Conclusion of the examination of industrial safety of technical devices. Objects subject to industrial safety examination

Expertise industrial safety(EPB), like many species industrial expertise, aims to determine the compliance of industrial industrial safety objects with the requirements imposed on them by regulatory and legal technical acts in the field of industrial safety.

According to Article 13 Federal Law dated July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety...”, subject to industrial safety examination:

  • Project documentation for conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities.
  • Design documentation for technical re-equipment of hazardous production facilities.
  • Technical devices used at hazardous production facilities.
  • Buildings and structures at hazardous production facilities intended for the implementation technological processes, storage of raw materials or products, movement of people and goods, localization and liquidation of the consequences of accidents.
  • Declaration of industrial safety.
  • Justification of the safety of the hazardous software, as well as changes made to the justification of the safety of the hazardous software.
Carrying out industrial safety survey technical devices, industrial safety standards of buildings and structures, as well as other types of this examination are regulated by Rostekhnadzor Order No. 538 dated November 14, 2013 “On approval of federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Rules for conducting industrial safety examinations” (hereinafter referred to as the FNP for industrial safety safety standards). The document describes in detail the procedure carrying out industrial safety, requirements for experts, how the EPB conclusion is drawn up, etc.

Why and who needs EPB?

Industrial safety examinations are carried out in relation to enterprises that include hazardous production facilities of any hazard class. For example, it is necessary to carry out electrical inspection of cranes that have served regulatory period safe operation, pressure vessels, technological equipment used in hazardous production facilities.

It is necessary to carry out EPB of the building boiler room if an accident has occurred in it (or the standard period for its safe operation has expired). There are many similar examples. For information about industrial safety objects, see the first part of the article (Article 13 of Federal Law No. 116).

Conducting an industrial safety examination - mandatory procedure in accordance with Article 13 of Federal Law No. 116, as well as the FNP for industrial safety, approved in 2013 and updated in 2015-2016. In particular, the FNP for EPB determines and describes in detail at what point the examination needs to be carried out, within what time frame, how to formalize EPB conclusion etc. The need to conduct an electrical and physical examination is also indicated in the FNP for specific types technical devices ( lifting structures, pressure equipment, etc.).

It is important to understand that information about the industrial safety examinations carried out is included in the package of documents for registration (re-registration) licenses for operating hazardous production facilities, and are also reviewed by Rostechnadzor inspectors during scheduled and unscheduled inspections.

How is an industrial safety examination carried out?

The industrial safety inspection is carried out by an expert organization that has a valid license from Rostechnadzor and is not affiliated with the owner of the hazardous production facility. The procedure for conducting the examination is regulated by the Federal Tax Code for Industrial Safety and consists of 4 stages:

1. Preparing for the EPB- on at this stage the expert organization requests documentation for the object of examination (technical data, acts, passports and manuals, etc.)

2. The actual conduct of the industrial safety survey- experts determine the completeness and reliability of information about the object of examination, check its compliance with industrial safety standards and regulations. As a rule, this stage is accompanied by an expert visiting the industrial safety facility. Especially if we're talking about about procedures such as examination of industrial safety of technical devices, buildings and structures.

3. Registration of the EPB conclusion- at the stage, a draft conclusion of the industrial safety examination is drawn up, which contains the results of the examination, an indication of the terms of further safe operation of the industrial safety facility (applicable to buildings, structures and technical devices) and information on the compliance or non-compliance of the examination object with industrial safety requirements. A copy of the draft EPB conclusion is transferred to the customer, who can send his comments to the expert organization within 14 days. Next, the EPB conclusion is printed in two copies and signed by the head of the expert organization, with the subsequent transfer of one copy to the customer.

EPB, industrial safety examination, is a study of an object for compliance with the requirements and operating standards set out in federal regulations and laws of the Russian Federation on industrial safety.

There are the following main types of industrial safety reviews:

Industrial safety examination of buildings and structures;
. industrial safety of technical devices;
. industrial safety of project documentation;
. justification of the safety of hazardous production facilities;
. examination of the industrial safety declaration, etc.

Which enterprises should conduct an examination and when?

All enterprises related to the hazardous industries I-IV hazard classes (from extremely high to low) and intended for carrying out technological processes, warehousing (storing) raw materials and products, moving people, cargo, etc.

A hazard class is assigned to an object upon its state registration. This provision is enshrined in Federal Law N116 (07.21.97) “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” and other federal industrial safety standards. They apply to all objects (buildings, structures) included in the hazardous production facility.

Regulatory documents describe in detail when it is necessary to conduct an industrial safety examination of facilities (buildings and structures at a hazardous production facility). It is carried out:

Upon expiration of service life;
. in the absence of design documentation (or in the presence of documentation without indicating the service life);
. in case of accidents at the facility, resulting in changes in load-bearing structures;
. when detecting deformations of buildings (structures) exceeding the standard, etc.

The examination of technical devices is carried out:

Before use at a hazardous industrial facility;
. when the load is exceeded, after the service life of the technical device has expired ( specified by the manufacturer);
. in the absence of technical documentation on service life;
. when changing the design, after refurbishment technical devices, etc.

Particular attention is paid to such moments as an accident, technical production re-equipment of a facility, identification various kinds defects in equipment and structures, exceeding service life, established by the standard, and etc.
To carry out the examination, only organizations licensed by Rostechnadzor that are not an affiliate/structural division of the company operating dangerous object. The rules for conducting the examination were approved by order of Rostechnadzor in 2013 and administrative regulations in 2014.
The following enterprises are always in the area of ​​increased attention of Rostechnadzor:

Fire and explosive objects;
. chemical industry enterprises;
. gas and oil industry;
. gas distribution systems/facilities, gas consuming facilities;
. metallurgical and coke-chemical enterprises;
. mining plants, coal mines;
. companies approved for transportation hazardous substances;
. production, the equipment of which operates under overpressure;
. lifting and transport facilities;
. enterprises for storage/processing of plant raw materials and others.

Stages of industrial safety review

Stage 1 - preparation for electronic safety testing.
An order to conduct an industrial safety survey is signed, and an expert commission is formed. Experts request the technical documentation they need about the object under study (design, operation and repair), production certificates and regulations, and other information. Only on the basis of documents can EPB be carried out.

Stage 2 - carrying out industrial safety survey.
Experts determine the reliability, exhaustiveness of the information received, and its compliance with industrial safety standards. Objects and equipment are inspected on site, experts observe the technological process, carry out different types non-destructive testing. Expert tests can be carried out according to methods agreed with the customer. Also, during the industrial safety survey, the competence of the personnel and the facility manager, the suitability of the equipment and premises for work, appropriate markings, the presence and execution of instructions, regulations, regulatory and technical documents, the correctness and timeliness of the preparation and submission of reporting documents, etc. are revealed.

Stage 3 - preparation and writing of the EPB conclusion.
Experts develop a draft report, draw their conclusions about the object (building, structure, technical device) - whether it meets or does not meet the requirements for safe operation, and determine the terms of further operation. Draft conclusion to two week period is provided to the customer, his suggestions and comments can be considered by an expert commission. IN final version changes and additions are made to the document if necessary. On the conclusion form, the full name of the organization, the grounds and purposes of conducting the industrial safety survey, data on expert commission, number of the corresponding license to conduct industrial inspection. The results of the EPB are presented in the form of substantiated conclusions. As a supplement, test reports and used methodological documents can be attached.

Stage 4 - transfer of the results of the industrial safety survey to the relevant body of Rostechnadzor.
Experts write an application for entering data into the register, prepare electronic copy EPB on CD, which are then together with positive conclusion are transferred to the Rostechnadzor body at the place of work of the enterprise/organization. Thus, within three months from the start of EPB in local authority a completed conclusion on the object is received. The conclusion is registered and assigned a number. Only after this the industrial safety and environmental protection is considered completed, and the operation of the facility can be resumed.

The decision of the expert commission is mandatory!

The customer of the examination receives the decision of the commission and accepts it for mandatory execution. There are three options for decisions on compliance/non-compliance of buildings, structures, and technical devices with industrial safety requirements.
. The property meets the requirements. This means that in this moment the facility can be operated safely, it fully complies with industrial safety requirements, there are no complaints about the rules for its safe operation.
. The object does not fully comply with the requirements. It means that this object required to complete certain conditions, eliminate shortcomings, eliminate violations of operating rules identified by experts, only after this can it be recognized as safe and suitable for further operation.
. The property does not meet the requirements. Such a conclusion is made if the experts identify the most serious violations during operation, deficiencies that cannot be eliminated, and further exploitation object is extremely dangerous.

The expert opinion always contains an assessment of technical and design solutions that ensure industrial safety and emergency stability of the object under study.

The information has been prepared for informational purposes and is not a regulatory document.

(EPB, - ed.): (if the technical regulations do not establish another form of compliance, - ed.); buildings and structures used at a hazardous production facility and intended for the implementation of technological processes, storage of raw materials or products, movement of people and goods, localization and elimination of the consequences of accidents; documentation for technical re-equipment, liquidation, conservation (OPO - ed.), as well as changes made to specified documents and other documentation related to the operation of the hazardous production facility. The law does not clearly indicate whether it refers to technical regulations Customs Union or similar national documents. But it is worth remembering that technical regulations have priority under another law - the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation”, let us remind you that in accordance with it...

Quote:‘If by international treaty Russian Federation in the field technical regulation other rules are established than those provided for by this Federal Law, the rules apply international treaty, and in cases where it follows from an international treaty that its application requires the publication of an internal act, the rules of the international treaty and the legislation of the Russian Federation adopted on its basis are applied’

Each industry has its own safety standards and regulations; guidance documents, in which the process of conducting industrial safety assessments of the above-mentioned objects is specified in more detail than in general legislation.

But let’s return to Federal Law No. 116 (Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ, - ed.). The law clearly stipulates: in what cases technical devices operated at hazardous production facilities are subject to environmental safety regulations - unless the technical regulations provide for another form of compliance. This could be a declaration of conformity. The electrical safety inspection must be carried out before the start of use at hazardous production facilities, if the standard service life has been reached or the number of load cycles of a technical device assigned by the manufacturer has been exceeded, or after a twenty-year service life has expired, if the standard service life is not specified in the documentation for the technical device. Load cycles are understood as a sequence of load changes that ends with the initial state and then repeats, for example, a rise in pressure to a certain level, and then its return to the original value. Also, technical devices are subject to electrical safety in case of repairs related to design changes or replacement of materials. Replacing a floating tank roof with a stationary one will require upgrading the equipment. But after inserting a new pipe into the EPB, it will not be necessary.

In connection with the entry into force of technical regulations, the majority will again be subject only to a declaration of conformity. These procedures use their own evidence base(test results, for materials, - ed.) to obtain documents of compliance, that is, the electrical safety record of a technical device is not required before starting operation. If the equipment does not fall under the scope of technical regulations, it is still covered, as well as equipment that has exceeded its safe operating life, and equipment on which repair work has been carried out.

An examination of buildings and structures should be carried out if: the building has reached the service life specified in the project; when impacting a building external factors caused by emergency situations(explosion, fire, flood - ed.); periodically, during operation, in accordance with the requirements regulatory documentation(Federal Law No. 116, “Procedure for carrying out examinations in the chemical, petrochemical and oil and gas refining industries,” ed.). During the examination, compliance is monitored building structures project documentation and regulatory documents. Then detection of defects, damage to components and sections of structures. Then determine the actual load on the structural units. Next stage- definition actual indicators strength of materials and structural elements. Next, check the ventilation equipment and compare and analyze the results obtained with the design ones, carry out verification calculations taking into account the detected defects.

Both during the examination of technical devices and during the examination of buildings and structures, it is necessary to assess the actual state of the objects of examination using technical means(hardware and methodological complexes for carrying out acoustic emission control, vibration diagnostics, levels, theodolites - ed.), with a visit to the examination site. It is worth noting here that different customers have different priorities when it comes to conducting industrial safety operations. For some, the technical condition and compliance of the equipment is in the first place, while others are focused on obtaining a document confirming the examination -. Perhaps the winners are the first ones. The latter tend to turn to organizations that issue documents but do not conduct full inspections of industrial safety equipment. They may have saved money on this today, but tomorrow insufficient attention to safety can lead to an accident with far-reaching consequences, both for innocent people and for the management of the enterprise.

According to the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities", technical devices used at a hazardous production facility are considered: machines, technological equipment, systems of machines and/or equipment, units, equipment, mechanisms involved in the operation of a hazardous production facility.

Expertise of industrial safety of technical devices - definition of the term

The industrial safety standards of technical devices mean the assessment of the compliance of the object under examination with the industrial safety requirements imposed on it. Industrial safety requirements are the necessary conditions, prohibitions, restrictions and others mandatory requirements contained in Federal Law No. 116-FZ, other federal laws adopted in accordance with them; legal acts the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety.

Industrial Safety- this is a state of vital security important interests individuals and society from accidents at hazardous production facilities and consequences of these accidents. In accordance with Article 13 of Federal Law No. 116-FZ, the following are subject to industrial safety review:

  • documentation for conservation and liquidation of a hazardous production facility;
  • documentation for technical re-equipment of a hazardous production facility if specified documentation is not included in the design documentation of such an object, subject to examination in accordance with the legislation on urban planning activities;
  • technical devices used at a hazardous production facility, in cases established by Article 7 of Federal Law No. 116-FZ;
  • buildings and structures at a hazardous production facility, intended for the implementation of technological processes, storage of raw materials or products, movement of people and goods, localization and elimination of the consequences of accidents;
  • declaration of industrial safety, developed as part of the documentation for technical re-equipment (if the specified documentation is not part of the design documentation of a hazardous production facility, subject to examination in accordance with the legislation on urban planning), conservation, liquidation of a hazardous production facility, or a newly developed declaration industrial safety;
  • justification of the safety of a hazardous production facility, as well as changes made to the justification of the safety of a hazardous production facility.

In what cases is an examination carried out?

A technical device used at a hazardous production facility is subject to examination (if technical regulations no other form of assessment of compliance of the specified device with mandatory requirements has been established):

  • before use at a hazardous production facility;
  • upon expiration of its service life or when the number of load cycles of such a technical device established by its manufacturer is exceeded;
  • in the absence of data on the service life of such a technical device in the technical documentation, if actual term its service exceeds 20 years;
  • after carrying out work related to changing the design, replacing the material of the load-bearing elements of such a technical device, or restorative repairs after an accident or incident at a hazardous production facility, as a result of which such a technical device was damaged.

Who conducts industrial safety assessments?

The examination is carried out by organizations licensed to conduct industrial safety examinations at the expense of the customer on the basis of an agreement. Industrial safety examination is carried out in accordance with Federal regulations and rules in the field of industrial safety “Rules for conducting industrial safety examinations”, approved by Order of Rostechnadzor No. 538 of November 14, 2013.

Industrial safety examinations are carried out by experts from Khimnefteapparatura LLC, certified in the manner established by the Resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated May 28, 2015. No. 509 “On the certification of experts in the field of industrial safety.”

Is it necessary to conduct an industrial safety assessment?

In accordance with Federal Law No. 116-FZ, conducting an industrial safety examination is one of the requirements for ensuring industrial safety. The provisions of the Federal Law determine the legal, economic and social foundations ensuring the safe operation of hazardous production facilities and is aimed at preventing accidents at hazardous production facilities and applies to all organizations, regardless of their legal forms and forms of ownership, that carry out activities in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation.

How is the examination carried out?

STAGE 1. Preparation for carrying out industrial safety examinations.

In accordance with the contract, the customer provides the necessary documents for the examination: information about the object of examination, design, engineering, operational, technical documentation, passports for technical devices. Also, the customer of the examination provides a certificate of registration of the hazardous production facility, information characterizing the dangerous production facility or a hazardous production facility registration card, the results of previously conducted examinations. Shift magazines, operating instructions, regulations, certification protocols are considered responsible persons and other documentation necessary for the examination.

An order of the head of the expert organization determines the expert or group of experts participating in the examination and non-destructive testing specialists. The expert develops a program for conducting an industrial safety examination and coordinates it with the customer.

Important: The expert organization begins to conduct an industrial safety examination only after providing all necessary information and ensuring expert access to technical devices used at hazardous production facilities.

STAGE 2. Analysis of documentation of the subject of examination.

At this stage, the completeness and reliability of the submitted documentation is determined, as well as its compliance with industrial safety requirements.

The conditions and mode of operation of the object of examination are analyzed, the industrial safety system of the owner of the object of examination is ensured, and data on accidents and incidents is taken into account.

STAGE 3. Technical diagnostics of the object of examination.

When conducting technical diagnostics an assessment of the actual state of the object of examination is carried out. Technical diagnostics are carried out using non-destructive and/or destructive (if necessary) testing methods. The types of control used are selected based on the requirements of the normative and technical documentation for the object of control in order to obtain the maximum reliable result about existing defects. Based on the results of the technical diagnostics, a report on the work is drawn up, which is signed by the persons who carried out the work and the head of the organization that carried out the work or the head of the organization conducting the examination, and is attached to the examination conclusion.

Technical diagnostics of technical devices includes the following activities:

  • visual and measuring control;
  • operational (functional) diagnostics to obtain information about the condition, actual operating parameters, actual loading of a technical device in real conditions operation;

  • determination of current damaging factors, damage mechanisms and susceptibility of the technical device material to damage mechanisms;
  • assessment of the quality of connections of technical device elements (if available);
  • selection of non-destructive or destructive testing methods that most effectively identify defects resulting from the influence of established damage mechanisms (if any);
  • non-destructive testing or destructive testing of metal and welded joints of a technical device (if available);
  • assessment of identified defects based on the results of visual and measuring control, non-destructive or destructive testing methods;
  • research of technical device materials;
  • calculation and analytical procedures for assessment and forecasting technical condition technical device, including analysis of operating modes and study of stress-strain state;
  • assessment residual resource(service life).

Based on the results of field work, a technical report is drawn up with non-destructive testing protocols attached.

STAGE 4. Development of an industrial safety review report.

Development of an industrial safety examination report.

Based on the analysis of the documentation submitted by the customer for the examination and an assessment of the actual state of the examination object, as well as the test results and calculation of the residual life, an industrial safety examination conclusion is developed, containing conclusions about the compliance of the examination object with the industrial safety requirements imposed on it, as well as the period and conditions for further safe operation.

The examination conclusion contains one of the following conclusions about the compliance of the subject of examination with industrial safety requirements:

1 object of examination meets industrial safety requirements;

2 the object of examination does not fully comply with industrial safety requirements and can be applied subject to appropriate changes to the documentation or implementation of appropriate measures in relation to technical devices or buildings and structures;

3 the object of examination does not meet industrial safety requirements.

The conclusion is signed by the head of the organization that conducted the examination and the expert/experts who participated in the examination, certified by the seal of the expert organization and bound indicating the number of sheets.

STAGE 5. Entering the EPB conclusion into the Rostekhnadzor register.

In accordance with the requirements of the law, the conclusion of the industrial safety examination is presented by its customer in federal body executive power in the field of industrial safety or its territorial body who enter this conclusion into the register of industrial safety examination reports within five working days from the date of its receipt. However, the expert organization can prepare documents on behalf of the owner of the object of examination for entering the EPB conclusion into the Rostechnadzor register. The set of documents includes:

Conclusion of industrial safety examination;

Application for entering information into the Register of EPB conclusions (to be completed at letterhead owner of the object of examination, signed by an authorized person with a power of attorney attached to the signatory (if authorized person acts on behalf of legal entity on the base of the power of attorney).

Electronic media containing a scanned copy of the EPB conclusion, application to pdf format and word.

Power of attorney from the owner of the object of examination to a representative of the expert organization for delivery and receipt necessary documents in the bodies of Rostechnadzor.

The result is a notification about entering information into the register of industrial safety examination reports with the assignment registration number. The conclusion of the industrial safety examination can be used for industrial safety purposes only from the date of its entry into the register of conclusions.

The result of the contract for the provision of industrial safety examination services is the conclusion of an industrial safety certificate indicating the term and conditions for further safe operation of the technical device and notification of entry into the register.

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