occurrence of the corresponding event, but not earlier than the time of occurrence of this event.

2. If any action can (must) be carried out no later than a certain number of days or a certain number of days before the day of the occurrence of any event, then, accordingly, the last day or day on which this action can (must) be carried out is the day after which the number of days specified in this Federal Law remains until the day of the occurrence of the relevant event.

3. If any action can (must) be carried out no earlier than a certain number of days before the day of the occurrence of any event, then the first day on which this action can (must) be carried out is the day after which remains specified in this Federal Law the number of days before the date of the corresponding event.

4. If any action can (must) be carried out no later than a certain number of days after the day of the occurrence of any event, then this action can (must) be carried out within the number of days specified in this Federal Law. In this case, the first day is considered to be the day following the calendar date of the occurrence of this event, and the last is the day following the day on which the specified number of days expires.

Thus, the words " no later (no earlier) than behind X days until voting day"mean that the last (first) day of the corresponding period is ( X−1)th day. For example, the words " 1 day before voting day"correspond to Friday.

The wording of paragraph 4 is extremely sloppy; judicial practice proceeds from the fact that the words “no later than N days after date T” mean a period of (N+1) days starting from the date following the specified date. For example, the period “no later than 1 day after voting day” has a duration of two days: Monday and Tuesday.

In 2014 CEC Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation published Methodological recommendations for the development of calendar plans, where he explained the features of calculating deadlines depending on the formulations used.

For practical purposes, the election deadline calculator will be useful.

Reduced deadlines[  ]

When holding early elections, the law allows for a reduction in the period of electoral actions, but not more than by one third (). The same reduction is possible when calling repeat elections ().

  • Since this reduction is limiting, rounding to a whole number of days should be done towards increasing the period (i.e. towards decreasing the beginning of the time interval or towards increasing its end).
  • The law does not prohibit a disproportionate reduction in the terms of certain actions: for example, the term of some actions can be reduced by a third, while others - only by a quarter or left unchanged.
  • For certain actions, the law may directly establish a special maximum amount for reducing time limits (see, for example,).

Courts about deadlines [  ]

In paragraphs 23−26 of the Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2011 No. 5 “On the practice of courts considering cases on the protection of electoral rights and the right to participate in a referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation” explains what types of deadlines for going to court are preemptive (that is not allowing reinstatement by the court even if there are good reasons for delay).

Arbitrage practice[  ]

Particular attention should be paid to whether the term is electoral or procedural: electoral terms are calculated according to the rules described at the beginning of the article; procedural deadlines are calculated according to the rules Civil Procedure Code Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, which are more consistent with generally accepted ideas, firstly, and are extended in cases where the end of the period falls on a weekend, secondly.

  • Determination of the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated September 16, 2013 No. 74−APG13−27: The deadline for filing a complaint about canceling the registration of a candidate, established (no later than 8 days before voting day), is calculated according to the rules (i.e. e. ends on Friday).
  • Determination of the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 2012 No. 32−APG12−26: The deadline for filing a claim with the court provided for (within 10 days from the date the election commission makes the appealed decision) is procedural, therefore, if the day falls (X+10) On weekends the deadline is extended until Monday.
  • Determination of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 2009 No. 5−G09−104: The commission made a decision on the complaint on day T+11 after filing the complaint in accordance with clause 4 of Art. 11.1 FZG Federal Law No. 67-FZ “On the Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation” is timely.

There are many opinions about how many hours before bed you can eat. People are confused about this concept because there is a difference of opinion. Some nutritionists say that dinner should be no later than 6-7 pm, and there are also studies that the last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime. And if you have to go to bed at 1 am, then what opinion should you follow?

Should you eat before bed?

First, you need to figure out whether you can eat before bed. The fact is that digestion processes slow down during sleep and food eaten at night does not have time to be digested. For this reason, stomach diseases, dysbacteriosis develop and immunity deteriorates and, as a result, excess weight appears. But gaining an extra kilo is not the worst thing that can happen.

Disruption of the hormonal system leads to the appearance of such serious diseases as atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, hypertension with subsequent strokes, etc. Depression, psychosis and other nervous disorders are a consequence of eating at night.

Experts note that while sleeping on an empty stomach, the body launches a rejuvenation mechanism, and if there is food in front of it, the level of sex hormone and stress hormone increases. This leads to accelerated aging of the body.

Best time for dinner

It is advisable to have dinner before 18:00 if bedtime occurs between 20:00 and 21:00. Otherwise, there will be a very long break between the last and first (morning) meals. And this provokes fluctuations in sugar and insulin levels, which leads to a great feeling of hunger, and subsequently to overeating.

Light dinner

Gastroenterologists and pediatricians, discussing how many hours before bedtime you can eat, came to the conclusion that patients with diseases of the digestive system and children under 14 years old should not go to bed hungry. In this case, nutritionists suggest eating low-calorie foods. If we talk about lungs, these include boiled chicken with vegetables, baked fish with salad, and cottage cheese.

Therefore, everyone else, except the above-mentioned categories of people, is not recommended to eat at night. But nutritionists also advise that if you really want to, you can eat light meals an hour before bedtime: a portion of green salad, stewed vegetables, a small portion of oatmeal with water, a glass of milk or kefir, a couple of apples, plain yogurt, a banana. They will be able to satisfy hunger well and will not harm the body.

This food is not suitable for dinner

But if you still have doubts about whether you should eat at night, then you should always listen to your body.

There are people who allow themselves any errors in nutrition and do not gain excess weight. For those who are prone to obesity, you should eat no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. During this period of time, the body will digest food and at the same time will not be hungry and will not store fat in reserve. But you should know what foods you should not eat for dinner. These are coffee and other drinks containing caffeine.

And also this and especially French fries, fatty meats, sweet cereals and sweets, spicy, smoked and pickled foods. For dinner, you should eat light protein foods and avoid carbohydrates.

How many hours before bedtime can you eat? When answering the question, one must take into account the person’s lifestyle, the time of sleep and awakening, what food and in what quantity was consumed during the day. Everything here is calculated individually.

Nutritionist opinion

Previously, we reviewed foods that should not be consumed in the evening. Nutritionists offer recipes for dinners and late-night snacks. It is better to cook pollock, chum salmon, and salmon fillets 2-3 hours before bedtime. The fish must be baked in the oven. The ideal option would be fish cutlets or meatballs, baked in the oven or steamed.

You can cook mussels or shrimp for dinner. Poultry and lean beef should be cooked with vegetables. 1-2 hours before bedtime, it is useful to eat salads made from fresh herbs, which can be sprinkled with 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil. It is sold at the pharmacy. Half an hour before bedtime, you are allowed to drink a glass of kefir or eat a little cottage cheese, washing it down with herbal tea.

Athletes' opinions

There is also the opinion of athletes: for those who play sports, what to eat before bed is extremely important, and sometimes even necessary, since a snack will reduce the feeling of hunger and the body will have enough protein for muscle growth. But you need to properly distribute your dinner time. Athletes recommend eating a small, 250 gram, portion of protein food within an hour and a half.

Making dinner healthier

If you have already developed the habit of eating just before going to bed, and in the morning you have to wake up with a feeling of heaviness, fatigue, and bags under the eyes and swelling appear, then you need to gradually moderate your evening appetite. To do this, you need to change your dinner diet - remove high-calorie foods and replace them with lower-calorie foods.

It is important to avoid consuming alcoholic beverages at night; it is preferable to drink water or green tea. It is recommended to use aromatherapy: the smells of fir, vanilla and mint help relieve hunger and promote restful sleep.


Now it’s clear how many hours before bedtime you can eat. Having analyzed the opinions of scientists, doctors, athletes and girls who monitor their figure with great zeal, it was very difficult to come to an unambiguous decision.

But everyone who is concerned about this problem adheres to the rules: you cannot eat immediately before going to bed, it is better to do it an hour and a half before. It is necessary to exclude evening intake and alcohol. Food portions should be small. Then an evening dinner or a small snack will not harm your health.

01.06.2018 According to the Labor Code, vacation pay is paid no later than three days before the start of the vacation (Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In practice, it is safer to transfer money 4 days in advance. It is not clear which days are counted - calendar or working days, and whether the day of payment of vacation pay should be taken into account.

Position of Rostrud.

Calculate the deadline for payment of vacation pay based on calendar days. At the same time, take into account both working and non-working days - holidays, weekends. If the end of the period falls on a non-working day, then make the payment the day before - on the last working day (letter of Rostrud dated July 30, 2017 No. 1693-6-1).
Rostrud does not explain whether it is necessary to count the day of payment of vacation pay into the three-day period.

What the judges say.

The judges disagreed on the date of payment of vacation pay. Some believe that the day of payment should be included in the three-day period (rulings of the Kemerovo Regional Court dated January 26, 2017 No. 33-942/2017 and Leningrad Regional Court dated August 6, 2015 No. 33-3731/2015).

Others indicate that three full days must pass between the start dates of vacation and payment (decisions of the Perm Regional Court dated January 23, 2018 No. 21-46/2018 and the Chelyabinsk Regional Court dated September 17, 2015 No. 11-11043/2015).

To avoid fines during a labor audit, pay vacation pay on the fourth day before the start of your vacation. For example, an employee goes on vacation from June 15, which means vacation pay must be issued no later than June 11. On June 12 it is already too late to issue vacation pay, since from this day three days before the vacation begin, before which money must be paid. Otherwise, during the inspection, labor inspectors may consider that you have violated the payment deadlines.

The fine for such a violation is:

- for an official (for example, the head of a company) – from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles;
- entrepreneur – from 1000 to 5000 rubles;
- organizations – from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.
A repeated violation will cost more. Fine for an official from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles, for an individual entrepreneur - from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles, for an organization - from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. (Parts 6 and 7 of Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

      ShCh, PCh, EC, TC, NODN give written notice to the chairman of the selection committee that all involved employees have been instructed and tested in knowledge of maintenance, use and monitoring of the condition of devices, job descriptions, as well as safety rules and regulations.

      The order to address 13 must be transmitted to the line no later than 3 days before the start of work.

      GCD, upon receipt of address 13, issues an order (Appendix 3 of instructions TsSh 571).

5.3. No later than one day before the devices are introduced.

      The work manager, no later than one day before the start of work, gives a telegram to issue warnings to trains (Appendix 3 of instructions TsSh 571).

      ShCh draws up a schedule for switching operating devices, approves it with the deputy head of the road (for a 1st class station) or the head of the department (for small stations).

5.4. No later than 2 hours before the start of work

5.4.1. The work manager submits the work plan to the train dispatcher. The work manager coordinates the closure of signaling devices with the DNC and makes a record of the closure of their action in the DU-46 form journal.

5.5. Carrying out work on putting devices into operation.

5.5.1. When putting devices into operation, statements (tables) of the results of checking the dependencies of signaling devices must be filled out, in accordance with approved methods, instructions TsSh-571, TsSh-720.

5.5.2. Representatives of NODN, URB, ShCh, PCh, TC take part in inspections from the field, on the day of commissioning of the facility, filling out the tables in accordance with Appendix 2 of the instruction TsSh 571. If the results of the inspections are positive, the members of the commission sign the corresponding tables, statements, acts, protocols.

5.5.3. When introducing devices to the commission, the following documentation is presented:

    Schematic plan approved with modifications.

    An approved dependency table or list of routes.

    Two-line plan of the station.

    Schematic diagrams with changes, approved by an employee of the design organization (GIP).

    Installation diagrams with changes approved by an employee of the design organization (GIP).

    Availability of an order appointing someone responsible for technical supervision and quality control of construction and installation work.

    A telegram signed by the management of the road department, confirming the completion of construction, installation and adjustment work and requesting permission to switch devices.

    Telegram for closing devices (address 13), approved by the Head of the Road or his deputy.

    The schedule for switching operating devices, approved by the deputy head of the road (for a 1st class station) or the head of the department for small stations, instructions on the order of operation of the devices approved by the deputy head of the road or the head of the department.

    Temporary instructions approved by the head of the department for the period of closure.

    Instructions for station crossings, signed by the station manager, track distances, signaling distances and approved by the head of the department.

    Telegram about the introduction of devices (address 14), signed by the chairman of the commissions.

    Dependency check tables signed by reviewers.

    An act of checking dependencies, signed by the heads of the station and signaling distance or their deputies.

    Acts for hidden work, signed by the head of the signaling system or his deputy (cable and foundations).

    Passport and measurement result of the grounding loop, signed by the responsible employees of the signaling distance, energy supply and construction organization, grounding diagram of the monitoring devices.

    An act of checking the dimensions of the joints, signed by the responsible employees of the station, signaling distance, and track distance.

    The act of choosing a location, installing signals (members of the commission appointed by the head of the road department).

    Notification from the depot, DS, track distance, power supply, signaling distance that all involved employees have been instructed and tested in knowledge of the devices being serviced.

    Acts of checking the dimensions of devices in relation to the tracks, signed by the responsible employees of the track distance, signaling and station.

    A report of the cable measurement results with a note on the availability of passports, signed by the responsible employees of the signaling system and the construction organization.

    Report on checking the insulation resistance of power supply circuits =220V, 220V, =24V,24V, =6V,6V.

    Executed cable plan (cable laying route; and cable networks) (presented by the builders and, after verification, signed by the responsible signal and communications worker and the foreman of the construction organization).

    Schemes of group couplings (3 copies, presented by builders) and the presence of one copy in the couplings.

    The act of transferring premises for installation of equipment (during redevelopment of existing buildings).

    The approved schedule of the technological process with all changes (approved by the head of the signaling system or his deputies).

    Inventory of sealed devices approved by the head of the station and signaling and communications distance.

    An inventory of the number of courbels for switching points, indicating storage locations, approved by the head of the station and the signaling and communications distance. Kurbels should be stored in boxes and sealed with a vice by a senior electrician or electrician.

    All necessary documentation for recording the operation of signaling and automatic blocking devices (magazines and passports) with recording of the test results after start-up.

    A certificate of correct operation of ALS devices and visibility of signals, signed by the heads of the depot or their deputies and the signaling distance.

    Readiness of warnings, signed by the responsible employee of the department's transportation department.

5.5.4. The involved services ensure compliance with labor safety standards for workers involved in putting devices into operation, with the mandatory execution of the necessary documents.

Applications (oral appeals) for the opportunity to vote outside the voting premises can be submitted to the precinct commission no later than four hours before the end of voting time (Article 66, paragraph 5).

82. The chairman of the precinct election commission is obliged to announce that the members of this commission will conduct voting outside the voting premises no later than:

A. One hour before the upcoming departure (departure) of the commission members.

B. 45 minutes before the upcoming departure (departure) of the commission members.

B. 30 minutes before the upcoming departure (departure) of the commission members.

D. This issue is not regulated in federal legislation.

The chairman of the precinct commission is obliged to announce that members of the precinct commission will conduct voting outside the voting premises no later than 30 minutes before the upcoming departure (exit) for such voting (Article 66, paragraph 6).

83. The precinct commission must have the required number of portable voting boxes outside the voting premises. The number of such boxes is determined

A. By decision of the commission organizing the elections.

B. By decision of the executive body of local government.

B. By the decision of the precinct commission.

D. Established by the law on the relevant elections.

The precinct commission must have the required number of portable voting boxes outside the voting premises. The number of such boxes is determined by the decision of the precinct commission (Article 66, paragraph 8).

A. Members of the precinct election commission with the right of decisive and advisory vote.

B. Only members of the precinct election commission with voting rights.

B. Only by the chairman of the precinct election commission.

D. Members of the precinct election commission and representatives of the local administration of the relevant municipality.

85. When conducting a direct count of votes at a precinct election commission, observers must be provided with:

A. Access to ballot papers from which votes are counted.

B. Full review of the actions of the commission members.

B. Access to telephone and fax communications.

D. Observers do not have the right to be present during the direct counting of votes.

The direct counting of votes of voters and referendum participants is carried out in specially designated places, equipped in such a way that members of the commission with both voting and advisory voting rights are provided with access to them... Persons present during the direct counting of votes must be provided with a full overview actions of commission members (Article 68, paragraph 10).

86. When conducting a direct count of votes, the following is carried out first:

A. Counting of ballots removed from the stationary ballot box(es).

B. Counting of ballots of unspecified form.

B. Counting of ballots located in portable ballot boxes.

D. The precinct election commission independently determines the order of counting ballots.

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