The meaning of the word nomenclature. Functions of the nomenclature of cases

In its work, any enterprise deals with a mass of documents and papers. Their clear classification is necessary for systematization, control, as well as for effective adoption decisions. After all, if the accounting department or personnel department simply compiled documents without assigning them a number and date, then it would be simply impossible to understand the orders and reports. And in order to quickly find this or that matter in the archive, you need single directory, which is the nomenclature of cases. The nomenclature is a list of all numbered cases compiled in a certain way.

Purpose of nomenclature at the enterprise

Without clear systematization, chaos would occur in the archives. Since nomenclature is an important component of the work of any enterprise, it is important to determine its meaning.

Types of nomenclature

The nomenclature of cases can be presented in three types: standard, approximate and individual.

The standard one is used by all enterprises of the same type, for example, from the same industry. However, it does not apply to all these enterprises and is a regulatory document.

These two types are developed by government records management services and are mandatory for use. Most often this concerns headings and headings of documents. Only occasionally can some adjustments be made to them, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise.

An individual list of cases is developed exclusively within the boundaries of the organization. It is used only for internal documentation.

Drawing up a classification list

If the newly formed enterprise does not have a nomenclature of the institution, then it is recommended to quickly start building a book and classification list. This can be done in two main ways: entrust the implementation to the personnel service or outside organization specializing in office management.

In the first case, a significant advantage is that it is possible to develop a nomenclature exclusively for the enterprise, taking into account the specifics of production and individual characteristics. But the big disadvantage is that not all experts personnel service know how to organize this work correctly. There are many mistakes that can be made during the process that will lead to the loss of important documents.

And the second option is to invite professional clerks and pay them a fee for compiling the nomenclature. The downside is that you have to spend money. Plus - the work will be done efficiently and quickly.

Stages of formation

In the process of constructing a list of documents, it is necessary to go through several main stages, without which the organization’s nomenclature will not be well completed and it will not be possible to use it.

1. At the first stage, the nomenclature is endorsed by the employee responsible for the archive.

3. Then he gets ready expert commission enterprises to coordinate the nomenclature. Based on the results of the meeting, a protocol is drawn up.

4. After this, the finished nomenclature is sent for consideration by the expert verification commission of the relevant archival organization. This needs to be done once every 5 years ( this stage does not apply to organizations that do not transfer documentation for state storage).

5. And finishing touch- signature of the head of the organization on the approval stamp.

After successful completion of all five steps, the item is ready for use.

An example of compiling a nomenclature

Since a nomenclature is a list of documents compiled in a certain way, it has typical structure. Let's look at an example of what a classification should look like in paper or electronic format:

A general view of the nomenclature is shown in the figure:

At the end of the year, an entry about total number opened cases, transferred to the archive, destroyed.

The natural reaction of a novice personnel officer who sees chaos in personnel document flow or its absence at all is panic. The first questions are where to start, what is needed for the HR department to operate. And we need to systematize everything! According to the principle of the Mendeleev system of elements, it is necessary to sort out the affairs of the personnel department. Make a to-do list, prepare folders for them and go ahead! There is such a thing as nomenclature. What is the nomenclature of cases? This is your periodic system according to which you will work. Now let’s put everything into pieces, and everything will be clear.


What is a list of cases

The nomenclature of affairs is a list in which you include all the affairs of the organization.

A case is a folder with documents that are collected according to one characteristic. For example, vacation orders are one thing, but hiring orders are another. There is also an index of the department and the case itself. The case index is the number according to the nomenclature, separated by a slash is the volume number. A department index is the department number from the consolidated nomenclature(if there is such a thing, of course).

The consolidated list of cases is documents of the entire organization. That is, if you divide the organization into departments, then each will be assigned its own number.

Example of consolidated nomenclature

For example: 1 – office (or secretariat), 2 – accounting, 3 – personnel department, 4 – legal department etc.

Types of items

At Soviet power all documents were strictly unified, that is, they had to be applied in all organizations. Apply Now unified forms not necessary, but you can use them to organize your affairs.

There are three nomenclature options:

  • standard nomenclature of cases (for similar departments or companies);
  • an approximate nomenclature of affairs (rather, a recommendation, which contains an approximate composition of folders that need to be created in the company);
  • individual (it is compiled taking into account the specifics and structure of the company).

We will talk specifically about the individual – about personnel nomenclature.

Drawing up a list of cases

To create a nomenclature, you need to know what documents are in use by the HR department. First, let's create a table of five columns:

  • case index;
  • title;
  • number of volumes;
  • shelf life;
  • notes.

If there consolidated nomenclature, then the case index will begin with the department number
. For example, if your department is number 3, then the case index will start from 3-01 (where 01 is the number of the folder with documents). And if you are creating nomenclature only for your department, but not a consolidated one, then the index will simply start with 01 (hereinafter 02, 03, etc.).

The title is the name of the folder, for example “Regulations on the checkpoint”.

The number of volumes is their number. After all you can invest in the business maximum 250 sheets (according to the office management instructions). You will fill out this cell by hand at the end of the year; you don’t know how many volumes you will have. IN small organization with staff turnover, for example, employment orders are typed in about volume 3 within a year.

It makes no sense to describe the storage periods for documents here, there are a lot of them. So you can see them here.

Notes may include:

  • about opening a case (if the files are stored permanently, it should be noted here that the case has been opened);
  • about moving matters;
  • on transfer to the city archives;
  • about destruction (if the deadline has expired or a new LNA has been accepted).

Now you need to fill in the lines. Line by line we enter all the documents that the personnel officer uses. Let's start with folder No. 1 - with the statement about OK. Let's assume that there is still a consolidated nomenclature, but even if it is not there, let's set the HR department index to 03, and suddenly it appears, then there will be no need to redo anything. After all, the deadlines for compiling the nomenclature are not fixed by law.

The first line will be like this:

  • case index – 3-01;
  • the title will be “Regulations on the HR Department”;
  • We do not write the number of volumes (it will probably be 1);
  • We write the shelf life “until no longer needed”;
  • in the note you can indicate that the case has been opened.


Important : you cannot put documents with different terms storage! For example, orders for administrative leaves should be stored for 5 years, and about the next - 75! How will you transfer cases to the archive? They won't be accepted! Open separate cases for all types of orders.

Registration and approval of the list of cases

When you prepare the project, bring it to the director to see, perhaps he will add more things to do.
If everything is in order, prepare an order to approve the list of cases (

To conduct office work correctly, you need to know what nomenclature is. According to the definition, a nomenclature is one compiled according to certain system a list listing those parts, materials, structures that were used in production. When compiling such a list, each material mentioned is assigned a conditional code of numbers, letters or an alphanumeric combination - a nomenclature number.

In office work, the nomenclature of cases is a list systematized by content business papers(or cases) that are formalized in the process of work of an organization. The nomenclature determines how long the papers should be kept and in what order they should be drawn up. For example, in educational institutions In the middle level (gymnasium), school registers are kept by the head teacher for another 5 years after the students graduate.

Main functions

the main task when drawing up a nomenclature of affairs - to make the work of the administrative apparatus more perfect, more productive, to get rid of bureaucratic toffee. Prompt and high-quality solutions to many problems, the activities of the entire organization often depend on the order in which the documents are contained, how easily they can be found on demand, how competently they are classified and systematized. Correct classification not only allows you to quickly work with documents, but also makes it easier to work with archives and in archives.

Let's look at examples of what a nomenclature of cases is and in what areas it is most effective.

  • Systematization of documents - when documents were used in any matter (drawing up contracts, concluding transactions, completing a criminal case, a planned department report, etc.), and then went out of active use, according to the nomenclature, they are stored in organizations in in a certain order. This applies to both paper documents, and electronic, stored in a computer database.
  • The content of information about how long the document is retained and how long it can be valid. Each case included in the nomenclature has its own specified deadlines saving the documents included in it. The more valuable and the document is more important, the longer it will last. That is, when working with documents on file, they are immediately assessed - a kind of examination of their value. This also helps with the work itself.
  • Indexing fastening is often used in the process and the nomenclature index of the case becomes integral part document. This can be observed when compiling an inventory, when an inventory is taken at a production facility or institution.
  • Serves as a reference when studying organizational structure institutions, etc.
  • In office work, it is considered the basis for an inventory of cases with permanent or temporary period storage and recording of documents.
  • Used as a sample, diagram for creating a card index and reference for the documents used.

Thus, good knowledge what nomenclature is and the skills in working with it are necessary in any organization or institution, enterprise. The nomenclature should apply to all documentary activities of the institution.

Nomenclature classification

The nomenclature has its own standards and design requirements; they cannot be violated. They are presented in special manuals and

It is customary to distinguish three types of business nomenclature:

  • typical;
  • approximate;
  • individual, developed for a specific organization.

The nomenclature is standard, as is clear from the name - this is regulations, they establish the composition of cases used in organizations of the same type.

Approximate nomenclature is intended to establish approximate composition cases that are opened in the office work of the organization where this nomenclature is distributed. Such examples of office work are not normative, but advisory in nature. Distinctive feature- in documents of this type indexes are indicated.

Standard and approximate office nomenclatures are developed by higher-level organizations for their subordinate organizations.

Individual nomenclature - designed specifically for specific organization and taking into account the specifics of its activities. A typical or approximate one is usually taken as a sample and the necessary changes are made to them.



(lat. nomenclatura - list, list) - a summary of terms, names, basics. concepts used in k.-l. branches of knowledge. The basis of any correctly constructed N. is always a definition. classifications.

Philosophical Encyclopedia. In 5 volumes - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Edited by F. V. Konstantinov. 1960-1970 .


NOMENCLATURE (lat. nomenclatura - list, list of names) - the ruling stratum of a socialist society, which has certain social privileges. Ideas about nomenclature developed in line with the concepts of the new class. Even N.A. Berdyaev stated that, by strengthening the state, he creates a colossal bureaucracy, a new privileged one, which can cruelly exploit the masses. Political, stated M. Djilas, there is new class communist society. Something between the nomenklatura and the Western political, administrative, industrial bureaucracy strengthening its position (the concept of “managerial revolution”, division of ownership and control) encourages theorists and politicians (B. Rizzi and others) to see in the formation of the nomenklatura a general tendency towards the bureaucratization of society.

According to M. S. Voslensky, the nomenklatura is the ruling class of a socialist society, which, like all previous class societies, is antagonistic. This class includes persons who are members of the regular nomenclature of party bodies: senior officials of party organizations, leaders government agencies And non-governmental organizations and institutions. Belonging to the elected nomenklatura (members of elected party bodies, deputies of the Soviets), not supported by belonging to the regular nomenklatura, meant membership in the elite, but not in the ruling class.

As ruling class nomenclature is sometimes viewed as collective ownership, formally called national or state (Djilas, Ecumenical). Under communist regimes, Djilas believes, socio-political relations (totalitarian power and monopoly on property) are more closely linked than anywhere else. In this case, property is transferred from the legal to the “factual” plane in the spirit of the concepts “ real property” (the owner is the one who has control, actually controls). In reality, however, the nomenklatura receives unlimited orders state property not because she herself is the owner, but due to the institutional, impersonal-subjective nature of the state represented and personified by her as a legal (and actual) subject of property rights in relation to the bulk of the means of production (see).

The idea of ​​the nomenklatura state echoes the ideocracy developed by the Eurasians - the construction of the state and the entire society on the basis of the unconditional dominance of some “correct” idea, the “ruler idea”, the bearer and conductor of which is the ruling stratum, formed on the basis of selection.

Lit.: Vselensky M. S. Nomenclature. M., 1991; Djilas M. The face of totalitarianism. M., 1992.

V. M. Bychenkov

New philosophical encyclopedia: In 4 vols. M.: Thought. Edited by V. S. Stepin. 2001 .


See what “NOMENCLATURE” is in other dictionaries:

    - (Latin, from nomen name). A set of names of objects of some science. A list of item names, without any explanation. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. NOMENCLATURE [lat. nomenclatura painting... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    - (nomenklatura) Formally, the term refers to the fact of appointment to leadership positions in the Soviet state apparatus(from the director of an enterprise to the minister) by party bodies according to lists (nomenclature) of suitable candidates. All in all… … Political science. Dictionary.

    Nomenclature- (Latin nomenclature list, from nomen name + calare to convene; English nomenclature) 1) a systematic list of materials, structures and parts used in production, or goods, in which each name of the item is conditionally ... ... Encyclopedia of Law

    - (Latin nomenclatura list, list of names), 1) a list of names, a system of terms, categories used in any branch of science, technology, etc. (for example, a nomenclature of goods). 2) List of nomenclature personnel leadership positionsModern encyclopedia

    - (lat. nomenclatura list of names), 1) list of names, system of terms, categories used in any branch of science, technology, etc. (for example, product range). 2) Nomenclature personnel list of management positions, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    NOMENCLATURE, nomenclature, women. (lat. nomenclatura) (book). A set of names used in a particular specialty. Nomenclature medical, geographical, telegraphic, etc. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Female, lat. collection and explanation of the conventional names and sayings of any science. Philosophical, legal, botanical nomenclature, naming. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    nomenclature- s, m. nomenclature lat. nomenclature of letters. painting of names. 1. A set or list of those used in which letter. specialty names, terms. Botanical n. It was necessary to understand these minerals and, first of all, to develop a general... ... Historical Dictionary Gallicisms of the Russian language

    Nomenclature- (Latin nomenclatura - list, list of names), 1) a list of names, a system of terms, categories used in any branch of science, technology, etc. (for example, a nomenclature of goods). 2) Nomenklatura personnel - a list of management... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Nomenclature, Mikhail Voslensky. Published in 1991. The condition is good. The book was first published in 1980 on German published by Fritz Molden. Reprinted many times in various languages. Work…

lat. nomenclatura - list, list) - a summary of terms, names, basic. concepts used in k.-l. branches of knowledge. The basis of any correctly constructed N. is always a definition. classification system.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition


lat. nomenclatura - list, list of names) - the ruling stratum of a socialist society, which has certain social privileges. Ideas about nomenclature developed in line with the concepts of the new class. Even N.A. Berdyaev stated that the dictatorship of the proletariat, having strengthened state power, creates a colossal bureaucracy, a new privileged class that can brutally exploit the masses. The political bureaucracy, stated M. Djilas, is a new class of communist society. Some similarities between the nomenklatura and the Western political, administrative, industrial bureaucracy, which is strengthening its position (the concept of a “revolution of managers”, separation of ownership and control) prompt a number of theorists and politicians (B. Rizzi and others) to see in the formation of the nomenklatura a manifestation of a general tendency towards the bureaucratization of society .

According to M. S. Voslensky, the nomenklatura is the ruling class of a socialist society, which, like all previous class societies, is antagonistic. This class includes persons who are members of the regular nomenclature of party bodies: senior officials of party organizations, heads of state bodies and non-governmental organizations and institutions. Belonging to the elected nomenklatura (members of elected party bodies, deputies of the Soviets), not supported by belonging to the regular nomenklatura, meant inclusion in the elite, but not in the ruling class.

As a ruling class, the nomenklatura is sometimes seen as collective subject property, formally called national or state (Djilas, Ecumenical). Under communist regimes, Djilas believes, socio-political relations and property (totalitarian power and monopoly on property) are more closely linked than anywhere else. At the same time, the concept of property is transferred from the legal to the “actual” plane in the spirit of the concepts of “real property” (the owner is the one who has control, actually disposes). In reality, however, the nomenklatura receives the opportunity for unlimited disposal of state property not because it itself is the owner, but due to the institutional, impersonal-subject nature of the state it represents and personifies as a legal (and actual) subject of property rights in relation to the bulk of the means of production ( see Social Institute).

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