Sign "Pedestrian crossing" according to traffic rules. Traffic rules - pedestrian crossing and car driver

I understand that it is easier for some to cross the road in the wrong place and risk their own health, since passing cars may simply not notice you or not have time to brake. But there are traffic rules and there is a special pedestrian crossing sign.

It would seem that since this is a warning sign for pedestrians, they should be aware of it. But no, all road users must know this road sign. Even children learn it in the form of games during school lessons. This is important for their safety. Just look at the photo and you will immediately understand what we are talking about.

Important Features

When there is a traffic light in front of a pedestrian crossing, there are no problems with how and when to cross the road.

However, there are certain rules for installing this sign and several varieties. For example, sign 5.19 is placed at an uncontrolled intersection where the flow of cars is insignificant. Sometimes the sign is complemented by a traffic light that simply flashes orange or is turned off completely.

Since 2010, new rules have come into force, according to which the sign's coverage area at each pedestrian crossing must meet some additional requirements:

  • signs must be supplemented with clear light animation;
  • The stripes of such an “animal” called a zebra are painted white and complemented with orange;
  • in some cases there may be noise bands;
  • Speed ​​bumps are placed at a distance from the signs;
  • the sign is in a yellow frame with a reflective element - this is a special sign on a yellow background with a fluorescent coating that glows at night from car headlights;
  • yellow flashing lights are now mandatory;
  • at least one speed bump is installed in front of crossings for pedestrian traffic participants;
  • Bright lighting is provided in the transition area.

If this section is of a regulated type, then the installation of a working traffic light is mandatory.

Even the sign itself can be LED. But the traffic rules do not say anything about this point, since the technology is modern, and the list of rules is far from new. But everything has its time.

Coverage area

We strongly advise you to buy yourself a traffic rules book and gradually learn what signs mean what. This will be useful to you as a pedestrian and as a future driver. As a rule, people without cars rarely study the rules of the road, but actively blame drivers for illiteracy. It's a shame, to be honest. I’m telling you this as an experienced motorist.

If you come across a pedestrian zone without a sign, then this is a clear violation. Either they didn’t finish, or the sign was stolen, or maybe the workers even thought that this was normal.

In any case, all dimensions, designations, coloring, zebra crossing and other nuances of the pedestrian crossing are regulated by GOST. Therefore, in every locality and on any section of the road they are required to follow state standards.

The same applies to the installation of signs for a special pedestrian crossing. There are two of them. Moreover, they are registered as 5.19.1 and 5.19.2. What's the difference between them? But a different picture. In the first case (5.19.1), the pedestrian moves from right to left, and in the second (5.19.2) vice versa, that is, from left to right. They are installed on the appropriate side of the road to show the direction of pedestrian movement in this area.

Now about the coverage area.

  • The range of the sign is limited by the distance between two oppositely located signs. If you noticed, the pointers are not strictly opposite each other, but with an offset. It is this distance that visually forms a rectangle, which is the boundaries of the zone;
  • This principle applies if there is no zebra. The presence of a zebra crossing suggests that the area is limited by this marking;
  • Do not try to blame the driver for anything if you crossed the road in the area of ​​the sign, but at the same time went outside the zone. Drivers are not fined for this, but a pedestrian is considered a violator;
  • It is prohibited to stand or stop within the area of ​​the sign and within a range of 5 meters on each side. So, dear drivers, respect yourself and pedestrians.

Actions of traffic participants

Each road user has their own rights and responsibilities. They must be adhered to in order to prevent emergencies, accidents, collisions with pedestrians, etc.

The visual picture used in schools for children allows them to understand why it is important to respect each other and how to act on one side or another.

The following rules apply to people traveling on foot:

  • do not cross the road in unauthorized or undesignated places;
  • go strictly to the green light of the traffic light;
  • look left and right before starting to move;
  • do not run when the green light is flashing;
  • Don’t go too slowly (let’s respect drivers too) if there is no reason to move that way.

Now as for motorists.

  • The most important rule is to let people pass who are walking or have begun to move along the crossing;
  • Slow down or stop in front of such areas;
  • Avoid driving through red and orange lights as people may have already started moving;
  • Drivers are not allowed to turn around or reverse;
  • It is strictly forbidden to make overtaking maneuvers if people are walking there (by jumping out from behind another car, you can hit a person);
  • Stand and park within the sign's coverage area plus 5 meters in each direction.

Alas, even knowing all the rules sometimes cannot protect you from accidental collisions and collisions. The driver must be prepared for the fact that pedestrians will still break the rules, run out on red lights, or run across the road in the wrong place. Moreover, it is usually difficult for the driver himself to prove that it is not he, but the pedestrian, who is at fault.

Underground and overground passages

Also a pedestrian crossing, which runs underground and usually above a busy road. The presence of such passages, in front of which there is a sign with a picture of a person walking along the steps, significantly increases the level of safety.

The same can be said about overpasses intended for pedestrians. They are usually installed above railway tracks.

Such transitions appeared during the USSR. They were used to connect and allow people to move more safely. Agree, it’s easier to walk 10-20 meters underground than to cross a road where several dozen cars pass per second.

A pedestrian crossing, according to traffic rules, is a section of the roadway, including tram tracks, marked with appropriate signs and markings, which are commonly called “zebra crossings”.

The sign indicating the transition is familiar to everyone from childhood. This is a blue rectangle in the center, with a white triangle highlighted in it, in which a schematic man walking along a zebra is depicted in black.

There are two such signs. They are mirror images of each other. In other words, the little men move in different directions. In traffic regulations, the signs have numbers: 5.19.1 and 5.19.2.

Thus, a crossing is a section of the roadway, if there are tram tracks in this place, then including them, marked with signs 5.19.1, 5.19.2, as well as zebra markings. Zebra markings may or may not be present. “Zebra” in traffic regulations is designated by number 1.14.1. Also, option 1.14.2 is provided - there are arrows on the zebra crossing indicating the direction of people's movement.

What are the options?

If the crossing does not have traffic lights, but only signs and zebra markings, then it is not adjustable. As you understand, a controlled crossing with a traffic light that is out of order immediately becomes unregulated. A non-functioning traffic light will not only be one that does not light up at all, but also one that flashes only one color.

For pedestrians, two-section traffic lights are installed, which have two colors: green and red. There are also three-section traffic lights, just like for drivers. Their colors are red, yellow and green.

If at a crossing the traffic light for pedestrians is out of order, then people who need to move across the road need to navigate by the traffic light for drivers.

You can move from one side of the road to the other only when the traffic light is green!

Clause 1.2 of the Traffic Regulations establishes that a traffic controller is a traffic police officer who is dressed in uniform and has a distinctive sign or equipment. He regulates traffic with gestures provided for by traffic rules, and can also use a whistle to attract attention to the signs being given.

For better visibility of the gestures being made, the traffic controller uses a rod or disk with a red signal (retroreflector).

Traffic controller gestures

According to clause 6.10 of the Traffic Regulations, traffic controller gestures for pedestrians have the following meaning:

  • the right hand is raised above the head - moving along the roadway is strictly prohibited;
  • the right arm is extended forward - pedestrians are allowed to move only behind the back of the traffic police officer;
  • both arms are extended in different directions (the policeman resembles the letter “T”) - pedestrians are allowed to move through the roadway;
  • both arms are lowered - pedestrian traffic is prohibited from the back and chest of the traffic controller.

So, we have mastered the main gestures of a traffic policeman. In addition to these gestures, he can use other gestures, as well as give signals using a baton or a reflective disk, which will be understandable to pedestrians and vehicle drivers.

How to cross an adjustable transition

The main rule for driving along a controlled pedestrian crossing is that when the traffic light and the traffic controller are working, the main signal for movement on the road will be the gestures of the traffic police regulatory officer.

If you approach a zebra crossing and see that a traffic controller is working on it, then you must wait for a permitting gesture from him and only after that go out onto the roadway.

How to properly cross the road at a pedestrian crossing?

When there is no traffic controller at a pedestrian crossing, but there is a working traffic light, you can only move along it when the light is green. If you see that the traffic light installed for pedestrians is temporarily not working or is constantly flashing one color, then focus on the traffic light for drivers.

There are no rules for moving through underground and overground passages. You just need to remember that when such a crossing is installed in some place, there will be no pedestrian crossing on the road there.

If you nevertheless try to “slip” along the roadway, then such actions are called moving in the wrong place and are a violation of traffic rules.

How to cross in unregulated places

At unregulated pedestrian crossings, according to clause 4.5 of the traffic rules, the people themselves who cross the highway are responsible for their safety.

A pedestrian can enter the roadway, as well as tram tracks, only after assessing the situation on the road and making sure that it is safe to move. To do this, you need to estimate the distance to the car and be sure to take into account its speed.

Traffic rules, as well as the instinct of self-preservation, do not allow pedestrians to suddenly run onto the road, or appear from behind some obstacle: a car, a pole, a billboard, etc. Indeed, in this case, drivers of cars moving along the road will not be able to see the person in time, assess the current situation and let the unfortunate pedestrian pass.

Before entering the roadway, you should always look both ways and make sure that moving vehicles are at a distance that will allow you to move across the road without hindrance.

It is necessary to cross the roadway not only at a significant distance from moving cars, but also at a right angle so as not to interfere with drivers. As you know from the school curriculum, the path at a right angle will be the shortest, in comparison with other possible options.

What to do if there is no crossing nearby?

The traffic rules stipulate that if there is no crossing nearby, then a person must cross the roadway at the intersection. This approach is due to the fact that the driver always slows down when approaching any intersection. Pedestrians must move only along sidewalks and curbs. Crossing the intersection diagonally is strictly prohibited.

If there are no pedestrian crossings or intersections nearby on the road, then you can only move along the roadway at right angles in a clearly visible area. If you enter the highway from around a bend, the visibility in such a section will not allow motorists to see the pedestrian in time and orient themselves in order to let him pass.

Traffic regulations prohibit crossing the road in areas that have a dividing strip or fence. A fence is a fence or other structure in the middle of a highway. A person who wants to cross the roadway in this particular place will be forced to climb over the fence. You may be fined for such actions.

Pedestrian advantage on the road

A few rules for pedestrians.

The traffic rules include section No. 14 “Pedestrian crossings and stopping places for route vehicles.” It is useful for all pedestrians to become familiar with the responsibilities of drivers and, accordingly, their rights.

According to clause 14.1, a motorist who is approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing is obliged to give way to people who are moving along the roadway or have entered it in order to start moving.

Drivers are required, when approaching a road crossing sign, to reduce their speed to a level that will allow them to stop and give way to a person on the roadway. If a citizen is standing on the sidewalk, the driver is not required to stop to let him pass.

Clause 14.3 considers the behavior of drivers at controlled pedestrian crossings. If a pedestrian started moving along the roadway when the light was green, but did not have time to cover the distance before the light turned red, then drivers are obliged to give him the opportunity to do this. This requirement applies not only to those car owners who are standing in front of the crossing, but also to those who are approaching it.

An approaching motorist, despite the green color of his traffic light, is obliged to stop to allow the pedestrian to complete the journey he has begun.

Basic rules for pedestrians

Stay alert at a pedestrian crossing

A pedestrian crossing the carriageway, regardless of the location (regulated or unregulated crossing, as well as another section of the road), is obliged to:

  • allow a vehicle that is driving with the special sound signal and blue flashing light on. If a person has just started moving along the road, then he should quickly turn back and let the car pass. When he completes his movement along the roadway, do so as quickly as possible;
  • If a person does not have time to cross the road, he must stop at the dividing line. You can continue your movement only when: there are no moving cars; the driver stops the car and lets him pass; the traffic light turned green again;
  • It is strictly prohibited to linger or stop in other situations.

You must always remember these three important rules. They will help maintain health and life not only for you, but also for other people.

What can they be fined for?

Nothing should distract you from crossing the street.

According to traffic regulations, a pedestrian faces a fine of 500 rubles or a warning for crossing the color red. A citizen can also be fined 500 rubles for driving on a road in the wrong place.

If, while moving in the wrong place, a person also interferes with vehicles, then the fine will be 1000 rubles. Traffic police inspectors are focused on the ability to fine drivers, but they have “pedestrian days” and then if you break the rules, your wallet will become thinner by the amount of the fine.

Bottom line

In conclusion, I would like to say that pedestrians must cross the roadway in accordance with the traffic rules and not create emergency situations.

It must be remembered that:

  • At a controlled crossing with a working traffic light and a traffic controller, the traffic controller is in charge. You can cross only after his signal;
  • You only need to cross the road when the traffic light is green;
  • If the crossing in the right place is not equipped, then you should move across the road at an intersection or a clearly visible area.

Never forget that you are always responsible for your safety. In Britain, one gravestone bears the inscription “This pedestrian was right.”

Good luck on your journey!

Official statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs confirm that the main cause of most road accidents in the country is violation of traffic rules at pedestrian crossings.

Therefore, in 2019, the relationship between motorists and pedestrians underwent some changes.

Let's look at the rules for passing a pedestrian crossing in the new edition.

According to the traffic rules, a pedestrian crossing is a section on the road on which markings have been applied, an audible alarm and special signs have been installed for the safe movement of pedestrians to the other side of the road. The absence of such signs indicates that people are prohibited from crossing the road at such a place.

Pedestrian crossings can be placed at intersections and on other sections of the road. The width of the transition corresponds to the width of the zebra marking.

If there are no markings on the road, the width of the crossing is determined by special signs installed on both sides - a blue rectangle with a highlighted white triangle, in which a person walking along a zebra crossing is schematically depicted in black.

There are two types of pedestrian crossings, for which there are separate rules for allowing pedestrians to pass at a pedestrian crossing:

  1. Adjustable. In addition to the zebra markings painted on the road surface, the controlled intersection is equipped with a traffic light. The latter is designed to regulate traffic in this area. If the traffic light breaks down or if it constantly flashes yellow, this pedestrian crossing automatically turns into an uncontrolled one.
  2. Unregulated. The presence of a pedestrian crossing is indicated only by the markings applied to the road strip.

Let's look at the important features of crossing a pedestrian crossing under the new rules.

Innovations in traffic rules

Clause 14.3. establishes rules of conduct for motorists at controlled pedestrian crossings.

A pedestrian has the right of way to cross the roadway at a pedestrian crossing. It should be skipped and given the opportunity to complete the crossing of the section, even if the driver’s traffic light turns green.

Moreover, the driver does not have the right to sound a sound signal, thereby urging pedestrians on. Such an action is punishable by fairly high fines.

In the new edition of the traffic rules, the interpretation of some points concerning traffic at unregulated crossings has changed.

The old version obliged all drivers to “give way to a pedestrian” at the crossing, but the new version contains a different wording – “give way.” It may seem to the average car enthusiast that the meaning remains the same, but in fact the approach has changed dramatically.

How to let a pedestrian pass at a pedestrian crossing according to the new rules? Old traffic regulations, by the term “yield a pedestrian,” meant the following actions: as soon as the pedestrian steps on the road markings, all motorists are obliged to stop and let him pass, in other words, wait until he has completely passed the zebra crossing.

The new edition of the Road Traffic Rules provides for the obligation of a motorist to stop and give way to a pedestrian when he is not yet on the road lane, but at a short distance from it, and a moving car can interfere with his movement.

Thus, the new amendments protect the rights of pedestrians to a greater extent. After all, if the car does not stop, the person will be forced to change either the speed of his movement or his trajectory.

The wording “give way” implies that the driver has the right to continue driving through a pedestrian crossing only if the pedestrian is far from the road markings.

If a pedestrian is standing on the sidewalk and talking on the phone, the driver is not obliged to let him pass. According to the idea of ​​legislators, this approach will encourage people to quickly cross the crossing, thereby not creating congestion. This innovation will be especially useful for megacities.

Traffic congestion in megacities is already a common occurrence. Therefore, it often happens that drivers are forced to stop directly at a zebra crossing, and this is already prohibited by the new edition of the traffic rules.

According to traffic rules, if there is a possibility that the driver of a car will have to brake right on the road markings, he must prevent this situation in advance.

In other words, even if the car stopped at a zebra crossing as a result of a traffic jam, in any case the driver must be punished. This requirement is explained by the following factors:

  • by remaining on the road markings, the car interferes with the normal movement of pedestrians;
  • A car parked on a zebra crossing reduces visibility, which can cause another motorist to start moving while people are walking along the markings.

In all of the above cases, the chances of accidents and injuries increase.

It is also worth noting that traffic rules for drivers prohibit the following actions at a pedestrian crossing:

  • turn around;
  • leave your cars;
  • move backward.

Since a pedestrian crossing is a special section of the road, these separate standards have been developed for it.

The new edition of the traffic rules has added text about pedestrian crossings on tram tracks. Thanks to this, it was possible to eliminate the controversial situation in the old version of the Rules.

Previously, the section of tram tracks intersecting with a pedestrian crossing through the roadway did not provide an advantage for pedestrians.

In the new edition of the traffic rules, a section of tram tracks may refer to a pedestrian crossing. It states that a pedestrian crossing is a section of the road surface, including tram tracks, which is marked with markings and appropriate signs.

Now on these sections of the road the tram driver is required to let people walking along the crossing pass.

Of course, pedestrians, in turn, must also be careful, since this vehicle of enormous mass is not able to brake instantly.

Is overtaking allowed at a pedestrian crossing? On a zebra crossing, overtaking a vehicle is strictly prohibited even when there are no pedestrians on it.

If previously one car could stop or slow down in front of the markings, others, in the absence of pedestrians, could continue moving at low speed in adjacent lanes.

Additions to the traffic rules now oblige all motorists to reduce speed or stop at a pedestrian crossing if one of the cars slows down.

If the driver does not allow a pedestrian to follow the road markings, he must be prepared to pay a fine.

What is the amount of the fine for this traffic violation? Currently (since October 11, 2017), its amount can vary from 1,500 rubles to 2,500 rubles, depending on the severity of the violation.

The driver has the right to appeal if there were cars in front of him, so the visibility was poor. In this case, the driver could simply not notice the pedestrian walking along the zebra crossing. If the review was good, you will still have to pay the fine in the end.

In addition, if traffic police officers have a video recording made by a DVR or using a camera, unfortunately, it will not be possible to appeal the fine.

While drivers are required to give way, pedestrians are also expected to make sure it is safe to cross. Through mutual attention and respect, traffic will be safer.

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    I crossed a pedestrian crossing in front of an unregulated intersection, when on the opposite side of the street a man stepped on the roadway (he then did this with every passing car, and one of the inspectors recorded it on camera while the second dealt with the drivers. I was stopped as a traffic violation in the village 14.1. My objections of the type “Give way (do not interfere)” - a requirement that means that a road user must not start, resume or continue driving, or carry out any maneuver if this may force other road users to he has an advantage, change the direction of movement or speed." - the inspector had no effect. Threats followed one after another to drive the car to an impound lot or to apply the law in terms of disobeying a police officer. Then he suggested drawing up a report and attaching video material. The inspector hesitated, but this That time that “pedestrian” once again stepped onto the roadway of the opposite road when an expensive foreign car was crossing the pedestrian crossing. They waved at me, allowing me to leave. Which one of us is right?

    • There is a precedent in the form of a Supreme Court decision that a car is not required to stop if it does not interfere with a pedestrian, that is, does not force him to change speed and direction of movement. The inspector has the right to draw up a protocol, and you have the right to challenge it in court. In such cases, demand that the movement pattern of all participants be indicated in the protocol, preferably with witnesses and/or video recording materials.

    Good afternoon I ask you to advise me on the following situation:

    Having approached the pedestrian crossing, I let pedestrians pass who started moving in my lane and continued moving. At the moment I crossed the pedestrian crossing, other pedestrians entered the roadway on the opposite side. The road is four-lane, two lanes in each direction, with a double solid stripe in the middle of the roadway. I was driving in the far right lane, with parking spaces for cars on my right side. 15 meters after passing the pedestrian crossing, a traffic police inspector stopped me, presenting me with traffic violations in paragraph 14.1. My objections are that under the clause “Give way (do not create interference)” - a requirement meaning that a road user should not start, resume or continue moving, or carry out any maneuver if this may force other road users who have to him an advantage, change the direction of movement or speed.", were not violated on my part - they did not act on the traffic police inspector. Naturally, a protocol was drawn up imposing a fine on me. I am interested in the situation, not when the width of the roadway is no more than 7 meters, i.e. one lane in each direction, and with 4 or more lanes there are quite a few such roads in Moscow with unregulated pedestrian crossings.

    I ask you to provide clarification on how to correctly interpret this paragraph of the traffic rules.

    Thank you in advance.

    • all this is done for the sake of profit and the cops take advantage of all sorts of changes in the traffic rules, threatening sanctions, etc., although they are wrong, their arrogant faces stand their ground until they receive a dime

      • Yes, impudent garbage people often use simple carriers for tanks. But I myself am an experienced truck driver, and as practice has shown, you have to be just as arrogant with them. And without rudeness, but with all appearances, make it clear that he is wrong. I was threatened many times, like sanctions and all that. It’s enough to just know the traffic rules and that’s it and firmly stand your ground. The garbage just shows off, you start putting pressure on them and they all blow away.

    • it all depends on what the markings are, if the pedestrian crossing is completely and continuously on all 4 lanes, then you need to wait until all pedestrians have passed the crossing, and if in the middle (between oncoming flows) there is a “safety island” (with a curb or just markings, it doesn’t matter), then these are already different pedestrian crossings and the presence of pedestrians at the checkpoint in the oncoming traffic does not apply to you in any way, you let pedestrians pass only at a specific crossing that crosses your lane (along its entire length)

    Why don’t inspectors put up pedestrian crossing signs in mass passages of people, but stand nicely and catch violators, secondly, near the stop near the 13th school where children cross the road in the wrong place to the bus, but near the Azov cinema theater in the bushes there is a pedestrian crossing sign that can only be reached in Bolotniks and escho there is a new sign at the old closed cemetery with all traffic violations, we should contact the Kam with this as our police. no one ever checks for special training skills in compliance with all authorities

    Yeah, hello everyone, I’m talking about a painful issue. About five years ago I was driving across the street and there was a traffic police officer standing at the traffic police post; it was already dark and he watched me as I followed him. and I also noticed how a KamAZ truck was parked with a drunk driver. And so I drove on, and after 200 meters this cop caught up with me and waved a stick from the car like stop. Well, naturally I stopped and he told me you didn’t stop when I stopped you at the checkpoint, In short, he took my documents and turned me back. When I went up to his office, I immediately smelled the smell of alcohol. In the end, he needed fifty dollars to get over his hangover and at the same time drove a KAMAZ truck. I then remember throwing it to him and leaving with the feeling that I couldn’t do anything. I didn't have a DVR then. And how to deal with such people?

    I was crossing an unregulated pedestrian crossing, in front of which there was an exit from the bridge; there were warning signs about the pedestrian crossing.

    I reached the middle of the pedestrian crossing, the cars gave way and exactly in the middle the car drove over my leg, but he didn’t try to slow down, the car stopped and the driver immediately admitted his guilt, the hospital recorded a soft tissue bruise, but it’s hard to walk, almost a week later What will happen to the driver and if we decide this without a trial, what amount will we settle on?

    In order to get to my house, I have to move from the pedestrian crossing across the sidewalk onto the road leading to my house. Do I have the right to do this?

    As if drivers themselves are not pedestrians. There are scoundrels who break the rules in cars, but they themselves demand that they be treated according to the rules. But you have to follow the rules, because the rules can also be broken in relation to you, so then you start whining, and who is to blame is the one who broke it first and spit on everyone and the rules. Therefore, if there is a violation, do not complain about the consequences! After all, you yourself are pedestrians without your own vehicles. And some cyclists rush along the sidewalks, and then fall and cry, they deserve it. All this is karma, not from past lives, but from the present and is passed on to descendants. When you do mischief, think about the fact that nothing passes without a trace.

    What nonsense is this about the new interpretation of the rules for allowing pedestrians to pass? that is, the driver must allow all pedestrians to pass with plenty of reserve, giving him the opportunity to walk along the entire zebra crossing. That is, if the road is four-lane, I have to wait until he crosses all the lanes? Okay, he crossed two and stepped onto the third, and a new pedestrian had already stepped onto the first. How many hours should I stand in front of a crossing if there is an endless stream of pedestrians walking along it?

    “The new edition of the Road Traffic Rules provides for the obligation of a motorist to stop and give way to a pedestrian when he is not yet on the road lane, but at a short distance from it, and a moving car can interfere with his movement.” — so it turns out that the driver should start braking in front of any unregulated pedestrian crossing as soon as he sees a pedestrian walking along the sidewalk/sideline? wonderful reasoning.

    just don’t forget about one point - “4.5. At unregulated pedestrian crossings, pedestrians can enter the roadway (tram tracks) after assessing the distance to approaching vehicles, their speed and making sure that the crossing will be safe for them. When crossing the road outside a pedestrian crossing, pedestrians, in addition, must not interfere with the movement of vehicles and exit from behind a standing vehicle or other obstacle that limits visibility without making sure that there are no approaching vehicles.” Thus, your article contains very harmful information that is misleading both to pedestrians, who are already overly self-confident lately, but also to drivers.

    Hello. I took my driving license today. At an unregulated pedestrian intersection, a pedestrian on the left side approached the pedestrian crossing. I drove along the right carriageway without stopping. The inspector said that I had broken the rules. And the exam was not passed. Which one of us is right?

    I took my driving tests today. At an unregulated pedestrian intersection, a pedestrian from the left side approached the crossing. I didn't stop, passing on the right. The inspector said I was wrong. And accordingly, I didn’t pass.

    • The inspector is wrong. see p.p. 14.1 - the new edition says: the driver must “give way” (see the term itself) i.e. do not interfere, so that even if you wanted to, you could not interfere with the pedestrian.

    What if the pedestrian walked quickly along the sidewalk and entered the crossing without stopping? Speed ​​30-40. Winter. It's just a total bummer and he didn't even look around. Not to linger for a second. Then they would put a sign in front of the railway crossing that driving without stopping is prohibited. And that's it.

If a person knows the rules for crossing a pedestrian crossing, it is almost impossible for him to cause a traffic accident. Its safety on the road can thus be considered one hundred percent.

Rules for crossing a regulated pedestrian crossing

A controlled crossing or intersection is understood as the place on the road where there is a traffic light or a traffic controller stands.

It can automatically become unregulated if the traffic light has a yellow signal all the time (more precisely, it blinks at constant intervals). In cases where a working traffic light is installed at an intersection and at the same time there is a traffic controller, the pedestrian should be guided not by the traffic light and the signals it gives, but by the traffic controller’s gestures.

  • The most important gestures for you and me are the following:
  • arms are extended with the letter T in different directions - passage is allowed from the back and chest of the person who regulates the movement;
  • right arm extended forward - movement only from the back;

the right hand raised above the head is a ban on crossing the intersection.

When at a controlled intersection there is no special two-section traffic light for pedestrians (green and red), a person can be guided by the traffic light signals for drivers (it already has three sections). Passing through the red signal of any traffic light is strictly prohibited. For this, the pedestrian is subject to a fine.

At such intersections, the pedestrian needs to take care of his own safety, since he will not have “hints” from the traffic controller or traffic light. The conditions are, of course, tough, but, you see, quite fair. Do not try to “slip” the road in front of a vehicle moving in your direction, and no danger will arise.

Traffic rules tell us that a person at an uncontrolled intersection is obliged to independently analyze the distance to a moving vehicle, and based on such an assessment, make a decision about the safety of crossing the highway. At the same time, it is prohibited to suddenly go out onto the road due to any obstacle (for example, a bollard, pole, another car) that impedes visibility and assessment of the situation. First, you should look around, making sure that there is no moving traffic nearby.

In those cases when the road has to be crossed not at crossings, the pedestrian’s attentiveness and responsibility to all traffic participants should be maximum. It is imperative to cross the highway at a significant distance from cars, so as not to become a hindrance for drivers. Remember that in such areas it is pedestrians who most often cause accidents.

Some features of crossing the road

The rules for crossing a pedestrian crossing of any type (with or without a traffic light) stipulate some important nuances of pedestrian movement:

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Fines for crossing the stop line and speeding will no longer bother you!

After the legislator made changes to the traffic rules, many drivers began to wonder how to properly let pedestrians pass. It should also be noted that not only beginners, but also people with extensive driving experience are interested in this.

Currently, the fine for a driver not letting a pedestrian pass at a crossing has become even greater than before. Therefore, the violator may lose not only 1500, but even 2500 rubles. Everything will depend on the severity of the offense committed. You also need to know about the amendments made to the traffic rules so that in the event of an accident, police officers can determine the culprit of the accident. Read more about the new rules for allowing pedestrians to pass in this article.

There have been changes

New travel rules came into force at the end of October 2014. Currently, certain changes have also been made to the traffic rules. Particular attention is paid here to the relationship between drivers and pedestrians. It is also necessary to point out that the actions of road users that were previously permitted are now considered violations.

In addition, already in the fall of 2017, amendments were made to increase the fine for the fact that the driver did not let a pedestrian pass.

The new edition of the traffic rules contains all the changes made. These include the following:

  • overtaking is prohibited at unregulated crossings;
  • the rules for allowing pedestrians have been changed;
  • Cyclists can no longer ride on pedestrian crossings.


Currently, new rules for pedestrian crossing are in force in Russia. But what changes have occurred in traffic rules? How does the current version of the traffic rules differ from the previous one?

It should be noted that previously the driver was obliged to let a pedestrian pass at a zebra crossing. In other words, the person driving had to slow down and stop so that the latter could safely cross the road. Currently, according to the new rules, the driver is required to give way to a pedestrian. On the one hand, it seems that the meaning of these concepts is the same, but nevertheless they differ from each other.

Giving way to a pedestrian means not interfering with him when moving along a pedestrian crossing. In addition, the driver can drive this section of the road as long as the person is at a decent distance from him.

In addition

It should also be noted that not all drivers correctly understand the meaning of the term “give way to a pedestrian.” Currently, the concept of “give way” has been introduced. Previously, in order to let a pedestrian pass, the driver had to slow down or stop completely in front of a zebra crossing (unregulated crossing), if the person was already walking along the roadway or had just entered it.

Currently, after the introduction of the term “give way” to a pedestrian, a person driving should not take such actions that would force a traffic participant who entered a zebra crossing to change his speed or direction of movement. This is necessary in order to avoid an emergency.

It is possible that if the new rules for allowing pedestrians are observed, drivers will be more responsible for the safety of people on the road.

By bike

If a person crosses a zebra crossing in a given vehicle, should the driver give way to him? After changes were made to the traffic rules, disputes on this issue between drivers do not subside. Moreover, cyclists themselves think that they enjoy the same benefits as pedestrians. Actually, this one is not like that.

After amendments were made to the traffic rules, cyclists were prohibited from moving along unregulated pedestrian crossings. According to the traffic police, when crossing the road at a zebra crossing, the latter should hurry up. Indeed, in the event of an accident, the driver of the car will no longer be guilty if the documents indicate that the cyclist violated the current traffic rules (clause 24.8). This is the law.

Thus, the new rules for allowing pedestrians to pass do not apply to persons riding bicycles.

Currently, traffic rules have become more advanced than they were before. After all, according to the new rules, the passage of pedestrians at pedestrian crossings that intersect with tram tracks is considered mandatory. This was not the case in the previous version of the traffic rules.

Therefore, many drivers, avoiding traffic flows, did not even think about giving way to people crossing the zebra crossing. Because pedestrians did not have the right of way there. Thus, people's lives were in great danger. In addition, in the event of a road accident, a driver who hit a pedestrian at a zebra crossing on tram tracks could find a loophole in the law and remain innocent of the accident. Currently this can no longer be done. After all, now the section of tram tracks belongs to a pedestrian crossing.


So, here it wouldn’t be out of place to talk about what a pedestrian crossing is? Previously, this term meant a section of road marked with markings (zebra crossings) and corresponding signs along which people and cyclists moved.

But how is this term spelled out in the rules at present? The new edition of the traffic rules states that a pedestrian crossing is a section of the roadway (including tram tracks), marked with signs and markings (zebra crossing). This is how this concept is now interpreted.

It is also necessary to indicate that pedestrian crossings occur on various sections of roads, including intersections. As a rule, its width is indicated by markings. If there is none, then the length of the transition is determined by the corresponding signs. All drivers know this.

Despite the fact that the rules of passage have changed significantly, each traffic participant must act in such a way as not to create an emergency situation.

He is responsible for his own safety

In most cases, pedestrians believe that the truth is always on their side. This happens even when they cross the road in the wrong place. What should a driver do in such cases? Be more careful, be careful and do not accelerate too much, let pedestrians pass if they are already walking along the roadway. This will be the right thing and no one will get hurt.

However, this does not mean at all that a pedestrian should throw himself under the wheels of a car just because he saw a pedestrian crossing and decided to start moving. You need to be more careful on the roads. In addition, a pedestrian should enter the roadway only when he is sure that it is safe to do so.

Where is the traffic light

Such transitions are called controlled. Because here all traffic participants are guided by traffic lights. Passing a pedestrian at a controlled crossing is carried out according to the following principle: if a person began to cross the road while the traffic light was green, but suddenly the red light turned on, then the driver is obliged to give the latter the opportunity to cross the road and only then start moving. Otherwise, a traffic accident will occur.

What else do you need to remember?

According to the new rules for allowing pedestrians in 2017, enshrined in the traffic rules, the driver must give the opportunity to cross the road to a blind person who signals with a white cane. At the same time, it must be remembered that people deprived of vision cannot determine the location of the section of the road where the crossing is located (regulated and unregulated). Therefore, they need to give way even outside the pedestrian crossing area.

If the car stops

If a car stops in front of an unregulated crossing, then other vehicles must perform the same action. It will be possible to continue driving after people have crossed the roadway. It is also necessary to remember that when approaching a pedestrian crossing, the driver is obliged to reduce speed. However, if a person is standing next to the roadway and does not even think about crossing the road, then the motorist should not let him pass.


So, as mentioned earlier, there have been minor changes in the traffic rules regarding the rules for allowing pedestrians to pass at pedestrian crossings. The latest amendments were made not long ago. But what has changed and what needs to be paid special attention to?

Many drivers remember from driving school that there has always been such a rule: when approaching a pedestrian crossing (unregulated), the driver is obliged to reduce speed or even stop in order to let pedestrians pass. This meant that it was impossible to continue driving until the person crossed to the other side of the roadway. Currently, according to current traffic regulations, the driver is obliged to give way to a pedestrian. Many will say that the meaning has not changed. Although the legal meaning here is completely different.

The meaning of the term “give way” to a pedestrian means that the driver should not perform actions that would cause a person to change the speed and direction of his path. In this case, the motorist does not necessarily have to stand on the roadway if the latter is still far from him. But if a pedestrian is already walking along the crossing, then the motorist must let him through (without touching or running over).


Pedestrian crossings are an area of ​​increased attention from traffic police officers. After all, it is on this section of the road that the largest number of road accidents occur in which people die. For this reason, if traffic rules and rules for allowing pedestrians are not followed, drivers will face a considerable fine.

In the previous edition of the Code of Administrative Offenses, its amount was 1,500 rubles. Nowadays everything has changed. Since the beginning of November this year, this fine has increased and now ranges from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles. Thus, if a driver does not give way to a pedestrian on foot in cases where the latter had the right of way, then he will have to be held accountable for this by law.

It should also be noted that the minimum fine of 1,500 rubles will be received for such an offense only by a motorist who has not previously been held accountable for not letting a person pass at a zebra crossing. Otherwise, the inspector will issue him a fine in the amount of 2,500 rubles. In other words, everything will depend on the severity of the offense committed.

Thus, the minimum fine for failing to let a pedestrian pass remained the same, but the maximum increased by one thousand rubles. Therefore, there is no need to break the rules, and everything will be fine.

Overtaking at a zebra crossing

So, in the previous edition of the traffic rules, this maneuver could be performed even at a zebra crossing if there were no people at the crossing. Currently, overtaking on this section of the road is strictly prohibited. This innovation is due to the fact that the driver, when performing such a maneuver, exceeds the permissible speed several times, thus causing a person to simply step on a zebra crossing. Therefore, overtaking at the crossing is prohibited. Getting ahead of a zebra crossing is also unacceptable. If the driver commits such an offense, the latter may receive a fine for failing to let a pedestrian pass. This is important to know.


So, this means that significant changes have affected the rules (traffic rules). The pass is mandatory for all drivers of vehicles crossing the roadway through this section of the road. Otherwise, the motorist may receive a considerable fine.

Once again, it is necessary to say that in these traffic rules there is now such a term as “give way” to a pedestrian. This means that the driver does not have the right to perform such actions because of which a person walking or entering a zebra crossing will have to change the speed or direction of his movement. Previously, there was no such clarification in the rules. A driver approaching an unregulated crossing had to stop or slow down to let the person pass. Currently, there is no such wording in the traffic rules. Thus, the driver can continue driving as long as the pedestrian is far away from him. But the latter is obliged to give way to him when the latter began to cross the roadway along a zebra crossing at a close distance from him and not hit him.

If a traffic police inspector decides to fine a citizen driving a car because he did not stop but continued driving while the pedestrian was far away from him, then this will be unlawful. Here witnesses can come to the rescue, including the person who crossed the road. After all, the latter will be able to confirm that the driver of the car did not prevent him from crossing the roadway.

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