The meaning of the Russian coat of arms interpretation. State emblem of Russia: history and hidden meaning

Acceptance date: 30.11.1993, 25.12.2000

Golden in a scarlet field double headed eagle, crowned with two golden imperial crowns and above them the same imperial crown with infuls, holding a golden scepter in his right paw, a golden orb in his left, having a shield on his chest, in the scarlet field of which is a converted riding silver horseman in an azure cloak, striking the converted with a silver spear , overturned and trampled by the horse of a black dragon.

Official description in constitutional law:
National emblem Russian Federation is quadrangular, with rounded lower corners, pointed at the tip, red heraldic shield with a golden double-headed eagle raising its spread wings upward. The eagle is crowned with two small crowns and - above them - one large crown, connected by a ribbon. In the eagle's right paw is a scepter, in the left is an orb. On the eagle’s chest, in a red shield, is a silver rider in a blue cloak on a silver horse, striking with a silver spear a black dragon, overturned on its back and trampled by its horse.

Reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation is allowed without a heraldic shield (in the form of the main figure - double headed eagle with all attributes).

Since 2000, the saddle under the rider is usually depicted in red, although this is not specified in the description (but exactly this image is given in Appendix 1 to the Federal Constitutional Law “On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation”). Before this, the saddle was usually depicted in white.

Approved Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (#2050) “On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation” dated November 30, 1993; Federal Constitutional Law (#2-FKZ) “On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation”, adopted on December 8, 2000 by Resolution (#899-III) of the State Duma State Duma Federal Assembly RF, approved on December 20, 2000 by the Federation Council and signed by the President of the Russian Federation on December 25, 2000.

Rationale for symbolism:
The coat of arms of the Russian Federation is based on a historical coat of arms Russian Empire. A golden double-headed eagle on a red field maintains historical continuity in color scheme coats of arms of the late XV - XVII centuries. The eagle design goes back to images on monuments from the era of Peter the Great. Above the heads of the eagle are depicted three historical crowns of Peter the Great, symbolizing in the new conditions the sovereignty of both the entire Russian Federation and its parts, the subjects of the Federation; in the paws there is a scepter and an orb, personifying state power And single state; on the chest is an image of a horseman slaying a dragon with a spear. This is one of the ancient symbols of the struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, and the defense of the Fatherland. The restoration of the double-headed eagle as the State Emblem of Russia personifies continuity and continuity national history. Today's coat of arms of Russia is a new coat of arms, but its components are deeply traditional; he reflects different stages national history, and continues them on the eve of the third millennium.

The Russian state emblem is, along with the flag and anthem, one of the main official symbols of our country. Its main element is a double-headed eagle spreading its wings. Officially, the state emblem was approved by decree of the first President of the Russian Federation on November 30, 1993. However, the double-headed eagle is a much more ancient symbol, the history of which is lost in the dark depths of past centuries.

The image of this heraldic bird first appeared in Rus' at the end of the 15th century, during the reign of John III. Since then, transforming and changing, the double-headed eagle has invariably been present in the state symbols, first of the Moscow Principality, then of the Russian Empire, and, finally, modern Russia. This tradition was interrupted only in the last century - for seven decades the huge country lived under the shadow of the hammer and sickle... The wings of the double-headed eagle helped the Russian Empire take off powerfully and swiftly, however, its fall was completely tragic.

However, despite this long history, there are many mysterious and incomprehensible moments in the origin and meaning of this symbol, which historians still argue about.

What does the coat of arms of Russia mean? What metamorphoses has it undergone over the past centuries? Why and where did this strange two-headed bird come to us, and what does it symbolize? Were there any alternative options Russian coat of arms in ancient times?

The history of the Coat of Arms of Russia is indeed very rich and interesting, but before moving on to it and trying to answer the above questions, we should give short description this main Russian symbol.

Coat of arms of Russia: description and main elements

The state emblem of Russia is a red (scarlet) shield, on which there is an image of a golden double-headed eagle spreading its wings. Each of the bird's heads is crowned with a small crown, above which there is a large crown. They are all connected with tape. This is a sign of the sovereignty of the Russian Federation.

In one paw the eagle holds a scepter, and in the other - an orb, which symbolizes the unity of the country and state power. In the central part of the coat of arms, on the chest of the eagle, there is a red shield with a silver (white) rider who pierces a dragon with a spear. This is the oldest heraldic symbol of the Russian lands - the so-called rider - which began to be depicted on seals and coins since the 13th century. It symbolizes the victory of the bright principle over evil, the warrior-defender of the Fatherland, who has been especially revered in Russia since ancient times.

To the above, we can also add that the author of the modern Russian state emblem is the St. Petersburg artist Evgeny Ukhnalev.

Where did the double-headed eagle come from to Russia?

The main mystery of the Russian coat of arms, without a doubt, is the origin and meaning of its main element - an eagle with two heads. In school history textbooks, everything is explained simply: the Moscow prince Ivan III, having married the Byzantine princess and heir to the throne Zoya (Sophya) Paleologus, received the coat of arms of the Eastern Roman Empire as a dowry. And “in addition” is the concept of Moscow as the “Third Rome”, which Russia is still trying (with more or less success) to promote in relations with its closest neighbors.

This hypothesis was first expressed by Nikolai Karamzin, who is rightly called the father of Russian historical science. However, this version does not suit modern researchers at all, because there are too many inconsistencies in it.

Firstly, the double-headed eagle was never the state emblem of Byzantium. He, as such, did not exist at all. The strange bird was the coat of arms of the Palaiologos, the last dynasty to rule in Constantinople. Secondly, it raises serious doubts that Sophia could have conveyed anything to the Moscow sovereign at all. She was not the heir to the throne, she was born in Morea, spent her adolescence at the papal court and was far from Constantinople all her life. In addition, Ivan III himself never made any claims to the Byzantine throne, and the first image of a double-headed eagle appeared only several decades after the wedding of Ivan and Sophia.

The double-headed eagle is a very ancient symbol. It first appears among the Sumerians. In Mesopotamia, the eagle was considered an attribute of supreme power. This bird was especially revered in the Hittite kingdom, a powerful Bronze Age empire that competed on equal terms with the state of the pharaohs. It was from the Hittites that the double-headed eagle was borrowed by the Persians, Medes, Armenians, and then the Mongols, Turks and Byzantines. The double-headed eagle has always been associated with the sun and solar beliefs. In some drawings, the ancient Greek Helios rules a chariot drawn by two double-headed eagles...

In addition to the Byzantine one, there are three more versions of the origin of the Russian double-headed eagle:

  • Bulgarian;
  • Western European;
  • Mongolian

In the 15th century, Ottoman expansion forced many South Slavs to leave their homeland and seek refuge in foreign lands. Bulgarians and Serbs fled en masse to the Orthodox Muscovy. The double-headed eagle has been common in these lands since ancient times. For example, this symbol was depicted on Bulgarian coins of the Second Kingdom. Although, it should be noted that the appearance of Eastern European eagles was very different from the Russian “bird”.

It is noteworthy that at the very beginning of the 15th century, the double-headed eagle became the state emblem of the Holy Roman Empire. It is possible that Ivan III, having accepted this symbol, wanted to equal the power of the strongest European state of its time.

There is also a Mongolian version of the origin of the double-headed eagle. In the Horde, this symbol was minted on coins since the beginning of the 13th century; among the clan attributes of the Genghisids there was a black two-headed bird, which most researchers consider to be an eagle. At the end of the 13th century, that is, long before the marriage of Ivan III and Princess Sophia, the Horde ruler Nogai married the daughter of the Byzantine emperor Euphrosyne Paleologus, and, according to some historians, officially adopted the double-headed eagle as an official symbol.

Considering the close ties between Muscovy and the Horde, the Mongol theory of the origin of the main Russian symbol seems very plausible.

By the way, we do not know what color the Russian eagle of the “early versions” was. For example, on the royal weapons of the 17th century it is white.

Summarizing all of the above, we can state that we do not know for certain why and where the double-headed eagle came to Russia. Currently, historians consider the “Bulgarian” and “European” versions of its origin to be the most likely.

The very appearance of the bird raises no less questions. Why she has two heads is absolutely unclear. The explanation about turning each head to the East and West appeared only in the middle of the 19th century and is associated with the traditional location of the cardinal points on geographical map. What if it were different? Would the eagle look north and south? It is likely that they simply took the symbol they liked, without particularly “bothering” with its meaning.

By the way, before the eagle, other animals were depicted on Moscow coins and seals. A very common symbol was the unicorn, as well as a lion tearing a snake.

The horseman on the coat of arms: why it appeared and what it means

The second central element of the Russian national coat of arms is a rider on a horse slaying a serpent. This symbol appeared in national heraldry long before the double-headed eagle. Today it is strongly associated with the saint and great martyr George the Victorious, but initially it had a different meaning. And he was most often confused with George by foreigners coming to Muscovy.

For the first time, the image of an equestrian warrior - a “rider” - appears on Russian coins at the end of the 12th - beginning of the 13th centuries. By the way, this cavalryman was not always armed with a spear. Options with a sword and a bow have reached us.

On the coins of Prince Ivan II the Red, a warrior strikes a snake with a sword for the first time. True, he was on foot. After this, the motive for the destruction of various reptiles becomes one of the most popular in Rus'. During feudal fragmentation it was used by various princes, and after the formation of the Moscow state, it turned into one of its main symbols. The meaning of “rider” is quite simple and lies on the surface - it is the victory of good over evil.

For a long time, the horseman symbolized not the heavenly warrior, but exclusively the prince and his supreme power. There was no talk of any Saint George. So, for example, on the coins of Prince Vasily Vasilyevich (this is the 15th century) there was an inscription next to the rider that clarified that this was really a prince.

The final change in this paradigm occurred much later, already during the reign of Peter the Great. Although, they began to associate the horseman with St. George the Victorious already in the time of Ivan the Terrible.

Russian sovereign eagle: flight through centuries

As mentioned above, the double-headed eagle became the official Russian symbol under Ivan III. The first evidence of its use that has survived to this day was the royal seal that sealed the exchange document in 1497. Around the same time, an eagle appeared on the walls of the Faceted Chamber of the Kremlin.

The double-headed eagle of that time was very different from its later “modifications”. His paws were open, or, translating from the language of heraldry, there was nothing in them - the scepter and orb appeared later.

It is believed that the placement of the rider on the chest of the eagle is associated with the existence of two royal seals - the Greater and the Lesser. The latter had a double-headed eagle on one side and a rider on the other. The great royal seal had only one side, and in order to place both state seals on it, they simply decided to combine them. For the first time such a composition is found on the seals of Ivan the Terrible. At the same time, a crown with a cross appears above the eagle’s head.

During the reign of Fyodor Ivanovich, the son of Ivan IV, the so-called Calvary cross appears between the heads of the eagle - a symbol of the martyrdom of Jesus Christ.

Even False Dmitry I was involved in the design of the Russian state emblem. He turned the rider in the other direction, which was more consistent with the heraldic traditions accepted in Europe. However, after his overthrow, these innovations were abandoned. By the way, all subsequent impostors gladly used the double-headed eagle, without trying to replace it with anything else.

After the end of the Time of Troubles and the accession of the Romanov dynasty, changes were made to the coat of arms. The eagle became more aggressive, attacking - it spread its wings and opened its beaks. Under the first sovereign of the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail Fedorovich, the Russian eagle first received a scepter and orb, although their image had not yet become mandatory.

During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, the eagle for the first time receives three crowns, which symbolize the three new recently conquered kingdoms - Kazan, Astrakhan and Siberian, and the scepter and orb become mandatory. In 1667, the first official description of the state coat of arms appeared (“Decree on the Coat of Arms”).

During the reign of Peter I, the eagle becomes black, and its paws, eyes, tongue and beak become gold. The shape of the crowns also changes, they acquire a characteristic “imperial” look. The dragon became black, and St. George the Victorious - silver. This color scheme will remain unchanged until the 1917 revolution.

Russian Emperor Paul I was also the Supreme Master of the Order of Malta. He tried to immortalize this fact in the state emblem. A Maltese cross and crown were placed on the eagle’s chest under a shield with a rider. However, after the death of the emperor, all these innovations were canceled by his successor Alexander I.

Loving order, Nicholas I began standardizing state symbols. Under him, two state emblems were officially approved: standard and simplified. Previously, inappropriate liberties were often taken in the images of the main sovereign symbol. The bird could hold in its paws not only a scepter and an orb, but also various wreaths, torches, and lightning. Her wings were also depicted in different ways.

In the mid-19th century, Emperor Alexander II carried out a major heraldic reform, which affected not only the coat of arms, but also the imperial flag. It was led by Baron B. Kene. In 1856, a new small coat of arms was approved, and a year later the reform was completed - medium and large state emblems appeared. After it, the eagle’s appearance changed somewhat; it began to look more like its German “brother.” But, most importantly, now St. George the Victorious began to look in a different direction, which was more in line with European heraldic canons. Eight shields with the coats of arms of the lands and principalities that were part of the empire were placed on the eagle’s wings.

Whirlwinds of revolution and modern times

The February Revolution overturned all the foundations of the Russian state. Society needed new symbols that were not associated with the hated autocracy. In September 1917 it was created special commission, which included the most eminent experts in heraldry. Considering that the issue of a new coat of arms was primarily political, they proposed temporarily, until the convening of the Constituent Assembly, to use the double-headed eagle of the period of Ivan III, removing any royal symbols.

The drawing proposed by the commission was approved by the Provisional Government. The new coat of arms was in circulation throughout almost the entire territory former empire until the adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR in 1918. From that moment until 1991, completely different symbols fluttered over 1/6 of the land...

In 1993, by presidential decree, the double-headed eagle again became the main state symbol of Russia. In 2000, parliament adopted a corresponding law regarding the coat of arms, in which its appearance was clarified.

In the article we propose detailed description one of the main state attributes - the coat of arms of the Russian Federation: what it symbolizes and means for us and all of Russia, and what is the meaning of the double-headed eagle.

Images on banners and seals emphasize the independence and individuality of the people and demonstrate their historical identity. It is this national emblem that is depicted on banknotes, documents and stripes government agencies. The main function of this sign is the spiritual unification of all people living in Russia. Each event of past years has a certain level of influence on descendants. Creating attributes is no exception.

History of Russia: description and meaning of the symbols of the state emblem

First mentions of uniform images countries, their statements date back to the tenth century. It was then that they began to use the image on the imprint of the state seal. At that distant time, the use of such a distinctive sign was already a great innovation, since church designations were mainly used for these purposes. Heraldry at that time was limited to the image of the Savior's Cross or Holy Mother of God. The eagle became one of the first “non-Christian” symbols of Russia and marked the beginning of the use of animalistic images in state emblems.

Since ancient times, this proud bird has been a national attribute of the powerful Byzantine Empire. Its appearance in our open spaces happened thanks to John III. Many experts claim that the reason for this was the conclusion of a marriage alliance with Princess Sofia. She was of Byzantine blood. Exchange cultural heritage different nations determined the borrowing historically important object in the heraldry of our state.

Many researchers have discussed what the coat of arms of the Russian Federation means and what is the meaning of its symbolism. For a full analysis, it is necessary to obtain information about the origin of the sign and assess the authority of the national attributes. Before the appearance of the double-headed eagle, the most common personification of the power of a country was a lion killing a snake. His image was associated with the Principality of Vladimir. Around the same time, the image of a horseman became very popular. A little later it was transformed into St. George the Victorious.

It is worth noting the fact that ornithological motifs in heraldic signs are reflected in many countries of the Old World. Historians say that John III simply liked this display of sovereign power. Most likely he saw it on some foreign order or agreement. After researching the trends of those times, the monarch could establish this symbolism in his own country - thus the approval of a new and original coat of arms took place.

For alchemists, an eagle with two heads personified the mystical philosopher's stone and the process of its creation. Most doctors and foreign pharmacists worked at the court Russian Emperor. Most likely, they suggested the idea of ​​placing a proud bird on the coat of arms of the Moscow sovereign. This is another hypothesis about where and with whose help the future image of sovereign power was borrowed.

Historical path to establishing basic attributes

The first use of a seal with an eagle imprint occurred when sealing land ownership documents. After that, this sign was used to decorate the interior of the Kremlin walls. It was during this period that the spread of the animalistic figure began. This symbol was used by many Russian rulers.
During the time of Boris Godunov, the emblem of the Russian Federation received three crowns. Under the influence of European customs and traditions, changes are also taking place in the emblem. As a result, we can observe a more aggressive image of the bird itself. The beak is open and its tongue sticks out, which shows its readiness to attack at any moment. The royal headdresses also changed over time. At the very beginning, the image showed not one heraldic crown, but two. Instead of the third, different variations of the cross were illustrated.

After the end of the Time of Troubles, with the reign of the Romanov dynasty, the eagle on the coat of arms spread its wings. It is worth noting that all False Dmitrys used a seal with an imprint of the coat of arms.

In the 17th century the image national attribute Russia is complemented not only with a scepter, but also with a power. These elements royal power The king holds the birds securely in his strong paws. Both components became a clear sign of autocratic power. Since those distant times, the first descriptions of the meaning of the symbols of the emblem have reached us. Until now, all documents are stored in archives and carefully studied by scientists.

Serious changes in the coat of arms of the Russian Federation occur during the reign of the great emperor - Paul I. At this time, the era of grandiose wars with the French began. Already in 1799, British troops captured Malta. Namely, our ruler was her patron.

The improvident act of the British led the monarch into a state of great rage. The foreign policy conflict pushed him towards an alliance with Napoleon himself and led to the signing of an agreement with the French emperor, which later served as one of the reasons for Paul’s death. After this, in the composition state sign an image of a cross appeared - evidence of claims on the territory of Malta.

During the life of Paul I, the greatest project was prepared for the production of the Great Coat of Arms of the future Russian Federation - it contained information about what it symbolizes, what every detail means. It was carried out in full compliance with the heraldic norms and standards characteristic of those times. Around the product with the exact image of an eagle in the center, all 43 symbols included in general composition lands. The complete shield with all the emblems was held by the two main archangels. But the grandiose idea was not destined to come true. The emperor was killed by the conspirators and the plan remained only on paper.

After the events described, the sign of power has come a long way external changes. The image of a two-headed bird appears from the beginning of 1497 as an updated version.

The meaning of the symbol on the coat of arms of Russia: what does the double-headed eagle mean?

The theory comparing Moscow with powerful Rome came to light after the death of ruler John III. There are many well-known versions about the origin of the image of the country's greatness, immortalized on elements of paraphernalia. The choice of this image could cause a dispute over the ownership of the image with the powerful Habsburg empire. Scientists have found that before this sign appeared on our territory, it already appeared on state seals Frederick III. German Holy Empire also considered herself the rightful successor of powerful Rome.

These theories have many weaknesses.

  • Historians cannot explain why the eagle was used as a “dowry” from Byzantine princess, began its existence 20 long years after the marriage.
  • The “Habsburg” origin of the bird also has no logical explanation. Namely, why Moscow borrowed a symbol from an empire with which there were no friendly relations.

If we consider latest version more carefully, it will turn out to be the most plausible. Territorially close neighbor of the Russian Federation - Golden Horde, which for some time issued coins with the image of an eagle. There is a high probability that John III saw this money. After the collapse of Ulus Jochi, the king borrowed the designations he liked for our country.

Scientists have examined all theories of heraldic origin and found out what historically means state symbols coat of arms of Russia and what is the main meaning of the double-headed eagle depicted on it.

The official appearance of the emblem was approved only in 1993. The corresponding decree was signed by the first ruler of modern Russia, Boris Yeltsin. Later, in 2005, the image was pinned by the main constitutional law and became the main emblem of the state. The country has entered a new era with historically established traditional signs.

Brief description of the national attribute

Externally, it is presented as an interconnected system color combinations and traditional images. At the same time, they are inextricably linked with the national mentality. This is a quadrangular heraldic shield with rounded edges and a slightly pointed center. The coat of arms is strictly red, with an eagle with two outstretched wings in the background. Each of the two heads is crowned with a heraldic crown. Between them there is also a royal dress, but of a larger size. All of them are connected together with a gold ribbon. The right clawed paw holds the scepter, and the left one holds the orb.

There is another canvas on the chest of this proud bird. It is also made in red and externally repeats the silhouette of the main one, but is smaller in size. It depicts a horseman dressed in a blue cloak, who strikes a terrible black snake with a silver spear. We all know the legend about how St. George the Victorious killed the dragon. There are many icons on this topic.

How the symbols on the coat of arms (eagle, crowns) were formed and what they mean for Russia

Heraldry, the science of the origin of signs, helps to decipher emblems and supplement existing information with new facts. Scientists have established the meaning of each of the elements of a state attribute.

  • Double-headed eagle. He looks at two opposite sides. It can be assumed that in this way the bird covers the whole of Asia and Europe with its gaze, which demonstrates the unity of these powerful principles. Its location indicates the unification of multinational Russian lands.
  • Crowns. Three royal attires represent the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, the unification of previously conquered kingdoms, or the Holy Trinity.
  • Items on the coat of arms. The state personifies state power and power. It is worth noting that the scepter has an identical double-headed eagle with the same symbol in the strong paw.
  • George the Victorious. The meaning of this image is the victory of the forces of good over evil. The warrior became the personification of the defender of the Fatherland.
  • Triple row of feathers. In a modern treatise, this is a reference to the unity of such concepts as kindness, truth and beauty.
  • Shield. Another attribute that speaks of protecting the earth from the enemy.

Initially, the coat of arms included an image of a unicorn, but later it was replaced by a silver horseman. A warrior on a horse was perceived as the image of the sovereign himself. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the power of Moscow was established, and the horseman was removed from the coat of arms. It is worth noting that St. George is considered the patron saint of the capital. Now it can be argued that the image on the coat of arms also carries information about the main faith for the people of Russia - Orthodoxy. Author modern sign, decorating banners, seals, coins - Evgeniy Ilyich Ukhnalev. The artist himself comes from St. Petersburg.

When creating a new image national emblem he left the basic elements. The holistic version includes details from different eras and emphasizes the long-term and inextricable connection of events Russian history. Appearance The modern coat of arms is strictly regulated by law.

Symbolism of the color of the coat of arms of Russia: what does the red background mean?

Color is the brightest and at the same time simplest way to emphasize the greatness of the overall image of statehood. Only in 2000 they decided to return the golden plumage to the double-headed eagle, emphasizing power and wealth. great country. There is another meaning in the noble tone - it testifies to the justice and mercy of the Orthodox Church.

The silver horseman indicates nobility and purity of origin, depicts a special desire for just causes, shows the struggle for truth, the desire to achieve it at any cost.

The red field speaks of spilled blood. People inhabiting Russian territories, did not spare her when defending her native land. Red is also courage, love for the Motherland, a sign of the multinationality of the state, where different fraternal peoples live peacefully.

But the depicted dragon or, as it is also called, the snake is made in black. Most heraldic specialists are inclined to a single version. This image denotes constant trials in the fate of the state, eternal memory and grief for the innocent victims.

Constitutional regulation of the use of national attributes

On legislative level list defined possible areas application of the coat of arms of Russia. It is placed at all structures of the Supreme State Authority.

  • Main Presidential Residence.
  • Council of the Russian Federation.
  • The State Duma.
  • Constitutional Court.
  • Power structures and organizations.

In days important holidays It is customary for the entire country to decorate houses and buildings with flags with a proud bird.

Images of the main attributes of our state were created in different eras And different people, starting from the first ancient mentions in the chronicles of the 10th centuries. The double-headed eagle depicted on the coat of arms of Russia and what it symbolizes is a sign with a long history of creation. Historians still cannot determine the final theory of the origin of the image: whether it was borrowed from Europeans or Asians, whether its creators were the Slavs, who brought the sovereign attribute in its original form to Russian soil.

Over time, the development of heraldry makes its own adjustments to the picturesque image of the country’s sovereign designation. But in general, the emblem reflects the eternal unity and cohesion of all peoples and nationalities living peacefully on the territory of the state.

Every country in the world has State symbols, which contain deep meaning. The coat of arms of Russia, like the flag of Russia and the anthem, are among the main symbols of the country. Over the long history of these lands, it has changed more than once, been supplemented, and become the subject of heated debate and debate at all levels of political and public life. The Russian coat of arms is one of the most complex among the coats of arms of other countries.

Coat of arms of Russia - greatness and beauty

Modern Russian symbol is a beautiful heraldic shield, bright red, rectangular in shape with lower rounded edges. In the central part of the country's coat of arms there is an image of a double-headed golden eagle with wings wide open and raised upward.

In this case, the bird's heads are crowned with small crowns, and a third, larger one is placed on top; the crowns are connected by a ribbon. The eagle itself holds in its paws symbols of power: a scepter (in the right) and an orb (in the left). On the chest is another red shield, on which is an image of a horseman dressed in a blue cloak. The warrior has a silver horse and a spear of the same color, with which he strikes a black dragon.

Every detail of the Russian coat of arms has one or another symbolic meaning. Crowns are a symbol of the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, both as a whole country and in its individual parts. The scepter and orb act as symbols of state power.

Similarities and differences between the coats of arms of Russia and Moscow

The horseman depicted on the coat of arms of Russia is often called St. George the Victorious, confused with the coat of arms of Moscow, which actually depicts this historical figure. However, there are major differences between the two images:

  • On the Russian coat of arms, the horseman does not have a halo, a symbol of holiness.
  • The horse on the coat of arms of Russia has three legs, the fourth tramples the dragon, while on the capital's coat of arms the horse has two legs.
  • The dragon on the Russian coat of arms is overturned and trampled upon by a horseman, on the Moscow one it stands on four legs.

That is, upon careful examination, one can note the difference not only in small, but also in significant details.

Long haul

Modern symbol Russian state has quite a long history. In its main features it coincides with official coats of arms Russian Empire, which were finally formed only by end of the 19th century century, are the Large Coat of Arms (1882) and the Small Coat of Arms (1883).

On the Great Russian Coat of Arms the shield was gold in color, a black eagle, imperial crowns connected by St. Andrew's ribbon. The capital's coat of arms with George was depicted on the eagle's chest. The Small Coat of Arms of the Empire also depicted an eagle with two black heads, and the shields of the principalities were placed on its wings.

The coat of arms of Russia is the main attribute and stands on the same level as the flag and anthem. It is impossible to imagine anything without him modern state and our country is no exception either. In order to know the history of your country, in order to understand what state symbols are, you need to look at the coat of arms itself and give it a characteristic that will be remembered even by a primary school student.
The coat of arms of our country is rectangular in shape, with rounded shapes towards the bottom. On a red background there is a double-headed eagle looking in two directions to the west and east. Both heads of the eagle are crowned with small crowns, and the eagle itself has raised its wings high. The eagle is crowned with a large crown, with a ribbon that curls as if in the wind.

If you look at the eagle’s paws, in one it has a scepter, and in the other a symbol of power. A horseman in a blue cloak was located right on his chest. He sits on a silver horse.

You can also depict the coat of arms without a rider, just the main background and an eagle on it.

In the Russian Federation there is a law that says what the coat of arms should look like. This is the Federal Law “On the State Emblem”. And even though it does not contain information about the color of the saddle under the rider, it is customary to depict him in red.

Why did you choose this coat of arms?

This is connected with the history of the country. In this tone and with such a design the coat of arms was depicted in the 15th century. XVII centuries;
The eagle was depicted on the coat of arms back in the time of Peter I;
The uniform, which is contained in the eagle's paws, means the unity of the state and state power.
Above the eagle's heads there are beautiful three crowns that bear the history of our country. In particular we're talking about about Peter the Great. Since the situation in the country has changed, it is clear that all the symbols are not the same as they were many centuries ago.
If we talk about the horseman, we can say that this is a symbol of the struggle between good and evil, darkness and light, and most of all it speaks of the defense of the Fatherland.

Now the double-headed eagle personifies the continuity and continuity of national history. Today's coat of arms of Russia is a new coat of arms, but all its components are deeply traditional; it reflects different stages of Russian history and continues them on the eve of the third millennium.

The most important and main symbols of the country are the coat of arms and the flag without it the state cannot exist.
Each country has its own symbols that speak of the strength and majesty of the country.

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Binge drinking is a serious disease that requires immediate treatment. Delay is fraught with negative consequences...

1. THYROID GLAND - (Liz Burbo) Physical blockage The thyroid gland is shaped like a shield and is located at the base of the neck. Hormones...

The city of military glory is how most people perceive Sevastopol. 30 battery is one of the components of its appearance. It is important that even now...

Naturally, both sides were preparing for the summer campaign of 1944. The German command, led by Hitler, considered that their opponents...
“Liberals,” as people of “Western” thinking, that is, with a priority of benefit rather than justice, will say: “If you don’t like it, don’t...
Poryadina Olga Veniaminovna, teacher-speech therapist Location of the structural unit (speech center): Russian Federation, 184209,...
Topic: Sounds M - M. Letter M Program tasks: * Consolidate the skill of correct pronunciation of the sounds M and Мь in syllables, words and sentences...
Exercise 1 . a) Select the initial sounds from the words: sleigh, hat.
What is the difference...