Filling out an Individual's Application for the issuance of a document confirming the assignment of a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). What is an ID number? Obtaining a number by an organization

Number. It plays a huge role in different areas of human life. Depending on the situation, the significance of the ID will change, as well as the procedure for obtaining it. What should citizens know about the concept being studied?


First, it’s worth considering the least popular cases. More precisely, those that are not of much interest to the population. The very concept of identification numbers is not so difficult to formulate. These are numbers that are assigned to something or someone to facilitate identification/identification.

There are a huge number of similar combinations in the world. They are all different. For example, there is a vehicle identification number. Every car or other means of transportation has it. It is popularly called the VIN number. Allows you to find out information about the vehicle manufacturer, car characteristics, as well as the year of manufacture of the car.

The vehicle identification number is indicated on non-removable parts of the vehicle. It is required for registration with the traffic police. Allows the driver to order components that are suitable for a specific vehicle model. Using the VIN code, you can track the position of the car and its movement.


It is worth noting that all products in stores have so-called barcodes. They act as identification numbers. With their help, you can find out information about the manufacturer of a particular product. A barcode is generated according to a certain principle when a product is released.

First, indicate the code of the country in which the product was manufactured. It consists of 3 digits. Then the code of the manufacturer is written down. Usually this is 5 digits. The next 5 characters are reserved to indicate the product number and control number.

Russian identification number in in this case is in the range from 460 to 469 inclusive. If a product's barcode indicates a combination of the specified symbols in place of the country code, it means it was produced in the Russian Federation. This way you can understand whether the product in front of the buyer is original or a fake.


Recently, the project "" was launched in Russia. It allows you to participate in competitions, develop physically, and also confirm your skills and abilities with a variety of insignia. A unique program physical development population.

Each TRP participant receives an identification number in the system after registration. He is individual. Allows you to track the progress of each person relative to the proposed standards. That is, the number, as it is also called - ID, allows you to obtain information about project participants and quickly search for them in the system.

You can get it after you have registered on the website. There's nothing special about it. You can see the identification number in the user profile. It is formed according to the following principle:

  • the first 2 digits are the year of registration in the system;
  • the second 2 are the code of the city in which the citizen lives (a generally accepted number in Russia);
  • 7 last digits- a unique identifier of a citizen’s serial number in a specific city and in a specific year.

For a participant in the GTO project, ID is extremely important not only because it stores information about the user. With its help, you can sign up for a testing center and pass standards. Such associations exist in every subject of the Russian Federation.


It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the identification number can also be found on the Internet. For example, on social networks. It, as already mentioned, is called ID. What is it?

A unique combination that is assigned to users and their profiles. Allows you to search for people's pages, as well as work with your account. For example, in social network On VKontakte you can top up the user’s balance by ID.


Now it’s worth considering more important points. Which ones exactly? The point is that every organization and entrepreneur has an identification number. It is assigned at the time of registration. Serves as a unique indicator of the company’s tax registration.

You can receive it, as already mentioned, at the time of opening the company. You cannot work without such an identifier. It's simply illegal. How exactly you can obtain an identification number for an organization or private entrepreneur will be discussed below. The process is not too difficult.

Obtaining a number by an organization

  • ID card of the head of the company;
  • application for tax registration;
  • constituent documents of the organization;
  • company charter;
  • SNILS number of the manager (optional);
  • certificates of residence/registration of the company;
  • documents allowing the use of a particular premises for work.

All this is submitted to the tax service. It is advisable to provide both copies of documents and their originals. Next, it will be enough to wait for the number to be assigned. At the appointed time, the manager collects the certificate of registration of the company or individual entrepreneur. It will contain the so-called taxpayer identification number.

By the way, for legal entities this identifier consists of 10 Arabic numerals:

  • the first 2 are the registration city code;
  • 2 more - number tax service who carried out the registration;
  • the next 5 are OGRN;
  • the last one is the check digit.


It is also worth paying attention to what, in Russia, everyone has individual It also has its own identification number. TIN - that's what they call it. It is the same for individual entrepreneurs and individuals. Allows you to identify the taxpayer in the tax authorities' system. The number makes it possible to find out information about its owner in the field of taxes. Assigned once and for life.

The TIN is extremely important for a citizen. Why? It is needed when applying for a job, opening an account, etc. modern technologies you can search by identification number and identify a citizen’s debts. They can also often be paid online.

Obtaining a TIN

How can an ordinary taxpayer obtain a certificate with an identification number? As practice shows, this is not difficult to do. Even easier than in the case of an organization.

You need to contact the tax authority at your place of registration. It contains a statement established sample. You only need to attach your passport and SNILS to it. Children under 14 years of age must submit a birth certificate.

After submitting the application, the TIN is produced and issued to the recipient within 5 working days. If you lose a certificate of the established type, it will be possible to restore it. The procedure is exactly the same as in the case of primary receipt. The only difference is the application form. It will have to indicate that you need to obtain a duplicate TIN.

Do I have to pay?

Some citizens are interested in how much it costs to produce a TIN. The point is that this operation no penalties are provided. That is, the procedure for obtaining a certificate with an identification number is absolutely free.

The exception is situations related to individual entrepreneurs or legal entities. Then you will have to pay a state fee. How much exactly? For registration of individual entrepreneurs in Russia on at the moment transfer 800 rubles. In fact, the citizen will pay neither to receive unique identifier, but for opening a company or entrepreneurial activity.


So what is an ID number? This is a special combination, which, as already mentioned, reflects information about something or someone. Found everywhere. Happens different types. Sometimes barcodes on products are called identifiers.

If we talk about the TIN, then for the population this is an extremely important component that greatly simplifies life. A Taxpayer Identification Number allows you to track any debts and pay them. IIN is also required to obtain some public services. There is no need to pay to receive it.

In any case, an identification number always means a unique combination that indicates something. It never repeats itself and, as a rule, remains unchanged all the time.

Almost each of us has encountered a situation where, when submitting certain documents, at the request of an authority, they ask for a TIN. Today we will talk about what a TIN is, what a TIN certificate looks like and what is needed to obtain it, as well as in what areas and for what it is used.

What is a TIN and what does the certificate look like?

So, what is a TIN? TIN is an abbreviation that stands for taxpayer identification number, which is assigned to him upon registration as a taxpayer of his country. Registration is accompanied by the issuance of a certificate, which almost everyone has. The taxpayer is registered as an individual or a legal entity. Certificate of assignment to the taxpayer identification number issued in the form of a document drawn up on a form that includes the following details taxpayer:

  • Full name of the recipient;
  • gender;
  • place and date of birth of a person;
  • date of registration with the tax service;
  • the citizen identification number itself;
  • signature of a local representative tax authority and the seal of the organization.

There is a category of citizens who refuse to receive a certificate due to religious and other beliefs, but if a person does not have such a document in his hands, this does not mean that he does not have an individual number.

TIN is assigned automatically all citizens who work as hired workers or run their own business, pay taxes on real estate or a car, and receive certain benefits from the state. Depending on what financial relations a person belongs to the state, authorized body(for example, the social security authority or Rosreestr when making real estate transactions) transfers all information about it to the tax service.

A certificate of assignment of a TIN to a person is issued upon request free of charge. As a rule, this happens at the place of residence - permanent or at the place of registration, or at the location of the real estate in his possession.

An individual taxpayer identification number in our country can be assigned either at his personal request or at the initiative of the tax authorities, if a person takes part in real estate transactions, purchases or sells a car, or registers a business.

To obtain a certificate of assignment of an individual tax number, You will need the following set of documents:

  • an application requesting the issuance of a certificate in accordance with the established form;
  • passport (copy) or other document capable of identifying.

If we're talking about about receipt of the document for a child under 14 years old, then the list of documents will be larger:

  • a statement written on behalf of one of the child’s parents or guardians;
  • a copy of the parent's passport;
  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • document confirming the registration of the child at the place of residence from passport office(copy), if the birth certificate does not indicate the place of registration of the child.

You can issue and receive a certificate of assignment of a TIN at the tax authority at your place of residence. If a person does not have permanent place registration, then he can draw up a document with the tax service at the place of temporary residence or in the region where the real estate, which is his property, is located.

First, the tax officer enters information about the applicant into electronic register and prints the certificate on a numbered form. This certificate has one copy and is issued to the owner five days after the tax authority receives a corresponding request from the applicant.

TIN certificate can be obtained in the following ways:

  • personally through a visit to the tax office;
  • through my confidant;
  • by postal message;
  • via the Internet.

How to obtain a TIN personally or through a proxy

In cases where the applicant brings documents to obtain an identification number to the tax authority on his own, he can provide only original documents and their uncertified copies. Next, there is a procedure for comparing uncertified copies with all the originals, after which the latter are returned to the owner.

And if the application and copies of documents are sent by mail, they must first be certified by a notary to prove their authenticity.

If for one reason or another a person does not have the opportunity to obtain a TIN certificate on his own, he can entrust this procedure to to your authorized representative. However, such a person is obliged to provide not only certified copies of documentation, but also a power of attorney from the applicant, previously executed by a notary. Such a power of attorney must include information about the granting of rights to this citizen introduce tax interests the applicant in the relevant government agencies. An authorized person can also receive a completed certificate if he has a power of attorney, and if the applicant comes himself, then he is only required to have a passport.

Features of obtaining a TIN via the Internet

You can also obtain a TIN certificate via the Internet, for this you should register on the site Federal Tax Service, then:

  • needs to be filled out electronic form applications for receipt of a document;
  • after filling out the form for email You receive a PDF version of the document, which you can accompany with your electronic signature.

In addition, the document can be obtained in the same way from electronic form through state portal services, although the procedure for gaining access is slightly different.

So, we have already figured out what a TIN is, but why is it needed?

As mentioned earlier, the identification number can be used to regulate the actions of a particular citizen when committing certain financial transactions or actions.

The TIN number depends on whether its owner is an individual or legal entity. For individuals, a number of 12 digits is assigned, and for legal entities - of 10, respectively. Why is this so, and what do these numbers mean:

If the document is secondary to the number itself, why is it so important?

The point is that this document may be requested when committing certain commercial transactions or disputes lawyers, notaries and others officials. It is often requested when concluding legal and commercial contracts, without them it is impossible to qualify for bidding on government contracts, it is impossible without of this document perform any actions that are related to the activities of the tax authorities.

In most cases, a document on assignment of a TIN is required from a person along with a passport when applying for a job. This makes paying taxes for employees easier.

A TIN is assigned to a person once for life and even if a person moves from hired work to own business, it doesn't change. The number is invalidated only after the death of its owner and can subsequently be reused.

Form No. 09-2-1

(name of tax authority)


An individual on the issuance of a document confirming the assignment of a taxpayer identification number (TIN)

Information about an individual

1.1. Surname 1.2. Name
1.3. Surname 1.4. Gender: male wives (mark what you need with a “V”)
1.5. Date of birth
(day, month, year)
1.6. Place of birth
(indicated in exact accordance
with an entry in the identity document)
1.7. Type of identity document
1.8. Series 1.9. Number
1.10. date of issue
1.11. Name of the authority and code of the unit that issued the document
1.12. Citizenship
(name of state; stateless person)

1.13. Residence address in Russian Federation:

1.14. Information about the document confirming registration at the place of residence in the Russian Federation (for a foreign citizen or stateless person; for a Russian citizen who has presented an identification document other than a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation):

a) type of document
b) series c) number
d) by whom and when issued
1.15. Date of registration at the place of residence specified in paragraph 1.13
(day, month, year)
1.16. Previous address of residence
1.17. Registration date by same place residence specified in clause 1.16
(day, month, year)
1.18. Country permanent residence before arrival in the Russian Federation (for a foreign
1.19. Date of expected departure outside the Russian Federation (for foreign
citizen and stateless person)
(day, month, year)
1.20. Contact phone: code home official

2. Please issue a document confirming the assignment of a taxpayer identification number (TIN), in connection with*

2.1. loss of a previously issued document ……………………
2.2. the need to indicate the TIN in documents submitted to the tax authority or other body ……………………
2.3. the need to report the TIN to the source of income payment …………………….
2.4. other reason
(specify reason)
Signature date
(day, month, year)

Application submitted**: ________________________________________________

(last name, first name, patronymic)

A copy of the document confirming the powers of the legal or authorized representative, on ______ sheets is attached
date (day, month, year) (signature)
A note on registration with the tax authority and issuance of a document confirming the assignment of a taxpayer identification number (TIN)
1. Registration was carried out
TIN of an individual
Date of registration
(day, month, year) (inspector's signature)
2. The document was issued ________________ _____________________________________________
(surname, initials of inspector)
date of issue
(day, month, year)
Document name
Document details
(inspector's signature)

* mark the corresponding item with a “V” sign

**indicated if this application is made legally or authorized representative

individual. If the TIN is not specified, fill out sheet A “Information about the legal or

authorized representative of an individual"

Information about the legal or authorized representative of an individual

Last name, first name, patronymic ________________________________________________________________

Date of birth ___________________________________________________________________

Place of birth _________________________________________________________________

Citizenship _____________________________________________________________________

Type of identification document ________________________________________________

Series and number ___________________________________________________________________

Date of issue _____________________________________________________________________

Name of the authority and code of the unit that issued the document ________________________________________________________________________________

Residence address in the Russian Federation:

Postal code _________________

Subject of the Russian Federation ___________________________________________________

District __________________________________________________________________________

City _________________________________________________________________________

Locality(village, town, etc.) ____________________________________________

Street (avenue, alley, etc.) ___________________________________________________

House (property) No. ___________ Building (building) No. _________ Apartment No. ___________

I confirm the accuracy and completeness of the information provided

Signature ______________ date __ __ . __ __. __ __ __ __


filling out an Individual's Application for the issuance of a document confirming the assignment of a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)

1. An individual’s application for the issuance of a document confirming the assignment of a taxpayer identification number (TIN) (hereinafter referred to as the Application) is filled out by an individual who has a need to obtain the specified document for one of the reasons listed in section 2 of the Statement.

2.The application is filled out ballpoint pen or blue or black ink. All entries in words, numbers or symbols must be made carefully, clearly, in strictly designated areas or on the corresponding lines intended for completion of this paragraph. Corrections are not allowed when filling out the Application.

3.The address part of the Application indicates the tax authority to which the Application is being submitted.

4. Section 1 “Information about an individual” contains information about the individual in respect of whom a document is issued confirming the assignment of a taxpayer identification number (TIN). The following should be taken into account:

Last name, first name, patronymic (clauses 1.1 - 1.3) are indicated in full, without abbreviations, in accordance with the identity document;

In clause 1.4, the gender of the individual is indicated by placing a “V” in the appropriate box;

In clause 1.5, the date of birth is indicated in accordance with the entry in the identity document (birth certificate of a child under 14 years of age), and the name of the month is written in a word;

In clause 1.6, the place of birth is indicated in exact accordance with the entries in the identity document (birth certificate of a child under 14 years of age).

If an identification document is presented that does not contain information about the date and place of birth, then paragraphs 1.5 and 1.6 are filled out on the basis of a birth certificate or other document containing such information;

Clause 1.7 indicates the type of identification document of an individual (passport, identity card, military ID, etc.), birth certificate of a child under 14 years of age;

Paragraphs 1.8 - 1.11 indicate the details of an identity document, a birth certificate of a child under 14 years of age;

Clause 1.12 indicates the name of the state of which the individual is a citizen. In the absence of citizenship, the following is written: “stateless person”;

Clause 1.13 indicates the address of the place of residence in the Russian Federation in accordance with the entry in the passport or document confirming registration at the place of residence (if not a passport is presented, but another identification document, birth certificate), with the obligatory indication of the postal code;

Clause 1.14 is completed foreign citizens and stateless persons, as well as citizens of Russia if paragraph 1.7 of the Application indicates not a passport, but another identification document, birth certificate;

Clause 1.15 indicates the date of registration (registration) at the address of residence specified in clause 1.13 on the basis of an entry in a passport or a document confirming registration at the place of residence (if not a passport is presented, but another identification document, birth certificate), while the name of the month is written as a word;

Clause 1.16 indicates the address of the previous place of residence based on the entry in the passport with the obligatory indication of the postal code. If the applicant submits a document confirming registration at the place of residence that does not contain the address of the previous place of residence, then the address of the previous place of residence is recorded without documentary evidence; - clause 1.17 indicates the date of registration (registration) at the address of the previous place of residence specified in clause 1.16 based on the entry in the passport, while the name of the month is written in a word. If the applicant submits a document confirming registration at the place of residence that does not contain the date of registration at the previous place of residence, then the date of registration is recorded without documentary confirmation;

Clause 1.18 is filled out by foreign citizens and stateless persons; the country of permanent residence before arrival in Russia is indicated;

Clause 1.19 is filled out by foreign citizens and stateless persons; the date of expected departure outside the Russian Federation is indicated;

Clause 1.20 indicates the telephone number at which the individual can be contacted. If you have a home and business telephone number, both numbers must be indicated.

5. In section “2. I ask you to issue a document confirming the assignment of a taxpayer identification number (TIN) in connection with *” in one of paragraphs 2.1 - 2.4 in the square to the right of the name of the reason, the reason for receiving the document should be marked with a “V”.

In clause 2.4, in addition to putting the “V” sign, you should indicate the specific reason for receiving the document.

6. The Application is signed by an individual, who is issued a document confirming the assignment of a taxpayer identification number (TIN) with the date of filling out the Application.

7. When filling out the Application by a legal or authorized representative of an individual, the line “Application completed by:” is filled in, which indicates the last name, first name, patronymic of the legal or authorized representative of the individual. Next, the TIN of the above-mentioned person is indicated (if the TIN is not indicated, information is provided in the form according to sheet A), as well as the number of sheets of a copy of the document confirming the powers of the legal or authorized representative.

Specified information confirmed by the signature of a legal or authorized representative and dated.

8.The section “Note on registration with the tax authority and issuance of a document confirming the assignment of a taxpayer identification number (TIN)” is filled out by a tax authority inspector.

Clause 1 of the section indicates the surname and initials of the tax authority inspector who registered the individual, the TIN of the individual, and the date of his registration.

Clause 2 of the section indicates the surname and initials of the tax authority inspector who issued the document confirming the assignment of a taxpayer identification number (TIN), the date of issue of the document, the name of the issued document, its details, and the signature of the tax authority inspector.

9. Sheet A is filled out if the legal or authorized representative of an individual does not indicate the taxpayer identification number (TIN) in the Application.

The lines of Sheet A are filled out in accordance with the rules for filling out the relevant Application deadlines established by this Procedure.

The line “Relationship to an individual, information about which is indicated in section 1 of the application” is filled in by placing a “V” in the appropriate box.

Sheet A is signed by the person who filled it out, indicating the date.

"Tax Bulletin", N 2, 2000
In accordance with part one of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Code), the Procedure and conditions for assigning, applying, and changing the taxpayer identification number and document forms used when registering legal entities and individuals with the tax authority have been approved (Order of the State Tax Service of Russia dated November 27, 1998 N GB-3-12/309, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 22, 1998, registration N 1664).
On January 1, 1999, new forms of accounting forms and documents were introduced. Information letters on registration with the tax authority issued to taxpayers before December 31, 1998 are valid until December 31, 1999. During this time, taxpayers are required to appear at the inspectorate, hand over the first copy of the Card and information letter about registration and receive a Certificate of Registration with the tax authority. The application for the issuance of a Certificate is filled out by the taxpayer - organization in any form.
Taking into account the requirements determined by the provisions of paragraph 2, paragraph 1, Article 83 of the Code, organizations that include separate divisions located on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as those that own taxable real estate and vehicles, are required to stand up registered both at its location and at the location of separate divisions and belonging to them real estate and vehicles.
A taxpayer identification number (hereinafter referred to as TIN) assigned before January 1, 1999 to a branch, representative office, or separate division of a legal entity that is a payer of at least one type of tax is considered invalid and cannot be reassigned.
TIN is a digital code - ten digits for legal entities and twelve digits for individuals.
The TIN structure is as follows:
RRRRXXXXXС - legal entity,
RRRRXXXXXXSS - an individual, where:
RRRR - state tax inspectorate code,
XXXXX- serial number,
C - control number.
In connection with the peculiarities of registration of taxpayers - organizations, determined by the provisions of paragraph 2, paragraph 1, Article 83 of the Code, in addition to the TIN, a code for the reason for registration (hereinafter referred to as KPP) was introduced.
The checkpoint has following structure:
RRRR - state tax inspectorate code,
NN - reason for registration,
XXX - serial number.
The checkpoint is assigned only to organizations and determines the registration of real estate and vehicles at the location of the organization or at the location of separate divisions.
TIN and KPP are indicated in the Certificate of Registration issued by the tax authorities, as well as in Notifications of registration of separate divisions, real estate and vehicles.
To register a separate division, it is necessary to submit to the tax authority at its location an Application for Registration and certified in the prescribed manner copies of the Certificate of registration of the organization and documents (order, order) confirming the creation of a separate division, the charter of the organization, the power of attorney issued to the head.
To register taxpayers - organizations at the location of the real estate and vehicles they own, along with the Application for registration, duly certified copies of the Certificate of Registration of the taxpayer - organization and documents confirming the organization's ownership of this property issued bodies responsible for accounting and registration of real estate and vehicles.
The Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia signed Order No. AP-3-12/224 dated July 19, 1999 "On measures to ensure the use of taxpayer identification numbers - individuals in tax reporting". In pursuance of this Order, TIN will be assigned to all individuals working in Moscow. The use of TIN will allow, when submitting income information to the tax authority, not to indicate the personal data of an individual, and will also speed up the automated processing of incoming information.
Signed for seal by A.A. Vasiliev

An identification number - ten digits (they are different for each person) is received by everyone, because it is needed for any situations related to money - receiving salaries and scholarships, pensions and benefits, for paying money for accommodation, applying for a loan. Most likely, they will give it to you at the boarding school. And if not, you need to contact tax office in the city or area in which you will live.

Medical card.

If a person gets sick, he goes to a clinic that treats people living in that area or city, and a medical card is created for him. Notes are made there when he is sick and about the course of treatment.

Work book.

When you get a job, you are issued a work book no later than 5 days after being hired, which confirms that you are working, your work experience (the time you work at this enterprise). It records information about work, incentives and awards for success. It is kept at the company where you work, and your employer (boss) is responsible for it.

The work book and notes about work in it are in the future the most important reason for you to be paid a pension. If you change your place of work, you take your work book with you. She is registered at her new place of work.

Attribution certificate.

When a guy turns 16, he undergoes an annual examination by a medical commission and is registered with military registration and enlistment office (military commissariat) the city or region in which he lives. Each young man is given a registration certificate, the essence of which is that the person is registered as liable for military service (obligated to serve), and if he is fit for military service, he will be drafted into the army. After completing the service, this document will be replaced with another - a military ID, which indicates that the person served in the army.

Single ticket.

A single ticket of one sample for all gives you the opportunity for free:

– go to various exhibitions and museums;

– ride in public transport (except minibuses and taxis).

The ticket is valid when:

    there is Your photograph;

    there is a seal and signature of the director of your educational institution.

The ticket is issued for 5 years while you are in the boarding school. When you enroll in another educational institution after boarding school, ask the new director to issue you a Unified Ticket.

To complete it you need:

    contact the director of your educational institution;

    take a photo of size (3x4).

Handle all documents with care, make several photocopies, just in case. And one more thing. You will often have to sign various documents - contracts, statements. Always read carefully, and then just sign. Especially when these documents relate to some property or money. If there is something you don’t understand or is suspicious, don’t be shy – ask the people with whom you are signing this document. Many contracts, for example, are written in 2 copies, one of them is kept with You.

If you have lost a document, contact the organization, body, department that issued it to you.


If you think that your rights have been violated by someone, no matter by some person or organization, you can always file a complaint against them.

A complaint about an illegal decision, action or inaction of an official can always be filed:

a) to a higher official (body), that is, to those who are more important than this person or organization.

b) to the court or prosecutor's office.

In order for the document to be reviewed in a timely manner and for you to receive a response to it, adhere to the following rules:

    The appeal should be addressed to the official who considers appeals of this type and resolves similar issues. If the appeal is addressed to the wrong person, then at best you will be given the answer that it was sent to the wrong address.

    Indicate the date of application, your full name, address and phone number where you can be found.

    In the title of the appeal, indicate its type (complaint - if you complain about someone who has violated your rights; statement - when you want to ask for help, receive or find out something for yourself).

    When you write the essence, clearly and briefly (!) formulate all the important information, in your opinion, as well as requirements, wishes (that is, what you specifically achieve with this letter).

    Do not write an application longer than 2 pages.

    Keep a copy of the appeal, write down on it the number with which the secretary of the person to whom you are writing registered it and the name of the person who took the appeal from you (secretary or other official).

All this may come in handy later if they say that “we did not receive any letter.”

Application processing time:

– from the date of registration of the written appeal (and not from the date indicated by the person when he wrote it) the period for its consideration is calculated. Appeals must be considered within 1 month from the date of registration, and those that do not require additional study - no later than 15 days from the date of their receipt.

The deadline for consideration is 45 days.

You can read more about the rules for considering applications in the Law of Ukraine “On Citizens’ Appeals”.

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