Completing Form 7. Injury Report: Legal Framework

Magazine "Salary"

New form federal statistical observation“Information about injuries at work and occupational diseases for 20__." and Instructions for its completion (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions) were approved by Rosstat order No. 216 dated June 19, 2013. Companies of all forms of ownership, carrying out all types of activities, except those listed in paragraph 1 of the Instructions, must submit the form once every three years. The deadline for submitting the form is no later than January 25. In 2014, it falls on a weekend, so it was moved to the next working day - January 27.

Form No. 7-injury must be sent to territorial office Rosstat at location. Moreover, each separate division fills out its own report, which is submitted at its location.

In form No. 7-injuries, it is necessary to reflect information about victims based on reports of industrial accidents in form N-1, approved by resolution Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 24, 2002 No. 73 (clause 3 of the Directives). The report must be completed in full, including the “For reference” section. Enter the information in the units of measurement indicated in it.

What information should I include in the address part?

In the address part of the form we indicate the full name of the company in accordance with the constituent documents, and then in brackets - the short name. For example, "Open joint stock company“Exident” (JSC “Exident”).”

If the form is filled out for a separate division, indicate the name of the separate division and the parent organization.

In the “Postal Address” line, fill in the name of the subject of the Russian Federation and legal address with postal code. If physical address does not coincide with the legal one, we also indicate the actual one postal address.

For separate units that do not have legal address, you need to enter a postal address with a postal code. The address of the parent company does not need to be specified.

What to put in the code part

In the code part of the form in column 2, the OKPO code should be filled in based on the notification of assignment of the OKPO code, which is issued to the company by the territorial branch of Rosstat.

There is no need to enter the remaining codes in columns 3 and 4. They will be determined and filled out by the Rosstat department. Specified codes will be used in subsequent automated processing of the information contained in the form.

If a separate division represents a new statistical form for a company, the following must be indicated in the code part of the form:

For the branch - OKPO code;

For a separate division that does not have the status of a branch - identification number.

Both the OKPO code and the identification number are established by the Rosstat branch at the location of the unit.

Filling out the form details

In form No. 7-injuries, you need to fill out 16 indicators.

Thirteen indicators are named in column 1 of the table; they fit into column 4 “For reporting period", and three indicators - in the "For reference" section.

By line 01 We show the number of victims who lost their ability to work for one working day or more, including those who died (clause 5 of the Instructions).

02 - number of affected women;

03 - number of affected persons under the age of 18;

04 - number of victims foreign citizens.

If the death of an employee occurs in reporting year after an accident that occurred in the previous year, we do not include it in the indicator on line 01, since it is already taken into account in the report for previous year(paragraph 2, clause 6 of the Instructions). There is no need to reflect those who were injured last year, but whose temporary disability ended in the reporting year (clause 7 of the Guidelines).

On line 05 we reflect the number of deaths in the reporting year, regardless of the time when the accident occurred. By lines 06-08 We indicate accordingly the number of affected women, persons under 18 years of age and foreign citizens (clause 6 of the Instructions).

On line 09 it is necessary to reflect the number of working man-days of disability of victims who, as a result of an accident, lost their ability to work for at least one working day, whose temporary disability ended in the reporting year 2013.

The number of days of temporary incapacity for work is calculated in total for all certificates of incapacity for work. If the victim was injured last year, and his temporary disability ended in the reporting year, total number We will enter the person-days of disability on line 09 in the report for the reporting year (clause 7 of the Instructions).

On line 10 it is necessary to show the number of victims who have partially lost their ability to work (without sick leave), whom the employer transferred from their main job to another for one working day or more in accordance with a medical report.

On line 11 reflects the number of women who have partially lost their ability to work.

If the victim was issued a certificate of incapacity for work, lines 10 and 11 are not filled in (clause 8 of the Instructions).

On line 12 show the number of persons who were diagnosed with an occupational disease for the first time in the reporting year on the basis of a conclusion issued by a treatment and prevention organization and executed internal order for the enterprise (order, etc.). This procedure is established in paragraph 9 of the Directives.

On line 13 it is necessary to reflect the costs of labor protection measures, including improving labor conditions and safety at work, from all sources of financing in accordance with collective agreement and a plan of occupational safety measures (clause 10 of the Instructions). We show this information according to the data accounting(clause 4 of the Directions).

Fill out the “For reference” section

In this section you need to fill out three indicators.

On line 14 it is necessary to indicate, based on labor reporting, the average number of employees, consisting of (clause 11 of the Instructions):

Payroll employees;

External part-time workers.

At the same time, performers who have entered into agreements with the company civil contract, we do not include it in line 14.

On line 15 you need to indicate the average number of working women, consisting of payroll workers and external part-time workers. This does not include:

Women on maternity leave and additional leave for child care (clause 12 of the Instructions);

Performers who have entered into a civil contract with the company (clause 12 of the Guidelines).

On line 16 about the presence of a health center, you need to circle one of two options: “Yes” or “No”.

If the company has a doctor on staff who can provide first aid, you should select “Yes” (clause 13 of the Directions).


Contact phone numbers;


Dates of document preparation.

The report on form 7-injuries includes information about employees who were injured at work. The document is filled out on the basis of an act drawn up based on the results of the investigation and filled out in form N-1 (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated October 24, 2002 No. 73).

The procedure for the management of an enterprise, organization or institution during traumatic situation pinned in (articles from to).

Form approved by Rosstat Order No. 216 dated June 19, 2013, for this report can no longer be used (including for 2017), since it has lost force (see Order of Rosstat dated August 10, 2018 No. 493). In this regard, a report on injuries for 2018 should be submitted in accordance with the requirements of Rosstat Order No. 417 dated June 21, 2017, using for this purpose the information provided in the document current form. It also contains instructions for filling out the report.

Due date

A report on Form 7-injuries must be provided by the organization (as well as its separate divisions, if any) in territorial division Rosstat once a year - no later than January 25 of the year following the reporting year.

Who rents

All enterprises must submit the document, with some exceptions. It should not be provided by micro-enterprises (i.e. companies with fewer than 15 employees):

  • providing services in the field of finance and insurance;
  • institutions from the sphere of public administration;
  • enterprises engaged in providing military security;
  • educational institutions;
  • households;
  • extraterritorial organizations.

Delivery methods

The report can be sent to Rosstat in the following ways:

  • V electronic form through email;
  • the completed form can be sent to Rosstat by registered mail with acknowledgment of delivery;
  • The head of the enterprise can independently bring the document to the territorial office of Rosstat.

Form 7-injury: nuances of filling out

The main part of Form 7-Injury is a table. It is quite simple to fill out. In this regard, the instructions to it discuss only those points that may raise questions:

  • which cases should be considered related to occupational injuries;
  • how to reflect information on situations moving from the previous year to the reporting year;
  • sources reference information and features of its interpretation for indication in the form;
  • rules for checking the correctness of the entered data.

When filling out the form, be sure to provide the following details:

  • reporting year number;
  • data of the enterprise providing the report (its separate division): name (full and short), address (legal and actual), OKPO code;
  • Full name, position, signature, contact details of the person responsible for compilation;
  • date of compilation.

Form 7-injury: sample

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a sample of filling out form 7-injury.

Appendix 7-injuries

Once every 3 years, companies must submit to Rosstat the Appendix to the Form 7-injury report. Unified valid form can be found in Rosstat Order No. 493 dated August 10, 2018.

This document reflects information on the distribution of victims of industrial accidents by causes of incidents and their main types.

The appendix to the report is filled out, like the main document, on the basis of an act in form N-1.

Front page

Filling procedure:

  • You must first indicate the reporting period for which the document is being submitted - 2018;
  • Enter the full name of the organization. In parentheses we indicate the abbreviated name of the enterprise (if available);
  • We provide the full postal address of the organization (with the obligatory indication of the postal code).

Tabular part

On the second sheet we distribute the number of affected citizens according to the indicators in the table. Please note that when filling out information, you should highlight accidents involving fatal in column No. 4:

  • line 01 should contain information about the number of all victims;
  • in lines 02 to 15, the number of injured employees should be distributed by type of incident;
  • lines 16-30 classify accidents according to their causes.

On our website you can download the Appendix form to form 7-injuries for 2019 for free.

Every year, the country's enterprises submit information to the territorial office of Rosstat about the presence of cases of injuries and occupational diseases in their production. Information is contained in unified form 7 traumatism, specially designed for these purposes. Who is obliged to fill it out, when and within what time frame in 2018 will be discussed in the article.

Purpose form 7 injuries

Completed Form 7 contains information material, intended to highlight the situation that has developed at the enterprise for last year regarding:

  • industrial injuries;
  • occupational illnesses.

The function of the document is to reflect data on the presence of injuries in the organization that occurred during the production process, and cases of employee illnesses caused by their professional activities.

Deadlines for the organization to submit the document

The form must be completed after the end of the year and submitted to local branch statistics until the end of January. In particular, for 2017, the document must be submitted by 01/25/2018 (inclusive). This date falls on Thursday, which is a full working day. If the deadline for submitting the form is missed, the company cannot avoid penalties.

Who is required to submit Form 7

Fill out f. 7 and only organizations acting as legal entities are required to submit it to statistical bodies. But even among them there are certain exceptions that allow you not to file an injury report. They apply to those organizations that:

  1. They are micro-enterprises. To verify the affiliation of a particular company or firm with this species small businesses, it’s worth checking out the Federal Tax Service website.
  2. Engaged in financial activities.
  3. They relate to the sphere of public administration and guaranteeing the military security of the country.
  4. Provide social insurance services.
  5. They operate in the field of education.
  6. Located outside the country (extraterritorial companies).

Important! A special service is available on the Rosstat website, with which you can easily check whether it is necessary specific organization submit the injury form.

Sequence of filling out the form according to Form 7

The form is relatively small - you only need to fill out 13 lines and background information.

Work on the formation of the form includes:

Steps Explanation
1 Filling in the lines regarding:

full name enterprises. It should be written down exactly as recorded in constituent documents. Must be specified short name firms in brackets;

– postal address. If the legal address and the real address are different, both should be indicated

2 Formation of codes. The legal entity writes down the OKPO code recorded in the Notification received from the statistics agency.

All codes indicated in the form are determined by statistical authorities. Their purpose is to follow automated processing data

3 Filling out pages 01-04. They should record the number of victims in total and highlight separately women, adolescents and foreigners (if any).

Information about the number of victims is reflected on the basis of the act according to f. N-1 and Art. 227-231 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

4 If there are victims who died, their number is recorded on pages 05-08.
5 Page 09 records the number of person-days of incapacity for injured employees
6 Page 10 is filled out when there are victims who have not lost their ability to work for a day, but have been transferred by the employer to another job in accordance with medical recommendations. If they received sick leave, then this page and page 10 are not filled out
7 When an employee (or employees) is diagnosed with an occupational disease for the first time, as evidenced by the conclusion of the medical board, page 12 is completed. This fact fixed by internal decree (order)
8 For accounting information on page 13 the amount spent on occupational safety measures is recorded
9 Fill out the part of the form called “For information”:

average number employees (including female representatives);

– the presence of a medical unit or health center in the organization – the answer “Yes” or “No” is circled here

10 The position is recorded, the signature of the employee who is responsible for the correctness of the information is affixed, the telephone number is indicated, email address and date of preparation of the form

Important! Form 7 is signed by the employee who is responsible for labor protection at the enterprise, or by the manager if there is no occupational safety position.

Features of calculating shape indicators

To correctly fill out Form 7, it is important to correctly calculate the person-days of disability.

Example. Helper Pankov A.S. received work injury December 26, 2015. He was on sick leave for 25 days and returned to work on January 20, 2016.

Mechanic Zavidov R.M. was injured this year. He received sick leave for 15 calendar days, among them are 11 workers. The number of person days that should be recorded on page 09 will be (for 2016):

Year Number of days absence from work
Pankov Zavidov
20169 11
Total14 11
Total count person-days25

Important! When an employee was injured last year (like Pankov), and his sick leave is closed in the reporting year, total quantity person-days reflected in Form 7 for the current year.

But on page 01 this accident is not recorded - it appears in the past year.

Responsibility for failure to provide data

Reporting according to f. 7 refers to primary statistical data. The Code of Administrative Offenses provides for the responsibility of subjects of statistical accounting for the fact that this information:

  • not provided at all;
  • transferred in violation of the established deadlines;
  • contain false information.

If there are such violations regarding any type of primary reporting, an administrative fine is imposed, the amount of which is:

If administrative offense is repeated, the penalty increases and amounts to:

  • organizations 100.00-150.00 thousand rubles;
  • officials 30.00-50.00 thousand rubles.

Important! Payment of the fine does not exempt the organization from submitting Form 7.

Common mistakes when drawing up Form 7

The presence of errors and inaccuracies is observed when instructions telling how to fill out separate lines forms are not studied carefully:

  1. Instead of person-days of incapacity for work, the total number of days of illness is indicated.
  2. An accident that occurred last year is being re- noted and information has already been submitted about it.
  3. The lines are left blank, and their filling is mandatory. For example, the average number, the amount spent on labor protection.

To reduce the amount possible errors, the Instructions for filling out Form 7 contain recommendations regarding logical control. They should be studied carefully and test formulas should be used.

Methods for presenting the injury form

Form No. 7 says that it can be submitted electronically. This means that a document can be presented in two main ways:

  1. On paper.
  2. Using the Internet.

A paper document form is provided:

  • to the territorial statistical agency - personally by the head or his employees who have the appropriate power of attorney;
  • sent by mail in the form registered letter with an inventory of the attachment and subsequent notification of its receipt at the specified address.

The document is transmitted electronically:

  • through telecommunication channels;
  • using a Web collection system.

The enterprise independently chooses the transfer method, focusing on its capabilities and feasibility. If the statistical office is located nearby, it will not be difficult to submit the form in person. When it is located outside the location of the enterprise, mailing is the most best option. But here you should hurry so that the document does not fall behind schedule.

Enterprises located in the capital have a huge advantage - the ability to use the Web collection system. To submit reports using it, you must obtain an electronic digital signature issued by an accredited certification center.

The system allows you to use one of its modes, depending on how high-quality the enterprise’s connection to the Internet is:

Important! When a legal entity has separate units, F. 7 should be filled out by each of them independently and submitted at the place of operation.

Rating of 5 popular questions

Question 1. What to do when there is an accident at the enterprise that is not related to the production process?

Answer. Since the trouble occurred in working hours on the territory of the enterprise, it cannot be ignored. A commission is created that studies the circumstances and draws up an accident investigation report. If the situation is analyzed by a state inspector, then he draws up the same act as in the case of production tax assessments and signs it. Information about this accident must be reflected in f. 7.

Question 2. How is an accident that occurs at an enterprise documented?

Answer. For such situations, an industrial accident report (form N-1) has been developed. It must be completed, signed, endorsed by the employer's signature and company seal, and one copy sent to the victim or the person representing him.

Question 3. As a result emergency circumstances Three company employees were injured. One should be made general act or do it differently?

Answer. The report is drawn up for each individual victim. The number of documents confirms the number of victims in page 01 of form No. 7.

Question 4. During the reporting period, two employees of the organization were on leave for employment and labor protection. Should they be included on page 15 (number of women in the average population)?

Answer. Women who are on leave under the BiR to care for a baby are not included in this number. In addition, female employees working under a civil law agreement should not be taken into account.

Question 5. What data should be reflected in the Appendix to f. 7-injury?

Answer. The application is submitted to the statistical authorities once every three years. Its purpose is contained in the name. Information recorded in reporting document, inform about the types and causes of misfortunes (contain a list of them).

Providing F. 7-injury and its Appendix is ​​mandatory for most organizations. The forms are easy to fill out, but should not be neglected additional explanations, which are at the end of f. 7 and are contained in the order of Rosstat that approved this document.

We remind you that (annually) before 01/25/2016 (each) year it is required to draw up a report called 7-T (injury data) and send it directly to Rosstat, usually it is sent almost empty, with the exception of legal entities with cases in the past year industrial injuries. Reporting is sent to the email address of the statistics department for the region you are interested in. Usually this is the region of registration of the legal entity.

If a legal entity has officially registered separate divisions, it is required to prepare similar 7-T reports for each separate division separately and send them to the relevant statistics departments.

The email addresses to which reporting should be sent can be found very simply, just type in the search bar - Rosstat Murmansk (for example) or any other region or city you are interested in. We go to the website of the desired Rosstat using the first link, in the lower right corner (scroll down) the contact email address is indicated, copy the 7-T report and send it to it.

What to indicate in Form 7-T and how to fill it out correctly?

2. Fill in the name of the reporting organization, first the full name, then the abbreviated name in brackets;

3. We fill in the postal address for correspondence; if 7-T is for a separate division, then we indicate our address for each;

4. We insert the code of the reporting organization according to OKPO, look at it in the details;

5. In the table, in the bottom line (No. 13) we indicate the amount spent on labor protection (training, medical examinations, special clothing, special equipment, etc.), you can check with the accounting department or put it approximately, the main thing is not to forget that the calculations in this column are indicated in thousand rubles, i.e. if you spent 100,000, then we simply indicate 100, or 40,000 were spent, respectively, we indicate 40, it may well be just 0;

6. We MUST fill out the “For reference” section, which is located below column No. 13, here we indicate the average annual number of workers for the legal entity, separately for each separate division (if there is a public organization) total, and also the number of women. All that remains is to note the presence or absence of a health center, just circle NO.

7. We indicate official responsible for drawing up the 7-T report, Full name, telephone number, signature of this person, date of compilation.

8. Everything is ready, scan, save the file called “7-T LLC Romashka (Moscow) report for 2015” and send the scan as an attachment to Rosstat’s email address.

Please pay special attention that in 2016 the fines were increased due to the entry into force of the Federal Law of December 30, 2015 No. 442-FZ “On Amendments to Article 13.19 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses”

So the fine for an official will now range from 10,000 to 20,000 thousand rubles (previously from 3,000 to 5,000 thousand rubles);

The fine for a legal entity is from 20,000 to 70,000 thousand rubles, there is also an article for repeat violation from 100,000 to 150,000 for a legal entity and from 30,000 to 50,000 for an official.

Organizations must submit information about workplace injuries and occupational diseases to their Rosstat department (TOGS) once a year. For these purposes, form 7-injury was approved (Order of Rosstat dated June 21, 2017 N 417). Specified form(in its updated version) came into force with reporting for 2017. And at the end of 2018, business entities need to report on it.

TOGS contact details can be found in our.

Form 7-injury: form

Form 7-injury: who takes it?

This form are required to represent all organizations except:

  • companies that are micro-enterprises. You can check whether your company belongs to this category on the Federal Tax Service website;
  • organizations leading financial activities;
  • legal entities operating in the field public administration and ensuring military security;
  • organizations operating in the field social insurance;
  • legal entities engaged in educational activities;
  • households;
  • extraterritorial organizations.

You can check whether your organization needs to submit form 7-injuries using a special service on the Rosstat website.

Appendix 7-injuries

Once every three years, organizations whose responsibility is to submit form 7-injury must also submit to TOGS the Appendix to form 7-injury (approved by Order of Rosstat dated August 10, 2018 N 493).

This application reflects information on the distribution of the number of victims in industrial accidents by main types of incidents and causes of accidents.

Appendix to form 7-injury: form

Form 7-injury: nuances of filling out

When filling out the form, as well as its attachments, you need to take into account following points.

  1. The information is reflected in the form in accordance with Act N-1 (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 24, 2002 N 73), - 231 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 24, 2002 No. 73.
  2. Information on the costs of labor protection measures is taken from accounting data.
  3. Lines 02 - 15 of the Appendix to form 7-injury are filled out on the basis of the entry in clause 8.1 of act N-1, and lines 16-30 - on the basis of clause 9 of act N-1.
  4. Each victim recorded on line 01, columns 3 and 4 of the Appendix to form 7-injury must be attributed to one of the types of incident (lines 02 - 15 of the Appendix) and to one of the causes of the accident (lines 16 - 30 of the Appendix).
  5. If the organization has separate divisions, then form 7-injury and its appendix are filled out separately for each OP, as well as for the legal entity (excluding “separate divisions”).

Having filled out the form and application, it makes sense to check the correctness of their completion using control ratios:

Control ratios for form 7-injury
Page01 ≥ Page02
Page01 ≥ Page03
Page01 ≥ Page04
Page01 ≥ Page05
Page02 ≥ Page06
Page03 ≥ Page07
P.04 ≥ P.08
If p.02 ≠ 0, then p.01 ≠ 0
If p.03 ≠ 0, then p.01 ≠ 0
If p.04 ≠ 0, then p.01 ≠ 0
If p.05 ≠ 0, then p.01 ≠ 0
If p.06 ≠ 0, then p.02 ≠ 0
If p.07 ≠ 0, then p.02 ≠ 0
If p.08 ≠ 0, then p.02 ≠ 0
Control ratios for application to form 7-injury
Line 01 gr.3 = sum of line 02 - 15 gr.3
Line 01 gr.3 = sum line 16 - 30 gr.3
Line 01 gr.4 = sum of line 02 - 15 gr.4
Line 01 gr.4 = sum line 16 - 30 gr.4
gr.3 ≥ gr.4 for all lines
Cross reference ratios
Page 01 gr.4 of form 7-injury = line 01 gr.3 of the appendix to form 7-injury
Page 05 gr.4 of form 7-injury = line 01 gr.4 of the appendix to form 7-injury

Form 7-injury: sample

You can find a sample of filling out form 7-injury in this material.

Appendix to form 7-injury: sample

You will also find a sample of filling out the Appendix to Form 7-injury in our consultation.

Form 7-injury: due date

Deadline Submission of this form is January 25 of the year following the reporting year. Accordingly, form 7-injury for 2018 must be submitted no later than January 25, 2019.

The application to form 7-injury is submitted within the same period as the form itself, but, as we said earlier, it is submitted once every three years. Moreover, according to the Instructions for filling out this Appendix, it is submitted for 2007, 2010, etc., i.e., it turns out that along with the 7-injury form for 2018, it is not necessary to submit an appendix to it.

Please note that for violation of the deadline for submission statistical reporting the same as for reflection false information in it, the organization faces a fine (Part 1 of Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • from 20,000 to 70,000 rub. - for the organization itself;
  • from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. - for its officials.

Form 7-injury: methods of presentation

You can submit the form and its attachment in one of the following ways.

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