Terrible killers. The most terrible crimes committed by maniacs in the world

On November 20, 1990, the whole country breathed a sigh of relief. Andrei Chikatilo was arrested. The things that this person did do not fit into the concept of mental norms. Unfortunately, he was not alone in his “terrible illness”.


Number of victims: 53

Probably everyone who lives in Russia has heard the name of Andrei Chikatilo - the most famous Russian serial killer. A lot has been filmed about him documentaries, thousands of pages of articles and books have been written, and the name has become a household name. Chikatilo's bloody activities occurred in last years communist regime - in 12 years from 1978 to 1990, he committed 53 murders (only proven ones, the maniac himself admitted to committing 65 murders), keeping the entire country in fear. On November 20, 1990, Chikatilo was arrested and subsequently sentenced to death penalty. Chikatilo asked for a pardon from the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin, but was refused. In 1994, he was executed by a shot in the back of the head.


Number of victims: 38 people were found guilty of death.
During Serfdom, cases of violence and abuse by landowners against peasants were common. And yet, what the noblewoman Daria Saltykova did on her estate is beyond my comprehension. According to the testimony of people who knew Saltykova, it was difficult to suspect a tendency towards violence and psychical deviations- She was pious, donated money to the church and the poor. The death of her husband changed everything.
It all started with assault - Saltychikha took her anger out on the peasants and servants for unscrupulous performance of duties. Over time, the punishments of the servants turned into real torture - she doused her victims with boiling water, left them tied in the cold, tore out their hair, and did not shy away from torturing women and even children. The intercession of bribed officials also helped her continue her fanaticism - the landowner belonged to a famous family and could count on leniency. Until Catherine the Second ascended the throne. The Empress personally copied court verdict, as a result of which Saltychikha was sent to prison for life imprisonment without light and communication, where she died.

"Tsarskoye Selo Murderer"

Number of victims: 7
Konstantin Sazonov was a minister at the famous Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, for which he received his nickname “Tsarskoye Selo Murderer.” He operated there - in two years (1814 -1816) he committed nine robberies and killed seven people. Neither his punishment nor his fate are known, and indeed in historical information His name appears little about that time. But it found its way into Lyceum folklore - the collective poem “Sazonoviada” and even in one of Pushkin’s epigrams.

Morning with a penny candle
I will appear before the holy image.
My friend! I stayed alive
But death was already at hand:
Sazonov was my servant,
And Peschel is my doctor.

Nikolai Radkevich

Number of victims: 3

Nikolai Radkevich, known under the nickname "Vadim Krovnyak", was the first registered serial killer in Russia, and then Russian Empire. Radkevich has 3 murders to his name, and the victims of the maniac were exclusively women and of exceptionally easy virtue. This choice of the criminal is explained by his sad biography - even during his studies at cadet corps V Nizhny Novgorod He, fourteen years old, was seduced by an adult woman, who in addition infected him with syphilis. Since then, dealing with depraved women has turned into a mission and obsession for him. However, the investigation quickly got on his trail - he was caught red-handed in a hotel room, where he committed his last, third murder. The court's decision turned out to be surprisingly lenient - eight years of hard labor. But four years before his release, he was killed by criminals.

"Shabolovsky Murderer"

Number of victims: 33
Vasily Komarov was born into a family of alcoholics, he began drinking at the age of 15, was poor all his life and wandered all over Russia in search of income. And yet, despite the environment and difficult living conditions, he for a long time in something larger than robbery and petty domestic violence was not noted. Komarov began committing murders at a serious age - forty-four years old, when he moved to Moscow and settled in an apartment on Shabolovka Street. Everything happened in this apartment - Komarov invited speculators who wanted to buy the goods he had stolen, where he strangled or killed them with a hammer, after which he threw the corpses into the river or buried them. Komarov’s wife also took part in the murders; after the criminals were caught, she and her husband were sentenced to death by execution. Mikhail Bulgakov dedicated a feuilleton to the investigation and crimes committed by the Komarovs.


Number of victims: 9
became one of the most high-profile criminal cases investigated in the USSR in the late 80s. Tamara Ivanyutina, who worked in the school canteen, was initially arrested on suspicion of poisoning students and teachers at the school where she worked. As the investigation later found out - the incident at school was not the only crime - together with other members of her family (sister and parents), she repeatedly committed poisonings. The reason was the desire for profit - so she poisoned her first husband and his parents in order to get their apartment and house with land plot, - and unmotivated revenge, as in the case of school students and neighbors whom she killed because of a remark made to her. Ivanyutina was sentenced to death. The only case application of the death penalty to women in the USSR in the post-Stalin era.

"Vitebsk Strangler"

Number of victims: 36

Gennady Mikhasevich committed the first of his 36 murders after breaking up with his girlfriend. That day, he was planning to take his own life and even prepared a rope for hanging himself, but instead he strangled a girl passing by with it. Mikheevich lured his subsequent victims (all of them were girls) into his car and killed them in deserted places. During the investigation of the case, he himself participated in the search, joining a patrol team of vigilantes, and wrote letters to the regional newspaper, in which, allegedly on behalf of the fictitious organization “Patriots of Vitebsk,” he took responsibility for the crimes. This gave him away - later the investigation identified the maniac by his handwriting. The sentence is death penalty.

Maniacs excite people's consciousness not only in crime films, but also in life. Although we don’t see “Chikatil” every day, there are crime reports that tell us that murders happen every day, and in the hundreds, some percentage of them at the hands of maniacs.

What motivates maniacs, serial killers? Is it possible to derive pleasure from tormenting another? And ease your mental anguish by killing innocents?

Today we will talk about the most famous maniacs, foreign and Soviet. Foreign maniacs are more shrouded in notoriety due to the number and methods of murders. But for example, I personally didn’t know comrades like Ted Bundy until very adulthood, but every child in the 90s knew Chikatilo, even from TV announcers.

“A serial killer is a person who has committed three or more criminal murders separated by time (“cooling period”) by more than a month.”

The FBI defines a serial killer as someone who has committed two or more murders in certain conditions: This is not a contract killing, not robbery, not mass murder, not self-defense and the like. That is, causing death to other people for a maniac (a person who commits serial murders) is sadistic in nature and has the perverted goal of alleviating internal conflicts and the killer’s complexes. According to psychiatrists, the basis of sadism is an addiction akin to drugs and alcohol; it can no longer stop.

Serial murders are committed by maniacs in one place (near work or home) or by type of travel - in different places, sometimes, especially if the killers have an unhealthy psyche or special plan revenge - places of murders on the map can form signs - a triangle, a six-pointed star, a circle.

By type, maniacs are: “tyrants” - by killing a helpless victim, they assert themselves and feel their superiority.

“sexual maniacs” - when murder is a consequence of rape or sexual gratification.

“missionaries” are judges who cleanse the world of dirt, for example, from prostitutes, lesbians, gays, blacks, etc. The same Jack the Ripper.

“crazy” (or “visionaries”) - suffering from a severe mental disorder (paranoid schizophrenia, for example), and at the call of “voices”, or under the influence of hallucinations, kill people in order to avoid a collision with a meteorite, the Last Judgment, etc.

Often these types are mixed. In addition, serial killers can hatch plans for years and act clearly, postpone the crime if all the conditions are not met, or they can act impulsively, under the influence of physiological stimuli, or mental disorder.

To the list of the most famous maniacs include, first of all, the already mentioned several times Chikatilo, Slivko, Onoprienko, Tkach, Golovkin (Fisher), Mikhasevich, Spesivtsev and others, from foreign countries - Jack the Ripper, Zodiac, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Henry Lee Lucas.

Let's start with foreign ones.

Jack the Ripper.

Assassin active in the late 19th century, primarily in 1888. There are versions that a number of other murders were also committed by Jack the Ripper, or that the murders were committed by different people.

Naturally, this is a pseudonym. The Ripper, according to known information, committed at least 5 murders of prostitutes, all in the fall of 1988. All the victims were between 45 and 50 years old, only one, the last one, the youngest and most beautiful, was a little over 20 years old. They were all prostitutes from the slums. From the “letters” of the ripper to the police - this is the name given to certain messages sent allegedly by the killer, although it is not clear who sent them, perhaps even journalists, in order to stir up interest in the topic of what was happening.

Jack strangled his victims, slit their throats, then disemboweled them. The last murder of Mary Kelly, a young girl, is considered the most brutal, when the ripper took out the victim’s heart and brutally mutilated the body.

Who was this “cleaner” of the world from prostitutes remains unknown... There were a lot of versions, even until 2014, even with the help of DNA from preserved samples of fluids of the alleged killer, they figured out the maniac, but all this remained speculation.

One of the most striking versions was Van Gogh. Criminologists established a connection between the murders and the dates of his mother’s birthday, during his stay in the hospital no letters were sent from Jack to the police, in one of the paintings there is a victim of the ripper, he committed suicide in 1890, and after the murders there was no repetition in the coming years.

Despite the small number of victims, he left a powerful mark on history and culture; many films have been made about him and books have been written. The masses are interested in his motives, mystery, and methods of murder. He remained the most famous “cleaner” forever; Jack the Ripper was imitated more than once, also killing a contingent subject to discrimination on some basis.

Ted Bundy

Theodore Robert "Ted" Bundy (November 24, 1946 – January 24, 1989) was an American serial killer, rapist, kidnapper, and necrophiliac active in the 1970s. His victims were young girls and women. The exact number of his victims is unknown. Shortly before his execution, he confessed to 30 murders between 1974 and 1978, but the true number of his victims may be much higher."

The “face” of this “sweet killer” does not at all suggest that he is merciless and brutal killer, rapist. Moreover, in the comments to articles about him, women even call him “darling”, “cutie”... To be honest, even though I personally wouldn’t call him “cutie”, I still can’t believe that the world famous bloodthirsty killer can look so harmless, banal, cute.

As in the case of Pichushkin, there is an impression that such types are either mentally ill and have a split personality or have incriminated themselves for the sake of fame (and this is not uncommon; a number of sociologists have generally singled out people who are striving for fame by any means, including the darkest, for example, by killing as many people as possible, if you cannot become famous for being good, become famous for being evil - this is the slogan of those who could not earn respect with dignity).

Well, they don’t introduce themselves with a hammer and a saw, there is physiognomy, and the mark of an evil essence is still visible from their facial features and appearance, for example Chikatilo, even if he did not commit all the episodes of the crimes he was charged with, it is obvious that he is a murderer and a mentally ill person.

And the maniac is seen as such a closed, downtrodden, detached, mentally abnormal comrade who does not know how to communicate with women, and it is difficult to imagine him as attractive and sociable. However, if outwardly pleasant people can be maniacs, it once again proves how deceptive psychology, appearance, and intuition are.

Ted Bundy committed at least 30 murders of girls and young women. Before death, he tortured and beat the victims. He dismembered the corpses, raped them, ate them...

"He described himself as 'the most heartless son of a bitch you could ever meet.'" Experts considered Bundy a psychopath with charisma, able to ingratiate himself, who did not admit guilt to more than one crime, despite the fact that he confessed to 30 episodes, but blamed everything except himself. He was executed by electric chair on January 24, 1989 in Florida.


Zodiac was a serial killer active in Northern California and San Francisco (USA) in the late 1960s. The identity of the perpetrator has not yet been established.”

Data on the number of victims vary greatly: “5 killed, 2 wounded (proven); the killer himself claimed 37 victims.”

“Zodiac is the pseudonym used by the killer in a series of scathing letters he sent to the editor. local newspapers. The letters also contained four cryptograms in which the killer encrypted information about himself. Only one cryptogram was decrypted. Zodiac committed the murders between December 1968 and October 1969."

The case was opened all the way back in 2004 in San Francisco, closed, and then reopened in 2007. In some counties, the case remains open from 1969 to the present day. That is, they are still looking for the killer, the main motive is mental disorder. Only 7 episodes of Zodiac attacks on 4 men and 3 women aged 16 to 39 years have been reliably established, of which two survived, five died. Presumably there are many more victims. The Zodiac used a symbolic caption for its messages. One of the decrypted cryptograms said that from the murdered victims he planned to make slaves for himself in the Other World. The Zodiac simply killed and shot, used edged weapons, did not rape, did not eat, just killed. The traces were confused, the killer remained unfound...

Peter Sutcliffe

He is undergoing life-long psychiatric treatment, according to other sources he is simply being sentenced to life imprisonment. He imitated Jack the Ripper by killing prostitutes. At the same time he was married.

Since childhood, he was distinguished by his absolute lack of conflict and obedience; he was born premature and weak. Moreover, even during quarrels with his wife, despite her screams, he never shouted back, he was always kind... No one could even imagine that he had such “demons”... Sutcliffe killed 13 women - proven episodes, of the unproven ones, supposedly several dozens, seven more managed to survive. He killed or beat women half to death.

Jeffrey Dahmer

Years of life - May 21, 1960 - November 28, 1994. American serial killer, victims - 17 boys and men who were killed by the maniac between 1978 and 1991.

He raped and ate the dead - that is, he engaged in cannibalism and necrophilia. He was sentenced to life imprisonment and killed by a fellow inmate in 1994.

Daniel Camargo Barbosa

Years of life: January 22, 1930 - November 13, 1994. Colombian serial killer and rapist who raped and killed at least (according to official reports) 150 women in Colombia and Ecuador.

After a series of traumatic events in his life, Barbosa began to commit murder and rape of girls. The first person he killed was a 9-year-old girl; at the time of the crime he was over 40 years old. He was sentenced Once again to prison, from which he escaped.

Authorities believed he was eaten by sharks waterway and was declared dead, but Barbosa swam to the shore and raped a 9-year-old girl that same day, and another the next day. Then, over the course of two years, he raped and killed several dozen women and girls with a machete or rope. He was killed in 1994 by a relative of one of the victims.

Pedro Alonso Lopez

Born 1948 - Colombian serial killer. According to his confessions and the assumption of investigators, he committed about 300 murders.

Of the proven: in 1983 he was found guilty of 53 murders in Ecuador, another 57 were not proven.

He was sent to prison several times, and upon his release he raped and killed. After the arrest, he showed a burial place where there were the bodies of more than 50 girls and women.

“Pedro Alonso Lopez entered the Guinness Book of Records as the world’s most prolific serial killer, who, according to his confession, has over 300 murders in Ecuador, Colombia and Peru.”

He received the maximum possible prison term in his country - 20 years, and 4 years before graduation he was transferred to a mental hospital. Still alive to this day.


“Andrey Romanovich Chikatilo (October 16, 1936, Yablochnoye village, Sumy region, Ukrainian SSR, USSR - February 14, 1994, Novocherkassk, Rostov region, Russia) - Soviet serial killer, pedophile, necrosadist, necrophiliac and cannibal. Nicknames: “Mad Beast”, “Red Partisan”, “Rostov Ripper”, “Red Ripper”, “Forest Belt Killer”, “Citizen X”, “Satan”, “Soviet Jack the Ripper”.

He committed murders from 1978 to 1990 in Rostov region and other regions of the USSR, 53 murders were proven (however, 10 were later excluded by decision of the USSR Supreme Court from the verdict due to lack of evidence): of the victims - 21 boys aged 7 to 16 years, 14 girls aged 9 to 17 years, 18 girls and women .

Chikatilo claimed that he had committed at least 56 murders, operatives assumed that more than 65. Several people suffered innocently from Themis, on whom the latter, in the person of the court, investigators, pinned the blame on Chikatilo: one person was shot, another committed suicide, the third after went blind while in prison, served more than a dozen more prison term. Testimony was extorted from them using cruel methods, they were injected with psychotropic drugs, and evidence was fabricated.

But no one can say for sure that Chikatilo is a murderer, how many people and whether he committed all the crimes charged to him, however, the fact that he is a murderer and a mentally ill person can be seen from his behavior and appearance. The motive for murder is sexual, the pleasure of killing. Although some sources indicate that Chikatilo was incapable of sexual activity, and the murders were compensation for inferiority, others indicate that it was precisely during the murders that he could feel complete, and the suffering of the victim brought him the greatest pleasure. However, the killer himself said that he did not kill for sexual reasons, but for the sake of the murder itself, after which he felt relief.

A number of criminologists unequivocally argued that Chikatilo was incapable of rape in any form, and the episodes associated with rape incriminated against him were not committed by him, and that the abuse of the victim was due to the fact that Chikatilo asserted himself in this way, receiving relief from the torment of a defenseless victim. But be that as it may, before his death, he severely abused children, teenagers, and young women, cutting off parts of their organs while they were still alive, according to the case materials.

I didn’t feel any remorse about what I had done; moreover, I felt sorry for myself on various occasions, cried because of the injustice to myself, and didn’t remember the fate of the victims.

Chikatilo was declared sane, but there are versions that under pressure from society, so that imprisonment and execution were not replaced with compulsory treatment, since criminologists, investigators and psychiatrists said that he was seriously mentally ill, this was clear to everyone who saw his behavior in court. The maniac was shot in 1994.


“Sergei Aleksandrovich Golovkin (November 26, 1959, Moscow, USSR - August 2, 1996, Moscow, Russian Federation) - Soviet and Russian serial killer, sadist, pedophile, whose victims, according to court records, were 11 boys between 1986 and 1992. All murders, with the exception of the first, were committed on the territory of the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region.”

It’s hard to believe that a handsome, tall (almost two meters) guy is capable of such atrocities.

He received the secret nickname “Fisher”; after the first murders, he began to use the basement of his garage to rape and abuse the victim, where he equipped everything for torture.

He killed at least 11, according to other sources, 13 boys, investigators assumed that there were many more. He brutally mocked the victims, raped, tortured... He committed murders for the purpose of internal relief, from childhood he was quiet, downtrodden despite his height and large build, he never had relationships with women.

“In September 1992, Golovkin raped and killed immediately three boys, whom he lured to his garage by offering to steal from the warehouse. Golovkin tortured and raped the last of them for several hours, after which he hanged him and went to work.

“I told these three that together with them there would be eleven boys on my account, I established a order, telling the children who would die after whom. I dismembered Sh. in front of E., while showing internal organs and gave anatomical explanations. The boy went through all this calmly, without hysteria, sometimes he just turned away.”

At this time I went to work as if nothing had happened...

Golovkin was executed by court in 1996.


Gennady Modestovich Mikhasevich, 1947-1988 - Soviet serial killer.

In 1971-1985, he committed approximately 36 murders of women and several more attempts, and is believed to have committed many more murders.

During the periods of murders, he had a family, was positive at work, and moreover, had mistresses.

According to one version, he wanted to commit suicide after leaving the army because of unhappy love, but when he saw a young woman, he decided that it would be better to “strangle a woman than die because of a woman.” He raped, killed, strangled women.


Anatoly Emelyanovich Slivko, 1938-1989 - Soviet serial killer and a pedophile operating in the city of Nevinnomyssk Stavropol Territory from 1964 to 1985.

According to proven episodes, he killed 7 boys under 16 years old, tortured and mocked several dozen boys, but they remained alive.. Shot in 1989.

The stories of many maniacs come from childhood with a breakdown. Many of them said that they felt relieved after the death of the victims, their mood improved, as if they were feeding on the energy of the victims and felt like kings, capable of taking life. Reading the stories of maniacs, I remembered Fromm with his necrophilia and biophilia, which is why a person becomes a necrophiliac, a maniac, a murderer. He initially begins, not at the level of words, but of actions, to hate life, any of its manifestations, in other words, in religious language - they sell the soul to the devil.

That is, a person experiences a breakdown, a psychological trauma, without being able to free himself from painful experiences, forgive the offender, realize himself in life, readjust to the wave of life - murderers cultivate their inferiority, become isolated in their complex, and, being flawed, take it out on the weak and defenseless, since for many of them this is the only way to realize their fantasies, including sexual ones.

Well, since their life, as they blame life for this, has made them crippled, they instinctively kill the victim, self-affirming their superiority. Of course, this is wild and incomprehensible to an ordinary person, but the paradox of a sick and healthy psyche is that they are on different planes. Personally, I don’t believe that the maniacs who killed children, people, and abused them are mentally healthy... They are all seriously ill, another thing is that if the court had recognized this, they would all probably still be alive and resting in a mental hospital.

Everyone knows that in the Soviet Union there was no sex, religion or democracy, and if something scandalous happened, the authorities preferred to keep silent about it. Nevertheless, it was difficult to hide the bloody details of the most terrible crimes. Some of the maniacs listed in this collection could not be caught for a long time even after the collapse of the USSR, and some people were even accused by accident.

1. Anatoly Biryukov - “Baby Hunter”

Maniac Biryukov seemed to be an exemplary family man and a respectable citizen: no one suspected that a decent husband and father was leading a double life.

Biryukov committed his first murder in 1977. He kidnapped a baby from a stroller, took it to a deserted place and tried to commit murder on him. violent acts famous character. However, the maniac was scared off by onlookers, and he killed the baby with a knife. That same year, Biryukov committed several more rapes and murders of kidnapped babies, but by the sixth case, witnesses began to pursue him. Fortunately for the investigation, they were able to examine the rapist and draw up a composite sketch.

After his arrest, investigators and psychiatrists came to the conclusion that Biryukov suffered from a severe form of non-pyophilia - a passion for babies. In his justification, the criminal said that he committed his atrocities because his wife refused to support him intimate relationships. In 1979, Biryukov, who killed in total five babies were shot.

2. Alexey Sukletin - “Alligator”

Sukletin has seven girls and women on his account, whom he killed and ate with his accomplices Shakirova and Nikitin. The first victim was a woman named Ekaterina Osetrova in 1981. Sukletin insisted that his mistress Shakirova help him kill, butcher and prepare the dead. Madina Shakirova, in love and tamed, was ready to do anything for her lover, so she agreed to take on the duties of a cook.

The cannibal idyll did not last long - after the murder of the little girl, Sukletin and Shakirova separated. The maniac did not grieve for long and immediately found a replacement - his relative Anatoly Nikitin often came to visit, with whom they eventually killed and dismembered the new victim.

Rumors began to circulate in the village that Sukletin was selling high-quality meat and tenderloin, and in the meantime the gang began to engage in extortion, for which they were caught. 4 bags of human bones were found in Sukletin's garden. The maniac was shot in 1994, and Shakirova and Nikitin were sentenced to 15 years in prison. The cannibals have at least seven victims.

3. Anatoly Onoprienko - “Citizen O”

By 1996, when Onoprienko was taken into custody, he already had about 52 killed. The exact number of deaths remains unknown to this day, but according to investigators, there were much more victims.

Onoprienko began his activities in 1989 together with his partner Sergei Rogozin. The “deadly duo” killed couples and even groups of young people, and they also broke into houses and shot all family members, including children. Onoprienko often shot random passers-by.

The motives for Citizen O’s crimes still remain unknown. According to him, he killed people because some forces and voices ordered him to do it. The crimes included three waves: against communism, nationalism and the 21st century plague. After long search the investigation finally found Onoprienko's trail. True, before this, an innocent person was detained who died during torture. After the trial, Anatoly Onoprienko was sentenced to death, but the sentence was never carried out due to the abolition of the death penalty in Ukraine.

4. Sergey Golovkin - “Fisher”

Sergei was considered young attractive man, but despite the fact that there were always girls hovering around, he showed no interest in them. Fisher was more interested in teenage boys.

The first attempted rape and murder was an incident in 1984 (many years later, the surviving victim was able to identify Golovkin). The first murder that took place was the strangulation of 16-year-old Andrei in 1984: threatening violence, Golovkin dragged the boy into the forest, raped, strangled and violated the body. Then the killings continued and caused a public outcry, which is why Fischer decided to go underground for a while.

In 1989, Golovkin “got back into business,” but changed his style somewhat. He built a basement in his garage where he tortured, raped and killed boys. Due to the fact that the killer became careless and sloppily buried the last bodies, he was quickly identified and found. In 1992, Fischer was finally detained. He was sentenced to death and executed in 1996. The maniac has killed 11 teenagers.

5. Anatoly Utkin - “Ulyanovsk Maniac”

Anatoly Utkin, born in 1942, was a driver by profession. In 1968, his car was stopped by a 14-year-old girl, Liza Makarova, who urgently needed to go to the hospital to see her mother. Taking advantage of the moment, Utkin raped and killed the poor girl, leaving himself several of her personal belongings “as a souvenir.”

The victims of the rampant maniac were both young girls and middle-aged women. After the disappearances of the girls and the discovery of corpses, the public was alarmed: a serial killer had appeared in calm Ulyanovsk! Over time, Utkin began to take a more cautious approach to the choice of victims - he was guided by careful planning.

In 1972, the maniac’s motives changed: now his goal was not violence and murder, but profit. In the same year, Utkin killed a man for the sake of robbery, and in 1973 he was taken into custody. After the investigation and evidence found in the suspect’s house, the police had no doubts about his guilt. In 1975, Utkin was shot; a total of nine murders were identified as his “authorship.”

Oddly enough, his family and acquaintances spoke extremely favorably about Anatoly Utkin. He was married twice and had two children.

6. Sergey Tkach - “Pavlograd Maniac”

Tkach had been operating since 1980, the motives for his crimes were always sexual in nature. The killer began committing crimes after moving to Ukraine; he chose girls from 9 to 17 years old. The weaver carefully hid the evidence, leaving no traces of semen, prints or tissues on the bodies, however, he did not give up the memorabilia of his victims, which he carefully preserved.

In 2005, Tkach dealt with another victim - a nine-year-old girl - after which he was detained. During his search, 14 people were innocently convicted of committing crimes, which Tkach then confessed to.

Sergei Tkach is leaving today life imprisonment. For some time in custody, he had access to the Internet and communicated with interested people. On account of this brutal maniac from 30 to 150 victims.

7. Vladimir Mukhankin - “Lenin”

Vladimir was born in single-parent family an unwanted child (his father abandoned his mother before his son was born), as a result of which he endured constant bullying and poor treatment at home. Embittered by his surroundings, Mukhankin periodically wandered, stole, attacked people and tortured and abused animals. His nature did not prevent him from getting married at the age of 18; he had a son, who later died.

In 1995, “Lenin” begins to kill and commits eight murders in a few months. Mukhankin mocked his dying victims, performing horrific acts on the agonizing body. The maniac's real passion was human organs, with which he often went to bed.

After his capture, the criminal behaved obscenely and declared that he was the second Chikatilo. Mukhankin described his crimes in detail with pleasure, but at the trial he recanted all his testimony. He was found guilty of 22 crimes, eight of which were murders. Mukhankin is now serving a life sentence in the Black Dolphin colony.

8. Vladimir Ionesyan - Mosgaz

During the Khrushchev Thaw, it was difficult to imagine that an attacker would enter your apartment, posing as an employee, for example, of Mosgaz or a housing office, which gave the criminal the opportunity to use this simple method. The authorities were furious, and all efforts were devoted to catching the maniac.

Due to the quick investigation and quick reprisal against Ionesyan, his motives remained unclear. Most likely, he killed for the purpose of robbery. There is also a version that after leaving his wife for the ballerina Alevtina Dmitrieva, the criminal entered the apartments to find gifts for the woman. According to the third version, the murders helped Ionesyan to assert himself.

Mosgaz committed his first murder in 1963: after entering an apartment, he hacked to death with an ax a 12-year-old boy who was alone at home and took away several things. The last murder of a 46-year-old woman occurred in 1964, the same year the criminal was taken into custody and shot.

There is an unproven version that Khrushchev himself spoke with Ionesyan. The killer has five victims, four of whom are children.

9. Roman Burtsev - “Kamensky Chikatilo”

Burtsev's parents were alcoholics, which probably influenced the formation of his personality. He began his bloody “career” as a pedophile in 1993 with the murder of the Churilovs’ brother and sister. First, he got rid of the boy, and then raped and killed the girl. The corpses were buried in a hole.

Burtsev was always distinguished by his accuracy: he hid the bodies of the victims so carefully that almost all of them were found only when the killer himself showed the burial places. However, the thoroughness of burying the corpses failed Burtsev - after the next murder, he asked one of the residents of his village for a shovel, after which he threw away the weapon. The woman described the appearance of the strange man, and a little later he was also identified by one of the victims who managed to escape.

In 1996, Roman Burtsev was caught and sentenced to death, but then the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. “Kamensky Chikatilo” managed to kill six people.

10. Vasily Kulik - “Irkutsk Monster”

As a child, Vasily Kulik was a sickly child, but his family always looked after him and took care of him. Due to constant illnesses, almost everything was forgiven to him, so Vasily grew up quite selfish and cruel, in adolescence poisoned and hanged cats.

With age, Kulik grew stronger and began to play sports. After an attack and a blow to the head in 1980, he began to have sexual desires towards children; in 1982, Kulik committed the first rape, and two years later the first murder of a nine-year-old girl. The maniac did not shun the murder of pensioners: according to him own confession, he made a list of old women that interested him.

Panic began in Irkutsk, and the killer tried to be more careful, however, during the next attempt in 1986, passers-by were able to stop him. The “Irkutsk monster” admitted everything, but at the trial he suddenly began to deny his involvement, declaring that he was set up by the Chibis gang. After a thorough investigation, Vasily Kulik was shot in 1989. He had 13 kills to his name.

number of victims 13–14

Richard Ramirez, also known as the "Night Stalker", is a convicted American serial killer sentenced to death in the gas chamber. At one time, he opened a real campaign of terror against the population of California. At night he broke into houses, robbed, raped and killed. He often left images of a pentagram at crime scenes and also forced his victims to say “I love Satan.” Died of liver failure at the age of 53 on June 7, 2013 in a hospital in California, USA.

victims 17

American serial killer, known by the nicknames "Milwaukee Monster", "Milwaukee Cannibal". It killed at least 17 boys and men between 1978 and 1991. All but one of the crimes took place in the city of Milwaukee. His murders were extremely brutal. The “Milwaukee Monster” raped and ate the corpses of its victims. After his arrest on July 22, 1991, the court found Dahmer sane and sentenced him to 957 years in prison. In 1994, a serial killer was beaten to death by his cellmate.

victims 33

On the eighth place in the ranking of the most famous serial killers John Wayne Gacy, also known as the “Clown Killer,” is an American serial killer who raped and murdered 33 young people, including several teenagers. He was arrested in 1978 and sentenced to death. While on death row, Gacy wrote a book in which he claimed that God had restored his heterosexual orientation, and also painted paintings and sold them to collectors. He was executed on May 10, 1994 by lethal injection.

victims 36

Gennady Mikhasevich, known by the nicknames "Vitebsk Strangler" and "Patriot of Vitebsk", is a Soviet serial killer who killed 36 women in the city of Vitebsk, Belarus, between 1971–1985. Almost all of his crimes involved rape. He did not attack his victims, but, on the contrary, voluntarily lured them into a car (a red Zaporozhets), where he tempted them, or forcibly drove them to a deserted place and strangled them at the moment of experiencing orgasm. He did not carry the murder weapon with him; he preferred to use improvised objects for strangulation. The “Vitebsk Strangler” was arrested on December 9, 1985 and sentenced to death. The sentence was carried out on September 25, 1987.

the number of victims ranges from 5 to 37

Serial killer active in Northern California and San Francisco in the late 1960s. The identity of the perpetrator has not yet been established. He called himself the Zodiac in a series of sarcastic letters he sent to the editor. regional newspapers. The letters also contained cryptograms in which the killer allegedly encrypted information about himself. Three out of four cryptograms are still undeciphered.

victims 53–65

Andrei Chikatilo is also known by the nicknames “Mad Beast”, “Rostov Ripper”, “Red Ripper”, “Forest Belt Killer”, “Citizen X”, “Satan”, “Soviet Jack the Ripper” - one of the most famous Soviet serial killers, who from 1978 to 1990 committed 53 proven murders (according to operational information, the maniac committed more than 65 murders). He was arrested on November 20, 1990 and sentenced to death on October 15 of the same year.
While on death row, Chikatilo wrote numerous complaints and requests for pardon, monitored own health- I did exercises and ate with appetite. On January 4, 1994, the last request for pardon addressed to Russian President Boris Yeltsin was rejected, and on February 14, Chikatilo was shot in Novocherkassk prison. It is interesting that the murderer Alexander Kravchenko was mistakenly executed for the crimes committed by Andrei Chikatilo.

number of victims 19–82

Alexander Spesivtsev is a Russian serial killer, maniac and cannibal who, from February to September 1996 in Novokuznetsk, together with his mother (she brought girls to her son and then buried their remains), killed and ate 19 women and children. Suspected of committing more than 82 murders. Spesivtsev was sentenced to compulsory treatment and as of 2015 continues to undergo rehabilitation in the Volgograd psychiatric hospital special type with intensive supervision.

victims 30–100

In third place on the list of the most brutal serial killers in the world is Theodore Robert Bundy, known as the “Nylon Killer,” one of the worst serial killers in US history, operating in seven states in the 70s of the last century (mostly between 1974– 1978). He was found guilty of the murders of 30 young women and executed by electric chair on January 24, 1989. However, the exact number of his victims is unknown. Estimates range from 30 to over 100.

victims 49–90

Gary Leon Ridgway, known as the Green River Killer, is one of America's most notorious serial killers, having committed at least 49 murders of women in Washington state between 1982 and 2001. Most of his victims were prostitutes or minor runaways. Ridgway began to be suspected in 1983, but his guilt was proven only in 1997 thanks to DNA testing. On December 18, 2003, the Green River Killer was sentenced to 48 terms of life in prison without the possibility of parole. early release. At the trial, Ridgway cried and asked for forgiveness from the relatives of his victims. Currently serving time in federal prison strict regime in Florence, Colorado, USA.


According to generally accepted concepts, a serial killer is someone who has killed more than three people, often driven by his own mental disorders. Most of these psychos act alone and are sociopaths, but some of them find fellow maniacs who don't mind joining in their crimes. Meet the ten most terrible and sick serial killers who acted in pairs.

1. Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka

They met in 1987 in Toronto and married in 1991. Six months before the wedding, Carla wanted to give her future husband a special gift - the virginity of her 15-year-old sister. Bernardo knew that Carla was not a virgin when they got together, and this haunted him. So on Christmas Eve 1990, Carla mixed alcohol and halothane to put her little sister to sleep. After that, she and her fiance filmed how they took turns raping the poor girl. In the middle of the night, Carla's sister suffocated on her own vomit and died. The girl's death was then considered an accident, so Bernardo and Carla continued to realize their fantasies by raping and killing young girls. Finally they were found by DNA on one of the victims. In 1993, Bernardo severely beat his wife. Then Carla decided to confess everything to the police on the condition that her punishment would be up to 12 years in prison. Her testimony landed Bernardo behind bars for life without the possibility of parole. Karla Homolka was released in July 2005.

2. Gwendolyn Graham and Catherine May Wood

The two women met at a nursing home in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and immediately became a couple. But ordinary sex was not enough for young lesbians. At first they choked each other during sex, but they soon got bored with it. Then they started killing old women in the nursing home where they worked. They committed their first murder in January 1987 - they strangled an elderly woman with Alzheimer's disease and then had sex next to her corpse. Similar killings were repeated four times. They even took some items as souvenirs and boasted about what they had done to colleagues who did not believe in the seriousness of what was said. Everything changed when Graham - the dominant one in the couple - ordered Wood to kill the woman just for fun, but Wood refused. Then Graham moved to Texas, changing jobs, and the couple broke up. Wood broke down and surrendered to the police. As a result, lesbians began to testify against each other. At the trial, Graham received life in prison, and Wood received 20 years in prison.

3. Fred and Rosemary West

One of the most notorious and terrifying pairs of serial killers in history. Both had difficult childhoods, and, presumably, incest took place in their biography. Although most of Their murders spanned the period from 1973 to 1979, their first being in 1971. While Fred was in prison for petty theft, Rosemary was left to look after Charmaine, Fred's stepdaughter from previous marriage. Rosemary beat the girl, and when she stopped crying, Rosemary went berserk and killed the baby. When Fred was released from prison, Charmaine's mother came for the girl, but disappeared. Fred supposedly killed her.
Fred and Rosemary had a pathological relationship - Rosemary often slept with her own father, and Fred not only knew this, but also approved. Fred was also not against Rosemary working as a prostitute. He even set up a room in their house so she could receive clients there. The room had holes in the walls so Fred could peek. And there was a red lantern hanging at the entrance so that their children could understand whether their mother was busy or not. When Rosemary became a prostitute in 1972, Fred raped their 8-year-old daughter for the first time. After that, he repeatedly raped his other daughters and filmed it. Between 1973 and 1987, the couple killed nine people, including one of their own daughters and several neighbor children. They were only caught in 1994, when police began investigating the disappearance of one of West's daughters, who was last seen in 1987. Fred confessed to 10 murders, but was later credited with 11 more when police found remains on his property. Rosemary didn't confess to any of them, but she was accused of 10 murders. In 1995, Fred hanged himself in prison while awaiting his trial. Rosemary is currently serving a life sentence.

4. Charlene and Gerald Gallego

Between 1978 and 1980, the couple raped and killed 9 girls, including one pregnant woman. Gerald dominated the relationship, and Charlene did everything he said. They had a sick imagination, and soon they wanted to have “sex slaves.” The pair kidnapped the girls (the youngest was 13), raped them for hours, and then killed them. This continued until they kidnapped a young couple in the parking lot. The groom was shot, and the girl was raped, beaten and also killed. But the couple’s friends, who saw the abduction, managed to write down the car’s license plate number and notified the police. As a result, Charlene and Gerald were arrested. In 1984, Charlene testified against her husband. She was sentenced to 16 years in prison in Nevada. Gerald was sentenced to death, but died in prison from cancer in 2002. Charlene was released in 1997.

5. Charles Starkweather and Caryl Ann Fugate

They fell in love in the 50s. Fugate was 14 at the time, and her stepfather and mother did not approve of a relationship with 19-year-old Starkweather. On January 21, 1958, Starkweather shot and killed Fugate's mother and stepfather, but didn't stop there - he also strangled her younger sister. After this, the couple set off on a journey across America, robbing and killing everyone they met along the way. They ended up killing 11 people and two dogs. They were captured on January 29, 1958 in Wyoming. Starkweather received a death sentence, Fugate received a life sentence. However, Fugate was released early in 1976 and now lives in Michigan.

6. Raymond Fernandez and Martha Beck

Fernandez was in prison for robbery in the 40s, where he learned about voodoo and the occult from his cellmate. Upon his release, Fernandez decided that this new knowledge could be used to attract the attention of women. He planned to go on dates, seduce women, rob them and disappear. Everything was going well until he met Martha Beck through an advertisement. She showed up for a meeting with two children. He told her that he would let her stay if she got rid of the children. Beck immediately abandoned the children, which impressed Fernandez. At first, they continued his plan together, but Beck's explosive temper constantly prevented this. She was jealous of Fernandez's women and began attacking them. As a result, the couple began to kill most of their victims. At the end of February 1949, they killed a young widow and her two-year-old daughter. Neighbors heard the noise and called the police. When police arrived, Beck and Fernandez were still in the apartment. In total they killed about 20 people. They were sentenced to death and executed in the electric chair at Sing Sing Prison in 1951.

8. Myra Hindley and Ian Brady

They started dating in the 1960s. They read books about Hitler and the Nazis and were extremists. In July 1963, Brady began talking about the "perfect murder." On July 12, 1963, they kidnapped 16-year-old Paulina Reid, a friend of Hindley's younger sister. Brady raped the girl and hit her in the head with a shovel, and then slit her throat, practically cutting off her head. Between 1963 and 1965, the couple killed five children while brutally abusing them. When Hinldy's sister and her husband saw the couple kill the teenager, they called the police. The criminals were sentenced to life. Brady was considered crazy, and he lives out the rest of his days in a mental hospital. Hindley died aged 60 in prison.

9. Henry Lucas and Ottis Toole

In 1973, the two met and immediately fell in love. In 1983, Lucas was arrested for weapons possession, and he suddenly began to brag that he had taken many lives. The couple eventually confessed to killing hundreds of people. They knew details of the murders that only the murderers could know. Lucas and Toole helped police find the bodies of 246 missing people. They did not have a specific method of killing; they killed people of all races, ages and genders. Toole was accused of 5 murders, Lucas - of 11. At first, both were given a death sentence, but then it was commuted to life. Toole died of liver problems in 1996, Lucas died in 2001 from a heart attack.

10. Susan and James Carson

In the early 1980s, this couple used a lot of drugs. Then they converted to Islam and moved to a marijuana farm in San Francisco. They considered themselves "vegetarian Muslims" and killed those who, in their words, exuded "evil energy." The first victim was their neighbor in 1981. They beat her with a frying pan and stabbed her ten times. They then killed at least two people in an attempt to "rid the world of witchcraft." When they were caught, the police found a list of people they wanted to kill, including celebrities. Both confessed to the murders and were sentenced to life in prison.

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