Zoya meaning of character name. Famous personalities with the name Zoya

When a child is born into a family, one of the problems is choosing his name. Often parents turn to rare or half-forgotten names, one of which is the short but beautiful female name Zoya.

All about the name Zoya

It is rare on the Internet, but there are soulful poems by users dedicated to the name Zoya. The authors of many of them, unfortunately, remain unknown:

You are Zoya, that means life itself!
Hardworking and smart.
You couldn't find a better girlfriend!
And in fact, you are ahead of everyone.
You, like no one else, know how to love,
You will listen and you will regret it.


Origin of the name

The familiar Russian name Zoya comes from the ancient Greek language. Its meaning is "life". Its analogues are also the names Eva (biblical) and Zhiva (Slavic).

In the Judeo-Christian tradition, Eve is a symbol of life and the progenitor of humanity

Table: analogues of the name in foreign languages

Name days and patrons

According to the church calendar, Zoya celebrates her name day:

  • May 15 - Zoe of Pamphylia, martyr, wife of the martyr Esper of Attalia;
  • December 31 - Zoya of Rome, martyr;
  • February 26 - Zoe of Bethlehem, Rev.

Christians often turn to Saint Zoe of Bethlehem for help in guiding them on the righteous path

Table: name forms

Characteristics and influence of the name Zoya

Zoya, Bunny, Zosya - life,
And the earth is with you, and the heights.
Don't let yourself be offended
Frown, perhaps, for show.
There is so much heat in the word “Zoe”,
So much summer and warmth.
Even to the ends of the Earth with you,
Without you there is darkness in my heart.
Call of the spring land - Zoya,
So call for you
And no one can resist.
God bless you!



Zoya in childhood

A girl named Zoya begins to display the following character traits from early childhood:

  • calmness,
  • prudence,
  • orderliness,
  • moderation,
  • prudence,
  • goodwill,
  • good nature,
  • shyness.

This is a talented and very gifted girl, but her reticence and shyness often prevent her from expressing herself. Zoya is very attached to her mother, for her she is her best friend. For parents, a daughter is always a “bunny”, “sunshine”, “princess”, she is obedient, calm, quiet, exemplary and completely harmless. She takes everything at face value and unconditionally believes fairy tales, getting upset when it turns out that everything written in them is just fiction. She is a big dreamer, she composes horror stories for her friends, and at the same time sincerely believes in her own fantasies. For the family, Zoya is a helper and a joy.

Zoya happily helps her mother with housework

Zoya as a child is a trusting girl. In a company of friends, she is always the leader. Often her pranks can go far, but usually she calms down at the first request of an adult. Under no circumstances should the vulnerable Zoya be severely punished - there is a considerable risk of causing her irreparable psychological trauma with a harsh word or careless action. Due to the abuse of physical punishment, parents can forever eradicate in their daughter the ability to love and trust other people.

In raising Zoya, it is important to captivate her with something: an open and attentive girl will immediately forget about pranks and will happily take up the proposed task. Zoya is interested in almost everything: music, drawing, sports or languages. Zoya is not capricious at all as a child. If she was born into a poor family, she will not demand anything from her parents, but will find something to make a toy from. Zoya will never envy children from more prosperous families, and if she herself lives in abundance, she will never brag about it. She knows how to appreciate what she already has.

Making a toy with your own hands will not be difficult for Zoya.

In difficult adolescence, new features appear in Zoya’s character:

  • honesty,
  • talkativeness,
  • uncompromisingness,
  • integrity,
  • exactingness,
  • erudition,
  • erudition.

This is a self-sufficient, independent girl who can increasingly lean towards contemplative solitude, replacing noisy companies for her.

At school, Zoe most often does not have problems, but her inability to concentrate on one thing can hinder her. In general, Zoya is capable of achieving top marks in all subjects. She especially likes what fascinates her, lessons where she can show off her intelligence and talents. But it’s worth making sure that Zoya follows a clear plan and doesn’t leave achieving her goals halfway.

In adulthood, Zoya may experience slight problems communicating with others. The reason for this is Zoya’s calm lifestyle, her dislike of noisy companies, surprises, and spontaneous decisions. Zoya's character develops a sense of purpose, which she really lacked in adolescence and childhood. Very important in Zoya’s character is her ability to make friends. She is a devoted, understanding friend, a compassionate and kind person with a big heart who will always support a friend, help him with advice and even sacrifice her comfort or something important for him.

But never expect to look into Zoya’s inner world - her problems, feelings, thoughts and experiences are hidden behind seven seals. A woman named Zoya will not trust anyone except the most faithful and time-tested people. Anyone who wants to become truly close to Zoya must try a lot: gaining her respect is very difficult. Another feature of the name Zoya can be healthy selfishness. If Zoya is truly pissed off, a principled, uncompromising, tough, straightforward personality awakens in her.

Fortunately, this doesn't happen often.

An interesting feature of a woman named Zoya is her unusually highly developed intuition and sensitivity. She is extremely insightful, has an incredible ability to penetrate into the deepest and darkest corners of the human soul, so anyone can easily open up to her: step by step in a conversation, she can find out almost everything about the inner world of her interlocutor.

Natural intuition contributes to the fact that Zoya often chooses the profession of a fortune teller, witch, or even a psychotherapist

Although Zoya is always ready to rush to the aid of anyone and everyone, she does not think about changing the world for the better or leaving behind any legacy: she just likes to help others.

She never chases success, recognition, career or wealth. She is not interested in overseas countries or conquering the capital; Zoya can spend her whole life in her small hometown and become happy and self-sufficient in it. Her world is family, homeland and friends, this is her comfort zone. Talents and career

Zoe's mentality is best suited to the humanities. Zoya loves handicrafts, childcare, cooking, and all types of creativity and constructive activities are close to her. During childhood, parents should not impose their interests on Zoya and try to make their dreams come true on her. It's better to listen to her opinion. Then she will choose a profession she likes, in which she can fully realize herself.
Professions that are best suited for Zoe:

  • engineer,
  • architect,
  • doctor or veterinarian
  • florist or botanist,
  • teacher or educator,
  • psychologist,
  • everything related to agriculture.

The medical profession is one of the most suitable for a girl named Zoya

Zoya rarely rises to a high leadership position, but she is responsible and disciplined in her work.

In any field chosen by Zoya, she achieves good results, but does not strive to lead. The name suggests considerable leadership potential, but the woman herself rarely allows them to manifest themselves in full force.

Zoya in business Not striving for special heights, Zoya rarely opens her own business. If she does this, it is only for the sake of independence, both material and moral.

In relations with her employees, she will behave authoritatively and will not allow herself to be argued with. He feels best as a leader of a small team, especially a female one. If problems with mutual understanding arise within him, scandals, gossip, intrigues are brewing, Zoya immediately stops them, giving everyone what they deserve and not taking anyone’s side. If we talk about types of business, Zoya will become an excellent personal trainer or host of various self-development trainings for women. Zoya can open culinary, art, music courses or a handmade studio. Having her own designer store also suits Zoya as a business.

One of the best business plans for Zoe is a small handicraft store

As a child, Zoya is sickly: she has a predisposition to chicken pox, bronchitis and pneumonia. Sports and annual dressage trips to the sea help, and the girl benefits from sea air. In adulthood, Zoya does not care too much about her health, so she gets sick a lot. Because of the love for animals, one can catch lichen and helminthiasis. A particularly common problem for Zoya is being overweight, since she loves to eat and does not limit herself to her favorite dishes, which are mainly flour, spicy and sweet.

Metabolism also suffers. The older Zoya gets, the more fragile her bones and musculoskeletal system are, so osteochondrosis and curvature of the spine may occur. Diabetes, cardiac aneurysm, and migraines may develop. Depression is possible - both mild and severe. Polyarthritis is also a common illness for Zoe. The biggest problem in old age is varicose veins.

Zoya loves to eat flour and spicy foods, but she should limit herself to this

Love and marriage

Zoya, as a rule, gets married late. The reason for this is not her desire, but the fact that she can often behave withdrawn and shy with representatives of the opposite sex, especially with the object of her affection, despite the fact that she communicates freely and naturally even with unfamiliar people. She is afraid of betrayal and deception, so she spends a long time checking her chosen one, but she will not deceive or betray her husband.

Zoya is a woman created for family life and love. A sensual, passionate person, she always dreams of the very best and only thing. Of course, Zoe's chosen one is not always ideal. But she loves her man for who he is, even if he does not treat her in the best way. She is patient in relationships and does not conflict with her husband's relatives. Her devotion to her family is amazing, she simply adores both her husband and children, constantly pampers them, and can literally stay awake at their beds day and night.

Zoya is a loving mother, she is able to devote herself entirely to raising children

Table: name compatibility

Spelling out the name

ME: The main thing in life is self-esteem. Correct assessment of your own feelings, capabilities and aspirations. Diversity and richness of the inner world. They have a strong need for attention and admiration from other people. The letter characterizes sexual liberation and passion of nature.

The passion of Zoe's nature is visible in her every movement.

Table: name matches

When was Zoya born?

Table: horoscope named Zoya

Zoya-AriesThe character of this woman is balanced and calm. Zoya-Aries is vulnerable and a little sentimental; gatherings with her closest friends attract her much more than noisy and crowded parties. Rash actions are uncharacteristic for her. She will not envy anyone, much less intentionally harm anyone. This is an honest, kind and wise woman.
Zoe-TaurusZoya of this sign is calm, extremely patient, a dreamer with a well-developed imagination. But she is very distrustful, which makes it difficult for her to build a serious relationship with a man, it is difficult to find a true, devoted friend, since every person in some way repels or upsets Zoya-Taurus. She is chasing a non-existent ideal.
Zoya-GeminiShe has a calm, reserved disposition, is very shy, pure of soul, mysterious and noble. She absolutely cannot lie, will never betray, does not pursue personal gain, is purposeful, but ambitious. As a friend and wife, she is very devoted and reliable.
Zoya-CancerZoya, born under this sign, is talented in many areas, smart, practical, knows how to achieve assigned tasks, is reasonable, and strictly follows the plan. She knows how to notice important little things, does not allow herself to be frivolous, moves towards her goal without noticing obstacles. She, as a strong woman, needs an equally strong and reliable companion.
Zoya the LionessThis woman is a hardworking, purposeful careerist. For her, the main thing is perfection in everything: she will not rest until she achieves it. She cannot stand idleness, she is constantly busy with something, self-development is very important for her. Easily reaches considerable heights in his career. She loves her family, but may prefer work to home and skillfully manage any team.
Zoya-VirgoThis is a versatile woman. She loves art in all its forms, has a vivid imagination, a dreamer, loves to fantasize, but distinguishes the world of dreams from what is really happening around her, evaluates everything based on common sense, and is not at all closed off. The only thing she lacks is trust in people - Zoe-Virgo has very few real friends.
Zoya-LibraA delicate, well-mannered, tactful woman. She is a skilled manipulator, has the gift of eloquence and persuasion, thanks to which she easily attracts others, but she very rarely uses this unique gift. Zoya-Libra knows how to understand people, so she is confident in close friends. The character has passion and a thirst for adventure. Zoya-Libra cannot stand loneliness and loves noisy and fun parties.
Zoya-ScorpioThis woman's inner world is difficult to understand. She is impulsive, quick-tempered, withdrawn, her character is harsh and unpredictable. Because of this, Zoya-Scorpio finds it difficult to get along with people, especially men. You should not argue with Zoya-Scorpio or criticize her: she will react very sharply and harshly. In people, this woman values ​​intelligence and inner strength above all else.
Zoya-SagittariusThe name Zoya in combination with this sign gives a woman rich creative potential. Following the plan is very important to her. Excellent intuition helps Zoe-Sagittarius avoid many troubles. Life in the shadows is not for her, she loves fame and power. Such a woman’s husband should be patient, calm and compliant.
Zoe-CapricornA balanced and self-critical woman, but at heart she is vulnerable, undemanding and soft. Can be moody at times. Teachings, comments and criticism are perceived negatively by her, she does not know how to lie at all, she will not commit betrayal, justice for her is the highest value. She is an idealist and cannot accept everything as it is. It’s the same with those around you and with your life partner.
Zoya-AquariusShe tries to carefully understand each person, avoids those who, in her opinion, have a bad character, and is very scrupulous in choosing a life partner. She selects suitors with particular persistence, and if the ideal one is not among them, she will give up family happiness and may become lonely. If she chooses a man she likes, she will become a wonderful wife for him, and an exemplary mother for her children.
Zoya-PiscesA woman of this sign is shy, closed from the outside world, not particularly friendly, and incredibly demanding of herself and others. She will be able to analyze any situation; intuition helps her distinguish between evil and good. Zoya-Pisces will under no circumstances transgress personal moral principles.

Famous personalities with the name Zoya

Despite the fact that the name Zoya has always been very rare, outstanding women named so have left a bright mark on history:

  • Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya - WWII participant, intelligence officer, first female Hero of the USSR, died heroically near Moscow;
  • Zoya Gaidai - opera singer;
  • Zoya Boyarshinova - professor, doctor of historical sciences;
  • Zoya Boguslavskaya is a Soviet writer.

Photo gallery: bright and famous Zoe

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya - the first female Hero of the Soviet Union, a young intelligence officer, died in 1941 Soviet-Ukrainian opera singer, People's Artist of the USSR Zoya Gaidai Zoya Boyarshinova, professor, historian, co-author of the multi-volume “History of Siberia” Zoya Boguslavskaya, Soviet and Russian writer, author story "Verunya and the Gentlemen"

The name Zoya bestows many qualities that a real woman needs. This Russian name with ancient Greek roots was undeservedly forgotten. Its very meaning “life” gives the owner enormous vital energy, the ability to be happy and enjoy every moment.

An accommodating, sociable, easy-going character distinguishes any owner of the name Zoya. She always compromises, not trying to defend her point of view by any means. Zoya thinks independently, and acts only in accordance with her beliefs. To find out the meaning of the name Zoya, let's look at history.

Origin of the name

In Europe, this name became popular in the era of early Christianity, and came to us from Byzantine culture. According to one version, this is a translation of the Hebrew name Eve into the Greek manner. The main version says that the origin of the name Zoya is ancient Greek. Derived from the word “zoe”, the meaning of the name Zoya sounds like “life”.

The name has several forms: Zoechka, Zoenka, Zoyushka, Zoyka, Zosya, Zosha, Zoha, Zoyusha.

In English there are several variants of its spelling: Zoe, Zoе, Zoie, Zoey.

Name in religion

In the Orthodox calendar, this name is associated with the holy martyrs who suffered for the faith in the early Christian period. According to the church calendar, women celebrate name days and commemorate the great martyrs with prayers on the following dates:

February 26 – Zoe of Bethlehem (The Harlot, converted to the Christian faith by Saint Martinian and set on the righteous path. Died in the monastery where she spent her last days).

December 31 – Zoe of Rome (a noble lady who was the wife of a high-ranking official of the Roman Empire, arrested while praying at the tomb of the Apostle Peter, executed for her faith by hanging).

Declension of name by case

In Russian, the name Zoya is a noun of the 1st declension, feminine, animate.

Declension for singular cases looks like this:

Nominative case – Zoya

Genitive case – Zoe

Dative case – Zoe

Accusative case – Zoya

Instrumental case – Zoe

Prepositional case – Zoe

Declension of the name by cases in the plural:

Nominative case – Zoe

Genitive case – Zoe

Dative case – Zoyam

Accusative case – Zoe

Instrumental case – Zoyami

Prepositional case – Zoyakh

General characteristics of the name

Women who bear this name are crazy mothers. In them, strength and extreme perseverance are surprisingly combined with kindness, attention, and sincerity. Close people call them Zoyushki - gourmands because of their excessive love for sweets, which can lead to excessive obesity. The characteristics of the name Zoya largely depend on the time of her birth.

The character of a woman born in winter is distinguished by purposefulness, perseverance, and even some stubbornness.

Spring Zoenka is not always self-confident, although she is ambitious and capricious.

Women born in summer attract men with their sexuality. They are amorous, funny, generous.

Autumn Zoenka is a practical, thrifty housewife.

It is believed that the fate of a woman with this name is built according to her own scenario. The meaning of the name Zoya is life. This means that she overcomes any troubles in life, perhaps not quite easily, but always brilliantly. One can simply envy her ability to control the situation.


For a girl, this name means being the favorite of her parents. Her desire to be loved sometimes becomes an obsession, and then leads to the fact that she tries to impose her love on her peers.

Usually girls with this name do not bring much trouble to their parents. They are friendly and understanding. There is no need to repeat your request to the little girl several times. The baby understands everything the first time.

The girl feels confident and comfortable in the children's group. He loves outdoor games and often takes initiative, without striving to take a leading position. From an early age, she is distinguished by a high degree of prudence; the girl always ignores dubious events. The young lady does not see any interest in alcohol, smoking, unjustified risk, or adrenaline.

As a child, her social circle is usually limited. Zoyushka prefers to be friends with girls, since the company of more aggressive, active boys is more likely to frighten her. The young lady is a great storyteller. This is how the girl differs from her peers.

Diligence, accuracy, diligence, conscientiousness are qualities that help Zoenka in her studies. But she does not become a leader in the team because of her peaceful nature and inability to conflict.

Young woman

Zoenka is reputed to be a sensible and decent young lady. After school, a girl usually easily enters higher education institutions.

But personal life is chaotic, exciting and changeable. Because of her amorousness, the girl perceives every light romance as the love of her life. That’s why it’s very hard to bear breakups. Numerous friends come to the rescue and help you get out of any psychological crisis.

A young lady is also capable of empathizing with the feelings of another person, empathizing and taking part in his life. Therefore, she always has many friends with whom she can maintain relationships for years.

Among her friends, the young lady is known as a trendsetter because she always takes care of her appearance and makes sure that her face and body are well-groomed. Every time he appears in public, he makes his friends jealous and influences their tastes.


Having matured, a woman remains as conflict-free and decent as in her youth. It is easy to offend her, because at the moment of injustice, she, as usual, will walk away from the conflict. Having remained silent, she will suffer, replay the situation in her memory again and again, but at the same time her position will remain the same. This behavior is largely dictated by her self-esteem and moral and ethical standards, which do not allow her to descend to the level of a street vendor.

Her professional destiny usually develops smoothly, without any special ups. Her quiet and peaceful character does not allow her to “work with her elbows” to achieve high goals and career growth. However, her colleagues respect her for her competence and honesty. She is well suited to professions where she faces the least amount of injustice. He also feels good in those activities that require eloquence. Often becomes a psychologist, teacher, social worker.

Relationships with men sometimes don’t work out the way she would like. Zoenka gets married quite late because she is looking for true love. But an unsuccessful marriage is quite possible due to her promiscuity. She expects a lot from a man, but often what she gets is not what she would like. She should be more critical of her fans, then the relationship will be much more successful.

In general, Zoya is an understanding, attentive, deeply moral person.

Celebrities named Zoya

Zoya Buryak - Russian actress

Among the people bearing this name there are many famous names in cinema: Fedorova, Buryak, Vasilkova, Bulgakova, Osmolovskaya. The surname Boguslavskaya is known to us from literary publications. Gaidai is a surname that is well known to opera fans. Many women with this name are famous in sports, politics and other fields of activity.

The meaning of the name Zoya in the video

What does the name Zoya mean for a woman? Its etymology (origin) is ancient Greek, translated as “life”. The name has a light and memorable sound.

When expecting a baby, future parents carefully select a name. After all, each name has its own meaning and affects a person’s destiny. There is a version that this name is an analogue of the biblical Hebrew name Eve. The name Zoya also has an Old Slavonic origin, the meaning of which in the changed name is Zhiva, that was the name of the goddess who knows and gives the whole world “living and breathing”.

Zoya was considered the most rare, extraordinary name. In the eighteenth century, onomastic researchers were unable to find at least one representative of this name. Almost until the very beginning of the twentieth century, it was not widespread, and was used only among nuns. After the revolution of 17, babies began to be given this name, and in the 1920s it became very popular. Translated into other languages, it will have slightly different meanings and sound differently:

  • German - Zoe;
  • French - Zozo;
  • English - Zoe;
  • Italian - Zoe;
  • Bulgarian - Zoitsa and others.

According to Moscow information, taken for the period from 1924-1932, 25 out of one thousand newborn girls were named after Zoya. This was his finest hour. Subsequently, the dynamics faded away, and according to data from the 80s, the use of the name was limited.

Orthodoxy in its history has preserved information about three saints who were called by this name:

  1. In the second century, during the reign of Emperor Hadrian, Zoe of Attalia, together with her husband and children, accepted a painful death for her faith and devotion to Christ.
  2. Zoe of Rome (3rd century), wife of the custodian of the royal treasury, Nicostratus, was cured of muteness, after which she believed in God. She was captured by the pagans and severely executed for her loyalty and worship of the Apostle Peter.
  3. Zoe of Bethlehem (5th century), a former harlot who took the true path and was converted to a righteous life by Saint Martinian.

There are few holy women called Zoyas, but all of them were deeply devoted to the faith of Christ until the end of their days. According to the church calendar, Zoe's name day is celebrated on May 15 and December 31 (martyr), February 26 (venerable). There is a popular belief that if you hear a nightingale on Zoya’s name day, and then a cuckoo, you will be happy this summer.

Childhood is the start for personality formation

Little Zoya's parents call her a bunny; she resembles a tender and fluffy animal. She constantly dreams, fantasizes, inventing unprecedented stories on the go, which she herself believes in. She prefers to communicate with girls, because the mischievous and violent nature of boys repels her. But in a group of girls she is the leader. If something is bothering a girl, then her family should definitely listen to her and not push her away with inattention. She cannot be harshly punished or scolded, so as not to cause mental trauma. It is better to captivate the girl with an interesting activity or task. For Zoya, a significant person is her mother, she is very attached to her, and wants to be like her. Zoya's main features:

  • obedience;
  • kindness;
  • calm;
  • sincerity;
  • naivety;
  • confidence.

Girls bearing this name love fairy tales and often write them themselves. They also believe in goodness in Santa Claus. They enjoy doing handicrafts and generally prefer calm, quiet games and activities. They are caring and help their parents in everything. She definitely needs to be given a pet that she will love and cherish. A girl with this name knows how to make friends and values ​​sincere relationships.

Zoya believes in fairy tales, evaluates the actions of her favorite heroes, and often fiction intertwines with reality.

During her studies, the girl successfully comprehends humanities subjects, and her knowledge in exact school subjects is average. But the girl has a strong desire to be an excellent student, therefore, only thanks to perseverance and perseverance, she does not fall below the good student. This is a talented and gifted child, but due to innate shyness and timidity, such traits do not appear immediately.

Her love for animals may later determine her profession. She will make an excellent veterinarian.

With age, girls remain the same dreamers, this is what attracts people to them. Conflict is not a remedy; they can give good advice in a timely manner and have heightened instincts. Evil people with bad intentions will not be allowed close to Zoya; any falsehood will be recognized the first time. As they get older, women notice a new feeling in themselves - to foresee the future, predict various events. Some women named Zoya could become psychics if they really study this science.

Girls with a similar name are insightful and know how to penetrate the depths of the human soul. It is enough for them to communicate with the interlocutor and learn everything about his inner world.

In current problematic life situations, the bearer of the name tries to find a suitable way out of them, and does not complain to others. Zoya always finds contact with people and has no enemies. She has her own opinion, and no one can change it. The meaning of the name Zoya influences the formation of her character and destiny.

The name does not promise its owner a star from the sky or a bright celebrity destiny. The girl dresses modestly and does not wear bright, provocative outfits. Tries to be an inconspicuous gray mouse.

Once Zoya is thrown out of balance, she turns into a principled and unyielding person.

Accepting life as real as it really is, the girl does not complain or regret anything. Zoey is persistent and purposeful. Those born at different times of the year have the following qualities:

  1. Winter - duplicity, in a good way. On the one hand, she is calm and balanced, very self-confident. On the other hand, she is a little capricious, receptive and sacrificial. Loves to be needed by people.
  2. Spring - sincerity, shyness, self-doubt. Hates scandals, avoids conflicts. Mysterious and feminine.
  3. Summer - seriousness, planning, prudence. She is a little thoughtful by nature and knows how to think logically.
  4. Autumn is a kind, tactful, thrifty and thrifty housewife; she has nothing superfluous. Does not like noisy companies and has a changeable mood.

The worst enemy of such women is their passivity. Because of it, they often miss their chance, lose good offers, and lose worthy partners. Zoeys are very economical, but sometimes this trait turns into greed and insatiability, which entails losses. Ladies with the same name are touchy and vindictive.

Ladies bearing this name are charming and intelligent. They love life very much and always look at the world with optimism. Humanities related to handicrafts, creativity and cooking are most suitable for them.

Profession and hobbies

Zoya is very responsible and efficient at work. She puts in her best effort, regardless of pay. The work should give her moral satisfaction. She is not interested in career growth, so competition is not scary. But if she wishes, she can take a leadership position in a small company or enterprise, and success is guaranteed. More often than not, this woman will not make a businessman. It is more important for her to be useful and in demand in the service. In a team, she will never weave intrigues or collect gossip.

Zoya is diplomatic by nature, therefore she does not like quarrels and tries to extinguish conflicts at their very bud. Does not take sides in disputes. How calmly he reacts to his achievements, and is also sincerely happy for the success of others. This evokes sympathy and good attitude from others.

Zoya is capable of mastering suitable professions, many of which have roots in her childhood:

  • botanist, zoologist, florist;
  • veterinarian, pediatrician;
  • teacher, educator;
  • stewardess;
  • psychologist;
  • architect.

Zoya loves to look after children, grow beautiful flowers, and work with different animals. Girls have developed vocal abilities and are very flexible. If the talents given by nature are developed, then they can be the basis for choosing a profession.

The bearer of this name must carefully monitor her health, internal organs are especially vulnerable. During childhood, girls suffer from bronchitis and pneumonia. To improve their health, it is recommended to take children to the sea and play sports. Due to his attachment to animals, he often picks up various infections. Another serious problem is the extra pounds that Zoya is gaining, being a lover of delicious food. This is where metabolism suffers. You need to eat right, have regular check-ups, and take vitamins.

Such women know how to win over any interlocutor, especially a man. If necessary, they can manipulate their feelings. They have a well-developed imagination; they will not approach their partner first, believing that the initiative should come from him. First love ends in resentment and disappointment, and Zoya rushes to the first person she meets to find solace in a hug. As they get older, they are already selective about the opposite sex.

Family and marriage

These women have the most serious attitude towards marriage; they choose an older, wealthier man who has experience in everyday affairs. Such women want to see the one and only prince in their man. As a rule, Zoe is in no hurry to tie the knot with her partner. They are afraid of making a mistake, of being deceived in their choice. Therefore, they look closely at the chosen one for quite a long time. But having become a wife, these women do not conflict with their husbands, smooth out difficult situations, and give more than they take. Therefore, people often remain unhappy in marriage. Zoya is well versed in the psychology of members of the opposite sex. This affects the building of relationships between them. Women with this name idolize their children, and later this love passes on to their grandchildren. She spends time with them, worries about them, loves to play, and read fairy tales to the kids. They are deeply devoted to their family and are forever faithful to their spouse. They make exemplary wives, housewives and an example of a real woman.

Zoya does not have a male name. Therefore, it is the most feminine and gentle. Women are able to make people fall in love with themselves and conquer men's hearts. This woman wants to give up her fate only with a man who understands and loves her.

He must be reliable and faithful, and not seek entertainment on the side.

  1. Ideal relationships develop with representatives of male names: Ivan, Alexander, Victor, Boris, Semyon. Men bearing these names have exactly the qualities that the heroine needs.
  2. There is a very high probability of good compatibility with Andrey, Anatoly, Vladimir. A family can be strong and friendly, and sympathy develops into love.
  3. We must beware of relationships with men who bear the names: Yuri, Vitaliy, Evgeniy, Albert. Different characters, hobbies and interests.

A man’s appearance, income and education do not matter at all, the main thing is his internal qualities.

The meaning of the letters in the name

There is a whole science to decipher names by their constituent letters. What does the name Zoya mean if it consists of three letters. Usually such short names belong to determined young ladies who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

  1. Z - people have limitless imagination and intuition, they are self-sufficient, and are not interested in other people's problems.
  2. O is a mysterious symbol meaning the full content of the inner world, closed to strangers. The letter gives a person the ability to feel deeply and the ability to comprehend the essence.
  3. I am the presence of critical self-esteem, diversity of the inner world. Need for attention from others. Passionate nature.

Zoya is patronized by the planet Venus, which gives her charm and attractiveness. The owner of this name does not like to change housing or move, and the reason for this lies in the process itself, and not in parting with friends. The name in numerology has a “four” and means the elements of nature: fire, water, air, earth. The meaning of the name Zoya lies in her stable and balanced character. The number “4” symbolizes reliability and integrity. People bearing this name reveal hidden character traits that require responsibility in difficult situations.

Yellow, cream, and light green colors will bring luck and wealth to Zoya. Talismans will protect you from troubles and misfortunes, including:

  • emerald;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • marble.

Full name - Zoya.

Colour: lemon grey.

Tree nut.

Plant: oats.

Animal: nightingale.

Favorable day: Friday.

Meaning and origin: life (Greek).

Energy and Karma: name Zoya filled with the energy of dreaminess, warmth and good love of life. At the same time, it is absolutely not conducive to the manifestation of any aggression or long-term accumulation of tension. This usually results in Zoya From childhood he grows up to be a very trusting and kind child.

She is active and sometimes able to entice her girlfriends into a fun and exciting game, but she can hardly be called naughty. It happens, however, that when she gets carried away by children's pranks, she goes too far with them and causes the displeasure of her parents. Here you should be quite careful, since too harsh and harsh punishment can seriously traumatize Zoya’s psyche. However, this applies to the upbringing of all gullible children, for whom physical punishment often causes nothing but the horror of disappointment in the feeling of love. In the case of Zoya, this can have especially dire consequences, breaking her character. Such disbelief in love may one day let her get away with it. It is much better if parents instill in Zoya some kind of interest, be it studies, books, or even household chores. Most likely, given Zoya’s openness and trustfulness, this will not be difficult at all. Sometimes it even seems that she is capable of becoming interested in everything in the world.

Difficulties usually begin in adolescence. Alas, at this time, awakening sensuality especially needs the ability to defend itself, and this, unfortunately, is not in Zoya’s character. It happens that the disappointment from the collapse of the first romantic feelings becomes too deep. It is very good if parents or more experienced friends teach Zoya to treat such tragedies more easily and with a smile, otherwise her passion will only deepen, which can simply scare away men who have “serious” intentions. This is one of the paradoxes of the human psyche - if you really expect something, it most likely will not come true or will come true completely differently than expected. It is possible that Zoya will begin to seek consolation from his failures and spiritual tragedies in religion or in serving other ideals. Meanwhile, it would be much more appropriate for her not to hide from life behind church walls, but to learn to accept it for what it is. After all, what other reward can there be for love than love itself? Thus, a mother loves her child no matter how that child treats her. A little patience and trust in Fate, and Zoya’s life will definitely go well.

Secrets of communication: do not be afraid of Zoe’s passion; most often it is completely harmless. But she herself should be more careful, since not entirely clean people can take advantage of her gullibility and good nature.

  • Zodiac sign: Cancer.
  • Planet: Venus.
  • Name colors: cream, light green.
  • Talisman stone: lapis lazuli, emerald.

Meaning of the name Zoya option 2

Zoya translated from ancient Greek - life. Zoya grows up to be an obedient, friendly child. Her parents call her “little bunny,” and, indeed, there is something in her from this quiet and harmless animal.

Zoya not a fighter. He believes in fairy tales and is very upset when he finds out that there really is no Santa Claus. He is friends mainly with girls, but is somewhat afraid of boys because of their violent temperament. She loves to tell her friends scary stories, which she often makes up herself, and she often begins to believe in them. A good mother's helper.

The humanities are easier for her, she loves animals, and is interested in growing flowers. If these hobbies are supported in a child, then Zoe can become a good botanist or zoologist.

Zoe's quiet, dreamy personality allows her to get along with most people. She, one might say, has no conflicts with her husband; as a rule, good relationships are established with colleagues and neighbors. Zoya intuitively senses good and bad people, for her the conversations of others about her chosen one, gossip and rumors mean almost nothing, the main thing is she, her inner perception, the feeling of a person. Zoya instantly picks up the slightest changes in a person’s state of mind, “reads” his thoughts by voice, intonation, and facial expressions. Zoya's interest in the inner world of a person carries her into the sphere of unraveling and predictions, and she often becomes a psychic, fortune teller, and soothsayer.

She will be able to treat any twists of fate as an inevitability that she can only come to terms with. Zoey often believes in God, although she may not go to church. Faith brings them comfort in their personal lives, which do not always go well.

A hectic life with moving, quick changes of impressions, and new people tires Zoya. Wife with a name Zoya Usually devoted to family, selfless. However, Zoya's marriages are not always happy.

With a husband named Victor, Boris, Alexander, Ivan, Semyon, Valery Zoya will live in harmony. She should beware of marriage with Vitaly, Evgeniy, Efim, Albert or Yuri.

Meaning of the name Zoya option 3

Zoya- “life” (Greek)

It surprisingly combines hardness and softness, coldness and tenderness. She loves when people look after her, and she can make a date herself. Zoya cannot be ignored; her charming gaze always stops you. From infancy he sets a fast pace for the family.

Very mobile, does not sit still. Loves the sun, cannot resist the temptation to travel. She has to find out everything and experience everything herself, she doesn’t trust anyone. Active, cheerful and at the same time dramatic. If you do not listen to her confession, you will hurt her to the core. It is difficult to understand whether she has special willpower, or whether it is her ambition. Only she can answer this question. Zoya has refined emotionality, but often in mood. She knows how to act out feelings and believes in them herself. She does not tolerate it when something is done without her knowledge and consent. She must participate in everything: she must play the main role in life’s play.

Surrounds himself with cheerful company. Failures do not unsettle her. Any problems are resolved in five minutes. She doesn't really like studying, but she understands that it is necessary. Although her intuition is well developed, she often uses reason. Has a synthetic way of thinking. Her strong character makes her capable of heroic deeds. Understands other people's weaknesses, intolerant of her own. She has golden hands, she can do everything herself.

Zoya needs constant love. As a child, she pesters her parents with the question of whether she is the most beloved daughter. Having received an affirmative answer, he will certainly brag to others. She tends to force her feelings on those she loves. She is very amorous and highly sexual. She has a very big heart. He understands the role of the wife somewhat unusually. Her husband must be an optimist to appreciate the impulsive charm of his wife. Charming, angelically charming Zoya persistently leads the chosen one to marriage, without even uttering this word even once. The future husband has no idea that he is already trapped.

Loves to receive guests. She is devoted to her family, but as a mother she is a little crazy. She is a gourmet, which leads her to be overweight. As a child, a girl needs extra sleep and often wakes up in the morning from school.

“Winter” is a purposeful, persistent, stubborn woman.

“Autumn” is practical, thrifty, thrifty. Can work as a doctor, pharmacist, biochemist. The name matches patronymics: Gennadievna, Sergeevna, Semenovna, Stepanovna, Petrovna, Zakharovna, Lvovna.

"Summer" Zoya- funny, generous, amorous, sexy.

“Spring” is ambitious, insecure, capricious. She can become a teacher, a cutter, or a flight attendant. The name matches patronymics: Denisovna, Yakovlevna, Yaroslavovna, Tikhonovna, Emilievna, Filippovna.

Meaning of the name Zoya option 4

Purposeful coquettes in their youth. Contradiction of character: kindness - cruelty. If they become teachers, then the truants get a great deal from them. Zoe is conflicted. Very sexy. They don’t get married early, but once they get married, they make up for it with lightning speed. They give birth to several children. With her husband they are gentle and flexible. If he disappears, they go wild. They don't get married anymore.

They cling to life with their teeth, stubbornly achieving their goal. In old age, love for children develops into a redoubled love for grandchildren.

Meaning of the name Zoya option 5

Zoya- from Greek life.

Derivatives: Zoyka, Zoyunya, Zoyukha, Zoyusha, Zoyushka, Zokha, Zosha, Zosya, Zaya.

Folk omens: If on May 15 you hear the nightingale before the cuckoo, you will spend the whole summer happily.


A quiet dreamer, a subtle psychologist, pleasant in any company, does not force herself on anyone, gets along easily with most people. Kindness and emotional sensitivity help her to notice the most elusive nuances in a person’s behavior and condition. As for your own soul, there is an urgent need to believe in something or someone. Believers in God Zoya humbly accepts everything that fate sends her.

Meaning of the name Zoya option 6

ZOYA - life (Greek).

Name day: February 26 - Saint Zoya, was converted from a harlot to a righteous life by the Monk Martinian and died in the monastery. May 75 - Holy Martyr Zoya, slave, burned for the faith of Christ after torture (2nd century).

  • Zodiac sign - Taurus.
  • Planet - Venus.
  • Color - lemon green.
  • Auspicious tree - nut.
  • The treasured plant is oats.
  • The patron of the name is the nightingale.
  • The talisman stone is green marble.


Zoe has a quiet, dreamy personality that helps her get along with most people. She intuitively distinguishes between good and bad people, instantly detects the slightest changes in a person’s state of mind. She could make a good psychologist. Zoya very kind to people. She has a tendency towards resigned fanaticism: she will be able to treat any twists of fate as an inevitability that she can only come to terms with. Zoya definitely needs to believe in something: in God, in man, in an idea.

Meaning of the name Zoya option 7

Zoya cannot sit at home and idle, especially if he has children. He strives to be in a team, only in communication with people does he draw vitality and receive incentives for activity. The team usually loves her. Tactful, compliant, friendly, you won’t provoke her. She is modest, not ambitious, and does not strive for power and fame. He treats any twists of fate with optimism. She is a believer, although she rarely attends church. Her personal life is not always successful, and her faith in God gives her strength. Devoted to her husband and children. Hospitable, but Zoya will not think too much about setting the table, but the prepared dishes will be excellent. However, she is quite an economical housewife. He understands medicine.

Meaning of the name Zoya option 8

Zoya translated from ancient Greek means “life”. Girl Zoya is an obedient and friendly child. Her parents spoil her, she is their favorite. He begins to help his mother with housework early.

He achieves great success in studying the humanities and loves to grow flowers. Has the ability to immediately distinguish between good and bad people. Able to detect the slightest changes in the state of mind of a loved one. She has no conflicts with her husband and loved ones.

The color of the name is lemon green, the auspicious tree is walnut, the cherished plant is oats. Patron name Zoya- nightingale, talisman stone - green marble. In name numerology Zoya corresponds to the number 8.

Short form of the name Zoya. Zoyka, Zoechka, Zosya, Zaya, Zoyunya, Zoyusha, Zokha, Zosha.
Synonyms for the name Zoya. Zoe, Zoe, Soe, Zoe.
Origin of the name Zoya. The name Zoya is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Zoya translated from ancient Greek means “life.” This name corresponds to the biblical Eve and the ancient Slavic Zhiva. The name Zoya does not have a paired male name.

A woman with this name has a balanced and stable psyche and a strong will. Zoya does not demand too much from life, but accepts it as it is. She does not dream of changing the whole world, and also does not strive to accumulate wealth, since she is completely indifferent to this. Zoya takes any turn in her life for granted, learning at least some lesson from every everyday situation. She does not like to move from place to place or change her environment, because the impressions received during the move greatly tire her psychologically.

Zoya will never build her career by any means. The career race is alien to her. He is calm about even a small assignment or promotion up the career ladder. She usually performs well in a leadership position in a small, predominantly female team. Has the ability to extinguish any gossip and intrigue that arises between work colleagues, without taking any particular side in the dispute. Zoe's abilities can best be used in the humanities. Its potential can be realized in “living” professions. For example, Zoya will gladly become a zoologist, botanist, livestock breeder, even in painting she will see something alive and can happily become an artist.

Her personal life does not always go well. Zoya is well versed in the psychology of men, and this plays an important role in her relationships with them. Most of all, she is attracted to men who have experience in everyday life. In a man, Zoya strives to see a special partner - unique and unique. But she approaches the choice of her future husband very seriously and for quite a long time cannot determine the right person for herself. In marriage, Zoya tries to treat her husband with respect, while showing him tenderness and kindness. She is a wonderful housewife, as well as a loving wife, mother and grandmother. Zoya does not always have a happy marriage, but despite this, she always strives to be devoted to her family.

She always intuitively senses where a person is good and where a person is bad; with whom you can communicate and with whom you cannot. Zoya can quickly detect even the slightest changes in a person’s condition, and can also “read” his thoughts by facial expressions and voice. In conversations with people around her, Zoya can sometimes speak out categorically, but despite this, you can find an interesting and charming interlocutor in her.

Zoya's birthday

Famous people named Zoya

  • Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya ((1923–1941) Soviet partisan, intelligence officer, Hero of the USSR; the first woman awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously) during the Great Patriotic War)
  • Zoya Palaeologus (niece of the last Byzantine sovereign Constantine XI Palaeologus, after her wedding with the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III Vasilyevich took the name Sophia)
  • Zoya Boguslavskaya ((born 1929) Soviet and Russian writer, prose writer, playwright, critic)
  • Zoya Gaidai ((1902–1965) opera singer (soprano), teacher, laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1941), People's Artist of the USSR (1944))
  • Zoya Fedorova (Russian Soviet film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1965), winner of two Stalin Prizes of the second degree (1941, 1942))
  • Zoya Buryak (Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia)
  • Zoya Vasilkova (Soviet and Russian actress)
  • Zoya Kudrya (honored Russian screenwriter, author of scripts for many popular television and feature films; among her most famous works are the television series “Border. Taiga Romance”, “Admiral”)
  • Zoya Bulgakova (Soviet theater actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1945), honorary citizen of Novosibirsk (born 1914))
  • Zoya Boyarshinova (Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, leading expert on the history of Siberia in the 17th century)
  • Zoya Osmolovskaya (Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the Belarusian SSR (1982))
  • Zoya Ladygina (teacher, Honored School Teacher of the RSFSR)
  • Zoya Rudnova (Soviet athlete (table tennis), two-time world champion in 1969 - in the team and in women's doubles (with Svetlana Fedorova-Grinberg), 10-time European champion, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1969))
  • Zoya Kaidanovskaya (Simonova-Kaidanovskaya) (Russian theater and film actress)
  • Zoya Shalyapina (Russian linguist, head of the Department of Asian and African languages ​​at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IV RAS), candidate of philological sciences, has more than 150 scientific publications (born 1946))
  • Zoya Zelinskaya (Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Worker of Culture of Poland (1976), People's Artist of Russia (1991))
  • Zoya Golubeva (maiden name Sadovskaya, Soviet, then Latvian checkers player, international grandmaster, eleven-time world champion in international checkers)
  • Zoya Koch (one of the first Soviet circus performers (sisters Zoya, Martha and Clara Koch), who received the title of Honored, founders of the circus dynasty of tightrope walkers (1915–1981))
  • Zoya Lodiy (chamber singer, professor at the Leningrad Conservatory (1886–1957))
  • Zoya Brod ((1907 - 1972) Soviet architect)
  • Zoya Kochetova ((1857-1892) by husband - Nemirovich-Danchenko; academic singer, artist of the Moscow opera)
  • Zoya Feldman (pseudonym – Vladimirova; Russian critic)
  • Zoya Voskresenskaya (Rybkina) ((1907 - 1992) Soviet intelligence officer and children's writer)
  • Zoya Spirina (Soviet actress, People's Artist of the USSR (1981))
  • Zoya Krakhmalnikova (publicist, human rights activist, participant in the dissident movement)
  • Zoya Mironova (née Noskova, Soviet speed skater, orthopedic doctor since the 1940s, founder of sports traumatology in the USSR)
  • Zoya Yashchenko (Russian singer, poet, musician, creator and leader of the group “White Guard”)
  • Zoya Mironova ((1912 - 1991) Soviet party leader, diplomat, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (1966))
  • Zoya Kireeva ((born 1972) Russian director, animator, animator, cameraman)
  • Zoya Chernakova (creative pseudonym - Lissy Moussa, Alyssa Mussonova; Moscow artist, journalist and writer)
  • Zoë Straub, better known as Zoë ((born 1996) Austrian singer, songwriter and actress; Eurovision 2016 participant)
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