Law on service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. On service in the federal fire service of the state fire service and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation 141 Federal Law dated 23 05

1. An employee of the federal fire service is provided with the following types of leave with continued pay:

1) main vacation;

2) additional vacations;

3) vacation leave;

4) leave for personal reasons;

5) leave upon graduation from an educational organization of higher education of the federal executive body in the field of fire safety for full-time study;

6) other types of vacations if their payment is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Basic and additional leaves for an employee of the federal fire service are granted annually starting from the year of entry into service in the federal fire service.

3. The duration of leave granted to an employee of the federal fire service in the year of entry into service in the federal fire service is determined by multiplying one-twelfth of the main and additional leaves established for the employee in accordance with this chapter by the number of full months that have passed from the start of service in the federal fire service until the end of the current calendar year. Vacation lasting less than ten calendar days is added to the main vacation for the next calendar year.

4. Basic leave for the second and subsequent years of service in the federal fire service is granted to an employee of the federal fire service at any time during the year in accordance with the schedule approved by the head of the federal executive body in the field of fire safety or division or an authorized manager. In this case, additional leaves are summed up and can be provided simultaneously with the main leave or separately from it at the request of the employee. In this case, the total duration of continuous vacation should not exceed sixty calendar days (excluding travel time to and from the vacation location). The duration of continuous leave established by this part does not apply to an employee serving in the Far North, equivalent areas or other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, including remote ones.

5. Basic leave, leave for personal reasons, leave upon graduation from an educational organization of higher education of the federal executive body in the field of fire safety and leave of ten calendar days or more granted to an employee of the federal fire service in the year of entry into service are increased by the number of calendar days required for travel to the vacation destination and back, taking into account the type of transport, but not less than one day one way.

6. In exceptional cases, when the absence of an employee of the federal fire service in service in the federal fire service entails the impossibility of proper implementation by the federal executive body in the field of fire safety or a division of the functions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the period for granting leave determined by the schedule may be postponed according to agreement with the employee by order of the head of the federal executive body in the field of fire safety or an authorized manager.

7. Part of the main vacation of an employee of the federal fire service, exceeding thirty calendar days, may be replaced, at his request, by monetary compensation in the manner established by the federal executive body in the field of fire safety. An employee serving in the Far North, equivalent areas or other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, including remote ones, as well as in harmful and (or) dangerous conditions, is, as a rule, not allowed to replace part of his leave with monetary compensation. , except in the event of his dismissal from service in the federal fire service.

8. A female employee of the federal fire service, as well as an employee who is a father (adoptive parent, trustee) and raising a child without a mother (in the event of her death, deprivation of her parental rights, a long stay in a medical organization and in other cases of lack of maternal care for objective reasons). reasons), parental leave is granted until the child reaches the age of three years in the manner prescribed by labor legislation. Such an employee, to the extent that does not contradict this Federal Law, is subject to social guarantees established by labor legislation.

9. An employee of the federal fire service holding a position related to the implementation of teaching activities in an educational organization of higher education of the federal executive body in the field of fire safety, basic leave and additional leave for length of service in the federal fire service are granted, as a rule, during the holiday period cadets, listeners, with the exception of the case of providing such an employee with a voucher for treatment at another time.

10. When an employee of the federal fire service is transferred to another locality, the main leave and additional leaves that he has not used are granted, as a rule, to the previous place of service in the federal fire service, and if this is not possible, to the new place of service in accordance with this chapter.

11. An employee of the federal fire service who is dismissed from service in the federal fire service on the grounds provided for in part 1, paragraph 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19 or 21 of part 2 or paragraph 6 , 11 or 12 of Part 3 of Article 83 of this Federal Law, at his request, vacations provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation are provided.

12. Providing an employee of the federal fire service with leave, combining or dividing leave, extending or postponing leave, replacing part of the leave with monetary compensation and recalling the employee from leave are formalized by order of the head of the federal executive body in the field of fire safety or an authorized manager.

1. The contract is terminated and an employee of the federal fire service may be dismissed from service in the federal fire service:

1) upon expiration of the contract;

2) upon the employee reaching the age limit for serving in the federal fire service established by Article 90 of this Federal Law.

2. The contract may be terminated and an employee of the federal fire service may be dismissed from service in the federal fire service:

1) by agreement of the parties;

2) at the initiative of the employee;

3) in connection with a change in the terms of the contract and the employee’s refusal to continue serving in the federal fire service;

4) according to length of service giving the right to receive a pension;

5) due to the employee’s inadequacy for the position being filled in the federal fire service based on the recommendation of the certification commission;

6) in connection with a gross violation of official discipline;

7) in connection with repeated violations of official discipline if the employee has a disciplinary sanction imposed in writing by order of the head of the federal executive body in the field of fire safety or an authorized manager;

8) for health reasons on the basis of the conclusion of a military medical commission about limited suitability for service in the federal fire service and the inability to perform official duties in accordance with the position being filled in the absence of the possibility of promotion;

9) in connection with the reinstatement in the federal fire service of an employee who previously filled this position (in the event that the employee holding this position refuses to be transferred to another position in the federal fire service in accordance with paragraph 5 of part 5 or paragraph 5 of part 7 of the article 30 of this Federal Law);

10) in connection with the expulsion from the educational organization of higher education of the federal executive body in the field of fire safety;

11) in connection with the reduction of a position in the federal fire service, replaced by an employee;

12) due to the expiration of the employee’s tenure at the disposal of the federal executive body in the field of fire safety or division;

13) in connection with an employee’s refusal without good reason to serve in the federal fire service under special conditions in accordance with Part 1 of Article 35 of this Federal Law;

14) in connection with the employee’s refusal to be transferred to a lower position in the federal fire service in order to execute a disciplinary sanction;

15) due to violation of the terms of the contract by the employee;

16) in connection with violation of the terms of the contract by an authorized manager;

17) at the initiative of an employee in the cases provided for in Article 37 of this Federal Law;

18) in connection with the transfer of an employee to another type of civil service;

19) in connection with the election (appointment) of an employee to a public position in the Russian Federation;

20) due to the employee’s failure to comply with the restrictions and prohibitions established by federal laws;

21) in connection with the termination of an employee’s access to information constituting a state and (or) other secret protected by law, if the performance of official duties requires access to such information.

3. The contract is subject to termination, and the employee of the federal fire service is subject to dismissal from service in the federal fire service:

1) due to illness on the basis of the conclusion of a military medical commission about unfitness for service in the federal fire service;

2) in connection with the recognition of an employee as incompetent or partially capable by a court decision that has entered into legal force;

3) due to the impossibility of transfer or the employee’s refusal to transfer to another position in the federal fire service (except for cases of refusal to transfer on the grounds provided for in part 3, paragraph 1, 3 or 6 of part 5, paragraph 2 of part 7 or part 9 of the article 30 of this Federal Law);

4) in connection with the termination of citizenship of the Russian Federation or the acquisition of citizenship (nationality) of a foreign state;

5) in connection with the submission by an employee of forged documents or knowingly false information when entering service in the federal fire service, as well as in connection with the submission by an employee of forged documents or knowingly false information during his service in the federal fire service, confirming his compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation Federation in terms of the conditions for filling the corresponding position in the federal fire service, if this does not entail criminal liability;

6) in connection with an employee’s refusal to transfer to another position in the federal fire service in order to eliminate circumstances related to the direct subordination or control of employees who are in a relationship of close kinship or affinity, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

7) in connection with an employee’s conviction for a crime; in connection with the termination of criminal prosecution against him due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, in connection with the reconciliation of the parties (except for criminal cases of private prosecution), as a result of an amnesty act, in connection with active repentance, except in cases where at the time of termination of the contract and dismissal from service in the federal fire service, the criminality of the act previously committed by him has been eliminated by criminal law;

8) in connection with the employee’s conscription for military service or assignment to an alternative civilian service replacing it;

9) in connection with the commission of an offense that discredits the honor of an employee of the federal fire service;

10) in connection with the employee’s violation of mandatory rules when concluding a contract;

11) due to the expiration of the period established by Part 5 of Article 37 of this Federal Law for the resumption of service in the federal fire service;

12) in connection with an employee’s refusal, without good reason, to be transferred to an equivalent position in the rotation order in accordance with Part 12 of Article 30 of this Federal Law;

13) due to loss of confidence in the cases provided for in Article 84 of this Federal Law.

4. Termination of a contract on the grounds provided for in paragraph 2, 4 or 16 of part 2 of this article is carried out on the initiative of an employee of the federal fire service.

5. Termination of a contract on the grounds provided for in clauses 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 15 or 20 of part 2 of this article is carried out on the initiative of the head of the federal executive body in the field of fire safety or an authorized head.

6. Termination of a contract on the grounds provided for in paragraph 8, 11 or 12 of part 2 of this article is carried out on the initiative of one of the parties to the contract. At the same time, termination of the contract on the initiative of the head of the federal executive body in the field of fire safety or an authorized manager is allowed only if it is impossible to transfer or the employee of the federal fire service refuses to be transferred to another position in the federal fire service.

7. If there are simultaneously several grounds for termination or termination of the contract provided for in Part 1, paragraphs 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12 and 16 of Part 2 and paragraphs 1 and 3 of Part 3 of this article, the contract is terminated or terminated one by one from these grounds at the choice of an employee of the federal fire service.

8. If violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation are revealed when making a decision to terminate (terminate) a contract, or new circumstances related to the termination (termination) of a contract are identified (emerged), the basis on which the relationship with an employee of the federal fire service was terminated (terminated) ) contract, may be changed by order of the head of the federal executive body in the field of fire safety or an authorized head.

9. Termination of a contract on the grounds provided for in paragraph 8 of part 2 and paragraph 1 of part 3 of this article is carried out in accordance with the conclusion of the military medical commission. If an employee of the federal fire service has signs of permanent disability, he is sent to a medical and social examination institution to determine permanent disability and (or) establish the fact of disability. The procedure for establishing permanent disability of an employee is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

10. The contract with an employee of the federal fire service convicted of a crime is terminated after the court verdict enters into legal force. If on the day the court verdict came into force the employee was in custody, the contract is terminated from the day the employee was actually taken into custody.

Work in the federal fire service is recognized as an activity of high importance, as it relates to the professional solution of specific tasks that help improve the fire safety of facilities in the Russian Federation. People who have entered into a contract with the FPS enjoy due respect from the population of the country, since with their help many lives are saved in emergency situations.

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Employees of such a service are subject to numerous checks - both physical and psychological. Moreover, during the entire period of performance of assigned functional duties, they are required to comply with the established characteristics. And in case of non-compliance with the standards, they may be subject to disciplinary action; in case of gross violations of labor rules, they may be fired.

The regulation on service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 141-FZ regulates these issues. Every fire safety worker is required to study this act in order to avoid problems with the law. In this regard, it becomes relevant to consider the main provisions, as well as the key features of legislative guidelines when carrying out activities in the Federal Border Guard Service.

Information about the law

The Law on Service in the State Fire Service of the Russian Federation No. 141-FZ was adopted in 2017, replacing the largely irrelevant aspects of the outdated Regulations on work in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from 1992.

This regulatory act defines and regulates the procedure for joining the Federal Fire Service, the implementation of assigned job responsibilities and dismissal from the ranks of the Federal Fire Service. Given that the law only recently acquired legal force, no significant changes were made in 2019.

Last changes

Before Law No. 141-FZ “On Service in the Federal Fire Service and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” was developed and adopted, the activities of persons in the service of the Federal Fire Service were regulated by the Regulations on Activities in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

After the implementation of the innovations, the status of employees, the requirements for them, their rights, responsibilities, labor discipline and responsibility for performing actions beyond the statutory provisions have changed and been clarified.

Additionally, educational and professional training is provided for persons holding positions in the Federal Border Guard Service in structures not included in the Ministry of Emergency Situations system. Wording was also introduced regarding the dismissal of an employee due to loss of confidence on certain grounds.

Structure and content

Law No. 141-FZ “On service in the Federal Fire Service and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” consists of 14 chapters. Its provisions fully regulate all the activities of a FPS employee, which allows the interested person to study exactly his own rights and obligations. Only certain regulations supplement the issues already reflected in the law.

Serving in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

In case of passing the entrance examination and meeting the established requirements, the newly hired employee is obliged to fulfill the oath of an employee of the Federal Border Guard Service. The bringing is carried out in a solemn atmosphere in front of the flag of the Russian Federation.

His further activities must fully comply with the approved job regulations, which must be certified by the responsible person of the federal executive body in the field of fire safety.

While serving, an employee has the right to receive leave, bonuses, and other monetary and material rewards - the law provides for certain situations when this is relevant.

Due to certain circumstances, a person may resign from the ranks of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - this procedure is also prescribed in the regulatory act in question.

Employment procedure and conditions

Not every citizen can count on a position in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Submitting your own candidacy is voluntary; no one can prohibit this.

However, any applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • applicant's age: from 18 to 35 years;
  • there are no restrictions due to personal beliefs or health status for performing official duties;
  • physical fitness – above average;
  • moral and business qualities meet the established characteristics.

The hiring procedure itself is quite simple:

  1. Submitting an application to participate in the competition.
  2. Collection of necessary documentation.
  3. Passing the test.

If the candidate has the appropriate education, then upon admission he can count on additional benefits.

Requirements for official conduct and responsibility

Emergency Situations Ministry employees must understand that they will be subject to fairly stringent requirements.

Thus, according to established standards, they are obliged to:

  • organize its activities in accordance with the need to ensure the safety of citizens and property protection from fires;
  • maintain honor and dignity (prevent the occurrence of situations that discredit the reputation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations);
  • in relation to citizens, be polite and tactful, show respect (provide them with all possible assistance within the framework of official powers);
  • maintain neutrality in relation to political parties, religious, professional or other social groups;
  • not to speak publicly, not to make assessments and not to make sharp judgments against government agencies, political parties, religious, professional and other social groups, unless this is an official duty;
  • not to show disrespect for national customs and traditions, to build the implementation of official activities taking into account the cultural and other characteristics of social groups, to exclude actions that may cause the emergence of interethnic or religious conflicts;
  • perform assigned duties within established limits;
  • exclude violation of the charter, requirements of federal laws and other regulations provided for by regulations;
  • Perform your work conscientiously, in accordance with the assigned professional classification.

Special attention should be paid to the responsibility of the FPS employee:

  • if a crime is committed, he, like any other citizen, will be held criminally liable - the case will be considered in accordance with the legislation of the country;
  • in case of an administrative offense, he bears disciplinary liability in accordance with Law No. 141-FZ (this does not apply to cases where an employee is subject to liability on the general basis of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);
  • in a situation with a violation of official discipline, the punishment is established on the basis of Art. 48, 49 and 51 of Law No. 141-FZ;
  • if, during the performance of official duties, an employee caused damage to an individual or legal entity, he is obliged to compensate it in the prescribed manner;
  • if material damage was caused to the Federal Border Guard Service, the employee will be held financially liable in accordance with the procedure approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

These provisions are especially necessary for officials to study in order to understand what possible consequences should the described situations occur, and how there are ways to avoid this.

Dismissal procedure

The dismissal of a government employee of the fire service occurs on the basis of Art. 83 of Law No. 141-FZ.

This can be realized for the following reasons:

  • expiration of the employment contract;
  • the employee reaches retirement age;
  • discrepancies were found regarding the position held;
  • gross violations of labor discipline were identified;
  • declared unfit to serve in his position in accordance with the conclusion of a military medical examination;
  • the terms of the employment agreement have been violated - this is relevant both for the service employee and for his employer;
  • due to loss of trust on the grounds reflected in Art. 84;
  • drafted into the army for conscription service.

It is also worth noting the moments when an applicant for a job in a government structure may not be accepted for a vacancy:

  • having a criminal record;
  • limited legal capacity;
  • is a relative of one of the employees of the same department - relevant if his position implies subordination to one of the persons.

This list is not exhaustive - there may be other situations that impede the applicant’s employment.

About vacations

Article 11. Rights of an employee of the federal fire service

1. An employee of the federal fire service has the right to:

1) appropriate conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and professional development;

2) familiarization with the job regulations (job description) and other documents defining his rights and official duties, criteria for assessing the effectiveness of performing official duties, as well as performance indicators and conditions for promotion in the federal fire service;

3) rest in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

4) monetary allowance, which is the main means of his material support and stimulation of his performance of official duties;

5) obtaining, in the prescribed manner, information and materials necessary to perform official duties, as well as making proposals for improving the activities of the federal executive body in the field of fire safety;

6) access, in accordance with the established procedure, to information constituting state and other secrets protected by law, if the performance of official duties involves the use of such information;

7) visiting, in the prescribed manner in connection with the performance of official duties, protection facilities for their examination, as well as for conducting research, testing, examination, investigation and other measures to monitor compliance with fire safety requirements;

8) familiarization with reviews of his official activities and other documents determined by the federal executive body in the field of fire safety before adding them to the personal file, with the materials of the personal file in the manner determined by the federal executive body in the field of fire safety;

9) attaching his written explanations and other documents and materials to his personal file;

10) protection of your personal data;

11) promotion based on performance results, length of service in the federal fire service, level of education;

12) undergoing vocational training and receiving additional vocational education;

13) consideration of an official dispute in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

14) conducting an internal inspection at his request, expressed in writing;

15) appeal to superior officials in the order of subordination, to higher authorities and (or) to court to protect their rights and legitimate interests, as well as to resolve disputes related to service in the federal fire service;

16) compulsory state life and health insurance in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

17) state protection of his life and health, the life and health of his family members, as well as property belonging to him and his family members;

18) state pension provision in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

19) medical care in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

20) providing him and his family members with living quarters in the manner and on the conditions determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

21) proper organizational, technical and sanitary-hygienic conditions of service, taking into account the characteristics of service in the federal fire service;

22) creation and participation in the activities of public associations that do not pursue political goals, in free time from official duties, if this does not entail a conflict of interest.

2. The rights of an employee of the federal fire service when exercising his official powers, along with this Federal Law, are also determined by other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

3. The rights of an employee of the federal fire service for the position being filled in the federal fire service are determined by the job regulations (job description).

4. Other rights may be granted to an employee of the federal fire service in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 1. General provisions
Article 1. Subject of regulation of this Federal Law
Article 2. Legal regulation of service in the federal fire service
Article 3. Basic terms
Article 4. Principles of service in the federal fire service
Article 5. Relationship between service in the federal fire service, other types of public service and municipal service
Chapter 2. Positions in the federal fire service. Special ranks of employees of the federal fire service
Article 6. Positions in the federal fire service
Article 7. Composition of positions in the federal fire service
Article 8. Special ranks of employees of the federal fire service
Article 9. Qualification requirements for positions in the federal fire service
Chapter 3. Legal status (status) of an employee of the federal fire service
Article 10. Federal fire service employee
Article 11. Rights of an employee of the federal fire service
Article 12. Main responsibilities of an employee of the federal fire service
Article 13. Requirements for the official conduct of an employee of the federal fire service
Article 14. Restrictions, prohibitions and responsibilities associated with service in the federal fire service
Article 15. Responsibility of an employee of the federal fire service
Article 16. Uniforms, insignia and departmental insignia of an employee of the federal fire service
Chapter 4. Emergence and changes in legal relations in the service of the federal fire service
Article 17. Right to join the federal fire service
Article 18. Documents submitted by a citizen for entry into service in the federal fire service
Article 19. The procedure for considering documents submitted by a citizen for joining the federal fire service and making decisions on them
Article 20. Grounds for the emergence and change of legal relations in the service of the federal fire service
Article 21. Contract for service in the federal fire service and (or) filling a position in the federal fire service
Article 22. Types and duration of the contract
Article 23. Contents of the contract
Article 24. Test upon entry into service in the federal fire service
Article 25. Filling positions in the federal fire service through competition
Article 26. The emergence and change of legal relations in the service in the federal fire service during the period of martial law
Chapter 5. Procedure for serving in the federal fire service
Article 27. Appointment to positions in the federal fire service
Article 28. Oath of an employee of the federal fire service
Article 29. Job regulations (job description)
Article 30. Transfer of an employee of the federal fire service
Article 31. Temporary performance of official duties
Article 32. Secondment of an employee of the federal fire service
Article 33. Certification of an employee of the federal fire service
Article 34. Combination of official duties in the service in the federal fire service. Part-time job
Article 35. Service in the federal fire service under special conditions
Article 36. Features of service when reducing positions in the federal fire service. Enrollment of an employee of the federal fire service at the disposal of the federal executive body in the field of fire safety or unit
Article 37. Suspension of service in the federal fire service
Article 38. Length of service (length of service) in the federal fire service
Article 39. Personal data of employees of the federal fire service, maintaining personal files and employee records
Chapter 6. Assignment of special titles
Article 40. General conditions for the assignment and retention of special ranks
Article 41. Duration of service in special ranks
Article 42. Assignment of the first and next special ranks
Article 43. Assignment of special ranks ahead of schedule or one step higher
Article 44. Suspension of assignment of the next special rank
Article 45. Assignment of special ranks to citizens who have served in military service, state civil service and other types of state service
Chapter 7. Service discipline in the federal fire service
Article 46. Service discipline
Article 47. Incentive measures
Article 48. Violation of official discipline
Article 49. Disciplinary sanctions
Article 50. Penalties for non-compliance with restrictions and prohibitions, requirements to prevent or resolve conflicts of interest and failure to fulfill obligations established for the purpose of combating corruption
Article 51. The procedure for applying incentive measures to employees of the federal fire service and the procedure for imposing disciplinary sanctions on them
Article 52. Procedure for imposing penalties on employees of the federal fire service for corruption offenses
Article 53. Internal inspection
Chapter 8. Working time and rest time of an employee of the federal fire service
Article 54. Service time
Article 55. Service time regime
Article 56. Rest time
Article 57. Leaves in service in the federal fire service
Article 58. Main leave
Article 59. Additional leaves
Article 60. Extension of main leave or additional leave
Article 61. Vacation leave
Article 62. Leave for personal reasons
Article 63. Leave upon graduation from an educational organization of higher education of the federal executive body in the field of fire safety
Article 64. Other types of leaves
Article 65. Recall of an employee of the federal fire service from vacation
Article 66. Release of an employee of the federal fire service from performance of official duties due to temporary disability
Chapter 9. Guarantees of social protection for employees of the federal fire service
Article 67. Remuneration of an employee of the federal fire service
Article 68. Housing, medical and sanatorium-resort provision for an employee of the federal fire service and his family members
Article 69. Insurance guarantees for an employee of the federal fire service and payments for the purpose of compensation for damage caused in connection with the performance of official duties. Guarantees in connection with dismissal from service in the federal fire service
Article 70. Clothing and food provision for employees of the federal fire service
Article 71. Pension provision for employees of the federal fire service and members of their families
Chapter 10. Resolution of conflicts of interest and resolution of official disputes in the federal fire service
Article 72. Conflict of interest in the federal fire service
Article 73. Service dispute in the federal fire service
Article 74. Temporary suspension of an employee of the federal fire service from performing official duties
Article 75. Reinstatement in service in the federal fire service
Chapter 11. Formation of personnel of the federal fire service
Article 76. Principles and main directions of formation of personnel of the federal fire service
Article 77. Training of personnel for the federal fire service
Article 78. State order for training personnel for the federal fire service
Article 79. Personnel reserve for filling positions in the federal fire service
Article 80. Personnel work in the federal executive body in the field of fire safety
Chapter 12. Termination of service in the federal fire service
Article 81. Grounds for termination of service in the federal fire service
Article 82. Dismissal from service in the federal fire service
Article 83. Grounds for termination or termination of a contract
Article 84. Dismissal of an employee of the federal fire service due to loss of confidence
Article 85. Termination of a contract by agreement of the parties
Article 86. Termination of a contract and dismissal from service in the federal fire service on the initiative of an employee of the federal fire service
Article 87. Termination of a contract on the initiative of the head of the federal executive body in the field of fire safety or an authorized head
Article 88. Termination of a fixed-term contract due to its expiration
Article 89. Termination of a contract due to violation of mandatory rules during its conclusion
Article 90. Termination of a contract upon reaching the age limit for service in the federal fire service
Article 91. Procedure for dismissal of employees of the federal fire service from service in the federal fire service
Article 92. Burial and honoring
Chapter 13. Financing of service in the federal fire service. Supervision and control over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on service in the federal fire service
Article 93. Financing of service in the federal fire service
Article 94. Bodies of state supervision and control over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on service in the federal fire service
Chapter 14. Final provisions
Article 95. Application of this Federal Law to legal relations that arose before the day it entered into force
Article 96. Application of legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the entry into force of this Federal Law
Article 97. On amendments to the Federal Law "On Fire Safety"
Article 98. On the recognition as invalid of certain provisions of the Federal Law “On introducing amendments and additions to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of public administration in the field of fire safety”
Article 99. The procedure for the entry into force of this Federal Law
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