Women, how do you get ready in the morning? Do your hair and makeup before you get dressed

Everyone knows how difficult it can be to get up in the morning. You snooze your alarm over and over again, only to end up with only 20 minutes left to get ready! Common situation?

However, getting ready for work (study, etc.) shouldn’t take a long time in any case, right? Is it wise to deprive yourself of valuable minutes of sleep in order to take a long time and carefully get ready for work? Wouldn't it be better to develop a ritual that allows you to be ready for the day in just 20 minutes?

Here's what you need to do to quickly get ready for work and still get everything done:

1. Prepare clothes “for tomorrow” in the evening.

The night before, look at the weather forecast for tomorrow and choose the appropriate outfit. If necessary, put it in order so that in the morning you don’t discover in horror that lumps of dirt have stuck to your boots, and a stain has appeared on your favorite blouse from nowhere. Let your shoes “for tomorrow” stand polished front door, and the clothes, clean and ironed, hang on hangers in “combat readiness.” Also pack your bag in the evening. Don't forget to put an umbrella in it if the weather forecast predicts rain.

2. Learn to wake up quickly.

If you decide to devote a minimum of time to getting ready in the morning, then you won’t be able to lie in bed. This means you need to make it easy to wake up. How to achieve this? Well, first of all, allocate enough time for sleep - at least 7 hours. Next, choose a cheerful, energetic melody that you like for your alarm clock. This way you will wake up faster. You can put your smartphone (after all, it’s probably your alarm clock?) not next to your bed, but somewhere further away - then to turn it off, you’ll have to get up and walk around. At the same time, you will shake off your sleep!

3. Take care of breakfast in advance.

Of course, you can say that to save time it is not at all necessary to have breakfast. Indeed, some people skip their morning meal. However, unfortunately, this is harmful to health. Among other reasons, skipping breakfast, for example, increases the risk of diabetes. Plus, breakfast doesn't take long if you do it wisely. It is known that the best breakfast is porridge. If you have a multicooker, you can put the ingredients in it in the evening and by the morning get a fragrant porridge heated to the desired temperature. Which all you have to do is eat! Other options - take out the pre-bought curd cheese with raisins or a sandwich you prepared the night before from the refrigerator. Well, it takes almost no time to brew tea from a bag! It only takes 5 minutes for breakfast and you will get the energy you need for effective life!

4. Minimize the time you spend getting yourself in order.

If you shower in the evening (and you probably do), there is no need to do it again in the morning. In addition, too frequent washing dries out the skin. You can “walk” soap suds under your armpits before applying deodorant - and this will be enough. And, of course, you will have to brush your teeth and wash your face - you can’t do without it!

When applying makeup, use two-in-one products. If you apply day cream first, then foundation, and then foundation or powder, it will take too long. Try, after washing your face, apply just BB or CC cream. These products combine the qualities of a day cream, as well as a light foundation that masks skin imperfections. In most cases, this will be enough to make the skin look well-groomed. And the procedure will take a minimum of time! As for the rest of the makeup, then, of course, everything is individual, but if you intend to get ready for work quickly, you will have to make do with a minimum of cosmetics. Most quick option– Apply lipstick in a bright, beautiful shade that matches your face. All! Even if there is no other makeup on your face, you will look spectacular!

Styling hair with curling irons or straighteners takes a lot of time and also seriously damages the hair. Change your ritual! Learn how to quickly create a spectacular bun, ponytail, or simply tie your hair beautifully at the back of your head with a hairpin. You can braid your hair in the evening so that in the morning your hair falls on your shoulders in beautiful waves. For some, just a good comb will be enough to make their hair look beautiful. Experiment! As a result, you will save time and will not harm your hair.

5. Take your time.

This proposal may seem absurd, but it actually makes sense. Bustling and rushing, we often spill, spill or knock over something, or, without giving ourselves time to think about our actions, we take illogical actions. As a result, not less time is wasted, but more! And nerves too. Focus, be attentive and careful, and you will get things done much faster!

6. Keep track of the time.

It’s good if during training there are people in your field of vision Wall Clock. A watch on your wrist is also an option. There is one more original way keep track of time. Create a playlist of your favorite tracks for 20 minutes. As you change songs, you will understand how much time you have left. In this case, you will not need to look anywhere. And your favorite melodies will charge you with positive energy and allow you to get ready at a more vigorous pace.

So, you spent 5 minutes on hygiene procedures, 5 minutes on makeup and hair, 5 minutes on breakfast. Plus there is still 5 minutes left - during this time you will have time to clean the bed, dishes after breakfast and get dressed. Voila! You are ready in 20 minutes. And at the same time we slept. Have a good day!

And it happens to you - in the morning you had difficulty getting yourself out of bed, and then it started crazy running around the apartment, to get ready for work and not be late? Instead of breakfast, we chewed a dry sandwich, grabbed the first blouse and skirt we came across from the closet, forgot our umbrella and an important report at home, and finished painting our eyes in the elevator... We think that sometimes this happens to almost everyone. But if this is how your every morning goes, then today’s article on “Beautiful and Successful” should help you!

It is clear that each reader of the site has her own ritual of getting ready for work. Some people start their mornings with washing their hair, some people make coffee first thing, and there are also amazing women who start their day with a run in the park :)

And if you - happy wife and mother of the family, then the morning marathon “how to get ready for work” is extended a couple more distances - to feed and get the children and husband ready.

Usually the marathon finale is like in that joke: “In the morning, first I help my children and husband get ready, and then they stand dressed at the door and shout: Mom, you always take the longest to get ready!” 🙂

In this article we have made an attempt to summarize useful tips and recommendations, how to get ready for work calmly: get yourself in order, have a normal breakfast and not forget anything. Perhaps all these tips will seem quite familiar to you - well, then you need to learn how to put them into practice!

We advise you on how to get ready for work in the shortest possible time

Train yourself to get up 10 minutes earlier

Minus 10 minutes on the alarm clock from the time for which it is usually set. And yes, you need to get up exactly these 10 minutes earlier, and Don’t consider them a reason to sleep more. For some reason, time flies in the morning much faster than in other parts of the day, and you will be surprised how these extra 10 minutes will help you out.

Decide in advance what to make for breakfast and what to wear.

The breakfast menu, like your tomorrow’s “onion,” should be planned in the evening. If breakfast is the same for the whole family, then the task becomes somewhat simpler. If husband and children have different breakfasts, Decide in the evening what you will cook for them.

Likewise, deciding the day before what you will wear to work, in the morning you will not absentmindedly sort through the contents of the closet and free yourself a few valuable minutes.

It’s worth preparing jewelry and accessories that suit your style in advance.

By the way, if you always struggle with unruly hair for a long time in the morning, trying to create some semblance of a hairstyle on your head, consider purchasing modern device To make a woman’s life easier, specialist hairdressers recommend the Braun hair dryer brush.

She allows not only dry your hair, but also style it at the same time– why not save time! And, for example, the Braun AS 530 model has different brush attachments for creating large curls or small curls. With such an “assistant” you will have time to do your hair, and get ready for work quickly!

Prepare everything you can the night before

At a minimum this means the following:

  • put in order (wash and clean) shoes – yours and your children’s
  • iron blouses/shirts/skirts/trousers (underline as appropriate) for all family members
  • check the contents of your bag and put in a visible place everything you need to remember to take with you - phone, keys, important documents, cosmetic bag, etc. It also doesn’t hurt to check with your children that they have put everything in their briefcase.

If you take it with you to work the lunchbox can and should also be packed in the evening. Leave it in the refrigerator overnight, and so as not to forget, put a reminder note in a visible place (for example, on your bag in the hallway).

Do not be distructed

How to get ready for work quickly if there is news on TV, weather, interesting stories, and beautiful morning show hosts? No way!

If from time to time you find yourself frozen with a spoonful of food while staring at the TV, or forgetting where you were going because you stopped to watch a news story, We strongly advise you to turn off the TV! It lengthens your morning getting ready by at least one and a half times!

If you are afraid of losing your sense of time or want to know the weather forecast, It would be better if there was a radio in the background– you are less distracted by him.

Yes, and to your favorite music It’s easier to tune in to a positive day, than crime reports in the news!

Use your morning time rationally, prepare everything in advance, go to bed early the night before— and the day will definitely be successful!

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It often happens that in the morning you really don’t want to get up, you have to lie in bed for a long time, and then rush to get ready for work. Makeup and hair are done in a hurry or not done at all, breakfast is limited to a cup of tea, drunk in a hurry, and you have to quickly get to work. What also makes a woman pretty nervous is the morning whims of her children, her husband who has lost his socks, or cellular telephone and a multi-meter traffic jam in which a woman gets stuck in the morning.

In order not to spoil your own nerves and the nerves of your superiors associated with systematic lateness to work, it is better to develop a morning ritual of getting ready for work, in which there is no place for rushing and running around. This will allow you to provide yourself good mood in the morning, and what will come to work is not a disheveled woman who has put on the first blouse she comes across, but a beautiful and well-groomed employee, which is always satisfied with the leadership.

To properly develop the morning ritual of getting ready for work, you should follow certain tips for getting ready for work correctly and quickly. Let's take a closer look at the basic and important tips.

In order to speed up getting ready for work in the morning, you can perform many of the actions that you do in a hurry in the morning in the evening, and then you will have more free time in the morning. How often in the morning many people spend a lot of time looking for the necessary items - a comb, keys, glasses, etc. If you develop the habit of storing all the necessary things in a certain pre-designated place, you can save your precious morning minutes. This habit should be acquired not only by the woman, as the mistress of the house, but also by the rest of the family.

In the evening, you can also take care of the outfit that you will wear to work tomorrow. You can choose a suitable dress or sweater in the evening, iron it and hang it on the back of a chair or a hanger. Select accessories in advance that will suit the outfit you have chosen, and place them on the bedside table or table near the mirror. Shoes should also be prepared in the evening, cleaned in advance with special creams and impregnations, so as not to waste your time on this procedure in the morning.

Many people wash their hair in the morning, and this takes a sufficient amount of time to arrive on time. You can also wash your hair in the evening an hour and a half before bed. British scientists have proven that sleep becomes much better after washing your hair.

Morning makeup is a rather time-consuming procedure, so the morning rush often has a bad effect on makeup: unevenly painted eyes, uneven foundation applied to the face. But you shouldn’t give up makeup in the morning, since it can be used to make your eyes more expressive, hide imperfections on your skin and even out your skin tone. An excellent alternative for those who want to save time is permanent makeup. This type of makeup will be for those who not only know the value of time, but also want to look expressive. In addition, the advantage of permanent makeup is that such makeup is not afraid of such unfavorable weather conditions as wind and rain.

Another way to save time on getting your morning makeup done is to have your eyelashes tinted in a salon. Makeup artists recommend choosing brown shades for painting eyelashes, which will help make your eyelashes look natural and well-groomed. And in the morning, to create an expressive look, you just need to curl your eyelashes using an eyelash curler.

You don't have to use everything in the morning cosmetical tools that you use in evening makeup. It will be sufficient to apply a day cream to moisturize the face and a corrective concealer to disguise facial skin imperfections. You can completely skip using foundation for your face in the morning, preferring loose powder.

Morning manipulations with your hair can also be kept to a minimum - you shouldn’t twirl your curls in the morning. Leave them until evening. It will be enough if you moisturize your hair with thermal water and style your hair using the cold air flow of a hairdryer.

Very often we hear from people who are often late for work that they cannot control their time. In order not to lose track of time, it is best to put a watch on your wrist immediately after waking up and periodically glance at the dial. This will help you control your time so that you are not late for work.

It is also worth considering the time for waking up. Make it a habit to set your alarm clock 10 minutes earlier than usual, in case of unforeseen circumstances. Another alarm can be set 10 minutes before leaving the house, so that you do not miss this time and leave the house on time.


  • How to get ready for work quickly social network for parents "Country of Mothers"

For many working people, a relevant topic is: which will help you avoid stress and quickly get ready in the morning. 10 worth considering useful tips how to get ready for work quickly.

We prepare for the coming day in the evening.

1. First tip. Thanks to order in the room and throughout the apartment, you can calm your nerves and speed up your morning preparations. It will be good if every item you own has its rightful place, where it is returned every time after use.

For female representatives who have not developed this habit, getting ready in the morning turns out to be quite difficult. In order to do so, it is worth allocating a place for keys, a wallet, a diary and various necessary small items on a bedside table located in the hallway. Some interior designers in in this case They offer as help so that you can quickly get ready for work, install special part-time tables with many compartments for all the necessary little things that you need every day at work.

2. Second tip. Surely in the evenings you have thoughts about the upcoming working day, and about how to get ready for work in the morning.

It is worth thinking in advance about what you will wear. It is best to iron clothes in the evening. Hang in a prominent place a hanger with the clothes you plan to wear all day tomorrow, select the necessary accessories (belt, scarf, jewelry), leaving them near the mirror or on the bedside table. Pre-cleaned shoes will also help you get ready for work quickly.

3. Third tip. The most common reason for lack of time is laziness, which is also supported by fatigue. Therefore, you should wash your hair in the evening, preferably a few hours before bedtime.

4. The fourth tip is to make it beautiful. Since morning makeup takes quite a lot of time, the rush can affect the quality of makeup, which leads to stress, “do-overs,” and loss of time. What to do in this situation to get ready for work in the shortest possible time?

You can ditch mascara by using salon eyelash tinting, which can last for a month.

5. Fifth tip. There is no need to apply all the makeup for the day in the morning. The main thing is to use concealer to disguise skin imperfections. Don't forget about lipstick and day cream. An eye palette that you can put in your purse will help you get ready for work.

6. Sixth tip. Since foundation requires you to blend it perfectly, it takes a lot of precious time. Here on help will come loose powder and a special brush.

7. Seventh tip. Hair styling takes a lot of time. To get ready for work, spending a minimum of time, you can resort to procedures such as moisturizing your hair with thermal water, styling your hair with cold air from a hair dryer, and applying leave-in conditioner.

8. Eighth tip - keep track of time. If it is quite difficult for you to organize yourself in the morning, you need to control your time, where in this issue A special watch will help.

9. Ninth tip. If you are thinking about how to get ready for work in the morning, timing it correctly, you need to use an alarm clock reminder, setting the clock 10 minutes before the time you need to leave the house.

10. Tenth tip. Due to the fact that they often have to rush, many people refuse to eat food in the morning, which is completely wrong decision, since the body has to spend the first half of the day waiting for lunch. Minutes begin to seem like an eternity, and you constantly keep track of time. In this situation, breakfast at work will help. To do this, you can take with you boiled egg, low-fat yogurt, tomato juice, fruit, muesli.

If you still don't know how to get ready for work - 10 tips will help you manage your time and come to work on time, avoiding rush.

To help you stop being nervous, being late, and cutting up your favorite jeans with nail scissors in a fit of anger, we have collected 14 life hacks that will help you learn how to get ready easily and quickly!

Think in the evening about what to wear in the morning

Yes, the new episode of Game of Thrones is already loaded, but try to spend just five minutes thinking about your outfit for tomorrow. Believe me, this will save you at least half an hour of time in the morning.

Check the weather forecast before going to bed

Because if you prepared a light mini-dress and sandals for the morning, and woke up to the sound of rain, getting ready for work will definitely turn into a disaster.

Buy the “basics” and get rid of the random stuff

Getting dressed in the morning will become much easier if you go shopping purposefully and buy so-called wardrobe essentials based on your occupation and work dress code. Thanks to this, you will always have several backup images in reserve.

Maintain a neutral color scheme

The ability to easily mix colors in your wardrobe will save precious morning time, so before you buy a new item, think about what it will be combined with.

Find your uniform

No, we do not suggest wearing school uniform or work overalls. Just find your “fashion formula” - the combination in which you feel most comfortable (except for pajamas, of course) - and repeat it. This way you can wear essentially the same things every day, but still look different.

Don't forget about shoes

There's nothing worse than finally choosing a dress and then finding out you don't have the right shoes to go with it. Therefore, try to choose shoes first and only then move on to clothes.

Iron or steam items before putting them away in the closet

It is enough just to sometimes pay a little attention to your wardrobe in order to save yourself time, energy and nerves in the future. Get your item in order before you plan to go anywhere in it, and you can avoid unpleasant surprises in the form of ugly folds and a wrinkled hem of the dress.

If you hate ironing, don't buy clothes that wrinkle.

Can't stand irons and steamers? Then it is better not to buy clothes that require too much care. The same applies to items that need dry cleaning.

Never hang dirty things in the closet

No, seriously - you won’t even remember later what kind of stain it is!

Organize your wardrobe

Since you want to get dressed in the morning as quickly and painlessly as possible, you can’t do without dividing your wardrobe into “departments.” Believe me, as soon as a clear structure appears in your closet, getting ready in the morning will no longer take so much time. The main thing is not to forget to put everything back in its place later.

Consider seasonality

You're unlikely to need a chunky knit sweater in August, are you? Warm clothes for the summer need to be carefully put away so that they do not interfere with packing if they come to hand at the wrong time.

Do your hair and makeup before you get dressed

It may sound stupid, but you will actually feel better if you put on your makeup and style your hair first. In addition, this way you can evaluate your image completely.

Change your bag only on weekends

Before the beginning working week choose a universal bag that will last you everything weekdays. And be sure to collect it on Sunday evening - it will significantly save you time the next morning.

Find the “savior” thing

Every girl has her favorite dress or “two piece” of top and trousers - remember them when emergency and always keep these things in good condition.

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