Application for international passport of the old form. Standard application format for an old-style international passport

To obtain a new generation foreign passport (new sample, another name is a biometric passport), it is necessary to prepare an application of the established form and the documents that will be needed when filling out the application and when submitting the said application to the migration unit.

An application (also called a questionnaire) is one of the documents that will need to be submitted.

You can familiarize yourself with the full list of documents required for issuing a new-type foreign passport.

The general rules for filling out an application for the issuance of a foreign passport are established by the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for the issuance and issuance of passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation, proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation, containing an electronic storage medium, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 27 .2017 No. 889.

The requirements of this Regulation should be guided by employees of the migration departments, accepting documents for issuing the specified international passport, including those received via the Internet using the Single Portal.

You can learn about the issuance of a new type of international passport via the Internet from.

Please note that the slightest mistake or shortcoming made by you in the application may lead to the fact that your documents will be returned to you and you will have to fill out everything again.

To prevent this from happening, we have prepared this guide for you, which describes step by step how to fill out an application for a passport.

In addition, the article is accompanied by forms and samples of their completion, which can be downloaded and used as a template when filling out an application already with your data.

What documents are needed when filling out the application

To correctly fill out an application for a foreign passport, the following documents of the applicant will be required:

    internal Russian passport;

    foreign passport, if its validity has not expired;

    documents indicating a change in the personal data of the applicant;

    a copy of his work book;

    documents on graduation from educational institutions, if during the specified period the applicant studied at educational institutions;

    military ID, if the applicant has served in the military for the past 10 years.

When filling out the application form, all information in it must be indicated in accordance with the entries made in the above documents.

General requirements for filling out an application for the issuance of a passport

In accordance with clause 37.1.1 of the above Regulations, for issuing a new generation passport, the applicant submits an application that is filled out on the form of the established form in one copy. The application form is established by the Regulations approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2017 No. 864.

Previously, different application forms were used to issue international passports of a new and old sample, in accordance with the new Regulations, a single application form is used.

Front side

Back side

It should be noted that there are various forms of application forms for adults (Appendix No. 1 to the Regulations) and minors (Appendix No. 2 to the Regulations) citizens.

You can familiarize yourself with the procedure for filling out an application for issuing a passport for a child.

When filling out the application form, you need to enter information in it in accordance with the records available in the documents listed above.

The application can be filled out using electronic computers, it is also allowed to fill it out by hand in legible block letters in black or blue ink.

However, due to the lack of strict criteria for the concept of "legible", we recommend using technical means when filling out the form.

It may happen that you are sure that the application is filled out legibly, but it may seem to the official who will accept your documents that the application is not filled out legibly. His subjective opinion may serve as a reason for refusing to accept documents.

Correction of errors by crossing out or using corrective means is not allowed.

All sections of the application must be completed. The exceptions are paragraphs 8 and 9.

All fields of the application must be filled in capital letters.

The application is filled out in one copy and printed out using the two-sided printing method, that is, both pages are located on both sides of one sheet.

The procedure for filling out the application points

When filling out the points of the application, it is necessary to strictly follow the established rules.

Otherwise, it may be refused to accept all documents for the issuance of a passport. The application has 16 items to be filled in by the applicant.

The application form is provided for applying for a foreign passport, both old-style and new (containing an electronic storage medium). In this regard, in the provided place of the heading it is necessary to put down the necessary mark.

Consider step by step the rules for filling out each item of the application form.

Front side of the application.

1. The surname, name and patronymic of the citizen to whom a passport is issued in Russian are indicated. Entries are made, as noted above, in accordance with the entries in the citizen's internal passport.


2. An entry about the gender of the applicant is selected from the two options indicated in the form by putting a mark in the selected option.

3. Date of birth is indicated in full: day, month and year.

For example: 08/07/1964.

4. The place of birth is indicated in full.


5. This paragraph shall indicate the applicant's last name, first name and patronymic, indicating the date and place of their change.

The most common reason for changing a surname is when a woman gets married and, as a result, changes her surname.

Another reason, which is much less common in practice, is a name change, which includes not only a change in the name, but also the surname and patronymic.

For example:

    last name: LOSEVA

    date of change: 25.07.1990

    place of change: city registry office of the city of Vidnoe, Moscow region

If the surname, first name, patronymic and gender have not changed, then the corresponding entries are not made.

In case of changing the last name, first name, patronymic or date of birth more than once, in addition to the application for issuing a passport, information on the change in personal data is filled in (Appendix No. 1 to the application).

In case of providing additional information about the previous surname, name, patronymic in Appendix No. 1 to the application, it is necessary to indicate the number of sheets of the Appendix.

If the applicant did not change his last name, first name, patronymic, then this item is not filled out.

6. Address of residence: the information is arranged in the order in which they are listed in the application.

For example:

Country Russia


District: RAMENSKY

Location: DAVYDOVO

Street: CHERRY


Apartment: 55

Date of registration: 15.06.2011

7. If an application for a foreign passport is submitted by the applicant at the place of stay (temporary registration) - the address of registration at the place of stay is indicated, if at the place of actual residence (in the absence of registration at the place of residence and at the place of stay in this locality) - the address of the actual residence of the applicant.

This item is filled in the same way as item 6 of the application.

In the case of registration at the place of stay, its period is indicated.

For example: from 12/17/2016 to 12/17/2018.

8. This paragraph indicates the applicant's telephone number.

For example: +7 111 123 45 67 (indicated at the request of the applicant).

9. The e-mail address is indicated at the request of the applicant.

If the applicant does not wish to provide this information, then these items are left blank.

10. Information about the main identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation (passport) of the applicant is indicated.

For example:

Series: 46 09

Number: 548961

Date of issue: 25.08.2009


11. In this paragraph, a mark is made in the selected option for obtaining a passport: primary, in addition to the current one, instead of the current one, instead of the lost one, instead of the used / damaged one.

12. Specify whether there are circumstances under which your right to leave the Russian Federation may be restricted. In the presence of such circumstances, a mark is placed in the selected option.

This item is filled in by citizens who have restrictions on traveling abroad.

13. In the selected option, a mark is made on the presence or absence of a valid foreign passport. If there is a passport, then the series, number, date of issue and the authority that issued the document are indicated.

For example:

Number: 5379812

Date of issue: 11.12.2011

Passport issuing authority: FMS 61014

If there are two valid international passports, information about both passports is indicated.

Reverse side of the application.

14. This paragraph indicates information about the applicant's labor activity for the last 10 years (including studies in educational institutions and military service, if any, took place during the specified period).

This indicates: the month and year of admission and dismissal, position and place of work, study, number of the military unit, address of the organization, educational institution or military unit. All information is listed in chronological order.

For example:

Month and year of admission: 08.2008

Month and year of dismissal: 12.2016

Position and place of work: CHIEF DOCTOR, CITY CLINICAL HOSPITAL No. 1

Organization address: 140100 RUSSIA, MOSCOW REGION, GOR.RAMENSKOE, STR. WORLD, HOUSE 17.

Month and year of admission: 12.2016

Month and year of dismissal: PO N.V. (now - present)


Organization address: 143000 RUSSIA, MOSCOW REGION, GOR. Odintsovo, st. KIROVA, DOM 34

If you worked at the same place of work, but in different positions, then the positions must be listed separated by commas.

If there was a break in the applicant's work activity for more than a month, then this period of time must be noted, indicating the dates and address of residence during this period of time.


If the applicant has been in military service for the last 10 years preceding the submission of the application for the issuance of a passport, then information on military service is indicated in the same way, indicating the number of the military unit and its location.

Similarly, information about studies in educational institutions is indicated.

If additional information about the applicant's labor activity is presented in Appendix No. 2 to the application, then the number of sheets of the Appendix must be indicated.

In more detail, the procedure for filling out information about labor activity is considered.

When issuing a new international passport, paragraph 15 of the application is not filled out, since information about children is not included in this international passport.

In paragraph 16, the number of sheets of the application is indicated if the application is filled out by a legal representative in relation to an incompetent person. Appendix No. 4 to the application provides information about the legal representative of the person in respect of whom the application for a passport is being submitted.

After filling in all the items, you need to check the correctness of filling.

The date of submission of the application and the signature of the applicant (the citizen in respect of whom the application was submitted) are affixed in the presence of an employee of the migration unit accepting documents.

You cannot pre-date or sign.

After the application is filled out and printed, it must be carefully checked again, after which, having attached the necessary documents, having paid the state fee for issuing a passport, you can contact the migration department.

It is no longer required to certify the questionnaire at the place of work.

The current Regulations also do not require the mandatory submission of a receipt of the state duty, however, in any case, at the time of submission of documents, it must be paid.

The lack of information about the payment of the state duty may be the basis for refusing to issue a new passport.

How to issue a receipt for a passport online using the service of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, as well as pay the state duty for a passport through Sberbank Online, is discussed in detail in this article ..

Annexes to the application for the issuance of a foreign passport

The current Administrative Regulations provide for 4 annexes to the application for the issuance of a foreign passport, which are filled in if necessary:

    Annex No. 1 to the application - Information on changes in personal data.

    This application is filled in if there were more than one changes in personal data.

    Annex No. 2 to the application - Information on labor activity for the last 10 years.

    If there is not enough space in column 14 of the application to enter information about labor activity for the last 10 years, then this information is entered in the specified application.

    Appendix No. 3 to the application - Information about children - citizens of the Russian Federation under the age of 14, for inclusion in an old-style foreign passport. The following information about the child is entered: last name, first name, patronymic, gender, date of birth and place of birth of the child.

    Information about children is not entered in the passport of the new sample.

    Appendix No. 4 to the application - Data of the legal representative.

    This application is provided for entering the data of the legal representative of a citizen recognized by the court as incompetent, in whose name a foreign passport is issued.

    The application contains the personal data of the legal representative: last name, first name, patronymic; floor; Date of Birth; Place of Birth; place of residence (place of stay or place of actual residence); identity card of the legal representative; a document confirming the rights of a legal representative.

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The main difference between a regular passport is that it does not contain electronic information carriers. It is valid for five years and costs less than a new one. There is a difference in the design of the questionnaire. Here is an example of filling out an application for an old-style passport.

Design rules

You can enter the data on a computer and print with 2-sided printing. Or fill in by hand in block letters with a regular blue or black pen. There shouldn't be any fixes.

Personal data

  • We indicate our last name, first name and patronymic, in full, without abbreviations.
  • Please indicate your gender by placing a cross in the appropriate box. If you are filling out the questionnaire on a computer, the capital letter “X” will do.
  • The date of birth is written in the format DD.MM.YYYY.
  • In the column "place of birth" we rewrite the data from the Russian passport.
  • If you had to change your first or last name, you need to enter your previous data here, as well as the settlement, the registry office where the change was registered, the date of the change. For those who changed their surname more than once, a separate sheet is provided where you can list all your old surnames. This is Appendix #2.
  • In the sixth paragraph, you must fully indicate your address at registration, as well as the date from which you are registered at this address.

  • The seventh point is for those who do not live at the place of registration, or who have temporary registration. In this case, the registration period is indicated.
  • Write down a phone number where you can actually be reached.
  • It is not necessary to write an email address, this column is optional.

Application №2

Passport data

  • You need to enter the data of your internal passport - series, number, date of issue, by whom it was issued.
  • If you had security clearance or state secrets, you must provide the organization and year, even if you think the statute of limitations has already passed.
  • In addition, the proven and high-quality service of our partners will help you find out if you have a travel ban, which will provide you with information about the presence of debts on loans, fines, alimony, housing and communal services and other things, as well as assess the likelihood of a ban on flying abroad.
  • You may have had a contract with you that restricts travel outside the country due to access to classified information. If the limitation period has not yet expired, you will not be issued a passport. If you keep silent about such an agreement, this may be regarded as the submission of deliberately false information, and you will still be denied a passport.
  • At this point, you need to enter data on a previously issued valid passport.

Employment and information about children

  • Count exactly ten years from the date of filling out the questionnaire and look in your work book. Whether you were working or studying, or maybe just sitting at home, all these events in chronological order with an accuracy of a month should be entered on the tablet. If there is not enough space, add the information to the special Appendix No. 2a. If there was a break between some places of work or study for more than one month, it is written “temporarily did not work”, and in the column “address of the organization” indicate your home address for that period. This also applies to pensioners.

If you have successively held several positions at one place of work, you need to indicate them all.

Appendix No. 2a

  • This column contains information about children under 14 years of age. It is not necessary to do this, since since 2010 every child, regardless of his age, must have a separate passport, old or new, to travel abroad.

Now all you need to do is date and sign. The autograph must fit within the allotted field and in no case touch or go beyond it.

The remaining columns are filled in by FMS employees. The completed application must be submitted in two copies.

For minors

You may also need a sample of filling out the form for an old-style passport for minors.

The form for a children's passport is different in that on the reverse side, instead of information from the work book, the personal data of the parents are entered. Children who have reached the age of 14 also put their signature. One copy of the application is enough to issue a child's passport.

As you know, at present, any citizen of the Russian Federation can obtain an old or new passport. The "modern" biometric passport contains specific information about the holder, such as fingerprints and retinal patterns. However, if you do not trust innovative technologies too much or just want to save money, we will tell you how you can get a traditional paper passport. First of all, you need to collect some documents and fill out forms, among which one of the most important is the application for an old-style international passport in 2019.

What information is needed to complete the questionnaire

To fill out the questionnaire, you will need to carefully read each of its paragraphs, as well as arm yourself with some documents. Of course, the amount of information provided may vary depending on how old the applicant is.

When filling out an application for a passport for 5 years, all citizens are required to provide the following information about themselves, indicating:

  • date of birth;
  • Place of Birth;
  • previous full name with the date and place of the official change (both women and men must fill out this item; if the information has not changed, you need to write the word “NO”);
  • the physical address of the place where the citizen is registered, as well as the date of registration; if a person receives a document in another region - indicate the address of the place of residence (actual and permanent);
  • phone number;
  • e-mail (if available and at the request of the applicant);
  • information about studies and work for 10 years before the application was made.

Keep in mind that any mistake or typo can lead to very unpleasant consequences - for example, you may simply not be allowed to go abroad. By the way, vigilance will not hurt even those who are equipped with.

If you have not decided which document you want to issue, then do not rush - first of all, you should find out.

Basic filling rules

So, with the information that must be provided to obtain an exit certificate, everything is more or less clear. But how to fill out an application for an old-style passport? Where can I get the form to fill out? Can I print it myself or do I need to go to the nearest passport office? We hasten to reassure you: all materials can and should be downloaded from the Internet, and then filled out using any editor (for example, Microsoft Word), or print the form and type on a typewriter.

To fill in all the fields correctly, you need to check with the original documents you have. The list of documents you may need include:

  • previous passport (even if it is cancelled);

Pay attention not only to what you write, but also how. For example, dates should be formatted in the format DD.MM.YYYY (if we are talking about breaks in educational and work activities, then in the format MM.YYYY): 10.01. the third dot after the year) should not be.

And, finally, the most interesting thing is the restriction of travel abroad for debtors. It is about the status of the debtor that it is easiest to “forget” when going on another vacation abroad. The reason may be overdue loans, unpaid utility bills, alimony or fines from the traffic police. Any of these debts may threaten to restrict travel abroad in 2018, we recommend that you find out information about the presence of debt using a proven service not to fly.rf

When choosing a gender, you need to put a cross, and not a tick or some other symbol. Answering the question of whether you were admitted to information of special importance or state secrets, you need to write "YES" (and then provide information about the organization that provided you with such access) or "NO". Not a single field should remain empty or, conversely, “overflowing” - if some of the information (for example, about previous names or places of work) does not fit on the form, it is worth filling out Appendix 2, which will be discussed below.

In principle, drawing up an application is not difficult, but if you are not confident in your abilities, you can use web services and fill out an application for an old-style international passport online. Specially trained people (of course, not for free, but for a very modest amount) will check your document or, if you ask them, they will do everything for you. However, in no case do not correct errors in an already executed document, including with the help of corrective tools - just print a new one.

Fill out the questionnaire: for persons who have reached the age of majority (18 years and older)

To understand all the nuances and consolidate the knowledge gained in practice, download and fill out.

If you are over 18 years old and you fill out the application form for an old-style international passport yourself, there should not be any problems. However, there is one nuance that requires special attention from the applicant. We are talking about information about your activities over the past 10 years. So, you need to describe your work path in certain phrases, indicating time intervals (according to chronology), for example:


If you are currently employed, in the field reserved for the last place of work, write "N/A" (currently), if you do not hold any position, indicate "DO NOT WORK" in the "Position" column.

A "break" in work or study activity should be recorded in the questionnaire only if it lasted more than one month. That is, if you resigned from one position and literally a week later were accepted to another, these seven days with the wording “TEMPORARILY NOT WORKING (A)” do not need to be indicated. But if you graduated from high school, and entered the university only two months later, you will have to register a period of temporary inactivity.

To correctly indicate all the information, just be careful and not worry. But if you do not rely too much on yourself, check out the sample of filling out an application for an old-style passport for adults.

Fill out the form: minors (under 14 years old)

So, if a passport is required not for an adult, but for a child, one of the parents (or a trustee or guardian) will have to take responsibility for filling in all the fields. Moreover, a baby who has not yet reached the age of 14 does not even have to be present when submitting an application form, and, accordingly, when issuing a finished passport. And since the child is not fully capable, some of the requirements for information in the “children's” questionnaire differ from the “adult”.

One of the important nuances is the item related to the provision of passport data: since children 13 and younger do not yet have their own identity document, information from the birth certificate should be indicated here. For the same reason, the baby should not sign the document (even if he is already physically capable of doing so).

Preliminary study all the points of the application on a good example by downloading the form for an old-style passport for a child. You can also involve the youngest traveler in filling out the questionnaire - let him learn how to handle documents, then it will be much easier to issue a passport after he reaches the age of 14.

It is easy to guess that when filling out the application form for a child, you will also need to indicate the data of a parent or guardian. Therefore, you need to be prepared not only to indicate the series, number, place and date of issue of his identity card, but also to confirm this and other information when communicating with employees of the migration service.

We remind you once again: there should not be any errors, typos or corrections in the questionnaire!

If you are planning a trip with your children, do not waste your time - try to arrange everything without errors by checking the questionnaire you filled out with the sample application for an old-style international passport for a child.

Fill out the questionnaire: children from 14 to 18 years old

The application form for a minor who already has a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is very similar to an “adult”, except that it must also contain information about parents (or guardians). Otherwise, the requirements for the applicant are quite serious, since the child already has the right to fill out the document on his own, as well as come to the migration service to receive a ready-made “book”.

Information about the education and signature of the applicant on the application form must be indicated. How can parents help at this stage? Firstly, check the correctness of filling out the questionnaire, and secondly, go to the State Services portal and send the document online.

Do not confuse the "children's" version of the application form with the "adult"! The differences in these documents, at first glance, are imperceptible, but they are quite significant.

Annexes to the application form

As mentioned above, if some of the information does not fit in the standard form, you will need Appendix 2 to the application for an old-style international passport.

This application will be needed if you want to indicate all the names, surnames and patronymics that you had before. There are two more additional forms at number 2: it is customary to mark the application for a detailed listing of places of work with the letter “a”, and for entering data on children in the passport - with the letter “b”.

Whatever the reasons that prompt you to provide additional information to the application form, read the sample Appendix 2 to the application for an old-style passport and only then proceed to fill out.

Instructions for issuing an old-style international passport: Video

Compliance with the requirements for the form and content of an application for a new type of international passport (it is also often called a questionnaire for a new type of international passport) is a guarantee that officials of the Federal Migration Service of Russia will not be able to refuse to accept your documents.

You will learn how to fill out the application for a foreign passport correctly, and you will also be able to download the form and sample of the questionnaire for a foreign passport and other documents necessary for obtaining a new generation international passport, i.e. a foreign passport of a Russian citizen containing biometric personal data of its owner on an electronic storage medium and valid for ten years.

In this article of the site, we will consider the procedure for preparing an application for the issuance of a new generation passport on paper. We will not consider the procedure for submitting it via the Internet, i.e. in electronic form using the Portal of State and Municipal Services, because it has previously been discussed in detail by us.

Filling out an application (questionnaire) for a new passport

At your discretion, when filling out a questionnaire for a new passport, you can use both its form and a sample of its filling, as well as, if necessary, forms or samples of filling out other documents, namely: information about work activity, information about changes in personal data.

All of the above forms and samples of their completion (corresponding to the established format and requirements), we have posted below this article.

Rules for filling out an application (questionnaire) for a new passport

First of all, you should consider the general rules that must be strictly observed when filling out an application for a new passport.

An application for issuing a new generation international passport to an adult and capable citizen of Russia on paper is drawn up on the form of the established form (Appendix No. 1 to the administrative regulations) in one copy and printed on 2 sides of one sheet.

Filling out an application for a new type of international passport is carried out using electronic computers or by hand in black or blue ink in block letters in legible handwriting. Strikethroughs or corrections with the help of corrective means are not allowed. All sections of the application must be completed. Exceptions to this rule are paragraph 9 of the questionnaire for a new passport, since it is filled in by the applicant at will, as well as paragraph 13 - if the applicant does not have a valid passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. All fields of the application must be filled in capital letters.

Step-by-step instructions for filling out an application for a new passport

Consider the step-by-step instructions for filling out an application for a new generation international passport for an adult and capable citizen of Russia:

    The surname, name, patronymic of the applicant should be indicated.


    The gender of the applicant is indicated by ticking the appropriate box.

    It indicates the day, month, year of birth.

    For example, "06/15/1981".

    It indicates the place of birth based on the information available in the internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.


    The applicant should answer whether he has previously changed his last name, first name and (or) patronymic. To do this, you must put a mark in the appropriate box - "Yes" or "No".

    In the event that the applicant has changed them before, then it is necessary, in the appropriate columns of the application for a new passport, to also indicate the previous data, the place and date of their change.

    For example, "VASILIEV SERGEY PETROVICH, GOR. VORONEZH, May 15, 2012.

    If the applicant has previously changed his last name, first name and (or) patronymic more than once, then he should additionally, along with filling out an application for a new passport, prepare "Information on changes in personal data" (Appendix No. 2 to the Administrative Regulations). The form and sample of filling out this document is located at the end of this article.

    It is necessary to indicate in the appropriate columns the address of the residential premises in which the applicant has registration at the place of residence (permanent registration), as well as the date of execution of this registration.

    For example, “Subject ROSTOV REGION, GOR settlement. NOVOCHERKASSK, PETROVA street, Building 123, Date of registration 01/15/2014.

    It is filled in if an application for a new passport is submitted at the applicant's place of residence (i.e., at the place where he has registration at the place of stay - temporary registration) or at the place of actual residence (i.e., does not have registration at the place residence or place of residence). In this case, you should put a mark in the appropriate box, and also, similarly to the sixth paragraph, indicate the address of the dwelling in which the applicant actually or temporarily lives. In the second case, it is also necessary to indicate the period of time for which the registration at the place of stay is issued.

    The phone number of the applicant is indicated.

    For example, "+79261234567".

    The applicant has the opportunity to indicate his e-mail address. Completing this item is optional.

    In the appropriate columns, you should indicate the details of the identity document of the applicant, i.e. series, number, date of issue of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as the authority that issued this document.

    For example, "Series 69 13 Number 678901 Date of issue 05.05.2013 Issued by the Department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Moscow Region in the urban district of Balashikha."

    The applicant indicates the following circumstance: whether during the period of work, study, service he was issued access to information of special importance or top secret information classified as state secrets. To do this, you must put a mark in the appropriate box - "Yes" or "No".

    In the event that the applicant was previously issued access to information classified as state secrets, then when filling out the eleventh paragraph of the questionnaire for a new passport, the organization that issued it, as well as the date of registration, should be indicated.

    The applicant indicates the following circumstance: whether he has contractual, contractual obligations that prevent travel abroad. To do this, you must put a mark in the appropriate box - "Yes" or "No".

    In the event that the applicant has these obligations, then when filling out this paragraph of the application for a new passport, you should also indicate the organization to which he has them and the year of their occurrence.

    This paragraph of the application for the issuance of a new sample passport is filled out only if, on the day of its submission, the applicant has a valid passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

    For example, "Series 64 Number 2345678 Date of issue 05.05.2008 The authority that issued the FMS passport No. 900."

    The applicant must indicate in it information about labor activity for the last 10 years, including studies, as well as the addresses of relevant organizations and educational institutions. This paragraph of the questionnaire for a new type of international passport also indicates information about the applicant's military service, indicating the number of the military unit and the address of its location.

    When filling out a questionnaire for a new passport, the month and year of entry to work or military service, as well as the month and year of dismissal, are indicated. Changes in positions at one enterprise, institution, organization do not need to be indicated - it is enough to indicate the last position. Information about labor activity is filled in chronological order and without gaps.



    At the same time, "N.V." means "at present".

    If there is a break (breaks) in labor activity for more than one month, the applicant must indicate this circumstance when filling out the questionnaire for a new passport, as well as indicate the address where he lived during this period of time.

    For example, “03.2006-05.2006 DID NOT WORK, DID NOT STUDY RF GOR. TULA, UL. GARDEN, HOUSE 456.

    If in clause 14 of the application form for a new passport for entering information about labor activity there are not enough lines in it, then the applicant additionally needs to prepare and submit an application - “information about labor activity” (Appendix No. 2a to the Administrative Regulations). The form and sample of filling out this document is located at the end of this article.

    After that, filling out an application for a new passport is completed.

When submitting documents for obtaining a passport, you will need to put down the date of application and your signature in the presence of an employee of the Federal Migration Service of Russia.

We hope that the information available in the section of our website on the procedure for filling out a questionnaire for a foreign passport will give you the opportunity to prepare this document in strict accordance with the established requirements and without any problems, at the first contact with the officials of the FMS of Russia, submit the necessary documents for obtaining a foreign passport. passport documents.

In addition, by filling out a questionnaire for a foreign passport on your own (in accordance with the recommendations available in this section of our website), you will bypass the need to contact various companies for filling out forms on this issue, which means you will save your time and money.

sample31.10.2014 10:49
sample31.10.2014 07:23
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