Female voice: classification, the lowest and highest female voice. How to speak in a chest voice

Intuitively perceived by others as an authoritative, confident, self-sufficient and attractive person. A low voice is a blessing in many ways:

  • Emotional - speaks of self-control and balance,
  • Intellectual - stabilizes the functioning of the frontal lobes of the brain,
  • Communicative - inspires trust and sympathy.

Puberty in boys is accompanied by a brittle voice: the larynx becomes larger and lowers down, the thickness and length of the extension pipe and the mass of vocal tales increase. The result is that an Adam's apple or Adam's apple appears, and a low voice is formed.

Let's look at the organ. Its short pipes produce a high sound, and its long pipes produce a low sound. Accordingly, to lower your voice you need to make your larynx longer. The striated muscles located in the front of the neck are responsible for the movements of the larynx. These muscles can be learned to be controlled consciously.

Learning to lower the larynx

Yawn and half-yawn:

  • Feel the larynx and do, feel how the larynx descends. This exercise affects all vocal organs: the pharynx, soft palate, larynx and tongue.

Bass head:

Another exercise is the “bass head”. Have you paid attention to the bass singer? His head is raised high and slightly tilted. This position activates all muscle groups that pull the larynx down.

The rotation of the larynx should be directed downward, which, combined with its lower position, lowers the voice as much as possible.

Many experts believe that for proper sound production, the tongue should be located at the lower teeth in the shape of a spoon. However, to produce a low voice, the tongue must be shaped like a hump, with the tip located at the lower teeth.

Complex for lengthening the extension pipe and lowering the voice

It is better to carry out exercises with the vowel sound “and”, during its pronunciation the larynx is in an elevated position.

1. Starting position - sitting or standing.
2. Tilt your head down so that your chin drops to your chest (the “bass head” position), pronounce the low sound “i”.
3. Raise your head up, fixing the pitch of the “i” sound.

At the beginning of classes, it will be difficult for you to maintain a fixed pitch of the “i” sound; it will invariably rise when you throw your head back.
This indicates tension in your vocal cords and contraction of the extension tube. To get them into the right state, you need to train.

Repeat this exercise several times throughout the day until the pitch of your voice is equal in both head positions: face up and bass head.

Breathing and lowering your voice

  • The muscles that lower the larynx are activated, which ensures its low position.
  • The chest resonators and sound support are turned on.
  • Posture improves.
  • Chinese flight attendants learn proper posture this way: they put shoes on their feet with heels of at least 5 cm, hold a plain paper between their knees, and place a book on their head. The training continues for an hour; if a book or paper falls to the floor, the countdown continues again.
  • The average length of the human spine is 78 cm. The sound wavelength of a screaming baby is also equal to this 78 cm. It turns out that mother hears newborn through spinal cord.
  • Not only the pitch of the voice depends on correct posture, but also, as confirmed by the electroencephalogram. A direct relationship can be drawn between posture and thoughts. According to statistics, usually the percentage of stooped people does not exceed 7%. In besieged Leningrad their number reached 70%. Thus, stooping is a sign of physical and moral pressure experienced by a person.

It has been noted that people with correct posture and a deep voice do not just give the impression of being self-sufficient and confident in life. They really are.

Sources: I.P. Kozlyanikov “Pronunciation and Diction” (All-Russian Theater Society, 1977), V.P. Morozov “Secrets of vocal speech”, B. M. Teplov “Psychology of musical abilities” (1947), www.Zaikanie.net.

Elena Valve for the project Sleepy Cantata.

The voice is an instrument with which a person can achieve a lot. Yes, that's true - it's not about what you say, but how you say it. Imagine a person who speaks in a squeaky, squeaky voice - he is unlikely to inspire respect or respect in you, you will not think that his opinion is really important. Naturally, if you get to know a person more closely, you can be convinced that he differs from the idea that was formed about him. However, the first impression is always a very strong one, and it's not just about appearance. The chest voice is a much more impressive instrument that can give you so much more. Many people mistakenly believe that it is impossible for them to speak unless you were born with it. In fact, you can work on yourself and develop exactly what you would like. In this article you will find basic exercises and techniques that will allow you to develop your chest voice.

What kind of voice is this?

So, do you want to make your voice sound more powerful, influential and overall impressive? If yes, then the tall and squeaky option is definitely not for you, as it does not make people feel good about you. A chest voice is exactly what you need. It sounds deep, booming, velvety, and literally penetrates the interlocutor’s head, making him feel extremely positive towards you. Accordingly, it is precisely to acquire it that you need to aim. Many people will immediately ask the question: “How can I get a chest voice if I don’t have one?” It turns out that this is possible, so the assumption that a person can live his entire life with only one vocal variation is erroneous. You can directly influence how your speech sounds. Why does this happen? Now you will know about it.

Voice change

In his life, almost everyone has most likely met a person who has a pleasant, deep chest voice. And its sound is actually captivating, making you dream that you have it too. But the time has come to stop dreaming and get down to business - in this article you can learn techniques that will allow you to master your chest voice to perfection. Does this seem impossible? Now you will find out why this is possible.

To do this, it will be easiest for you to compare your body to a musical instrument. Which instrument sounds the most powerful? A big pipe, of course. In most cases, it is the size of the instrument that determines the power of its sound - the same goes for your body. No, this does not mean that the chest voice will only be available to large people - we are talking about the space inside the body that is used during the conversation. Simply put, the vast majority of people breathe exclusively through their lungs, without thinking about the muscles that are responsible for their speech. This is the simplest way to speak, and you will use it automatically, that is, you will not even think about the process of sound production itself. However, you can control the process by increasing the volume your body uses to process air.

You can often hear about “belly breathing” - this is the key to success. Due to this, you can increase the volume of the “instrument”, thereby influencing the sound that you can make during a conversation. Now you have to learn in detail about how to speak in a chest voice. There are several exercises that you should pay special attention to.

Belly breathing

You may already understand that the most important criterion is breathing with the stomach, and not just with the chest. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a woman’s chest voice or a man’s voice, the first step should always be the same. You need to learn to breathe not from the chest, but from the stomach. This is not as easy to do as it seems, but everyone can learn how to do it. In this case, you will gain more control over your vocal abilities, as well as a greater supply of oxygen, which is useful, for example, when singing - which is why all singers first learn to breathe with their belly. However, breathing alone will not be enough - it is also about the muscles. How to develop a chest voice? To do this you will have to try hard.

Soft sky

Everyone has a soft palate - it is located at the base of the throat and is most often in a completely relaxed state, but gets a little tense when you start to speak. Training your chest voice will require complete control of your palate. At first glance, this may seem impossible, since tensing this muscle seems like an impossible task. The reason for this is that people speak automatically, and the soft palate almost never tenses beyond the required level. To change your voice, you will have to learn to contract this muscle - due to this, the outlet from the throat to the mouth will expand, and this will provide you with a deeper and lower sound.

Muscle clamps

As you already understand, a lot in this case depends on the muscles, and the main one among them, naturally, is the vocal cords. It's time to compare the human body to a musical instrument again. If you've ever played a guitar, you know that the tighter a string is, the higher the sound, and if it's relaxed, the lower the sound. This is exactly what needs to be achieved in the matter of chest voice - the muscles responsible for producing sound must be relaxed. You can relax them on your own, but you still won’t achieve the desired result. Why? The fact is that in the human body muscle tension is formed on its own, that is, some muscles are constantly in a tense state. As a result, even if you try to relax them, nothing will come of it and your voice will remain high. Now you will find out what you can do about it.


The first thing you need to do is stretch. Simply tilting your head in all directions is enough, during which muscle tension will subside. If the effect is unnoticeable, you can help yourself with your hand, tilting your head more strongly in one direction or another.


It is also necessary to relax the neck muscles in natural conditions - this can be done in different ways, but the easiest way is to bend forward, relaxing the entire upper body. Your arms and your neck should hang freely, it is imperative to feel that your neck is completely relaxed. To do this, you can periodically rock your torso so that your neck does not strain during the process. If you strain your neck muscles, you are doing everything wrong and will not be able to achieve the desired effect.

Sound development

If you try to make a sound in a relaxed state, without particularly straining your throat, it will come out clear and low. This is exactly what you need to achieve. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly train - find the position in which the muscles of the neck and back will be relaxed and in which you will be as comfortable as possible. You can use the position from the previous exercise, or you can choose another one - for example, lying on the floor. While relaxing, make a long, low sound, trying to achieve maximum clarity. Make sure that your muscles do not tense up, and then you can gradually master a low chest voice.

The chest voice is low, velvety, loud, with a pronounced timbre. Psychologists believe that a person with such voice He is able to influence people by being perceived as self-confident, important, charismatic and even more likeable. Some people are naturally inclined to speak like this voice, but anyone can learn this.


1. Those who have studied vocals know that sound production involves resonators - the “acoustic system” of the human body. Resonators are the nasal cavity, maxillary nasal cavities, frontal sinuses, oral cavity, larynx, pharynx, trachea, lungs and bronchi. These are air-filled spaces that transform sound vibrations. It is the resonators that give the voice strength and timbre. If, when using upper resonators, the voice becomes loud, then when using lower ones, it becomes stronger and more timbre-colored. In order to master the chest voice, vocalists learn to sing “on support” - not due to tension in the vocal cords, but through the positive use of resonators. Singing or talking “on a support” involves breathing with the support of the diaphragm or breathing from the stomach. To practice this type of breathing, lie on your back, place a book on your stomach and breathe - the book should rise and fall.

2. Place your hand on your chest and slowly pronounce a vowel the way you usually speak in life. If at the same time you feel vibration in the chest area, then you are talking to the chest voice, if you don’t feel it, then the core resonator of your body is not activated. Each person has his own natural characteristics, his own thickness and length of ligaments, etc., therefore the entire voice is personal and has its own unique recognizable timbre. Everyone has their own range of chest voice, but in any case it exists. On average, the chest range is two octaves.

3. Perform exercises for the lower resonators: pronounce vowel sounds drawn out, leaning forward (from a standing position); pronounce words drawn out as you exhale. Use the same technique that vocalists use when chanting: sing a vowel or syllable from bottom to top, then from top to bottom. At the same time, keep track of when the chest resonator is activated, how it connects to the head resonator, and how you switch to the head resonator. After this, try using the chest resonator in a conversation. Read excerpts from works. The more often you practice, the sooner your chest voice will become normal for you.

4. Practice relaxing your body - muscle tension interferes with excellent sound production. Only the muscles of the diaphragm must tense. The jaw and lips also need to be relaxed for great articulation.

5. Try to develop a classic pace of speech for a chest voice - smooth and measured. It's hard to talk low voice fast and cool. Measured speech helps to influence the psyche of listeners, create in them a feeling of confidence and security. It is easier for such a person to produce the necessary sensation and persuade his interlocutor in something. Psychologists often use chest voice in their work.

Whatever you say, the global Internet has become such an integral part of our lives that it is becoming increasingly difficult to pull it out of there. Everything is allowed there - to communicate, correspond and even call. There are also many programs for this. One of the especially famous ones is Mail.Ru Spy.


1. Truly, there is no need to be amazed. This discovery has been around for more than a day. Moreover, many users have already come to appreciate all the advantages of the Internet.

2. It has been possible to make calls via the Internet since the Skype program was developed. In addition, it not only provided an audio connection between users, but also, if there was a webcam, it could also transmit images. But time moves inexorably forward, new programs appear, old ones are edited, and even such a simple and long ago familiar program as Mail.Ru Spy is now also capable of some new functions.

3. Previously, all users could communicate only through the census. After that loudspeakers appeared, but they were not cheap. Later, a video connection also emerged.

4. But we should return to the topic. For free and unhindered communication through Spy, you will need a microphone. You can buy a communication device adapted for a computer at any computer store. In this case, it will be quite simple to insert the microphone jack into the appropriate connector on the computer (indicated in pink by default), then press the volume button and wait until the interlocutor accepts your volume. After this, you can start communicating as if through a mobile phone, only for free.

5. If there is no adapted microphone, then you can take an ordinary one. However, considering the fact that a simple microphone has a huge jack, you will need to purchase an adapter from large to small. Otherwise, it will be primitively unthinkable to connect a microphone to a computer.

Video on the topic

Video on the topic

Helpful advice
Correct voice production is extremely important for those who speak in public or communicate a lot by profession.

In this article you will find exercises, after which you will begin.

To open your voice

Your voice may not actually be yours. The reason is due to tension or an incorrect way of speaking (for example, using only the ligaments). The exercises below will help you overcome these issues and discover your true natural voice.

Sound engineer

First, understand how others hear you. To do this, you can simulate a recording studio. Your left palm will be the earphone - press it with a “shell” to your left ear; the right one will be a microphone - hold it near your mouth at a distance of several centimeters. Start trying: count, say different words, play with the sound. Do this exercise for 5-10 minutes for nine days. During this time, you will understand how it really sounds and will be able to improve it.


To open your voice, you need to free your throat and transfer the main work to your lips and diaphragm. To do this, pronounce the syllables “qu-ix”. On “Q”, round your lips, on “X”, stretch them into a wide smile. After 30 repetitions, try making a short speech. You will feel that the ligaments are less strained, and your lips follow your commands better.


The easiest way to relax the muscles of the larynx is to yawn well. Do this simple exercise for 5 minutes a day and you will notice how blocks and tension in your voice disappear.


This exercise will help you discover the natural sound of your voice. Its essence comes down to voicing your exhalation.

Position: feet on the floor, jaw slightly open and relaxed. Start inhaling air, and as you exhale, make any sound. Do this without any effort - if everything is correct, you should get a groan.

When the exercise is performed correctly, the sound comes from the solar plexus. It is from there that you need to speak so that your voice is voluminous and expressive.

To make your voice pleasant

Three smiles

This exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one, but observing the rule of three smiles. Smile with your mouth, forehead and imagine a smile in the solar plexus area. After this, begin to exhale with sound. Just 5 minutes a day - and your voice will begin to sound more pleasant and trusting.

Yoga exercise

This training is practiced by Indian yogis to achieve a deep and beautiful voice.

Position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. First, take a few calm inhalations and exhalations, then exhale sharply with the sound “ha-a.” The exhalation should be as full and loud as possible. In this case, the body can be slightly moved forward.

Long syllables

Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, say protractedly “bom-m”, “bim-m”, “bon-n”. Draw out the last sounds as long as possible. Ideally, vibration should occur in the area of ​​the upper lip and nose.

A similar exercise can be done with the syllables “mo-mo”, “mi-mi”, “mu-mu”, “me-me”. But in this case, first say them briefly, and only then protractedly.

Both exercises are best done every morning for 10 minutes. They will not only make your voice more pleasant, but will also help strengthen your vocal cords.

Long tongue

Stick out your tongue. First, point it down as far as possible, trying to reach your chin. Maintaining this position, tilt your head down. Then stretch your tongue upward, trying to reach the tip of your nose. At the same time, raise your head as high as possible.

To make your voice stronger

Sounds “i”, “e”, “a”, “o”, “u”

Exhale, then take a deep breath and on the second exhale say a long “i” sound. Do this freely as long as you have enough air. Do not force the air out of your lungs. Pronounce the remaining sounds in the same way: “e”, “a”, “o”, “u”. Perform three repetitions.

The sequence of these sounds is not random: they are distributed in height. Accordingly, “i” is the highest (activates the upper area of ​​the head), “u” is the lowest (activates the lower abdomen). If you want to make your voice lower and deeper, practice the “u” sound more often.

Tarzan Exercise

Complete the previous task, only now beat yourself in the chest with your fists, like Tarzan. The exercise is designed to fill your voice and clear your bronchi, so if you feel like clearing your throat, don't stop yourself.


This exercise activates the chest and abdomen. Exhale and inhale. On the next exhalation, begin to pronounce the sound “m” with your mouth closed. Perform three approaches: first moo quietly, then at medium volume and finally at very loud volume.


Raise your relaxed tongue to the palate and begin to pronounce the sound “r”. It should turn out “r-r-r”, like a tractor. Repeat the exercise three times, then expressively read about a dozen words that contain the sound “r”. Be sure to accompany the reading with a rolling “r”.

Chaliapin's exercise for tuning your voice

The great Russian singer Fyodor Chaliapin also began every morning with a growl. But he did not perform it alone, but together with his bulldog. After training the sound “r”, Fyodor Ivanovich began to bark at his pet: “av-av-av”.

You can repeat Chaliapin’s exercise or, if you can’t relax your larynx, replace it with a villainous theatrical laugh. This is done simply. With your mouth open, as you exhale, you laugh evilly: “a-a-a-a-ha-ha-ha-ha-a-a-a-a.” The sound should come out easily and freely. At the same time, you can jump and beat yourself in the chest with your hands. This exercise will instantly clear your voice and prepare it for work.

Important to remember

When performing all exercises, you need to maintain the correct one. The stomach should be relaxed and the chest should protrude forward. However, if you keep your back straight, these areas of the body will automatically take the correct position.

Not only singers, actors and teachers must have a beautiful, confident voice; there are more and more professions whose representatives must also have a beautiful sound. Therefore, people want to study the technique of sound creation, know its basic principles and exercises for its development.

Correct breathing during speech should be diaphragmatic. When we inhale, the air expands the chest evenly with the support of the diaphragm.

If the diaphragm is immobile, shallow breathing occurs, in which the entire surface of the lungs cannot be used.

What organs are involved in the formation of sound?

There are three centers that contribute to the formation of sound:

  • lungs, which provide the air needed to make sounds;
  • muscles of the chest and abdominal cavity involved in creating air flow;
  • phonetic apparatus (this is a vocal organ), which is located in the larynx.

The job of this part of the speech system is to create a sound wave or phonation. The larynx begins to form in the womb. When we come into this world, we already have a formed vocal apparatus, which we develop based on reflexes. The larynx also serves for breathing.

Within this system, hearing is the supervisory organ that is responsible for receiving and delivering appropriate sound signals to the cerebral cortex, thanks to which we can control them and influence vocalization.

For correct speech and singing, harmonious cooperation of all organs is necessary. Wrong actions of just one entail other violations. This entire mechanism requires an impulse from the brain. It is he who controls the tension of the ligaments, which affects the chest voice.

Sound improvement work includes:

  • exercises;
  • the need to change negative habits;
  • fixed posture;
  • way of breathing;
  • way of producing sound.

How to properly develop a chest voice?

It does not require much physical strength. To do this, you need to consciously control your respiratory function. In order to prolong the exhalation phases, during which the process of sound production occurs, it is necessary to learn to breathe as a whole, using the diaphragm. Thanks to this, our speech becomes beautiful and resonant.

Correct position of the body and head

Body position is also important. It should be fairly straight and relaxed. You should not slouch during a conversation; this affects the deterioration of respiratory function, and an excessively vertical position adversely increases muscle tension.

Equally important is the ability to hold your head, because this affects the position of the larynx during conversation. Excessive forward, backward or sideways tilting of the head negatively affects the function of the larynx.

The strong and sonorous chest sound is produced by the normal functioning of the diaphragm, our main breathing muscle. In order to speak well in a chest voice, you must breathe well, filling all your lungs with air.

Why do women have problems with chest sounds? Even little girls often hear that they need to pull in their tummy so that it doesn’t stick out.

This contributes to tension in this part of the body, the abdominal muscles are immobilized and, as a result, breathing becomes more constrained. Is it possible to change this? Speech therapists and specialists emphasize that many women have a quiet voice, hesitant and tremulous. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out exercises to improve sound, resonance and strength, and prevent diseases of the vocal organ.

Exercises for developing chest voice

First of all, you must know your own voice. Most of us, when we hear our voice recorded, feel a sense of surprise; we think it sounds strange. Start by recording and listening to your sound. By studying his vocal range and tone, we can experiment. By directing the sound from the chest and belly, we will get a low voice, heavy and velvety.

By experimenting, we will get different sound options, including a ringing voice that is sharper.

  1. Every morning you should do exercises in the form of a lazy yawn, which works to develop breathing and relax muscles;
  2. Another equally enjoyable exercise to develop your voice is to blow on feathers. You can imagine them. We must blow long enough for the feather to hang in the air and not fall to the floor. Thanks to this, we can stimulate the ribs and diaphragm. The diaphragm, muscles of the thoracic and lumbar back are our support. The lower jaw, throat and neck, arms and chest, back should not be constrained. Without their relaxation, you will not get a natural beautiful chest voice;
  3. If the throat is soft, the jaws are relaxed, and the shoulders, diaphragm muscles and lower back are free, breathing will be calm and deep. You need to practice breathing in a state of relaxation, calm, when the inhalation and exhalation phases are long. It is better to lie on your back, put an object on your chest and breathe deeply, making sure that the chest with the object rises up;
  4. Improved breathing should be accompanied by a lengthening of the expiratory phase, this depends on proper respiratory support. Take a deep breath with your diaphragm, and then exhale and pronounce the letter “C” slowly, while the air released will be
    dose. Try to maintain the position of your chest as you exhale as it was when you inhale.

Exercises for clarity of speech

  1. Loud purring, focusing on the feeling of vibrations in the nasal cavity during the resonance of the sound;
  2. Place your hands on the diaphragm and breathe while pronouncing the sounds “A”, “O”, “U”, “E”. If your chest vibrates, it means your chest voice is well developed. If there is no vibration, then your chest resonator is not working, you are not pronouncing sounds in a chest voice;
  3. Physical exercises aimed at prolonging the exhalation phase are very important for speech. Monotonously, on one exhale, we try to pronounce a well-known proverb or saying.

Try to speak measuredly, slowly, such a voice will sound more confident and convincing.

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