Request to the bank. Sample request to the bank

In business document flow, a letter of request is quite common. It is drawn up in cases where one person wishes to receive certain information from another person. A sample, ready-made examples and recommendations for writing it are given in the article.

The main task is to obtain up-to-date, reliable information from any person. As a rule, a letter is written by one legal entity to another. But in general, it can be issued by any person:

  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • private citizens;
  • representatives of government authorities;
  • public figures, etc.

Thus, this is a type of business correspondence, a single model of which has not been established. However, in practice, certain requirements for the content of the document have developed. It must contain the following information:

  1. Sender's name.
  2. Name of the recipient (addressee).
  3. Number and date of registration of the document (in the journal of outgoing correspondence).
  4. The title of the document usually contains the essence of the request - for example: “Request for copies of documents.”
  5. The main part is a statement of the circumstances that prompted you to write the request.
  6. The pleading part is actually a request for what information needs to be obtained.
  7. Sometimes a sample request letter is also accompanied by attachments - documents, copies or originals of which are attached to the main paper. Indicate the name of the document and the number of pages.
  8. At the end, you can additionally indicate a convenient way to respond - by mail or e-mail. In general, it is customary to send a response in the same way as the request itself was received, but in any case, the decision remains at the discretion of the sender.
  9. Date, signature, transcript of the signature, position of the applicant, seal of the organization. In some cases, companies do not use a seal in document flow - then it is enough to put only a handwritten signature.

As a rule, it is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead. There are marks about the details of the company or individual entrepreneur. It is preferable to use a printed version, although sometimes the letter is also handwritten.

You can send in different ways:

  • by regular mail;
  • by email;
  • send by fax;
  • deliver by courier.

If it is fundamentally important to obtain documentary evidence of sending a letter, it is better to deliver it physically - by mail or by courier. Then you can receive a delivery receipt, which will serve as proof of the fact and date of delivery.

Varieties and composition samples: 5 options

Since information can be requested from different representatives and for different reasons, there are at least 5 types of sample request letters. They are classified on different grounds - depending on the addressee (tax office, bank, government authority) or depending on the essence of the request (clarification of information about terms of the contract, request for copies of documents, etc.). The most common types are discussed below.

About providing information

This is one of the most popular types of messages - the organization asks to provide not documents, but certain information, for example:

  • price list;
  • terms of promotions, discounts;
  • technical characteristics of the product, etc.

In this case, it is necessary to formulate your request as specifically as possible - for example, if we are talking about clarifying information about a product, write down the name, brand, article number and other details in detail.

About confirming information

In this case, extracts from various documents are requested (for example, from orders of employment or dismissal from work). The reason for drawing up a letter of request is related to the need to confirm certain information (for example, whether the employee worked in a particular period, when he was fired, etc.).

About providing documents

In this case, the company needs to provide documents (usually copies). Indicate the specific name of each paper. If necessary, additionally formulate a request for certification of copies (signature and seal of the organization on each page).

In the same category, you can separately highlight a letter of request, in which the company asks to provide a sample reconciliation report. The document is needed to verify the presence/absence of debt or overpayment for specific payments.

Request to the tax office

Typically, such a document is drawn up on behalf of the chief accountant. It is necessary to obtain clarification on certain provisions of tax legislation, disclosure of personal data on the basis of a writ of execution, etc.

Request to the bank

The bank receives requests for clarification of certain provisions of the contract, the possibility of restructuring the debt, obtaining a loan on more favorable terms, prolonging the contract, etc.

Response time

Regardless of which sample is used, the time frame for responding to a request is determined based on the traditions of business ethics. Since this issue is not regulated in any way by law, companies themselves have the right to decide how much time they will need to respond. Usually the period is 10-15 working days.

If this time inevitably increases (for example, to obtain the necessary information you will need to make requests that will also take time), it is advisable to notify the sender about this. They compose a response message in which they indicate that the letter has been accepted for work and indicate the approximate time frame for the response.

In some cases, response times are regulated by law or internal company regulations. For example, government agencies and banking organizations generally must provide responses within 30 calendar days.

On my name. According to the extract provided by the Bank dated XX.XX.2012. the debt until full fulfillment of loan obligations (total repayment amount) under contract No. ХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХ is XXXXXX ruble XX kopecks.

According to the extract provided by the Bank dated XX.XX.2012. the debt until full fulfillment of loan obligations (total repayment amount) under contract No. ХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХ is XXXXXX ruble XX kopecks.

The letter is signed by the head of the originating organization or another person with appropriate authority.

Download a sample and example of a request letter (Size: 32.0 KiB | Downloads: 4,676) Is the form or article out of date? Please click! Sample No. 1.

Letter of request for the issuance of an archival certificate. Please issue an archival certificate containing information about whether Natalya Ivanovna Ivanova held the position of deputy chief accountant in the limited liability company "XXX" from March 2001 to December 2011.

Letter to the bank

First of all, it is necessary to correctly indicate the names of organizations, numbers, and subscribe.

The second point is the form itself.

Anyone who has their own electronic signature has the right to send just a Word document; for everyone else, it’s better to fill it out manually and, having described everything, you need to scan the paper. In a bank letter, it is best to state the problem in as much detail as possible, whether it is obtaining a loan or, conversely, debt on it.

What is a letter of request - how to write it

This article presents two sample request letters for information from the addressee; letter forms for downloading are located at the bottom of the article. You can send a request letter by registered mail with return receipt requested, in which case there will also be confirmation that the document was received by the addressee. You can also send a request using email.

Samples of other information letters: First of all, information letters in the form of a request are drawn up on company letterhead.

How to correctly write a business request to an organization for information

A request to an organization for information is drawn up in a certain order.
Despite the lack of a unified form of address, it is important to follow generally accepted rules.
Any letter is a business card of the organization.

It reflects the position from which the representative addresses the addressee.

To create a positive image of the company, it is important to express trust and respect in a letter.

Letters of request can be the beginning of a long, fruitful cooperation, and also, in the case of already established business relationships, a good method of influencing partners when they are working too slowly or not efficiently enough. A letter of request is somewhat similar to a letter of request, but their main difference is that the request is more formal and strict in nature and can only concern those aspects that are directly related to the functional activities of the firm.

Compiling a request letter: samples and design principles

  1. Documents or items (papers for concluding a contract, product samples, etc.).
  2. Information (about the characteristics of the product and its availability, about delivery methods and delivery times, about the reasons for the delay in shipment, etc.).
In a word, if you don’t know something or don’t quite understand it, if you need documents or price lists, send a letter of request. Such messages are written in the same way as other business letters: Since a request letter is an official document, it should be written on company letterhead.

Therefore, if there are violations on the part of banks, failure to provide information, violation of the terms of the loan agreement, agreement on opening a deposit, etc.

prepare a written claim to the bank, a copy of which and the response to it will become an appendix to the claim and one of the evidence in the civil case. Claim to the bank (16.5 KiB, 1,799 hits) Claim to the bank Between me, Rogacheva Irina Leonidovna, and OJSC "PRiNBank" represented by its branch in the city.

Application to the bank for provision of reliable information under the loan agreement

Application to the bank to provide reliable information under the loan agreement.

In addition, I came across this video :) Please love and favor. The information is very well structured, organized and collected.

Anyone will understand.

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There is no set form for making a request. The request is written in any form.

It is better to send by registered mail with acknowledgment of delivery.

The request is written in any form. In your request, please provide your details (full name, address).

During the investigation of a criminal case, it often becomes necessary to request information from the bank (without seizure), which, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” dated December 2, 1990 N 395-1, relates to bank secrecy.

The law allows us to do this. In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 26 of the said law, “certificates of transactions and accounts of legal entities and citizens carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity ... with the consent of the head of the investigative body - to the preliminary investigation bodies in cases under their investigation.” Thus, at the request of the investigator, information can be obtained about the receipt and expenditure of money on the current account of an organization or individual entrepreneur and, after analyzing such documents, a conclusion can be drawn as to whether a seizure is advisable.

At the same time, we cannot obtain any more complete information upon request, but exclusively, as specified in the law, information on transactions. At the same time, the investigator’s request must be properly completed, otherwise the bank may refuse to provide a bank statement. And of course, as I wrote earlier in the post, all procedural documents of the investigator must be drawn up on the basis of laws with precise references. If the need for direction request to the bank arose, then here is an approximate example of its composition:

Request to the bank, sample:

In connection with the need that arose in the investigation of criminal case No. 111111, initiated on January 1, 2001 under Part 2 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the fact of fraud against M.M. Ivanova, on the basis of Part 2 of Art. 26 of the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” dated December 2, 1990 No. 395-1, and clause 6, part 2, art. 38 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, please inform me whether the limited liability company “Horns and Legs” has settlement accounts in your organization, INN 111111111, and if so, please provide an extract of cash flows for all settlement accounts of this organization from 01.01.2001 to 01.01 .2002.
Investigator I.I. Ivanov
Head of the investigative body -
Head of Department S.S. Sidorov

Do not forget that the consent of the head of the investigative body is mandatory when drawing up a request to the bank, and also the official stamp must be affixed to the request to the bank.

You will need

  • bank details, data of the bank employee with whom the conflict occurred, identity document, organization documents, company seal, civil code of the Russian Federation, consumer protection law, computer, printer, A4 paper, pen.


A request to a bank must begin with its full name, the name of the organizational and legal form in accordance with the all-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms. If you are an individual or individual entrepreneur, write your last name, first name, patronymic in accordance with your identification document, address of your place of residence (postal code, region, city, town, street, house number, building,). If you are a legal entity, enter the name of your company in accordance with the constituent documents, the address of the company's location, and your contact number. The above information should be placed in the upper right corner of the A4 sheet.

After the name of the request, which should be in the middle of the document, state the essence of the conflict situation that occurred with an employee of this bank. Indicate the exact date, time and address where the conflict occurred. Write the last name, first name, patronymic and position of the bank employee who violated your rights.

Study the articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the law on the protection of consumer rights and on banking activities related to the provisions on the behavior of bank employees with bank clients. Provide links to them and write to what extent the law was violated in relation to you. Enter what you want to achieve with this request.

Referring to the legislation, indicate in this document what measures you will take if the bank refuses to fulfill your request or simply ignores it.

Put your personal signature if you are an individual, certify the document with the seal of the company and the signature of the head of the organization if the request is made on behalf of a legal entity.

Print the request in two copies, send one to the central office of the bank to which it is addressed, on the second ask the bank employee who receives your letter of application to put a number, date and acceptance mark on it.

If you do not have the opportunity to make a personal visit to the central office of the bank and submit a request, you are allowed to send this letter of appeal by mail to the address of its location. The postal worker will mark the receipt of the document, and you will be able to protect your rights in the event of litigation.


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