Logbook for registration of initial fire safety training. Fire safety briefing log

It is used to record, record and register information about persons who underwent training and about the managers who conducted fire safety training.

View of the main section of the magazine:

The magazine includes additional materials:

  • Sample program of induction training on fire safety
  • Example of an order appointing someone responsible for ensuring fire safety

Control seal

The fire safety briefing logbook is sealed with a numbered indicator pattern-breakable holographic seal.

According to GOST 31282-2004 control seal- a unique single-use indicator device designed to detect unauthorized access.

Before you start working with the magazine, you must fill out the title page and certification. Be sure to enter the seal number in the appropriate line (without this, the journal is not considered sealed).

Fire safety training- this is bringing to the attention of enterprise workers the basic fire safety requirements, studying production processes, equipment, fire protection equipment and actions in the event of a fire.

The procedure for conducting fire safety briefings.

1. All employees of the enterprise are allowed to work only after undergoing fire safety training, and if the specifics of work or regulatory documents on fire safety change, they undergo additional training in the manner established by the manager.

2. The timing, procedure for conducting fire safety briefings, as well as the persons responsible for their conduct, are appointed by order of the enterprise.

3. Fire safety briefings, depending on the nature and time of implementation, are divided into:

introductory- carried out by the person responsible for ensuring fire safety at the enterprise with all newly hired employees, regardless of their position and profession;

primary- carried out by the person responsible for ensuring fire safety in a structural unit, directly at the workplace before the start of work activities with all those hired, transferred from one unit to another, business travelers, students arriving for practical training, with employees performing new work for them work, as well as with builders when performing construction and installation work on the territory of an operating enterprise;

repeated- carried out by the person responsible for ensuring fire safety in a structural unit with all employees of the enterprise in order to consolidate knowledge of fire safety measures at least once a year;

unscheduled- carried out by the person responsible for ensuring fire safety in a structural unit, in order to study newly adopted or amended legal acts and regulations, new responsibilities and fire safety measures by employees of units when they are transferred to another job; familiarization with technological processes and equipment when replacing them; repetition of basic fire safety requirements and regulatory documents during a break in work for more than a year, as well as at the request of a representative of the State Fire Service;

target- carried out by the person responsible for ensuring fire safety at the enterprise, with employees of departments sent to perform one-time work not related to direct duties in their specialty, and during the performance of work for which a permit is issued, as well as with participants in excursions at the enterprise.

4. The persons responsible for conducting them make an entry in a journal about the results of fire safety briefings with the obligatory signature of the person being instructed and the person instructing.

Regulatory materials:

What are the requirements for accounting journals, and how the journal should be designed in accordance with these requirements, see our video.

Helpful information:


1. Requirements of legislative and regulatory documents for ensuring fire safety of territories, buildings, structures, premises, and for the maintenance of evacuation routes.

3. Measures to ensure fire safety of technological processes, equipment and electrical installations.

4. Fire safety requirements for objects and methods of storing substances and materials. Features of fire safety requirements for the storage, use and transportation of flammable liquids, flammable liquids and flammable liquids.

5. Classification of explosion and fire hazards of buildings and premises. Fire safety measures.

6. Measures to ensure fire safety during the operation of heating systems, ventilation and other types of engineering equipment.

7. Fire safety measures when performing fire hazardous work and using open fire.

8. Disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability for failure to comply, improper fulfillment or evasion of fire safety requirements, including the Fire Safety Rules of the Russian Federation.

9. Responsibilities and actions of workers in case of fire:

  • procedure for calling the fire department;
  • ensuring safety and evacuation of people;
  • measures to provide first aid to victims;
  • procedure for turning off ventilation and electrical equipment;
  • procedure for emergency shutdown of process equipment;
  • ways to prevent the spread of fire;
  • procedure for evacuation of people and material assets;
  • rules for the use of primary fire extinguishing means and automatic fire protection installations.

10. The procedure for inspecting and bringing the premises of the enterprise into a fire and explosion-proof condition.

Good day! The author of this project, Vladimir Raichev, is with you. Anyone who has encountered all kinds of fire safety or health safety briefings at work knows how necessary it is to properly document and record all such events.

Any commission and inspection will first of all require you to show a log of fire safety briefings during your visit. In today’s article I want to tell you about the main nuances of maintaining this document and teach you how to fill it out correctly. But first, study.

You can clearly follow all the instructions for carrying out preventive measures, conduct systematic courses for employees at the enterprise, but if the log is filled out incorrectly, then that’s it: fines and various penalties.

Keeping a log is a mandatory job that is assigned to the responsible employee or fire safety specialist.

Employee training is a mandatory event at all places of work, be it production, a government agency or a commercial organization. There are several types of briefings that should be systematically carried out at the enterprise.

What should be reflected in the journal: briefly about the main thing

There is a certain form for filling out this document, from which you cannot deviate.

The book must have the following columns:

  • the date of the;
  • FULL NAME. instructed;
  • year of birth;
  • position, profession and qualifications;
  • type of instruction (introductory, primary, repeated, etc.);
  • signature of the Instructor and specialist.

In some cases, notes may be added to the document. So, for example, if when working conditions change, new equipment is put into operation, etc. If there is a need for a targeted or unscheduled course, then the corresponding entry must be made in the document.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to adhere to all the rules and regulations when filling out this important document.

You must understand that ignorance of these standards does not exempt you from responsibility, so if you doubt the correctness of the documentation, it is better to double-check and correct it before it is too late.

Watch this funny video about what to do in case of a fire, I’m sure you will find it useful during training:

Found this article useful? Don’t forget to subscribe to the news and, of course, share information with your friends on the social network. Until we meet again, bye-bye.

is an official document that every organization must maintain. It should reflect information about the training of company employees on fire safety issues. The requirement to keep records in a journal is contained in clause 10 of the Fire Safety Standards “Training in fire safety measures for employees of organizations” (approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2007 No. 645).

Types of briefings that must be entered into the fire safety briefing log

Clause 10 of the Fire Safety Standards requires that information about all types of training conducted at the enterprise be entered into the log. These include:

  • Induction training that the employer must conduct for all new employees of the enterprise. Employees receive general information regardless of profession or position.
  • Initial training, which is carried out at the workplace of each employee. Such a lesson should be organized not only for workers recently employed by the organization, but also for those who arrived on a business trip, were employed by transfer, or were sent to the company for internship.
  • Repeated training is carried out once a year. The purpose of such instruction is to consolidate a person’s knowledge in the field of fire safety.
  • Unscheduled briefing, the purpose of which is to familiarize yourself with innovations and new responsibilities in the field of fire safety.
  • Targeted briefing is necessary for employees temporarily allowed to perform new duties. It is also relevant for industrial tourists.

The purpose of filling out a fire safety briefing log

The main purpose of maintaining magazine fire safety training registration— preservation and systematization of information about employees who have undergone fire safety training, as well as about the leaders of the organization who dealt with this issue.

Continuous maintenance of this log allows you to identify employees who do not have access to work. These are the people who did not complete fire safety training on time. Another purpose of filling out the journal is to record information about the topics and types of training provided. This document allows the company’s management to control the process of employee training and make it regular and planned.

Fire safety briefing magazine - sample 2016 (where to download)

To properly maintain documentation in the field of fire safety, it is necessary to maintain a training log in strict accordance with legal requirements. Sample fire safety briefing log, relevant for 2016, can be found in Appendix 1 to the Fire Safety Standards, approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2007 No. 645.

This magazine is an A4 size book. Its pages are numbered and fastened with lacing. The lacing must be secured with a control seal or seal of the organization. The seal or seal must indicate the number of sheets in the magazine. This measure allows you to protect the document from unauthorized access and replacement of sheets.

Pages fire safety training log are presented in the form of a table with the following columns:

  • date of training;
  • surname and initials of the employee;
  • employee's date of birth;
  • Job title;
  • type of instruction;
  • information about the employee who conducts the training;
  • employee signature;
  • instructor's signature.

Moreover, on the cover fire safety briefing log you need to indicate the name of the legal entity, the number of the journal itself and the start and end dates of its completion.

One person must fill out the log. It is determined by the management of the enterprise. As a rule, this is an employee who has a complete understanding of the rules for filling out the log and fire safety standards.

An enterprise may have more than one magazine, but several. For example, a separate document for each department of the company.

We prepare a log of introductory training on fire safety

In some cases it is advisable to fire safety induction training log. You can find a sample of such a log in Appendix 3 of the Fire Safety Rules for energy enterprises VPPB 01-02-95.

This log should contain information about the induction training that is carried out with the employee immediately after employment. The filling form cannot be arbitrary. It must comply with legal requirements and contain a sample training program. The journal must be sealed, certified with the seal of the organization and the signature of the manager.

Responsibility for refusal to fill out a fire safety briefing log

The absence of a fire safety briefing log at an enterprise is a violation of fire safety requirements, for which Art. 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for administrative liability.

The official responsible for fire safety in the organization, as well as the organization itself, may be subject to punishment in the form of a warning or a fine. Depending on the circumstances of the case, the fine varies from 6,000 to 15,000 and from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles, respectively.

Maintaining a log is the company's responsibility. Regular filling out of it allows you to control the process of training workers in fire safety rules and, as a result, prevent the occurrence of fire hazardous situations at the enterprise. The fines for failure to comply with this obligation are quite serious, not to mention the consequences of a fire. Therefore, the management of any legal entity should pay maximum attention to the timely conduct of briefings and recording them in the journal.


Read Order No. 645 of December 12, 2007 (Appendix 1), in accordance with which fire safety briefing logs are filled out. Such briefings are conducted regularly to ensure that employees are aware of current fire safety requirements and what they should do in the event of a fire occurring or discovered.

If the enterprise or organization has developed its own special training programs for fire safety measures, then the instruction will be carried out directly by the head of this institution or an authorized official. In any case, the manager (or other official) must be familiar with the mandatory fire safety technical minimum. Please note: it is not necessary to register such programs with fire authorities.

Depending on the time and nature of the briefing, it can be:
- introductory;

Primary (or primary at the workplace);



A corresponding entry must be made in the journal regarding any type of briefing.

The number of journals is not limited and depends on the size of the staff and the organizational structure of your institution. Magazines must be designed accordingly, laced, numbered and sealed with the seal of the organization or enterprise. If your institution has several departments, then each of them should have its own.

Indicate the serial number of the briefing in the first column, and the date of its conduct in the second. The third column is reserved to indicate the date of approval of the current instruction and its entry into force. In the fourth column you will have to indicate the type of instruction. After this, indicate the code and number of the instruction (or its name) and the timing of its revision (planned). The last two columns indicate the position and full name of the instructor, and his signature.


An entry is made in the log book about the conduct of introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled, targeted fire safety briefings. conducting fire safety briefings with a mandatory signature.

Helpful advice

All employees of the enterprise are allowed to work only after undergoing fire safety training, and if the specifics of work or regulatory documents on fire safety change, they undergo additional training in the manner established by the manager. The persons responsible for conducting them make an entry in a journal about the results of fire safety briefings with the obligatory signature of the person being instructed and the person instructing.


  • fire safety magazine

Tip 2: How to fill out a workplace briefing log

By signing the safety briefing log, the employee shifts responsibility for his actions from the manager to himself. That is why every manager is obliged to ensure that such a journal is available and that it is filled out correctly.


At the bottom of the page there is one line for placing the signature of the instructor and the date of the instruction. All pages must be numbered. The font should be large and easily readable.

Do not place the safety instructions themselves in the magazine. They must be available to the person responsible for safety precautions, and must also be placed on clearly visible stands so that anyone can see them at any time.

When not in use, store the magazine in a locked cabinet, drawer, or safe. Be sure to follow the following order: first, complete the checklist, sign at the bottom of the page yourself, then, if necessary, ask the instructees questions, and only after that allow them to sign in the journal. Never allow persons who have not actually been instructed to sign the log. Do not allow persons who have not signed the log to interact with any traumatic objects available or at the enterprise.
Only those persons who have been entrusted with this work by the person responsible for safety precautions can carry out instructions.

If the person being trained is authorized to operate only certain equipment, do not allow the person to operate any other equipment on or in the facility.

Find out the frequency of training. Carry out it at least within the established deadlines.

To collect signatures from employees after each new briefing, use the following page of the log.


INSTRUCTION JOURNAL - a journal of the established form in which the conduct of a certain type of instruction is recorded. On the cover (title page) J. and. indicated: name of the organization (division of the organization)

Helpful advice

The employee responsible for conducting on-the-job training (site foreman, department or service manager) receives the logbook from the safety engineer. It must be laced, numbered, certified with the seal of the enterprise and the signature of the manager. Due to the fact that several types of instruction are carried out at the workplace, it is permissible to divide the magazine into pages.


  • safety training logs

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer’s responsibility is to provide employees working at his enterprise with safe working conditions. The parameters of these conditions and the requirements for labor protection of workers are stipulated by state standards and SanPiNs. Each employee of the enterprise must undergo training on technology security, the implementation of which is reflected in a separate magazine.


GOST 12.0.004-90 “System of standards security labor" regulates the procedure for conducting training on technology security. It provides for such types of briefing as primary, repeated and unscheduled. In addition, those who are employed in work with hazardous working conditions are required to undergo an internship at their workplace, after which they are allowed to carry out such work independently. All these activities should be reflected in magazine.

The recommended columns include: the date of the briefing, the name and patronymic of the instructed and the instructor, the profession and position of the instructed, the type of briefing, the numbers that were studied during the briefing. In separate columns, spaces should be provided for the signature of the person being instructed and the instructor, as well as the official authorized to authorize the admission of the instructed employee.

In the event that there are no special, harmful and dangerous working conditions, in the log table according to technology security There should be an additional column in which it is necessary to reflect the duration of the internship and the signature of the employee and instructor confirming its completion.

Logbook for training technology security You can order it at a printing house or in general, having signed all the columns yourself. It is a working document, so all its pages must be numbered and laced. The ends of the lacing are brought out on the last sheet under the back cover of the magazine. They need to be glued and secured. The paper pasted over them must bear the signature of the person entrusted with maintaining the journal, certified by the seal of the enterprise. On the last page there should be an inscription indicating the number of numbered and laced pages.


  • keeping safety logs

Tip 4: How to fill out a workplace briefing log

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide its employees with safe working conditions that comply with established state standards and labor protection requirements. To do this, all workers must undergo labor safety training, which must be confirmed by a corresponding entry made in a special magazine briefing on worker place.


Procedure briefing for , internships at worker place and testing of knowledge acquired by employees is regulated by GOST 12.0.004-90 “System of Labor Standards”. In Appendices 4 and 6 to it, look at the recommended forms of logs in which the training and instructions carried out should be recorded. worker place.

All types briefing: primary, repeated, unscheduled and on worker place, which is provided only for employees employed in harmful and dangerous working conditions, must be reflected in magazine and be certified by the signature of the instructor and the instructed.

Articles 212 and 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provide for a mandatory procedure for briefing, but do not strictly regulate the design of the briefing. Therefore, you can make it yourself; use an accounting book, which is sold in stationery stores, or an ordinary general notebook.

Prepare the journal in the form of a table, which should contain the following columns:
- date briefing;
- last name, first name and patronymic of the person undergoing instruction;
- year of his birth;
- and the position held. In addition, the required columns are:
- view briefing(introductory, on worker place, repeated or unscheduled),
- No. of those studied or their name;
- last name, first name and patronymic of the instructor or admitter,
- signatures of the person being instructed and the instructor. In a separate column there should be the inscription: “Permit to work” with the date, signature and its explanation. Leave a “Note” column indicating the reason for the briefing, if it is carried out outside the plan.

In the event that there are harmful and dangerous working conditions at the enterprise, magazine there should be an additional column “Internship for worker place." It notes the number of shifts worked during the internship, includes the inscription “Passed the internship” and the signature of the worker who passed the test.

All log pages briefing on worker place, lace it, cover the ends of the lacing, make the inscription “In magazine numbered and laced so much,” certify with the seal of the organization and the signature of the person responsible for maintaining the journal.


  • on-the-job training log

Introductory safety training is required when applying for a job in a number of specialties. All magazines of this type, be it labor protection, fire safety or electrical safety, must meet certain requirements. As a rule, it is filled out in the office book. The electronic version has not caught on very well, since signatures of the employee and instructor are required.

You will need

  • - office book;
  • - A4 paper;
  • - pen;
  • - printed instructions on labor protection, safety precautions, electrical safety, etc.


Prepare yourself. In some stores that sell products for offices, you can buy a ready-made one, signed and lined up according to all the requirements. But you can draw out an office book or make a corresponding table on the computer and print it out. It is more convenient to make such a table in A4 format, placing the page vertically. Make many pages at once because the magazine needs to be laced, bound and numbered. It is stitched so that the pages cannot be torn out or replaced. For the same purpose, the sheets are numbered. Each page must bear the seal of the organization. In small companies, the journal can be made from an ordinary general notebook, but other requirements remain the same.

On the cover, write “Journal of introductory training on labor (safety, secrecy, etc.).” Write the name of the business below. Under the name of the company, write “responsible for conducting the training”, his last name, first name and patronymic. The title page should also include information about when the document began and ended.

The logbook for fire safety briefings must be filled out in the prescribed form. We'll tell you how to do it correctly, without mistakes, and where to download a ready-made sample.

Read in the article:

Fire safety briefing magazine - sample 2019

All employees, regardless of position, qualifications, experience, education, must undergo fire safety training at least once a year, and those employed in fire-hazardous industries - at least once every six months. Such events are carried out individually with each person or with a group of workers of the same profession.

New fire safety briefing logbook: sample 2019

Find the sample labor protection document you need in the Occupational Safety and Health Help System. Our experts have already prepared 2506 templates!

Fire safety induction magazine

Fire safety training is of the following types:

  • primary;
  • repeated;
  • unscheduled;
  • target.

The form of the log is standard, as it is established by Appendix 1 to the fire safety standards, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 12, 2007 No. 645. These standards have been registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia, therefore it is prohibited to change anything at your own discretion.

Records must be kept in strictly chronological order. The surname, first name and patronymic of the employee and instructor should be written down in full, without abbreviations. The year of birth is indicated according to the employee and at his request. This is personal data. If the employee refuses to indicate the date of birth, one should not insist.

The employee's profession or position is filled in accordance with the organization's staffing table. The type of event held also fits in completely, without abbreviations. Both the person being instructed and the person instructing must sign.

All pages must be numbered and laced, and the ends of the lace must be placed on the last sheet under the back cover, pasted over and secured. On the paper pasted over them, the responsible person puts his signature, which must be certified by the seal of the organization.

The last page should indicate the number of numbered and bound pages.

Be careful, fine!

Violation of fire safety training requirements entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine ():

  • for citizens in the amount of 1000 to 1500 rubles,
  • for officials - from 6,000 to 15,000 rubles,
  • for legal entities - from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles.

If fire safety requirements were violated by the person responsible for their compliance, and as a result of this, people were injured or killed, then criminal liability arises. It provides for punishment up to imprisonment for up to 7 years.

The defendants are the head of the enterprise and the person responsible for industrial safety, the manager.

At the local level, within the enterprise, failure to comply with the manager’s order to maintain a journal on industrial safety in accordance with the article is fraught with disciplinary liability in the form of:

  • comments;
  • reprimand;
  • dismissal for appropriate reasons.

Actions of the employer if the fire safety briefing log is lost

In this case, it is necessary to draw up an act of any form. There is no point in restoring all the records from past years. Many employees may have already left, so restore records from the previous year.

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