International passport through State Services - registration and receipt of the document (step-by-step instructions). How and where to get a new international passport: step-by-step instructions for obtaining a new international passport How to obtain an international passport

Any resident of the Russian Federation understands that when it comes to interaction with government agencies, one cannot expect a pleasant pastime. Therefore, information on how to easily obtain a foreign passport and with maximum comfort (or better said, without discomfort) is relevant for many. It will help both those who are preparing a document for the first time and those who are already changing their first ID to travel abroad and probably know a couple of ways to get a foreign passport.

In 2019, in Russia you can get one of two types of foreign passports:

  • biometric (new type) – characterized by the presence of an electromagnetic microcircuit in the cover, capable of storing and allowing information to be read in digital form at a distance, a document is issued for 10 years;
  • old model – validity period up to 5 years.

The fundamental difference between generations of documents is the presence of a digital chip with biometric information about the owner of the document in the new one. However, no country has yet restricted entry for foreigners who do not have a biometric document. This means that a classical document is no less valid than its progressive counterpart. In Russia you can get any one you choose. The main thing is to fill out the appropriate application form and pay the required state fee.

Today there are several ways to obtain a foreign passport in Russia. This is very convenient, since the applicant himself can choose which one to use. This means that a citizen can plan his time and money costs for completing this procedure as efficiently as possible.

  1. Personal appeal of the applicant to the government agency on migration issues in the system of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (formerly the Federal Migration Service of Russia).
  2. Submission of documents through the multifunctional center.
  3. Obtaining a foreign passport via the Internet on the Unified Government Services Portal.
  4. Help from intermediaries.

When choosing one or another method of obtaining a foreign passport, you should understand that the only entity authorized to issue it is the government agency for migration issues. Wherever the applicant applies, the documents sooner or later end up there, and the main procedure takes place in the government agency. However, by contacting the MFC or intermediaries, you can avoid queues and save money.

You can apply for a new passport before the expiration date of the previous one, but it is not necessary to hand it in at all. The law allows Russians to hold two foreign passports at the same time.

Submitting documents to migration authorities

Classic application option. It consists of the fact that the applicant collects the necessary package of documents, fills out an application of the appropriate type, pays the state fee and submits this entire list to the migration authority. In this case, you can choose a government agency both at the place of registration of residence and at the place of actual location.

If a package of documents is submitted to the government agency at the place of registration, you can expect the issuance of a completed document within a period of up to one month. When submitting an application at a location other than your place of registration, you must be prepared to receive a foreign passport within up to four months.

After receiving the application and relevant papers, employees submit requests to a number of databases, the holders of which are various government agencies. It is these procedures that require the time that is set as the deadline for obtaining a foreign passport.

Based on the results of the requests, the employee makes a decision on the possibility of issuing the document to the applicant. If there are no grounds for refusal, the citizen receives a ready-made foreign passport.

Why is this method inconvenient? Its main drawback is such an atavism from the Soviet era as a queue. Not everyone wants to spend a lot of time, effort and nerves standing in the corridors. However, some territorial authorities have begun an experiment. You can visit them by making an appointment in advance. This way you won’t have to wait long and waste time.

Another drawback, which is also perceived as a national tradition, is the “warm welcome” by employees. Of course, this does not apply to all employees of government agencies, but the tradition is widely known and almost everyone who applied for administrative services has encountered it.

Multifunctional centers

An alternative way to submit documents to obtain a foreign passport in Russia is to contact multifunctional centers. These organizations help you obtain a large list of government services, including obtaining a foreign passport. The way to make a foreign passport through the MFC, not much different from the above. The big difference is in the queue itself. In the centers it passes quite quickly. There are many employees who accept documents, and in 5-10 minutes they pass one person at a time. In addition, some multifunctional centers allow you to join an electronic queue. This way you can come to the center just before your turn.

Multifunctional centers are accredited to receive documents. And today many are already equipped with the necessary equipment for issuing biometric documents. The timing and procedure for completing the procedure through the centers do not differ from those described above.

So, the positive aspects of processing through the MFC are the high speed and availability of an electronic queue, as well as the territorial location - for some it is more convenient to contact them rather than get to their territorial migration office.

Public services on the Internet

It is quite convenient to apply for a foreign passport through the Unified Government Services Portal on the Internet. This method is very convenient for those who already have an account on the portal. Otherwise, you'll have to tinker. The procedure is long and requires more than just online actions. You will have to confirm your identity.

By the way, if you don’t have an account on the portal, it’s worth getting one. It will provide access to many useful services that can be easily ordered online without unnecessary red tape.

It is worth understanding that you will still have to go to a government agency. The advantage is that submitting an application is simplified and you do not need to stand in line to do so. When visiting migration authorities, you will need to present the entire package of documents, despite the scanned copies attached to the application.

The application itself is completed directly on the website by filling out an electronic form that corresponds to the approved forms.

It is also convenient that payment can also be made online. This, by the way, applies to any method of circulation. Paid state duty through government services is accepted both at the government agency and at the MFC. After making the payment, just print out the receipt from your personal account. Theoretically, an employee of the migration authority can check the fact of payment through the database, but having a receipt will not be superfluous.

Mediation assistance

On the Internet and offline, a huge number of companies offer their services for processing documents for traveling abroad from Russia. Their main advertising ploy is super-short processing times.

Theoretically, according to Russian legislation, the deadlines are maximum, that is, issuing a foreign passport even in one day will not be a violation. The only question is the interest of those in charge. Such interest is compensated financially. Therefore, the services of intermediaries are not cheap, but they allow you to obtain a foreign passport really quickly. This is very important for those who need a document quickly. Often people are willing to pay quite a lot of money to obtain a foreign passport urgently.

How much does the procedure cost?

The main payment when obtaining a foreign passport is the state duty. In 2019, the following state duty amounts have been established in Russia:

  • 2000 rubles – for obtaining an old-style international passport by a person over 14 years old;
  • 3500 – for issuing a biometric document for the same category;
  • 1000 – for a regular passport for children;
  • 1500 – fee for a biometric passport for minors.

The amount of remuneration for intermediaries is not regulated by the state, so it can be anything. It is recommended to find out the exact numbers before starting the procedure.

Documents for obtaining a passport

When applying for a foreign passport in Russia, you need to submit the following documents:

  1. Passport of a Russian citizen (for first-time applicants under 14 years of age - birth certificate).
  2. Evidence of payment of state fees.
  3. Military ID or certificate from the military commissariat for those liable for military service (men from 18 to 27 years old).
  4. Permission from the command of a military unit or institution - for persons undergoing military service, except for urgent ones.
  5. Previously issued foreign passport. which has not expired (it can be retained if necessary).

Those receiving biometric passports must be photographed and fingerprinted.

Thus, there are several ways to obtain a foreign passport in Russia. Fortunately, the procedure is becoming increasingly simple and friendly for ordinary citizens.

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Obtaining a passport in Moscow

Obtaining a foreign passport is a rather lengthy procedure, and therefore it is better to prepare this document well in advance of the planned trip. The time it takes to receive a completed document depends not only on the type of passport, but also on the period for which it is issued.

In Moscow (as in particular throughout the Russian Federation), two types are possible:

  • New sample international passport (biometric international passport). The peculiarity of such a document is the minimal likelihood that another person will use it. In addition, such a passport is issued for ten (instead of the required five) years.

The disadvantage of a foreign passport of this type is that at the moment it is not accepted in all foreign countries.

  • Old style international passport. It is considered a classic version of a foreign passport. Accepted in all countries.

The cost of obtaining a passport in Moscow depends on the type of passport.

Where to apply?

Where to apply?

There are two ways to obtain a foreign passport in Moscow:

  • The Federal Migration Service. The advantage of this option is the ability to make an appointment in advance. To avoid standing in line, you can call the migration service unit at your place of duty and sign up;

The FMS sets the appointment day independently, without taking into account the client’s requests.

  • Multifunctional Center. The advantage of this option is the ability to issue all additional certificates in one place. Here you can also pay the state fee through the Sberbank terminal.

You can also make the necessary photocopies of documents on the territory of the multifunctional center.

  • State Services website. All necessary documents to obtain a foreign passport will have to be scanned and sent through the website. You will only have to go to the migration service on the day you receive the completed document.

You can print out the receipt details on our website using the form below.

Please note that the city must be selected in the "Urban districts" section

Enter information to issue a receipt

Fields marked with “*” are required

If a foreign passport is issued by a Russian citizen

The package of documents depends on the type of foreign document you receive.

So, to obtain old-style international passports, you will need the following documents:

  • Application for an old-style foreign passport. The sample can be downloaded on the Internet or obtained from the FMS;
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. You need to photocopy the second and third and nineteenth pages of the passport;
  • Child's birth certificate (if available);
  • (If available) marriage certificate/divorce certificate + color photocopy;
  • If you need to change your international passport because the previous one has expired, then you need to provide the old international passport to the FMS
  • A receipt confirming payment of the state fee for obtaining a foreign passport;
  • Work book (if available).

The list of required documents when issuing a new-style international passport does not differ from the list of documents required to issue an old-style international passport.

Receipt times

Regardless of whether you receive a new or old-style international passport, the time frame for receiving the finished document is:

  • 30 days if the citizen independently submits documents to the Federal Migration Service;
  • Up to four months if the citizen takes all documents to the local service in person.


If a person works in a position that involves access to state secrets, then the period for obtaining a foreign passport can take up to 90 days.

How can I speed up the delivery time?

To obtain a foreign passport within three days, you must provide the FMS with one of the following reasons:

  • If you have a close relative abroad who has a serious illness or is on the verge of death;
  • If a citizen of the Russian Federation himself needs emergency treatment abroad (the necessary medicines or specialists are only in foreign clinics);

If a citizen without registration receives a foreign passport

Obtaining a passport without registration

If a citizen does not have Russian citizenship and only temporary registration has been issued, then to obtain a foreign passport in Moscow, you need to contact either the FMS in person or send all the necessary documents in color through the State Services website, namely:

  • Photocopy of passport;
  • Four color photographs, 3.5 x 4.5 format;
  • Photocopy of marriage certificate/divorce certificate (if available);
  • A photocopy of the receipt confirming payment of the state fee;
  • Photocopy of work record book (if available).

In addition to scanned documents, you need to fill out an electronic application.

A foreign passport gives a Russian citizen the right to travel abroad for recreation, study, work or for other purposes, for example, for treatment. But it is not done quickly, since the competent authorities conduct a comprehensive check of the applicant ( one month). So you should think about obtaining a foreign passport much earlier than the trip itself is planned. An effective way to save time on the procedure is to complete documents through the website

Even when submitting documents through the State Services website A trip to the Federal Migration Service cannot be avoided. However, time is saved here, since you don’t have to stand in line, and documents can be prepared slowly and, if something is missing, quickly sent via the Internet, rather than going to the migration service office again.

As for the type of document, now everything more often they issue a new type of international passport - biometric. Passing customs and visa control with it is much faster and more convenient, but such a passport there is a minus: Children cannot be included in it. For children, even if they are just babies, you will have to create a separate biometric passport.

It should be noted that it is more difficult to obtain an old-style international passport than a new one, and the Federal Migration Service strongly recommends obtaining a biometric passport. Many departments no longer issue the previous document at all - only “biometrics”.

How to apply for a foreign passport through State Services - step-by-step instructions

I'll tell you from personal experience, how to apply for a foreign passport through State Services.

Step 1. Registration on the portal

In order to be able to send an application and documents for a foreign passport through the State Services portal, you must first register on it. Please note that to receive this service, you must complete full registration, and this takes time, since the applicant must receive an account activation key by mail. I have It took about two weeks to register, but If you have a digital signature or a universal electronic card, or there is a specialized service center in your city, then registering will not take much time. With a signature or UEC, this can be done instantly; if you contact the center, you can receive the code within a day.

To register, in addition to your passport and phone number, you will need a SNILS number - a pension insurance certificate. If it is not there, you will have to first order it from the Pension Fund.

Step 2. Leave a statement

Directly applying for a foreign passport through the government services portal looks like this. First you need to find the service itself. This can be done in the catalog under the FMS section or through the search bar. Next, you need to go to the page for filling out the electronic application form. Here you can choose which international passport to issue - the old or new sample. The difference here is noticeable, so it’s better to make a new sample right away.

Confirm your consent to the processing of personal data and, of course, fill out the application itself. There are a lot of points. Competently and leisurely fill out the application fields step by step. Try not to make mistakes so that you are not denied service.

Of all the points, I only had questions about photos. How to upload a photo to State Services for a foreign passport and what should it be like? This must be a standard 3.5 x 4.5 cm photograph and will be used for personal records. The passport will contain another, three-dimensional one, which the FMS employees will make on the spot (when you are invited to a meeting for the first time). In order not to run around for additional photos, I cheated - I took a photo of my current passport on my mobile phone, saved it on your computer and uploaded it to the website.

Other required items:

  • Select your location and the migration service department where the passport will be issued (you will be invited to your first meeting here).
  • Fill in your personal information, indicate your phone number, information about what data has changed (for example, last name).
  • Indicate the purpose of obtaining a passport, indicate whether you have a valid document.
  • Indicate all information that may prevent you from traveling abroad. For example, unpaid taxes.
  • Enter information about your work over the past 10 years. Here, an extract from the work book will best help, since you need to indicate the place of work, position, hours of work, address of the place of work and other data.

Step 3. Waiting for a response to the application

I waited a long time for an answer, but never received it. It turns out you had to go to the government services website and check the notification yourself. Perhaps this is only in our city. Just keep this in mind. If you don’t make it on this day, you have another 15 days left, then you’ll have to send the data again. According to my friends, the answer came both by email and SMS.

The response to the application indicated: the date, time and place where it was necessary to come to take biometric data (fingerprints) and photos.

Step 4. Payment of state duty

I paid at Sberbank. I just went to a free cash desk and said that I needed a receipt to pay the state fee for a foreign passport. Now the state fee can be paid immediately on the State Services website.

Cost of state duty for a foreign passport

Since 2018, state fees have increased. The promotion did not bypass the registration of a foreign passport. Now the state duty is:

  • For issuing a biometric passport – 5000 rubles (was 3500 rubles).

Step 5. First visit to the Federal Migration Service.

You need to go to the Federal Migration Service with your passport, a copy of your work record book and a receipt for payment of the state duty. Your application will already be ready, you just need to sign it and take a photo. The second time you will need to come to the Federal Migration Service for a ready-made international passport.

I arrived right on time, there was no queue. I was invited into an office where they took my biometric data, took a photograph and asked me to sign.

Signature. Please note that when you are asked to sign, such a signature will appear in your passport. I didn’t take this into account, I thought I was just signing documents, as a result, now I have a crooked signature in my passport, but it doesn’t interfere with my life.

Step 5. Second visit to the Federal Migration Service, obtaining a foreign passport.

I was told that the processing time for a foreign passport is 1 month, but in practice it turned out to be faster. After 2 weeks, I saw a notification on the government services website that I could come and receive a document. Please note that I did not receive notifications by email or phone at all. It all depends on the region. Just come at the specified time to receive your passport. Done, nothing complicated.

Other ways to obtain a passport

You can obtain a foreign passport either yourself or through your legal representatives - parents or guardians. There is no option for obtaining this document by proxy, since obtaining a new generation international passport will require reading biometric data, including the creation of a three-dimensional photograph.

The document can be prepared:

  • In departments and offices of the Federal Migration Service. This is the simplest and most popular, and therefore time-consuming option - most likely, you will have to spend a lot of time in queues.
  • Through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and its representative offices. Basically, this method is suitable for obtaining “exotic” visas, as well as for official visits.
  • Through consulates and diplomatic missions outside the Russian Federation.

For adult citizens, the following documents are required:

  • Applications (form issued by a migration service employee).
  • Passports and copies of photo, registration and page #19.
  • Two photographs 3.5x4.5 without a corner (color or black and white)
  • Military ID or certificate from the military registration and enlistment office (for men from 18 to 27 years old).
  • Command permissions (for military personnel and employees of some units of law enforcement agencies).
  • A certified copy of the work book.
  • Account statements (if you need to have a certain amount of money at your disposal to travel abroad, this money is not spent anywhere, it can be temporarily borrowed from relatives and then returned).
  • Receipts for payment of state duty.

For children under 14 years of age you will need:

  • Birth certificate, paternity certificate or court decision on adoption.
  • 2 photographs 3.5x4.5 without corner.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

If the applicant receives an old-style international passport, then the children are automatically included in his passport, and he only needs to submit documents confirming kinship or adoption.

Children over 14 years of age submit a passport instead of a birth certificate, but the application is prepared and signed for them by a legal representative (the child can sign the application himself, but his signature must be confirmed by a parent or guardian).

Permission from the second parent to travel abroad is not required. Many people make the mistake of asking their ex-husband or wife for permission - sometimes they don't give it simply out of stubbornness.

The law stipulates that permission is needed only in exceptional cases: for example, a child is being taken for a serious operation, or a grandmother, coach, or even a stranger is traveling with him instead of his parents.

But if a parent submitted a written notification to the Federal Migration Service about a ban on taking the child abroad, and it was submitted before the applicant applied for a foreign passport, then the minor will be denied leave and will have to seek permission.

Video: How to obtain a foreign passport through government services (from 1 minute)

If you are applying for a foreign passport at your place of residence, then according to the regulations, the maximum period for producing the document is 1 month. If registration is carried out at the place of stay, then 4 months.

You can speed up the process for an additional fee, but not in all branches of the Federal Migration Service and only by application if there are serious reasons (for example, the person leaving requires urgent treatment).

At embassies and consulates, paperwork is usually completed faster than at the Federal Migration Service, so if you need to leave urgently, it makes sense to go there.

A foreign passport through State Services is fast and convenient. This is an opportunity not to waste time in queues. Modern technologies make it possible to send documents and carry out monetary transactions online, spending a few seconds on it. The user is freed from the need to search for forms, print photographs, come and sit in the corridors of the Federal Migration Service, waiting for a call. The portal is client-oriented. The service allows you to accept applications remotely and report readiness.

You can submit an application remotely for a document of a new or old sample. It is important to know that obtaining a foreign passport through State Services does not completely relieve a citizen from visiting the migration service.

Only an application and photograph are accepted via the Internet. Original documents must be provided in person. However, the portal allows you to choose a convenient time to visit.

The user receives a list of documents that should be prepared by email. Using the government services website before January 2019 allows you to get a 30% discount on the cost of a foreign passport. They just don't change. With the exception of special cases, a foreign passport takes a month to complete. Calculation begins from the day of personal contact with FMS employees.

Algorithm of actions

The step-by-step algorithm for obtaining a passport is as follows:

  1. Registration, data confirmation. After this, the citizen receives the right to obtain a foreign passport through State Services.
  2. Preparation of documents required when writing an application and digital photographs.
  3. Filling out sections of the application. You will need to enter personal data and notes about close relatives, citizenship, place of residence, etc.
  4. Payment of state duty.
  5. Information processing, data verification in government agencies.
  6. Invitation to an appointment with a FMS employee. Acceptance of original documents, biometrics (for new passports).
  7. Notification that the passport is ready.

A nuance that should be taken into account when applying for a foreign passport online: complete registration on the website takes up to two weeks. Therefore, for those who need a passport urgently, the online method will not work.

Despite the large number of points, you can get a foreign passport using the government services portal without unnecessary manipulations. If during the registration process it turns out that a foreign document cannot be issued to a given citizen, the system will notify you automatically. Migration service employees will provide detailed information about the reasons for the refusal later.

Registration on the portal

The service of obtaining a foreign passport online is available only to registered users. Detailed step-by-step instructions are provided below. The registration link is located on the start page at the top.

The process includes several stages. First, the user registers and gains access to the first level of the account. She is limited in her capabilities. To use the full functionality of the site, including obtaining a foreign passport online, you need to confirm your account. This requires code. It is obtained in different ways.

In the registration form, fill out three sections: last name, first name, mobile phone number. You can specify an email. Feedback is required to receive a verification code.

If the lines are filled out without errors, after entering, a digital code will be sent to your phone. We write it in the field that opens nearby. And let's move on to the password. The system will prompt you to enter the created password twice. This moment should be taken responsibly. The password protects your personal account on the State Services portal from access by unauthorized persons. The combination of numbers and letters should not be guessable or short.

If you entered an email instead of a mobile phone, confirmation will come in the form of a link that you need to follow and create a password.

Registration of your personal account is completed. You can check the data by going to the start page and logging in again by entering your name and password.

After completing the first stage, the user can use the portal as a reference book, search for information, and send requests. Those who confirm their identity and transfer their account to a new level can fully use the site.

Data confirmation

For the second stage of registration you will need:

  • General passport.
  • Plastic pension insurance card (SNILS).
  • Mobile phone or personal email for feedback.

We go to the site and get into an individual account by entering a password. The system will prompt you to move to a new stage and enter personal data. We write information in the sections in accordance with the passport and pension certificate.

After the user completes filling out, the system will send the information for control. SNILS data is checked by the Pension Fund, passports by the GUVM (FMS) authorities. Terms – from several minutes to 5 days. The Internet page can be closed, this will not affect the process. You can find out that the verification is completed via SMS. The message will be sent to the number specified at the time of registration.

After checking the data, the system will offer to confirm your identity. This can be done in different ways.

  • Contact the customer center in person. A list of centers with addresses is presented on the government services website.
  • Order a postal item. The operator sends the user a registered letter by mail. The envelope is stamped “Electronic government”. The letter contains a code that is entered in the window in your personal account.
  • Use an electronic signature.

The last option allows you to receive confirmation quickly.

If the operations are completed without errors, registration will be completed completely. The user will have access to the full functionality of the government services portal. Afterwards, you can apply for a passport online.

Formation of an application

To proceed to obtaining a foreign passport, select the section of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

In the list of available services, select one of the top two:

  • Registration of a passport with an electronic storage medium. This is a document popularly known as the “new model”. Valid for 10 years. State duty – 5,000 rubles or 3,500 rubles at a 30% discount until 2019.
  • Registration of a passport identifying a citizen outside the country. Old document. Issued for 5 years. State duty – 2000 rubles or 1400 rubles until January 2019.

The registration period, regardless of the type, is one month. If there are reasons (an urgent need to travel abroad due to the illness or death of a close relative or for emergency treatment), a passport can be obtained quickly - within three days.

However, according to the accelerated scheme, only old-style documents are processed. The minimum production time for a biometric passport is 30 days.

Click on the desired section and fill out the fields that open without gaps. The applicant will need to indicate:

  • The place where he is. If it does not correspond to the FMS division where the citizen plans to submit documents, the system will automatically select another division.
  • Citizenship.
  • Personal data: passport number, full name, date of birth.

  • Information about the foreign passport that was issued previously. Concealing another valid passport is treated as false information. The consequences are immediate refusal to issue the current document. The citizen will have the right to apply again in a month.
  • Department of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, where he plans to apply. The application can be submitted at the place of residence or stay. There is no difference in the documents, there is a difference in the timing. If the applicant applies for a passport where he is not registered but resides temporarily, the period increases to 4 months.
  • Note if there are any secrecy associated with the service or work. In the same section, military service and lack of criminal record are noted.
  • Stages of labor activity over 10 years. If there were gaps in the work history for more than a month, they are noted separately. Put dates, and indicate “unemployed” opposite. Employment information is filled out in strict accordance with the entries in the work book.
  • To upload a photo. The photo is identical to the one in the general passport.

Photo requirements: JPEG format, resolution of at least 450 dpi, 8-bit monochrome or 24-bit color space. File weight – no more than 300 KB.

When the sections are completed, click the “forward” button. The system will automatically start processing the questionnaire.

Original documents and status tracking

Active applications are displayed in the corresponding section in your personal account. As soon as the application is processed, a notification letter will be sent to the user's email. The letter contains the date of the personal visit to the GUVM (FMS) unit.

Important: from the moment the application is accepted for processing and the applicant is invited to a personal reception, the countdown begins. 14 days allotted. If this was not enough, and no one came to the GUVM, the application will be cancelled.

On the specified day, the applicant takes a biometric photo (for a new passport) and provides the original documents. This:

  1. Receipt. How much to pay depends on the type of document.
  2. Previous foreign passport. After registration, it is given back if necessary. For example, the deadline has not expired, and there are valid visas in the passport. However, on the main page, where there is a personal signature, the number is cut out and a cancellation mark is placed.
  3. Military ID - for men of military age. Or a certificate from the military commissar that the applicant is not among the conscripts and is not evading military service.
  4. Permission from command - for military personnel (except for conscripts).
  5. Main passport.
  6. Certificate of citizenship - for children under 18 years of age, if the mark is not included in the birth certificate.

A personal reception by a FMS employee in the case where a citizen issues a foreign passport via the Internet lasts no more than 10 minutes. This is due to the fact that the applicant has already undergone preliminary verification and provided personal data in advance in electronic form.

You will also be notified of the document's readiness by email. It indicates on what day and time the citizen must come and receive a new passport. You can also find out if your passport is ready by making a separate request in your personal account on the website.

Passport for minors

When applying for a passport online, you should take into account some features. Children are allowed to be included in the old-style passport. This is not provided for in biometric documents. A minor citizen has the right to receive a separate passport at any age, starting from birth.

There are nuances on how to apply for a foreign passport via the Internet if the future owner is a child. The application is made by a parent or a person with the rights of a parent in a personal account. The procedure is the same. In addition to the child's data, the parent enters his passport data.

Change of passport

Through your personal account on the government services portal, you can not only draw up a document from scratch, but also replace an existing one. It is convenient to change a foreign passport over the Internet when personal information has already been entered into the database and adjustments are required. For example, the applicant took a different last name.

To manipulate personal data, go to the appropriate section.

Next, click on the line “Change Full Name”. A pop-up window warns that you first need to change your Russian passport and make changes to your SNILS. If everything is in order, we write a new name and submit an application. After a few days, you will receive an email indicating that the data has been successfully changed.

Further instructions are similar to those described above. The new surname now appears as the main name. In the “Design” section we put “Replace used”.

The site has a permanent support service, whose phone numbers are on the main page and in the corresponding section. You can ask operators any questions regarding the procedure for obtaining a foreign passport.

More and more often, people are thinking about the question of what it takes to get a foreign passport. The thing is that in Russia the preparation of any documents is a process accompanied by paperwork. And some papers are not so easy to obtain. Fortunately, obtaining a foreign passport is easy. And every citizen can cope with this task. Even those who are poorly versed in the intricacies of such procedures.


Before finding out what is needed to get a foreign passport, you first need to understand what kind of paper we are talking about and whether a citizen needs it by definition.

This is a foreign ID. With the help of this paper, a person will be able to travel outside the Russian Federation. "Foreigner" resembles a civilian passport.


So, what do you need to do to get a passport? The first step is to decide on the type of document. Today in Russia there are 2 types of “abroad” issued.

Among them are:

  • old style;
  • biometric.

In the first case, the citizen will receive a regular passport, in which you can enter data about children under 14 years of age. In the second - a document containing, for example, fingerprints.


Where should I get a passport? In Russia, a similar service is provided in different places. And people themselves are free to choose where exactly they should order the mentioned paper.

Among the main places for issuing "foreigners" are:

  • migration departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • one stop shop services;
  • "Government Services".

In addition, you can contact the MFC for help. Recently, multifunctional centers have begun to process foreign passports. Some branches even produce biometric documents. More detailed information should be clarified at the specific MFC.

Registration deadlines

What do you need to get a new passport? It's worth finding out how quickly this paper can be produced. After all, sometimes waiting times leave much to be desired.

Fortunately, things are not as bad as they seem. You can focus on the following time restrictions:

  • 1 month - application to the registration authority;
  • 4 months - in other cases;
  • 3 months - for citizens who know state secrets;
  • up to three days - if there are compelling reasons.

There is no further information about the duration of production of the “foreigners”. In some cases, the document will be ready faster, sometimes later. However, as a rule, you will have to wait exactly a month.

Approximate steps

What do you need to get a passport? You should follow the instructions below. She will help you personally draw up the mentioned paper.

An approximate algorithm of actions in our case will be as follows:

  1. Decide what document you want to draw up.
  2. Prepare a package of papers necessary for making a “border”.
  3. Pay the state fee.
  4. Submit a request to one of the specified authorities.
  5. Go through the fingerprinting procedure. This operation is needed when producing a biometric foreign passport. It affects all persons over 12 years of age.
  6. Pick up the finished document from the selected registration authority at the appointed time. Usually, readiness is announced by telephone.

I guess that's all. Some difficulties may arise when paying the fee and at the stage of preparing documents. But otherwise the operation has no special features.

Internet to help

What do you need to get a passport in Russia? The following scenario will help you get the mentioned paper quite quickly. To submit a request, a person will not even need to leave home. After all, the Internet comes to the rescue! More precisely, the State Services website.

What do you need to do to get a passport this way? The following guide will help:

  1. Register on "State Services" and log in to the portal. You must create a profile approximately 14 days before submitting your request.
  2. Select "Public Services".
  3. Go to the "FMS" section.
  4. Find the required operation. You can simply write “foreign passport” in the search bar and search. Next you will have to choose “get a new sample” or “old sample”.
  5. Click on the “Get service” control.
  6. Fill out the electronic application form. This is easy to do, because there are hints next to the corresponding fields. They greatly simplify the operation.
  7. Select the location to receive the document.
  8. Pay the fee. To do this, at the appropriate stage, select the method of depositing funds, after which you enter the details of the account from which you want to write off the money.
  9. Complete the application process. It is advisable to print out the receipt with the paid duty or save it on your PC. It will come in handy later.

Now all that remains is to wait. As soon as the “foreigner” is ready, the user will receive a message in the “Personal Account” on “Government Services”. In addition, it will be duplicated by e-mail. You can take papers prepared in advance (their list will be presented below) and send them to the specified issuing authority. Everything is extremely simple and clear!

Documents (adults)

If you don’t know what you need to get a passport, remember one thing: document preparation plays a huge role in the task. The package of papers differs depending on who the recipient is. In addition, if you plan to issue an old-style foreign passport, the citizen may be faced with requirements to present additional documentation. In particular, if there is a need to enter data about children.

What documents are needed to obtain a passport? Ideally, adults and children over 14 years of age are required to:

  • identification;
  • registration certificates;
  • statement;
  • a receipt indicating payment for the service;
  • old "foreigner" (if there is one);
  • application of the established form (for an “old” foreign passport when entering data about children);
  • photographs of the applicant (3 pieces);
  • photo of children (1 piece for each child).

In addition, those liable for military service are required to have a military ID. If a soldier applies for a foreign passport, you must additionally present permission from the military registration and enlistment office.

For children

Above we looked at what you need to get a passport. Now we already know the answer to this question. A slightly different set of papers is required to complete the “abroad” for children.

In this case, applicants are required to:

  • birth certificate;
  • an application filled out on behalf of the legal representative;
  • certificates of citizenship (if any);
  • a document indicating the child’s registration;
  • passport of one of the legal representatives of the minor;
  • photographs of the child (3 pieces);
  • old "foreigner" (if there was one);
  • a payment receipt confirming the fact of payment of the duty in the established amounts.

It's enough. In some cases, parents may be asked for a marriage certificate, but usually this is simply not necessary.

About the amount of duties

Now it’s clear what you need to get a new passport. The exchange of the mentioned document is carried out in exactly the same way as the initial registration. The difference is that when updating the “foreign document” the invalid document is confiscated.

How much does the mentioned service cost? The amount of the state duty depends on the type of document being drawn up. In 2017 in Russia you can focus on the following prices:

  • 2,000 rubles - “old” for adults;
  • 3 - biometric analogue;
  • 1,000 rubles - old-style children's foreign passport;
  • 500 rubles - entering data about minors into the parent’s “abroad” (per person).

These are the prices that are relevant today. In fact, completing the documents being studied is not a hassle if properly prepared.


We talked in detail about what is needed to get a passport in Russia. It is worth noting that this can be done in any of the listed bodies. The place of registration does not play a role. Unless, when contacting an institution at the place of residence, a citizen can speed up the process.

It is important to understand that there is one important difference between the old and new-style foreign passports - the validity of the document. In the first case, the paper is issued for 5 years, in the second - for 10. For now, the citizen can decide for himself which document he needs. Nevertheless, it is planned to abandon the old-style “foreigners” in the near future. After all, new analogues contain unique data of citizens. This means it will be much easier to identify a person!

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