Application for obtaining a key certificate. Obtaining an electronic signature verification key certificate

Application for obtaining an electronic signature verification key certificate from the Certification Center of the Federal Treasury

I request that you issue a certificate of an electronic signature verification key (ES) for working with the cryptographic information protection tool (CIPF) CryptoPro CSP to a participant in the information system:

INN _____________________________ OGRN ______________________________ Registration number of the State Medical University organization _______________________

Checkpoint ____________________________ SNILS ______________________________ Organization code in the consolidated list of customers __________

(date of issue) (issued by)

the employee is given authority to operate CIPF and use electronic signatures for electronic document management.

Public key algorithm: GOST R 34.10-2001 (1.2.643.2.2.19), Parameters: 3012 0607 2A85 0302 0224 0006 012A 8503 0202 1E01

Printing the value of the user's electronic signature verification key:

0440 20E4 F131 9E6A 3BA6 9F8D A6F8 2282 8A1E

70B8 929C 1750 2C18 E5D0 F1AD 9B75 AFDA 2C71

76BD DD36 DEEA 85DB FC40 A0DB 133D 16A4 9493

FD7A 4370 A114 4345 BA0F 49EA

Request signature algorithm: GOST R 34.11/34.10-2001 (1.2.643.2.2.3), Parameters: 0500

Printing out the request signature value:

1353 A4CC AF35 3D34 0B14 2C0E 2015 D4DC

CDB7 3700 1DDE 6031 B13B 930D ​​A83A C22C

Information about the relationships in which the electronic document with electronic signature will have legal significance:

It is inadmissible to recognize an electronic signature and (or) an electronic document signed by it as having no legal force only on the basis that such an electronic signature was not created personally, but using electronic signature tools for the automatic creation and (or) automatic verification of electronic signatures in an information system.

Extended purpose of the electronic signature verification key certificate:

DS of the document.

Name of electronic signature tools with which this digital signature verification key is used:

CIPF CryptoPro CSP.

Purpose of the certificate:

The certificate is intended for the exchange of electronic documents with the All-Russian official website (OID).

The certificate is intended for the exchange of electronic documents with the Official Website of the State Medical University (OID).

The certificate is intended for workstation EDMS (OID).

I, the owner of the electronic keys, undertake:

Ensure the reliability of documents (including information contained in such documents) provided to the Certification Center in order to receive the services of the Certification Center;

Keep the electronic signature key secret, take all possible measures to prevent its loss, disclosure, distortion and unauthorized use;

Do not use the electronic signature key and immediately contact the Certification Authority that issued the qualified certificate to terminate the validity of this certificate if there is reason to believe that the confidentiality of the electronic signature key has been violated, as well as in case of early termination of the user’s powers (revocation of a power of attorney, dismissal, etc. );

Use a qualified electronic signature in accordance with the restrictions contained in the qualified certificate (Key Usage, Extended Key Usage, Application Policy, Certificate Policies extensions of the signature key certificate);

Do not use the electronic signature key associated with the electronic signature verification key certificate, the application for suspension of which has been submitted to the Certification Center, from the moment the application for suspension of the certificate is submitted to the Certification Center;

Do not use an electronic signature key associated with an electronic signature verification key certificate that has been canceled (revoked) or whose validity has been suspended;

Do not use the electronic signature key until you provide the Certification Authority with a signed certificate of the electronic signature verification key corresponding to this electronic signature key.

Owner of the ES keys
/ /
(position of the Applicant) (signature) (Last name I.O.)
"__" ___________ 20__
/ /
(position of the head of the applicant organization) (signature) (Last name I.O.)
M.P. "__" ___________ 20__

Obtaining an electronic signature verification key certificate necessary for electronic document management with individuals and legal entities, as well as with fiscal and inspection institutions. We will consider the algorithm for obtaining a digital signature verification key in the material.

How to obtain a digital signature verification certificate

Electronic exchange of documents between companies and government agencies is gaining more and more momentum, as it significantly reduces the time it takes to transfer documents. To give legal significance to the transmitted information, the parties to electronic document management (EDF) sign files with their electronic digital signatures (EDS). A document certified with an electronic digital signature is equivalent to a paper medium endorsed by an authorized person. The procedure for obtaining and using EDS is regulated by the Law “On Electronic Signatures” dated April 6, 2011 No. 63-FZ, which provides for the following types of EDS: simple and enhanced.

For an algorithm for obtaining a simple digital signature, see the material.

An enhanced signature, in turn, can be unqualified or qualified.

To start using enhanced digital signature, you need receive an electronic signature certificate(more precisely, the EDS verification key) in a certification center (CA) accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. As a rule, the certificate is written to a special USB drive, which serves as its storage. However, it can also be issued on paper.

To obtain a certificate, individuals must provide the following documents to the CA:

  1. A copy of the passport of the owner of the digital signature.
  2. Copies of SNILS and INN.
  3. Application for obtaining a digital signature verification key certificate.

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs represent:

  1. TIN certificate.
  2. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRIP).
  3. A document confirming the right of a person to act on behalf of an economic entity (an order appointing a director to a position, a power of attorney for the right to sign legally significant documents).
  4. If the certificate is received by an authorized representative, then he must submit a power of attorney for the right to receive the digital signature certificate, certified by the seal of the enterprise and the signatures of the manager and owner of the certificate (if these are different persons).
  5. Other documents (the list should be clarified at the CA).

CAs also issue non-qualified certificates, which are used to sign documents when participating in electronic trading.

Obtaining an electronic signature for electronic interaction with the Federal Tax Service

To send electronic documents to the Federal Tax Service, a taxpayer - a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur - should use an enhanced qualified digital signature. The algorithm for obtaining a verification key certificate is described in the previous section.

Since July 1, 2015, individuals have been able to exchange electronic documents with the Federal Tax Service through the taxpayer’s personal account. In this case, all files sent by an individual must be certified with a non-qualified digital signature (clause 2 of Article 11.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). An unqualified signature certificate can be installed for free from your personal account in the “Profile” section using the link “Obtaining an electronic signature verification key certificate.” The certificate is valid for 1 year, after which you need to generate a new document according to the scheme described above.

The possibility of EDI through a personal account does not apply to individual entrepreneurs, notaries and lawyers engaged in private practice.


Obtaining a digital signature verification key certificate is carried out at an accredited certification center. Individuals can receive a certificate in the taxpayer’s personal account to exchange electronic documents with the Federal Tax Service.


on generating an electronic signature key and an application for obtaining a qualified electronic signature verification certificate

The instructions for generating an electronic signature key and an application for obtaining a qualified electronic signature verification certificate consists of 5 sections.

1. Section I. Formation of the CEP KSKP for work in the PPO SUFD………1

2. Section II. Formation of the KEP KSKP for work under 223-FZ (OOS)…11

3. Section III. Formation of KEP KSPK for work under 44-FZ………….20

4. Section IV. Formation of the KEP KSKP for work on 86N (GMU)……30

5. Section V. Formation of a single universal CEP certificate for work in the SUFD software, according to 223-FZ, 44-FZ (OOS), 86N (GMU)…….40

· Qualified electronic signature verification certificate – hereinafter referred to as KSKP,

· Single universal certificate – EUS.

ChapterI. Formation of the KSKP CEP for work in the SUFD software.

The formation of the CEP and application for the KSKP is carried out directly by the user (the Owner of the KSKP) on the workstation; for this, the following software must be installed on the workstation:

· "CryptoPro version 3.6"

-Get a distribution kit and a license to use CryptoPro version 3.6 possibly in the Department of secrecy and information security / territorial department of the Arkhangelsk Federal Criminal Code

-You can download the trial version of the Key Generation Workstation from the official website of the UFC in the Arkhangelsk region at:http://arhangelsk. roskazna. ruin the section “RCR of the FC Certification Center”

Attention!!! ES keys are generated only in the Key Generation Workstation in the version obtained from the Department of the Federal Inspectorate for the Arkhangelsk Region.

Do not install the Key Generation Workstation distribution kit on a computer that already has an EDMS software program (of any type).

In the “Key Generation” workstation:

Click the “Create certificate request” button (see Fig. 1)

In the window that appears, fill in the name of the subscriber - indicate last name, first name and patronymic of the owner of the UPC, (for example) .

The “Name of organization” field is inactive in this window; the name will need to be specified in the next window.

To work in PPO "SUFD" employee specifies the roles of the certificate owner from the block "ASFC" and the item " Server Authentication"

ALL items are indicated except (!)

· "Testing"

ATTENTION! Checkbox “Generate a qualified certificate” is required!!!(see Fig. 2)" width="505" height="540 src=">

After filling in all fields, click the “Next” button.

The following window will appear:" width="288" height="258 src=">

In the window (Fig. 5), select the medium on which your CEP will be saved. This can be any medium, for example:

– USB key (e-Token, Rutoken) – you need to select AKS ifdh 0 or AKS ifdh 1 ;

– USB flash drive (flash drive) – you need to select the device "Removable media" with the drive letter you decided on "flash drive". This letter can be identified by opening "My computer"." width="306" height="189">

You must press any keys or move the mouse across this window.

After pressing the “OK” button, the “CryptoPro CSP” window will appear, in which you need to, if necessary, set a password for the key container being created (the password must be remembered).

Attention: if you have entered a password, a forgotten or lost password for this key container CANNOT BE RECOVERED!

The password must comply with the requirements of the “Guide to the Security of Using Qualified Electronic Signatures and Qualified Electronic Signature Tools.”" width="382" height="155 src=">

A request for UPC is a file with the extension *. req.

If the “Saving a new key” window does not appear, then press the “Alt” and “Tab” buttons, the “Saving a new key” window will appear (Sometimes the “Saving a new key” window appears behind the “Generating a request for a Ms Crypto API 2.0 certificate” window)

IMPORTANT: this file must be submitted to the Federal Treasury at on a separate medium without CEP (do not remove CEP from the media on which they were generated). Without it you will not receive an electronic signature. You must either remember the path that is indicated in the line “Save the certificate request to a file”, or specify any other path by clicking the “Find” button." width="291" height="313 src=">

In this window, click the button "Ready"

2. Filling out an application for an electronic signature verification key certificate (SKP)

– in the field “ Due to _____» state the reason:

· granting the right to use digital signature, if the employee receives an electronic signature for the first time;

· scheduled shift ;

· failure of the key carrier ;

· changing the registration data of the owner of the electronic key ;

· or another reason;

In the field “Presented, series, number, issued” write the details of your identity document

In the field "Based on", order, date and number;

In the field “Information for suspending the UPC” write the code word;

In the field "Owner of the ES keys", put the personal signature of the owner of the UPC carrier and the date.

In the field "Supervisor" the personal signature of the head of the relevant organization, date and seal of the organization are affixed.

In the field “I am familiar with the structure of a qualified ES verification key certificate” put the signature (UKP Owner), a transcript of the signature and the date.

These fields can be filled out electronically. After filling out all the fields, the application must be printed in duplicate.

Note: if a UPC is formed for the head of the organization, then three of his signatures are placed in the fields “ Owner of the ES keys», « Supervisor», “I am familiar with the structure of the qualified ES verification key certificate.”

The signature of the head (or acting head or deputy head) is certified by the seal of the organization.

Completed Application for UPC, Request for UPC (file with extension *. req ), a copy of the order granting the right to electronic signature, and also if the interests of the applicant are represented by an authorized person, then a power of attorney in accordance with the regulations (Appendix No. 5 and No. 6 to the Regulations of the UC FC), provide for processing at the location of the applicant Organization.

1C:Signature – ensures filling out an application for registration of a qualified certificate for an electronic signature verification key in the 1C Certification Center, receiving and installing a certificate on the user’s computer.

Electronic signature verification key certificate (SKC) is an electronic document confirming the correspondence between the public key and information identifying the owner of the key. Contains information about the owner of the key, information about the public key, its purpose and scope of application

Application is an electronic document generated by the user in PP 1C, which includes a set of details necessary to generate a qualified electronic signature verification key certificate. A request for a certificate in PKCS#10 format, which is generated during the process of preparing the application and the electronic signature key, must be attached to the application (automatically using the application preparation wizard).

Application – a paper document signed by the legal representative of the organization, including details to be indicated in the UPC and in the register of issued certificates (in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation), an agreement to join the Regulations of the Certification Center.

Application Preparation Wizard - a component of the 1C:Signature software product, designed to prepare an application in a step-by-step mode.

Cryptographic provider is a program that implements cryptographic algorithms for performing electronic signatures.

Setting up a crypto provider

To support working with qualified certificates in the MS Windows environment, you must obtain and install the current version of the certified crypto provider on your PC. The following programs are currently supported:

Installation and configuration of crypto providers is carried out in accordance with the technical documentation for these products.

In the infobase settings, you must specify the installed crypto provider; to do this, go to Electronic signature and encryption settings

to the "Programs" tab and click the "Add" button.

Select the crypto provider installed on your system from the list and click the “Save and close” button.

Launch the Wizard

To launch the wizard for preparing an application for a certificate, you must go to the “Certificates” tab, click the “Add” button and select the “Application for certificate issue” item.

Preparing an application for the issuance of a new qualified certificate

Agreement on accession to the Regulations of the Certification Authority

At the first step of the Application Preparation Wizard, you must accept the Agreement on Accession to the Regulations of the Certification Authority. If necessary, it can be printed.

The transition to the next step here and in subsequent steps is carried out by clicking the “Next” button.

Filling out the organization details

Fill in the details of the organization for which you are ordering a qualified certificate. Data can be filled in manually or selected from the directory of organizations.

When moving to the next step, the details are checked for errors. If they are detected, a corresponding warning will be issued.

Specifying the details of the organization's representative

A qualified certificate of an organization's electronic signature verification key is issued to an authorized official. It is necessary to indicate its data, which will be entered into the UPC and the register of qualified certificates of the Certification Authority.

Creating an electronic signature key

After moving to this step, carefully check the information provided and select the crypto provider configured in Section 3 of this Guide.

Once this procedure is completed, the application status will change to Prepared.

Preparing a set of application documents and sending the application to 1C:Signature

To print the application, indicate the details of the official who will sign it. Submit the prepared set of documents to an authorized representative of your service organization.

To automatically attach your application to the Personal Account of the service organization, indicate its INN/KPP or select the organization from the directory of counterparties. This will reduce the time it takes to consider your application.

  • The application is submitted by a registered user of PP 1C. If necessary, at the time of sending, you will be asked to connect the software product to Internet user support, for which you must enter the login and password that you use on the website
  • At the time of sending the application for processing, an ITS agreement must be concluded with the organization serving you or one of the service packages (StartEDO or 1C:Signature) must be activated. If this condition is not met, then such an application is automatically rejected and information about this is displayed during the next status update. To resolve this issue, we recommend contacting your service provider.
  • If these conditions are met, you will receive the message “Application accepted for processing” and the application status will change to “Submitted”.

    Checking the application status and installing the certificate into the container

    To check the current status of a submitted application, select it on the “Certificates” tab in Electronic Signature and Encryption Settings and click “Edit” (F2) in the context menu. By clicking the “Update Status” button, you can update its status.

    Once the application is processed, the certificate will be received and to install it in the container, click the “Install certificate” button. As a result, the application status will change to “Completed”.

    Sample application for the production of a signature key certificate

    Sometimes during the work process there is a need to request its key certificate from the certification center that issued the digital signature. For this purpose, an application for the production of a signature key certificate is drawn up and sent to the center. A sample is in this material.

    Application form

    Let us immediately note that the sample for filling out an application for the production of a signature key certificate depends on the requirements that your certification center places on it. There is no single required or recommended form. But in its most general form, the template for this statement looks something like this:




    I would like your instructions to produce a signing key certificate for me.

    1. Last name, first name, patronymic of the authorized person.

    2. Position of an authorized person.

    3. Passport details, service ID details or details of another document identifying the authorized person.

    4. Full address (up to room indication).

    6. Email.

    Position / Signature / Full name

    Stamp (if available)

    How the application is used

    Typically, in practice, certification centers accept such applications both electronically and on paper. And it’s better to immediately include a phrase about issuing a key.

    A CA may need to produce a user electronic signature key certificate in the event of a planned or unscheduled key change (for example, the dismissal of an employee or loss of trust in him).

    Consideration of the application can also take place on a paid basis, but quite quickly - up to one hour.

    Application for a legal entity

    In turn, the example of filling out an application for the production of a signature key certificate on behalf of an organization implies a slightly larger number of identifying details. Among them:

    • full name of the legal entity, including organizational and legal structure;
    • position of a manager or authorized employee;
    • basis of authority;
    • identification data of the authorized representative - user (full name, position, division, TIN and OGRN of the organization, SNILS, scope of the certificate);
    • owner of the signing key certificate and his passport data.
    • Application for a signature certificate

      UFK for the Republic of Karelia
      official website
      Previous version of the site

      official website of the Russian Treasury

      Procedure for obtaining an electronic signature verification key certificate

      Letter of consent to join the Regulations of the FC UC.

      Documents are submitted to cab. No. 103 Department or to the relevant territorial department (TO).

      *If there is an Agreement of Accession to the Regulations of the FC CA, re-conclusion is not required.

      Documents provided by the Recipient of the electronic signature verification key certificate.

      (served in cab. No. 102

      Recipient of the certificate

      Agreement Recipient of the certificate for the processing of personal data

      Power of attorney or another document confirming the authority of the Certificate Recipient

      For each Recipient (except for the manager).

      Documents provided by the Authorized Person to obtain an electronic signature verification key certificate

      (served in the cab. No. 102 Department or the relevant maintenance department)

      Statement to receive a qualified electronic signature verification key certificate **

      Request file to receive a certificate in electronic form (file with *.req extension) on a removable storage device**

      Certified copy of identity document Recipient of the certificate

      Agreement for the processing of personal data of the Certificate Recipient

      Insurance certificate of state pension insurance(SNILS) (original or duly certified copy)

      Certificate of registration of an individual with the tax authority(TIN) (original or duly certified copy)

      Original identity document Authorized person

      To an authorized person

      Agreement for the processing of personal data of the Authorized Person

      Power of attorney, confirming the authority of the Authorized Person to act on behalf of the Organization

      ** Formed in the “Workstation Key Generation” Program in accordance with Instructions .
      Upon presentation of a removable storage medium containing a private key of an electronic signature, the acceptance of documents will be denied, due to the compromise of the electronic signature key.

      Certificate production time 5 working days from the date of receipt of documents and information submitted to create the certificate.
      When applying again, provide copies of documents not required.

      Using a personal electronic signature verification certificate

      Installation of a personal electronic signature verification certificate is carried out in accordance with Instructions

      Installation of root trusted certificates is carried out in accordance with Instructions

      Clarifying and changing the status of a personal electronic signature verification certificate

      Statement to change the status of the electronic signature verification key certificate

      For each Recipient

      Statement to receive information about the status of the electronic signature verification key certificate

      How to submit an application for a qualified electronic signature

      To obtain a qualified electronic signature (CES), you must provide a passport, SNILS and an application signed by the future owner of the certificate to the certification center. Scanned copies of the passport and SNILS must be taken either from the original documents or from their certified copies.

      If an organization receives a certificate for the first time or it is necessary to change the current certificate due to a change in manager, then, first of all, you should contact the service center. Service center staff will create a form for submitting your application.

      To submit an application you must:

      Go to your personal account at the direct address When logging into the system, Kontur.Extern users should click the “Update Certificate” button next to the certificate that needs to be replaced. The button appears 60 days before the certificate expires.

      In the window that opens, enter your phone number and click “Get code » . An SMS message with the password will arrive within two minutes.

    • If you log in through the “Update certificate” button, then you should indicate any mobile number to which it will be convenient to receive a login password.
    • If the login is carried out at the direct address and before sending the application the organization contacted the service center, then in this window you should indicate exactly the phone number that was reported to the service center.
    • Enter the received password and click the “Login” button.

      If you have not received a message with your password, click on the link “Receive code again” » . This link will appear 2 minutes after the first click on the “Get Code” button » . If the message does not arrive again, contact technical support.

      When logging into your personal account, you may need to install the latest version of the Kontur.Toolbox component. Click on the “Download application” button, download and install the component. After that, refresh the page.

      A list of certificate applications appears. Click on the “Fill out an application” button » opposite the desired one.

      If this is the first time you have received a certificate, then you must click on the “Proceed” button.

      Fill in information about the certificate owner

      In this section, you must indicate the full name, passport details and SNILS of the future certificate owner, and indicate your email.

      From 07/08/2016, the Certification Center is required to register all issued CEPs in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (USIA) in accordance with the amendments to 63-FZ, Article 18, paragraph 5. Registration will occur automatically when the certificate is issued. To do this, you need to fill out additional information on your identity documents:

    • date of birth;
    • place of birth;
    • citizenship (filled out only for another identity document).

    For holders of a Russian passport, the “series” field is required to be filled out. In passports of foreign citizens, the series may not be present, so the corresponding field can be left blank. The “Position” field should be left blank or filled out in strict accordance with the work book. For foreign citizens - the data in the line “Issued by” is filled in in Russian in accordance with a notarized translation.

    Check the organization and owner details

    Check the information and, if it is correct, click on the “Download and print application” button.

    Fields with organization data cannot be edited. If some of the organization's details are indicated incorrectly, provide the service center with documents with the correct details (for example, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, constituent documents, etc.). You must provide the original documents or their certified copies to the service center.

    After clicking on the “Download and print application” button, the pdf file will be saved. Print it out and certify it according to the sample:

    • if the certificate is issued to an individual entrepreneur or the head of an organization;
    • if the certificate is issued to an authorized person of the organization.
    • The future owner of the certificate must sign the application with a pen with blue ink and certify it with a seal, if any. The presence of a seal is required if documents certified by a date close to the date of verification of the form using the seal are loaded into the form. It is unacceptable to use a facsimile instead of a signature.

      Upload scanned copies of the application, passport and SNILS

      Upload scanned copies of the application, passport and SNILS using the “Download” buttons

      If the owner of the certificate is a foreign citizen, then you should upload a scan of the passport and a color scanned copy of the notarized translation of his passport (certification of the notarized translation with the seal of the organization is not allowed). Notarized translation of passports of CIS countries is not required, since all fields in passports are duplicated in Russian. To upload multiple scanned copies, upload one first and then use the “Add another file” link.

      If documents are certified by an official under a power of attorney, then the power of attorney does not need to be uploaded to your personal account; these powers of attorney are checked by employees of the service center. If SNILS is missing, then you must act in accordance with the following recommendations.

      File requirements

      File size - up to 10 MB, image quality - 200-400 dpi, file formats - jpeg, png, gif, tif, pdf (pdf should consist only of pictures, and not of several layers consisting of images, text and markup).

      Scanned copies must be in color and taken from the original documents or their certified copies. The copy can be certified by a notary or a client (the head of an organization or an authorized person, or an individual entrepreneur if there is a seal). The certification must contain the entry “CORRECT”, the position with the name of the organization, a signature in blue ink, a transcript of the signature, the date of certification of the document and a blue seal. It is unacceptable to use a facsimile instead of a signature.

      After uploading scanned copies of the application, passport and SNILS, click the “Submit Application” button.

      Certificate application sent

      The application is sent to the SKB Kontur certification center, verification takes 1 - 2 days.

      In cases where documents are provided to the service center by a courier or an authorized person, a power of attorney is required. It can be downloaded from your personal account after submitting an application for verification. To do this, click on the “Execute a power of attorney” button and download the power of attorney templates from the links in the window that opens.

      In the list of certificates, the status will change to “Application submitted.”

      As soon as the certification center verifies the documents, the user will receive a notification about the consideration of the application to his email and phone.

      UFK for the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra
      official website
      Previous version of the site

      Attention! New application template for obtaining a qualified certificate for an electronic signature verification key at the Certification Center of the Federal Treasury

      VALUE] => Array ( => 656129) [

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