Application for salary transfer to a bank card. Application for transfer of salary to a bank card: why it is written, how to fill it out

When a business entity hires hired personnel to perform work, it assumes the obligation to pay wages on time. At the same time, employees themselves have the right to choose how exactly they want to receive their earnings - in cash from the cash register, or by transfer to a card. In the latter case, the employee must provide the accounting department with an application to transfer wages to the card.

To inform the accounting department that an employee wants to receive his salary on a bank card, he needs to draw up an application. Moreover, this document must be provided even if the employment contract already states that the payment is made to the card.

The law determines that an employee has the right to independently choose how exactly he wants to receive his earnings. If the method is not expressly indicated, then the salary must be paid in cash from the cash register at the place of performance of one’s duties.

In addition, the law establishes that the employee independently decides which bank card he wants to receive payments to. He can change the transfer details at any time. However, you need to follow the rule - the accounting department must be notified no less than 5 days before the salary payment date.

Therefore, the law establishes a greater significance for applications for salary transfers. Because it is to them that the employee expresses his desire to earn money. An employer cannot ignore the will of its employee.

Is it possible to receive a salary both on a card and through a cash register?

The employee is given the opportunity to choose exactly how he wants to receive his salary - in cash from the cash register, or by non-cash transfer to a card. This does not mean that he must choose one or the other - the employee may wish to receive both at the same time.

This means that, for example, he can receive an advance on wages by transfer to the card, but the rest of the salary in cash. Or vice versa.

Thus, the employee submits an application indicating the procedure for applying both methods. For example, he indicates in the document that the employee wants to receive an advance in the amount of 4,500 rubles in cash. The remaining amount must be transferred to the card using certain bank details.

Attention! The employee can indicate in percentage terms what share of his salary he wants to receive in cash, and what share must be transferred to the bank card.

Can an employee refuse to pay salary to the card?

The administration of a business entity has the right only to recommend to the employee a way to earn income. The employee must make the final decision himself. In particular, the employee is given the right to independently choose the banking organization in which to provide services.

Very often, banks where the company already has current accounts offer favorable conditions for salary card projects. In this situation, employees are issued cards on which they receive their earnings.

Using a card opened as part of such a project is most often beneficial to both the employee and the company. The employee gets the opportunity to open a loan on favorable terms with a reduced rate. For the company, funds are credited to such cards with a reduced commission.

However, before agreeing to open a salary project, the company needs to interview all its employees and take applications from them to open plastic card accounts. Next, it is necessary to make changes to the collective agreement and labor contracts with employees.

If an employee refuses to open a card account, the company has no right to force him to do so. Therefore, such an employee must be asked in writing how to receive his salary. If there is no response from him, then the money will need to be given to him in cash from the organization’s cash desk.

Can an employee receive a salary on his open card?

Employees can go to work already having current accounts opened in banks. Therefore, he can use his own card to receive a salary or ask for a salary project to be opened for him in a given business entity.

This decision must be made by the employee independently. Pressure from the employer is not allowed; the employee does not need to obtain the consent of the enterprise administration.

To make his choice, the employee should submit an application to the company management, in which he must provide full bank details. After receiving this application from the employee, the administration will have to send the salary to the bank indicated by the employee.

At the same time, the employee must remember that if the bank details are incomplete, the company management will have the right to refuse the transfer and give the salary in cash. In this case, the company must send a message to the employee about the need to clarify the details he specified.

Important! The legislation establishes the obligation of the employer to bear all costs associated with the transfer of wages to the employee in the form of bank commissions.

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Sample of writing an application for transfer of salary to a bank card

There is no required form for this type of application. The employee can write it by hand, or type it on a computer and print it out. In the latter case, the form must have a living signature.

Drawing up an application begins from the top of the sheet - on the right. There it is necessary to write down for whom the document is being drawn up - in the dative case the name of the manager’s position, the name of the company, his full name are indicated.

The text of the application, as a rule, begins with a phrase expressing a request to transfer the salary using the details indicated below. It is not strictly mandatory, but it is advisable to indicate a link to the article regulating this action of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - Art. 136.

After this, you need to put a colon and write the bank details for the transfer:

  • Checking account;
  • Correspondent account;
  • Bank's name;
  • TIN and checkpoint;
  • Card number;
  • FULL NAME. card holder.

The employee may have printed details on hand. He can receive them from the bank, or print them out himself from his personal account.

In this case, they can not be copied onto the application, but simply indicated in the application “according to the attached details.” However, in such a situation, you need to indicate below that the application is accompanied by an attachment - bank details.

The employee signs the application, after which it is submitted to the manager for approval.

Is it possible to transfer other payments to a salary card?

An employee’s salary card, opened to him within the framework of a salary project existing with the bank, is a regular card to which the employee has the right to send other payments other than his salary at the enterprise.

The main difference between such cards is the reduced cost of maintenance costs, as a result of which they may have some limitations in functionality. For example, to use Internet banking, you will need to additionally submit an application to the bank to connect to this service, as well as pay a special commission.

The employee retains the right to use his bank card at his own discretion. He can use it to pay for various purchases and services, replenish it using cash and transfers. It is beneficial for the bank that the employee uses the card in full, so they do not impose any prohibitions on transferring other funds.

Important! If the employee does not like something, he is given the right to independently determine the bank from which he will receive a card or money in cash.

When making payments to staff, the company can transfer amounts to a card or issue money from the cash register. Drawing up an application for transfer of salary to a card is required only for non-cash transfer of remuneration. In what form is this document formed? Let's look at an example example.

Methods for issuing earnings are defined in Part 3 of Art. 136 of the Labor Code, which states that the employer can pay staff at the place of performance of official duties, that is, directly in the organization, or by transferring funds to a credit institution. If the salary is transferred to the card, the employee must indicate in writing exactly where to make non-cash transfers.

For these purposes, a corresponding application from the employee is required. And when changing a credit institution, the specialist is obliged to notify the employer as quickly as possible in order to avoid errors in payroll calculations. If an employee changes banks and forgets to notify the company, the salary will not be credited using the correct details, which will lead to delays in payments. How long does it take to notify the employer? According to the norms of stat. 136 written notice must be submitted no later than 5 days. (workers) until the day of payment of earnings.

Note! If an employee already has an open bank account when applying for a job, it is permissible to transfer earnings to this personal account rather than the salary account. However, in this case, the employee is also required to draw up a written application with the details for transferring earnings. If an individual refuses to provide data for non-cash payments, the company is obliged to give him a salary in cash at the cash desk.

Features of transferring wages to the card

Consequently, we found out that non-cash payment of wages is carried out only with the consent of the employee, drawn up in writing. The condition on the form of payment must be fixed in the employment contract (individual or collective). How exactly payments will be made is decided by each organization independently, taking into account the characteristics of its activities, operating mode and other factors.

For example, you can transfer an advance to cards, and the final salary amount from the cash register. Or, a third of your earnings can be paid in cash, and the rest by bank transfer. Often, by concluding an agreement with the servicing bank, the employer acts within the framework of special salary projects. In this case, the cards are issued by the enterprise and are intended for transferring remuneration in favor of employees. To do this, the accountant generates payment orders addressed to each employee or in the total amount broken down by list. The list of personnel is provided to the bank separately. The commission for RKO is paid by the employer.

Regulations for drawing up an application for salary transfer to a card

There is no standard form for such an application approved at the legislative level. This means that employees can use free form. For convenience and ease of paperwork, it is recommended to develop a sample in advance, which then only needs to be filled out correctly. As a rule, such duties are performed by the company’s personnel officer. What specific information is required? Fill out the bank information as thoroughly as possible so that the payment is credited to the employee without errors.

Application details include:
  • Information about the employing company - here is the full name and position of the responsible employee to whom the application is addressed.
  • Information about the employee - an individual must indicate his full name and position. If the company has OP, it is required to provide the name and address of the unit.
  • Bank details of the credit institution - fill in the details accurately with up-to-date information. Indicate the name of the bank, branch (if any), its current and correspondent accounts, BIC, INN and KPP, the employee’s personal account and his card number. At the same time, the employee has the right to indicate not only his own data, but also, for example, his wife’s account data. The employer has no right to deny an employee the right to transfer earnings to any specified details. In this case, the full name of the card owner must be provided.
  • Regulatory basis - here you should provide a link to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, namely stat. 136. This is done so that staff understand that the requirement to fill out an application is legislative, and not the whim of the enterprise administration. And without drawing up a document, salary calculations will not be carried out.
  • Start date of payments – here the employee indicates from what moment the money must be transferred to the card. When changing payment details, the employer must be notified no later than 5 days. before the payment of earnings.
  • Personal signature and date – certification of the application is carried out by the employee personally, the date is indicated at the time the document is filled out. It would not hurt the receiving official to certify receipt of the application with his signature and date of acceptance.
Sample application for transfer of salary to card

to CEO

LLC "Rezon-R"

Sidorchenko Evgeniy Valerievich

from an engineer

Rumyantsev Nikolai Petrovich


In accordance with the norms of stat. 136 of the Labor Code, I ask you to transfer the salary due to me from January 2018 to the following bank details:

OJSC "Sberbank of Russia" Rostov-on-Don,

BIC 046015602,

TIN 7707083893 KPP 774401001,

c/s 30101810600000000602,

l/s 40858424500257854632,

Rumyantsev Nikolay Petrovich

______________________/Rumyantsev N.P./

Is it possible to transfer travel expenses to a posted employee’s salary card?

In many organizations, in addition to salaries, there are other types of settlements with personnel. For example, this is the issuance of accountable amounts or travel allowances. Is it possible to transfer such payments to specialist cards, including salary cards?

Previously it was believed that this was impossible and was fraught with disputes with control authorities. But at present, the Ministry of Finance has clearly explained that there are no obstacles to such payments (Letter No. 03-11-11/42288 dated 08.25.14). Consequently, the organization has the right to transfer both travel and accountable funds to the employee’s card. In this case, the specified procedure for reimbursement of amounts should be fixed in the accounting policy of the enterprise. And during the transfer of money, the payment slip indicates that accountable funds are being transferred to the employee.

Completing the application is also mandatory. In the document, the employee indicates a request for a refund to the card. To ensure the accuracy of accounting, the accountant attaches to the advance report a payment slip confirming the transfer of the amount to the specialist’s card.

Note! You can find out all the necessary information on current legislation in online calculators, forms, and reference books. For example, the latest edition of the Tax Code regulates how the property tax of organizations is paid and calculated; and also what conditions apply in 2018 for the application of the simplified tax system and the transition to a simplified tax system, etc.

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For performing their job duties, employees receive remuneration in the form of wages. In accordance with the norms of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, employees can accept salaries either in cash or by transfer to a bank card.

Every employee has the right to receive wages on a card. In order to exercise this opportunity, the employee must write a corresponding application for the transfer of earnings to the bank card. We will tell you how to do this in this article.

Methods of remuneration of workers

Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the general procedure for transferring wages to all employees. We are talking about the issuance of funds from the cash desk of the organization at the place of work. In addition, current Russian legislation allows the transfer of wages to an employee’s bank card. Such a condition must be indicated in one of the following documents, namely:

  • in a collective agreement;
  • in the employment agreement.

In these documents, the employer indicates the mechanism for making payments to employees. For example, the accounting department can transfer wages to the card in full. Some managers give employees an advance in their hands, and transfer the rest to the card. In the documents, you can specify the ratio between cash and non-cash funds as a percentage.

Often, the management of organizations enters into agreements with banks on servicing the company. In this case, all employees of the organization are participants in the salary project. This means that each employee receives a plastic bank card, to which the accounting department transfers his salary. For the employer, the salary project is more convenient - the amount of wages of all employees is fully and immediately transferred to their bank cards.

It should be borne in mind that an employee may refuse an employer’s offer to receive a salary card from a particular bank. The employee has the right to independently decide on a financial institution. His salary will be transferred to the bank card chosen by the employee.

Employer's expenses for paying salaries to employees

All costs of transferring wages to employees are borne entirely by the employer. There is no charge to employees for this. It should be noted that this applies not only to participants in the salary project, but also to those employees who independently chose a bank to open a salary card to which the salary will be transferred.

The employer has the right to take into account expenses incurred when calculating the amount of taxable income. These expenses can be classified as non-operating or other. It all depends on the accounting policy of the enterprise.

The need to apply for the transfer of wages to a bank card

The employee’s desire to receive wages on a bank card is voluntary. An employer does not have the right to oblige an employee to receive salary on a card. The accounting department of an organization can carry out a non-cash transfer only with the written consent of the employee.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the form and example of filling out an application for transferring wages to a card:

If an employee wants to change financial institution and receive wages in another bank, then he must notify the employer of his desire five working days before the payment is made. The application should indicate all the details that are necessary to transfer funds to a bank card.

Features of filling out an application

Please note that the application for salary transfer to a card does not have a unified form. It can be compiled in free form. The application must contain the following information:

1. Full name and position of the document originator.
2. Full name and position of the recipient.
3. Grounds for transfer of funds (link to Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
4. Details that are necessary to transfer funds.
5. Date of compilation.
6. Signature of the document originator.

How and where to transfer travel allowances?

The head of the company has the right to transfer any accountable amounts of money to an employee’s simple debit or salary card. This possibility should be reflected in the internal documents of the organization.

Before making a transfer to an employee’s bank card, the employer needs to accept a statement from the employee in which he expresses a desire to receive salary by bank transfer to his card.

To transfer salary to an employee’s card, you need to take an application from him with account details. View and download a ready-made sample application for salary transfer to a bank card.

Previously, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provided that the company transfers wages to the account named by the employee under the conditions determined by the collective or labor agreement. And if only a specific bank was named in the agreement, then employees could not choose another without the consent of the company.

Employees received the opportunity to freely change banks to receive wages on November 5, 2014. The company is obliged to transfer wages to the account whose details were provided by the employee (Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). An application will be required for this.

How to fill out an application for transfer of wages to a bank card, see below. You can download a sample application from the link at the end of the article.

  • Transferring salaries to a card: which bank do colleagues choose?

The application must be submitted no later than five working days before the day the salary is paid (Part 3 of Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Otherwise, the employer has the right to refuse to transfer wages to the card specified by the employee.

Application for changing bank account for salary transfer

You can download a sample application for changing a bank account for salary transfer using the link at the end of the article.

Formally, according to banking rules, to transfer salaries to a card, a company has the right to draw up one payment slip with a register for several recipients, even if they have accounts in different banks (clause 1.17 of Bank of Russia Regulations dated June 19, 2012 No. 383-P). But this procedure applies if an agreement is concluded with the bank. In practice, banks include such conditions only in contracts for salary projects. That is, when employees receive their salaries in the same bank where the company has an account. If employees decide to receive money on cards in other banks where the company does not have accounts, then they will need to prepare a payment slip for each recipient.

The task is simplified by accounting programs. For example, in 1C it is possible to enter the individual bank account or card number of each employee. And then create separate registers for each bank.

  • Four documents that banks require for payment orders

There are several arguments that will convince employees not to change banks:

  • When participating in a salary project, you can receive preferential loans.
  • There is no fee for servicing a bank card as part of the salary project.
  • If the company is a participant in the salary project, delays in transferring money are unlikely.
  • Attached files
    • sample application for changing a bank account for salary transfer.docx
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