Zup does not count as the remainder of the vacation.

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Any employer is obliged to provide its employees with annual paid leave. Its size is 28 calendar days. In some situations, the duration may be increased due to additional vacations. They can be appointed, for example, due to a special territorial location, harmfulness, intensity of work, etc.

A vacation schedule is drawn up for each calendar year. Both the employer and the employee are obliged to comply with it. If an employee is not given earned leave for more than two years, the company may be fined. The annual leave itself (basic) is granted for the time actually worked.

In this article we will look at instructions for viewing vacation balances in 1C 3.1 ZUP 8.3, entering them and what affects them. It is very important to correctly reflect this kind of data in the program. Otherwise, confusion and problems with the labor inspectorate may arise.

It often happens when an organization “switches over” to 1C already in the process of its activities. The employees were hired a long time ago. They are entitled to leave, and someone could already take them off.

Often, when switching to ZUP 3.1, records were already previously kept in some information system and the data is not difficult to transfer. But, still, there are cases when vacation balances need to be entered manually. To do this, in 1C ZUP the document “Entering vacation balances” is used.

In our case, Marat Savelyevich Volkov, who is an employee of the Kron-Ts company, has the right to leave in the amount of 28 calendar days. days. The actual balances of vacations, taking into account those provided, are indicated in the lower tabular part of the document.

Reflection of vacations in the program

Now let's consider the situation when vacation accounting is done directly in the program. To register leave for an employee, use the documents of the same name from the “Personnel” section.

When reflecting a vacation program, it is often necessary to analyze previous periods. To do this, you can use a special report by clicking on the hyperlink “How did the employee use vacation?”

This report allows you to see not only the periods of previously used vacations, but also the number of accumulated days.

In the “Personnel” section there is a special subsection “Personnel reports”. In it you can find reports on vacation balances (full and short). Their difference lies only in the interface, sections and the amount of output data.

We will generate a full version of the report on vacation balances for S.V. Bazhova, as an employee of Kron-Ts at the end of October 2017. The figure below shows the report that was generated before the vacation was added to the program from December 23 to 29.

The report shows that taking into account additional leave for intensive work and responsibility, the balance is 29.16 days.

Now let’s add S.V. Bazhova’s vacation to the program and spend it. Having reformatted the report, we see that the main and, as a result, the total vacation balance has decreased by exactly 7 days. This is exactly the period from October 23 to October 29, 2017, which was introduced into the program.

As you can see, timely entry of reliable information into the program greatly simplifies the life of HR employees. There is no need to make complex calculations, since the program can do it itself.

Information on employee leaves is an important part of personnel records. In the 1C 8.3 ZUP program you can generate a detailed leave report for each employee. How to take into account vacation balances in 1C 8.3 ZUP 3.1, read this article.

Each employee has the right to an annual paid 28-day vacation. This right is enshrined in labor legislation. In addition, management may provide additional vacations. For example, employees with long working hours or hazardous working conditions. If employees work in the far north, they are guaranteed an additional 24 days of leave. In the 1C 8.3 ZUP 3.1 program, you can take into account various types of vacations and generate a detailed report on vacations for each employee. Where you can see vacation balances in 1C 8.3 ZUP 3.1, read this article.

Step 1. Enter the initial vacation balances in 1C 8.3 ZUP

If you switched to 1C 8.3 ZUP 3.1 from another salary program, then you need to enter vacation balances into 1C. This does not need to be done only for new employees whom you hired already in 1C 8.3 ZUP. Enter balances in the employee’s card. To do this, go to the “Personnel” section (1) and click on the “Employees” link (2). A window with a list of employees will open.

In the window that opens, indicate your organization (3), and double-click on the employee (4) for whom you want to enter the balance. The employee card will open.

In the card, click the “Execute document” button (5), select “Absences” (6) and click on the “Enter balances...” link (7). An input form will open.

In the input window, enter the balance date (8). This must be the last date of the period for which the balance is entered. Next, click the “Add” button (9) and enter the types of leave (10) for which you need to enter data. Also, for each type, enter the start (11) and end date (12) of the period. In the “Remaining” field (13), enter the number of days of unused vacation. To enter data, click the “Post and close” button (14). Now for this employee in the 1C 8.3 ZUP 3.1 program there is data on balances.

Step 2. Take into account the opening balance when registering a vacation in 1C 8.3 ZUP 3.1

When creating a “Vacation” document, you can view the balances of unused vacation for all periods of the employee’s work and take them into account. Go to the “Personnel” section (1) and click on the “Vacations” link (2).

In the window that opens, click the “Create” button (3) and click on the “Vacation” link (4). A form for registration will open.

This report shows the opening balances by type of issue (7), which were entered manually. It also shows the balances accumulated during the period when the salary was already taken into account in 1C (8). The “Balance…” column (9) indicates how many days the employee can take at the current moment. Based on these numbers, you can proceed to further vacation registration.

Step 3. Generate a report on vacation balances in 1C 8.3 ZUP 3.1

In 1C 8.3 ZUP there is a report on the vacation balances of all employees. To generate it, go to the “Personnel” section (1) and click on the “Personnel reports” link (2). A list of all reports will open.

There are two reports on balances in the reporting window:

  • “Vacation balances” (3). Detailed report;
  • “Remaining holidays (briefly)” (4). A shortened version of the report.

In the first report, you can see for each employee (5) the number of days of unused vacation (6) by type (7) and periods (8).

In the second report, you will see a shortened version of the first report without specifying periods. A short report is more readable.

This article discusses the process of updating information about vacation balances in the program in the event that employees have used their vacations since the moment they were hired, but these facts are not properly reflected in the program. The first part discusses the mechanism for calculating the vacation balance, starting from the date the employee was hired, if balances were not entered. The second part discusses the process of entering vacation balances from previous years and calculating balances as of the current date, taking into account the entered balances. The third part discusses the reflection of the fact of using vacation in the current working year.

Vacation balances are opened from the Desktop, “Personnel Accounting” tab, “Vacation Balances” button

Let's consider the vacation balances of the employee "Shorin Viktor Andreevich", the date of hire is 06/01/2009, the working year is from 06/01 to 05/31, the current vacation balance is 173 days:

The vacation balance is not stored anywhere in the program, but is calculated at the moment this form is opened.

Data for calculating vacation balance for an employee are:

  1. Number of vacation days per year
  2. Data from manual editing of vacation balances from previous years
  3. Employee hire date
  4. Current date (or the date specified in the “Vacation balance date” field)

The principle for calculating balances for a selected employee is displayed in the “Vacation balances of previous years” section and changes depending on the entered data.

Part 1. Calculation of the balance of vacations, starting from the date the employee was hired.

In our example, for the Shorin employee, we see a balance of 173 days and the principle for calculating the balance is to calculate starting from the date of reception. This means that the program has determined the number of vacation days per year (28 days, by default), the number of months worked (from 06/01/2009 to the current date (07/23/2015) = 6 years and 2 months = 74 months; a month is considered worked if 12 working days are worked in it) and calculated the remainder using the formula:

Vacation Balance = Number of Vacation Days in the Year * Months Worked / 12

For the Shorin employee, the balance was 172.6666666666667. This number is always rounded up to 173.

The number of vacation days per year is determined in the employee’s position card, or is set individually for the employee in “Vacation balances” using the “Change the number of vacation days per year” button

In this part, we found out how the vacation balance is calculated, starting from the date of admission. Now let's look at entering vacation balances.

Part 2. Entering vacation balances.

The form for entering balances opens from “Vacation balances” by clicking the “Edit vacation balance” button

In the tooltip we see that when the balances are entered, the program will calculate the balances for all working years following the last working year for which the balances are filled in.

There are 2 ways to enter balances: simple and detailed.

This method is used if the vacation has been completely spent in earlier periods than the current working year. Those. Only the balance on the last day of the last working year is entered (in our example with Shorin, this will be 05/31/2015).

Let's assume the balance is 14 days. Then the date and number of days are indicated on the form, then the “Ok” button. There is no need to click the “Calculate” button (if you did, you will have to enter the balances again).

As a result, a new line appears in “Vacation balances from previous years”:

And the current balance also changes: now it is 19 days. This number is obtained as a result of the following calculation:

Balance = Number of Days + Number of Vacation Days in the Year * Months Worked / 12;

Number of Days is the number of balances we entered as of 05/31/2015.

Months worked - starting from the date of entering balances to the current date (for us - from 05/31/2015 to 07/23/2015).

The number of Vacation Days per Year is specified for the position or for the employee (for us it is 28 days).

Our remainder is 18.66666666666667. On the form it is rounded to 19.

Let's consider a detailed method for entering balances.

This method is used if vacation is not fully spent in earlier periods than the current working year. Those. The balance is entered for each working year.

Let’s assume that our employee “Shorin” has not taken all of his vacation since the start of work, namely: for each working year, 23 out of 28 vacation days have been used. Those. the balance at the end of each year is 5 days. Let's fill out the form:

As a result of these actions, the program summarizes the balances of previous years and calculates the current balance using the formula:

Balance = Sum of Balances of Past Years + Number of Vacation Days in the Year * Months Worked / 12;

In our case, the remainder is 5+5+5+5+5+5+28*2/12 = 34.66666666666667, rounded to 35.

So, in this part we looked at simple and detailed ways to enter vacation balances. In the example under consideration, from the end of the last working year (05/31/2015) until the current date (07/23/2015), the employee did not go on vacation. If this event took place in your company, then this fact must be reflected in the program.

Part 3. Reflection of the fact of use of vacation in the current working year.

But we recommend not using the “Adjustment of register entries” document to reflect vacation for the current working year, but using regular vacation. Check in the accounting settings how actual vacations are written off. This can be either a personnel order “Leave of the organization” or a settlement document “Accrual of vacation”:

In our example, balances are reduced by personnel orders.

Let’s assume that a Shorin employee has already gone on vacation for 14 days this year (from 05/31/2015 to the current date (07/23/2015)), but this is not reflected in the program in any way. Those. vacation balances should have a balance of not 35, but 21 days.

To do this, create a document “Leave of the organization” from the menu “Human Resources” - “Vacation”. Fill in as shown in the picture.

After completing the document, we look at the vacation balances:

This turns out to be 21 days, which corresponds to the actual vacation balance as of the current date, taking into account the balances of previous years and the vacation used in the current working year.

In this article, I will talk about another way to get started with “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 3.0” (ZUP 3.0) - entering initial balances. This method is used in cases where the company has been operating for some time, but the ZUP 3.0 database was not maintained (for example, other software was used) or for some reason it is impossible to transfer data from the old configuration.

The latter often happens if the database is damaged or it was maintained with gross errors, as a result of which it is easier to start all over again in a new database than to correct long-term “jambs” of unqualified employees. After all, most errors lie in periods that have long been closed, and an attempt to correct them leads to the emergence of new problems.

By the way, one of the global advantages of “1C: Salaries and HR Management 3.0” and “1C: Accounting 3.0” is protection against erroneous actions. The program monitors the documents that the user tries to post and does not allow this to be done if the document is formatted incorrectly. And when data with errors is imported into the ZUP 3.0 database, these errors immediately bloom in full bloom in the warning window.

Quite recently in my practice there was a typical case. It was necessary to transfer data for an organization that had been working with the 1C: Salaries and Personnel 7.7 program for more than fifteen years - almost from the moment this configuration appeared. The number of errors identified after the transfer went off scale and caused an obsessive desire to throw the server into the fire. These were incorrectly issued vacations, erroneously issued personnel orders and much more. It was simply unrealistic to fix all this. But since the organization’s staff contained only about twenty people, the problem was very simply solved by entering initial balances.

So let's figure out how this is done. First, you need to carry out the initial configuration setup using the wizard, as described in the articles and “Configuring . During the process, information about the organization will be filled in and personnel records will be set up, as well as payroll calculations.

After filling out, all settings must be checked and, if necessary, adjusted and supplemented. I talked about where to look for these settings in the program in the articles, and. It also said what each of these settings is responsible for.

If new accruals or deductions need to be created, this is the time to do so.

Then you need to fill out lists of departments, positions, work schedules and staffing, if you intend to maintain one.

When all this is done, you need to enter all individuals and employees into the database.

When entering initial balances, employees can be added not by hiring documents, but by a special document “Data for the start of operation of the program,” which is located in the “Personnel” section.

This document records the working periods for each employee and vacation balances.

At the same stage, it is worth adding existing parental leave, other absences, loans, as well as writs of execution, if any.

If at the time of entering initial balances there are wage arrears between the organization and employees, they must be recorded in the document “Initial wage arrears,” which is located in the “Payments” section. If my memory serves me correctly, this document was previously located in the “Salary” section.

Debts must be indicated at the end of the month. Moreover, if an employee owes money to the company, then the amount in the corresponding column must be negative.

The amount of average earnings in documents that use calculations based on average earnings can be adjusted directly in these documents when they are created.

If opening balances are not entered at the beginning of the year, you must also enter information about taxes and contributions.

Information on personal income tax is entered using the document “Personal Tax Accounting Operation” (previously called “Tax Accounting Operation for Personal Income Tax”), which is located in the “Taxes and Contributions” section.

How to adjust vacation balances .

We go to the 1C program “Salary and Personnel Management”, the Accountant’s desktop. On the desktop, select the “Personnel Accounting” / “Vacation Remaining” tab.

In the dialog box that opens, we see a list of employees for a specific date and information about them: name, position, department, type of contract, ..., vacation balance. We select the employee for whom you need to enter the balance of unused vacation or adjust it. Select the “Edit Vacation Remaining” tool.

You can adjust vacation balances in two ways:

1.Simple input of balances,

2. Detailed input of balances.

1. Simple entry of balances.

Enter the date (on which balances are entered. From the date following the date of balances, a new working year will begin) and the total number of days. Click "OK".

2. Detailed input of balances.

Enter the date (for which balances are entered. The new working year will begin from the date following the date of balances). Click “Detailed input of balances” and a table field for detailed input of balances opens. Click “Add”, select the type of annual leave, enter periods of work: years of work for which leave is granted and the number of days of leave. Click "OK".

The number of vacation days has changed, now you can make reports, accrue vacation and calculate vacation compensation upon dismissal.

If during the operation of the 1C mechanism, documents are processed more slowly or vacation reports are generated, filling out the directory will help solve this problem. The program will calculate the balances of each employee not from the date of hire, but only for those working years for which there are no entries in the balance directory.

The "Calculate" button in the form for editing balances for an employee allows you to calculate balances automatically from the date the employee was hired, using data on actual vacations entered into the program and ignoring all balances entered manually.

This mechanism can be used if it is necessary to correct vacation balances if they were incorrectly transferred during the transition from 1C7.7 to 1C8 and the error was noticed several years later.

This mechanism can also be used in a situation where an employee went on maternity leave, then on parental leave for up to three years and his working year needs to be changed. If for some reason this is not done automatically.

Article 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains a list of time included and not included in the length of service, giving the right to annual paid leave. According to this article, the time of leave to care for a child before he reaches the age established by law is not included in the length of service giving the right to annual basic paid leave (Part 2 of Article 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Consequently, the end of the working year is shifted by the number of days of such employee leave.

How to change the number of vacation days per year from a specific date.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation for some categories of employees, in addition to the main annual leave, establishes the provision of additional paid leave.

Annual additional paid leave is rest time that is provided to an employee in addition to the annual main leave.

Annual additional paid leave is provided, in particular (Part 1 of Article 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

Workers engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions (Article 117 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Employees with a special nature of work (Article 118 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

For employees with irregular working hours - at least three working days;

Employees working in the regions of the Far North (including part-time) - 24 calendar days, and persons working in areas equated to the regions of the Far North (including part-time) - 16 calendar days (Article 321 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation , Review of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of the practice of consideration by courts of cases related to the implementation of labor activities by citizens in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas);

For judges - from five to 15 working days (clause 2 of article 19 of the Law of the Russian Federation of June 26, 1992 N 3132-1);

For municipal employees - no more than 15 calendar days (clause 4 of article 21 of the Federal Law of March 2, 2007 N 25-FZ);

For prosecutorial employees - from five to 15 calendar days (Clause 1, Article 41.4 of the Federal Law of January 17, 1992 N 2202-1);

For employees of the Investigative Committee - from five to 15 calendar days (clause 3 of article 25 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2010 N 403-FZ);

For civil servants - one calendar day for each year of civil service (Article 46 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ);

For workers of professional emergency rescue services - no more than 15 days at the rate of one day of vacation for 24 hours of work (Clause 6, Article 28 of the Federal Law of August 22, 1995 N 151-FZ);

For customs officers - from five to 15 calendar days (Article 39 of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 N 114-FZ);

Citizens exposed to radiation as a result of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site - 14 calendar days (Clause 15, Article 2 of the Federal Law of January 10, 2002 N 2-FZ);

Citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - 14 calendar days (Clause 5 of Article 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 N 1244-1);

For employees of representative offices of the Russian Federation abroad - at least three calendar days. The condition for granting such leave is work in certain countries (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 21, 2010 N 258). The duration of the annual additional paid leave for these employees depends on the country in which they work (appendix to Order of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs dated 08.08.2011 N 14299);

For employees of the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service - from 3 to 15 calendar days (Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated 06/03/2011 N 285).

In the configuration "1C: Salary and Personnel Management" the ability to create additional leave and leave and provide them to employees is implemented.

A description of the types of additional holidays is made in the directory “Types of annual holidays”. A new type of leave is being created. In the directory element card, the type of leave is configured. The method for calculating the rest of the vacation is indicated, the option of providing vacation to employees is indicated, and the number of days per year is indicated. For example, if additional leave is provided only to employees of a certain position, then the “Provide leave to all employees” checkbox is not checked. To assign additional leave, you need to go to the “Positions” directory. Open the “Positions” directory element card, go to the “Annual Leave” tab, add additional leave and enter the number of days. Now employees hired for this position will receive additional leave every year.

To calculate additional leave, go to the organization’s main accruals and create a new type of calculation.

1. The name of the calculation type is indicated, the calculation sequence is “Primary”, i.e. the result of this accrual does not depend on other accruals. The calculation method is set to “Regulated”. The calculation method is selected depending on whether additional leave is provided in calendar or working days; the calculation method is indicated “By average earnings for vacation on calendar days” or “By average earnings for vacation when calculated from working days.” In this case, there is no need to manually describe the calculation formula. Unless otherwise provided by the collective agreement, the switch for selecting the billing period for determining average earnings is set to the “Standard” position, in accordance with labor legislation. The “standard” calculation period for determining earnings to be retained for the period of additional leave is 12 calendar months prior to the start of the event.

2. On the “Time” tab, the “Type of time” switch is set to the “Unworked full shifts, as well as business trips” position. The type of time is selected according to the classifier of the use of working time (to display our leave in the work time sheet T-13): “Annual additional paid leave.” We check what the letter designation of additional leave will look like on the timesheet. To do this, after selecting a type of time from the classifier, it opens to view the settings for this type of time using the “Open” button (the magnifying glass to the right of the props). Letter designation in the report card “OD”.

3. On the “Use” tab, it is indicated that the accrual “is not a social insurance benefit”; the procedure for accounting for accrual periods for calculating the balance of unused vacations is configured. If an organization keeps records of the use of additional leave by working years, then in the Types of annual leave directory the corresponding type of leave is described, for example, Additional annual leave; in the form of the calculation type for calculating additional leave, the Annual leave switch is set to the “Is leave” position and the type is selected leave from the “Types of annual leave” directory. The number of days of additional annual leave required by the employee’s position is indicated in the directory “Positions of Organizations” on the Annual Leave tab. the procedure for reflecting accrual periods in the form of personalized accounting SZV-6: in the general case, it is indicated that the period of being on additional annual leave is included in the length of service for early assignment of a pension.

4. On the “Accounting and UTII” tab, you configure the features of reflecting accruals in regulated accounting.

5. On the “Taxes” tab, the tax accrual is configured.

6. On the “Contributions” tab, you configure the procedure for assessing insurance premiums.

7. On the “Other” tab, the types of calculations that will supersede this type of calculation are indicated if their validity period coincides.

It is more convenient to create a new type of calculation by copying a predefined type of calculation: Vacation payment by calendar days (or Vacation payment by six days).

Now let's look in more detail at the mechanism for changing the number of vacation days per year from a certain date.

The program provides two places where you can specify the number of vacation days:

  1. Directory "Employees",
  2. Directory "Positions".
  1. Directory "Employees"

On the “Personnel Accounting” / “Vacation Remaining” tab.

In this case, additional leave will be taken into account from the date the employee is hired.

2. Directory “Positions”.

In this case, from the date of transfer to this position.

You need to do this:

A. We indicate the duration of leave directly for the employee. Additional days will begin to count from the date of admission.

B. Now we “shift” the start date of the additional leave.

In the employee card or in the “Vacation balances” directory, click “Change vacation balances”.

Then go to the “Detailed input of balances” tab. We remove unnecessary types of leave. Instead of the work period, we indicate the date from which additional days for vacation should begin to be taken into account. The number of days is set to zero. In this example, additional annual leave for the employee will be taken into account from December 10, 2013.

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