“Both adults and children should know about the rights that protect everyone in the world.” Lesson notes for the senior group


Organize and systematize children’s knowledge about civil rights and responsibilities;

Develop a legal worldview and ideas about morality;

Learn to analyze, reason, compare, draw conclusions;

Foster a sense of respect for other people;

Correct speech, memory, thinking of pupils, expand their horizons, enrich their vocabulary.


Portraits of children;

Pictures depicting children's rights;


Magic chest;

Exhibition of laws and codes.

Preliminary work: reading fiction, Russian folk tales, conversations on the topic “Children’s Rights”, looking at illustrations for literary works, learning proverbs, role-playing games “Family”, games “I’m helping my mother”, “Say the name” and others.

Progress of the lesson:

Music is playing. Children enter.


Along a winding path

Someone's legs were walking around the world.

Looking into the distance with wide eyes,

The kid went to get acquainted with his rights.

Both adults and children should know

About the rights that protect everyone in the world.

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about what is important for all people - about our rights. We will remember what rights are needed for. After all, we know a lot about our rights and will not allow anyone to violate them, and we ourselves will not violate the rights of other people. Our task is to remember them well and correctly use our rights and respect the rights of other people.

- What is right? (Children's statements.)

A right is a protected, state-provided natural opportunity to do, implement, or have something.

Educator: Guys, I have a magic chest in my hands. Let's see what's in it. (Birth certificate).

- What kind of document is this? (The first document of each person. Issued after birth.)

- What right does it remind you of? (About the right to a first name, last name, patronymic.)

- Why do we need a name? (So ​​that we are not confused, we are differentiated)

They know, they know everything in the world,

Adults and children know -

Each one is given a name

And everyone has one!

- Then tell me, what duty does everyone have related to this right?

(Call each other by name)

Game "Dating Hat" .

Educator: I will try on this hat for each of you, and you must introduce yourself by saying your last name, first name, patronymic. (Children take turns calling their full name)

- Well done, I see that each of you has not violated the right to a name.

Educator: Guys, now I’ll take the next picture out of the magic chest. What right is she talking about?

- That's right, the right to a family.

What do you know about this right?

(Every person should have a dad and a mom)

I love my family:

I love mom, dad

I love my grandfather and grandmother

And a puppy and a cat Musya!

Everyone I love so much

They have the right to a family!

Educator: Guys, it is your responsibility to respect the adults who care about you.

And now I invite you to play game “Name it affectionately.” So we’ll see how you affectionately call your family members. I will say the word, and you will choose kind words for it.








Educator: Well done! Family is the most precious thing a person has. It is no coincidence that there are so many sayings and proverbs about family in the Russian language. Children, let's remember what proverbs and sayings about family do you know?


The family is friends - they live, they don’t bother.

A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.

He who honors his parents is happy.

Good children grow up in a good family

The bird is happy about spring, and the child is happy about the mother.

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

Educator: How many proverbs and sayings about family do you know? Well done! In every family, everyone should love and respect each other, adults take care of the little ones. Now let us feel how nice it is to take care of someone and how responsible it is.

The family should teach love,

be sorry and polite.

When the family becomes like this,

Another life will come immediately!

Educator: Guys, tell me, what responsibilities do you have in your family?

Child: I am required to clean up my toys after playing.

Child: I make the bed

Child: Me and my sister help mom clean the house

Child: Children are required to obey their parents.

Educator: Now I will take the next picture from the magic chest. What right can she tell us about?

(Right to rest)

— How can children relax?

(Play games, Watch TV, swim, walk, sleep)

Educator: We have done a good job, now I propose to use the right to rest - play folk game “We won’t say what we do”

(Children make movements, then the Teacher approaches them

Children - Absent-Minded Man from Baseyanaya Street, hire us!

Educator in the role of an Absent-Minded Person -What can you do?

Children - We won’t tell you what we can do, but we’ll show you what we do!

Children imitate washing dishes, washing clothes, cleaning the house, etc.)

Educator: Guys, every child has the right to express their opinion, to gather together to express their views. Together you can: Sing, play and have fun, Run, jump and frolic!

Educator: Guys, the next picture is from the magic chest. What right will she tell us about?

(Right to education)

— You will soon go to school, and your most important responsibility will be to attend all lessons and do homework

— Where can I get an education?

(At school, in kindergarten, at college, at college)

- Why do you need to study?

(To get a profession, a diploma)

- Yes, you are right, you need to study in order to get a profession, in order to be an intelligent and educated person.

—What is your responsibility? (Try to study well.)

Game “Continue the proverb.”

I start, and you continue.

1. Live forever... learn forever.

2. Learning is always... useful.

3. Learning is light, ... and ignorance is darkness.

4. Hard to learn -... easy to fight.

Educator: Do you think it is possible to learn about children's rights in fairy tales? (Of course you can)

- I offer you well-known fairy tales, let's try to determine these rights.

(The corresponding illustrations of fairy tales appear one after another)

Cinderella (Right to rest)

Pinocchio (Right to safe living conditions)

Kolobok (The right to live)

Aibolit (Right to medical care)

Educator: The next picture is from a magic chest. What right does it remind you of?

(About the right to housing.)

— How should people treat their home? (Carefully.)

- Why? (Because no one can enter my house and take my things without permission.) This is the right to property, it is inviolable.

Let every child

There will be a bright, warm home!

Childhood only comes once

For guys from any country.

Let none of them know

No trouble!

Educator: Guys, the next picture from the magic chest talks about... (the right to medical care).

Questions for the Child:

-Who is shown in the picture?

- What is he doing?

- What right does it remind you of? (On the right to medical care.)

It is your responsibility to try to take care of your health: dress for the weather, play sports, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, eat more vegetables and fruits.

Educator: Look how different you are in your portraits, but you all have the same rights. Each of you now knows these rights and will never violate the rights of other people, will not allow his rights to be violated. As you grow up and become an adult, remember that all people - small and large - have rights.

Educator: Now let's take a little rest with you.

Physical education moment.

Game "Everything will be fine."

Children stand in a circle and take 2-3 deep breaths. Everyone pronounces poetic lines together and performs movements.

The sun has risen in the sky (raise hands - inhale)

And everyone smiled (lowers hands - exhale)

We suddenly felt good (raise hands - inhale)

And I didn’t feel sad anymore (they lower their hands - exhale).

- Of course, guys, everything will be fine.

As soon as the child appears, he will barely begin to breathe.

He already has strong rights from the cradle!

He has the right to live, develop and make friends;

Have a spacious, kind home

Seeing a quiet peaceful dream.

Get help from doctors

Study, relax,

Be cheerful and healthy

Admire something new

And to love and to be loved

He is not alone in the world!

specialized teacher ny group,

MADO "Kindergarten combined" 3rd type No. 32

“Crane” Gubkin, Belgorod region, Russia

Lesson summary for the middle group “How a baby mammoth looked for its mother”

Topic: protection of children's rights

Developed by: teacher 2nd quarter. categories Sklyarov M. G.

Taganrog, MBDOU d/s No. 100 “Ryabinushka”

Target: formation of ideas about the protection of the rights of the child by members of his family


  • give an idea of ​​the protection of the rights of the child by members of his family, consolidate the concept that every person has not only rights, but also responsibilities;

  • improve ways of relationships with family members;

  • develop creativity, independent judgment, and the ability to draw conclusions; develop a sense of self-esteem and respect for family members.
Preliminary work:

conversation on the “Declaration of Human Rights” and the “UN Convention on the Rights of the Child”.

Reading the Russian folk tale “Morozko”,

Looking at illustrations on the topic of family

View the film on the topic “Children’s Rights”

Progress of the lesson

The teacher invites the children to listen to a song from the cartoon “Mother for the Baby Mammoth.”

Educator : Guys, what movie is this song from?

Who is this cartoon about?

What happened to the baby mammoth?

And who helped him? (Children's expected answers)

A child dressed as a baby elephant comes into the hall with a sad look.

Educator: Oh guys, who came to us? ( Expected children's answers)

Baby elephant : I'm lost, I'm looking for my mother.

Educator: Where's your mom?

Baby elephant: Don't know

Educator: Guys, do you happen to know where you can find the baby elephant's mother? ( Suggested Answers)

Educator: Do you think we can help the baby elephant find its mother?

Educator: Where should we go? ( Expected children's answers)

Educator: That's right to Africa!

Guys, let's stand in a circle together, I will say the magic words, and you will spin around yourself several times with your eyes closed. “Shine the sun hot, bring us to Africa with a warm wave!”

So we found ourselves in Africa, you are probably tired on the road. Guys, the masses have the right to rest. What kind of cheerful melody is this, let’s dance, maybe the mother elephant will hear us.

Children dance to the music of Chung-Chang, a baby elephant stands in a circle

Mother Elephant comes out

Educator b: Guys, who is it that came to us? (Children's answers)

Elephant: Mommy, I've been waiting for you!

Educator: You guys are great, you helped the baby elephant find its mother. What a happy family we have! After all, family is the most precious thing we have, right?

Educator : And you little elephant, be careful and never lose your mother again

.Elephant : And now it’s time for us to go home, because we want to tell each other so much.

The Baby Elephant and the Mother Elephant leave.

Children sit on chairs

Educator: Yes, guys, family, home is the most precious thing a person has.

Educator: Today we will talk about the right of a child to live and be raised in his own family. Try pronouncing the word “family” like this: “seven-ya!”

Educator: What do you think family means? (Children's answers)

Educator: How do people live in a family? (Children's answers)

The people closest to a child are his parents. And for parents, children are the meaning and joy of their whole life.

Remember, children are happy when each child has a friendly family.

And in a close-knit family, all its members have their own responsibilities, everyone helps each other and loves each other.

Would you like us to play the game “Family Train”? (Children's answers)

Progress of the game

The teacher lays out children's drawings depicting a family in a circle, the children stand in a circle and a driver is selected. The engine runs in a circle and looks at the children's drawings. When the music stops, the engine stops near the nearest drawing. The teacher takes the drawing and approaches the child whose family is depicted in the drawing; the child talks about his family using leading questions:

How many people do you have in your family? (Children's answers)

Who is the oldest? (Children's answers)

Who's the funniest? (Children's answers)

What do your parents affectionately call you? (Children's answers)

Who helps you when you are having a hard time? (Children's answers)

How can you help your family? (Children's answers)

Educator: Well done guys, what a friendly family you have!

Children sit on chairs

Educator : Guys, today we learned that a family is a certain number of people who love others, help others in everything and support others in difficult times.

What kind of family do you think a close-knit family is? (Children's answers)

Guys, you and I also come to kindergarten every day, to our group. Do we love others? (Children's answers)

Are we helping others? (Children's answers)

Do we care about others? (Children's answers)

Do you think we can be called a family? (Children's answers)


Adults and children have rights:

Play and learn, dream and work

Help the old man and pet the kitten,

And wash your face with clean water at dawn

The child has the right to happiness

And also in the house to hide in bad weather

The child has the right to walk

And breathe clean air with all your breasts

Found in the UN Convention

Here's the law:

All children should be taught

Children need knowledge

All children should know this

And all the people on the planet

The child must be beautiful

Cheerful, strong and happy.

Therefore I want to say:

The child must rest!

If only you would give me the following rights:

Walk in the yard all day,

Catch three tons of fish

And give it to friends.

Summary of the lesson on legal education "The right of a child to live in a family" in the middle school. No. 3 "Semitsvetik"

Educator: Sklyarova M. G.

MDOU d/s No. 100

Program content:

To form in children basic ideas about rights.

Deepen the concepts of “Fatherland”, “namesake”.

Enrich, activate, expand the vocabulary on the topic: “Name” - acquaintance with the origin of names.

Practice the formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes, full names, and patronymics.

Help the development of coherent speech by stimulating children’s own statements, questions, and answers.

Improve gross and fine motor skills: coordination of movements and speech.

Promote the development of a kind attitude towards yourself and others.

Preliminary work.

Looking at family photographs, an exhibition of drawings on the topic: “My Family”, creating a family tree, conversation: “Me and my name”, listening to the song “My Motherland”.


The chairs are arranged according to the number of children in a semicircle. A picture depicting a boy and a girl, a globe on which the rights of the child are written, illustrations of fairy-tale characters: Aibolit, Dunno, Snow Maiden, Snow White, Thumbelina, Kotofeevich the Cat, a globe, an audio cassette with a recording of a child crying, a balloon.

Vocabulary work: right, Fatherland, namesake, newborn, surname, first name, relative, patronymic, globe.

Lesson structure:

1. Looking at the globe.

2. Listening to a small child cry.

3. Game “Name it like an adult.”

4. D/ exercise “Explain the meaning of the name.

5. Reading a poem about Masha.

6. Physical exercise.

7. Conversation based on illustrations of fairy-tale characters.

8. Reading excerpts from epics.

9. Questions and answers.

10. Reading the poem “8 Tan.”

11. Game “Name a related name.”

12. Conversation “Last name - what is it?”

13. Dramatization of the passage “Alice in Wonderland.”

14. Game “Fly the ball”

Progress of the lesson


Good afternoon, children

You are the most beautiful in the world.

I invite such good, smart, handsome people on a journey.

(Slide 1)

The teacher shows the globe: what is it?

Children: Globe.

Educator: Why do we need a globe?

Children: To view the world.

Educator: A globe is a small model of the globe. Our land is very large, billions of people, more than 200 nations live on it. They are all similar: each has its own body, face. But at the same time, people are different, they differ from each other, each person is unique.

Children, how do you think people differ?

(Slide 2)

Children: Height, age, skin color, hair, eyes, shape of nose, mouth, gait.

(The sound of a baby crying)

Educator: Children, who is it that is crying?

Children: Small child.

Educator: Yes, this is how babies who are just born cry. Please take a look and tell me, are these kids different?

(Slide 3)

Children: They are the same, but they have different caps and suits: pink and blue (To distinguish them by their clothes: boys in blue, girls in pink).

(Slide 4)

Educator: Newborn babies sleep almost all the time, it is difficult to distinguish them from each other. To prevent mothers from confusing them, doctors attach tags with a number to the children’s arms. (in numbers). Children, would you be pleased if they called you a number?

Children: No.

Educator: Every person has something that cannot be seen, but this distinguishes him from others. Listen to the riddle and you will guess what it is about.

We weren't there - it was

We won't be there - it will be,

No one has seen it from anyone,

And everyone has it.

Both mom has it and dad has it,

My daughter has it, my granddaughter has it,

To get to know him

You have to say it out loud.

Children: Name.

Educator: A name plays a big role in people's lives. You can't do without a name. People value their names and carry the name throughout their lives. A person can be deprived of all wealth, all rights, but he cannot be deprived of his name.

Why do you think people came up with names?

Children: To know whether it is a boy or a girl, a man or a woman, to distinguish one person from another.

Educator: Each of you has a name. But imagine what would happen if all the names suddenly disappeared? (Children's answers)

(Slide 5)

Educator: I suggest you listen to an excerpt from the fairy tale “Alice in Through the Looking Glass.”

“I hope you don’t intend to lose your name?”

“Of course not,” Alice said confusedly.

- I do not know. Just think how convenient it is to return home without a name! For example, you are called on in class. The teacher says: Go to the board... - and then she will fall silent, because you will not have a name, and you can pretend that the name is not you, but someone else there.

“Nothing will come of this, and you will still have to answer to me, and not to someone else.” The teacher will say: “Hey, you!” or “Hey” or something else.

Educator: This means that without a name it is difficult to communicate with each other and understand who they are talking about. Your parents called you different names. When you go to school, your name will be full. Your names sound different and have their own meaning. For example: Olya - Olga.

(Slide 6)

Educator: Let's play the game "Name yourself as an adult" and explain the meaning of your name."

Sasha - Alexander - courageous, protector.

Alyosha - Alexey - assistant, protector.

(Slide 7)


The sun has risen in the sky

And everyone smiled.

We suddenly felt good

And I didn’t feel sad anymore.

Educator: Let's all read the poem together:

Maryushka, Marusenka,

Mashenka and Manechka

Craving something sweet

Sugar gingerbread.

Educator: What's the girl's name?

Children: Masha.

Educator: Although different names were given, this was the name of one girl, Masha. When she grows up, she will be called Maria.

Educator: Let's play the game "Name the affectionate relative names."

(Vitya - Vityusha, Vitenka, Vityok, Vityunushka, Vityunchik, Vityushok.

Sasha - Sashok, Sashenka, Sashunchik, Sanya, Sashulya).

(Slide 8)

Educator: Children, look at the pictures and tell me who is drawn in them?

Children: Thumbelina, Aibolit, Snow Maiden, Dunno, Snow White, Cat.

Educator: These fairy-tale heroes with different character traits and behavior. And who will explain why they were called that?

Children: Aibolit - treats those who are sick,

Snegurochka is a girl made of snow,

Dunno is a boy who knows nothing

Snow White is a girl as white as snow.

(Slide 9)

Educator: Children, look and tell me who it is?

Children: Bogatyrs.

Educator: Yes, these are heroes. This is Dobrynya - a kind person. And about this hero, listen to an excerpt from the epic:

Dust rises in an open field

Ilya Muromets, son Ivanovich

Approaches the Nightingale.

What is the name of the hero?

Children: Ilya.

Educator: When you grow up and become adults, your middle name will be added to your name. It comes from the word "Fatherland". Who can remind me what it means?

Children: The Fatherland is the Motherland.

Educator: In Rus', patronymics were given by the father's name. Ilya Muromets, son Ivanovich. This means that Ilya’s father’s name was Ivan. And Ilya - Ilya Ivanovich. What was the name of this fairy-tale hero's father?

(Slide 10)

(Points to the Cat).

Children: Cat.

Educator: So this is Kot Kotofeevich. You all know your dad's name. Think and name your middle name.

(Children call their middle name)

Educator: There are many different names in the world, but there are people with the same names. For example: Sasha is a girl, a boy. Such people are called “namesakes”. Listen to the poem:

(Slide 11)

In first grade there are 8 Tan,

This is downright punishment!

After all, everywhere you look

Everywhere Tanya, Tanya, Tanya!

If they say: “Tanya, get up!”

8 Tan will stand up immediately.

But you can very easily understand newbies. How to distinguish girls?

Children: By last name.

Educator: Each person at birth receives not only a first name, but also a surname, which is borne by all family members. Not only relatives, but also different people can have the same surnames. They are called namesakes.

(Slide 12)

Educator: When you were born, you were given this “Birth Certificate” (shows) when you turn 14 years old you will be issued another document

(Slide 13)

(shows). Read, what is it called? (Passport). Your passport will contain your Last Name, First Name, and Patronymic.

Educator: Tell me, what did we meet today?

Children: Every child has the right to his own name. We learned about the origin of names, patronymics, and surnames.

Educator: Children, you live in the same village, go to the same group, you are very friendly guys. I wrote your names on the balloon. We will release this ball into the street and everyone around will know that there is a kindergarten “Zvezdochka” where such friendly children live.

Literature :

M.D. Makhaneva Moral and Patriotic Education of Preschool Children: A Manual for the Implementation of the State Program “Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2001-2005.”

Innovations in speech therapy practice / Methodological manual for preschool institutions / Comp. O. E. Gromova. – M.: Linka-Press.

Magazine "Primary School".

Download presentation

social teacher MBDOU -

d/s "Zvezdochka" Sovetsky district, Saratov region

r.p. Stepnoe, Russia

This project will be useful for kindergarten teachers working with children of secondary preschool age. Legal education of children is a very important part of raising children. Each teacher pays attention to this topic; it is important to do this in a timely manner and in an accessible way for children. The project is only the very beginning in this difficult but interesting work: the formation of the legal consciousness of children.

Project “Great Rights for Little Children”

Relevance of the project:

“I have the right to be black and white.

I have the right to be clever and brave.

You have the right to have your own name.

You have the right to simply be loved.

We have the right in the whole wide world.

We have the right! We are children!

These are words from a children's song that probably every child has heard.

Indeed, every person on earth has his own rights. They don't have to be earned, they can't be bought. They are the same for all people. The task of the educator is to form the legal consciousness of the child even in childhood. After all, the sooner a child learns about his rights, the faster he will understand and accept the world around him as it is.

Therefore, we, adults, must help children understand that every person in general and a child in particular has his own rights and should know them.

Target: Creating conditions for the formation of legal consciousness in children of middle preschool age.


Introduce children to the concept of “law”;

Give children the opportunity to “see” their rights in the works of writers, poets, screenwriters;

Outline the basic rights of children in a form accessible to their age;

Foster a sense of self-esteem and respect for the children and adults around him;

Develop the ability to communicate in a children's team, be able to listen and hear, analyze, draw conclusions, express your opinion;

Develop children's creative abilities through joint and individual activities.

Project type: creative, information and research.

Project type: family, group.

Problem: Children do not have sufficient knowledge about their rights.

Expected results: children's acquisition of basic legal knowledge; nurturing a sense of self-esteem and respect for others, involving parents and children in joint activities, establishing trusting and partnership relationships with them.

Location: MDOUDS No. 53 “Silver Hoof”.

Operating mode: during and outside of classes.

Number of project participants: 2 teachers: Ostanina V.A., Pepelyaeva A.Yu., children - 16 people, parents - 24 people.

Children's age: 45 years.


Play activities, conversations, watching the presentation “Children’s Rights”, the Smeshariki cartoon “Every Child Has a Right”, listening and learning songs, exhibitions “A Child Has a Right”, “My Family”, “My Kindergarten”, group work “We are all equal” ”, complex thematic lesson “My right to a name...”.

Materials and equipment: Doll Masha, poems, proverbs, masks for theatrical activities, attributes for role-playing games, musical equipment, collections of children's songs, colored and plain paper, gouache, pencils, glue sticks, a set of demonstration pictures “Children's Rights” , projector, laptop, speakers, presentation “Children's Rights”, recordings of children's songs, cartoons.

Stage 1.

Formulation of the problem:

The boys and I really love watching cartoons. It's a pity that there is very little free time. But then a minute appeared and they began to watch a cartoon with their favorite characters - Smeshariki. With a title that was incomprehensible to us - “Every child has the right...” The guys really liked the cartoon, when we moved on to discussing what they saw, it turned out that they had never talked about this topic. We all decided together that we definitely need to become more familiar with children’s rights.

Stage 2.

Introduction to the game situation.

Planned activities.

Educator: Guys! Today our doll came to our lesson. But she seems sad today. Let's ask her what happened. Children, the doll told me that she was very sad, she had no friends. Let's make friends with her and we will have fun and interesting together. In order for us to get to know each other, we need to tell each other what our names are. Guys, let's shout our names loudly so that our guest can hear them.

Children say their names in chorus.

Educator: It’s strange, but the doll didn’t tell us its name, but became even sadder. Guys, she just doesn’t have a name. We urgently need to come up with a name for her, because every inhabitant of our planet has the right to a name. Guys, do you know about your rights, do you know that you have rights?

Children's answers.

Educator: Let’s remember what Smeshariki told us!

The children answer.

Educator: Children, let’s not just tell you, but also show our Masha! Let each of you at home together as parents do the work “Every child has the right.” You and your parents will learn a lot of interesting things. And our doll will learn what children's rights are. How people around us behave among themselves.

We told our parents about our project, invited them to get involved in the work and help us consider the issue that interests us in more detail. We thanked you in advance for your cooperation and offered your help if necessary. We recommended listening to children’s opinions more often and helping them realize their ideas and plans.

Stage 3.

Organization of project activities.

3.1. Game activity.

*** Role-playing game “Hospital”, “Kindergarten”, “Family”, “School”, “In the Library”.

Goal: to develop in children the ability to play independently, distribute roles in the game taking into account the interests of all participants, teach them to negotiate, find compromises, and expand children’s knowledge about the social environment.

*** Goal: to develop children’s analytical skills, expand their vocabulary, and clarify the concepts of rights and responsibilities.

*** Sedentary games “Call me affectionately”, “Who’s nearby?”

Goal: to teach children to respect their neighbors and their rights, to teach them to play by the rules, showing independence in the game.

3.2. Artistic and speech activity.

Goal: to form in children the concept of “rights”, to cultivate love and respect for others, to use examples from literature to give concepts about the basic rights of a child, to teach them to listen carefully, to develop speech and memory.

Reading and memorizing poems and fairy tales about family:

E. Blaginina “Let’s sit in silence.”

L. N. Tolstov's story “Grandmother and Granddaughter”, fairy tales: “Geese-Swans”, “Cuckoo”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Morozko”.

Conversation: “How many different names”, “Me and my friends”, “Does everyone have a family”, “we are so different, but we are equal.”

Reading proverbs and sayings about rights and responsibilities.

3.3. Musical and theatrical activities.

Goal: learn to listen to music, perform movements to the beat of music, skillfully enter the role of heroes of fairy tales, develop friendliness towards each other.

1. Listening and learning songs: “Cheburashka’s Song”, lyrics by Alexander Timofeevsky, music by Vladimir Shainsky; “Song of the Baby Mammoth”, lyrics by D. Nepomnyashchiy, music by V. Shainsky; “Twice two is four”, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky; “Song about the Doctor” performed by Leonid Sergeev; songs of the group “Barbariki” “About Friendship”, “Far from Mom”; “My Family” music and lyrics by A. Ermolov.

2. Dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “The Hare’s Hut”.

3.4. Artistic and aesthetic activities.

Goal: to develop the creative abilities of children, to teach them to express their thoughts and feelings in their works, to teach them to finish what they have started, and to instill accuracy in their work.

3.4.1 Teamwork “We are all equal”

Goal: to teach how to perform teamwork, act together; develop children's creative abilities; learn to be careful when working with paper with glue.

3.4.2. Exhibition of drawings “My Family”.

Goal: to develop children's creative abilities in the process of drawing.

3.4.3. Exhibition of drawings “My kindergarten”

Every child has the right to education. Children in kindergarten receive it. The children's life is bright and eventful. This is exactly what they tried to show in the drawing.

Goal: learn to draw with gouache, draw according to plan.

3.4.4. Exhibition in the group “Every child has the right”

Goal: to attract the attention of children and parents to the issue of children's rights, to unite children and parents through joint activities.

3.5. Complex thematic lesson “My right to a name...”.

Goal: creating conditions for the child to develop initial legal knowledge.

4. Product of project activities.

4.1. Teamwork “We are all equal.”

4.2. Exhibition in the group “The child has the right.”

4.3. Exhibition of drawings in the group “Every child has the right to a family”

4.4. Exhibition of drawings in the group “My Kindergarten”

4.5. Complex thematic lesson “My right to a name...”

Summary of a lesson on legal education "The right of a child to live in a family"

Secondary speech therapy group

Teacher Serkina M.R.

MSDOU No. 17 “Zolotaya fish” November 2011r.

Goal: Generalization and systematization of children’s knowledge about the role of family in their lives. Tasks;

To consolidate the knowledge that the most important thing in a child’s life is family, that all families are different

give an idea of ​​the protection of the rights of the child by members of his family, consolidate the knowledge that every child has morals that must be followed by adults

develop children’s coherent speech, the ability to answer questions, express their thoughts correctly by constructing sentences

cultivate a sense of love and respect for family, all family members should love and care for each other

Dictionary: friendly family, cozy > care, rights, orphans.

Preliminary work; conversation on children's rights, consideration of didactic material on the topic, word games, learning poems about family and loved ones, design of the album “My Family”, reading the Nenets fairy tale “Cuckoo”, fairy tale “Cinderella”, fairy tale “Thumbelina”

Equipment: pictures about the rights of the child, a tape recorder, an audio recording of the song “Mom for a Baby Mammoth” by composer V. Shainsky, a toy baby mammoth, drawings of two empty rooms, figures of furniture, people, animals, chamomile petals, a game to make a flower according to the rights of children for each, album “ My family"

Progress of the lesson

Organizational moment: “Call your neighbor by name affectionately”

The song “Mom for the Baby Mammoth” plays and the teacher draws attention to the sad baby mammoth who came to visit us.

Educator: Why is he sad? Who is the baby mammoth looking for? (Suggested answers)

Educator: Tell me, where will the baby mammoth return? (Children's answers)

Educator: Yes, guys, family, home is the most precious thing a person has. Every child has the right to be raised in his own family

Educator: Try to pronounce the word “family” like this: “seven-ya.”

The teacher offers to fill the empty rooms (with furniture, figurines of animals and people), draws attention to how cozy it has become, each room is interesting in its own way, and different families live in them,

Educator: What is family? Offers to talk about your family members, paying attention to photographs

Educator: How should people live in a family? (friendly, love each other) And Dasha even knows a poem about a friendly family...

“If the daughter is not stubborn, If dad is not angry, If grandmother does not look at mom from under her brows, If you hear kind words from the very morning, Then dad, mom, and I are a very friendly family.”

Educator: Who takes care of you? Tell us how your moms and dads take care of you?

Educator: Do you have permanent responsibilities at home? How do you take care of mom, dad...

Game "Our good deeds"

A flower of good deeds is drawn up on a magnetic board (at the end of the game the result is summed up)

Educator: Look, even the flower opened its petals because of your good deeds. Yes, parents need help!

Physical education lesson: finger games “My Family”, “Here is my big family”

Educator: Do you know that there are orphans who are deprived of the care and affection of their parents; they are left alone for various reasons. How can I help them? Can children live alone?

Educator: They can’t! The child is still weak and cannot learn everything on his own, adults surround him with care and affection and then the baby grows strong, healthy, smart!

Parents make sure that your rights are not violated.

The teacher draws attention to the board with pictures, let's remember what rights every child has

(children name and show the picture with the rights)

The right to live in a family, the right to a name, the right to medical care, the right to good food and clean water, the right to free education, the right to rest, children cannot work like adults, care for the disabled, the right to protection from cruelty.

Educator: So that we remember our rights well, let's play a game

D/I “Make a flower” (who is faster)

Then he offers to show a petal, for example, the right to rest, etc.

Educator: Today we talked about the family, about caring for family members, about your rights and responsibilities.

And the baby mammoth became happier, he realized that his mother would definitely be found! it's time for him to go home... let's give him poems about the most precious thing in the world, about our relatives and close mothers, grandmothers, about our family...

(children read poetry)

Who is your favorite person in the world?

I’ll say this right away, kids. Go around the whole wide world, There is no better mother in the world!

I do everything for my mother: I play scales for her, I go to the doctor for her, I teach mathematics.

Golden childhood. Why do we call our childhood golden? Because we are playing, having fun and being naughty. Because our family surrounds us with care, because our family and friends adore us!

Educator: I wish you guys that your rights in the family are never violated, and that every child has a friendly and happy family. And no one has ever lost their mother like our baby mammoth...

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