Famous American inventor 6 letters. American scientists and their discoveries

On October 11, 1881, a resident of the American state of North Dakota, David Houston, patented photographic film. This event became significant in the history of photography. On this occasion, we decided to choose five of the most useful inventions made by Americans.


American Whitcomb Leo Judson invented the zipper. This happened in 1891. To the public New Product was introduced in 1893. The first “zipper” turned out to be unreliable in design and difficult to manufacture. Only almost 30 years later it was improved. This option has become popular. This type of fastener has been used on trousers since 1937.

Air conditioner

In 1902, American engineer-inventor Willis Carrier assembled a prototype air conditioner. This installation was an industrial refrigeration machine. It was created for the Brooklyn Printing Company in New York. The first air conditioner was not intended to create pleasant coolness for workers, but to combat humidity, which greatly deteriorated print quality.

Safety razor

In 1901, King Camp Gillette, along with William Nickerson, developed a razor that clamped a razor blade. Since then, there was no need to sharpen shaving knives, but you could simply replace old blades with new ones.

Electric traffic light

Lester Wire from Salt Lake City (Utah, USA) is considered the inventor of the first electric traffic light. In 1912, he developed (but did not patent) a traffic light with two round electric signals (red and green).

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The first long-term flight was made by an aeroplane, built by American inventors Orville (1871 - Ш8) and Wilbur (1867 - 1912) Wright. The aerolpan was equipped with an engine of their own design.  

Of the many proposals, only one, made by the American inventor Carey, turned out to be fundamentally correct and feasible... Its essence was both witty and simple.  

The idea to build a tractor with an internal combustion engine belonged to the American inventors Hart and Parr, who proposed a project for such a machine in 1896. A few years later, in 1901, several of the first wheeled tractors were built, named after the inventors Hart and Parr. After lengthy experiments and technical fine-tuning, wheeled tractors have been produced since 1907 practical use in agriculture.  

EDISON Thomas Alva (1847 - 1931), American inventor, built an incandescent lamp with a carbon filament and a screw base, built the first large power plant with underground current drainage in 1882, discovered one-way conductivity in an electric lamp when the filament is heated.  

Thomas Alva EDISON (1847 - 1931) - American inventor and entrepreneur, author of more than a thousand inventions and several discoveries.  

The first successful recording and playback of sound was carried out in 1877 by the outstanding American inventor Thomas Alva Edison.  

Eli Whitney (1765 - 1825) - American inventor, invented the cotton gin.  

Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel (1833 - 1896) and, independently of him, American inventor Paul Oliver (1830 - 1912) invent dynamite - nitroglycerin, which is impregnated with kieselguhr and thin wood shavings.  

Owens, Michael Joseph (1859 - 1923) - American inventor of the bottle-making machine, later an industrialist in this field.  

In 1790, the United States passed a patent law protecting the rights of American inventors.  

The invention of the electric telegraph (corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences P. L. Schilling in 1832 and American inventor Samuel Morse in 1837) was a revolution in the field of long-distance transmission of messages, after which electrical methods messaging began to develop unusually quickly.  

Demeny, who combined chronophotography on film and projection onto a screen (1894), as well as a panopticon created by the American inventor W. Latham in 1895, which combined chronophotography with projection onto a screen, and other inventions.  

It is easy to see that in both cases the inventors had essentially the same ideas as the Western European and American inventors of mechanical ppra-1. A striking similarity of thoughts can be found (despite the difference in the form of their expression) in the analysis of the reasons why machines, after they were spun up, inevitably stopped. The explanation always comes down to some particular flaw in the design, assembly or quality of the material.  

It is not difficult to see that in both cases the inventors had essentially the same ideas as the Western European and American inventors of mechanical ppt-1. A striking similarity of thoughts can be found (despite the difference in the form of their expression) in the analysis of the reasons why machines, after they were spun up, inevitably stopped. The explanation always comes down to some particular flaw in the design, assembly or quality of the material.  

Alloys based on tin or lead with the addition of antimony, copper and other elements, called Babbitts (named after the American inventor Babbitt), have high anti-friction properties and good run-in, but are expensive and have relatively low fatigue resistance. They are used as thin-layer coatings or as fillers.  

Robert Fulton is one of the most interesting names of the New Age. An eyewitness to many interesting events, war veteran, inventor and scientist. We could enumerate the unique qualities of this man for a long time, but wouldn’t it be better to turn to the legacy of what Robert Fulton left to his descendants?


The future inventor spent his childhood and youth in America. Date of birth - 1765. Place of birth: Little Britain. Robert's father died when the boy was only three years old. Robert and his family had to move closer to his mother's family - to the small town of Lancaster. Robert Fulton went to school there.

Education in those times left much to be desired. Students were given long sections of Greek and Roman works to memorize, and stories from the lives of distant people were told. European countries- all this was not of the slightest interest to the future inventor. He was much more willing to spend time in the old forge on the edge of the city, rummaging through the craftsmen’s tools and collecting all sorts of trinkets. Already at the age of thirteen he composed his first technical drawing, and a little later, according to his sketches, the world's first boat with a steam engine was launched.

After graduating from school, Robert Fulton tries his hand at jewelry making. Then he tried to become a draftsman. Realizing how much knowledge he lacks, he decides to take a long trip to England, the capital of technical innovations. It is here that everything that Robert Fulton invented begins to take on real shape - dreams turn into reality.

Stay in England

Robert Fulton lived with Benjamin West, one of the most famous artists of that time. He did not give up his dream to do sea ​​ship with a fundamentally new engine - neither oar nor wind. Finally, the project was created. The first drawing of a steamship was presented to the English government in 1793.

In 1797, he moved to Paris, where he continued to work on his invention, which would immortalize his name - Robert Fulton. The biography of the inventor speaks of the most intense period of his life. In Paris, Fulton studies German and French languages, will improve his own knowledge of chemistry, technology and mathematics. Here he meets James Ramsay, an English inventor who built the prototype of the first steamboat in West Virginia in 1786.

Discovery aversion

To Franklin's surprise, his discovery was considered a whim, a useless toy. The Admiralty indicated that it was not going to invest in a ship that obviously did not exist. Disappointed Robert Fulton and his projects went to France, where by that time the revolution had already died down and Napoleon 1 came to power. Maybe his new projects will be needed in France?

Robert Fulton and Napoleon

In the notes of Count Mirabeau there is a mention of a meeting between the American inventor and Napoleon. Robert Fulton, the creator of the steamship, suggested that the emperor replenish the French fleet with new ships that would be propelled by steam. He convinced the emperor that with such combat vehicles, Napoleon 1 would quickly defeat his eternal rival, France.

After listening to the inventor, Napoleon exclaimed:

Every day, horrifying projects are put on my desk, the stupidest of which are impossible to imagine. Only yesterday I was offered to land cavalry mounted on tame dolphins on the coast of England. Go away - you are apparently one of these crazy people!

Interestingly, just eight years later, the English ship Bellerophon took Napoleon to the place of his first exile - to the island of St. Helena. On the open sea, the English ship met the steamship Fulton, which was propelled by steam engines.

The steamer overtook the Bellerophon and disappeared over the horizon. As Napoleon watched the American steamer leave, he sadly remarked:

By not listening to Fulton, I lost my crown.

First ships

In the meantime, Fulton was looking for sponsors to build the first ships with steam engines; in 1800, the Nautilus submarine was demonstrated in France, captivating the imagination of onlookers.

But the Nautilus was not suitable for military purposes; it was too slow, and the enemy’s fast sailing ships easily dodged the submarine. Further construction such ships were suspended, and the importance of submarines was appreciated only a hundred years later - during the First World War. Perhaps, many years later, under the impression of this ship, Verne will write his immortal “Captain Nemo.” In 1803, he plows the waters of the Seine. But there is still not enough time and money for large-scale production. And Robert Fulton decides to return to America.

Conquest of the sea

In America, Robert Fulton spent several years improving the principles of wheeled engines powered by steam traction. Three years later, after returning home at the end of the summer of 1807, the first steamship was launched on the waters of the Hudson. Contemporaries called it the “North River Steamboat from Claremont,” but in historical records it is known as the Claremont. In fact, Claremont is the name of Fulton's friend's estate, which was located 177 kilometers from New York. The first voyage of the Northern River was made along the Hudson, along the Claremont-New York route. Convinced of the economic potential of his invention, Fulton patented his discovery and launched the production of steamships in the USA.

Steamships in Russia

In 1813 Fulton turned to to the Russian government asking for exclusive right for the construction of river steamers on the territory Russian Empire. Emperor Alexander 1 provided him with everything necessary rights, but Fulton was never able to fulfill the government’s order. For three years not a single ship was launched. After the death of the inventor in 1815, the monopoly on the construction of ships was bought by Charles Bird, who in the same year launched his first steam-powered ship. Report on this event was published in the magazine "Son of the Fatherland". There, the word “steamboat” was used for the first time, which later became firmly established in the modern Russian language.

Thomas Edison's invention not only flooded our lives with light - it also became a symbol of any idea that suddenly flares up where before there was only dull and dark nothingness.

A rare combination of simplicity and excitement: strangle your opponent, buy a train station, go to prison. "Monopoly" so successfully exploits the adventurous sides of our nature that in the entire history of the existence of this board game Half a billion people managed to play it.

Since the early 70s, American snow enthusiasts have been experimenting with variations of boards that were more dynamic and freer than classic alpine skis. In 1980, designer Jake Barton first introduced the snowboard to the world. The world was delighted and went for a ride.

4. Fender Stratocaster

An electric guitar that became a symbol of two revolutions at once: musical and sexual. Since the 50s, rock and roll sang in her voice, and young ladies acquired the wonderful habit of throwing not caps, but bras into the air.

DuPont patented this elegant invention in 1939, and sold almost a million pairs on its first day of sales. A lady's foot in shiny transparent packaging has become a sex fetish. During the Second World War, when overseas goods became scarce, European fashionistas drew seams on their bare legs with a chemical pencil so that everyone would think they were wearing stockings.

If shepherds were romanticized before, it was only in the form of curly-haired, innocent creatures who play the pipe and dance in the meadow all day long. American cowboys showed the world the true face of a shepherd - very stern and unshaven.

In 1963, Douglas Engelbart and a group of developers from Stanford University came up with a simple device that allows you to quickly work with images on the screen. The inventors first called it “beetle,” but people quickly changed the name to a more suitable one.

8. Mickey Mouse

Previously, the symbols of states were mainly eagles in crowns and lions in robes. A mouse in red shorts and white gloves came as an unexpected guest to this company.

Peter Fonda's famous film was released in 1969. And now many Harley-Davidsons live in kitchens and basements office workers who sincerely plan to one day give up on everything and go devour space mile after mile, reveling in absolute freedom and independence.

10. iPhone

The iPhone has become one of the last symbols of America, but it seems determined to stay here for a long time. You can argue as much as you like about its merits and demerits. But even the most patriotically minded State Duma deputies write statuses about the need to ban everything Western, specifically from iPhones.

Modern society is unthinkable without scientific achievements, engineering and technology. Over the past 100 years, these inventions have radically changed human life and his ideas about the surrounding universe. American scientists made a great contribution to the development of science, some of them we'll talk In this article.

inventors Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) is considered the most famous American scientist of the 18th century. He made a great contribution to the development of politics and national culture, but most of all he is known for his love of experiments with electric shock. He invented the lightning rod and put forward several theories related to electricity. His inventions also included bifocal lenses, a urinary catheter, and a speedometer.

Another famous American scientist-inventor is Thomas Edison (1847-1931). This man has more than 1000 different inventions to his credit. The most famous of them is the incandescent lamp. A large number of His inventions relate to the fields of radio electronics and cinematography. It is interesting to note that if we divide all of Edison's discoveries over the course of his life (with the exception of his childhood years), it turns out that he invented something new every two weeks.

Americans who received the Nobel Prize in Physics

The list of American scientists who have received the Nobel Prize in Physics is quite long. Here is a list of the most famous personalities, which are over 15 recent years were awarded this high award:

  • David J. Gross, H. David Politzer, and Frank Wilczek. These scientists received the prize in 2004 for their research in the physics of strong interactions.
  • Roy J. Glauber. He became a Nobel laureate in 2005 for his research in the field of quantum theory and coherence in optics.
  • John C. Mather and George Smoot. These scientists received the prize in 2006 for their space research, in particular for their discovery of the anisotropy of cosmic radiation.
  • Saul Perlmutter, Brian P. Schmidt and Adam G. Riess. All these scientists became famous in 2011 for their discovery of the accelerated expansion of the Universe thanks to observations of supernovae.
  • The 2017 Physics Prize was awarded for the research of American scientists in the field of gravitational waves. It was awarded to Rainer Weiss, Barry Barish and Kip Thorne.

American Nobel Prize Laureates in Chemistry

Over the past 15 years, many American scientists have received the Nobel Prize for achievements in chemistry. Here is a list of names and the corresponding discovery area:

  • Irwin Rose. American biochemist who received a prize in 2004 for his research on ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation.
  • Robert H. Grubbs and Richard R. Schrock. These scientists received a prize in 2005 for developing a method of organic metathesis synthesis.
  • Roger D. Kornberg. The American scientist became a laureate in 2006 for his research on eukaryotes.
  • Martin Chalfie and Roger Y. Tsien. American biochemists, were awarded in 2008. The prize went to them for their research on green fluorescent protein.
  • Thomas A. Steitz. Nobel laureate 2009. He was awarded for comprehensive studies of the structure and properties of the ribosome.
  • Robert Lefkowitz and Brian Kobilka. The scientists received the prize in 2012 for their research into receptors attached to the so-called G protein.

If we talk about the Nobel Prizes for American scientists in chemistry in the first half of the 20th century, then it is necessary to mention Theodore William Richards (1914), who was awarded for determining the atomic mass of many chemical elements, as well as Harold Clayton Urey (1934), who discovered the heavy hydrogen deuterium.

Americans who distinguished themselves for their work in the field of medicine

Here is a list of famous American Nobel laureates in the field of medicine, starting from the 20th century:

  • Thomas Morgan (Thomas H. Morgan). 1933 Discovery Prize important role chromosomes in the inheritance of genetic information.
  • Joseph Erlanger and Herbert S. Gasser. These scientists became laureates in 1944 for their research on nerve fibers.
  • Selman A. Waksman. Prize in 1952 for research into the first effective antibiotic against tuberculosis, streptomycin.
  • Peyton Rous and Charles B. Huggins. Laureates of 1966, who were awarded for the discovery of a hormonal method of treating prostate cancer.
  • David Baltimore, Renato Dulbecco, Howard M. Temin. These scientists received the prize in 1975 for their research into the mechanism of interaction of cancer viruses with the genetic material of cells.
  • Michael S. Brown and Joseph L. Goldstein. They won the award in 1985. Received a prize for the discovery of cholesterol metabolism.

Speaking about modern American scientists, it should be noted Bruce Beutler, who became a Nobel laureate in 2011 for his contributions to the development of immunology, as well as John O'Keefe, who won the award in 2014 for his research brain.

Americans who distinguished themselves in the field of literature

The number of American scientists who received the Nobel Prize in Literature during the 20th century is significantly smaller than the number of American laureates in the field. natural sciences. Thus, during the 20th and 21st centuries, only 10 Americans were awarded this title. The most famous of them are Ernest Hemingway (1954 award for The Old Man and the Sea), Joseph Brodsky (1987 award for the work “History of the 20th Century”) and Toni Morrison (1993 award for the novel “Beloved”).

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