Zodiac signs and month of birth. Changes in Zodiac Signs: new horoscope dates

Various predictive and fortune-telling techniques have always been considered one of the most effective ways of control, and the horoscope is just such a technique. Using the date of birth and the conditional division of the starry sky into 12 sectors. Based on the date of birth, the attribution of the individual to a specific person and certain general characteristics of this person are determined.

Signs by date of birth

If your date of birth falls within a certain period, then this is the zodiac sign you are. So, which zodiac sign was born in which month?:

  • March 21 – April 20 – Aries
  • April 21 – May 21 – Taurus
  • May 22 – June 21 — Twins
  • June 22 – July 22 — Cancer
  • July 23 - August 23 - a lion
  • August 24 – September 22 – Virgo
  • September 23 – October 22 — Scales
  • October 23 – November 21 — Scorpion
  • November 22 – December 21 — Sagittarius
  • December 22 – January 20 — Capricorn
  • January 21 – February 19 — Aquarius
  • February 20 – March 20 — Fish

It should be noted the correlation of zodiac signs with different elements. There are four main elements:

  • Earth
  • fire
  • air

Moreover, these elements relate to each other in a certain way; there are suppressive elements and there are improving ones. For example, air fans the fire and scatters the earth, water extinguishes the fire and nourishes the earth. By understanding the relationship of the elements, you can have a rudimentary tool for analysis, in particular the analysis of human relationships.

When you know what sign two people belong to, you can determine the element and understand approximately what the relationship of these people will be like, which of them will be able to support the other or which of them will suppress the other.

As you can often hear from astrologers: the previous sign according to the horoscope always suppresses the next one. If you look at the zodiac cycle, you will see: one sign is always followed by one that belongs to the suppressed element.

Each sign brings its own shades to the characteristics of the element, but is largely determined by the general qualities of the element.

  • So: Fire signs
  • – are distinguished by perseverance and perseverance, have ambition, can be inspired and persistently pursue a goal, are not only filled with enthusiasm, but can fill others with activity, and know how to manage people.– these people value stability and are distinguished by stability, they are characterized by a practical attitude to reality, the ability to deeply analyze, they know how to overcome difficulties and achieve their own goals, they have confidence and stand firmly on the ground.
  • Water signs- they have sensitivity and developed perception, these people have sophistication and a developed inner world.
  • Air signs- these people often have a developed imagination, but are often immersed in their own dreams, “hovering in the clouds”, they know how to make an impression, have changeability and curiosity, they are not always thorough and reliable, but they can create magnificently and the lack of stability is mainly due to their love of freedom .

Relationships between signs and elements:

  • Earth– Capricorn, Taurus,
  • Fire— Leo, Aries, Sagittarius
  • Water– Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio
  • Air– Libra, Aquarius, Gemini

Zodiac horoscope

The modern zodiac horoscope used by astrologers is, in a certain sense, a conditional division. Indeed, in reality, each constellation does not occupy exactly 30 degrees of the sky when viewed from Earth.

However, the sky is conventionally divided into 12 equal sectors, each of which is equal to 30 degrees. Accordingly, if you look from the Earth, the Sun conventionally passes through each such sector in about 4 weeks, that is, 1/12 of the year. When the Sun is located in the sector of a certain constellation, this period is called the period of a particular zodiac sign.

The countdown begins in March from the day of the vernal equinox. Aries is considered the first zodiac sign and, if you look at horoscopes, they often start with Aries, and not with Capricorn, as it would seem to be based on the calendar.

When studying your own zodiac, you should take into account the influence of other planets. Your zodiac sign basically determines only:

  • your external activity.
  • The way you look in this world and how other people see you.
  • Your capabilities in this incarnation in terms of activities, some achievements and external activity.
  • Your character(to some extent) and the goals you set for yourself.
  • Yours attitude towards different types of people.

If you look at it as a whole, the zodiac sign according to the position of the Sun indicates mostly the external in a person, while the position of the Moon (the so-called nakshatras from Indian astrology) indicate the inner world of a person, determine the true motivation and purpose.

In addition, the position of other planets during the birth period should be taken into account. For a detailed analysis, it is not enough just your zodiac sign; you need to consider your entire natal chart, but your zodiac sign also allows you to draw many accurate conclusions regarding your personality.


You can look at the dates of the zodiac signs again in the table.

This description is only a small sketch, which allows only a superficial idea of ​​how the signs differ from each other.


He is assertive and purposeful, can achieve a lot, but is often overly impulsive. In many ways, Aries thinks only about himself, but at the same time he has a certain sense of justice, which he strives for.


However, Aries' straightforwardness and honesty are surprisingly intertwined with selfishness.

Strives for harmony and beauty, but at the same time has perseverance and hard work. It is distinguished by a certain reliability and stability, often achieving security and a certain position in the outside world.


However, he is often impulsive and can lose control of his own emotions, so it is better not to tease. Taurus people are popular with the opposite sex, but they do not show assertiveness and initiative in relationships.

They have a dual character and are always changeable, although at the same time they are distinguished by curiosity and intelligence. In addition, Geminis are optimists and almost always have a positive attitude towards reality. At the same time, their changeable nature often helps Gemini to always be where they need to be and take advantage of many opportunities. He has sensuality and a developed inner world, considers family values ​​to be significant. In fact, for Cancers, family happiness is one of the most significant priorities

. That is why the characteristic qualities of representatives of this sign are loyalty and devotion. As a rule, they adhere to traditional views and do not always prefer change to the established order.

They have a regal nature, always strive to be the center of society and social activities, and easily manage others.


Has a developed intellect, often a representative of this sign is erudite and balanced. In addition, Virgos are often true friends, although more often than others they are subject to various tests from the outside world and they often need to maintain friendship in every possible way, but one way or another, they always take care of this.


They are kind and sociable, strive for harmony and can harmonize other people and the surrounding atmosphere.


Nevertheless, they are often an insecure person and cannot find harmony between internal ideals and external reality. One should take into account the possibility of Libra being in different phases: harmonious and unbalanced. Smart and resilient, able to charm other people, has intuition and cold intelligence


. Many astrologers consider it one of the most vile signs of the zodiac. In fact, a lot depends on how Scorpio can reveal his own potential: become a charismatic leader or use internal attractiveness to lure other people and use it for his own purposes. Impulsive and straightforward, most often he will not hide his own attitude from you

. Of course, a lot can depend on the person. An intellectually developed person is a subtly ironic person and always clearly defines the character of others, but he is also critical of himself, while a poorly educated Sagittarius will certainly shower you with abuse and a primitive understanding of the world.


In addition, many astrologers consider this sign to be harmonious and not lacking in beauty. He is intellectual and reserved, in addition to being practical. The most essential characteristics for this sign are stability and perseverance.


In addition, they are almost always busy with some kind of business, thanks to which they often achieve a lot in terms of work. They value honesty in other people and strive to have open relationships themselves. They have the ability to consistently achieve their own goals. He is friendly, sociable and able to generate a lot of ideas. Freedom of creativity is one of the most positive and striking characteristics of this sign.


In many ways, they are a collection of opposites; on the one hand, they are persistent and stubborn, but at the same time they can have a certain dreaminess. Many Pisces really “go with the flow” and such an understanding of the world is quite natural. They have no ambition or desire for wealth, although many have power and wealth.

It is a very interesting topic for both astrologers and ordinary amateurs. Indeed, if you carefully study the horoscope and the characteristics of all the signs, you can begin to understand which personalities are suitable for each other and which are not at all. Well, we should talk about this in more detail.

Aries and Taurus

Speaking about the compatibility of zodiac signs by month, it’s worth starting from the very first. Everyone knows that these are Aries (first) and Taurus (second in order). So, what can we say about the sign with which the zodiac circle begins? People born under the sign of Aries are born between March 21st and April 20th. This is a fire sign. Typically, individuals who appear during this period turn out to be very energetic, purposeful, ambitious and effective. Sometimes Aries are ready to go over their heads for the sake of their goals. Living with them is not so easy. However, there are people with whom they can get along well. And these are the same active and bright Leos and Sagittarius. A good union can also be a pair of Libra and Aries. But with other air signs, these people are unlikely to achieve anything good.

Taurus are born between April 21st and May 21st. Homely, conservative, thorough - that's what these people are like. They value reliable, loyal, loving and devoted people. In this regard, Libra suits them well, but their relationship with windy Gemini and Aquarius or rather boring Pisces does not work out.

Gemini and Cancer

This is the second “two”, taking turns in the zodiac circle. Quite interesting too. What can be said about the compatibility of zodiac signs by month in this case? So, Geminis are born between May 21st and June 21st. People who adore unexpected turns, spontaneous decisions, changes and gifts of Fate. Life with the multifaceted, creatively minded Gemini is difficult. But Libra, Leo and Aquarius, who value eccentricity and originality in people, like such a personality.

From June 22 to July 22, Cancers are born. Secretive, vulnerable, sensitive, family-oriented - solid Taurus, secretly passionate Scorpio and practical Virgo can get along with such people. But with Libra, who likes to keep secrets, and with the hot-tempered, creative Aries, the union does not end well.

Leo and Virgo

What is the compatibility of zodiac signs by month in these cases? Leos born between July 23rd and August 22nd adore luxury, splendor and beautiful, successful people. The same as them. Leos do not choose just anyone as their chosen one. Good relationships develop between them and Sagittarius, or with Gemini. With the practical Capricorn and Taurus, who are practical and completely oblivious to the attributes of luxury, the union quickly falls apart, as well as with the freedom-loving Aquarius.

Virgos born from August 22 to September 22 are characterized as chaste individuals. They work hard and consider their career to be the most important thing in life. It will take a special person to convince Virgo that a committed relationship is wonderful. It could be a Leo, who will not turn family life into something boring and tedious, or a passionate and bright Scorpio.

Libra and Scorpio

It is worth noting these zodiac signs by birth month. Compatibility of sensual, loving, extraordinary and sublime dreamers-Libra, born from September 23 to October 23, can successfully develop with Taurus, Gemini, or representatives of their own sign. These people love a prosperous life (and through their own work), success, and a good career. They have a superbly developed sense of beauty; they are true aesthetes. In general, their chosen one should be the same.

Scorpios are born between October 24th and November 24th. Mysterious, enigmatic - real passion bubbles in their soul, but they can’t demonstrate it to everyone. Not all zodiac signs are suitable for Scorpio. The love table clearly shows compatibility by month, and from it you can see that the best union for this person can take place with Libra, Virgo and representatives of their own sign. But with Aries, nothing will work out.

Sagittarius and Capricorn

It is also worth mentioning the monthly compatibility of these zodiac signs. The table will help you figure it out. Sagittarians are born from November 23rd to December 21st. They are fun, creative, inventive, honest, sincere, with an adventurous nature that craves adventure. The original Aquarius makes a good match for such people. But Sagittarius is not recommended to get involved with Aries. Otherwise

Capricorns are born from December 22nd to January 20th. Very complex individuals with a difficult character. Capricorns are not overly emotional, but they are very demanding of their partners. Such pragmatic people would be suitable for modest and homely Taurus or practical Virgo careerists. But Capricorn should not get involved with emotional and sensual Libra. They will consider him too gloomy and callous a person. And very quickly they will run away to other, more cheerful people.

Aquarius and Pisces

The last couple in the zodiac circle. Aquarius is born from January 21st to February 18th. What zodiac signs suit him? The love chart shows compatibility by month in a very accessible way, and it’s worth turning to it this time too. Well, freedom-loving, efficient and creative Aquarius will be comfortable with Sagittarius, Libra or representatives of their own sign. Alliances turn out to be excellent - there is mutual understanding, feelings, and even joint plans and ideas. What is not in alliance with Aries or Scorpios. So it is not advisable for Aquarius to get involved with them.

Pisces completes They are born from February 19th to March 20th. Sensitive, dreamy, vulnerable, sometimes even capricious - they need a person who will tolerate their fear of being left alone or being abandoned. Assertive, straightforward Aries will not work. Virgos are a little callous too. But family Cancers or Aquarius can make a wonderful match for them.

Zodiac signs by month and year: compatibility

Finally, it’s worth saying a few words about how relationships develop between people according to the eastern horoscope. It is also necessary to take into account the zodiac signs by month and year! Compatibility according to the eastern horoscope is also important. Rats, for example, get along great with Dragons and Monkeys. Bulls - with Roosters and Rabbits. Tigers - with Dogs, Horses and Dragons. Rabbits have good relationships with Goats and Boars. And Dragons - with Monkeys, Roosters and Rats. Snakes get along well with Bulls, Horses - with Dogs, Tigers and Goats. Often good marriages are observed between Horses and Tigers. Boars and Rabbits are suitable for Goats, Rats or Dragons are suitable for Monkeys. Roosters get along well with Snakes and Bulls, and Dogs get along well with Horses and Rabbits. And finally, Boars - a Rabbit or a Goat can be a good match for them.

In general, the topic of the eastern horoscope is important, interesting and broad, but in short, these are the couples that are most often encountered.

Kabbalistic numerology expert Elya Altman suggests calculating a personal number by date of birth in order to find out the secret of character. Each number from one to nine has a special meaning for fate. All numbers are closely related to the zodiac and planets. To find out which number affects your life, you need to add up all the numbers of your birthday so that you get a number from one to nine. For example, birthday is June 25, 1971. The birth number is obtained from the sum 2+5+6+1+9+7+1 = 31, 3+1= 4. This means the birth number is four. For a detailed description, it is worth considering the combination of all numbers of the date of birth. The birth number corresponds to a specific zodiac sign and is under the protection of one of the planets.

Number One- 1

Patron planet - the Sun. Zodiac sign - Leo and Aries

One is the number of the leader. He has powerful energy and has many ideas that he tries to implement on his own. A Unit person has willpower, charisma, keeps his word, and skillfully solves other people’s problems. You can't help but notice him. A bright individualist with a hypertrophied ego. A person of this number often makes mistakes in his personal life, and divorces are common. The unit should not be aggressive or angry, otherwise it destroys its health and the previously built path. You can please a Unit by giving him respect and constantly celebrating his successes and merits.

Number Two- 2

Patron planet - Moon. Zodiac sign - Cancer

The deuce lives in the past, keeps all the old wounds in its soul, nurtures its grievances. The Two's past prevents them from building a harmonious present. The Two needs a partner and is often too afraid of losing a loved one. Suffering from unfair opinions of others and criticism. A deuce will always demand the support of others, is vulnerable, and is not confident in its abilities. He loves gifts very much, because this is how he represents manifestations of self-love. The deuce does not like open hostility, is sensitive and romantic. In general, he is a very family person who will always provide support and come to the rescue. By nature, Deuce is a born social worker. To please a Two, it is enough to give her true love and open your feelings.

Number Three - 3

Patron planet - Jupiter. Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.

The troika seems to be protected by higher powers. This is the number of luck and luck. Another side of the Three's character is the desire for spirituality. Three is most often rich in intelligence, but very cunning. Three are kind, optimistic, love to travel and philosophize. It is difficult for a Troika to concentrate on any one activity; its absent-mindedness brings difficulties. He likes to enjoy life and always tries to try his luck. The Troika’s biggest fear is not being able to do everything in time, or missing out on a good opportunity. Troika loves and knows how to learn, because they are inquisitive and have an inquisitive mind. Troika is a true fighter for justice, a lawyer for all zodiac signs and a good friend. You can please the Troika if you give it complete freedom of action.

Number Four - 4

Patron planet - Uranus. Zodiac signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

The four are material, have an innate talent as a designer and engineer, they are distinguished by creativity, but also by the desire for stability.

The Four must be confident in the future and work hard for the future. Those Fours who lack self-confidence may be too sensitive and stubborn. The material side of life is important to the Four; he is a man of action. Vulnerable and touchy. A Four can separate the intellectual from the emotional. The Four has a difficult time making a decision, hesitates and doubts for a long time when making a choice, and needs silence. You can help the Four without making decisions for them. Four is interested in esotericism. A Four person can achieve anything in life. The main thing is to believe in yourself. A child at heart, the Four knows how to be faithful, loves popularity, and has acting talent. The Four is always looking for non-standard solutions. Sometimes she has pronounced healing abilities. A talent for commerce is clearly expressed. In family relationships, she is authoritarian and domineering due to her insecurity. You can please the Four by giving it stability, confidence and limitations.

Number Five - 5

Patron planet - Mercury. Zodiac signs - Gemini, Aquarius.

The Five takes spirituality from the Four and practicality from the One.

Five is a bright personality. She may be surrounded by friends, but she copes very well with problems on her own. Geniuses are often born. There are two types of Fives. This may be a person with a strong will, self-confident. And vice versa, weak-willed, but talented, who gives away his talents to everyone. The Five is often lazy, does not like long-term exercise, and is more of a sprinter than a long-distance runner. Therefore, it is easier and better for a Five to learn something through an intensive method. Five is the number of inspiration and serves as a Muse for others. The Five is always on the move, cannot stand routine, and cannot stay within four walls for long. Five has good intuition. Very sensitive to smells and tastes. A passion for mysticism can give the Five the adventure they are missing in life. Boredom and routine are her enemies, so freedom and new experiences can please the Five.

Number Six - 6

Patron planet - Venus. Zodiac signs - Taurus and Libra.

A six is ​​represented by the sum of two threes. Those who have many sixes in their number chart have enormous power of both creation and destruction. Number Six is ​​always in search of peace, balance and harmony. A closed number is perceived as a secretive person, it is difficult for others to understand him. Sixes can be spiritually oriented or immersed in the material world. Number Six gives innate intelligence; all his life he is engaged in self-development and self-improvement. This is a born judge with a keen sense of justice. Sixes often have aesthetic taste and are good cooks. Art and music suit her best. A sense of justice often takes precedence over practicality. The best cure for all problems for a Six is ​​sports and an active lifestyle. He can write and speak beautifully. A man born under this number often marries late. It's easy to fall in love with him, but it's extremely difficult to live with him. The Six as a boss will be very domineering. To please her, you need to give harmony, balance and silence.

Number Seven - 7

Patron planet - Saturn. Zodiac signs - Pisces, Virgo.

Seven is always looking for spiritual guidance in life. The essence of a Seven is spirituality. He is in constant search of himself. The number Seven gives an irresistible craving for travel and mystical revelations. Scientists and cultural figures are born under this number. Living and working with a Seven is difficult, because it does not follow orders and does not lend itself to simple analysis. Seven loves to step on the same rake and has difficulty learning to learn from its mistakes. A Seven may have many friends, but at the same time the feeling of isolation and loneliness never leaves her. This is a subtle soul, a pessimist and a perfectionist by nature. Indifferent to both approval and censure from others. To please a Seven, you need to leave her alone, accept her as she is, and not try to change her.

Number Eight - 8

Patron planet - Saturn. Zodiac signs - Leo, Scorpio and Pisces.

The Eight Person resembles a safe, it is so difficult to understand and decipher. The true motives and desires of the Eight are always hidden from others, it is difficult to find common ground and establish easy relationships. The Eight has a good understanding of people, senses character, and recognizes the weaknesses and strengths of those around them. She likes to control and dominate in communication; she does not admit her mistakes. Very often he sacrifices his interests for the sake of his family. Eight is gambling, loves non-standard solutions. In any profession he achieves a high level of skill. This is a good strategist who is not afraid of responsibility, but it is difficult for the Eight to be in the background. Learns quickly, loves history and art. He knows how to keep other people's secrets, and is a born psychologist by nature. The only way to please an Eight is through trust and open communication.

Number Nine - 9

Patron planet - Mars. Zodiac signs - Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces.

Nine is a final number, so it is difficult for her to understand herself and in the eyes of others. This is the number of the Universe. Nine has amazing intuition and connection with the energy of the Universe. These are excellent diagnosticians. For Nines, material well-being is important. Very critical of herself, suspicious of others. It is difficult to get truly close to a Nine; they will always keep you at a distance until a friend has passed the thorough test of time. Doesn't like to lose. Has difficulty withstanding separation or parting, therefore avoids intimacy. He has a bright temperament, intuition, and a wonderful sense of humor. Often he is so afraid of the future that he misses good chances in the present. Fears are the main enemy of the number Nine. Nine is a true warrior, able to withstand any challenge and emerge victorious in difficult situations. Nine is too hard on himself. You can please Nine with understanding, but you should never feel sorry for her; Nine cannot stand self-pity.

People began to predict human fate and draw up horoscopes for zodiac signs back in ancient times. According to astrologers, the character and future of a person is reflected in the zodiac chart. Zodiac sign by date of birth, depending on the construction of the planets at this time, has a hidden meaning, and learned astrologers decipher it in their forecasts. By making such calculations, astrologers tell what inclinations, what character and what profession is suitable for a person.

Today, 12 signs are traditionally recognized in the zodiac (the celestial sphere is divided into 12 parts) and dates are assigned to each sign.

  • Aries: from March 21 to April 20,
  • Taurus: from April 21 to May 21,
  • Gemini: from May 22 to June 21,
  • Cancer: from June 22 to July 22,
  • Leo: from July 23 to August 23,
  • Virgo: from August 24 to September 22,
  • Libra: from September 23 to October 22,
  • Scorpio: from October 23 to November 21,
  • Sagittarius: November 22 to December 21,
  • Aquarius: from January 21 to February 19,
  • Pisces: from February 20 to March 26.

The difficulty in selecting a zodiac sign is if the date is at the junction of the numbers. In these cases, contact an astrologer. At the same time, for the astrologer to identify the sign and traits, all the details will be important: from the minute of the time of birth to the place and weather.

However, everything is far from so simple: previously, people used the zodiac to determine the time for sowing and harvesting. For example, the winter solstice occurred in the constellation Capricorn, the autumn equinox in Libra, the summer solstice in Cancer, and the spring equinox in Aries. Now everything has shifted greatly to the west. So, for example, if you were a Taurus, you can easily turn out to be a Pisces. It follows from this that some zodiac signs are defined incorrectly. In addition, astrologers strongly recommend adding the thirteenth constellation - Ophiuchus, located between Scorpio and Sagittarius. As it turned out, the earth's axis has shifted, and now the Sun passes through the constellations in a different way, capturing the constellation Ophiuchus, for example, the Mayan tribe had 13 of them. The zodiac chart, created about 3 thousand years ago, is no longer relevant, according to an influential group of astrologers.

So, if you were born between November 30 and December 17, Ophiuchus can rightfully be considered your zodiac sign. According to many international groups of astrologers, Ophiuchus has many strong qualities, he is a born leader, and his whole life's goal is to serve and help people. Such a person is sensitive and selfless, often forgetting about his own problems, he helps others. Ophiuchus people are talented and energetically strong; the more difficult the situation around them, the more willingly they get down to business. Thanks to their perseverance, strong will and great talent, a lot is accomplished. Among Ophiuchus there are both positive and negative personalities who bring joy to people. These people make excellent doctors and healers. Ophiuchus people move a lot, they live several lives during their lives: their character and lifestyle can change dramatically. Thanks to their abilities, such people easily make new acquaintances with a variety of people.

Another group of astrologers opposes changing the date of birth of the zodiac signs and introducing a new one - Ophiuchus. They believe that this constellation is in fact a zodiacal one, but in fact it is not. Astrologers are of the opinion that the Sumerians, when compiling the already well-known map of the sky, could not have known at all about the existence of the constellation Ophiuchus, which was not visible at that time. Therefore, those seven and a half days, which in fact belonged to the new zodiac, were given to Scorpio. Astrologers confidently claim that the old map will function in the same way as it did thousands of years ago.

The thirteenth has been known for a long time and debates about its location in the zodiac circle have been going on for many years.

Astrology as a science has its roots deep in antiquity, and this causes unconditional respect, because thousands of generations of people have confirmed the influence of the stars and the universe on the life of every person on Earth.

It is believed that the Sun visits 12 constellations in turn throughout the year, thereby influencing human destinies and the character of each individual person. That is why it is important to know the zodiac signs by month and date.

The traditional school of astrology identifies 12 zodiac signs, each of which is assigned to a person depending on his date of birth and, accordingly, the location of the Sun at that time in a particular constellation.

This division is based on the division of the celestial sphere, conventionally representing a circle, into 12 parts of 30 degrees. The resulting parts coincide with the number of months in the calendar year and correspond to the 12 numbers of the zodiac signs. Just remember your date of birth and see what day of the month your zodiac sign begins on. This is the so-called tropical zodiac.

New astronomical zodiac

NASA astronomers have recently insisted on the following:

What kind of Ophiuchus is this?

You ask a completely reasonable logical question, and where did it come from?

It turns out that the ancients were also aware that there are 13 constellations. However, they deliberately excluded Ophiuchus from the calendar of zodiac signs. Why? And it was like this.

In Ancient Greece, the beautiful god Apollo fell in love with the nymph Coronis. However, Koronida turned out to be, although a beautiful, but flighty creature, captivated by the charms of another man, and carried a child from her lover.

Apollo was furious! Still would! The beautiful god was fooled and someone else was chosen over him! Apollo angrily deals with the unfaithful nymph. Unable to see a living reminder of failed love and betrayal of his beloved, Apollo gives his newborn son Aesculapius to be raised by the centaur Chiron, the legendary healer.

Aesculapius grew up as a smart boy, grasping on the fly all the secrets of medicine that the famous healer generously revealed to him. Since ancient times, snake venom was considered a medicine, so Aesculapius often carried live snakes with him, for which he was nicknamed Ophiuchus.

Captivated by the opportunities that had opened up and his abilities, Aesculapius decided to do the impossible: try to bring the dead back to life. The gods became aware of these plans, and the supreme god Zeus, horrified at the chaos that Aesculapius’ plans could lead to, strikes him with his lightning and places him in the vault of heaven.

Ophiuchus is located on the path of the Sun from November 27 to December 17. And the ancients also knew about this. However, the constellation Ophiuchus did not fit into a clear schedule, where 12 constellations are organically inscribed in the firmament, dividing it into even parts of 30 degrees each and corresponding in number to 12 months. Thus, the zodiac signs of the traditional horoscope and constellations are harmoniously combined with each other according to months, dates and years.

In connection with these facts, a number of scientists are now proposing a new astronomical calendar of zodiac signs, which is compiled taking into account changed circumstances, as well as taking into account the thirteenth constellation - Ophiuchus. Remember your date of birth to find out which zodiac sign corresponds to you.

Your date of birth
from 19.01 to 15.02Capricorn
from 16.02 to 11.03Aquarius
from 12.03 to 18.04Pisces
from 19.04 to 13.05Aries
from 14.05 to 19.06Taurus
from 20.06 to 20.07Gemini
from 21.07 to 09.08Cancer
from 10.08 to 15.09Leo
from 16.09 to 30.10Virgo
from 31.10 to 22.11Libra
from 23.11 to 29.11Scorpio
from 30.11 to 17.12Ophiuchus
from 12.18 to 18.01Sagittarius

Compatibility of zodiac signs

Do you know the feeling when you meet a person for the first time, but it seems to you that you have known each other all your life: you can’t talk to each other, you finish each other’s sentences, and you don’t have to explain anything again - and so everything is obvious.

And sometimes you intuitively feel uncomfortable with a person. And obvious things have to be explained several times. And conflicts arise over trifles out of the blue. Sometimes it even gets to the point where human touch is unpleasant.

Some will say fate. However, most often the explanation lies on the surface - it’s all about the mystery of the compatibility of men and women according to the zodiac signs. Just think about what day of the month you and your interlocutor were born, and correlate everything with the table.

Who are you according to your zodiac sign?Good compatibilityPoor compatibility
Capricornwith Taurus and Aquariuswith Gemini and Leo
Aquariuswith Sagittarius and Capricornwith Virgo and Scorpio
Pisceswith Gemini and Scorpiowith Aries and Leo
Arieswith Taurus and Geminiwith Libra and Cancer
Tauruswith Libra and Arieswith Cancer and Virgo
Geminiwith Virgo and Pisceswith Aries and Capricorn
Cancerwith Scorpio and Tauruswith Aries and Gemini
Leowith Cancer and Sagittariuswith Gemini and Capricorn
Virgowith Sagittarius and Aquariuswith Taurus and Leo
Librawith Cancer and Virgowith Scorpio and Pisces
Scorpiowith Leo and Pisceswith Aquarius and Libra
Sagittariuswith Capricorn and Pisceswith Scorpio and Libra

Characteristics of the zodiac signs

  • Capricorn

A zodiac sign with a strong, stubborn and even stubborn character. They know how to set a goal and persistently move towards it, without paying attention to anything. They understand that the most huge and complex projects begin with the first step, which simply needs to be taken. It is difficult to achieve balance in work and personal life; as a rule, there are always imbalances in one direction or the other.

  • Aquarius

They are very sociable and easily find a common language with a variety of people. They are easy and spontaneous in communication, and are considered the life of the party. They understand beauty and are able to surround themselves with things of exceptional beauty, even without sufficient funds. They experience difficulties due to their lack of concentration and disorganization.

Dreamy, idealistic in many ways. They do not tolerate hypocrisy and slander, which is why they encounter difficulties in the team and when building a career. They have well-developed intuition, however, they are indecisive. Before making any decision, they will weigh everything very carefully, thinking and consulting with those they trust.

These are born leaders. Only those who are able to demonstrate strength are respected. Having set a goal for themselves, they are able to move towards it, sweeping away everything in their path and not disdaining any means. Terrible in rage and anger. They are not able to find compromises; they are convinced that there is only one correct opinion - their own.

  • Taurus

A calm, balanced, peace-loving character is what sets Taurus apart. These are true conservatives who prefer to act using proven and reliable methods. Loyal and constant in relationships. They are financially successful because they are pragmatic and persistent. They can be overly stubborn and overly cautious in making decisions.

  • Twins

They are sociable, friendly, artistic, and can easily turn the head of the opposite sex. Frequent mood swings give rise to the expression “seven Fridays in a week,” which perfectly reflects the essence of this zodiac sign. They are extremely unfocused and cannot focus on achieving goals and finishing what they start.

Representatives of this sign are extremely emotional, expressive and capricious in communication, which is both their weakness and charm. Patient in achieving your goals. Loyal to loved ones and incapable of meanness and betrayal. They need constant praise and encouragement from loved ones.

Proud, power-hungry, calm in their greatness. They love to be the center of attention and be liked by others. They feel great in leadership positions and are able to organize and complete any assigned task. In order to please others, they are able to put on a mask and behave not as they really feel, but as society demands. They risk falling into the trap of narcissism and narcissism.

True skeptics, ready to explain everything in this world using logic and science. Intelligent, observant, balanced and practical. As a rule, they make a choice in favor of work rather than family. Real workaholics and a godsend for management. They are secretive, complex and often busy with soul-searching.

Pleasant, friendly, reasonable and calm. Periods of amazing performance are interspersed with feelings of relaxation and laziness. Intellectually developed and peaceful. Honest, sincere, romantic in personal relationships. Often many projects remain in dreams, never starting due to indecision.

  • Scorpion

These are bright personalities and born leaders. Emotional and impulsive. If they are nearby, life is in full swing. They have irrepressible energy, a sharp mind, and are able to lead people and inspire. They can be harsh in communication and offend without choosing the right words. The desire and love for managing people can make Scorpio a despot and tyrant who does not tolerate objections and other people's opinions.

  • Sagittarius

This is an innovator sign, constantly moving towards new horizons and knowledge of the unknown. Self-development and mastering new skills is the meaning of life for Sagittarius. They are assertive, but charming, so they easily find a common language with others. Optimistic and successful in business. They know how to plan and achieve their goals. They believe that the end justifies the means and do not disdain various methods.

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