Psychologist's classes in the sensory room. Developmental activities for preschool children in the sensory room

Relaxation exercises in the sensory room.

"I'm calm."

Goal: elimination of the state of psychomuscular tension.

Procedure.Convenient location in Transformer chairs or in a dry pool. You can turn on the Solar-100 projector or another source of lighting effects. The general lighting in the room is turned off or dimmed. There is calm music, recordings of the sound of the sea, and birdsong. The psychologist pronounces a relaxation text: “Take three deep breaths and three exhalations. Try to inhale in such a way that the muscles of the chest and abdomen actively participate in it. Now imagine that you are in the forest. Listen to my words. I want to calm down. I really want to calm down. I'm calming down. I am distracted from everything around me. Nothing prevents me from immersing myself in complete peace. Extraneous sounds don't bother me... I'm relaxing...

A pleasant feeling of warmth appears in my right hand. My left hand begins to warm up. A pleasant warmth flows in my hands. My hands are warm. My feet are getting warmer too. My feet are getting warmer and warmer. A pleasant warmth envelops my entire body. I am increasingly immersed in a state of peace. But I don't sleep. I'm just completely resting. My thoughts don't bother me. The muscles of the body are relaxed and resting. My heart beats calmly and evenly. Every cell of my body is resting.

I rested and calmed down, I am cheerful and full of strength. I feel a surge of strength and energy. I can breathe easily and freely, now take a deep breath and exhale. Open your eyes, stretch, stretch well.”

"I'm resting".

Target: overcoming the state of psycho-emotional stress.

Procedure.Sit comfortably in the Transformers chairs. Interactive equipment included (Milky Way and Star Network wall hanging). General lighting in the room is turned off or dimmed. Relaxation music sounds, recording the sound of the sea and birdsong. The psychologist reads a relaxation text: “Sit comfortably, close your eyes and try to imagine an unusual journey. Let's pack our suitcase for the trip. Let's put in it everything that bothers you: grievances, tears, quarrels, disappointments... Let's close the suitcase and hit the road. Our path is long Let's take a deep breath: inhale (hold for 3 s) exhale (wait 3 s) - repeat 3 times. The fresh smell of the ladder, the aroma of flowers fills the air. The earth takes away your fatigue, anxiety, resentment, fills your body with strength and freshness. You are walking through a field among flowers, grasshoppers are chirping, bees are buzzing, birds are singing joyfully. Ahead is a clear stream.

Suddenly in the clearing you saw a wonderful house. The door is open and welcomingly invites you in. You entered this house. You sit down next to the stove and look at the bright fire, the bright flames. They jump up and down merrily and dance. The embers wink at you. Pleasant warmth caresses your face, arms, legs, whole body... It becomes cozy and calm. A good fire takes away all your sorrows, fatigue, sadness... Your suitcase is empty. You leave the house. Satisfied and calmed, you happily breathe in the fresh air. A light breeze caresses your hair, neck, and whole body. The body seems to dissolve in air, becoming light and weightless. You feel very good. The breeze fills the suitcase with joy, kindness, love...

You will take all this wealth home and share it with your family, friends, and acquaintances. Now you can open your eyes and smile - you are home and everyone loves you.”

"On a spaceship"

Performed using equipment: “Starry Sky” ceiling.

Goal: training and strengthening the eye muscle, developing oculomotor coordination.

Time: 2 minutes

Progress of the exercise: you are asked to imagine yourself on a spaceship, look out the window and imagine that our planet is visible there, somewhere far away. Prerequisite: choose a star for yourself and concentrate your attention on it (20 seconds, then look at the nearest circle of stars (10 seconds). Repeat 2-3 times.

"Writers of Star Stories"

The “Starry Sky” ceiling is used for the game.

Time: 15 minutes

Goal: development of group communication; emancipation; imagination; muscle relaxation.

Progress of the exercise: it is suggested to sit in a semicircle, sitting in ottoman chairs, and dreaming up the starry sky. Each participant needs to come up with a story about a distant planet, a galaxy, what nature is like on this planet, who lives there. In this case, the object is pre-selected in the projected image.

Relaxation exercise “Waterfall”

During the implementation, the “Waterfall” wall panel is used.

Time: 5 minutes

Goal: relaxation of all muscle groups.

Procedure: participants sit in front of the “Waterfall” wall panel and concentrate their attention on it. Calm music sounds. Then they close their eyes and, while listening to the presenter, try to relax and imagine the images that the presenter is talking about.

Relaxation text:

Imagine that you are standing near a waterfall. Wonderful day, blue sky, warm sun. The mountain air is fresh and pleasant. You can breathe easily and freely. But our waterfall is unusual; instead of water there is soft white light. Imagine yourself standing under this waterfall and feel this beautiful white light flowing over your head.

You feel it pouring down your forehead, then down your face, down your neck. White light flows over your shoulders. Gentle light helps them become soft and relaxed

This amazing waterfall of white light flows through your body. You feel completely calm and relax more and more with every breath.

The magical light filled you with fresh strength and energy.

(Pause 2 minutes.)


Now is the time for you to reconnect with yourself and the world around you. I will count from 1 to 10. For each count, your mind becomes more and more clear, and your body becomes more fresh and energetic. When I count to 10, but not before, open your eyes. When you open your eyes, you will feel better than ever that day. There will be a feeling of vivacity, freshness, a surge of strength and a desire to act.

Let's get started.

1. You begin to awaken.

2. You wake up slowly.

3. A feeling of cheerfulness appears.

4. I want to stretch.

5. The feeling of vigor and freshness is becoming stronger.

8. Stretch.

9. I want to open my eyes. eyelids are light. there is vivacity and freshness in the body.

10. Opened your eyes! You have awakened! Your mind is clear, your body is light and rested!

Discussion: How are you feeling now? What images arose while listening to music? What did you see? How has your health and mood changed?


All these lessons have the following structure:ritual of starting classes; relaxation that allows children torelax and relieve muscle tension; ending ritual classes.

Game tasks are at the same time educational,and therapeutic: they develop mental processes and physicala psychologically healthy child is born.

Lesson No. 1
"Introducing the Magic Room"


- develop the cognitive sphere of children;

- activate voluntary attention, mental abilities properties;

- develop proprioceptive and tactile sensesnility, fine motor skills;

- develop the ability to correlate visual-motor andauditory-motor coordination;

- develop sense organs and vestibular apparatus;

- strengthen the ability to convey your feelings and sensations in coherent speech;

- develop communication skills;

- develop the ability to relax in the process of ideomotors movements and representations of images;

- develop self-regulation skills.

Material s and equipment: floor tactile roadski; dry pool; balancing board; fun balls;aqualamp; fountain plant; Twizzler cube; tangled spirals; center of tactility; quiet play center; center, develop active; directional light projector; mirror ball; light squares; soft flooring; audio cassette.

Progress of the lesson

1. Ritual of the beginning of the lesson. Game "Greeting":

Guys, our “veselki” are smiling at us. They are very happythat we came to visit them. Smile at them and cheerfully trample themgreet, wave and say:"Hello!"

- And now you and I will go on a journey... It will beginit comes from this big waterfall.(We look at the landscape on photo wallpaper.) See how the water falls from the top of the mountain, howit sparkles and crumbles into colorful splashes. And next to it one waterfall - small (fountain plant). Come to himtake a closer look and listen to the water murmur as it runs down the mountain ledges.(Listen to the sound of the waters s .)

- And what little bright birds And live in our forest - howthey chirp loudly!

- The sun is warming up, it's getting hot. Let's take off our shoesand let's go into the forest along the path barefoot.(Walking no touch ny paths.) We will follow each other so as not to get lostout of the way. Our journey begins with this large green clearing, then - along the bottom of a forest lake, on pebbles...- and further into the forest along the path, along the bridge.(As we go, the teacher asks children about their feelings.)

- How do your feet feel??

- And now we will go through the magical forest, where the seasons arereplace each other every few steps. We need to followfollow the trail so as not to stumble and fall into the water. Place your handsto the sides. Look carefully at what time of year you are passing throughgo ahead and call him.

- Now put on your shoes and move on to this colorful one clearing. (Calm background music plays.)

- Two children will play with toys on this panel(center that develops activity), and two - roll ballsalong this spiral: one throws the ball, and the other catches it on the way out. Listen carefully to where the ball is so as not tomiss it. Do this one at a time.

- Approach this spiral. Throw the ball carefullywatch him and catch him on the way out(confusing spiral). (After a few minutes the children change places.)

- Guys, those of you who played in this clearing can rego to the next one.

- Who wants to play with the toys on this panel? Please!And who will consider the precious materials in our sun little girl?

- Who wants to travel through labyrinths?

(During the game, the teacher asks about sensations, suggests changing places.)

- Guys, here's another chest! Let's see what's in it is located there. (Opens.)

- What is this?

- That's right, these are squares made of different fabrics. Choose whowhich one do you like? Throw your handkerchiefs as high as possible; bywatch them fall down.

And now we need to not only throw handkerchiefs, but also fastfight to keep them from falling to the floor longer. For this you need blow on them - like this! (Show.)

(Next, the teacher suggests toss handkerchiefs several times. Turns on the aqualamp.)

- Come closer and look: what an interesting lamp! It's called aqualamp - Means, water lamp. What's floating there?

- What color are the balls?

(Invites everyone to watch behind a certain ball colors.)

- Please note , how the color of water changes. What colordo you like water more?

- Place the palms of your right hand on the glass. What do they feel? your palms? (Children talk about their feelings.)

- We spent the whole day traveling with you through the magical forest!Night is coming, it's time to rest. We will rest on this painshoy clearing. Sit on it(soft floor covering). And someone can on this island(soft island).

(relaxation music plays yk A. )

- Lie down comfortably, relax.(Includes projector, points it at the mirror ball.)

- A wonderful summer night is coming. On a dark sky ignitingthere are bright stars. You feel absolutely calmnew and happy. A pleasant feeling of warmth and calm covers your entire body: forehead, face, neck, stomach, back, arms,legs... You feel how your body becomes light, warm, obedient.

Breathe easily and freely.We rest peacefully

We fall asleep in a magical sleep.

Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.

- The breeze blows your body with light freshness. The air is cleanand transparent. Breathe easily and freely. The stars are going out, it's comingmorning. The mood becomes cheerful and cheerful.

Stretch, smile, open everyone’s eyes and stand up!

We are full of strength and energy. Try to keep this feelingfor the whole day.

10. End of class ritual. Farewell to the "veselki"

- Guys, let's smile at the "merry ones" and say goodbye tothem: “Goodbye!”

Remember our “merry men” and smile like them,- and then you will always be in a good mood.

Lesson No. 2
Colors and mood"


- creating a cheerful, optimistic mood;- activation of passive children;

- development of the ability to convey sensations verbally;

- development of the cognitive sphere: attention, memory, thinking;

Consolidating knowledge of the color spectrum;

Color therapy;

- stimulating the imagination.

Materials and equipment: floor tactile paths;center that develops activity; dry shower; aqualamp; softfloor covering; "fun". .

Progress of the lesson

1. Starting ritual:

- Guys, our “veselki” greet us. Let's smileWe cherish them as much as they do to us, and we wish the “veselki” and all peoplehealth. What word do we use to say this?

- “Hello!”

- And now we will walk along our forest paths. Don't forget va th those talk about how your legs feel.(Calm, quiet music sounds.)

- We come out to this green clearing. you will playtoys that are here(center developing activity).

- This tube is called kaleidoscope. Each of you playinghim, will tell me what interesting things he sees: whatshapes, what color.

- Look at this bracelet here. What color are the lights?do they sparkle on it? Take circles of the same color from thetimid. Remember which light lights up first, which one- second, which one - third. Show them to me in that follow-upthe intensity in which they are ignited(bracelet with flower m and llamas kidneys).

- Now let's come to this colorful waterfall.

(Dry shower.) Listen to me carefully: I will tell you whowhich side will go under the waterfall.

- What color are the streams of water? Coming out from under the waterfall, youyou will tell me what your mood is and how you feltunder streams of water.

- Go to the colored aquarium. What color balls do you see there? Each of you will watch your ball(aqualamna).

(Psychologist called s gives the child’s name and the color of the ball he will be watching.)

- Guys, you see that the water is changing its color. you willname the color of water in one word:blue, red, green, yellow .

6. Relaxation “Rainbow” (lying on a soft surface):

- Close your eyes. Imagine what's in front of your eyesscreen. On the screen you see the colors of the rainbow that you like. a) on the screen - blue. It is a soft, soothing color.

It looks like water in a river or lake. The color of the sky is blue too.It refreshes you, like swimming in the heat;

b) red th color gives us energy and warmth. From redWe feel warmer even in the cold. From the red color to the weightlighter and more joyful in the soul;

c) yellow color brings us joy and a smile. It warmslike the sun. If we are sad and lonely, he lifts us up mood;

d) green color - color of nature. If we are sick and wenot at ease, the color green helps us feel better.

- Now open your eyes. What were you thinking when you watchedinto blue, red, yellow and green? Have you noticedthat different colors affect your mood?

- Guys, let's smile at the “merry people” and tell them:"Goodbye!"

Lesson No. 3
Game "Help Friends"


- development of mental processes: attention, memory, mouse laziness;

- development of tactile, auditory and visual analysis tori;

Development of the ability to convey sensations in verbal form;

Stimulation of search and creative activity;

- creating a positive emotional mood.

Materials and equipment: "veselki" pendant; plant-fountain; quiet play center; double helix; center tactileness; dry pool; game "Easy squares".

Progress of the lesson

1. Ritual of the beginning of the lesson. Game "Greetings".

- Guys, imagine that you are in a sad mood.What is your facial expression? Show me!

- Look in the mirror: what sad faces you have! Let'sLet's try to cheer each other up. Let's say eachwhat we like about the house. We will speak in turn, and eachwill hear something good about himself.(Game “Compliments”.)

- Well, has your mood improved? Dawa th we'll welcome youour “fun people” and smile at them the same way they smile at us.

- Approach the magic castle(fountain plant). Vni Take a good look at the castle and the nature around it. How are youWho do you think lives in the castle?

- Is your hero evil or good?

- What can we do together to make him kinder?

- Look at the waterfall, catory runs away from the mountains. Let's golisten to the sound of water.(Listen to the sound of water.)

- Let's go to the green clearing. Here you can play withthese spirals.( D war and single spiral.) Attention carefully watch and listen to where the ball is and catch it on the way out.

- Let's take a closer look at this panel(center quiet games). Take turns feeling the toys and say which you like the feel of the toy more than others, and which one?- Not like it and why.

6. Exercise “Sea of ​​Balls”(dry pool):

- A se th For an hour we will swim in a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bballs. Let's allLet's turn over on our tummy and swim.

- Now let's turn over onto our back. We continue to swim.

- Now let’s lie quietly on the waves. Close your eyes andimagine that you are calmly rocking on the waves of the sea...

(4-5 minutes.)

- Our game is over.

7. End of class ritual. Farewell to "fun":

- Guys, let's smile at the "merry ones" and tell them: "Goodbye

Lesson No. 4


- development of mental processes: thinking, memory, attention;

- development of design abilities;

Continued development of the eye;

- development of eye coordination- hand";

- consolidation of knowledge of the colors of the spectrum;

- relieving emotional stress;

Development of imagination.

Materials and equipment: games “Collect a square”, “Put onring"; aqualamp; soft flooring; floor sotile squares; “Veselki” pendant.

Progress of the lesson

- Guys, we will now walk along our forest paths.Today we will name the color of the path we are walking along.(Floor e sensory s e tracks.)

- Come to this table We will assemble from parts heresuch a square. Be careful- and you will succeed.The game is called "Make a Square".

- Now let's play with these toys. The game is called "Put the ring on.” When you put on the ring you say what it's colors. Let's see who we have the best accurate , who is faster than the otherghih will put on all the rings(water toys).

- We will play the game "Find the color", I will show the color,for example red, and you- look for all the objects in this roomred. And so we will search and name everything colors.

- Now lie down on our soft sofa, turn aroundto the magic aquarium and watch how it changeswater. As soon as the water changes color, you call it.

- Turn over on your back, lie down comfortably, closeeyes and listen to my voice.

Imagine yourself in a wonderful place- on seashore. Wonderful summer day! Blue sky, warmsun... You feel calm and happy. Pleasant I feel The feeling of freshness and vigor covers your entire body: forehead, face, back, stomach, arms and legs. Do you feel your body becominglight, strong, obedient. You are warm andNice. Rays of saltNyshka caress our body. Breathe easily and freely. Moodbecomes vigorous and cheerful, you want to get up and move.

We open our eyes- we are full of strength and energy. Trykeep these feelings for the whole day.

8. Ending Ritual classes . Farewell to the "fun":

- Guys, let's smile at the “merry people” and tell them: “Goodbye! Denmark!"

Lesson No. 5
"Let's imagine..."


- formation of ideas about positive and negativebodily emotions;

- continued training in the ability to determine one’s mood;

- learning ways to improve your mood;

- developing courage and self-confidence, overcoming problems bosti;

- self-regulation of mental state.

Materials and equipment: mirror; clown hats; soft flooring; aqualamp.

Progress of the lesson

1. Ritual of the beginning of the lesson. Greeting "veselok"

- Let's imagine that you and I- monkeys. Come overto the mirror and show me without words: a cheerful monkey, a sadnew, surprised, crying, laughing, scared, singing, joyful.

- Well, how? Has your mood improved? Show yours mood.

Animals have feelings

In fish, birds and people.

Without a doubt, it influences

We're all in the mood.

Who's having fun?

Who's sad?

Who was scared?

Who's angry?

Dispels all doubts

Good mood.

- And now we will find ourselves in the circus. Let's go out into this green meadow and become clowns. Let's become couples, face each otherto a friend The clowns on the right will be funny. Portray this moodon your face. And now the cheerful ones will try to cheer upsad so that they smile and everyone becomes happy.

- Now the clowns will play the game “Fun Exercise”.

(Upbeat, cheerful music sounds. The psychologist models the situation yu, and the children are depicting yu t appropriate actions.) - In order for the car to work, you need to start the engine.

- A sleeping man is like a switched off car.

- The body gets tired during the day and needs rest.

- But there is a new day ahead and a lot of interesting things to do and cheniya. We need to prepare ourselves for them: turn on, “start” yourbody. Let's all jump together!

Each of you - master of his body. You- awakened cats, pull it outfirst the front and then the hind legs.

And now you - ladybugs falling on their backs. Will it be possible?Can you roll over onto your stomach without assistance?

- Now let’s take a deep breath and turn into airy balls. Just a little more - and it will fly!

- We stretch upward like giraffes.

Let's jump like a kangaroo to become as dexterous and strong.

And now we are nesting dolls. Let's sway from side to side.

Come on, let's launch the plane! We twist the propeller with all our might. -Guys, you got a great boost of energy and I'm sureself-confidence for the whole day.See you soon!

6. End of class ritual.

Lesson No. 6
"Be careful!"


- continued development of mental processes: voluntary attention, its stability and switchability; mental abilities; memory, imagination, perception;

- formation of the ability to correlate the verbal form of description of objects with graphic;

- development of tactile perception of receptors of the feet and hands,the ability to convey your feelings in coherent speech;

Development of coordination nation "eye - hand";

- continuing to learn how to control your body, relax, relieve yourself from overstrain.

Materials and equipment : floor tactile squares;quiet play center; Twizler cube; balancing board; aqualamp; game "Easy squares"»; soft floor covering.

Progress of the lesson

1. Ritual of the beginning of the lesson. Greeting "veselok"

- Guys, let's walk along our forest paths.

We walk slowly, without haste, listening to the birds singing, the babbling of the brook in the forest.

- Let's go out into the clearing with you.(Calm Center games.)

- P look carefully at this panel, at the toys anditems that are not th located. Each of you chooses an item, but does not say what he chose. The rest shouldguess from the description what it is and name the item.(Game “Describe item" .)

And now you and I will cross the abyss along the magic ropes. I will tell everyone the color of the rope, according to whichRoma he will move to the opposite side of the graze.

The teacher rewards those who complete the task faster.

- We will continue our path through this magical forest, whereEvery 4 steps the seasons change. You need to follow thosefeet that are drawn, and name the seasons according to which rym you pass and those. Don't forget that the back should bestraight, and arms spread to the sides.

- Now, guys, lie down on our soft sofa. We willwatch the balls in the magic lamp. Every knock outselects the color of the ball and watches it.(Exercise “Dance” ball.")

7. End of class ritual. Farewell to "fun":

- Guys, let's smile at the “merry people” and tell them: “Goodbye! Denmark!"

Lesson No. 7
"Walk A through the magical forest"


- develop mental activity, voluntary attentionmania, memory, imagination, perception;

- develop the ability to convey your feelings in speech;

- develop proprioceptive and kinesthetic senses activity;

- promote the development of the vestibular apparatus and coordinationmovement dynamics;

- teach self-regulation of mental state, relaxation;

- continue to develop knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;

- cultivate empathic feelings, a desire to provide friendfriend emotional and physical support.

Materials and turnover at statement: center of tactility; floortactile tracks; small pool with water; ribbedbridge; balancing board; soft flooring;mirror ball; projector.

Progress of the lesson

1. Starting ritual:

- Let's say hello to our "merry people" and smileto them the same way they are to us, and we will say to them: “Hello!”

Guys, today we are with you we will travel around the world crazy forest.

Now let's go to this green meadow and listen to the twitterbirds in a magical forest.

(The audio recording “G” plays stripes of the forest.")

- Now we will go along the forest paths. Let's goLet's go slowly, look carefully at your feet, and we'll talkabout what the legs feel. Our path begins from this forestnogo lake. We follow each other without interfering with each other .

- At the end of the path we go out onto a bridge and walk along itand move on to magical seasons, where every 4 steps inThe seasons change each other. You just need to follow the tracks,so as not to drown in a stormy river. As we pass we call th time the year you find yourself in.

- And in this clearing we will examine, feeltoys and tell them how they feel to the touch.

- Which toy surface did you like best? and why?

And what - didn't like it? Why?

- What is the surface of these toys like?

6. Exercise “On th show me the toy":

- Guys, I will now tell you what surfaceyou need to find a toy. And you will show it to me.(hard, softly at yu, cold cozy, fluffy, slippery, smooth.)

- And now we have gone to the waterfall. Let's listenits noise and watch the streams of water, which, murmuring merrily, run downstairs.

- Let's now relax next to the waterfall.

Wonderful summer day! Blue sky, gentle, warm sun...You feel absolutely calm and happy.A pleasant feeling of vivacity and freshness covers your entirebody: forehead, face, back, stomach, arms and legs. Do you feel like the body becomes laid down Kim, strong and obedient.

The breeze blows through your everythingbody easy th freshness. The air is cleanand more transparent. Breathe easily and freely.

We are calm but we rest, rest and fall asleep... It’s easy to breathe, smooth, deep...

We open our eyes, we wake up like cats: we want to get up,stretch and move.

Smile at each other and get up. We are in a cheerful moodand cheerful.

- This is where our walk through the magical forest ends.Smile at the “merry ones” and say goodbye to them.

8. End of class ritual.

Lesson No. 8

"Fear has eyes great"


- continue to work to destabilize and destroy the pathological stereotypes (increased level of anxietyand fears, feelings of tension), liberation of children;

- develop their courage and self-confidence;

- develop verbal and non-verbal forms of expressionemotions, facial expressions and pantomime, fine motor skills.

Material s and equipment: pictures of BabaYaga, dog, wolf, spider, snake; markers; paper; downy mittens; audio recording “Voices of Nature”; basket.

Progress of the lesson

1. Story by S.A. Fonkina “How to overcome fear”:

There are many scary things in the world: dark long corridors and under visual dogs with large fangs; wolves,hiding in the thickforest; spiders with long hairy legs; poisonous and biting snakes; thunder rumbling overhead and flashing lightning.

And Baba Yaga from fairy tales? Just about to move into the house or fly into an open window when no adult is at home.

But in reality - it's about It just seems. There's nothing in the dark corners interesting - there's only dust.. Think: where does anything come from?take over if the house is tightly locked?

Dogs never attack small children. What if the dog sitting and is guarding something, don't go near her- she's at work.

Wolves have long been hiding from people in distant forests.They are even taken under protection. Think: where will the wolf appear in the city?

Spiders, apart from torment, do not offend anyone. Snakes at the sight of a man hundred they are afraid to run away. Think about it, if you're not the type grab the snake by the tail or threaten her with a stick, why should she enter into a fight with a giant man?

Thunder - just a loud sound. Can sound cause harm?Baba Yaga lives only in fairy tales. She can't get out anywherefrom a book. Think about it! If you are not afraid, you will win all the fears - all of them?

(Children are invited to stand up and look into the dark corners s , to make sure no one is there.)

- Guys, remember how dogs behave in relation to to a person if they don’t tease them?

P that's right, dog- a person's friend and helper.

- Do you think a wolf can live in a city? And according to why not?

- Who was the spider trying to offend in “The Clattering Fly”? A personcan a spider hurt you?

(Children and the psychologist compare the size of a spider and a person .)

- Guys, there are also poisonous spiders. You should be wary of them, and you should not walk barefoot in the forest.

And how and Where does Baba Yaga live in fairy tales? Name them. Who is her everythingtime wins?

You see, guys, a man -the smartest and he candefeat any creature, albeit not always by force, but by mind- definitely.

- Guys, come to me, close your eyes. Let's imagine that we are in the forest: the breeze rustles in the leavestrees, a stream babbling, birds chirping. We sat down in the clearing.

How good, joyful and peaceful it is to relax: But what is it? Here I ama branch fell, here's another one... Who is it? How scared we became!

We curled up into a ball and froze.

Eyebrows raised, eyes wide open.

The mouth was slightly opened.

We are afraid to move and breathe.

The head was pulled into the shoulders, the eyes were closed.

Oh, scary!!! What kind of huge beast is this?..

And suddenly at our feet we heard: “Meow!” One eye off wings, - and this is a kitten! The second eye was opened.

Take your “kittens” in your hands.(Children take down mittens.) - Guys, tell us about your “kittens”. What are they?- You see, guys, how affectionate the “kittens” are. And we thoughtwhat is this?.. Who did you imagine?

- But in fact they were small kittens. That's whythat's what people say. “Fear has big eyes.” Listen to howThis is stated in the poem “Fear” by V. Kudryavtsev.

Fear has big eyes,

Fear has not teeth, but fangs,

Fear has a belly like a barrel.

Fear has desire–

Grab, bite, even eat!

The coward will invent fear

And mournfully gasps “Ah!”

And I'm not afraid of anything:

I'll invent fear - and I laugh!

- You probably now remember your fears. Let's posaput the kittens in the basket and draw your greatest fear.(Children draw f scrapmasters.)

(During work, music plays, a quiet conversation is held individually with each child about what he draws, what color he has fear.)

- Now take your fear into your hands and tear it apartthe smallest pieces.(Children tear apart the drawings using the plucking technique.)

- Gather your fear into your palms and come to me.Look at your palms: see what's left of yoursfear? He was scared himself!

- Open your palms, blow away your fear- let it happen onceflying!

- Think again. See what your fear has become.Can you find it?

- No, your fear is gone.

- Listen to what happened to Dima in the poem “Lucky mistake":

Fear scared me so much

In the darkness at the gate,

That I shouted in fright “Ah!”

Quite the opposite:

I shouted "Ha!"

And instantly fear

Huddled under the fence.

He chickened out himself!

And the word “Ah!”

I've forgotten since then!

- Guys, the word “Ha!” you need to remember and always say itfear, so that he himself is afraid of you.

And now we will all say loudly to our fear “Ha!”Raise your arms, take a deep breath, lean forward,lower your hands and exhale: “Ha!”

- Don't forget the word "Ha!" And to all my fears, failuresay it to cham and sorrow. Let's say "Ha" again! to hisfear- let him go forever.

Lesson No. 9
"Journey to a Deserted Island"


- learn to navigate the space of a room usingplan;

- consolidate the ability to analyze an elementary contournew scheme “Labyrinth”;

- develop the ability to correlate the verbal form of descriptionitems with graphic;

- consolidate modeling techniques;

- consolidate knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, safebehavior;

-develop tactile perception of the receptors of the feet and hands,the ability to convey one’s feelings in coherent speech;

- continue to develop mentallye processes: arbitraryattention, its stability and switchability; mentalnal abilities, elements of logical thinking; memory,imagination, perception; self-regulation, inner emancipation; the ability to control your body, breathing, free yourself from stress and overexertion;

- will educatecollectivism, empathic feelings, desireshow each other emotionslmental and physicalI'm holding on.

Materials and equipment: tactile floor paths; center of tactility; map; labyrinths; cards with imagesniami modes of transport; Lion toy; fountain plant; tree; mozaika.

Progress of the lesson

1. Ritual of the beginning of the lesson.


- Guys, today we are with you -treasure huntersteli: we will look for treasure on a desert island. We'll look for himWe will follow this plan.


- We will get to the island using different types of transport.I will now give you tickets that show the remedymovement. And please think about how to describe it,and try to do it so that the other guys canguess what is shown on your ticket.(Game “Describe the Prev” meth.")

Pictures-tickets: plane, car, train, horse,ship, bus.


- So we arrived in the uninhabitedmy island. Why did hecalled uninhabited? How do you think? What do we need bothIs it necessary to remember and know in order to survive on such an island?..

(B s together. Help each other. Take care friend about a friend. Do not eat unfamiliar plants, berries, mushrooms. ABOUT n asat b Xia wild animals, snakes, insects, crocodiles, strangers. Be careful when crossing swamps and rivers.)


- UmeThere isplanislands,Andonhimdesignatedplace,where the treasure is buried. Let's take a closer look at the plan. In the veryAt the beginning of the plan there are labyrinths through which we must go. But sleepI want you to mark your path through these labyrinths and tell mewhat dangers await us.

(Hands out leaflets with diagrams of the labyrinth.)


- Guys, the one who will be the first to “walk” through his labyrinthplan, he will go ahead.

- And now we will go through a real labyrinthLet's look at the map... Our journey begins with water, andinthe path we must follow. Be careful!Help each other- After all, there is an abyss on both sides. RememberPlease note, you need to move in small steps, slowly. Now sleepWear your shoes: we will walk through the labyrinth barefoot.

During the promotion, the teacher asks the children questions:

- How do your feet feel now?(Hard, biting, soft, warm, cool, ticklish.)

After completing the maze, children put on their shoes.

- Let's look at the map where we should move next...That's right, to this bush. Be careful guys, there's someone therelurking... Who is it? Lion!

Are you afraid of him? Let's all scare the lion together so that heran away. We turn into lions.(Asana “Leo”.) We growl a lotloud! Again! Look, the lion has run away- scared of us.


- You are probably tired and hungry. Now we will take a break. Where can we stop -look atmap. Maybe in this clearing, near a beautiful waterfall? Whichhe is beautiful, the way water runs down his lipswow, how it murmurs! Whichbeautiful plants around!

(The audio recording of “Voices of the Forest” plays.)

- Let's take a rest. Lie down comfortably, close your eyes and listen to my voice.

Imagine that you are in the forest on a beautiful summer day. There are many beautiful plants around you, bright colorful colors.Comrade You feel completely calm and happy.Pleasant feeling of freshness And vigor covers the whole body:forehead, face, back, stomach, arms and legs. Do you feel like your body isbecomes light, strong and obedient. The breeze blows yourbody with light freshness. The air is clean and transparent. Breathe easilyand free. The mood becomes cheerful and cheerful- I want to get up and move.

We open our eyes. We are full of strength and energy. Trykeep this feeling for the whole day.


- Did you have a good rest? But everyone was probably hungry. What will we cook for lunch?

- For the first time?(Game "Cooks" - mosaic modeling.)

- For the second?(Simulation "Porridge" - from mosaic.)

- Let's look at the map. We have very little left before the treasure.Where do you think the treasure might lie?

- Yes, I also think it’s under the tree.

- Look what a beautiful tree! Let's showwhat is it like?(Asana “Tree”.)

- Now let's look for the treasure. Here he is. Opening the lidchest. What lies there? Guys, look: these are strips of precious vintage metalfishing Who likes which stripe better?Show me the strip you like best. Feelher and tell us what she is like, what your eyes see and what you feelyour fingers.

- You take the treasure with you to the group(Tachtility Center.)

- This is the end of our unusual journey.

9. End of class ritualITia.

Main goals and objectives during the lesson:

development and harmonization of the emotional-volitional sphere of children;

Relieving psycho-emotional stress;

Self-regulation and self-control;

The ability to control your body and breathing;

The ability to convey your feelings in speech;

The ability to relax and release tension;

Formation of ideas about positive and negative emotions;




Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Voznesenovskaya secondary school

Shebekinsky district, Belgorod region"


in the sensory room

"In the Magic Forest"

Made up

Zhdanova S.A. – teacher-psychologist

2013-2014 academic year


in the sensory room

"In the Magic Forest"

Target :

Training in techniques for relieving physical and emotional stress and anxiety;

Overcoming uncertainty, indecision, stiffness, and passivity in children;

Formation of a positive image of “I”, a sense of self-confidence;

Materials for the lesson:ottomans, wall panel “waterfall” panel “autumn leaf”,bubble column with fish), diffused light lamp “firebird”, lamp “bonfire”, fountain, “Starry Sky”, mirror balls, audio recording of the sounds of the night forest.

Greetings. Those who really like their name will practice under their name. And anyone who wants can come up with a different game name for themselves during the lesson. Let's get to know each other again and remember our game names (using the snowball rule). You can choose forest names. Greet each other and give a compliment.

Breathing exercises.

Exercise "Hedgehog"

A gray prickly hedgehog runs through the forest. Puffs and snorts. Show short breathing through your nose (up to 20 times). Children perform the exercise without moving. On the spot. How does this method of breathing affect a person?


Exercise "Bear Cubs"

Children are invited to imagine themselves as a bear and lie down comfortably in their den. “The bear in the den sleeps sweetly and sniffles noisily throughout the forest.”

This exercise is calming.

Body gymnastics

Exercise “Christmas tree - imagined”

There are many small fir trees in this forest. I'll tell you about one of them. That's what she imagined. She thought that she was better than everyone, more beautiful than everyone, fluffier and greener than all the other Christmas trees. As soon as a traveler passes by her, she really becomes fluffier. Let's play. Stand with your feet together, this is the trunk. Hands to the sides, these are twigs. Fingers spread out, these are needles. And keep it all in suspense. How hard it is to be the fluffiest! The traveler stopped, was surprised, admired and moved on. Relax your legs, arms and fingers. Rest. There’s someone else coming (tourist, fisherman, hunter). Tell us about your feelings of tension and peace.(happy music)

Exercise “Listen to sounds”

There are so many different sounds in the forest! But the hunter easily distinguishes them. Let's try it too. First, the driver, and then the willing children, set sounds that other children must recognize with their eyes closed (rustling, crackling, splashing of water, squeaking, stomping, knocking of palms on different surfaces, sound of wind, clattering, etc.). Praise for being attentive and smart. We set off on the trail of the beast.

No. 12 (take the envelope)


Description. The presenter explains to the training participants that pantomime is a type of stage art in which the main thing is plasticity, gestures, and facial expressions. Next, each child is asked to take a card with a task, the purpose of which is to depict some action, think about its implementation, then present their work to the audience, i.e. other class participants. The rest of the participants must try to guess what the participant is depicting.
- Are you going skiing?
- You are clearing the path from snow with a shovel.
- You're playing in the snow
- You decorate the New Year tree with toys.
- You caught a snowflake and admire it

Exercise “Collect brushwood for the fire.”Free movement around the room.

Have you seen adult hunters running through the forest, colliding and quarreling?

Sketch “Frozen”

Rub your palms until warm, touch your hot palms to your partner’s palms and your palms will become twice as hot.

Exercise “Warming our hands” (Bonfire lamp)

Our fire is warming up hot. Watch how its flames play, how they smoothly dance to some wonderful music. You warmed up by the fire, look at the starry night sky and make your deepest wish...

Now let’s go to our fire and warm ourselves near it, talk, talk about our dreams on New Year’s Eve.(Star ball, color)

"The hare is bragging"

A hare lives in this forest - boasting. Listen to how he teases the wolf.

I'll hit the wolf on the nose.

I'll hit him in the ear.

I will cut off the wolf's tail.

Let the wolf be afraid himself.

What does a hare look like - boasting? Who can show us what a hare looks like? (Head thrown back, shoulders turned, legs apart, one hand on hip). Do you think the wolf likes this kind of teasing? What does he look like? Who will show the wolf? (The wolf frowns, clenches his fists, chatters his teeth, sneaks towards the hare). Let's play. Half of the children are hares, half are wolves. Then we'll switch. How did you feel as a wolf? As a hare?

Well done! Let's sit down!

"Fear has big eyes"

Goal: reducing anxiety; development of facial expressions and pantomimes, imagination.

Imagine that you and I are in the forest and relaxing calmly... But what is this?! A branch snapped, another one! Who is this?! We got scared:

We huddled together and caught;

Eyebrows raised, eyes wide open;

The mouth was slightly opened;

We are afraid to move and breathe;

The head was pulled into the shoulders, the eyes were closed.

Oh, how scary! What is this huge beast?! And suddenly at our feet we heard: “Meow.” We opened one eye, and it was a kitten! Let's take it in our hands and stroke it. Look how affectionate he is, and not scary at all!

Exercise "Goldfinch"

The goldfinch flaunts its plumage as well as its wonderful singing.

What does “flaunting” mean? He imagines and boasts that he is better than everyone else.

So you walk around the room as if you are the best, the most beautiful, the smartest. Raise your head, straighten your shoulders, walk slowly and look at everyone around, maintaining this feeling. How did you feel as a goldfinch? Did you enjoy being a goldfinch?

Game "Who Stole My Nuts?"

The squirrel is very angry - someone stole her nuts from the hollow. Show how angry the squirrel is. She asks, and you answer with facial expressions and gestures.

Who stole my nuts? Where did the thief run away in a hurry?

How tall was he? Scary or good-looking?

Is he fat or thin?

Apparently, I can’t find the thief, I’ll run to knock down the pine cones.

The role of the squirrel is played by different children. Why didn't the squirrel find the thief?

And in our magical forest there is a beautiful lake, it never freezes, it is always cheerful and bright.

“Fish in the lake” In our forest there is a magical lake, a beautiful fountain. Look and admire!we look at the fish, quietly, so as not to scare them away, we can hear the water murmuring, the bubbles rising…….

…..In the evenings the Firebird flies here. She flew away, but the beauty remained. Look. On the wall, rays appear out of nowhere, like peacock feathers, rise along the wall to the ceiling, slowly float, increase in size and disappear to an unknown destination.

And now another magic!

Meditative fairy tale for relaxation "Gnome" (carpet "Starry Sky")

Slowly the light goes away. Stars light up in the dark sky. There are many, many of them. But only one shines so brightly and tenderly for you. After all, every person has their own star. You have it too. (Close your eyes and imagine.......)Quiet music is playing.

A little Dwarf lives on it. This is your Gnome. He has kind eyes and gentle little hands. White beard, and a cap on his head. Blue, pink, yellow... There are as many colors as there are stars in the sky. At the end of the cap is a tiny silver bell. The blouse is belted with a strap and the buckle shimmers with mysterious moonlight. And on her feet are shoes with golden bows.

You go to bed. The head touches the pillow, and your star extends its rays to you. This is a star staircase along which your Dwarf is hurrying towards you.

Do you hear? Top-top-top... This is the Dwarf hurrying towards you along the starry ladder. And his shoes bring you sleep, turning your pillow into a white soft cloud. It gently rocks you on the rays of your star. The small hands of the Dwarf gently stroke your head, eyes, eyelids. He loves you, all night long he quietly whispers good stories in your ear. Quietly, quietly. Only for you. After all, this is your Gnome. He tells how during the day your star bathes in the golden rays of the good Sun. What magical flowers grow in his starry garden, how many sunbeams run across their petals. What fabulous songs are sung by his friends - the birds. With what love and care he looks after you all day! And how patiently he waits for the evening to come down to you from the star, to hear your breath, to feel the warmth of your skin... And talk, talk to you... And in the morning, when the star hides in the magic threads of the sun, only the quiet ringing of a silver bell will tell you: “I’m here, I’m waiting for you, I’m keeping you, I love you.” ... We open our eyes - we are back at school.

7. Completion of the lesson. Reflection

Children finish the sentence“When I was in the forest...”


What exercises would you like to repeat to relieve fatigue?

What games will you teach your peers?

For activities in the sensory room

Lesson “The Magical World of Emotions.”

Progress of the lesson:

Greetings: Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you! Let's all join hands and say "Good morning."

Guys, today is an unusual day for us,Today we will meet the keeper of the mysterious room, who will always help us. Here he is, his name is Furwheel (the psychologist shows the children a plush toy). He will come up with many different interesting games for us.

Please stand in a circle. Now we will do the exercise"Name-movement."

Now each of you in a circle will step forward and make some movement, while saying your name. After this, we will all repeat his name and movement on the count of one, two, three.

Did you like the game?

Who found it easy to come up with moves?

Fear has big eyes

Goal: reducing anxiety; development of facial expressions and pantomimes, imagination.

Now, imagine that you and I are in the forest and relaxing calmly... But what is this?! A branch snapped, another one! Who is this?! We got scared:

We curled up into a ball and froze; (repeat after me)

Eyebrows raised, eyes wide open;

The mouth was slightly opened;

We are afraid to move and breathe;

The head was pulled into the shoulders, the eyes were closed.

Oh, how scary! What is this huge beast?! And suddenly at our feet we heard: “Meow.” We opened one eye, and it was a kitten! Let's take it in our hands and stroke it. Look how affectionate he is, and not scary at all!

And now two people approach the pool, and two people approach the star rain.

Children sit next to these devices and sort out the fibers and braid their hair. They communicate.

Sea (dry pool)

Goal: development of spatial perceptions and sensations, imagination.

You………..enter the dry pool. Imagine that you are floating in the sea on your back (on your stomach, on your side, etc.). The child imitates movements and comes up with a story.

And now we will dance,

I will give each of you a magic object that glows in the dark, now you

imagine yourself as a bird, some animal or a fairy-tale hero, etc.

And dance))))

And now I want to offer you to improve your mood with the help of the gentle sun:

Sunny bunnies (relaxator)

Sound accompaniment of the exercise “Forest sounds”. Children sit on a soft floor covering.

Sit comfortably, so that your arms and legs rest and close your eyes. Imagine that you and I are relaxing in a forest clearing. We lie on the soft warm grass, and the sun smiles at us from the sky. It sends us its warmth and gently touches us with its rays. And along with the rays, mischievous sunbeams flew to us. One bunny jumped right on our nose, he gives us joy and a smile. Let's stroke it very carefully so as not to scare the bunny.The bunny jumped from his nose onto our cheek and gave us warmth and tranquility, pet him quietly. The bunny likes our touch. He sat on our cheek for a little longer and jumped onto our tummy. The sunbeam liked you and he gave us his dexterity and strength. Let's thank the bunny and pet him gently.

It's time to say goodbye to the sunbeams, wavehand to them, open your eyes and smile at each other.

Guys, we had a rest and relaxed. What's your mood now? (good).

In the rain (dry shower)

Purpose: stimulation of visual and tactile sensations, relieving neuropsychic and emotional stress.

And now, guys, you are invited to imagine that this is a magical rain that washes away all fears, grievances and worries. A pillow is placed under a dry shower so that the child can dream up while sitting on it

Now sit down on the pillows

"Pie of Emotions"

Now you and I will bake a cake with only good emotions and treat it to everyone gathered in our room. Repeat after me.

We took a little laughter,
And a little bit of success
Surprises on a spoon
Curiosity ladle,
A lot of joy was poured,
The dough was quickly kneaded.
We baked a pie in the oven,
Cooled on the porch.
And then they shared the pie
And everyone was treated to a meal.
Put all your palms up,
Get a treat!

(Children share imaginary pieces of pie with each other and with guests).

Guys, did you enjoy treating each other, and our guests? How do you feel now after treating your guests and making them happy? Do you think it's nice to give joy?

Guys, now please stand in a circle. I wish you a good mood and positive emotions. I give each of you a medal with the image of the sun and a bunny. Now, let's hold hands, smile at each other, and say: “Goodbye!”

Our lesson is over, thank you, goodbye!!!

Satybaldieva Uzypa Aisovna,

Psychologist of the regional psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation, Uralsk, West Kazakhstan region

Lesson objectives:

- developing the ability to enter a game situation and act in an imaginary plan;

- develop tactile sensitivity and fine motor skills;

- activate voluntary attention;

- develop the ability to relax;

- develop self-regulation skills.


— creating emotional comfort in the child;

— relieving muscle and psycho-emotional tension;

— development of skin-tactile sensitivity;

- development of orientation in space.


- sensory path;

- light table with sand;

— dry pool with balls;

— bubble column;

— panel “Starry Sky”;

— fiber-optic fibers;

- relaxation music.

- glow stick, colorful leaves

Progress of the lesson.

1. Introductory part. Psychological mood.

- Hello guys! I'm glad to see you in our sensory room. In today's lesson it will turn into a magical one, we will travel through it and perform exercises with magical objects. And now you will see this.

We need to behave well in it, otherwise the magic may disappear.


- Let's greet each other. Let's start our lesson with a smile!

Warm up.

— Before we set off on our journey through the magic room, we need to prepare and warm up. So that our eyes see well, our ears listen well, our hands work, and our legs don’t get tired on the way. Now we will do this exercise. “I will say the words, and you will nod and repeat the movements after me.”

Exercise “Are you ready?”

- Are your eyes ready? – head nod (stroking eyelids)

- Are your ears ready? – nod of the head (stroking the ears)

— Are your hands ready? – head nod (stroking hands)

— Are your legs ready? – head nod (stroking legs)

-Are you ready? nod of head (spread arms to sides) – (hug yourself with arms)

Main part.

Sensory trail (useful for the development of tactile perception, coordination of movements) Music. Just the melody of a stream


- Walk along the path and imagine that you are jumping across a stream, from one pebble to another. Brook music. And in order not to go astray, you need to follow each other.

And now we must jump from bump to bump with our eyes closed and not lose our way. Well done!

You did a very good job on this task. How do your feet feel? Which bump did your feet like the most? Which bump caused the unpleasant sensation? (show)

Psychologist: “How do your legs feel now?” (Hard, prickly, soft, warm, cool, ticklish.)

Exercise in a dry pool. (relaxation, relaxation). Chopin's music.


Let's take one ball at a time and roll it around. What is it like (white, hard) I will take a magic wand and turn it into a magic ball, look how transparent and kind it is, I will share my kindness and pass it on to you, and you will pass it on to someone else. Now we will blow on our pool and bring it to life and see what it becomes, maybe it will become magical. (I turn it on) It caught fire from our heat. Well, now with the help of a wand I will turn you into goldfish. Children jump into the pool.

- Fish, fish, I want to catch you! Oh, what bubbles! Let's swim again! We hide from them in the water (soap bubbles)

- Who will grab the most balls? Let's do the math. Well done. Now we move on to the next interesting subject.

Mirror corner with bubble column. (well-being, mood, correction and development of concentration and distribution of attention, development of imagination)

Equipment: mirror corner with bubble column.

The psychologist brings the children to the bubble column, draws their attention to the state of the water in it, invites them to touch the column, how cool and transparent it is, and turns it on, draws their attention to the bubbles appearing and slight vibration.

—Put your palms on the glass? How do your palms feel? You can sit on the ottoman, hugging her, or you can hug the column while standing.

- Oh, fish. How many are there, what color? Fingers ran over them.

Guys, do you know that all the water on our planet has its own sounds: it can be loud and quiet, it can make noise and sound soft. Let's listen to our water for yourself. The psychologist plays Tchaikovsky's music with the sounds of nature for the children, setting up the sounds of the ocean, fountain, and rain.

Sand art therapy. Lyrical music

Drawing of the “underwater kingdom”.

— Since today everything is connected with water, we will draw with you the “underwater kingdom.” To do this, pour sand on the table. Using movements of the entire brush, we make waves. Then we draw corals, algae with leaves, large and small pebbles. And then fish. (accompanied by instructions and demonstration.

Magic waterfall (calming effect, activation of cognitive experience, concentration of attention)

Our journey continues. Tired! Look guys, let's stop at the magical waterfall and listen to the sound of the waterfall. (Rain music) Now let's touch the fibers of the waterfall. What are they? – soft, long. Let's collect the fibers in our hand. The fibers are soft, they bend, and can be wrapped around your finger. You can braid your hair and tie knots. Now let's stand under these magical threads and listen to the sound of the waterfall. The water is clean and warm. You feel warm and pleasant. Streams of water flow down onto your face, hair, and gently flow down your neck, back, arms and legs. They flow down and continue their run further.

Now, let's try to braid hair from the magic threads of our waterfall.

Panel "Starry Sky". (relaxation)

- Guys, our journey has come to an end. Tired! Let's take a rest. Make yourself more comfortable, whoever is on the carpet. Who's on the chair? Lie down comfortably, relax. Guys, at what time of day can the stars shine?

In the evening, at night. Let's watch the stars (switch, clap if something has changed). Let's now imagine a wonderful autumn night. Stars light up in the dark sky. Everything around is quiet and calm, you breathe easily and freely. A pleasant feeling of warmth and calm covers your entire body, forehead, neck, back, arms, legs. Music by Mozart.

Eyelashes droop

The eyes are closing

We are resting peacefully

Let's fall asleep in a magical sleep

Breathe easily, evenly, deeply

Our hands are resting

The legs also rest

The eyes also rest and fall asleep

The neck is not tense and relaxed.

Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...

We are resting peacefully

We fall asleep in a magical sleep.

Autumn leaves are falling quietly. Feel the leaves falling on your eyelashes, face, clothes. Imagine that you are light, delicate leaves of a tree. Your body is also light - light, tender. You feel good and pleased.

But now it's time to go back. The stars are going out. Morning comes. We open our eyes. The mood becomes cheerful and cheerful. You are full of strength and energy.

Exercise (warm-up)

It's good for us to rest!

But it's time to get up!

Let's clench our fists tighter

And we raise it higher

Stretch! Smile!

Everyone open their eyes and stand up.

The final part.

Summing up the lesson.

I hope you are in a cheerful and cheerful mood. You are full of strength and energy. Try to maintain this feeling throughout the day.

Turn on the mirror ball for a few seconds.

— Guys, how do you feel after doing all the exercises? (show)

— Did you like the lesson or not? (nod)

— Did you like our trip?

— Show me which magic item did you like working with the most?

- Well done guys! You completed your assignments today. It was a pleasure working with you today. You can take any piece of paper you like as a souvenir of our journey.

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