Quest tasks. Fifteen best quests in the entire history of games Humorous quests in Russian

First, let's separate the flies and cutlets. I want you to immediately understand what type of quests the tasks are collected here for.

Type of quests for which these tasks are suitable

In total, there are 5 types of quests (my selection is only for the last):

  • Quest rooms. There, props are built into the walls and partially laid out on pieces of furniture and on the floor. Participants move from one room to another and solve a chain of puzzles.
  • Outdoor quests. It is the presenters who bring a lot of props to your home, office, loft, dacha, school, entertainment center or the nearest park and conduct an interesting thematic game with a plot. The props are complex and expensive (often made to order or purchased on special websites). . Here .
  • Banquet quest. Everyone sits at tables, actors show fragments of the performance, assistants carry props. Guests are active participants in what is happening. .
  • Quest adventure. You can walk around a museum, city, park, estate, recreation center. Run. Ride a special bus, bicycle or even a jeep along a difficult route outside the city. Participants have a map, a goal, and a chain of difficult challenges. The artifacts include museum exhibits, monuments, signs on houses, stucco moldings, statues, drawings on wrought-iron gates and fences, graffiti and even advertising banners. .
  • Homemade paper quest. This is my personal name. The point is that participants receive all tasks in the form of letters, notes, scrolls, SMS. Such a game can be invented and played by parents or teachers themselves, using the most common household items: books, balloons, kitchen utensils, boxes, chess, souvenirs, furniture, household appliances, toys, etc.

How to use these sample quest assignments

These ideas are for creative people. Such people read the description of the quest task, and suddenly come up with something completely new. They don’t just change words and pictures, but create a new puzzle that suddenly “flies” into your head. There is even a book, “Steal Like an Artist.” Look for the old, make your own arrangement, create something new, passing through the experience of your predecessors.

The cheat sheet contains examples of collective collecting and my personal “arrangements.” Use, inspire, create.

Let me remind you that all this is suitable for those who conduct quests for their children or students. There will also be something useful for professional presenters, but you need to use real game props.

Plot and mechanics

I'll try it very briefly. You can't just give kids one puzzle after another. You need to come up with or borrow a ready-made plot and main characters from literature or cinema, define a goal, and think through the obstacles on the way to this goal. And to overcome these obstacles you will need all these tasks (game mechanics).

Well, for example, the fairy tale “Kolobok”. For a happy ending, Kolobok needs to collect some clues from each character. The Hare, Wolf and Bear just don’t give anything. At each stage of the game you need to solve their tasks, get a letter, and form a password word from the letters. Hearing this word, the Fox will apologize for her predatory thoughts and take Kolobok back to his grandmother and grandfather.

This is a primitive example, of course. The topic can be anything. I already have themes, “Secrets of the Egyptian Princess”, .

There are also several scenarios from readers of the site with quest tasks in an apartment and in nature. Using these examples you can see how individual tasks fit into the plot.

Where to hide the next hints and tasks

In other words, I will briefly list WHICH WORDS we will encrypt most often. You can, of course, just tell the children that the key to the chest with gifts is hidden somewhere in the room, and they will rummage through the whole room for you. The essence of the quest is to take turns guessing the places in which new passwords, scrolls, and objects are hidden.

These are the places:

Furniture (the answer to the riddle should be: table, chair, chest of drawers, window, etc.)
sofa cushions
household appliances (microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, bread machine, oven, etc.)
"under the carpet"
interior items (vases, boxes, boxes, chests, paintings, etc.)
magnets and souvenirs from different countries with the name of the city written on them
multi-volume collected works (guess the volume number and pick up the clue there)
mailbox (it’s incredibly exciting to go down to the first floor and open your mailbox with a key when it comes to the last hint about gifts)
suitcases and briefcases with combination locks

Other caches can be like this:

A bottle (even if it floats in the bath rather than the sea)
balloons (they need to burst, of course)
ice figures (in the New Year's quest, I froze water with rubber gloves and balls, it turned out to be a whole basin of ice blocks of different shapes. To get a clue, the children defrosted it all under the tap in the sink)
a box of sand in which you need to find small objects
candies in wrappers
Hint/Fortune Cookies (here's the recipe on my website)
jars for storing bulk products
pots with live plants
dishes on the festive table (a hint can be attached to the bottom of the plates)

Quest tasks

1. Compiling a word from individual letters

  • letters can be found one at a time, as in my quest “Night at the Museum”, then make the final word from them and find gifts
  • write letters on disposable cups that are on the holiday table
  • the word can be made from letters written with a marker on balloons
  • bury plastic letters in the sand, children love excavations (I use a magnetic alphabet)
  • freeze the letters in ice cube trays
  • write letters on the fish with magnets (ready-made children's game “Fishing”), let them catch them and make up a word

2. Puzzles

  • make a gift search map from pieces
  • make portraits of famous personalities from 4 fragments (we cut the faces into strips, as for making an identikit)
  • You can write a riddle on the cut picture (the answer is the next place with a clue: a sofa, a vase, etc.)
  • the puzzle pieces may contain a lock code or a phone number that your assistants will call to give you a hint
  • ordinary puzzles with 30-50 fragments can be put together by two teams at speed (fight for an additional prize or hint)

4. Careful counting

  • in the scenario of the Night at the Museum quest, I suggested counting stacks of coins to guess the phone number
  • you can count the same objects in the picture in your room
  • steps in the house
  • windows in the building opposite
  • books on the shelf
  • divide the beans and red beans into piles and count how many more beans of one color are there than the other (“Quest for Princesses”)
  • how many soft toys are in the basket
  • add up all the numbers used to write the birthday person’s date of birth (09/02/2009 = 22)
  • count the number of letters in the first and last name of the birthday person, etc.

All these numbers may be needed to guess the password to a lock, for example. Or the guessed number will be written in a visible place on a piece of furniture with another clue.

5. QR codes

This, of course, is not a task for a quest, but one of the ways to obtain information, but children usually like it. Through a special application on your smartphone, you can encrypt any picture or note with clues. Where should I attach the printed QR code? On the inside surface of a cabinet door, under a plate, on a souvenir or toy, put in a book, etc.

6. Puzzles, charades, crosswords

There is no point in giving many examples; you will find on the Internet the topic of your quest or create your own puzzles in the same image. Here is a simple example in which the word is encrypted "painting". The symbols are the edges of the “grid” around the desired letter.

There is especially a lot of such goodness in old Soviet books and schoolchildren’s calendars. For those who want to find something really interesting, I recommend going to the library. With charades and crosswords, it is convenient to select the intellectual load according to age. On the same topic, you can come up with quest tasks for teenagers, adults and children from 6 to 10 years old.

7. Mirror text

We compose the desired phrase, which is difficult to read without a mirror. You can also pay attention to finding the mirror itself by riddle it using the previous puzzle.

To complicate the task, print the text in an unusual ornate font, otherwise players will easily turn the letters over without any mirror.

8. Anagrams

These are examples for inspiration. It’s simple only at first glance, since even adults sometimes take a long time to compose another word from the letters of one word. If the quest is a team one, time it and reward the most savvy ones with extra points, prizes or tips. The completed word can become a password to the next puzzle.

9. What is hidden in the picture

There are a lot of such attentiveness riddles of varying complexity on the Internet. On the left is an example of a puzzle for kids, on the right - for teenagers: “How many animals are there?”

There are also interesting collections with the general title “What is hidden in the photo.”

10. We use emoticons to indicate the name of a fairy tale (film, song)

Quite challenging, but fun. There are not many emoticons, so you need to use all your imagination to help. You don’t have to give all the pictures, the children will get tired. Encrypt this book with a fairy tale that contains the next clue. And in the picture something like this: “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, “The Princess and the Pea”, “The Frog Princess”, “Mumu” ​​(possibly), “ Starry Rain", "Snow Maiden", "Hare's Hut", "Ivan Tsarevich and the Serpent", "Porridge from an Axe", "Pot of Porridge", "Tom Thumb", "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats", "Rapunzel", "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed."

11. Invisible ink

Honestly, I haven't written notes with milk and lemon juice for a long time. No time)). Now on sale there are pens with invisible ink and a special flashlight. I write letters and messages to children on mirrors, furniture, and in regular letters. Sometimes even on their own son (they covered his hands and feet with tips and drawings).

So right now I wrote the name of my site on my hand and shone it with a flashlight. Without a UV flashlight, no letters can be seen! By the way, you can draw one letter on each guest before starting the quest, then you will collect the final word.

12. Ciphers

Without encryption. Here are the most popular ones (pictures are available on the Internet)

  • dancing men (thanks to Sherlock Holmes)
  • Morse code
  • numeric cipher (each letter is assigned a number)
  • semaphore and flag alphabet
  • symbols
  • homemade ciphers (different pictures of mustaches, toys, food, cosmetics - all images are assigned a letter)

The semaphore alphabet can be shown (one team member shows the encrypted word to everyone else). Son, thanks for the help!))

Long phrases are difficult for children to decipher. Maximum 3 words of 3-5 letters. This is enough to indicate the location of the next clue.

13. Labyrinths

The labyrinth can be drawn. Something confusing needs to be unraveled along the lines or walked along “corridors” without dead ends. I sometimes give out a printed maze to each quest participant. Whoever is first opens the combination lock and takes out gifts, otherwise there will be heated debates)).

There are parents who are not too lazy to make a rope maze. Ropes of different colors are laid out on the floor in the apartment or stretched between the trees in the country. Everyone chooses their own color and follows the line. There is a clue tied to the end of one of the ropes. You can also use ropes stretched at different heights between trees to get to your goal (a gift, a key, another scroll).

14. Excavations

This is definitely a fun activity! This picture was sent by my reader (check out the whole thing). She spent a month collecting chicken bones for excavations! The skull, however, is plastic. I repeated her idea, but buried a lot of small Kinder Surprise toys in a basin of sand. Repeating figures had to be set aside, one unique one was a clue.

Instead of sand, you can rummage through semolina, rice, salt and buckwheat.

15. Puzzles with matches

Most often, large fireplace matches or counting sticks are used for this purpose. There are very simple problems, and there are those that even adults puzzle over. Here's an example from my Haunted Bunker quest. Rearrange one match so that the answer is still correct.

16. Puzzles with buttons

Here, instead of buttons, there can be any figures, whatever is needed on the topic of the quest. Bugs, mummies, angry dogs. The point is that you need to divide the figures with four lines so that there is one in each cell.

Speed ​​challenge, the fastest one gets extra points, tips or privileges.

17. Classic puzzles

Let me remind you what this is. The rules are always the same, it’s easy to figure out. Commas before the picture show how many letters need to be removed at the beginning of the word, commas after the picture show how many letters need to be removed at the end of the word. The equal sign indicates which letter in the word needs to be replaced with another.

The words are encrypted in six pictures: lemon, capital, stork, student, gift, queen. The Internet is full of such puzzles; integrate them into your quest, taking into account the plot.

18. Encrypted poem

First digit is the line number at the top.

Second digit— the serial number of the word on this line.

When planning a children's party, the easiest option is to turn to people who professionally organize holidays. They will offer you a lot of options, various types of entertainment, among which quests are especially popular today.

Quest- this is a chain of tasks connected to each other by some topic or common goal.

It is not surprising that children are delighted with quests, because they so love to solve mysteries, go to the goal and receive such a coveted prize as a result.

But to arrange an exciting quest, you don’t have to contact anyone. Using ingenuity and imagination, any parent can write a script for their own special quest, which will be compiled taking into account the hobbies and interests of your child. And such a quest will be even more valuable, because you have put your soul into it, and even more interesting, because who, if not you, knows how to interest your own child.

To create a scenario, you will need tasks for a quest for children. Let's look at different options for children's tasks, by putting them together, you can create your own unique scenario.

To read it, you need to do certain things with it. Examples of such a letter:

  • inscription with milk. Appears when heated. To do this you will need matches or a lighter, so this task should not be given to children. But even if you are doing a quest for schoolchildren, at this stage it is advisable for the participation or at least the presence of an adult for safety reasons.
  • wax candle or chalk. The paper with the hint must be painted over with a pencil so that the inscription appears. An excellent safe option for the task.
  • pressed inscription. We take two sheets of paper, place them on a soft surface and write the message so that it is imprinted on the bottom sheet. This will be our secret letter. To read the inscription, it must be painted over, just like in the previous version.


You can easily compose it yourself. For example, the answer to the next stage will be the word “sun”. For each letter of the word we come up with another word: the letter “C” is a dog, etc. Moreover, this may not necessarily be the first letter of the word. Then we select a leading question or riddle for each word. The answers are entered into the boxes and the result is a clue word in one of the columns. We paint it some color. An example of such a crossword puzzle can be found here.

Hidden clue

For this type of task, you will need a container with sand, any cereal or pasta, in which a capsule with a hint is hidden. You can also use a bucket of water.

Such tasks are more suitable for a quest that takes place in nature.

You can hide the clue not in a container, but in a certain area. It could be some bushes or thick grass.


One or more questions, after solving which, participants receive a hint. It is advisable that the quiz questions be united by one topic. These can be phrases from fairy tales, from which you need to guess the fairy tale itself.

More quiz options:

  • we take several objects or pictures, we need to guess which movie or cartoon these objects are from;
  • Geographic quiz - guess countries, cities;
  • quiz with questions about animals, birds or insects;
  • a quiz with questions about household appliances or any items used in everyday life.

If the quest is carried out with schoolchildren, the quiz can be dedicated to any subject that they study at school. In this case, the task will be not only exciting, but also useful.


More suitable for nature, but can also be organized at home. On the street, it could be stretched ropes, between which you need to crawl, or a tunnel made of branches - this must be determined by the availability of materials.

At home, you can use a special children's tunnel or stretch tape between the walls in the hallway.


It can be either in prose or in poetic form. The answer is the key to the next task.

To complicate the task, write the riddle backwards - then the children will have to try to read it, and then only guess.


We represent the key word using a rebus. You can choose a ready-made rebus, or you can come up with one yourself.


We first print a word or picture on paper, glue the paper onto thick cardboard and cut it into pieces. The child's task is to put the puzzle together to get a clue.

Word encrypted using phone buttons

Phone buttons have letters, which means each letter in a word can be represented by a number. But each number corresponds to several letters, which complicates the task. Such tasks are suitable for schoolchildren; children may not be able to cope with them.

Word encrypted with icons

Each letter of the alphabet is indicated by some kind of sign - a circle, a square, an asterisk. Children are given a code of signs and an alphabet with symbols. Their task is to pick up the letters and solve the word as quickly as possible.

find 10 differences

A well-known childhood pastime is to compare two pictures and find the differences. It could easily be made into a children's quest. Looking for differences as a team is much more fun and interesting.

Relay races

This is a component of a quest in nature. There are a lot of relay variations. You can come up with your own, stylizing it to match the theme of the quest. For example, if the quest is dedicated to the New Year, then instead of a ball, children can pass each other a toy snowman or Santa Claus’s bag with gifts.

Who's the odd one out here?

Children are given a few words or pictures. Their task is to determine which object or word is superfluous. The extra word will be the key to the next stage. An option with a complication - we make each word a riddle or a rebus, then the children first need to unravel the words, and then look for the odd one among them.

Do the math

We prepare cards with hints in advance, on each card there is a word and a number. To find out which word is the key, you need to count something. You can count steps in the entrance, benches or trees on the street, windows in the house, etc. Let's complicate the task - you need to count several objects, then add these numbers to get the key.

Find the right box

You need to prepare several identical boxes, one of which contains a key or a word. The participants' task is to open all the boxes. The option is more complicated - we put a key in each, but only one of them fits the lock, or we put a piece of paper in each, but only one of them has a hint on it.

Mirror reflection

We write a word or riddle in a mirror image. Participants must guess for themselves that they need to use a mirror to read. By the way, the mirror can also be hidden, thereby making the task even more interesting.

General assignment rules

Here we have selected only the main variants of tasks, you can take them as a basis or come up with your own, but you must follow several rules:

  • All tasks should not be dangerous. You cannot force a child to swim across a river or light a fire;
  • the problems must be age-appropriate for the participants to actually solve them. But at the same time, they should not be too simple;
  • the stages of the quest should be united by one theme, smoothly transition into each other, and be built in a logical chain;
  • at the end there should be a prize waiting for the participants, and it should be such that no one is offended. If the game is a team game, then the prize should be for the whole team. If you wish, you can give small prizes at each stage of the passage.

We hope that our tips will help you and you will organize your own original and exciting children's quest!

Every day the popularity of quests is growing - more and more people are learning about them. And many people have a desire to come up with their own quest for some holiday for their family and friends. Coming up with tasks for a quest is not an easy task; here you will have to call on all your imagination, ingenuity and resourcefulness to help.

It is worth noting that puzzle-solving games are loved not only by children, but also by adults. Over many centuries, humanity has come up with a huge number of riddles, charades, logic problems and other tasks that can not only diversify leisure time, but also help develop mental skills and thinking.

In this article we want to tell you how you can apply many well-known and favorite tasks from childhood to your quest. Pay attention to the main condition - the answer to the task must be a word denoting a place or object, and which can serve as a kind of hiding place. After all, a quest is a chain of tasks, each of which is hidden in a certain place. Having completed the next task, players learn the key word, and it tells them where to move next. At first glance, it may seem that the answer in the form of some word is obtained only when solving puzzles, crosswords and riddles. In fact, you can even get a word in a puzzle like origami. And we will tell you how to do this in this article.

How to choose keywords for a quest

The core of the quest is the puzzle cards and the locations that the answers to those puzzles point to. After all, as we wrote above, all tasks are hidden in various places and objects.

Places and words denoting them can be common, found everywhere: bed, TV, door, window, etc. Or they can be specific, found only in a specific room or in a specific area. For example, you can use the names of indoor plants, books, tourist souvenirs, etc.

Or it happens that one word has a double meaning for some people. An example could be this: there is a cat in the family, the household jokingly calls him Loaf, or, well, Sofa) So this word can be made the key word in the quest. Having received the word “sofa” in the answer, players will not immediately realize that they need to run not to a real sofa, but to the cat or to the place where he sleeps or eats. Such funny moments will make the game more fun and interesting. They will add individuality to the quest and tasks, show that the organizer put his soul into the process and took into account the interests and passions of loved ones.

A similar example can be given with the use of souvenirs from trips around the world. For example, you have a plate hanging on your wall - a souvenir from Paris. This is an excellent reason to add a task to the quest, the answer to which will be something related to Paris or France. Maybe even the word “Paris” itself.

There are many similar examples. But we will not delve into them, since the purpose of this article is to give advice on how to come up with tasks for a quest yourself, for example, for a birthday. We will also use specific examples to analyze how to adapt and implement various types of puzzles into the quest. We will, of course, share some secrets, but we won’t reveal them all just yet. The examples of tasks presented below are taken from our quests, which you can read at.

Now let's look at how different types of tasks can be “modified” so that the answer to them is a word - the name of an object or place. Only then can you include this task in the quest.

Types of tasks for the quest

Conventionally, we divide the huge variety of types of puzzles and tasks into categories. Below we will look at some of them.

“Verbal-letter tasks”

Their essence is to correctly enter the answers (words and letters) into the required cells. As a result, a keyword will appear in the highlighted cells, which will lead players to the next task. A classic example of such a task is the most common crossword puzzle, after completing which you need to read the keyword in the highlighted cells.

Similar tasks include:

  • Crosswords
  • graphic crosswords
  • teawords
  • tasks “song” or “poem”, where you need to enter the missing words in the text and form a keyword from the letters in the highlighted cells.

"Simple tasks"

The key word is either a riddle, a charade, or a question of erudition or specific knowledge. Here is an example of a famous charade:


Example of a question with the answer “MIRROR”:


You need to compose and solve puzzles according to generally accepted rules that can be found on the Internet.

Most often, a rebus is a combination of pictures, letters and numbers. The task is to write down the names of these images in the correct order and then decipher the keyword or phrase.

"Logic Puzzles"

It is difficult within the scope of this article to describe all the many ways to use logic puzzles for home quests. Maybe in the future we will devote a separate article to this. In the meantime, here is one good example of how a well-known type of puzzle with matches can be adapted for use in an escape room:


There can be many use cases here. In a fillword, you can guess a word by scattering its letters among the false letters. In this case, all false letters will be repeated, and the letters of the keyword will appear only once. In this case, the task should be formulated as follows: cross out all the repeated letters, and form a word from the remaining ones.

Or a fillword can be the intersection of many words that, according to the assignment, will need to be found and crossed out. And the remaining letters should form a keyword.

Another option for using a fillword is to hide three or four words among the false letters, which together would give a hint of the keyword you need. For example, the words hidden on the letter field are: soup, lid, kitchen. The word connecting them will be pan. This is where you need to hide the next puzzle or the final prize.

“Find differences or an extra object”

Such tasks are great for any children's quest, especially when children cannot read yet, and using word tasks is not suitable for you. If the task says to find an extra object, then you can, for example, in the image of a New Year tree, “hide” a saucepan, a washing machine, or any other ridiculous thing among the toys. Organize another cache there. If in the task you need to find differences, then the players are given two pictures, on one of which they need to provide the “key” difference.

"Find an object without a pair"

Like the previous tasks, great for children. The card depicts various objects with their logical pairs in a chaotic order. For example: brush - paint, TV - antenna, match - fire, etc. We are conceiving one item without a pair, it will be the key one.

Can be used in two ways. In the first case, the labyrinth will be a regular puzzle with several exits. An item must be placed at each exit. The item planned in the quest outline is placed at the only correct exit.

The second application option is more interesting for adults and children who can read. Letters are scattered along the paths of the labyrinth in such a way that only after following the correct path can you read the key word.

"Logical chains"

For children, you can use logical chains listing repeating items.

For adults and children who are good with mathematics, you can come up with various chains with numerical patterns. The numbers missing in them must correspond to the serial number of the letters in the alphabet. The letters are guessed exactly from the keyword you need.

"Tasks with collecting letters"

The point of the tasks is to collect the necessary letters to compose a keyword. You can come up with a lot of options here.

For example, the letters of a word can be randomly placed on any picture, preferably with a thematic focus. Immediately imagine a number of small fragments of the same picture. Each fragment must correspond to the location of one of the letters of the keyword.

A collection of letters can also be conceived in a table at the intersection, for example, the names of countries and cities that are located in them. This puzzle can be made on any topic: literature, geography, sports, art. It is she who will help take into account the hobbies and interests of the players in the game.


Nowadays almost no quest can do without this classic technique. The keyword is encrypted with shapes, pictograms, flowers, snowflakes, in general, any icons corresponding to the theme of the game. Using the alphabet, where each character corresponds to a letter, players must read a message, a riddle, or just a keyword.


We discussed the issue of using riddles in quests in detail in the article Riddles for quests. In it we talked about how to correctly use riddles in an quest, how ordinary riddles can be turned into interesting puzzles, showed several interesting ideas, and also published lists of riddles about various household items.
You can also find a list of riddles about various household items here:

"Special tasks with secret inscriptions"

These are the most entertaining quests. These include tasks using sympathetic ink or the use of any manipulations to manifest a message on paper. Ink that becomes invisible after drying, but appears when heated, can serve as: milk, lemon juice, starch solution.

You can reveal the secret inscription in other ways. For example, you need to take two sheets of paper, place them one on top of the other and write a message on the top sheet, pressing firmly on the pencil. On the bottom sheet, at first glance, the inscription is not visible, but if you take a pencil and paint over it, the pressed inscription will appear.

The principle of operation is similar for this task: write a word, a message on a piece of paper, or draw a picture with a colorless wax candle. If you then paint over the sheet with a pencil, the secret image will appear, as it will remain white.

An interesting task for a children's quest is a message that can only be read with the help of a mirror. On the sheet you need to write a riddle or phrase in a mirror image. Having received such a task, players must guess how to use a mirror and read the text.

Developing tasks for a spy quest will not be complete without making a stencil, which can also be used to receive a secret message. To do this, you need to take a newspaper clipping, select the necessary letters in the text for the intended message, and make slits in the right places on a blank sheet of paper. This quest works especially interestingly when players find a stencil and a newspaper clipping at different stages of the quest.

Individual tasks

Above we described only a small part of the tasks that can be used in the quest. In you will find many other original and unique tasks.

We try, whenever possible, to include so-called individual tasks in our quests. They help to personalize the quest and give it the appearance of an individual, designed specifically for a specific person or company.

For example, task "Our Date" in the Romantic quest (link to the rum quest) is based on the date the couple met. Without remembering it, it is impossible to solve the task. A similar type of task “Do you know me well” with personal questions is also irreplaceable if the quest is being prepared for a loved one.

Our quests

Developing tasks for a quest is not only about coming up with original puzzles for the quest. Be sure to take the time to include some moving tasks into the quest. They will help diversify the quest and keep players from getting bored.

When purchasing most of our scenarios, we give our customers a specially designed set of active tasks for the quest.

The set includes tasks according to which players must perform certain active (physical or creative) actions. If completed correctly, they move on to the next stage and receive another puzzle or task.

Please note that quests usually do not imply the participation of the presenter in the game process, because players find the tasks themselves, solve them themselves, and receive hints on where to look for the next ones. If you enter active tasks, the participation of the presenter will become mandatory.

Quests are a unique gaming genre. You can’t run, jump, press against walls, shoot blindly, or do other things that modern gamers love. In a quest you are unlikely to see the words “Game Over” or “Mission Failed”. In essence, the quest is an interactive book, a small world with its own rules and laws. Unfortunately, now this genre is, if not dead, then in a state of deep coma. And all because the corporate executives, fat and swimming in dirty console money, decided that such games have not been profitable for a long time and should be subjected to oblivion. But despite this, MadFanboy will tell you about the 15 best quests of all time.


15. Machinarium

In 15th place is a real quest nugget of recent years. Machinarium is a short story about a small, lonely robot who is thrown into a landfill. The game takes place in a city of machines, where the entire population is robots, including cats, birds and other animals. Machinarium is an outrageously standard point-and-click adventure, but its impeccable visual style, ingenious sound design and SOUL do their job.

14. Sam & Max Seasons

It was these games that proved that it is possible to transfer a classic 2D quest to 3D with virtually no loss of the charm of the ancestor’s game. The same vigorous couple of zoo detectives and the same delight for the heart of a seasoned quester, burned with cigarette butts, under the guise of puzzles. Brief bouts of boredom are possible in places, but the blues disappear instantly after intracranial injections by gothic emo vampires and giant robots singing hits!

13. Black Mirror

In 2003, an absolutely classic, to the core, quest was released, created by a Czech team of four people. This game had an excellent plot, a dark atmosphere and, as befits such projects, a total lack of funding. The second part of the game was recently released, but we haven’t had a chance to play it yet.

12. Syberia

The story of Kate Walker, a young lawyer who received a rather ordinary task - to sign an agreement for the sale of a once famous toy factory, was remembered by many. The game can rightfully be called one of the best quests, but, unfortunately, the second part did not achieve similar success.

11. Broken Sword 1-2

A kind of Indiana Jones from the world of quests. Templars, killer clowns, travel to different parts of the world and, of course, saving the world. It is worth noting that it was this game that opened the genre to dirty console gamers - this quest series is available on PS1, GBA, Wii.

10. Blade Runner

One of the most amazing games created based on the film. Nonlinear (!), exciting quest with multiple endings. Moreover, the end of the game was not chosen at any specific point (hello Fahrenheit), but was based on the actions that you performed during the entire quest.

9. Leisure Suit Larry

The game is about a resilient, balding 40-year-old virginal pervert who constantly and unsuccessfully (almost) tries to seduce chicks, i.e. a game about the average console player. Any questions?

8. Space Quest

Perhaps one of the first quests (and games in general) of a parody nature in my memory. You had to take on the role of Roger Wilco, an ordinary cleaner on the Arcade spaceship, while washing floors and saving galaxies, of course!

7. The Secret of Monkey Island

If any of you have ever dreamed of becoming a pirate, we advise you to play this game, perhaps you will understand how much of a hemorrhoid this is.

6. Day of Tentacle

Sequel to Maniac Mansion from Tim Schafer and Dave Grossman with depressed tentacles, time travel, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington.


The quest, created naturally on the knee (the sounds of a waterfall, for example, were recorded by sticking a microphone into the toilet) for a long time was the best-selling game and became a standard of the genre. Here much more time was spent not on combining a shovel and a hat, but on solving complex and interesting puzzles.

4. Sam & Max Hit the Road

The quest, based on the comics Sam & Max: Freelance Police, can undoubtedly bear the title of one of the best quests of all time. The story of a couple of detectives - the melancholic dog Sam and the sociopathic rabbit Max - is filled with gags, selective black humor and the most absurd dialogues in the entire history of the genre.

3. Neverhood

PLASTICINE! SOUL! DESIGN! There is nothing more to say - just play this quest.

2. Grim Fandango

Do you think that when you die, all your problems will end? Oh no, they're just getting started. An absolute classic of the genre.

1.Full Throttle

Tim Schafer's best performance. The best quest released during the heyday of the golden era of quests. As you know, a sequel was announced in 2003 - Full Throttle II: Hell on Wheels, and the game was an action/adventure game, but it never saw the light of day. And this is great, because such games should not have sequels and other heresy games oh industry.

Play these games. Seriously, they are worth your time. Believe me, in our age of shaders and bumps, it’s very nice to sit down and launch a game whose main character consists of 15 pixels.

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