Animals of the Perm region. Flora What plants grow in the forest of the Perm region

The geographical location of the Perm region predetermined the diversity of its animal world. The significant elongation of the territory of the region from north to south and its location at the junction of two zoogeographic zones - European and Asian - contribute to the enrichment of the typical forest faunal complex with polyzonal animal species, common along with the forest zone in the forest-tundra and forest-steppe.

The Perm region lies almost entirely within the forest zone and is replete with a variety of water bodies; this set of physical and geographical conditions determines the species composition and abundance of the region’s fauna, including theriofauna, avifauna and ichthyofauna. Thus, the basis of the faunal complex of mammals in the Perm region is made up of typical forest species, and the basis of the avifauna is species associated with forests of various types and aquatic biotopes.

In total, 64 species of mammals, 286 species of birds, 7 species of reptiles, 9 species of amphibians, 47 species of bony fish and 1 species of cyclostomes have been recorded in the Perm Territory.


The territory of the region is home to 64 species of mammals from 6 orders and 16 families, of which 21 species are from the order Rodents, 17 species from the order Carnivores, 10 species from the order Insectivores, 9 species from the order Chiroptera, 5 species from the order Artiodactyls and 2 species from the order Lagomorphs.

The common lynx is the largest species of the Lynx genus, reaching a length of up to 130 cm.

Order: Artiodactyls


(lat. Alces alces) - a representative of the Deer family, the Elk genus. In summer it prefers deciduous forests with tall grass, in winter it prefers young pine and spruce forests with dense undergrowth. The presence of quiet rivers, lakes and swamps nearby is of great importance for moose; more often found in the central regions along the left bank of the Kama. The number of moose in the region is 38,000 individuals.


(lat. Rangifer tarandus) is a mammal from the Deer family, the only representative of the Reindeer genus. In the Perm region it is found in mountain tundra, forest tundra, coniferous taiga, prefers sparse forest areas, burnt areas, and old cutting areas. Sometimes reindeer come further south - into the upper reaches of the Yaiva, Vilva, Kosva, and Isa rivers; local habitats in the Veslyany River basin of the Gainsky district are noted; The main range is in the mountainous part of the Krasnovishersky district.

A subspecies of reindeer lives in the Perm region - European reindeer(lat. Rangifer tarandus tarandus). The latest finds of European reindeer were noted in the Krasnovishersky district.

Siberian roe deer

(lat. Capreolus pygargus) is a mammal of the Roe deer genus, Deer family. Inhabits deciduous and mixed forests, preferring open forests, edges, places with tall grass, and bushes.

European roe deer

(lat. Capreolus capreolus) - a representative of the Deer family, the genus Roe deer. It enters the eastern regions of the Perm region from the neighboring region, as a rule, in winters with little snow. Prefers areas of light, sparse forest with dense undergrowth.


(lat. Sus scrofa) is an omnivorous mammal of the genus Boars, family Pig, order Artiodactyls. Intentionally introduced species. The wild pig prefers large tracts of deciduous and mixed forests rich in water, swampy areas overgrown with reeds and bushes. The number of wild boars in the region is 5000-7000 individuals.

Wild boars were brought to the Perm region in 1971, here they quickly acclimatized and multiplied, and in 1979 the wild boar already became the object of sport hunting.

Squad: Carnivores

Brown bear

(lat. Ursus arctos) is a predatory mammal of the Bear family. Inhabits taiga dark coniferous forests with windbreaks. It is most often found in the northern regions, most numerous in the upper reaches of the Vishera, Yaiva, Kosva, and Inva rivers. The number of brown bears in the region is 6000-7000 individuals.


(lat. Gulo gulo) - a mammal of the Wolverine genus, the Mustelidae family, a strong and ferocious predator. The most preferred habitat for the wolverine is taiga and areas of mixed forests with dense undergrowth and windbreaks. The number of wolverines in the region is about 150 individuals.


(lat. Canis lupus) - a species of animal from the order Carnivora, family Canidae, genus Wolves. Inhabits a wide variety of landscapes, preferring open ones and, if possible, avoiding continuous forest areas. The number of gray wolves in the region is about 300 individuals.

Common lynx

(lat. Lynx lynx) - a species of animal of the genus Lynx, family Feline. In the Perm region it prefers large forests, taiga, dense deciduous forests with dense undergrowth, providing plenty of shelter. The number of lynx in the region is 1100-1300 individuals.

It is more often found in the same place as the white hare, which is its main prey in winter.

Raccoon dog

(lat. Nyctereutes procyonoides) is a predator from the Canidae family. Intentionally introduced and self-dispersing species. Prefers wet meadows with swampy lowlands, overgrown floodplains and riverine forests with dense undergrowth. The number of raccoon dogs in the region is 2500-2800 individuals.


(lat. Meles meles) - a species of animals of the genus Badgers, the Mustelidae family. The main habitat is located in the south of the region. It lives in mixed and taiga forests, less often in mountain forests. Adheres to dry, well-drained areas near ponds or marshy lowlands. The number of badgers in the region is 5500-5700 individuals.

Common fox

(lat. Vulpes vulpes) is a mammal from the Canidae family, the genus Foxes. When choosing a habitat, it prefers open areas with bushes that provide plenty of shelter. The number of foxes in the region is 9,000-10,000 individuals.

Arctic fox

(lat. Vulpes lagopus) - a representative of the Canidae family, the genus Foxes. It is a rare visiting species for the Perm region. lives primarily in tundra and forest-tundra natural zones; in winter it is found up to the southern taiga subzone.

River otter

(lat. Lutra lutra) is a species of mammal from the genus Otter. It lives mainly in small forest rivers with whirlpools, with rapids that do not freeze in winter, with banks littered with windbreaks, where there are many reliable shelters and places for making burrows. The number of otters in the region is 2500-2800 individuals.

European mink

(lat. Mustela lutreola) is a mammal of the genus Ferret, family Mustela. It is found in various forests, near flowing reservoirs with littered steep banks. Replaced by American mink. The number of European mink in the region is 18,000-20,000 individuals.

American mink

(lat. Neovison vison) - a species of animal from the Mustelidae family, genus Ferrets. Intentionally introduced and self-dispersing species. It lives in various forests, preferring to settle along valleys and banks of remote forest rivers, near forest lakes, and floodplain thickets of bushes and reeds.


(lat. Martes zibellina) is a species of animal from the Mustelidae family, the genus Marten. In the Perm Territory it is found in the Krasnovishersky and Cherdynsky regions, in cluttered dark coniferous forests, and especially loves cedar trees. The number of sables in the region is about 450 individuals.


(lat. Martes martes) is a species of mammal from the genus Marten. Lives in deciduous and mixed forests, prefers large forests, dense deciduous forests, most often found in fir-spruce forests with an admixture of cedar; more common in Cherdynsky and Krasnovishersky districts. The number of pine martens in the region is about 12,000 individuals.

Forest ferret

(lat. Mustela putorius) - a representative of the Mustelidae family, the genus Ferrets. It lives in small forests and individual groves, in woodlands mixed with fields and meadows. The number of forest ferrets in the region is about 150 individuals.


(lat. Mustela sibirica) - a representative of the Mustela family, the genus Ferrets. In the Perm region it is found everywhere in forests of all types, near rivers and lakes, the highest density is noted in the eastern regions. The number of Siberian weasels in the region is 800-1000 individuals.


(lat. Mustela erminea) is a predatory mammal from the genus Ferret, family Mustelidae. It lives along the banks and floodplains of rivers, near forest lakes, in fields, riverine thickets of bushes and reeds. The number of ermine in the region is 9000-11000 individuals.


(lat. Mustela nivalis) - a species of animals of the genus Ferrets, the Mustelidae family, the smallest representative of the order Carnivores. Inhabits the entire territory of the Perm region, in various forests, fields, edges, woodlands, and bushes.

The territory of the Perm region is also home to Kidas, a first-generation cross between the sable (Latin Martes zibellina) and the pine marten (Latin Martes martes), found in the wild. This is not a separate species of the mustelid family, as previously thought, but a hybrid.

Order: Lagomorpha

White hare

(lat. Lepus timidus) is a mammal from the Leporidae family. Prefers open forests, overgrown burnt areas and clearings, in the tundra - thickets of bushes, found in birch groves, thickets of bushes, reeds and tall dense grass. The number of white hare in the region is about 270 individuals.

Brown hare

(lat. Lepus europaeus) is a species of animal of the Leporidae family. A typical inhabitant of open spaces in the forest zone: clearings, burnt areas, edges, meadows, clearings.

Order: Insectivores

Common hedgehog

(lat. Erinaceus europaeus) is a small insectivorous mammal of the Hedgehog family. In the Perm Territory, it lives in the southwestern regions in a strip of coniferous-deciduous forests, preferring sparse, coppice, bush thickets, edges, and floodplains.

Common mole

(lat. Talpa europaea) - a species of animal from the order Insectivorous, family Mole, genus Common moles. Prefers sparse deciduous forests, copses, forest edges with dense forbs, meadows, fields, gardens, vegetable gardens and other biotopes with moderately moist loose soils.

Russian muskrat

(lat. Desmana moschata) is an insectivore from the Mole family. In the Perm region it is found in the southern regions - Tchaikovsky, Kuedinsky, in the floodplains of small rivers - Piz, Bolshaya Usa, Nalta.

The species is listed in the Red Book of the Perm Territory in the “Endangered” category.

Common shrew

(lat. Sorex araneus) is a species of mammal from the genus Shrew. Prefers coniferous and mixed forests, also found in thickets of willow and alder forests along the banks of rivers and streams.

In addition to the common shrew, the following species from the shrew family live in the Perm region: tiny shrew, small shrew, common shrew, medium shrew, tundra shrew- from the genus Shrew; common shrew- from the Kutora family.

Order: Chiroptera

Two-tone leather

(lat. Vespertilio murinus) is a mammal of the genus Bicolored bats, family Smooth-nosed bats. It lives in forests in open areas: on the edges, along the banks of rivers and lakes, near ravines and ditches.

Long-eared bat brown

(lat. Plecotus auritus) is a small mammal from the genus Ushana. It is found in the flat and mountainous parts of the Kama region, lives in various open areas: along the outskirts of forests, on the edges, along the banks of rivers and lakes; noted in many caves in the region.

Northern Kozhanok

(lat. Eptesicus nilssonii) - a representative of the Kozhany genus, the smooth-nosed bat family. It lives on the outskirts of forests, on forest edges, along the banks of rivers and lakes, in small agricultural lands, and in gardens.

Water bat

(lat. Myotis daubentonii) is a species of mammals from the genus Nochnitsa. It lives in forest stands near watercourses, such as lowland rivers and canals, hunting for insects at dusk above the water.

In addition to the water bat, the following species of smooth-nosed bats from the genus Nochnitsa live in the Perm region: Brandt's bat, pond bat, moustachioed bat.

Red Vegetarian

(lat. Nyctalus noctula) is a small mammal from the genus Vechernitsa. Inhabits deciduous and mixed forests.

Nathusius' Bat

(lat. Pipistrellus pipistrellus) - a small bat from the genus Nedopyri. Prefers anthropogenic landscapes - parks, forest belts, rural settlements.

Order: Rodents

River beaver

(lat. Castor fiber) is a semi-aquatic mammal from the Beaver family, genus Beaver. The most preferred habitat for this species is deciduous forests. Settle along the banks of slow-flowing rivers, oxbow lakes and lakes. The number of beavers in the region is 31,000-33,000 individuals.

By the beginning of the 20th century, due to the myth of the “beaver stream” as a unique medicine, the population of river beavers in the Perm region was practically exterminated. Since 1939, during the course of re-acclimatization work, beavers began to be imported from the Voronezh Nature Reserve and from Belarus to their former habitats, where they successfully took root and settled.

Siberian chipmunk

(lat. Tamias sibiricus) is a rodent from the Squirrel family, the genus Chipmunks, the only species of chipmunks living on the Eurasian continent. The most preferred habitat for the chipmunk is large tracts of coniferous forests with a dense undergrowth of berry bushes.

Common squirrel

(lat. Sciurus vulgaris) is a mammal of the Squirrel genus, Squirrel family. Inhabits all forests of the region, prefers cedar and mixed forests. The number of squirrels in the region is 240,000-260,000 individuals.

Common flying squirrel

(lat. Pteromys volans) is a species of mammals from the genus Eurasian flying squirrels. It lives in deciduous, less often in mixed forests, preferring tall birch and aspen forests.


(lat. Ondatra zibethicus) is a species of animal of the Hamster family. Intentionally introduced species. It is found in forests of all types, along the banks of small rivers, oxbow lakes, lakes, and freshwater swamps. The number of muskrats in the region is 21,000-23,000 individuals.

In the Perm region, the muskrat acclimatized in the central and southern regions in 1946, 1952, 1960 of the last century. Here it successfully took root and settled; only the northwestern part of the region and the eastern mountainous part remained uninhabited.

Common hamster

(lat. Cricetus cricetus) is a species of animal from the Hamster family, genus True hamsters. It lives in forest and steppe natural zones, preferring forest-steppe, settling in fields, meadows, forest edges, and bushes.

Gray rat

(lat. Rattus norvegicus) is a mammal of the Mouse family. In nature, it lives along the banks of various bodies of water, however, the majority now prefers to settle where there are people nearby - in gardens, fields, in garbage dumps, in human dwellings.

Water vole

(lat. Arvicola terrestris) - a species of animal from the order Rodents, family Hamsters. Inhabits the banks of marshy, salt and freshwater lakes, ponds, and small quiet rivers.

Common vole

(lat. Microtus arvalis) - a rodent from the Hamster family. Inhabits fields, meadows, agricultural lands, forest edges, and woodlands with dense grass cover.

In addition to the common vole, several closely related species live in the Perm region: red vole, red-gray vole, red vole, dark vole (arable), narrow-skulled vole, housekeeper vole.

Lemming forest

(lat. Myopus schisticolor) is a small rodent from the Hamster family. Lives in various forests with abundant moss cover.

Wood mouse

(lat. Sicista betulina) - a representative of the Mouse family, the genus Mouse. Inhabits forest and forest-steppe natural zones. Settles in forests of all types, in clumps and thickets of bushes.

Field mouse

(lat. Apodemus agrarius) is a mammal of the genus Forest and field mice, of the Mouse family, of the Rodents order. Inhabits forest and forest-steppe natural zones in open biotopes - meadows, forest edges, bush thickets, and agricultural lands.

In addition to the field mouse, the territory of the Perm region is inhabited by european mouse(lat. Apodemus sylvaticus), small wood mouse(lat. Apodemus uralensis) and house mouse (lat. Mus musculus).


The basis of the avifauna of the Perm region consists of species from two ecological groups. The first group is dendrophiles - birds confined to various forests and bushes. The second group is limnophiles - birds confined to aquatic and semi-aquatic biotopes.

The most numerous of the first group are the following species: woodcock, gray crow, capercaillie, song thrush, dubrovnik, great spotted woodpecker, lesser spotted woodpecker, hoary woodpecker, black woodpecker, wood accentor, common crossbill, yellow-headed kinglet, common cuckoo, barn swallow, and Muscovy. , gray flycatcher, common bunting, reed bunting, common quail, green mockingbird, crake, common nuthatch, hazel grouse, common cricket, great tit, long-tailed tit, garden warbler, gray warbler, whitethroat, black grouse, stonechat, lapwing, f .

Among the birds associated with aquatic and semi-aquatic biotopes, the most numerous are the following species: snipe, great snipe, merganser, mallard, carrier, river cricket, wigeon, yellow wagtail, fifi, tufted duck, black duck, teal, teal, pintail.

The mallard drake is easily distinguishable thanks to its shiny dark green head.

By the beginning of the 21st century, 286 species of birds were registered in the Perm Territory, of which 51 species belong to hunting and commercial species: ducks, including mallard, wigeon, tufted duck, gray duck, teal, pintail, shoveler; waders, including snipe, great snipe, garden snipe, great snipe, morodunka, crystal, turukhtan; gallinaceous birds, including black grouse, wood grouse, hazel grouse, quail, white and gray partridge; wild pigeons, including wood pigeon, clint pigeon, and common dove.

37 species are included in the Red Book of the Perm Territory: golden eagle, marsh harrier, great bittern, great godwit, great curlew, great spotted eagle, great gray owl, aquatic warbler, sparrow owl, merlin, great snipe, European blue tit, European black-throated loon, golden plover, falcon, corncrake, red-throated loon, red-breasted goose, oystercatcher, whooper swan, little tern, imperial eagle, tawny owl, white-tailed eagle, quail, lesser white-fronted white-fronted eagle, peregrine falcon, gray partridge, gray shrike, osprey, Central Russian ptarmigan, curlew , steppe harrier, tundra partridge, eagle owl, black stork, hawk owl.

Reptiles and amphibians

The reptile fauna of the Perm region includes seven species - three species of lizards, three species of snakes and one species of turtles. Of the amphibians, nine species live on the territory of the region - three species from the order Tailed Amphibians and six species from the order Tailless Amphibians.

Snakes, lizards and turtles

Viviparous lizard

(lat. Zootoca vivipara). Distributed throughout the region in forests with moist areas, occupying heated edges, clearings, and sparsely overgrown burnt areas.

Fast lizard

(lat. Lacerta agilis). The northern border of the species' range runs along the Perm Territory, which determines the small number of sand lizards here.

Spindle is brittle

(lat. Anguis fragilis). Distributed sporadically throughout the region. Inhabits sparsely overgrown burnt areas, forest edges, and clearings well warmed by the sun.

(lat. Natrix natrix). In the Perm region it is distributed in all areas south of Perm along the banks of small forest rivers, lakes, and swamps.

Common copperhead

(lat. Coronella austriaca). It is found in the vicinity of Kisherti in forests of various types, preferring edges, clearings, clearings and burnt areas.

Common viper

(lat. Vipera berus). Distributed sporadically throughout the region, known in the Perm, Kungur, Kishert, Suksun, and Lysvensky regions. Inhabits the banks of small forest rivers, lakes, swamps, and moist areas of mixed forests.

Swamp turtle

(lat. Emys orbicularis). A very rare species of reptile for the Perm region. Found only in the specially protected areas “Zakamsky Bor” and “Duck Swamp”.

The common snake has “yellow ears” on its head - clearly visible yellowish spots.

Newts, toads and frogs

Common newt

(lat. Lissotriton vulgaris). Distributed in the north of the region, to the Gaiinsky and Solikamsky regions. Inhabits mixed forests with bodies of water and is found in the vicinity of populated areas.

Crested newt

(lat. Triturus cristatus). It lives in the north of the region in forests of various types near lakes, oxbow lakes or swamps.

Siberian salamander

(lat. Salamandrella keyserlingii). Distributed sporadically throughout the region, found in small-leaved and mixed forests with the presence of reservoirs.

Common toad

(lat. Bufo bufo). It lives in the suburbs of Perm, and the northern border of its distribution lies at the latitude of Perm.

Green toad

(lat. Pseudepidalea viridis). It is found in the south of the region in the Piz River basin in the Chaikovsky and Elovsky districts and in the Bui River basin in the Kuedinsky district.

Common spadefoot

(lat. Pelobates fuscus). In the Kama region it was found in the Perm, Krasnokamsk, Osinsky, Elovsky, Chastinsky, Chaikovsky, Kungursky and Kishertsky regions. It was not recorded north of Perm.

The species is listed in the Red Book of the Perm Territory in the “Rare” category.

sharp-faced frog

(lat. Rana arvalis). Distributed throughout the region in various aquatic and semi-aquatic biotopes.

Lake frog

(lat. Pelophylax ridibundus). It is found in the Bolshesosnovsky district, in the Osinsky district on the Siva River.

grass frog

(lat. Rana temporaria). Lives in the southwestern regions of the Perm region.

Fishes and cyclostomes

The ichthyofauna of the Perm region includes 47 species of bony fish and 1 species of cyclostome: white-eye, beluga, bersh, Russian bystryanka, round goby, verkhovka, loach, chub, loach, lake minnow, river minnow, silver bream, dace, ruff, asp, needle- plump-cheeked fish, golden crucian carp, silver crucian carp, rudd, bream, tench, Caspian (Volga) salmon, Caspian lamprey, burbot, perch, Russian sturgeon, whitefin gudgeon, common gudgeon, roach, common sculpin, podust, rotan, carp, Volga herring , bluefish, catfish, channel catfish, sterlet, pike perch, common taimen, sprat, bleak, brook trout, European grayling, sabrefish, spined loin, pike, ide.

The main fishing objects are: chub, silver bream, ruffe, asp, crucian carp, bream, burbot, perch, roach, bluefish, catfish, pike perch, sabrefish, pike, ide.

The catfish is an active nocturnal predator that feeds on fish and crustaceans; there have also been cases of large individuals attacking people.

Rare for the territory of the region are white-eye, loach, rudd, sleeper, including those listed in the Red Book of the Perm Territory: white-finned gudgeon, beluga, Volga herring, Caspian (Volga) salmon, Caspian lamprey, common sculpin, common taimen, Russian bystryanka, Russian sturgeon, brook trout, carp, sterlet, European grayling.

Sources and literature used

1. Mandritsa S.A., Zinoviev E.A. and others. Biodiversity of vertebrates in the Perm region. Key to vertebrates of the Perm region. - Perm: Perm State. Univ., 2008.
2. Shepel A.I. Animals of the Kama region: textbook. - Perm: “Book World”, 2001.
3. Shurakov A.I., Voronov G.A. Fauna of the Kama region. - Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1989.
4. Bianki V.L. List of birds of the Kama region. // Illustrated guide to the Kama River and Vishera and Kolva. - Perm, 1911.
5. Ananyin B.D. Rare and endangered birds of the Perm region. // Protect the nature of the Kama region. - Perm, 1971.
6. Litvinov N.A. On the issue of the distribution of amphibians and reptiles in the Perm region. // Species and its productivity in the area. - Sverdlovsk, 1984.
7. Litvinov N.A. Reptiles or reptiles. // Fauna of the Kama region. - Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1989.
8. Law of June 21, 2012.
9. Red Book of the Perm Territory. - Perm: “Book World”, 2008.
10. Sabaneev L.P. Vertebrates of the Middle Urals and their geographical distribution in the Perm and Orenburg provinces. - M.: Publishing house MOIP, 1874.

Published December 6, 2017 Last edited December 7, 2017

Dyadkin Dmitry.

The work contains a description of medicinal plants of the Perm region, rules for their collection, drying, storage, and their medicinal properties.



Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Municipal autonomous educational institution

"General educational school No. 13" Solikamsk

Scientific society of students “We open the world”

XIX municipal competition of student research works

Field of environmental and biological sciences

Direction: " Botany and plant ecology»

Research work on the topic

Medicinal plants of the Perm region

Student of 6th grade

Dyadkin Dmitry

Scientific supervisor:

biology teacher

Poroshina Nina Evgenievna

Solikamsk, 2014


§1. History of the use of medicinal plants

§ 2. Medicinal plants of the Perm region

§ 3. Rules for collecting, drying and storing medicinal plants

§ 4. Analysis of a sociological survey




Plants are an inexhaustible storehouse of natural medicinal raw materials. Throughout human history, plants have been used by people for medicinal purposes.

Our country is home to a large number of different plant species, many of which have medicinal properties. Plants are a source for obtaining a variety of medicinal substances. It is known that over 30% of all medicines are obtained from plants.

In the mass media, material about medicinal plants of the Russian Federation is most often found, and the medicinal plants of our region and region have been little studied, so it was decided to choose the topic “Medicinal plants of the Perm region”.

Object of study:medicinal plants.

Subject of research:medicinal plants of the Perm region.

Purpose of the study:study and description of medicinal plants of the Perm region.

Research objectives

  1. Study the history of the use of medicinal plants.
  2. Describe medicinal plants of the Perm region.
  3. Formulate rules for collecting, drying and storing medicinal plants.

As you know, the healing properties of plants have been known to man since ancient times. Healing has been a sacrament since ancient times. The collection, production of medicines and treatment were accompanied by magical techniques and spells. Already the outstanding ancient Greek physician and thinker Hippocrates described 236 plants that were used in medicine of that time. Among them are henbane, elderberry, mint, almonds and others.

In Ancient Rus', much attention was paid to the use of medicinal plants. Only women had the right to practice healing in Rus'. With the formation of Kievan Rus, the profession of “lechtsy” appeared.

In recent years, throughout the world there has been a steady trend of growing interest among the population, medical and pharmaceutical workers in the use of medicines of natural origin.

The natural plant resources of Perm are rich and varied. We found out that there are over 90 species of medicinal plants in the Perm region.

The work describes the properties of only 6 of the most popular and well-known medicinal plants. We list only the medicinal properties of plants.

Large plantainAn infusion of the leaves is used as an expectorant. Plantain leaf juice is more recommended for the treatment of patients with chronic colitis and acute gastrointestinal diseases. The drug is prescribed orally, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, 15-20 minutes before meals.

Dandelion Dandelion root, which accumulates up to 40% inulin in the fall, is known as a choleretic agent that strengthens and heals the liver. Dandelion root tincture stimulates appetite and has antispasmodic, laxative and blood purifying properties.

Chamomileused internally as an antispasmodic for diseases of the digestive system, spastic and chronic colitis accompanied by fermentation in the intestines, anacid gastritis and as a choleretic agent.

St. John's wort used for mild forms of depression, psycho-vegetative anxiety disorders. In domestic medicine, a decoction is used for diseases of the heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and liver diseases. Leaves - heal wounds. St. John's wort preparations improve venous circulation and blood supply to some internal organs. You should be extremely careful when using St. John's wort simultaneously with other medications.

Common coltsfootused as an expectorant and emollient. It is used internally in the form of decoctions, as well as in chest and diaphoretic teas for bronchitis, laryngitis and bronchiectis.

Common lingonberryDecoctions and infusions of leaves are used as a diuretic for urolithiasis, rheumatism and gout. The berries are used for vitamin deficiency.

Procurement of medicinal raw materials is a responsible matter and requires knowledge and skills. Collection rules must be followed:

1. Adhere to optimal timing for the procurement of fresh raw materials.

2. Collect only in dry weather after the dew has dried.

3. Do not collect different types of raw materials in one container.

4. Leave at least 20% of unharvested plants in place for renewal.

5. Collect in one place no more than once every 2 years, and perennials 1 time every 5 - 7 years.

6. Do not store freshly picked plants for more than 1 - 2 hours.

It is necessary to remember one very important rule: you cannot harvest herbs, leaves, flowers and rhizomes near enterprises, highways and railways, where there are a lot of harmful emissions. After all, plants tend to absorb and accumulate them, and when they enter the human body, they can only cause harm to him.

A sociological survey conducted showed that children and their parents do not have complete knowledge about the use of medicinal plants at home and clarification is required on this issue, so in the future I plan to prepare several conversations on the topic of research and introduce this material to my classmates.

Thus, we can draw a conclusion on the research topic:The plant world is the greatest miracle of nature, our healing wealth and the kingdom of beauty. Each plant is a kind of factory in which the synthesis of a wide variety of rare and useful substances for humans occurs. Many medicinal plants have passed through the centuries, giving health to dozens of generations. They have firmly entered modern medicine and continue to heal the sick.

Thank you for your attention!

Municipalities Trees (bushes, shrubs) - symbols
Urban districts
Perm Lipas cordifolia ( Tiliacordata Mill.)
Berezniki Silver birch ( Betula pendula Roth. )
Solikamsk Siberian larch ( Larixsibirica Ledeb . )
Kungur Scots pine ( Pinussylvestris L . )
Gubakha Brittle willow or willow ( Salixfragilis L . )
Lysva Siberian fir (Abiessibirica L.)
ZATO Zvezdny Lipas cordifolia ( Tiliacordata Mill.)
Komi-Permyak district
Urban district - the city of Kudymkar Common lilac( Syringavulgaris L.)
Kudymkarsky municipal district Siberian larch ( Larixsibirica Ledeb . )
Gainsky municipal district Scots pine ( Pinussylvestris L . )
Kosinsky municipal district Siberian spruce ( Piceaobovata Ledeb.)
Kochevsky municipal district Siberian spruce ( Piceaobovata Ledeb.)
Yurlinsky municipal district Altai honeysuckle ( Loniceraaltaica Pall . ex DC.)
Yusvinsky municipal district Common rowan ( Sorbusaucuparia L . )
Municipal districts
Alexandrovsky municipal district PinussibiricaDuTour.)
Bardymsky municipal district English oak (Q uercusrobur L . )
Berezovsky municipal district Silver birch ( Betula pendula Roth. )
Bolshesosnovsky municipal district Scots pine ( Pinussylvestris L . )
Vereshchaginsky municipal district Siberian spruce ( Piceaobovata Ledeb.)
Gornozavodsky municipal district Cedar pine or Siberian cedar ( PinussibiricaDuTour.)
Gremyachinsky municipal district Siberian fir (Abiessibirica L.)
Dobryansky municipal district Siberian larch ( Larixsibirica Ledeb . )
Elovsky municipal district Siberian spruce ( Piceaobovata Ledeb.)
Ilyinsky municipal district Brittle willow or willow ( Salixfragilis L . )
Karagai municipal district Siberian larch ( Larixsibirica Ledeb . )
Kizelovsky municipal district Cotoneaster aronia (Cotoneastermelanocarpus Fisch. exBlytt )
Kishert municipal district Vizsmooth ( Ulmuslaevis Pall.)
Krasnovishersky municipal district Cedar pine or Siberian cedar ( PinussibiricaDuTour.)
Krasnokamsky municipal district Common bird cherry ( Padusavium Mill . )
Kuedinsky municipal district English oak (Q uercusrobur L . )
Kungur municipal district Scots pine ( Pinussylvestris L . )
Nytvensky municipal district Black poplar, or Osokor ( Populusnigra L . )
Oktyabrsky municipal district
Orda municipal district Hazel (Corylusavellana L.)
Osinsky municipal district Lipas cordifolia ( Tiliacordata Mill.)
Okhansky municipal district Alder gray ( Alnusincana(L.)Moench)
Ochersky municipal district Appleberry ( Malus baccata (L) Borkh.)
Perm municipal district Platanifolia maple( Acerplatanoides L . )
Sivinsky municipal district Siberian spruce ( Piceaobovata Ledeb.)
Solikamsky municipal district Siberian larch ( Larixsibirica Ledeb . )
Suksunsky municipal district White willow, or Willow ( Salixalba L .)
Uinsky municipal district Lipas cordifolia ( Tiliacordata Mill.)
Usolsky municipal district Common rowan ( Sorbusaucuparia L . )
Chaikovsky municipal district Silver poplar ( Populusalba L.)
Chastinsky municipal district Platanifolia maple ( Acerplatanoides L . )
Cherdynsky municipal district Scots pine ( Pinussylvestris L . )
Chernushinsky municipal district Rough elm, or Elm ( Ulmusglabra Huds.)
Chusovsky municipal district Common rowan ( Sorbusaucuparia L . )

September 25, 2014 in the park named after. On the 250th anniversary of the city of Perm (Rock Garden near Perm-2), the ceremonial laying of the Alley of the Perm Region took place - 48 specimens of 23 species of trees and shrubs were planted, symbolizing 48 municipalities of the region. At the preparatory stage, an expert group of specialists, together with territorial administrations, did a lot of work to select “green” symbols of municipalities from among the most characteristic and widely known species of trees and shrubs for the Perm Territory.

Russia has chosen its green symbols!

On October 31, the all-Russian vote to select the green symbols of our country as part of the “Alley of Russia” campaign ended. For four months, every resident of Russia had the opportunity to express their opinion on which plants are worthy of becoming symbols of their region. In total, about 3.5 million people took part in all forms of voting (action website, media, street polls, etc.). The final results of the “green elections” were summed up on November 10 by the Organizing Committee of the action.

Symbol of the Perm region

Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgobiloba L., called the “dinosaur tree” by Charles Darwin, is a relict plant that appeared in the Permian geological period of the Earth’s history. Ginkgo biloba is a tall, durable tree up to 45 m tall and more than 3 m in trunk diameter. There are many known ginkgo trees whose age exceeds 1000 and even 2000 years. The plant is one of the few deciduous gymnosperms. Now ginkgo is cultivated in many countries with mild climates as an ornamental tree with medicinal properties. Ginkgo also grows in Russia - on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, and since 1818, ginkgo has been successfully grown in Crimea, in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

Ginkgo biloba is a symbol of the Permian geological period, discovered by the famous Scottish geologist Roderick Murchison in 1841 in the vicinity of Perm. The cultural and historical brand of the Perm region - the Perm period - is the only division of the geochronological scale that received its name in Russia, on the territory of the former Perm province. It was in the Permian period that the first ginkgos appeared, which survived to the present day in the form of a single species, a living fossil - Ginkgo biloba - rightfully considered a symbol of the Permian geological period and claiming to be the plant-symbol of the Perm region.

Perm region

The basis of the vegetation cover of the Perm region is forests, occupying about 71% of its total area. In the basins of the upper Kama, Vishera, Kolva, Kosva, Yayva, Yazva and Chusovaya, forest cover is 10-20% higher than average, and in the catchment areas of Inva, Obva, Tulva, Shakva, Tanyp it is slightly below average. More than 80% of the forest area is coniferous (spruce - 65%, pine - more than 13%; fir - 2.5%). In deciduous forests, birch is the most common (17%). In the north of the region, spruce forests with an admixture of fir and Siberian cedar predominate; To the south the role of deciduous species increases noticeably. South of Berezniki, linden is mixed with coniferous species, and south of Osa, other broad-leaved species are mixed in - maple, elm, and sometimes oak. Along swampy river valleys and near peat bogs, so-called sogro forests (spruce, spruce-alder, pine) are developed, which are characterized by a depressed state of the tree cover. Along the terraces of large rivers there are forests; In mountainous areas, fir-spruce and birch forests are common, and in the most elevated areas there are mountain tundras. Meadow vegetation is characteristic of watersheds and river valleys. To the south of Kungur there is a forest-steppe. The flora of vascular plants in the region includes approximately 1,600 species from more than one hundred families.

A significant part of the region’s forests (more than 50%) consists of mature and overmature plantations. Approximately 20% of the forests are young forests, the rest are middle-aged forests. Due to the development of industrial production, the region's forest resources have been intensively exploited since the 17th century. Currently, intensive logging is also carried out in the Perm Territory; For the purpose of reforestation work, permanent forest nurseries have been created.

The region is home to 68 species of mammals, 280 species of birds, 6 species of reptiles and 9 species of amphibians. The most common predatory mammals are marten, ermine, and weasel; in the southern regions - badger and otter, in the northern - wolverine. Wolves, bears and lynxes are found throughout the region. Among artiodactyls, moose is often found. Of the birds in the region, the most widespread are wood grouse, black grouse, crossbills, and several species of tits; Migratory birds include starlings, thrushes, rooks, and swallows. Birds of prey are represented by owls, ravens, magpies, and eagles.

On the territory of the Perm Territory there are two specially protected natural areas of federal significance: Basegi and Vishersky nature reserves. There are 283 specially protected natural areas of regional significance, among them: 21 state nature reserves, 114 natural monuments, 5 historical and natural complexes and objects, 46 nature reserves and 97 protected landscapes. In addition, there are 97 specially protected natural areas of local importance in the region.

The Vishera Nature Reserve is located in the Northern Urals, in the extreme northeast of the region (the territory of the Krasnovishersky district); was formed in 1991. The area of ​​the protected area is 2412 km². The relief is predominantly represented by medium-altitude mountains; the largest river flowing through the reserve is the Vishera. 76% of the territory is covered with forests. The flora of the Vishera Nature Reserve is represented by 460 species of vascular plants, including two rare ones. The fauna is represented by 46 species of mammals, 136 species of birds, four species of amphibians, one species of reptiles and seven species of fish. Protected animals include the sable, brown bear, osprey and white-tailed eagle.

The Basegi Nature Reserve is located in the eastern part of the region, in the foothills of the Basegi mountain range, on the territory of the Gremyachinsky and Gornozavodsky municipal districts of the region; has an area of ​​379.35 km². It was founded in 1982 and significantly expanded in 1993. There are 526 species of vascular plants growing on the territory of the reserve. The fauna is represented by 51 species of mammals, 120 species of birds, two species of reptiles and four species of amphibians.

In those places where forests have been cut down, the area is allocated to meadows, arable land, and pastures.

In our region there are flooded, dry and mountain meadows.

water meadows spread along the banks of rivers and lakes. Their area is small. They are especially beautiful and rich in forage grasses. In the spring, when the rivers flood, the water floods the lowest places. River silt is deposited here. Gradually the water subsides. The soil, saturated with moisture and fertilized with silt, is covered with a green carpet of herbs: timothy, meadow bluegrass, hedgehog grass, foxtail, clover, mouse pea, etc.


Meadow bluegrass



Mouse peas

At higher places, on the slopes of hills are located dry meadows. In the mountains at an altitude of 600-800 meters there are mountain meadows. Most of them are located in the Vishera Urals, on the Chuvalsky Kamen, Basegi, etc. They occupy mainly gentle slopes of the mountains. All meadow plants are herbaceous and light-loving.

In June the meadow becomes very elegant. The scarlet ones are blooming carnations, cornflower and white daisies, purple bells, meadow cornflowers, pink clover, golden buttercups and many other flowering plants.





The air at this time is filled with the smell of honey, the aroma of herbs and flowers. Many people come here for nectar bees, bumblebees, OS, floral flies.




Variegated ones flutter over the flowers butterflies and light winged dragonflies, in the grass they chirp briskly grasshoppers, buzzing bumblebees.




In dense grass, in secluded places, birds make nests: yellow wagtail- a small bird with a long tail, landrail, quail. The voices of these meadow birds can be heard “drink-weed”, “twitch-twitch”.




There are beetles in the meadow - orderlies. This gravedigger beetle And dung beetle.

Numerous people find food among the thick grass mice, which are hunted by owls flying from the forest. Meet toads, lizards that feed on insects.




live in the soil earthworms, microbes, mushrooms. They live underground moles. Their food is also insects, larvae and plant roots.

Dry meadows are dominated by ordinary meadow grasses, but compared to flooded meadows they are significantly poorer in cereal plants. In mountain meadows, where there is a lot of rainfall, forage cereal plants grow wildly. The hay harvest here is very large.

Among the valuable forage grasses there are poisonous ones: Veh poisonous, hemlock And caustic buttercup.

The most poisonous plant in the meadow is considered to be the poisonous plant. Its height is up to 1 - 1.5 m, the stem is thick. The leaves are dissected into two - 3 lobes. The flowers are white, collected in umbrellas. The fruit is an achene, round in shape. Hidden in the ground is the rhizome, the most poisonous part of the plant. Poisoning of people and animals is possible when the rhizomes are eaten. Veh emits a pungent odor characteristic of parsley or celery, so it is very easy to confuse it with these herbs.

A variety of animal organisms live together in the meadow. They are closely related to each other and the environment, so the meadow is a natural community.

Animals and plants of the meadow are connected in a food chain. For example, clover - bumblebee - wagtail. If all the birds in the meadow disappear, then herbivorous insects will begin to actively reproduce and destroy a huge number of plants. If all the bumblebees disappear, then there will be no one to pollinate the clover. Bumblebees are the best pollinators of this plant. Unpollinated clover will not produce seeds, which means no new plants will appear. And without clover, some domestic animals will have nothing to eat.

The disappearance of any link in the food chain will affect the community as a whole.

The meaning of meadows

Meadows are of great economic importance.

In July, haymaking begins in the Perm region. Hay mowers go out into the meadow, mowers come out. The cut grass is dried in the sun for two to three days. Then the fragrant hay is raked and transported to dry places. Hay stackers are used to stack the hay into large stacks. Hay is the best food for many pets.

Agricultural workers take great care of the meadows.

The meadows are very beautiful. They delight people and delight with their variety of herbs. But children and adults do not always behave correctly in the meadow.

The influence of people on the meadows


human activities


human activities

1. Clear the meadows of debris and bushes.

1. Littering of meadows with garbage.

2. Fertilize meadow soils, since in the Perm region they are poor in humus.

2. Setting fire to last year's grass. This is unacceptable, because young shoots and underground parts of plants, nests of bumblebees, birds, ladybugs, butterflies and other insects die in the fire. The natural balance is disrupted.

3. Meadows are reseeded with valuable forage grasses.

3. Excessive grazing of livestock in meadows leads to trampling and disappearance of plants, the formation of bare soil.

4. Arrange artificial sprinkling (irrigation) from rivers, lakes and ponds.

4. Excessive use of flowering meadows and plants for bouquets leads to a sharp reduction in certain species. They are becoming rare. Bouquets can only be made from plants grown by people.

5. Rare plants and animals are taken under protection and “small reserves” are created.

Flowers disappear on the ground

This is becoming more noticeable every year.

Less joy and beauty

Leaves it to us every summer.

Revelation of meadow flowers

We hardly understood.

We trampled them carelessly

And they tore madly, mercilessly.

The rational “stop” was silent in us!

It seemed to us that everything was not enough, everything was not enough.

And then in the city crowd

We dragged armfuls of them tiredly.

And we didn’t see how from under our feet

Silently, barely breathing,

The cornflower looked doomedly,

The carnations looked hopeless.

Evgeny Korasev

Crop production the science of breeding cropsagricultural plants, as well asThis is breeding itself.("Explanatory Dictionary" by S.I. Ozhegov)Plants , which man himself lands, takes care of the seedlings, with the harvest, used for food called cultural.

Plant growing is divided into several main branches: field growing, vegetable growing, fruit growing, floriculture.

Plants field

A field is an open, treeless space in which crops are grown.

In the Perm region, grain crops are cultivated in the fields - rye, wheat, barley, oats, millet and buckwheat; vegetable crops - cabbage, carrots, beets, cucumbers, etc.; forage crops - clover, vetch, peas, turnips, fodder beets, etc.; industrial crops - flax, potatoes.

Grain crops occupy a leading place in field cultivation. They are the basis for the development of other sectors of agriculture and industry.

Among grain crops, the first place in terms of crops in the region is occupied by winter rye. It is cultivated in the north, central and southern regions. It is not afraid of cold weather, produces a good harvest and ripens early.

The second place in terms of grain crops is occupied by wheat- the most valuable grain crop. It loves warmth, so it is cultivated in the southern part of the region.

In the northern regions they also grow barley and oats. In the south of the region - millet.




All these cultivated plants differ from each other, but their structure has much in common. All of them are herbaceous plants, the root is a bunch, the stem is a straw, hollow inside, has large nodes, which makes it strong and stable. The leaves are narrow and long. Small flowers of rye, wheat, and barley are collected in ears, and millet and oats are collected in panicles. Later, fruits - grains - are formed from the flowers. Such plants are called cereal grains.

The grains of these plants differ from each other. For example, rye has oblong, darker grains, while wheat has round, light grains.

Use of cultivated cereals

Name of cultural


What do you get?


Rye flour (rye bread is baked).

The bran is used to feed livestock.

The straw goes to the bedding.


Wheat flour (white bread is baked, confectionery products, pasta are made).

Wheat groats.



Barley flour.

Barley groats.

Pearl barley.


Oatmeal flour.




Millet Millet groats.

Plants from which bread is obtained are called grain plants.

Farmers have to spend a lot of time, effort, and money to grow grain crops, harvest crops, and prepare bread. Therefore, it must be protected!

Vegetable plants

Many vegetables are grown in the fields: cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, beets, radishes, radishes, onions, etc.

White cabbage often called the "queen of vegetables".

Cabbage is very rich in vitamins; it is the basis of many dishes. It is eaten raw in salads, boiled in cabbage soup and borscht, stewed, pickled, and pies are baked with it. A lot of knowledge, work and time must be devoted to growing this crop. Cabbage loves warmth and moisture. Its homeland is warm countries. Without preparation, cabbage will not have time to ripen during the relatively short Ural summer. Therefore, in early spring, when the field is still resting, people plant small blackish round seeds in greenhouses or greenhouses. From them grow light green plants with two leaves (seedlings).

When it gets warm, the seedlings are planted in fields and vegetable gardens. More and more leaves appear on plants. They press closer and closer to each other. This is how a head of cabbage is formed. The inner leaves become juicy and white. There are 40 - 70 of them in a head of cabbage, and sometimes more, and they hold tightly, pressing against each other. Cabbage is harvested in the fall.

Green cucumbers are a favorite vegetable plant. They are also good pickled or salted in winter.

The homeland of cucumbers is India, a warm southern country. In our conditions, cucumbers give a good harvest if they are grown correctly. Cucumbers, like cabbage and tomatoes, are first planted in greenhouses or greenhouses, i.e. people seem to artificially lengthen the summer for them. Then, with the onset of warm weather, they are transplanted into beds. From the seedlings grow low plants with creeping fragile stems and rough leaves, then yellow gramophone-shaped flowers bloom, and from them oblong, bright green juicy fruits - cucumbers - are formed.

Spring seeds carrots, beets, radishes Sow directly into the beds and water thoroughly. Low plants with green leaves appear. Their roots grow and become thicker and juicier. They accumulate nutrients: sugar, starch, vitamins. A month later, radishes ripen, and later carrots and beets.




Plants whose thickened roots are eaten are called root vegetables.

Onion- a valuable food product. It contains sugar and various vitamins. Not a single meat or fish dish is complete without onions. Even in ancient times, onions were used as a healing plant for many diseases. That's why the people made up the following saying: "The bow cures seven diseases." Our scientists have found that onions release volatile substances (phytoncides), which kill putrefactive and pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, eating onions has medicinal value.

Onions are eaten with green leaves and bulbs. Onions are native to dry steppes. The plant has adapted to retain nutrients in the bulb during the dry period, which has wonderful properties. Many people store onions in winter, and they do not dry out. In spring, the bulb germinates easily and produces green leaves, and in greenhouses even in winter. It can easily overwinter. Sometimes lek are planted in beds before winter. When the snow begins to melt, the onions will already have green leaves.

Potato- a valuable food product. It is often called the "second bread". Potatoes are an important industrial crop. Starch, alcohol, and molasses are obtained from it.

In spring, a lot of potatoes are planted in the fields and gardens of the region. Herbaceous plants grow in the form of bushes with branched stems. They reach a height of 50 - 60 cm. In mid-summer, white-pink and purple flowers form on them. Once upon a time, potatoes were grown for the sake of these flowers to decorate clothes, not knowing about the properties of the underground parts of this plant.

Observing the flowers, you can see that then round, green fruits with small seeds, reminiscent of tomatoes, appear from them. You can't eat them, they are bitter and poisonous.

In the underground part, the potato stems produce underground white branches, at the ends of which thickenings are formed - young tubers. They gradually enlarge and fill with starch. In autumn, a rich harvest of potato tubers is usually harvested.

The homeland of potatoes is South America. Potatoes were not immediately recognized in Russia. In the beginning, they mistakenly ate not tubers, but bitter fruits. Therefore, many peasants did not want to plant it. Planting potatoes was spread among the population by force, and this caused “potato riots” in ancient times.

But gradually people mastered this culture and realized that potatoes are an indispensable food product. Now we grow many high-yielding varieties of potatoes.

So, in potatoes, it is not the fruit that is eaten, but the modified underground part of the stem, called the tuber.

Fruit and berry plants

Due to cold and long winters, gardening in the Perm region is underdeveloped. But still, gardeners grow sea buckthorn, cherries, garden strawberries, currants, raspberries, gooseberries, plums, apple trees, etc.

Garden strawberries




Sea ​​buckthorn




Gardening is concentrated in the south of the region and in the suburbs of Perm, Chusovoy, Krasnokamsk, Okhansk and other settlements. But still, most of the fruits for the population are brought from other countries and the southern regions of our country.


From year to year, our cities and towns are decorated with flowers in the spring and summer. In the spring, when the snow has just melted, the first perennials appear in garden plots: snow-white narcissus with an unforgettable delicate aroma, red and yellow tulips, purple irises.




Bloom later peonies. They delight with the richness of their colors and the size of saucer-sized flowers: scarlet, soft pink, white with a pleasant smell.

Then red and white appear carnations, lilies. Tall and slender ones bloom phlox: lilac, purple, pink and white. They bloom all summer.

Carnations Lilies Phlox

In the second half of summer, beautiful dahlias of various colors and shapes bloom and are surprisingly elegant. gladioli.

Mostly annuals bloom in squares, parks and streets: asters, cosmos, petunias, marigold, calendula and many others.

Calendula Asters Cosmea Marigolds

In the city of Perm there is an enterprise "Flowers of the Kama Region", where plants bloom in greenhouses all year round, including beautiful roses.

Here, annual seedlings are grown for landscaping and beautifying the city.

The power of flowers to influence people's feelings is enormous. They heal us, inspire us and improve our mood. They decorate homes, streets, parks and gardens. They are presented at special events, given as gifts for holidays, and placed on the graves of the dead, at obelisks. On Victory Day, May 9, they are given to war veterans.

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